THE LEGISLATURE TODAY'S PROCEEDINGS 1 BOTH BRANCHES. SKN'ATK. Iu the senate the bill to abolih the offices of county boards of education and county superintendent of publie instruction cauie up oo 3d reading. A hot debate followed. Au amend ment was seat up to allow sup-rior court clerks to appoiut the county ex aminer provided for by the bill. Thia was adopted. Davis's ameadmeat to nccpt Mecklenburg was lost. The bill passed third reading 27 to 7. Dowd, Adauis. Fowler, Green, Mercer, Mitchell and Sanders Toting no. Bill to appoiut seven directors and state proxy for the North Carolina railway, was tabled. It was attacked by Hoover, Populist, and White, of Alamance, as a bad bill. The bill proposed to gie George H. Sinathers great powers as state's proiy, effort to take the bill from failed. Bills passed raising the age of consent, to limit punishment for lar ceny of property under $206 limits to 1 year imprisonment. A resolutiou was adopted appr ;" ating 10,000 to complete the ba e meut of the governor's mansion. HOUSE. In the house a bill to legalize cock fighting was tabled. Dill passed fixing bonds of county officers; sheriffs at $5,000; register of deed-t 10,000; clerk of court $15,000; cruuer 2,000; constables 1,000; treasurer 25 percent of the taxes. Bill to amend the charter of Atlan tic and 0. railway passed second reading, all amendments being voted down. Williams, of Craven, republi- ;.n Attacked the bill saving it was an attempt to steal the road. Gov. Carr sent in a special message, the amiroDriation made for ' .' "D l i the penitentiary quate Au the table A PARAMOUR IX THE PLOT. ShtMklii Murder of Two Children by a Guilty Woman. Paris, Texas, March 11. On the chime of murdering her two children, aged 4 years and 1 year. Mm Mary Caruthera la in jail here, with her paramour, James Strange, who was employed on her husband's farm. Friday night Mrs. Caruthera went to her room, which the children alto occupied. Next morning when Car uthera awoke he heard heavy breath ing in bis wife's room, and entered to learn the cause. There he found bis two little boys in a deep stupor, from which he was unable to awaken them. Medical aid was summoned but they both died. Mrs. Caruthera at first declared that she gave them some chill tonic, but later confessed that she had tried to kill them, declaring that she did so to get them out of their trouble and said it was her intention to kill herself. She said that it waa the fourth time she had tried to kill them. Letters and other evidence in the possession or. tne omcers snow mai there was a conspiracy between her and Strange to murder the children and leave the country. She is about 35 years of age and fairly good look ing, while he is about 30 and nncouth. On the way here the woman made a desperate effort to leap from the train, but was prevented by the guard. Showing Starts, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13TH. We are nt iu at pU-pie order aa to the arrangement of our stock but in Prices, Quality and Selections we will compare stock with any house in the country, REMEMBER you will have an entire new stock from which to select, bought at lower prices than a atock waa ever bought before for this market. nTaTj-cLay. Maroli. 15 tlx . SPECIAL SH0B SALE. A. B. STRONAOU, i Dry Qood axxdL IsTotioxLs. was totally inade- A resolution that no member of this legislature shall be elected to any of fice during the session was introduced. Bill to establish the office of insu rance comcommissioner passed second reading by a party vote. Ray filed a nrntest. Bill passed incorporating Charlotte and Meckleuburg railway. Land in House Creek Town ship for Sale By virtue of a decree of the supe rior court of Wake county made in the case of Ruf us D. Jackson, executor of Daniel Jackson vs R. D. Jackson and others, 1 will, on the 30th dy of March, 1895, sell at the court house door of Wake county, one hundred acres of land belonging to the estate of Daniel Jackson, situated in House Creek township, Wake county, adjoin- ing the lands of J. S. Hailv, S. ti. Smith and others. Also at the same time and place I will sell the remain der interest in 34 1-4 acres allotted to the widow, as ber dower. The 100 -j. acres contains about 50 acres of open II Inll&a Ifca r 1 J - 1 . t tKn rtt)iI. . inriu inuu, n iaigu yatv v. u 50 acres is in original growth. It is i good land and is situated in a good J community. Hour of sale 12 m. Terms j of sale 1-3 cash, lalance on 12 months time with 6 per cent, interest on defer red payment. J. H. Flbmiho, felS tds Commissioner. REMODELING DISCOUNT SALE. We are No? Manner Chafes in the Front oi our Store, During thia Work Goes on we will Sell Goods Qreatat Sacrifice. soon, the quantity in some lines Is glv. ing away on account of the extreme low price we have named) aame prices will hold (rood during thia and next wet-k. Don't know if the assortment will hold good; it all depends on yon. "NORTH SIDE DRUft ST( )RE." PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY. NOTICE. Overcoats, Suite, separate Trousers, and Children'a Clothes and Furnish ing Goods. Yon save money by buy ing your goods from US now or dur ing the next two weeks. If you want a pair of those extra trousers at the reduced pricea you will have to come Are coming in fast; some linea nearly complete; sty lea beautiful. Loug and graceful Pack Suits in neat patterns, do to wear now, at $10, 112.50 and $15. Regent Cutaway Suits at (10. $12 60 and $15. Everything is cheaper than heretofore, with us especially. LOTS OF KEW HATS "Berwan ger'a Reliable." the best $2 Stiff and Soft Hats in the world. one others equal even at 50 m -re. The "Berwanger Derbys ana re- your homes come in and supply your doras. Did you ever buy a Dunlap, ' needs from our stock. Yon will find Knox or Townsman Hat for $5? Ours what yon want and save lots of money. S. & D. BERWANGER. are the same identically, rnly we charge $1 less. Try one of them, if they are not aa represented yon are welcome to your money. CHILDREN'S HATS AND CAPS Of course yon look to us for the as sortment and yon will not be disap pointed. 95o to $1.50. All the new styles, none others. Legislators, before yon start for ib. JL. n." THE BEST COFFEE on the market. Fresh. Invigorating. Deliirhtf ul. Sold hv all leading srrocers. inhll J Valuable Land and Person al Property for Sale. V. B. Moore and Mrs. L. C. Capehart Fine cut roses, carnations, double violets and other handsome cut flow ers. H. Stein.metz, Phone 113. Florist, Thomas & Maxwell has just received a laree lot of pine fiber mattresses and B. A. Capehart, plaintitts, vs for people suffering with bronohical Robert C. Gulley and Annie U. uui- h nag troubles. lev. his wife, defendants Bv virtue of authority conferred iinon me. as commissioner, by order of court, in the above entitled civil ac tion. I will, on Monday, 15th day of April, A. D., 1895, at the court house door iu the city of Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m., expose for sale and sell .-it Dublic outcry, to the . highest Did der f. cash, that valuable tract of land lviuir and situated in Panther branch township, Wake county, N. C, adjoining the lands of Ransom Gulley, Aue-ustus Younor and others, contain ing 57 acres, more or less. Also all irrist and flouring mills, mill stones, and all machinery and attachments beloneins to the same, gin house, gins, cotton presses, feeder, condenser, ele vators, scales fixtures attacnea ana oe. lontrins to the same or in anywise ap pertaining thereto; one 25 horse power engine and boiler, and sawmill, and carriage with about 80 feet to The Central Cafe has the best repu tation of any saloon in the state for keeping the purest and best liq uors and beers &e. Washing Your Clothes. In days of old your good mother did it and you bad no fault to find. When itcomesto laundering your soil ed linen We Will Be a Mother to You, and the perfect satisfaction we guar antee will make yon thinfc ot tnose happy days of old. Discard gaiety pins; Away with batchelbr buttons! The Oak City steam laundry sews on buttons and tape. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, L. R. Wyatt, Phone 87 Proprietor. and I am Opening up a Wholesale and Re;aii Grocery Store At 309 South Wilmington St., next to Ed Lee's Cotton Office, where I de sire te serve all my friends and former customers, Country Produce Exchanged for Groceries. Fabmeks Supplies a Specialty. Consignments Solicited. W. N. SNELL1NG. Royster's Brittle Always the same, Always the best, Always fresh, 20 cents per pound. Royster's Buttercups. They are new They are good ' Try them, 20c per pound. Oar New Spring Work . Our stocks are all in and opened np f anrintf hnninAHft. und whtli nnr .r- Bhafting and all beltings, pulleys and 8ortmeIltg are m0re varied and goods handsomer than they have been, yet all through the store, prices are lower than ever before for new goods. W. H. & R. S. Tucker Co. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, &c. Roses, carnations and other flowers. Baskets and floral designs at short no tice.- IMPORTED BDLBS for winter blooming. Jnst arrived, a splendid collection ; of hyacinths, tulips, narcissus, Bermuda and Chi nese sacred hues, dry calla bulbs, best for forcing. ; PALMS, FERlfS and other pot plants for decorating the room. Roses, evergreens and shade trees. Sugar and Norway maples, horse chestnuts and English walnuts, fancy and other flower pots Mid fern dishes. Phone 113. Stbismktz, the Florist, Administrator's Sale. Lin. H. Botstis Bui mess Manager Aich't A B'ld'a A.3DBIW J. Jrmms B. F. Pasx, in charge yards and shops. ROYSTtn. PARK & CO (Buooesaort to Ellington, Boyster Co.) MABCr ACTT IBS Of Doors, Sasli , Blinds, Scroll Work WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 East Maitin Street. MERCHANT TAILORS AND Wholesale and Refer i Dialers in DRY GOODS, SHOES. OLOTiUNG, MILLIHLRY GOODS. CROCKERY. . GLASS AM) TfflWARE. FISH im?i OYSTERS STAIR HAILS fixtures and machirery of every dis- cription whatsoever attached 1 3 and belonging to the same, one log wagon and chains, one wood wagon and nar ripss. one cotton sead crusher and fix tores, one wheat thrasher and fan one lath saw, one set of blacksmith tools consisting of bellows, anvil, vice, etc., one set of wood-shop tools, hand saw, ulanes. chisels, squares brace and bits, hammers, etc. Said mill, gin house, engine, machinery and personal property are located on the above described land and better known as 'Gulley's mill." All of which property is more definitely de scribed in the complaint in the above entitled civil action and a certain mort page executed by said Robert C. Gnllev and wife to V. B. Moore, re corded in book No. 128, at page 598,, in Register of deeds office of Wake county, N. C. This March 12, 1895. E. P. Mathabd, Commissioner 4nd all Other Klnls Material. of Building Will contract to hui'd anywhere in tfis State, or furnish any kind ot material de sired. Our ahoD is Mninned witb tbe latest ana best wood working machinery. We are lo cated on the 8. V. L. Railroad, which runs through the best timbered lands in Ncrth Carolina, from which we get our logs and out our own lumner. ion ensmes us 10 nil orders of any s'se or dimension on short notice. W- csn cut ib.uw jeei a aay. uur Dry Kiln has a capacity of fiO.OOO feet, and WS CUl, ury biiu utcib uiiiui iui ujv iuuiiv at reasonable rates. Telephone flo. Our yard and shop are on West street, at vat terminus of Rdentot. treft feb?4 Received Daily by 0. W. BELY1N At His Stall. No. 13 in the Market house. Great Reduction in Shad. He also keeps always on hand THE BEST OF GAME. Give him a call and you will be a CONSTANT CUSTOMER. He guarantees satisfaction. -m4 lw Spring Goods for 1895. The prices of new goods compared with prices of last year is about 25 per cent less. We sell all colors of silk at 24 1-2 former price 83 1 2. All wool serges for 75.:, last price 40 and 50 cents. Moquet rings 18x37 for Jfl (K), last year ?1 w " 27x64 2 45 3 75 3672 3 39 5 00 C'heratile Table Covers ar- now 64c, 98o and 48. Dress Ginghams now 5a, were 7 1-2j " " " 7 l-3c, " 7 l-2e 10c " 12 and 15o. and other goods it groportion. Our Merchant tailoring Department has already proved a success. If yon need a tailor made suit call and see ns as soon as you can. All kinds of re pairs and prefsing done. We carry a large stock of shoes at all times and our new spring stock is very pretty and prices are cheap. Our ladies $2 00 shoes is the best in the city for the money. It looks like a $3 (X) shoe. . Onr Hosiery department is complete and especially our line of Childrens' Hose at 10, 15 and 25 cents. Oar Motto One price and Cash. WOOLLCOTT & SON. lot ce. ' Sale of Notes, Judgments, Amounts. &c. virtue of authority conferred xxuuaciivuu cwiu ajuwicii iu mture. Application has been made to the board of commissioners of Wake county ' to create a township to be called ! Leesville out of parts of House Creek, Barten.a Creek, Cedar Fork and Oak Orove township. This March 4th, 1895. A. M. SoRKBLL, f43w L. P. Sobrbm,, M. D. By Choice Eggs for Setting. . ' - -1 r Annn- upon me in a certain ueeu ui oooi6u ' munf. frnm Jas. H Walton, recorded in book 127, on page 797, in in regis. f deeds office of Wake connty, N v n i ...ill nn Sot.fip.lar- the 12th daV laos t. or near the store late residence, No. 222, North Person formerly occupied by the said James street, in the city of Raleigh, the Walton, in the village of Garner, household and kitchen furniture be- v ftta oeanty, N. C. at 12 o'clock m. longing to the estate or the late rs. . ... :V.u,., h-,A, tnT aarIi. I Caroline E. Lousee, consisting, in , 'V 1 t0 n6 ren aol part, of bedroom" and parlor f .nil 4iti no e, juu,-'-"A w. ;or. one saaare piano, cooking stove. .COUDtS in iavor me hiu o. "t- . i i - . - n,. -.r. -.-i. Any one wishing fancy chickens for raising can get eggs for setting by Having Qualified as administrator, I calling on me. I have the fall blood- will expose to publie sale on Monday, I ed Black Spanish. Also the Whits March 18, 1895, at 12 o'clock m. at the I Plymouth Rock. m4 tf. W. M. Known, Jr. ton. This aiarcu inn, xotfj. Jos- P. Gollbt, . Assignee of James H. Walton od as new, &e. N. B. BRODGHTON, moil 6t "AftOPnutratoi . . . Notice. Notice is hereby given that applica tion is made to the present session of the general assembly of North Caro lina to incorporate the town of Forest- fiUe, Wnke connty. . JLaM TOflU. this -mm I talk xT ' IS THE TISUJE ! Our is the First of All, A-Get-Your Money's Worth Store. ' We sell everything men wear. We want to trade our wares for your money, and give yon honest values. Bo .JJ. VV e are offering every garment in our uuuoo mm SHERWOOD'S VVOLID MERVICE kJHOEO. For Qentlemen, Ladies, Misses and' . Children have no equal for style, comfort and wear. 0. A. SHERWOOD ft CO. MS FayetterQle Bt, Salaign, N. C cent off. 33 1-3 Per Cent Off. ' Mm or boy, yon need an Overcoat, A i-uht. Kvery Overcoat we nave is uiaiied down boys of 16 years to men of 48 inch chest. Take a look at onr superu stock of Clays, Black Kng lish, Diagonal worsted Suite. The most satisfactory wearing fabric in the world. Backs, single or double breasted, Cutaway, Prince Albert or Regent, that sold for $12.50, $15, $18, $20 and $25, now go at ooe-tnird off. Elegant garments the prod not of the world's most famous manufactu rers in Cassimeres, Cheviots, Tweeds, HomesDuns and Worsteds at 66 2-8 on the dollar. - ' These goods mast go to make room for onr spring stock We have just received a large in- voioe of elegant Neckwear,; made, np in styles and of patterns to please' the most fastidious. Our price 50o. ' Sold everywhere in the oity for 76c. We bought them clfctap and pro pose to give you the beneilt. Socks. Socks. Hermsdorf Socks black ootton, 25 oents. Bonght a lot at a time, else it would be 35 cents. UNDERWEAR A short word about Underwear. Come and get what you want in winter Underwear and pay just half price for them. Marked in plain ngures. y JtiOSENIHAL CLOTHING CO, SOS lATKTTSTILUfi ST- OPPOSIT3 P0ST0? JflO. V- Tni'rVaTrti

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