SUPERIOR COURT. Very of Little I r vst Wa Accom "ilislnd Today. Superior criminal court of Wake county continued iu the court house t"day, J iJ5-h Surbuek preaidiug. The tnoruiag trsii 'U was almost eutirely taken up by the ju Jge's charge to the jury which lather ing lut a troug and creditable nut. Very lit tle wax aiv t'iiL!i-d duriug the en tire day. The docket to be disposed of ia lib'ht aud unimportant. Here ia a summary of was done : State te Uolrt Jones, larceny, 4 months ou the public roads. State va Kichard Lassiter, bastardy , guilty. Judgment reserved. State va Henry Smith, assault with a deadly weapon, cot guilty. The wuuian who prosecuted him was taxed with the costs. The case of J. V. Allen, the coun try mau, who, as reported iu the Visi tor at the time, disposed of mortgaged property ou account of a mistake in accounts, came up. Allen pleaded guilty but on umtiou of acting solici tor James H. Pou., judgment was sus pended on payment of costs. O.NLVA KLLIDKD IIKIDK. 3lis GiaiiKT, of -New York, the Wile of a iliiramift. St. AcmsTi.xE, Fla., March 19 Miss Maigaret (irainer, of New York, Tues day night became, as she believed, the Lride of Edward Fizer. She learn d late yesterday afternoon that Fizer had a wife, aud she is r'oing back to her northern home. Fizer came here from I'liutonville, lit., at the opening of the tourist season, with a hand some young woman of that place, whom he had just married. lie said nothiug of his wife, and de velopments show that he took rooms forheriuau out-of-the-way quarter and never appeared with her in pub lic. Mits Graiuer wis spending the win ter here, and Fizer began to pay at tentions to her. He urged her to marry him, and last Tuesday night in duced her to accompany him to the resideuce of the Kev. Mr. MacGonigle, where they were married. Mrs. Fizer No. 1 had Ler suspicions aroused, and yesterday went to Fizer's office. There she found her husband and his latest wife caressing oue another. As soon as Fizer saw wife No. 1 he left the oiilie. Vife No. 1 aked wife No. 3 what she meant by stealing her husband. Ex planations followed. When Fizer lied he secured a horse and came to Jacksonville, where he was arrested and brought back to St. Augustine, and jailed on a charge of horse thief and bigamy. Mrs. Fizer No. 1 is determined to return to her parents in Collinsville, 111. Both women refuse to prosecute the man who wrecked their lives, but the state will see that he is punished An amusing incident occurred in the court room this afternoon. A jury was beiugcalled. "Rawls", called clerk flfoye. A man answered and vent into the box. Then it was discover ed that he was not Rawles, but Ross He was ousted from the box and when the Visitor reporter left the court room, .Mr. Kinion Jones was looking anxiously uuder a bench for the miss ing Rawles. When the academy of music is thrown open next Wednesday evening for the production of the play, the "Fast Mail," it will be brilliantly lighted, not with gas, but with shin ing, fincandecent electric lamps. The connections and machinery were put iu snape last Saturday. BnckleiTg Arnica NaIva. The beet salve in the world for cotf, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, cnappea hands, chil blains, corns and all skin eruptionp, and positively cures piles, or no pat required. It is guaranteed to give peneci satifraction or money refund ed Price 25 cents per pox. For sal oy jonn x Maetfne Seizure Sale. Intbrsal Rkveni.b Service, Fourth District of North Carolina, Collector's Office, Raleioh, N. C, March 25, 1895. On Wednesday, April 3d, 1895, at 12 o'olock m., at the north door of the government building in Raleigh, N. C, I will offer for sale the following described personal property seized at various times and places for violations of the revenue laws of the United States: Six barrels corn whiskey, aboot 240 gallons, one small package apple brandy, 4 barrels only partly full corn whiskey, about 85 gallons, one 400 gallon copper still, cap and worm to be sold as old copper. F. M. SIMMONS. mh2510t (Jollector. CAMPAIGN BY WOMEX. CiseliHiTl, March 93. Norwood Is a faahionabU suburb aad the omi are running two of their Bamber for members if the school board. ' It is the first woman's ticket ever nomina ted in Cincinnati. Mrs. Helen H. Steoe and Mr. Jessie A. Jewell, the candidates, open ed their campaign last night. Every voter was asked to come. There were flowers and music sod a fine supper. The ladies spoke and pleaded their cause. The women at the meeting applau ded as vigorously as any men at a po litical meeting. It was the moat unique liti.-al alair in years A World's fair in 1890 is projected by Montreal citizens. ACAFEMY OF K MATIN KX AND NIGHT, MARCH 29. By special permission of the President the Original U. S. MARINE BAND of Washington, under the leadership of Prof. F. Fanciulli. 54 PEOPLE. 54 Choice Selections. Popular Program. SOLOISTS: Miss Carrib Roma, a Prima Donna. Mr. Frank Thompson, Cornetist. Mr. He.nrv Jaurr, Flutist. A Rare Musical Treat. Prices 50c, 75c and (1. A. B. STRONACH. ONLY A FEW of the many bargains in our Dress Ooods department. Chameleons, 27 in., 10c, worth 15c. Worsted Plaids and Small Checks, 30 in. wide, J5c, worth 25c. Fancy Weave Worsteds, solid colors, 32 in., 15c, worth 25c. Changeable Fancy weave Worsteds, 32 in., 15c, worth 25c. CASHMERE'S, all new light effects, 34 in., 15c, worth 25.-.. Islington Suitings, 15 pes, all nov.l ties, 38 in., 25c, worth double the money. Fancy Worsteds, neat and modest styles, 40 in., 25c, worth double. All Wool Suitings, 40 in., 40c, worth ' ". All Wool Changeables. 87 in., 85c, worth 50c SHIRT WAISTS. - In Silks, Cheviots, Percals and Blacks and Colors cheaper than you can bay the material and make them. SHOES. In our north window we show a few of the many styles we have in stock. Prices marked in plain figures. A. B. STRONACH, Dry Goods, Notions & Shoes. Qffee I Till BUST COKFKK on the market. Fresh, Intigoratiag, Delightful. Sold by all leading grocers. mhll WEDNESDAY1, MARCH 27th. UNCO IN J. CARTER Grand Scenic Production. ;fs p mail Ten sets of Special Scenery. Hicrht of Fast Hail. Niagara falls by Moonlight, with Boil ing Mists. Practical working Engine and 14 freight care with illuminated caboose, The Dago Dik-e. Realistic River Scene and Steamboat explosion, and other Realisms. Prices 35, 50, 75 and $1.00 This is What You Want. FRESH OROCBRlgd, BKHT OCALITT, LOWEST PRICES. Tare Hog lard 10c per lb. Oreole hams 12 per lb. Breakfast strips 11c per lb. English cured shoulders, 10c per lb. Best cream cheese 15 c per pound. Country dried apples 12 1-2 per lb Dried California peaches 12 l-2o. Prunes 8 l-3c per pound. Granulated sugar, 5c Genuine New Orleans Molasses, new crop Golden drip syrup. New York creamery and mountain butter. Acme flour $2 00 p-r sack. Anything that is wanted in the grocery line can be found at Upchuch & Carter's, Grocers and Oyster Dealers, Phone 155. 120 Fayetteville St Norfolk Oysters received daily Sold by measure and served in evejy style. Half shell a specialty. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, &c. Roses, carnations and other Baskets and floral designs at short no IMPORTED BtTLBH for winter bloomintr. Jnnt a.rrivl splendid collection of hyacinths, tulips, narcissus, Bermuda and Chi nese sacred lilies, dry calla bnlbs, best for forcing. PALMS. PKRITfl and other pot plants for decorating the room. Roses, evercreana 'nA shade trees. Sagar and Norway maples, horse chestnuts and Rn clink walnuts, fancy and other flower pots and farn dishes. Phono 118. STBisatm, tUJioilat. Bear in Mind i. That this, new edition la now offered to the public for the 6nt time. . That It Is complete In is Royal Octavo volumes. . That the entire work Is revises tQ data. 4. That It has an enilre equipment of aee taps, produced at a cost of I That It Is superior to the EJInburgs edition, which cosrs IS.oo per volume. 6. That for a short time this (Treat library will he offeree at a tnec ial tntrMnrtnrv raf 7. That those ordering from us now will ret men luuk ( irem s cents IO ai.M less per volume than If ordered from the publisher direct. 8. That those ordering now can have half the set delivered at once, with the privilege of paying for them at the easy rate of Teh Cents a dav. o. That If you pay $;.oo a month the entire set or so volumes win oe aeuvered at otKe. ... The Observer v CHARLOTTE. KC For Sale Cheap. One $40 Wheelock Cabinet Grand Piano, good as new. Two bed room sets with springs and mattresses, large mirror, marble top table, one folding sofa, Wheeler and Wilson sewing 'machine, vwo wood stoves, two dining room tables, safe, lot of small tables, chairs, rugs, pictures and nearly inu yards of carpets, at No 904, Fayetteville street. Come and see them. Mar 22 tf. S. D. WAIT. L. H. Adams has for Rent 1 four room house, corner Martin ana uiooaworth streets. 6 nice well furnished rooms t. m idence, corner Person and Edenton streets. And for sale 50,000 shingles and eountry produce, the cheapest in the city. L. H Adams. mar 20 2w. The Reason for this Sale of Ladies' Oxfords at $1.50. We have commenced our Spring Shoe business in the regular shoe depart mentwith new stock exclusively. To do this, we took all the ladies Oxfords that were carried from last season and put them id another section, in a por tion of the store, away from the new hoe stock. The Oxfords in this spe cial sale sold for 2.25 to $4.60 and some as high as $5 00 bat now any nalr in the lot for 11.50. j ' . W.B.4E.8. Toekar e Co. ON HAND m IUAL CORD) WOOD Gaytoo Red Ah, Semi-Anthracite Coal (for stoves or grates.) Pocahontas, Small Lamp, Pocahontas, Late Lump, bnsaell Creek, large Lump, Semi-Bit uminoue, for grates or stove. Virginia Splint Coal, I Kitomlnoue, Jellico Splint Coal, Blaiing 3 rate Tennessee Splint Coal. J coal. Pennsylvania Anthracite, Chestnut Site " Stove " " " Bgg " Furnace All Fresh From Bbst ' Misae in this eountry. r BASON KD Pine and Oak Wood, cat ij and split for stoves and fireplaces, or in 8-foot lengths. SHINGLES, Laths, Grain, Hay, Meal, Bran, Ice, Ac, w holesale and retail, at lowest prices by JONES & POWELL Ralbiqh. N. C. 1XCAU0NTAS steam still stands above all others in quality and price. Several cars always on track, on each side of the city. Washing Y onr Clothes. In days of old your good mother did it and you had no fault to find When it comes to laundering your soil ed linen We Will Be a Mother to You, and the perfect satisfaction we guar antee will make you think of those happy days of old. Discard safety pins! Away with batchelor buttons! The Oak City steam laundry sews on buttons and tape. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, L. K. WfATT, Phone 87 Proprietor. -FOR- Cheap Groceries GO TO W.N.SNELLING'S 309 South Wilmington St. Yon can get Heavy and Fancy Gro ceries and as new and good goods as anywhere in the city. MOT OHLY PRICE BUT Quality Guaranteed. Consignments solic'ted and satisfac tion assured. Quick sales and small profits is my motto. Call' for what you want. V W. N, SNELL1NG. Choice Eggs for Setting. Any one wishing fancy chickens for raising can get eggs for setting by calling on me. I have the full blood ed Black Spanish. Also the White Plymouth Rock. tn4 tf. W. M. Brown, Jr, We Stand hy Qui nteputatioiie The whole house, every department, has faced all wards. All eyes are npoa o. Cariosity is "craning" Iu neek to eaten a glimpse of the new fash ions. Oar predictions for the fature have blossomed Into realities of the present. m We've done more better than we promised. We entered In eom peti tion with oura-lves, and bats grown tooor gr-atneaa, steadily, perseveriDgly, nntil ven the glorious record of the past is no m asoie for the Berwangara of the present. Every stitch of the st k in the store is an arm of perfection that holds as close to your confidence. On the people's tongues are flying the emblems of oar enterprise. Best qualities, lowest prices. Too Just ouKht to see our Spring Suits. You judge enoanh to sppreel eiate th. perfection of fit, make and finish. Our own designs. When they are all here there will be several hundred styles. Each fashionable. The warmer change will soon eall them into service. The Sprine- Derby's are all here all the shapes made it. Neckwear, Gloves, Boys' and Children's Clothe, Ev "is just swarming in from every eorner of the creative t bet, ish and guaranteed for as. Best with erytbing "spring- world. Exclusive S. & D. BERWAWCER. .NORTH SIDE STORE." PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY. Jrnist 1 ylCOULD J HERWOOD'S OLID IERVICE HOES. For Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses and Children have no equal for style, comfort an wear. G. A. SHERWOOD & CO. aoj FaysttsnrLUa ft Raleigh, N.C. WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 East Tel at tin Street. MERCHANT TAILORS Our First Grand Special Sale of the Season on Tuesday, March IfMIi, Spring l9i5. We are well fixed for the Spring trade. Our stock is large, ne.v and well selected. Prices are low this season. Our Buyer has been North once this season and has gv ne again to buy the Millinary. We will have that stock here by Monday. ' Our Drees GoodsDepartment is complete with all the new things that are out, especially onr wash goods We have opened our new Oifords, Ties and Jaiters for Misses and ChiU dren and have the prices low. Do not forget that our Tailoring Department is in full blast, and we will make you a suit from $13.00 to $30.00. Fit guaranteed. Work first class. Pressing and repairing done in this Department. All goods sold for cash and at one price. Spring Goods for 1895. The prices of new goods compared with prices of last year is about 25 per cent less. r We sell all colors of silk at 24 13 former nr!i. M l q in i - t nuui oeiKoa tor 75u, last price 40 and 60 cents. Moquet rings 18x37 for ?1 00, last year $1 50 " " 37 64 " 2 45, " 3 75 " 36x72 3 39, 6 00 Chemtile Table Covers are now 64c, 98o ana $1 48. Dress Ginghama now 6o, were 7 l-2c " " " 7 1-So, were 7 l-2o " 'L 10c, were 12 and 15c And other goods in proportion. Our Merchant Tailoring Department has a&sady proved a success. If you need a tailor-made suit, call and see us as soon as yoa can. All kinds of re pairing and pressing done. . WOOLLCOTT & SON. WOW ; IS THE TIME ! Our's is the First of All, A-Get-Your Money's Worth Store. We sell everything men wear. We want to trade oar wares for yonr money, and give you honeBt values. So let us tell yoa what we are doing. We are offering every garment in our house without reservation at 33 1-3 per cent off, 33 1-3 Per Cent Off. Man or boj, yon need an Overcoat. All right. Every Overcoat w- have is warned down boys of 16 years to uit'U of 48 inch obese. Take a look at our superb stock of Clays, Black Eng lish, Diagonal worsted Suits. The most satisfactory wearing fabric in the world. Sacks, single or double breasted, Cutaway, Prince Albert or Regent, that sold for $12.50, $15, $18. $20 and $25, now go at one-third off. Elegant garments the product of the world's most famous manufactu rers in Cassimeres, Cheviots, Tweeds. Homespuns and Worsteds at 66 2-3 on the dollar. These goods must go to make room for oar spring took. We have just received a lame in voice of elegant Neckwear, made up in styles and of patterns to please the most fastidious. Our price' 60c. Sold everywhere in the city for 76o. We bought them cheap and pro pose to give you the benefit. Socks. Socks. Hermsdorf Sacks black cotton, 25 cents. Bought a lot at a time, else it would be 85 cents. r UNDERWEAR AshortworJ abjat Underwear. Com j and get what you want in winter Underwear jtfii pay just half price for them. Marked in plain figures. v i ROSENTHAL CLOTHING QQ., 105 IATXXXKTILLK 8T, OPPOiLTAl POiCOFi. a

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