EVENING VISITOR VOL. XXXII. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1895. NO. 115 A ' Ek Worn RALEIGH TO THE FRONT. Tb Raleigh branch of the 8ootbern takes pleasure ia mating to it 150 tnemlwra who own J 140,000 worth of stock, and to thoe who want to be come members, that aha ia now read t ivceive application fur loaut with ii'U to build a borne, or to pa for en- alread built. It matters not bo tun h, friui 300 to 15,000 or inure, laities having lot fur sale, or who Late reoideucra fur ale, will do wall to cull at my office and register umt as 1 now have and eipeet mora appli cation (or aauie Heal estate bought and nold. Stocks and bonda also. Mone loaned on building and loan xtuck (of an reliable association) aa I prefer thia to real estate loana. 1 loaned part $500 in the Raleigh branch of tbe Southern. He built him a nice borne; ouly paa aa (8 60 one usually give per monui. He couia not rent ine aame nonse fur tins mone. la be paving an rout? No, bat he ia pay- he knows where to buy cheap book", ing for bis bouse ever month and in . . , , , , , about 7 ears will not owe a cent. And strange to mjt, that a one of the Uecollect that the Raleigh branch of fewtbingshedidu'tl.-arnoutof books, the Southern proposes to bring into . , ,a ,, . . ... . , Raleigh $5 for eery one paid in. Somebody had to tell him. Retold We only charge 0 per cent, interest. several book worms not only abont No better or safer investment to be , had. C. C. McDo.nald, cheap books, but about .v.itio paper, 8ei..y and rrea(J Kaleigh Branch, Ink, pens and a few specialties, such ollic8 wth Jones & Powell. . . . , , . rahl4t,s.t 6t as waiting cards aud taster cards. Tbe address of the place is ALFRED WILLIAMS & C0.! That's no news to you perhaps a case of "no new ' . " knowa more than him credit for, and above all things THE WEATHER The If t$SJ a. o 1e, ir" 5- J ? aJlgHXU,i' S t wS sSSE. i s SI 1-1 Isf ill Conditions and the Fore cast. Kor North Carolina.: Fair and warmer. Local forecast for Raleigh and vicinity: Sunday fair weather, much warmer. Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. tuday.Maiimamtemperftt.tr 48; minimum temperature 27; rainfall 0 00. For Sale. An Electropoise good as new. Only been used a abort time. Price $20.00 Apply at this office. tn8 tf Cosmop-. iu.i HLel New York, N. Y., March 19, 95. H. W. Bowes, Raleigh, N. 0. Dear Sir : I arrived this a. m. after a sowewhat tedious trip as tbe North bound trains were all late. I took lunch and at once repaired to the Held of action. My first purchase was a line of Ladies waist, these I have bought in silk, 'Satteen, Percal, Battice, and several other. Aery stylish and popular fabricks which 1 am sat is&ed are the handsomest, most stylish and cheapest line ever brought to Raleigh. My long experien.e . and thorough acquaintance in Ne.v York city in this one instance will result in a saving of many dollars both to my self and oar customers, as 1 have bought these goods at figures that 'cannot be met by competition, with? out a great loss. I am going to be very ' careful in the selection of my Tress goods and silks and shall devote at least one week to picking up the very lasest neveltJes in these liues 1 am more thoroughly convinced of the ad vantage of making my Northern pur chases late this season than ever be fore, as I have, within the' last-hour had goods offiered tu uie troiu 20 to 30 percent cheaper than the same goods : were sold two weeks ago. It you think we will need any more help you had better secure it at once ad the values we will offer thia spriug can't help but attract. 1 hope yoa will have the store in good condition to receive the new stock. I shall expect to hear from you thia week. Kananas 15, 20, 25 cents per dozen (1.25 per bunch at Dughrs. Why is it no one else ia Raleigh baa oysters? Doghi gets plenty of them ever day. Fry, stews and raw, the best you ever saw, at Dughi's, 25 cents each. Fresh oocoanuts at Dughi's. Lemons nod oranges at Dughi's. Royster's Brittle Always tue same, " Always the best, Always fresh, 20 cents per pound. Send in your orders for Dughi's best ice cream for tomorrow. A CHAT FOR SUNDAY. STUFF OF LOCAL INTEREST YOU MAY READ TODAY And Talk Over in Your Lenmre MoinrnU Tomorrow. The big monument abaft haa arriv ed at the western gate of the capito), at.last. Box sheet will be opened on Mod day morning at W. H. King's drug. tore for Fast Mail and the U. S. Ma rine Dand. It is stated that extensive improve. ments are soon to be made at both the Pilot and Caraleigh mills. Raleigh to the front, as a manufacturing cen tre, as otherwise. Tha other two delegates of the Arrington triunvirate have de parted to rural acemes again, but Cherokee Campbell is fascinated with city life and still remaina here. Many of the Y. M. C. A. delegates "shook" the meeting this morning and pat in the day sight seeing. The tAt librarr and the museum were most visiting. Rev. William Black, evangelist of the synod of North Carolina, will oc cupy the pulpit of the 1st Presbyte rian church tomorrow morning and evening and services will be continued daring the week Yesterday afternoon MrS. S. Hines, a Wake Forest student, arrived here with his brother. His brother was taken suddenly ill with grip and last evening Buffered a severe attack of rheumatism. They left for their home in Faison this afternoon. Rev. Mr. Graham of Davidson col lege will preach tomorrow at 11 a. in at the Christian; and at 7:30 p. in. Prof. Mimms of Trinity college, will conduct the services. The public are cordially invited to attend. The convicts at the quarters at the t i: :a im: 1 1 a c k wo it k r. : :s. Mit'tiiitf Today lty-I.au Adiit'd mid OflU-er Kli'i led. At 12 o'clock today tbe Wake eoun- ty temperance aHsociation met in the Y. M. C. A room. A good number of meubem aud aymohathizers were presebT.. Hy-lawa for the association were drawn up and ofl'u-ers and an executive committee elected. It was decid d to organize temperance socie ties in every township in Wake county. Those interested propose to make the association a live one and to push tbe work. Here are the officers: President, J. M. White. Apex; vice president. Dr. Bell, of Wakefield; cor responding sec retary, E. R. Forsythe, Kaleigh; recording secretary, L. N. Raiies, Uolesville; treasurer, John Polien, lialeigh. Ftecutiye committee: l'rof. Siler, Hoiiy Springs; Rev. D. II. Tuttle, Ral eigh; N. B. Broughton, Raleigh; Prof. W. L. Potest, Wake Forest; Dr. J. M. Templeton, Cary. CAUGHT IN THE ACT. THESE PEOPLE WALKED IN TO THE VISITOR. W I IX H K AXOT II K It FA lit. Bui it ndioovi's Raleigh People to Help Out. A rumor circulated around today that tbe management of the state fair had abandoued th't idea of continuing it. ThU was undoubtedly occasioned by the fact that the fair is in 4ebt and that the management is cutting down expenses, clerical and otherwise. Mr. Hal. W. Ayer was seen by a Viitob reporter and said that the mauagemeut had made no such decis ion and that the fair would In all probability be held again next year. He said though that the fair was in debt aud at one time it was thought that it would have to be a! andoned. 'Ihere is a possibility of such action yet aud it certainly rests with the peo ple of this city whether or not there shall be a great fair, such as the last, and one which will bring the state into penitentiary are perpectly contented 1 the front and prosperity to the capi with their lot. The other day Mr. ftal.'; Do the people of Raleigh realize SEED HUSH POTATOES. Fine New Orleans Molasses. Old Fash ion Country Sorgham. Evaporated and Home Dried Fruits. VIRGINIA.HAMS.N0RTH CAROLINA That will please any one. if rr nAOTS 11 iViULiltUOJEi. This celebrated Hoar guaranteed the best fancy patent. Old Fashion Buckwheat Floor, Pre pared Buckwheat, etc We deliver goods promptly. Telephone No. 125. kWithkind regards to yourself and TURNER & WYNNE, ll , .1 . I - ! . I.. ' u iu tne store, i am yours wuijr, D. T. Swi.NDELt f22 Cor. Halifax and Johnson St. II ' 1 . L-r....... , , ; anir,:..-l 3rST RESERVE CAN CORN,. the finest oorn on the market. Has been sold to the best trade in Raleigh for the past three .years. I have reduced this corn to 1 E Cem-ts OaxLj the price generally asked for inferior grades. Try a can. TBLSPHONB TT t McMackin learned that one of them had slipped out at night, paid several visits and then returned of his own ac cord. The new telephone instruments which as stated a day or so ago are to be placed here, are of the Multiple Law system, which are the latest and mo.st improved instruments. They are said to posess many advantages over those now in use. They will entirely re place the old instruments here. In the mayor's court this morning Ben Plammer, the negro man caught with a bag full of chickens night be fore last, was tried. Circumstantial evidence hemmed Benin on every Bide and he was sent on. The "fowls," aa one witness said Ben called them, were owned by the mother of Mr. W. E. Bonner, who identified them. Rev. F. S. Brockman, who preaches at the Edenton St. Methodist church tomorrow at 11 a. m. is one of the leading spirits of the convention. Mr. Brockman is a graduate of Van- derbilt University and, it is learned, is making ready to enter at an early day the foreign mission field of the South ern Methodist church. He will doubt less have a large audience. Tomorrow at the Edenton Street Methodist church Rev. F. S. Brock man will preach at 11 a. m., and Rev. W. Lee will preaoh at 7:50 p. m. The Odd Fellows orphan home will get the benefit of the proceeds from the ministers next Tuesday night. Every friend of the order will be ex pected to attend, its quite the thing to do, besides show Raleigh tal ent that it is appreciated. When -Pat" Hughes left here to take charge of the Postal office in Norfolk he was told by his company to select his successor. This was a consideration rarely shown by corpor ations to their official servants and and showed in what high esteem Mr Hughes was held by his company. That their trust was not misplaced all who know Mr. Crews, clever and effi cient "as yoa make 'em," will know. what effect the stopping of the state fair would have? Apparently not, for if they did it would have only to be hinted that the fair needed support, to make them open their minds and their purses for its aid. SOME Y. M. C. A. WORK. An Item Of So Prom' Secretary Cooper's Com ins Report. The following little items, gleaned from the advance sheets of Secretary Cooper's report of Y. M. C. A. work for the past nine months, will prove of interest. They show that the Ral eigh association has a hustling, con scientious managing official and that the Y. M. C. A. should by all means be encouraged and maintained. During the past nine month?, the association has been visited by 10.223, persons, who have registered; the at tendance at the Sunday meetings has been 2,042; the secretary has paid 248 visits to the sick; 740 letters have been received and answered from vis itors; employment has been obtained for 25 persons; 16 strangers have been directed to good boarding houses; 83 new members have been enrolled; 86 persons have been assisted in various ways. .. '. This is anything but a bad showing It dispels the idea that some people have that the association work is not active. It could be made more active, more helpful, if it were more encour aged and aided. , Wherever or Whenever They Mow They are Captured. Mr. F. Jones, one of Charlotte's citi zens, arrived here this morning. Rev. G. W. Rollins, a casmopolitan Baptist divine, is in the city today. Mr. Sam Harper, a well-known ayetteville man, is in Raleigh today. Dr. L. A. Carr, of Durham, arrived ... . .....1. ere this morning ana is at tue arboro. Capt. E. T. Mason, of Manchester, is in the city today. Rev. Baylus Cade left the city again this afternoon. Mr. Collins Hakias and Miss Liz zie Taylor left for Baltimore today. Mr. Leon Humphrey, of Goldsboro, is in the city today. Mr. Theo A Pool, of Salisbury, is in the city today. Mr. Walters Durham, of Wake For est college, was in the city this morn- Mr. G. M. Harding, Jr., a horse- oving Durhamite, arrived this morn- Col. John Robinson, so long commis sioner of agriculture, arrived this morning. Mrs. D. C. Murray, who has been ery ill of pneumonia is now greatly mproved, theVidiToE is glad to learn. Mr. Meekin, manager of the Wake Forest baseball team, was here today rranging for the appearance of his earn. He returned to wane roresi at noon today. COMLXO THEATRICALS Sensation airl Music Both "On Tap" At the Academy. The famous United States Marine baud of Washington will appear at the academy on March 29th. Will give m.itnnee ami an evening euter- ainment. The baud is so well known hat its superiority cannot be ques tioned. Uuder the masterly direction of Prof. Fanciulli, the United States Marine band stands today the best military musical orgauization in tbe country, and is justly deserving of the title of 'The band of the Nation.' Miss Carrie Roma, prima donna, will be a feature of the program. Mr. Jager, fiute solout, is an exceptionally fine artist. On Wednesday evening next, the doors of the academy will swing wide open for the great scenic production of Lincoln J. Carter's "Fast Mail." The railway has often been used by the draraatist.but never before to such an extent as in Carter's famous play, The Fast Mail." A freight train with fourteen cars, lighted caboose and a a full-sized locomotive, with engineer andfireman crosses the stage in most realistic and noisy manner. While ater in the play a great Mississippi river steamboat moves in and explodes ith terrific force. A great scene is also given of Niagara in real tnmbling waters. ' We have just received a large line of sponges and Chamois sains which we bought at very reasonable prices and we are selling them' correspondingly low. Hioks & Boobbs, Druggists. (Saooeason to Snelllng ft Htoka.) A laughable incident occurred on Wilmington street last evening. A countryman, a good deal under the influence of met a negro who was carrying a bunch of lightwood. " Shay, wat devil ye got dare ?" said he. "None of your business," said the negro. The white man straightened himself np proudly and looked scorn fully at the negro, "yoa tend to your business, I tends to mine." He seem ed entirely ignorant of the fact that he had started the controversy. Rev. Oaks to Speak. Rev. E. W. Oaks, known as the Bible evangelist, is in the city and will preach tomorrow morning and evening at the Baptist tabernacle. Mr Oaks will remain over daring next week and conduct services at the Tab ernacle every morning from 10 to 11, and evening at 8 o'clock. The pabllo are. cordially invited to intend. , ..A ' Vc W&rrarrt Bvcrv Qr We Sell. iagk Bicydcs, $ IQQ BOTS Affn OlRLS. Li M Ed. mbr's. WOOD RIMS DP TO DATS 1895 BICTCLM, 38 I5CH WHEELS, $50. Factory crowded with orders SPECIAL in stock; orders out for others. Expect soon. Don't bay un til yoa see them. ras. h. wmn & mm, RALEIGH, N. O From far away Florida comes an in vitation to the wedding of Miss Sarah Elma Strange to Mr. Charles Edward Wilson at 8 o'clock a. m. on the morn ing of Wednesday, March 27th, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Thom as, Mcintosh, Florida. Miss Strange formerly lived here and is pleasantly remembered by many friends who will wish her a happy and prosperous wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wilson, at home after March 27th, at Augustine, Fla. Raleigh will be right "in it" in baseball in April. The University and Lafayette teams play here on the second and Wake Forest college and the famous Baltimore " Orioles" on the third of that month. WHITE GOODS ! Just received a beautiful line of INDIA LINENS from 8 to 24c. NAINSOOKS from 5c to 14c; cheap at 10c and 25c. LONSDALE CAMBRIC, good qual ity at 9o, worth 12 l-2c. BLEACH DOMESTIC, 1 yd wide, 5c, worth 7c anywhere. Hamburgs and Laces. A nice line of light calico at 4c. A new feature added to our busi ness Glassware cheaper than ever . Come and get our prices. We feel sure you will buj. LYON RACKET STORE "Just for fun; to see Jack Run." TO START THE BREEZE WE OFFER About One Hundred! Ladies' Shirt Waists at the Manu facturers j 'WHOLESALE PRICES.: .Ve bought the Spring Samples of "95 of the factory at a discount Hence the price.no two are alike. First comers takes their . choice. Prices on Uegu- ""J lar goods will beJ higher. 'his will be a great Shirt Waist sea son and we "lead otT" with some very pretty goods, at.exceed- ingly low prie8. Call early and make your selection 1 Rufus Whitaker, the colored preach er who has been under arrest for breaking up church meetings, has ap pealed to the superior coart. Thomas St Maxwell has just received a large lot of pine fiber mattresses for people suffering with bronchioal all lung trouDie. -Tft Q5l - A. Sherwood & Co. THERE WERE PAIRS OF THE L ADIES OXFORDS at 81.50 PEBPAIRn We havn't that many now. They have sold well. These Ladies' Oxfords were all car ried from last season and have been placed in a special section arranged for this sale. YOUR CHOICE NOW 1.50. The wers sold at $3,25 to $4.60 and some an high as $5.00. irw in 'it'i iinSrii " '.if J:y :r,::r 'Y..-. h i: - I"; t.,,. Is ' f 5 v'.:. t m v 'f K BID TXTT