1 '. a ik. ds ick So. nek ind igb. day uita oaa 1 ''7 c- -of EVENING VISITOR. VOL XXXII. T THREVTEXED TO BURN. THREE COLORED WOMEN ARRESTED THIS MORNING Uu Suspitiou of Having WiitUn lui-eudiiiry Xotoa. Some days ago a valuable gold watch was stolen from the room f Mr Shaw, who lives on W.Joues si reet. 8a piciou fell 00 the servaut girl aud u was arrested tod put in the statiou houae. She protested her innocence. The next morniDg her brother called on chief Htarttand said he wanted to have the matter straightened out, an the chief told him that the way to straighten things was to find the watch. Next morning the missing article was found on Mrs. Shaw'e porch, wrapped in a dirty piece of pa per which was marked, "stolen but not loBt." As there was no evidence gainst the girl she was released. Today she with two other colored women were again arrested on a much more serious charge. Since the le turn of the watch Mrs. Shaw has re ceived several letters threatening to burn her house. Suspicion at onee fell on the servaut girl aud two other women were also dragged into the ca"se. It is supposed that their motive in thus trying to frighten Airs. Shaw is a spirit of revenge engendered by the arrest of the girl aud her imprison ment in tje station house. The names of the women woo ire now un der arrest are Lu y aud Hettie Smith, sisters, uud Klleu McLean. The trial will be held this afternoon before mayor badger. It is not yet known exactly what the charge against them will be. As the matter has not yet been brought to trial a re porter was unable to Hud tie exact nature of the threat ning notes. imiidue'ssi'anuonI:! The Dam of the Fall of livine Paper Company Also Damped. . Mr. N. Holding has ij turned rioin a visit to Lis paper riill on river. He my that water lo id almost iocredib el height. K -r hundreds of yards on jither side of the river the land was flooded with water. I The' big bridge that stretched over theriierat that point is so badly damaged that passage across it is im possible. Both the middle spans are gone and there is a yawn.ug break in fie middle part sisty feet wide. The dam of the paper company is also broken near the bulkbei.u7 ou this side the river. This dauiag however can be remedied in two days. .Flowers for Easter. Raster Lilies, Rosen, Hyacinths, Cirnations. Lily of Valley, Pan el aud cut flowers. Phone 113 aplO H. H. tiNMiii., Florist. Bananas, 100 iu a buuub, at only $1.25 a bunch, at Duui's. Send in early to l)ugui yonr order for ice cream for Kater Sunday. 7h- Col'llI abundautly proved their rigl; pmud title : he sttaiidiird Special Sale Monday. Next Monday we will hold arspecial ' Dale of yard wide percales at 6; yard aud all the percales will be included iu the sale. Light grouud, stripes, plaid, checks aud polka spots. One day only. Moudny, April 15th, at 60 a yard, at L. T. Swindell's. Dughi has uiaJe arr.i ngt-ruents so that he will freeze ice cream fur fam ilies, the latter furnishing ( no . ream, &c, for 40c a gallou aud wilrdeiiver the creim. This applies to all the days except Suudav. N. C. corned herrings by the barrel at D. Bell & Co's. Stall No. 12 city market. Ne.er have Col'unbia Bicycles so lit to then for the world. ! yo i kuow them? Jo. H. J Weathers, agent. j FLMASfi norm I We invite youj o inspect our stock of Fancy jnd Stj'lle (iroceries. Y'ou may relv ou aul' hing you buy of us as we haudle ur'hing but the BEST goods. ; We take plea 'We iu recommending our improved "'fXROSU Flour which is guaranteed 0 please the most fas tidious. Our MEATS are carefully cured and of fine flavor. We boast -of our ELGIN PRIZE CREAMERY BUTTER. It 'is sweet, pure aud fresh Selected "SILVER BACK" Macker el, Hoe and New N. C. Herring. MOMAJA, (Contains Mocha, Mari es ibo and Ja ), Chose & Sanford's Blended Mii: a aud Java Both of these coffees a 'o very. Una.- Arbuckle, Levering's, et. . Our prices .!-e as low as first class goods can be sold. Call and see for yourself or telephone No. 125. Respectfully, Turner & Wynne, a 12 Cor. Halifax aud Johnson sts. A BUSINESS QUESTION. Do yon read advertisements in search of be lutiful literature, or to see who can make the greatest promises, or to discover where the greatest amount can be obtained for yonr dollar? If it is the latt.-tr we ask your considera tion. We do not pose as "authors," nor "bluffers," nor "boasters," but strictly in the business for mutual benefits, and our offerings are bona fide bargains and money savers and that is what you are looking for. Be sure of this, our prices shall be as low here as auy where else in town. But we do not care to sell one thing less than cost that we mar make the difference up on the next purchase our cur customer may want. Strong AtlraetioMs For Easter Purchasers. Roam at will all through the store, bargains in easy reach of either hand, r A CTrD lAf D 1 nn A very fine line of imported "Model," fc,w I til W HVr 0""Japx, foreign made, bought especi ally for our holiday trade. NEW SPRING COLORlj'D DRESS GOODS. 0r new Dress Goods stock is so varied nothing short of a personal inspection will suffice. Space is too limited for an adequate description. About. 100 colorings to select from. BLACK GOODS Black Wool Fabrics seems to be in greatest demand and we show the "new thirfgs" in Crinkles, Bouchs, Wide Walls and "Burr" Cre pons and an extra grade Storm Serges. ' The fashion for Silk Waists is pronounctd and our showing in silk and printed washable waists are distinctively "Cptodate." BOYS' AND MISSES CAPS All the erne now for Outings Popular prices, 25 and BOc. The following are the proper styles: "Topsy,-" "Trilby," "Victoria," Cinderilla," "Governor" and "G lf."-ill ages aud both sexes. fur "blossoms" in Neckwear are as varied and rosy as the blos soms of spring. Our stork of Gents Furnishing! is replete with the newest conceits and latest fads. The liveliest trade is NOW on small wares and notions. "Great values" for "small prices" make H so. igrlSEyE335Zto co RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1895. NO. 130 ATHISNECKWITIIAM AXE AN UNKNOWN NEGRO TEMPS TO MURDER AT- .Mr. John lwU Saved hy Frank Luiiinden Fifed hy a Lie. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Frank Lnmsden was returning from a walk and had the peculiar but very grati fying experience of saving a man's life. The man was Mr. J .in Lewis and his would-be murderer was a negro, whose name could not be learn ed. In fart the negro played a "bluff" game, spinning a big yarn, about a number of men attacking him at once and escaping arrest. "But that is another story." Here is chapter 1. Mr. Lnmsden was walking down the little three block street between Wilmington and Halifax when he heard the sound of a cracking blow. He looked and sa.v some distance from him two men, one colored, the other white, engaged in a vcuflle. As he ran forward he saw the negro strike the white man re peatedly. Then he saw an axe be tween them, each trying to get pos session of it. The next instant, the white man, Mr. Lewis, was down the axe by his side. The powerful negro placed his foot en his breast, held his his hand and getting the are raised it to strike, edge downward, at Mr. Lewis' neck. The next instant, the negro was on his back in the ditch, Mr. Lumsden white with excitement had the axe and Mr. Lewis, though bruised and bat tered by the negro's fists, was thank ful for his life. The fight was caused by a discussion of city politics The negro ran f r the police and said he was waylaid by six men. Mr. Lumsden says emphatically that this is nntrue and so the matter stands. D0.VT TAKE TOST. JOHNISM. Western St.WolinUForciiian Given Three Hours in Which to "Scat"' Abbey ville, S. C, the central point on the G. C. and N. railroad and the town from which the grievance com mittee of engineers came yesterday, his suffered lately as has Raleigh, from and overdose of St. Johnism. Capable men have been discharged there aud one western engineer is run ning on the road there and two more are learning the route. QBut when a western man was pu in at lower wages than had been paid, the men kicked. This is how it hap peued. The foreman, a splendidly fitted man for the place, was dis charged and a western man was put in his place. He went in at the sal ary of $60 per month, $20 cheaper than the foreman had been getting This roused the men and they sent him a polite but very firm note, sug gesting that he leave in three hours. And he left. The Visitor learns these facts from gentlemen who have talked with Mr. James Hunter, a Raleigh man and an excellent me chanic who lost his place at Abbey ville. Mr. Hunter could not be found. BEST RESERVE CAN the finest corn on the market. Ens been sold to the best trade in Raleigh for thtpast three years. I have reduced this corn to 1 E Cexibs Cam.., the price genel'r " "Wed for,inferlor grades. Try can JHISSB3 Gk BALL. TKLBPUOXgrr. teg ; 'n .Uf .,;.;.iiii"i1'i niiMllMhV'ii'"fcM''l': '"'''i' ""'- Who Will he Nominated for Mayor ? This question has been asked at least a thousand times today, on the street. Most people appear to have little or no doubt as to who will be the nominee for city clerk at this evening's convention, but no body is willing to positively pick the winner for mayor. There is no little talk of a "dark horse." It is hard to get up combinitions or mal:e promises, since it is the aldermen who are to elect persons to fill the minor offices, and the aldennen are not in this fight at all. The City Cotton Market. .., ": The recipts in this market for the season up to date are 33.203, against 25,880 to this date last season. The receipts for the week ending yester day were 369 bales. There are only 325 bales on the platform. The week's shipments have been 242. The prices today are from 6 1-8 for middling to 612 for strict good middling. Read the Advertisements. D. T. Johnson has eggs. Dughi has something new. Jo. Weathers Bells bicycles, wooloott & Son Millinery, &o. A. B. Stronach advertises shoes. Haywood & Pittman For Sale. Turner & Wynne have a word to botuekeepert. ' ; . XKWS XUTKS. Thel.ittlf F.veut of a Day in the Cupilal City. The outlook is fur a fair and Hue Easter. Mr. T. B. Tyson, who bails from Carthage, is here today. Deputy clerk of the court Moye is sick, too ill to be at bis work today. Solicitor E. W. Poo came in on an afternoon train from Smitbfleld today. Mr. Robert H. Jones went to Bur lington today, on income tax busi ness. Mr. M. T. Learh, who has been dangerously sick, is now improving sloly. Great qnanities of materials for the addition to the lUleigh cottou mills are being delivered. Mr A. J. Tanehu'er. of Archdale who is however not related to the beer man, arrived today. Mr. E. II. Husketh has qualitied as administrator of the late W. 1). Hus keth of Oak Grove township. There was frost here this morning but :t is said to have done no damage. West of here it probably did. Mr. George A. Holderness, of Tar boro, well and pleasantly known here, arrived on business this afternoon. Mrs. J. N Harvard, of Baltimore, daughter nf Mr. J." N. Hubbard is vis iting her parent on Hillsboro street. The front of the new engine house for the hook and ladder truck and the Capital hose wagon is to be of bro'vn stoue. ' Mr. Alfred Jones, who is sick with -nneumonia. is better today. Last e-esiing it was reported that he had died. " " In the mayor's court, this morning a drunk was disposed of in routine manner and a disorderly was fined one dollar. Mr. George W. Losey, of Illinois, is the new general manager of the Egypt coal mines aud he is said to be making things hum there. Important meeting of the indepen deut cornet band touight. Every member requested to be present by order of the leader. The convention this evening is the talk of the day. Combination after combination is spoken of and the ab sorbing question is, who will be the mayor ? Mr. E. H. Plummer, who will le chief clerk at the Atlantic hotel st Morehead City this summer, was here today. He left for Morehead City this afternoon The new Durham charter says the chief of police and policemen elected in May shall hold office during good behavior. If they are all ripht. they stay for life. Mr. James H. Cutler, who has done so much for Raleigh in giving her a first class street car system and who is interested in the new electric lighting plant, arrived here today. Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates will hold the 2d quarterlymeeting of the Central M. E. church this evening at 8 o'clock. The public is invited. Dr. Yates will preach at Central church on Sunday morning. Lt. Frank Wilkes, who commands the Charlotte division of the naval reserve, is on trial before a court mar tial 'at Wilmington on four serious charges. Commander Francis Wins low is president of the court. Rev. H. A'len Tupper, a very prom inent Baptist divine of Baltimore, ar rived here yesterday. He is now tak ing a trip of recreation over the south. While away from home he will write a series of articles for Baltimore news papers. Capt Ham Shepherd died last night at Lynchburg He was a native of Warren county and was buried at Warrentou today. He was a ' brother Mrs. W. S. Mallon of Charlotte and of the widow of the late Geo. W. D. Pender.' Today the largest illicit still ever captured in this revenue district was shipped from the government build ing to Fayetteville. A man at the latter place has bought it. It is not a whiskey still, but one for turpentine; hot a moonshiner used it all ' the same. IJY LIGHT OF THE MOOX. DEPUTIES CAPTURE SEV ER AL ESTABLISHMENTS! Iti loiiiii to l!ie Clan of lawless D- w-Makc r. For weeks the moonshine business has been seemingly on the decline amongathe rough and hardy tillers of the soil who conduet a whiskey busi ness, both on corn raised by them selves and on the commission plan, any amount as many raptures had been reported to the collector. To day however moonshine stock took another tumble. Four moonshin ers are quivering today over the com plete destruction of the deputies. Here are the reports: Deputies E. A. Moflitt, H. L. Foard and James P. Scott report the seizure aud destruction of a 40 gallon illicit distillery with 250 gallons of beer, the supposed owner of which is Hec tor McN-ill. No arrests were made. The still was situated uear Broadway, Moore county, the number and busi ness address not given. A letter was received from dep uty Gibson saying that he and deputy Shelburn destroyed a 50-gallon still at Moratuck in Mortgomery connty. No particulars were given. Deputies Moffitt and Foard also re port the seizure of an 80-gallon illicit distillery and outfit with 1,000 gallons of beer, owned" by Louis Marley, in Durham county. Deputy Johnson gives the informa tion that he seized an illicit distillery of 45 gallons capacity, near Little river, Montgomery county, owned by a man named Haywood. At Jonesboro the last of this illus trious quintette was captured by deputy Troy, lt was a 50-gallou still, . with no apparent owner at tached. The W eat her For Tomorrow. For North Carolina: Fair and warmer tonight aud 'n eastern portioi Saturday. Local forecast for Raleigh and vi cinity: Saturday fair and slightly warmer. - Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. today: Maximum temperaturt 66; minimum temperature 36rainfali 0.00. Next Monday the new summer cars will make their "appearance on the street car line. Two will be put oi that day. Their color will be yellov and gold, like that of the closed cars. We have a full supply of quick silver, furniture polish and bed buf poison which you will need for spring house-cleaning. Hicks & RotiEaa, Druggists. (Successors to Snelling & Hicks.) " Its the best coffee I've used sinci the war," is what a farmer reuiarkei in speaking of the "Oriole" bran? oomes in lib packages. . ma26 24 Fresh Eggs lc Each, or 10 doz for $1J at D. T. Johnson's. Why not save about ten or fifteei dollars by getting a tailor-made suit from us? We guarantee a fit or bi sale. Everybody is pleased with th suits they have had made. Why don' you try us? We can save you monei and please you better all around foi our tailor is as good as the best. Woollcott & Son Matting Sale Next Tuesday We hold a special sale of China matting and Japanese matting on next Tuesday. We will ask you no proti on matting bought next Tuesday April 16th, at D. T. Swindell's. Specials, Crescents, Ramblers, B I C $50 Y $75 C $100 L E S We hace in stork a A. NEW EAGLE 18 4 model. If you want a bar gain call aud see it. Full line of BABY CM1IM. We have the goods. We have the right price. g 2, g Asfito aK : : Vtf:- .. . J s 8. ? n s feiTi " g. 3 2. z i? CSV.! yfv r! ? A- o OS w a CO A KB""-- - ' v fJ jUw..,,i-,i?vs a pei pans We are still selliuj; Ladies Oxfords hat in at $1.50 Per Pair- All line Oxfords and worth alt the way from .'?2.35 to $4.50 and Now your choice for 8L,j() We would like to let everybody know that we have the nicest line of millinery goods we have ever had yet and we know how to make a hat to suit you. Mrs. Sarah King has charge of the work room and everybody knows that Mrs. Sarah can make or trim a hat to suit the most fastidious. Call and examine our stock. - Woollcott 4 Son. Extra bargains in furniture at Rhomas & Maxwell. . Bed lounges with attacheable mattresses a 8"cialty. Our Plan. : From now on till the end oi the year will be to get rid of this stock so as to go to Norfolk on Jan. 1st, 1806. Bat we are going whether this stock la sold or not. .. Q. X Swindell. Next WoJ.iesday. On that day ( e lu -sday, April 17th we will sell all cashmeres, serges, worstt d, brocade and plain and al novelties ami silks, in I art all goods in our dress - goods department at ex actly wh.it the goods cost iu New York. Thus, if a piece cost 17c you pay 17c; if it costs 20c you pay 20:; if it costs me 28 i y. 'i pay 28c; if it costs me 50c, 60c or 73 : you pay BOc, 60o or 75e. All who take advantage of this special sale will nave cause to congratulate themselves. They will certainly not have s repetition of this sweeping special sale. . D. T.Swindell. Wanted. ' A lady to do light work in a store. Also board for one or two genblemea in strictly private family near po-it of Ace. Address "Merchant," this, offlu i t s, . . . if. K I V, j.-' . -.t aV-i - jr j,. 1