If It DUKE Cigarettes T' "it.-."- Cigarettes .gh fil oupi.m. n.c. u.s .. w' r MAOl FHOM ABSOLUTELY PURE Easily, Quickly, Permanently Rdarsi MAGNETIC NERVINE.to rtwtoreLost Manhood. Can waekneseee. Nervout lability and nil the evile from early or Inter ex. eeMe, the results of overwork, worry, sickness, etc. Fail trongth, tone and devolcpmnnt given to every organ or portion of the boo. Improve ment immediately seen from tliefirst box. Thous ands of letter of praise on fcleinourofiiea. Can be carried in Test pocket. Bent by luail to an address on reoeipt of price. One month's troat tnent in each box. Pnoe 11.00, 6 boxes, K.00, with VV ritten Guarantee to refund money if not cured Ouud to us for the Uenaine. Circular Free. John Y. McRse,:Druggist, Baleigh, N.C A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal I POWDER. POZZQNI'S ! I beautv and nuritv. It Jq fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most 3 delicate and desirable protection to the lace m this climate. Insist upon having the genuine. JT IS rfl flfAL; VPKv"v.f -7 - , . I S3 SHOE 3 .tff Sbf w ....... T- T IS TKC BEST. FIT FOB A KING. CORDOVAN, ENCHlCNAMCU.CD CALP. g4.3J FiNE CaiuKamarou 3.1PP01ICE,3 soles. EXTRA FINE- ',!. 2.17BflYS'SCH0rjlSiI0Ei LADIES- 4 SEND FOR CATALOGUE Over One Mlll.oa People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes In style and tit. . Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, -stamped on sole. From $i to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by HELLER BROS. Chamberlain's feye and SHa Ointment Is unequalled for Eczeii's, Yctter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hand Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO EOBSE OWNEBS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try l)r. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving ' new life to an old or over-worked horse. 26 tents per package. For sale by druggists. The New York Recorder, U AMERICAN HOME KViSFJFE. The Raoordar for 1804 will sustain the promise of Its vigorous youth. It was bora a ' full-frown newspaper, and it is bigger, better and brighter day by day, . The) Raoordar Is a paper of Ideas. It SB a paper for the Home. It is the woman's favorite daily. It is the friend and upholder of good government and oommorr sense, and its motto Is FIRST OP ALL, THE NEWS. The subscription rate of The Raoordar are as follows : Oneyear, daily and Sunday........ $SSO , him month; amili and Sundaii 4. US Thine month, daily and Sunday.. X.1S One ytar, daily only '.'" Six month; daily only ... 8.00 Thr month; daily only 1.50 On year, Sundry only Urn month, Sunday only Threo month, Sunday only .95 WRBKLT, ono voar. 1 TTKEKLT, ia month -SO Generous premiums are offered for sub scribers to all editions. Write for particu lars. - The magnlfloent helloohromea given with The Sunday Reoorder are the delight and ornament of the home. (THE fl. Y. RECORDER, 15 Spruce St, N. Y. Cltyi S I. 1TIm liny ( npMulrs nr. I A I . Wrrnl In 4S haurs lihoutl. Al , . .. l 'miHmveiilener,iiOectifnM'nT II . ' whi. U opnthn, 4!u-V,u"7l ' eha bhiI fwl-rotia fil. -J" What It Matter? Wealth tod glory, place sod power, What are they worth to me or your For the lease of a life runs oat la to boar. And death stands aeidy to claim hie due; Sounding honor on heaps of gold. What are they all when all is told. A rio or a pleasure, a smile or a tear What does it nutter what we claim? For w step from the cradle into the bier. And a careleKs world goes on the same; !l- um of gUdntMor hoar of sorrow, "hat does it matter to dm tomorrow? th of lore or vow of friend oder careeaen of cruel sneers .it do they matter to as In the'end? Fur the brief d.-iy dies and the long night Dears; PaxriioDate kisaea or tears of gall, The grave will cover them all. llomeleris vagrant, or honored guest, 1'uor and humble, or rich and great, All are racked with the the world's unrest. All must meet with the common fate. Life from childhood until we are old, What is it all when all is told? FA I ITS SUM EKoTsTlIOO EX Y. Widows niul Children by the Score Turning l'p. Sas Francisco, Cal., March H, Twenty-six attorneys are already rep resented in the Fair will case. Argu ment was beard over admitting a cer tified copy of the stolen will. Counsel for Fair are In an embar rassing position, as, if they knock out the preseut will, which was filed. Fair made a will with a clause giv ing flOO to every illegitimate child of his who should prove its paternity. He made several wills in which this clause does not figure. What the children fear is that the trustees may spring one of these wills, which would leave the door open for legal claim by scores of women and children, who have written to the lawyers, declaring they are widows and offsprings uf the millionaire. For "Seven years or more Mrs. W. D. Louder, of Quincy, Ky , was sub ject to severe attacks of cramp colic. Mr. S. U. Morse, a druggist of that place, recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarroea Remedy, which has effected a permanent cure, saving her ranch suffering besides the truuble and expense of sending for a doctor, which was often necessary. For sale by J. Hal Bobbiti. That oily and rough skin cured and the face and bands beautified - by Johnson's Oiiental Soap; medicated and highly perfumed. For sale by John Y MacBae. Willie Wants His Fun. Mother I cannot allow you to play with those naughty children, Willie. They are rough and rude." Willie But you don't mind my fighting with them, mother, do you. A severe rheumatic pain in the left shoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Loper, a well known druggist of Des Moines, Iowa, for over six months. At times the pain was so severe that he could not lift anything. With all he could do he could" not get rid of it until he applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm. (A'l only made three applica tions of it," he says, "And have since been free from all the pain." He now rerommi-nds it to persons simi larly alllicted. It is for sale by J Hal Bobbin. For colic, scour, sprain", braises unvili. swalimcn and all Hlaaaaaa a! horses rind or.t tie Johnson's Mncnnrie Oil, borse brand, gives excellent sat' is action. 00 size SO cents : 50 cent eize ill cents Sold by John Mao- A II uman Chamelon. He was awfully green when he met her, And didn't know what to do, """ He saw another ch&p get her. Aud then he was awfully blue, - . '.. Uncklen s Aruica Salve. The boat salve In the world for cots, oruiscs, sorey, ulcers, salt rheum, fe er sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns aud ai skin eruptions, u1 positively oures piles, or no pa; teiiulred. lt Is guaranteed to give tcrteot fatiffaotlonor money refund en. Price i'o cents per -dot.. For sale by John aSaoRae. Wegnarantee Johnson's Magnetic Oil; it has no superior for all aches and pains, internal or external, man or least. $1.00 size 50 cents; 50 cents size 25 cent at John Y KacKae'e. Umbrellas suffer. They are always being stolen, blown inside oat, having their ribs broken or being held up by foot pads. i a.' . In twenty years Canada has had bat 117 diveroes. Johnson's Magnetic Oil cures cramps and eolto and Internal neuralgia and headache and baokaohe instantly. 89 and 00 eenta. for tale by John Y UaOKM . WHY? WHY are so many persons blind to their own interests? A little thought will often save great trouble. WHY will women do so many Im prudent things and then suffer when there is bo need of it? WHY will man become careless and overdo whea by care they can avoid it all? WH Y will people permit headaches, lassitude, debility, strange pains and broken health when all can easily be escaped? WHY, in fa't, will men and wo men suffer when they can become healthy and prolong their lives by the use of Warner's Safe Cure? WHY will people foolishly experi ment with inferior things whon this best known and only reliable remedy is so easily within their reach? WHY, when you know these thLgs, reader, do you delay? There is no time like the present. William C. Murphy, who died In Philadelphia a few days since, was one ef the eight survirorsof the Almo. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the best satisfaction of any cough medicine I handle, and as a seller leads all other preparations in this market. I recommend it because it is the best medicine I ever handled for coughs, colds and croup. A. W. Bild bidub, Millersville, 111. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt. Johnson's Magnetic Oil, horss brand, dtc, is a powerful liniment es pecially prepared for external use for persons and all diseases of horses and cattle $1 00 size 60 cents. 60 cts size 25 .cents. Port Jervis, N. Y has a family, seven of whose members have fallen dead suddenly. Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of head ache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its Influence. We urge all who are alllicted to pro core a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In case of habitnal consti pation Electric Bitters cores by giv ing the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it at once. Large bottles only SOo at John Y MacRae's drugstore. Philadelphia society will allow rol ler skating during Lent. Two Lives Navftd. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told bv her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her aud she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Kagers, 139 Florida St . ban Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consumption, tried with out result everything else 'thev bought one bottle of Br. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured! He is naturally thank ful. It is sue: i results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cough and colds. Free trial bottle at John Y. MacKae's drugstortf Regular size 60c and tl. "Perhaps you would not think so, but a very lare proportion of dis eases in New York come from care lessness about catching cold," says Dr. Syrus Edson. "It is such a sim p'e thing and so common that very few people, unless it is a case of pneu monia, pay any attention to a cold. New York is one of the healthiest p'eces on the At'antic Coast and yet there ae a great many cases of catarrh and consumption which have their or igin in this neglect of the simplest precaution of every day life. The most sensible advice is, wTien you have one get rid of it as soon as possi ble. By all means do not neglect it." Dr. Edson does not tell you how to cure a cold but we will take Cham berlain's Cough remedy. It will re lieve the lungs, aid expectoration, open the. secretions and soon effeet a permanent cure. : 25 and 50 cent bot tles for sale by J. Hal Bobbitt. S..A, L. TONS COAL . When a bank is in trouble the bank teller will never tell. ON HAND iLHVHF CORDS WOOD Gayton Red Ash, Semi-Anthracite Coal (for stoves or grates.) Pocahontas, Small Lamp, Pocahontas, Large Lump, Russell Creek, large Lump, Semi-Bituminous, for grates or stoves. Virginia Splint Coal, 1 Bituminous, Jellico Splint Coal, Blazing grate Tennessee Splint Coal. J coal. Pennsylvania Anthracite, Chestnut Size " " ' Stove " - Egg " " " Furnace " All Fresh From Bbst ' Mires in this oountry. SEASONED Pine and Oak Wood, cut and split for stoves and fireplaces, or in 8-foot lengths. SHINGLES, Laths, Grain, Hay, Meal, Bran, Ice, Ac, wholesale and retail, at lowest prices by JONES & POWELL Ralbioh, N. C. PiCAHONTAS steam still stands above all others in quality and prioe. Several ears always on track, oa each Bide of the oity. ', Seaboard Air-Lino. COaDEJJHED BOHEDCLE. IB BKrscT Dc. 83. "5. Trains La RsMgli. 180 A al raiy, "Ulnnta Special,'' Pa. Iujuo Vestibule for Hen dero: Weldon, Peters, bar, Klcbmond, Whl!i(r too, Baltimore, Philadel. phia. New York aod al points north. Buffet draw iugroom Meeperaand Pull ui in coaches Atlanta to V'ashlugton, pnrlor care Washington to New York Pnllman Sleeping car Mon roe to Porteinooth. !8 01 P M Dally for Henderson. Weldon, Suf folk, Portsmouth, Norfolk and intermediate stations, eouoeeta at Portsmouth with BayLlneforOld Point and Baltimore, with Nor folk and Washington Sieaii, boat i)o., for Washington with y. Y. P. & N. U. K for Philadelphia and polntt north; also ntvWeldon with Atlantic Coast Line for Richmond, Washington, Httltiuiore, Philadelphia and rlew York: Through sleepers Weldon to New York ani with 8eo od Neck Branch for Green ville, WsB'ilngiOD ami rly mouth PtilltO'tn l. per Atlanta ty Portsmouth. 5 82 A H D iliy "Atlanta Hpe-ial,' Pullman Veetibule foi 3o. Pines, Hamlet, Mcuroe, Chester, Clinton, (ireen. wood, Abbeville, Alliens, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans. Obatta nooga, Nashville, Memphis and nil points soum and southwest. Through Pall man Buffet Sleepers and day couches Washington to Atlanta, connecting direct ly at Union depot Atlanta with diverslng lines Pull man sleeper Portsmouth to Moore. 8 40 P M Daily, for Southern Pines, Hamlet, Mtiton, Wilmington, Wadesboro, Monroe, (Jhar lotte, Liucoluton, Shelby, Rntberfordton, Chester, -)reuwood, Atlanta and Points south. Trains Arrive Kalelgh : 5 17 A M Dally. "Atlanta Special, Pullman Vestihale from New York, Puiladelpbia Baltimore, Washington. Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all poiutt north. Parlor cars New Vork to Washington; Pull man Buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta. 8 85 P M Daily from Portfinooth and points north via Bay Line N. Y. P. & N. R. R., also froik Greenville, Plymouth. Washington and Eastern Carolina points via Wei don,PeterBbnrg, Richmond Washington and point' north via Atlantic Const Line, sleepers New Jfork to Weldon 1 20 A u Daily, "Atlanta Special,'" Pullman Vestibule, from Atlanta, Atbeos, Abbeville. Gn-enwood, Chester and points south.; Pullman day' coaches and 'sleeper Atlan ta to Wash! ngton. 11 60 A M Daily trom Wilmington, Shelby, Llacolnton, Uhar lotte, Atlanta and points south Mixed trains leave Johuson Street station, for Henderson and intermediate stations 5 30 p. m.; re turning: arrives Johnson Street 9 CO a, m. No. 409 and 403, "Atlauta Special," are solid Pullman vestibuled trains, composed of magnificent day coaches and pnlaoe drawing rooms Buffet sleepers between Washington and AM- nta without uhauge, on wuien there is no extm fare charged. For information relative to sched ule, too-, ar ! v' co tl;dt unc. or A JOoolte. 8 P A...rU!r!ifri. E. St. JOHN, Vice President. J. H. Winder, General Manager. T. J. Andekson, Gen'l Pass. Agent. V. R. McBee, Supt. Transportation. Foreclosure Sale Ben M. Moore and Van B. Moore, : vs. W. H. J. Goodwin and his wife Coka. Goodwin. In pursuance of an order made in the abore entitled action in the Supe rior court of Wake county, at the February term, 1835, I will sell at the court house door in the city of Ral eigh, N. C, on Monday, April 8th, 1895, at 13 o'clock ra., to the highest bidder : that tact of land situate about four miles south-west of the city of Raleigh, adjoning the lands of R. E. L.Yates, C. K. J. Goodwin, W." H. King and others containing 292 acres, more or less, being that tract, of land conveyed to V. H. J. Goodwin by Thomas H. Briggs and wife by deed, recorded in book 45, page 170, in the Register of Deeds' office of Wake coun ty. Terms of sale 1-3 cash, balance in two equal installments, payable 6 and 13 months from day of sale. Defer, red payments to bear interest at the rate of 6 per annum. Title retained until purchase money paid in full. John Gatlino, Commissioner. 'March 8 ids, Coal. Just reoeived 8 cars Kanawha, West Vininia, ' splint, 2 cars New River lamp, 3 cars Jellico, without question the best bituminous coal to be had. Also all kinds anthracite coal now in atook. T.h. E&uuUsdi. 1 SOUTHERN EULYAY COST. (Piedmont Air. Llae.) In effeet Jone 7, 11UL h.s condensed schedule is publish ed as iuforinatiua and la subject to change without notice to the public. DAILY. BOOTI1 BODBD. P. at. A. at Lv Richmond, 12 4 J 12 50 Lv harkevllle, ISO 8 46 Lv Keveville, 811 8 80 Ar Danville, 631 5 35 AM Lv Dnuviile, 5M) 7 00 6 40 Ar Greensboro, 7itJ a 40 6 68 P M AM Lv Goldshoro, i 00 f 00 ArKaie'.-j, 4 04 8 iO Lv Ralev i 4 10 6 45 am Lv Dor! u. 615 6 41 Ar Gret-Lt.Uoro, 7 20 8 35 P at AM PM L" Winson-Salem, t6 05 5 40,6 06 Lv Greensboro, 7 85 8 45 6 6c Ar Salisbury, 8 08 10 85 811 Ar Statesville, 11 18 ArAshevllle, 4 00 p m 1 Ar Hot Springs, 6 36 pm am an LvSalisbur , 9 15 10 80 81) Ar Chariot c. 10 40 18 n 9 8C am p in Arbpartanburg, 12 67 2 68 1187 a tv Ar Greenville, 152 8 06 12 2t p m Ar Atlanta (O T) 5 20 9 30 8 65 p in am Lv Charlotte, 10 60 9 8( am p n Ar Augusta, '8 45 4ft. Ar Charleston (SO) 10 30 8 If r Savanna .(f.ckp) 5 30 4 S Ar J acksom .lie, 10 10 9 3f KORTHBOCHD. Lv Augusta, Lv Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta,(0 T) Ar Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Ar Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs, Lv Asheville, Lv Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Nos 8o&10 P M 700 A M. 3 20 6 40 P M 900 A M 6 30 700 8?8 8 33 10 05 DAILY Ho 12 .A H No 88 P a 18t 51( ,881 12 1 P u 8 8v 881 9 41 9 41 110( ArWlcstonSalem,!! 15 Lv Greensboro. Ar Durham, Ar Raleigh, Ar Goidsboro, Lv Goidsboro, Lv Raleigh, Ar Greensboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville, Ar Keysvil'. Ar Barkev 1 iir uicnuii lcu T!1 . " i 10 10 12 n P M 1 00 3 00 taOO AM 6 45 8 35 10 10 1145 P M 218 300 4 50 800 P M 6 40 700 8 25 12 44 230 711 8 00 P M 8 30 1006 A M T9 25 t9 2f 12 01 885 A M 7 80 tl 00 p m 2 00 8(X P M 410 7 20 10 10 P M 1140 A M 820 408 620 4H 72( 11 OX A K 2 2r 82 ( 40c 6 at tDaily eitt ut Sunday. E Berkley, J S B Thompson, Supt, Supt, Greensboro, NO. Rlcba.'-'id.Va W A Turk, Gen Pass Agt, Washing. toc.DO. S H Hard wick, Asst Gen'l Pass Agt Atlanta, Ga. W H Green. Sol Haas, Gen Man'g'r, Traffic Man'g'r, Washington, D O. Washington,D C Norfolk and Carolina Railroad Condensed schedule, in effect December 8, 1893. JSO 23 Daily 8 40am 9 44 a m 10 38 a m 11 48 a m 12 07 p m 12 45 p m NolOi Ex Sue 2 10 DIE 4 05pn 3 57 pm 5 25pru 5 50pn 6 25pn 7 ou p m 9 20 pm 7 36pnc 735pn 1 45 t m 11 23 p ni 2 55pm 7 20 a n, 5 3Jpm 1000 am 420pm 1 15 a n 7 05 p m 3 27 a n 1100pm 6 50 a n 10 00 p m 11 05 a a 8 30am 4 12 pa. 2 14 a m 8 23 a rt 8 40 a m 1 35 a re 2 45 p ru 13 05 a a 4 05pm 7 20pm 4 00pm with AOL train 28 Stations Lv Norfolk, Ar Suffolk, Tunis, Hobgood, Tarboro, Rocky Mount, Williamston, Plymouth, Washington, Kinston, Wilson, Goidsboro, rt ilmington, Fayetteville Florence, CLarlestoa . Columbia, Augusta, Savannah, Jacksonville, Selma, Raleigh, Oreeiisboro, Asheville, No 23 daily connects lor al points south. No 103 daily, except Sunday, makes clost connection at Hobgoo.l for Washington, Kinston, Plymouth and all Eastern Carolint poiuts; also at Rocky Mouut with A G 1 train 33 for all points south. Tra:us arrive at Norfolk at 6 05 p m daily also at 10 25 a m daily ezcept Sundap. ' J ANEUOKBAUKR, Passenger and Ticket- Agent. JAMES F MAUPIN, General Forwarding agent, TM EMERSON, General Freight and Passenger Agent. M SHRPKLL. Geuoral Manager. Hotica. The undersigned will apply to tht general assembly of North Carolina during the session of this legislature to create a new township in Wake county to be called Leasville township, out of parts of House's Creek, Barton' t Creek, Oak Grove and Cbdar Fori townships. This Jan 19, 189b.. L. P. Sewell, M. D. W. M. Jackson, Jno. W. Wiooins, js223od J. H Onbai,. Administrators Notice. Having this day qualified with tht will annex of the estate of Isaac Moore, deceased late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify persons having claims against the said estate to present them to me on or before the 3rd day of March, 1896, or this notice will be plead in bar of their reoovery; and all persons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment. J. C. Marcum, Administrator o. . a. ' , Johh Gatuho, Attorney. " m4Qff. 4444 4444 lift i AAA AAA q q q q h s 4444 A 44 HMIIItMlt !!!!!! aw- i aw Word to Those who 1EZ Do Not Believe in 5 Advertising. ? If you are in business and. w"-want it to be known yon a should advertise. aw Advertising pays. Look at the Tuckers. Look at Swindell. aw Look at Berwanger. Look at Williams & Co. Look at Ball. Look at Miss Maggie Reese. w - Look at Sherwood. - Look at Briggs. y Look at Rosenthal. Look at Woollcott. a" Look at the Lyon Racket. a Look at Dughi. s sa Look at the Johnson's. any sy Look at the many others. as mf g They believe in printer's a ay Advertise in the Visitor, mo a Stop paying $1.50 a thou- aysand for dodgers. They ben- ay eflt yon nothing. The same s ay money will put you a nice u ay card in the Visitor for one s jy week which will be seen by Ss ay 2,000 people daily. y The Visitor circulates all ay over Raleigh. There are but ay few houses here that it does ay not go to. ay The Visitor circulates in p ay all portions of Wake county. ay It goes to 15 postoffices. ay It reach -s the very class of. ay people yi i are after. rr ay You want trade. , TheVisi- sy tor will help you get your fy-trade. '.- as ay Don't hide your light. Let .aw ay-it be seen. Advertise Ad- a ay vertise in the most popular ay paper in Raleigh . s y The Visitor has age, is fy-read daily by hundreds who sy-take no other paper. b To Non-Subscrib- It:'' ; ers. zZ ay If you are not already a a jy subscriber send us your y address and 25 cts. and try it a month. If you are already a subscriber tell your neigh- ay bor about th piper. It's only SsL-25 cents a moath. Delivered "everywhere In ths city, "" ay Commence n . w nuuuiuiuuiuilf -. . I a J 1 I J i r k h f: t v ... I - V i &5 !-'&.'