J r DUKE Cigarettes UkWOURHiHt-J 1 r . . I (sIGAllfTTES ter w bun Son Cr 0UnHA(4.M.C. U. A. V4- " v MAOf, FROM ..sgla Grade TcSsseo axt ABSOLUTELY PURE y Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restor.d. MiPMCTin urouiuria Mid with writ. IMHirilLMU Mtniinttfln Kiiaranteo to twitor Lott Manhood. Corn woaknmaen, Nervou, vemmjr ana all trie ems from early or later ex oeaiee, theresulta of overwork, worry, eickneaa, ate. Fall trenfrth, tona and development sives to awry onrnn or portion of the booy. Impruve ment immediately seu from the first box. Thou tods of letters of praise on fileinouroifioe. Car be carried in veat pocket. Bnt ly mail to an ddreraonreoeiptof prire. Ono month's treat ment in each box. Price $1.00, tihoxiM, 5.U0, with Written Unarantee to refund money if not cured bend to us for the Genuine. Circulars Free. John Y. MacRae, Druggist, Faleigh, NT VV.L. Douglas C3 CUET 13 THE, EST. W wi IW&riTroR akino. 3. CORDOVAN, . FRENCH 4k LNAMCLLCO CALF. Fine v,b-rui.lbi.lj3ULt9, I l 75 nnvst,r,!ivii Cunr .... i. uultwlliiUi,U)lUL4 'w' r.BnriTTnlJ KA mm r Over On Million Peonies wear the,' W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes aro equally sttScfcctory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom thoes In style and fit. Their wearing; qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, stamped en sole. From Si to $3 saved over other nn-es. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. frold bj HELLER PROS. Chamberlain's Eye r.M :?Tihi Ointment Is Unequalled for TuiU-r, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, :.-oio Xl :h-s. (."l..inped Hands, Itching l'ii Jiuin, l-'i :k bites. Chronic Sore Eyes:':l tlirnuljted Lids For sale by druggist ;:t 1:3 touts pcr'box. TO OT71TEB3. For putting a horw in a l'nc healthv con dition try Dr. Caii.'s Condition Powders. They tone up the sv:,tom, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve conjtipati' n, correct kidney disorders and dcslrov worms, giving new life to an old or over-tiorkcd dorse. 25 tents per package. For Bale bv druggists. Valuable Land and Person al Property for Sale. V. B. Moore and Mrer-L. 0. Capehart and.B. A. Capehart, plaintiffs, v Robert C. Gulley and Annie L. Gul ley, his wife, defendants. By virtue of authority conferred npon me. as commisHioner, by order of court, in the above entitled civil ac tion, I ill, on " Monday, 15th day of April, A. D., 1895, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m., expose for sale and sell at public outcry, to the highest bid der for cash, that valuable tract of laud lying and situated in Panther branch township, Wake county N. C , adjoining the lands of Ransom (inlley, Augusta Young and others, eoutai'n ing 57 acres, more or less. Also all grist and flouring mills, mill stones, and all machinery and attachments belonging to the same, gin house, gin's, cotton presses, feeder, condenser, ele vators, scales fixtures attached and be longing to the same or in anywise ap pertaining thereto; one 25 horse p-.wei engine and boiler, and sawmill, and carriage with about 80 f net of shafting and all beltings, pulleys a ud fixtures and machinery of every ins cription whatsoever attached tj and belonging to the same, one log wagon and chains, one wood wagon and har ness, one cotton seed crusher and fix tnres, one wheat thrasher and fan, one lath saw, one set of blacksmith tools consisting of beliowfv'anvil, vice, etc., one set of wood-shop tools, hand saw, planes,' chisels, squares, brace and bits, hammers.eto. Said mill, gin house, engine, machinery and personal property are located on the above described land and better known as "Gulley's mill." All of which property is more definitely de scribed in the complaint in the above entitled civil action and a certain mort gage execttte8 by said Robert C. (iulley and wife to V. B. Moore,- re corded In book No. 128, at page 598, in Register of deeds olfine of Wake county, N. C. This March 13. 1805. E. P. Mathard, ' Commissioner. .JZrrnt In 48 hours wi(boutTN inuouvenlentie, n flection! VYI I NJebaniMbleerii IKS These tiny OnsHia ar rrmt In 48 hours wllbout When Euter Come. A frtea4 of the Bottoa Traatcript, "E. M. H." write: "I was attraeUd by the aaggeatioa iayoor paper today to compose a rhyme which would gire the reasons of the "movable nature of the Batter feast." The -following clever thy met are added. Tbey thoold be taught la the primary echoole: Thirty daya hath September," Every pereoa ean remember; Bat to know wheo Ktster'e come Pnulet even scholars some. "rhen March the twent-flrst ia past, ust watch the ailvry moon, t when you see it full and round, vaow Easter'll be here soon. A'ler the moon has reached ita fall, Tweo Kaster will be herak Th very Suodar after. Ia each and every year. And if it hap on Sunday The moon should reach its height, The Sauday following this event Will be the Kister bright. Held Captive Eleven Years. Assouas, Egypt, March. 16. Slatin Key haw arrived here, having escaped from the Hindi's camp, Omborman, Khartoun, after eleven years' captivi ty, lie bad made nine previous at tempts to get free. Father Obrwalder aod two Sisters of Charity, long pri. oners at Oindurman, escaped fcpm here on November 29, 1891, and ar rived at Cairo December 1. Soldiers In Havanna. The military are in evidence at eve ry turn. At the wharf so mnny sol diers are paving to and fro, or loung ing listlessly about, that gives one the i npres.iiiin of having landed at a mili tary post, rather than a commercial seaport of 20 000 people. It requires some time to get away from this im pression. Almost every fifth man one meets wears a military dress of some sort ; barracks and fortresses are strewn about the city and its outskirts d libitum, and bands of marching men and the sounds of martial aonsic ire encountered from morning to night. Chance For Lil. Now that Queen Lil U out of work, Friend Grover might invite her To come to Washington and be His little Drown typewriter. John Y MacRae, druggist, will tell yon th t Jobneon'a Magnetio Oil al ways gives satisfaction and is the cheapest. $1 00 size SO cents ; 60 cents size 25 cents. Colorado's gold production: $410, 000 a day. Constipation and sick headache per manently cared, and piles prevented by Japanese Liver Pellets ; especially ffisDted to children's use. For sale by John Y Mao Rap Uncle Sam has 800,030 stationary electric motors. . For seven years or more Mrs. W, D. Louder, of Quincy, Ky , was sub ject to severe at'acks of cramp colic. Mr. S. R. Morse, a druggist of that place, recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarroea Remedy, which has effected a permanent cure, saving her much suffering besides the trouble and expense of -sending for a doctor, which was often necessary. For sale by J. Hal BobbiU. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the best satisfaction of any cough medicine I handle, and as a seller leads all other preparations in this market. 1 recommend it because it is the best tnedifine I ever handled for coughs, colds and croup. A. W. Bald hi dub, Millersville, 111. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt. Tvvw Lives Naved. vMrs Phoebe Thomas, of Junction CHty, ill. was told br her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no nope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her aud the says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. K.'gere, 139 Florida 8t lan Francisco: suffered from a dreadful cold, app-oaohinz couutnption, tried with out result eveiythiuu else : thev bought one bottle of Dr King' New Discovery and in two week s was cured. He is naturally thank till. It is sue Jesuits, of which these are samples, thit pr'e4be wonderful efficacy of this me ticiue in cougu and colds. Itoe trial botile at John Y. MacHae'i drugstore' wg'iinr size i uc auu ei. Switzerland will establish a state bank. Johnson's Oriental Soap is the most delicate facial soap for ladies' nse in existeuce. absolutely pore and highly meaicatea torsaie ov jonn x oiaoKae : London makes rare and ancient coins. ;, A severe rhenmatio pain in the left shoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Loper, a well known druggist of Des Moines, Iowa, for over six months. At times the pain was bo severe that he could not lift anything. With all he could do he could not get rid of it nntil he applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm, "I only made ' ree applica tions of it," he says, "And have sinoe been free from all the pain." He now recommends it to persons simi larly afflicted. It is for sals by J Hal Bobbitt. The Favored Class. Mies Pompadour " What are all those horrid drunken men yelline for oat there on the street t They ought to be ashamed of themselves." Mies Grace-" Those are Dot drank en men. They're college boys oat for so airing." Miss Pomoadonr "Oh. the anion Pdid fellows Isn't it beautiful, the good fellowship and gayety of young college men T" Chicago Record. Monroe Whalen. of Birmingham Ala. writes: "I onrehaaed all hot tie of yonr Japanese Pile Cnre from Mr Imxl (iodden end it has entirely cored me of a ease of Biles of ti vears stnd. log; will advise n w friends to use It " t or sale by Jobn Y MaeRae China has only 100 physicians. Cait 'or the Horse Brand of John son's Magnetic Oil. It bas norqoxl for th diseases of horse and cattle, tl 00 s'ze 80 eDts ; J Went size So et For sale by John Y Ma. Bae There are robbers for dogs. The Dlxcov-ery Saved Ilia Life. Mr. G.Caillouette, druggist, Beavers- vuie, in., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with la grippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about, but to no avail and was given np and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for s bottle and be gan its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We can't .keep store or .house without it." Get a free trial bottle at John Y. Mac Rae's drug store. Tbe Rothchilds clock. has an $18,000 A Household Treasure. D W Fuller, of Canajoharin, N Y, saya that he always keeps Dr King's New Discovery, in the boose aod his family has always found the very hest remits follow Its nse; that he would not be without it, if procurable d A Dykeman, druggist, Oatukill, N Y, says that Dr King's New Discover) is undoubtedly the best cough rent -edy; that he bas used it in his fa mil) for eight years, and it Ijas never fail d to do all that is claimed for It. W In uot try a remedy so long tried ai r1 tested. Trial bottles free at John i slacRae's drug store. Regular size 50c and $1. Austrian pawnshops charge 10 per cent. "Perhaps you wonld not think so, but' a very large proportion of dis eases in New York come from care lessness about catching cold," says Dr. Syrus Edson. "It is such a sim ple thing and so common that very few people, nnless it is a case of pneu monia, pay any attention to a cold. New York is one of the healthiest places on the Atlantic Coast and yet there are a great many cases of catarrh and consumption which have their or igin in this neglect of the simplest precaution of every day life. The most sensible advice is, 'when -you have one get rid of it as soon as possi ble. By all means do not neglect it." Dr. Edson does not tell you how to cure a cold but we will take Cham berlain's Cough remedy. It will re lieve the lungs, aid expectoration, open the secretions and soon effeet a permanent cure. 25 and 50 cant bot tles for sale by J. Hal Bobbitt. Administrators Notice. Having this day qualified with the will annex of the estate of Isaac Moore, deceased late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify persons having claims against the said estate to present them to me on or before the . 3rd day of March, 1896, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment. J. C. Mabcum, Administrator c. t. a. John Gatlino, Attorney. m48. Boarders Wanted. Mrs. M. J. Ramsey desires to take several persons to board. Light, airy rooms and moderate charges. Excel lent table. 412 East Hargett st. 14 3t Royster's Brittle Always the same, Always the best,' Always fresh, 20 cents per pound. The best Book Beer in the city at he Central Cafe. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, &c. .noses, carnations ana otner nowers.' Baskets and floral designs at short no tice. IMPORTED BULBS for winter blooming. Just arrived, a splendid collection of hvaninths. tulips, narcissus, Bermuda and Chi nese sacred lilies, dry calla bulbs, best for forcing. : PALMS. FRRH3 and other pot plants for decorating tne room. Roses, evergreens and shade trees. Sagar and Norway maples, horse chestnuts and Knclish wahuuts, fancy and other flower pots ana tarn dishes. Phone 113. Stbinmbtz, the Florist. Wanted. K position br a irradnate If East man Business College with exnerieruied lalerences. H. W., ears Tiaixoa. 142 SOUTHERN PAIL WAT COST. (Piedmont Air Liae.) In effeet Jon '?, ll h.s condensed schedule is publish ed as information and is subject to change without notice to the public. DAILY. FOCTBBirwo, L I'l iSmn'.d, Hirdr-vliie. Lv Ks.tvllle. Ar Danville, Lv Danville. Ar Greeushoro, Noe r. sr. so S1I 531 ft 60 7J I,w GMhoro, ir Ruedfli, Lv Kuleltrli. Lv Durham, ir Greensboro, sou 4 01 10 II) 780 P M WDgou'Balem, t6 !i Lv Greensboro, ar faiinnnrv, Ar 8tafevlila. 4r Abeviin. Ar Hot Springs, Lv Sallsbur t Chariot t Ar Spartanburg. Ar Greenville, Ar Atlanta (0 T) L rbsr!otte, 7S5 p m 915 10 40 a m 13 07 163 No 11 A II U l S4o S30 85 700 840 P If t 00 80 a 4 6 41 8 as AM P k 6 40 t08 846 068 1015 811 1119 4 0C pm 5 86 a kt 540 66 A V am 5 30 p m 1U60 a in ir .nfnta, 85 -r t hard ston () io 80 rraviioa. (f.cki?! 5au ir Jacksonville, am 1180 13 n p m 8(8 3 05 9 30 10 10 DAIi.T an. 81' 9 1187 a a 13 ii P Dj o 56 a m 6 8( P n 4 0-. 8 41 4 8 3i 5"RTBBOrSD. J58 i No bTA)0 U 88 P M k Pk 700 i:i A M 8f0 51 6 40 8 8 P M 9 03 8 0 13 1 AM P M P Ai 6 80 6 40 8 81 7 0 ; 7 00 8 3s 616 6 25 9 41 12 44 830 711 800 P M 8 H 1 8 30 9 4t 10 03 1005 11 01 A M 1115 . tit8ot9 2f 1010 13 01 12 n 8 85 Pja A M ' 00 7 80 8 00 tl 00 p m t3 00 iOO JJ0t AM FM o4 410 4 1' 8 35 ' 7 30 7 2i It 10 1010 110 PM A & 1145 1140 2 3 P M AM 318 8 '0 83 800 4 08 ICf 4 50 6 20 6 2( Lv Augusta, Lv Cn)orbift, k. hcrlotte ' V Aflnt,(0 T) ar Ohhrlotte, i.v Olmrlotte, r 8'i.lli-borv. Lv Hot Springs, liV Ai-heville, Lv Htutevllle, Ar Salisbury, L SslUh .ry, s r Grei DSboro irWlEdtoDSalem !jV Greensboro, Ar Durham, V Rt,!e!gh, Ar GoidHboro, Lv Goldsboro, Halelgh vr Gis ftisboro, L- Wrcei-sboro, r Daovllle, rKeTsvlMe, Ir B rkevlll . Ar R'chmonr1. tDally except Sunday, f? Berkley, J 8 B Thompson, Supt. Supt, t3rer)sboro, N C. Richmond, V A Turk. Gen Pass Agt, Washing ton. DO. . -1 H Bard nick. A est Gen'l Pass Air' Atlanta, Ga,. W B Green. Sol Haas, en Man'g'r, Traffic Men'g'r. Washington, D O. Washington, C Norfolk and Carolina Bailroad Condensed schedule, in effect December 2, 1893.. NO 23 Daily 8 40 a m 9 44 a in 1U 38 a m 11 48 a m 12 07 p m 12 45 p m No 103 Ex Sun 2 10 p m 4 05 p ir. 3 57 p m 5 25 p m 6 50 p n 6 25 pm 7 6U p m 9 20 pro 7 35 p m 7 35 p m 1 45 n m 11 23 p m 255pm 7 20 am 5 3Jpm 1000 a m 4 '20 p m 1 15 a in 7 05 p m 3 27 am 11 00 p m 6 50 a m 10 00 p m 11 05 a rr 5 30 am 4 12 p m 2 14 a m 8 23 a m 8 40 a in 1 45 a ni '1 45 p m 13 05 a m 4 05 p in 7 20 p m 4 00pm with AOL train 23 Stations Uv Norfolk, Ar Suffolk, Tunis, . Hobgood, Tarooro, Rocky Mount, Williamston, Plymouth, Washington, Kinston, WiUou, Goldsboro, A'ilmington, ' Fayetteville F'orence, Oatltston Columbia, Augusta, Savannah. Jackftjnville, rkluia, Raleigh, tireoslwro, Asheville, No 23 daily connects tor al1 points south. No 103 daily, except Sunday, makes close connection at Uobgoo for Washington, Kinstou, I'lymoufi andall Eastern Carolina p' lints; also at Rocky Mouut with AOL 'rain 3-f for all points south. Tra;ns arrive at Norfolk at 6 05 p m daily lao at 10 25 a m daily ezept Sun.lap. J A NEUGIIBAUKR, . Passenger and rioket Agent, James f ma upjn, General Forwarding gent, T MJCMtCRSON, Ofneral Freight and Passenger Agent, VSKHrVI,r, Oenernl Muniwr . -" Notice! , Having taken the Agency for Ger man Electric Belts, for the" cure of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Kidney disease, Weak lungs, Lame back, Paralysis, Spine disease, Nervous debility, etc. lam ready to supply those, in need of them at short notice. Samples kept on hand. A. W. FRAPS, No. 4 Bast Dvie, second door from Fayetteville street. nod S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IS BKKKCT Dec. 83,93. Trains Leai Raleigh, 1 34 A M ''illy, ''Atlanta Special,' Pa ImeoYeeMbolefor Hen derson Weldon, Peters burg, Richmond, Washing ton, Baltimore, Pblladel. piiia. New York aod al joints north. Buffet draw-ln?r--"m sleepers and Pall ui' loaches Atlanta to ingtoo, parlor ean U - i". ittoo to New York Pulnuiin Sleeping ear Hon roe to Portuouth. 13 01 PM-Daily for Henderson. Weldon, Bof ' folk. Portsmouth, Norfolk and Intermediate stations connects at Portsmouth with KayLlneforOld Polo' and Baltimore, with Nor folk and Washington Biean - boat ;o.. for VVasbingtoti with N. Y. P. N. R B for Pbiladeli hi aud jolnti north; also at Weldon will Atlautio Coaat Line foi Richmond, Washington hah lmore, Phlladelpbis aud New York Through Bleepers Weldon to Ne York ani with Scotlanr eck Branch for Green . villa. Wsshington and Ply mouth Pullman sleeper Atlanta ty Portsmouth. 5 93 AM Daily. "Atlanta Special,' Pullman Vestibule for So - Pines, Hamlet, Mouroc Chester. Clinton, Green wood, Abbeville, Athens Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans, Ohatta oooga, Nashville, Memphli and all points south and southwest. Through Pull man Buffet Sleepers am day couches Washington t Atlanta, connecting direct ly at Union depot Atlanti with diverging lines Pull man sleeper Portsmouth tc Monroe. 8 40 P M Dnily, for Southern Pines, Hamlet Mh x t o n, Wilmington. Wadeftborn, Monroe, Char lotte, Lincoln ton, Shelby Rutherfordton, Chester. Greenwood, Atlanta and Points south. rains Arrive Raleigh : 517 am Dally. "Atlanta Special,, Pullman Vestibule fron N-w York, Philadelphia Baltimore, Washington Richmond, Portsmouth Norfolk and all polut north. Parlor cars Nev York to Washington; Pull c an Bnffet Sleepers am dv coaches Washingtoi t ' Atlanta. 8 85 P M 1 ' dy from 1 o.'tflmoutu aud point north via Bay Line N. Y. P. & N. R. R , also froa Greenville, Plymouth Washington anl Easteri Carolina points via Wei don.Pdtersburg, Rlchuiom Washington and polnti north vlii Atlantic Ooas . Line, sleepers New York t , Weldon I 20 A M Daily, "Atlanta, Special,' Pullman Vestibule, frou Atlanta, Atuens.Abbevill Greenwood, Chester an points south.; Pullman da coaches and isleepur Atlar ta to Washi ngton. I I 60 A M Dally from Wilmington 8helby, Lincolnton, Uhar lotte, Atlanta aud poin t south Mixed trains leave Johnson Stree Station, for Henderson an intermediate statious 5 30 p. m.; re turning arrives Johnson Street 9 U a. m. No. 402 and 403, "Atlanta Soeclal,'' are solid Pul. uin vestibuled train k composed of i. igiiifloeat davooache and palac drawing room? Buffe sleepers between vVashingtou an. Atl' nta witho Jt change, on ' whic there Is no extra fare charged. For information relative to setae ale; Ac, ao )fy t) tijIt H 3at, or A J Oooke. S P A , RiUigh E. St. JOHN. Vice President. J. H. Winder, General Manager. T. J. Anderson, Gen'l Pass, Agent. V. K. Mc3be, Supt. Transportation. 6 Dissolution of Copartner ' ship. The fl rra of Royster, ' Park & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All parties indebted to or holding claims against said firm will please present Bame to Mr. John H. Porter, who is authorized to colleot and re ceipt for all claims due said firm. LEN. H. ROYSTER, B. F. PARK, ml3m ANDREW H. J0SB3. 1 Game Chicken E 223 for Hatching. War Horse strain, the hardest and largest, $1.25 for 13. Egs ready March 20. h. B. P. WILLIAMSON, 140 Fair View Farm, RUeib N. C. The publishers take pleasure in annount ing that "The Morning Herald" has recent ybnen enlarged from four to eight pages and that while the price remains at onecen' per copy, or (3 per year to mail subscribers each edition contains as much news anr more general reading matter than is print by the Baltimore two-cent dailies. The felegraiihic Service of 'The Morning Herald" is unexcelled by any other Balti more paper. Its News Service i the counties is thor ough and reliable. Its Market Reports are full, complete an accurate. Irs illustrated woman's page is a feature that will not be found in auy other Balti more daily. A verbatim report of the Sermon by Rev Or Talmage the celebrated Brooklyn preacher appears -in Monday morning' t edition. "The Morning Herald" will continue tc oe an Independent Newspaper fair and im partial in its statements aud fearless in the expression of ita op nions "THE SUNDAY 1113RA.LD," of 24 pjges, is the bestSundty paper in Bal timore, and is sold at 3o per copy, or II 60 fora year. I "THE WEEKLY HERALD' is the cheapest and best eight-page weekly newspaper published in the United States, theannual subscription being 60c : jrThe M jrning Herald" will be sent on trial for one week to any person sending his or her address, enclosing 5 cents, to the HEttALD PDBLISalNU 00., Baltimore and Charles Streets, Baltimore, aid. yBscMQiu, General M,uvu, 4444 4444 444. 4 4 ; iAA4 Ja44 A Word to Those who Z Do Not Believe in zZ Advertising. If you are in business and sywant it to be known you w ss should advertise. Advertising pays. , e y Look st the Tuckers. , y Look at Swindell. ZZ e Look at Berwanger. v Look at Williams & Co. Look at Ball. v Look at Miss Maggie Reese. a Look at Sherwood. y Look at Briggs. s Look at Rosenthal. Look at Woollcott. ' sw- Look at the Lyon Racket.Z ev- Look at Dughi. f Look at the Johnson's. e Look at the many others. J g They believe in printer's" Advertisg in the Visitor. "" Stop paying 1.50 a thou-J sand for dodgers. They ben-J -efit yon nothing. The saniej? sw money will put you a niceJ s card in the Visitor for oneJ y week which will be- seen byJ ew 2,000 people daily. lm aa The Visitor circulates all g 'over Raleigh. There are butJ aafew houses here that it does not go to. e The Visitor circulates in all portions of Wake county."? sIt goes to 15 postofflees. a It reaches the very class of T sy people y. i are after. -? v You want trade. The Visi-J sv-tor will help you get yourS y trade. ., . sy Don't hide your light. LetJJ s-it be seen. Advertise Ad- sw vertise in the most popular" y paper in Raleigh. y The Visitor has age, isJ e -read daily by hundreds who ew take no other paper. To Non-Subscrib- 135 av-, ers. esa- If you are not already ag ee subscriber send us yonr a address and 25 cts. and trv ay it a month. If you are already a subscriber tell your neigh-g bor about th p iper. It's only- 2L 25 cents a m nh. Delivered" everywhere iu the city. ; g" Commence u e -sw CHAP LOTTE ""-' ' OBSERVER. VIIKLT A Democratic Paper, a paper devoted to) the industrial development of North Uaro linaand the South, fbs best advertising medium between Washington and Atlanta, DAILY, 68 CO per year. WEEKLY, 1 00 per year. THE OBSERVER COMPANY. J P Oaldwsu. Editor, Charlotte, N C. tariaraalsat Jum si JaI'sai r if r I -:. Ti- H it.- F ' TThIT) Tlv. Tin