THAT MORTGAGE KILL. lu Autuorhiji II 14 at Last IWn Discovered. V. M. Smith, Esq., of Cabarrus county, .ays: The much Ulked of mort gage and assignment bill wa origi nate introduced by R, L. Smith, of (Stanley, aud biil prepared by a certain ei-juge at the instance of mer chant!) in Baltimore, wa submitted to biui ( W. M. uiuh) aud agreed to ac cept it as a substitute bill. 'J his brings re preseutathe Smith of feUiilrjr iuto the arena and be write the editor of the w and Observer as follows: "If this bill is a law it was certainly forced through the house and senate. I remember well that the bill fame up on its second reading Maach the J 1th orlS'h, and on motion of Mr. Lee of Haywood was tabled bjr a l:i r be vote. It was a house bill and had never been to the senate. Ihe next day after the bill was tailed I met the priuripal clerk of the house on h'9 way to the enrolling clerk's olii. e with a number of bills He stopped aud showed them to me, and among them 1 saw that bill, and told him the bill was tabled the day before ;md bad never been to the sen ate. 1 examined the bill and found no mirk or .-it:u:ij) of wh-re the houe ha..! takeu any act ion on it, eicep" that it b;id passed the first reading, and had betu referred to the nance lie m luittee. He said that he would go back and see about it. That was the las; 1 hiard of the bill while I was there. If you will investigate the jour nals of the liouM and senate You will lind that I am correct, unless they have been 'doctored. There is cer tainly something 'rotten in Denmark' ju regard to this bill." THE S. A. L. FOl'NDKY 1 to l)t lN'plaeod ly Boiler Shops. Mr. W. T. Reed, the new superinten dent i,f motive power and machinery of the S. A. L., was interviewed this afternoon and said that since he had taken charge he found that the equipment of the foundry here was not adequate to meet all requirements and had therefore advised that the foundry work let to contract and that the foundry be fitted up as a boiler shop, as there is no boiler shop. This change will be made and in all probability the foundry work will all be done at the Ualeigh car wheel works. Bad Oul look for Mate Public Schools. The orrrlook for the state public schools is said by state superinten dent Scarborough to be bad. The new school law is the work of bung lers, 'ever w as one more out of .shape.-'-He says the new law was "just whacked out," and is disjointed. It takes away all the leverage used to arouse enthusiasm on the part of teachers. Tiit Weather For Tomorrow. For .North; Carolina: Fair cooler, Sunday evening. . Local forecast for Raleigh and vicinity: Sunday lair, followed by in creasing cloudiness. Rain Sunday night or Monday; cooler. Local datn for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. today. Maximum temperature 68; rniuirauiu temperature; 56 rainfall o.oo... .: Easter day it is expected that the remainder of the debt on the church of the Good Shepherd will be extin guished and that the worn of raising tutids to erect the cathedral church of the diocese will begin at once. A year ago the debt was $4,200, but a large part of it has been paid since that time. The cathedral will cost at least 40,000. Mrs. Walker Kennedy, now of Mem phis, Teunesse, well known here as M iss Sadie Cannon, is the authoress of a particularly well, written and fasci nating serial story appearing in Out ing, which a my popular monthly magazine. The title of the story is "A Jamestown Romance," and the scene is laid in the earliest years of its settlement by the English. Great interest is being manifested in the appearance of the famous opera, "Wang," which will be produced at the academy April 6. It is very likely that special trains for the occasion wijl be run by the Seaboard Air-Line from Lonisturg, Aberdeen and South ern Pines. Rev. W. C. Wicker, of Chapel Hill, will preach at the Christian church tomorrow at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. The public are cordially invited to tear him. . The convict road force is largely in . creased. . - Brief Item or State Ne. MUnbarg eoonty Intend to hav J50.000 eoort house. Kinstoa ha bad four fire thi month. AH wers incendiary and all started in barn. Young men of Eliiabeth City have organiied a Naval reserve division with a membership of forty-foor. Mr. W. J. Griffin i to command it. Next week thi state is to be viiited by a number of New England eotton mill men who mean basinet and are not after the pleasure of a jaunt " It is the best law ever passed in North Carolina," said a drummer at Greensboro yesterday. referring to the new mortgage law. He travels for a Massachusetts house. Mr. Rufiin Vaughn, an old farmer, waa knocked down and run over by a runaway team attached to a heavily loaded wagon, at Fayetteville yester day. The wheel passed over hi ab domen. It is thought he will die. Unknown parties went to the home of Bob Bauguss, in Trap Hill, WUke county, aud set fire to his barn. Af ter taking all his cattle they left his horse, which was burned to death. The perpetrators are Kupposed to be moonshiners who thought horses be longing to the revenue officers were in the barn. The trial of James S Wilcox at Elizabeth City for the killing of John E. Brothers last October created much interest. Wilcox was found guilty of murder in the second degree and af ter a sentence of fifteen years in the penitentiary had been passed upon him his counsel moved for a new trial and bond fixed at $10,000. which was given and he is now home with his family. The police boajd of Wilmington, consisting of five members, of which four are republican and one popu list, organized yesterday. Thie board was created by the late legislature and has control of practically all the patronage and appointments. The board gave quite a number of posi tions to democrats, among these chief and assistant chief of the fire depart ment, superintendent of health and secretary of the police board. The chief of police is a populist. The captain and three out of four ser geants are democrats. Nearly half of the privates are democrats. The balance are populists and republi cans, including four negroes. The board of aldermen, consisting of ei jht democrats and two republicans, and the board of audit and finance, com posed entirely of democrats, hold over for two years under the act of the legislature. These two boards control all appropriations. A. B. STR0NACH. Committed Suicide in the Presence of his Sweetheart. Adolph Meyer.a young New Yorker, committed suicide by shooting himself through the head in the presence of his sweetheart, 19-year-old Edith Mil ler, at her home, yesterday, because she refused to answer his 'question " Did she love him ?" His death was Instantaneous Edith, who is a very pret ty girl, had known Meyer only a few months, having met him at a ball. The attendance at the Marine band concert at the academy of music last evening was large and the audience enthusiastic. The programme was very attractive. The music was by far the best ever heard " here. Miss Carrie Roma's singing was greatly appreciated. Wanted. Small family wants 3 rooms in good neighborhood near business part of town. Address K., 214 East Martin street. Prof. Dan. W. O.Harris, proprietor of the Harris' 8tem Dya Works, Raleigh, N. C, a young tar heel who has made himself famous throughout the country by his honest and fair dealings with the people. ONLY A FEW of the many bargains In oar Drm Good depart ment. Chameleon, 27 in , 10c, worth 15c. Worsted 1'Uids nd Small ( hecks, 30 in. wide, 15c, worth 25a. Fancy Weave Worsted, solid colors, 33 in , 15c, worth 25 j. Changeable Fancy weave Worsteds, S3 in., 15c, worth 35c. CASHMERFS, all new light effects, 34 in., 15c, worth 25 . Islington Suitings, 15 pes, all novel ties, 38 in., 25 -., worth double the money. Fancy Worsteds, neat and modest styles, 4(1 in., 25c, worth double. All Wool Suitings, 40 in., 40c, worth 60o. All Wool Changeable. 37 In., 35c, worth 50c SHIRT WAISTS. In Silks, Cheviots, Percals and Blacks and Colors cheaper than you can buy the material and make them. SHOES. In our north window we show a few of the many styles we have in stock. Prices marked in plain figures. AB. STRONACH, Dry Goods. Notions & Shoes. THE BLICKENSDERFER" TYPE - WRITER "Weight 6 Pounds. In Polished Chestnut Carrying Case. Prioo $35:00. 84 Letters and Characters. Every Letter in plain sight at all times. On this machine cm be accomplished any thing that can be done on any one-hundred-dollar type-writer now on the market. Can be seen at work at the North Caro lina Cotton Oil Co's or!ice. .-Send for illustrated catalogue. BP. WILLIAMSON, Raleigh, N. C. Sole agent tor North Carolina. 29 3t For Rent. Two or four nice rooms on Fayette ville street; necessary conveniences. Apply at Jordan's dining hall. Wanted. . Six reliable and energetic ladies to canvass two and two and sell Woman's Friend (the best washing preparation in the world) in Raleigh, Durham and H-enderson. Address N. F. Kearns, 114 Martin street, Raleigh, N. 0. 29 3 Consignment. - 350 pairs ladies extra fine shoes to be sold tomorrow it auction. "!; 209 Wilmington street. Geo. L. Tonnoffski, ma35 6t Auctioneer. For Rent. ' A stable on Salisbury street; two stalls and feed room Apply at Jor dan's dining ball. "NORTH SIDE STORE." PRESCRIPTIONS OUR - SPECIALTY. FOR Cheap Groceries GO TO W.N.SNELLING'S 309 South Wilmington St. Yon can iret Heavy and Fancy Gro ceries and a uew a ad good good as anywhere in the city. NOT ONLY PRICE Bl'T Quality Guaranteed. Consignments s lie ted and satisfac tion assured. Quick sales and small profits is my motto. Call for what you want. W. N, SNKLLINQ. Washing Your Clothes. In days of old your good mother did it and you had no fault to find. When it comes to laundering your soil ed linen We Will Be a Mother to You, and the perfect satisfaction we guar antee will make you think of those happy days of old. Discard safety pins! Away with batchelor buttons! The Oak City steam laundry sews on buttons and tape. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, L. R. W IT ATT, Phone 87 Proprietor. SECOIJD GRAIID SPECIAL SALE THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT. Fresh Groceries, Best Quality, Lowest Prices, Pure Hog lard 10c per lb. Oreole hams 13j per lb. Breakfast strips 11c per lb. English cured shoulders, Qt per lb. Best cream cheese 15 c per pound. Country dried apples 13 1-3 per lb. Dried California peaches 13 1-2,:. Prunes 8 l-3c per pound. Granulated sugar, 5c. Genuine New Orleans Molasses, new crop Golden drip syrup. New York creamery and mountain butter. Acme flour $3 00 pr sack. Anything that is wanted in the grocery line can be found at Upciurcii k Carter's, Grocers and Oyster Dealers, Phone 155. 130 Fayetteville St. Norfolk Oysters received daily. Sold by measure and served in evejy style. Half shell a specialty. JTHISI':; 1 JflHWj I . .371 WUULUiy THAT, HER WOOD'S OLID lERVICE HOES.- For Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses and ' Children have no equal for style, comfort an wear. 0. A. SHERWOOD & CO. aoj Fayetteville St . RaHcrh, M. C. " Spr yM,uv,2fei' 7 '-" iinnrr' THE BEST C0FFBK on the market Fresh, Invigorating, Delightful. Sold by all lsdiug grooera. saall OF THE SEASON. 4Dn Tuesday, Apu'il we will offer a large lot of U A Allien LiaVfll Regular 5c. Goods. A large lot of 36 in. Percales ot 9 i-2C, On that day we will offer anoter large lot of IPine Dross Valines, in short lengths, at 7 1 8; a yard. The good axe. worth 13 1 3; at retail. FOR 21 CENTS WE WILL SELL YOU A GOOD DAMASK TOWEL ON TUESDAY. Our MilSiuery SioelC has arrived and we assure yon it is pretty, well selected, new and nobby. Come and look at th new shapes and pretty bonnets. We can please yoo in our Dress (Goods Stock. All kinds of Lawns, Organdies, Dress Ducks. Silks, of all kinds Swivel Silk, Woolen Goods, Outings, Ginghams, etc. A large lot of WHITE GOODS just received. Lawns, Linous. Dimities, Muslins at reasonable prioes. We have an elegant stock of all kinds of DIJY GOODS for the spring and invite attention to the same. We have been here for a long time aud since we have changed our store inside our facilities for doing business are better than ever before. WZETJ SELL FOE CASH OITXjIT, WOOLLCOTT & BOM, 14 East Mai tin Street. We Stand hy ui Deputation. The whole house, every department, has faced all vards. All eyes are upon us. Curiosity is "craning" its neck to catch a glimpse of the new fash ions. Our predictions for the future have blossomed into realities of the present. We've done more better than we promised. We entered in competi tion with oursxlves, and have grown to our greatness, steadily, perseveringly, until even the glorious record of the past is no measure for the Berwangers of the present. Every stitch of the sto,:k in the store is an arm of perfection that holds us close to your confidence. On the people's tongues are Hying the emblems of our enterprise. Best qualities, lowest prices. You just outjht to see our Spring Suits. You judge enough to appreci oiate the perfection of fit, make and finish. Our own designs. When they are all here there wilt be several hundred styles. Each fashionable. The warmer change will soon call thein iato service. The Sprinsr Derby's are all here all the shapes made for us. Best with best. Neckwear, Gloves, Boys' and Children's Clothe, Everything "spring ish" is just swarming in from every corner of the creative world. Eiciusivo and guaranteed. S. & D. BER VMHDRE. mm JS THE TISU1E ! Oar's is the First of All, A-Get-Your Money's -. Worth Store. We sell everything men wear. We want to trade our wares for your money, and give you honest values. So let us tell you what we are doing. We are offering every garment in our house without reservation at 33 1-3 per cent off. , rn 1 n -n i. far We have just received a large in- 33 1-3 Per Cent Off. voice of elegant Man or boy, you need an Overcoat. Hockwe&r All right. Every Overcoat w have is ' marked down boys of 16 years to made np in styles and of patterns to wu of 48 inch chest. Take a look at 1 please the most fastidious. Our price oui superb stock of Clays, Black Eng- 50o. Sold everywhere in the city for lish, Diagonal worsted Suits. The 75c. We bought them cheap and pro raotst satisfactory wearing fabric in ' pose to give you the benefit. the world. Sacks, single or doupie- breasted, Cutaway, Prince Albert or Regent, that sold for $13.50, $15, $18, $30 and $35, now go at one-third off. Elegant garments the product of the world's most famous manufactu rers in Cassiineres, Cheviots, Tweeds, Homespuns and Worsteds at 06 2-3 on the dollar. SocksSocks. Hermsdorf Socks black cotton, 25 cents. Bought a lot at a time, else it would be 35 cents. UNDERWEAR A short word about Underwear. Come and get what you want , in winter Uuderwear and, These goods mist go to make room , pay just halt price for them. Marked for oor spring stock. j in plain figures. ROSENTHAL CLOTHINGr CO., 'lOB fAXBTOKYlLU ST o?posir Bpoaroif 102. t

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