o Ensure our Property IN TUK Royal Fire hsuranco Gompiny, IiO XjOH.d-OXL, Eng. Pays all losses without discount on siity days. WYNNE & ELLINGTON, Agents for Ralelgn and Vicinity. TThe iMeiity and Casualty Co Of New"Yofk. THE LARGEST ACCIDENT CO' Y DOING BUSINESS In the world. Writ persmal accident poli. et. Ai-eidot Ti-ki. team boiler against eiplosion. Bond of surety. Plate gla against breaking. Liability insurance. . WYNNE & ELLINGTON, Agants. To Let. I 8-rjom dg, .ornr Ilairiagtoct and Herg u street. 1 3 -room dfr, oa Harrington street, near onion depot abed. 1 4-roorn dwg, on Soqla street. S offices In PolUn building.; 1 office, No. 10 Uargett street. Apply to WYNNE & ELLINGTON. MGVISITQIi- PUBLISHED EVKKY AFTERNOON, (Except Sunday) EVENING VISITOR PUB-CO. THE VISITOR, by carriers in the city, aS cents per month. Prices for mailing, J3 per year, or 25 tents per month. Ollice Upstairs oer Mr. J. Hal Bobbin's Drug Store, 2nd floor. W. M. BltOWN Sr., M'g'r. Raleigh, X. C. FRED. A. OLDS, Editor EALK1CII, S; C, ANUL 22 1S93 It is now alleged that the Japanese may attempt to take the Sandwich islands. The new silver party is having the wind taken oat of its sails by the ac tivity of the free coinage element of the democratic party. Gov. Altgeld of Illinois enjoys the diminution, such as it in, of being the only all-round crank who now holds the office of governor. The Standard oil trust will try to get around paying the income tax by entering the unique plea that oil from the ground is in the nature of rent. German papers now declare that Germany will oppose any cession of territery to Japan by China. Russian and English papers say the same thing. Will Japan heed any of them 1 The U S. supervising architect has returned to Washington from Atlanta, and he says the cotton states eipowi tion is going to be a good second to the centennial exposition at Philadel phia. Webster Flanagan, of Texas, is on trial for smuggling sheep from Mexico. He is the man who asked the famous political question at one of the repub lican national conventions: "What are we here for if not for the offices?" A Chicago daily paper offers to authors (30,000 for original stories no part of which hare ever ben pub lished. The first prise is $10,000. the other nine being smiller. The sturirs are required to be "stories of roys try,v so readers may be offered prizes for guessing the solutions of the mysteries in advam-e of their publication. There Is a sensation at New York. Col. Waring, a federal veteran, at tacks the Graud Army of the Republics, sayingthat organization has, in his judgment, sold itself for cash to the claim agents of Washington, and that because of its nefarious action the workinguien of this country are now paying annually $100,000,000 more in pensions than they ought to be pay ing. Europe awaits with the keenest in terest authentic news of the treaty of peace between Japan and China. The matter is regarded by the great pow ers as of graver importance than any other diplomatic event since the Ber lin treaty was signed. Now that the war has ended in a manner such as no European prophet foretold, there are not wanting expressions of regret iu all the great capitals that lord Rosebery's advice to the powers to in terfere at the outset was not acted upon. It is reported from Tokio, Japan, that the attempt to assassinate Li Hung Chang, the Chinese envoy, was n t the act of a madman, as the Japa nese newspapers stated, but the re sult of a widespread conspiracy, an account of which in the papers was not printed by the governmeut; that immediately after the attack on the Chinese vieercjy the police disarmed numerous Japanese citizens known as members of the war party, and that a great many swords were taken from the orowd, which weapous could jnly have been worn in violation of th3 law i 1 Win -v "'A i y a No interruption has occurred in the business improvement. Prices on the speculative exchanges continue above the mark of a few weeks ago, and the drift is toward a higher level. Cotton and petroleum have advanced many points. The distance electric energy gen erated by water may be transmitted is an nnsolved problem, but it is known that it is effective for at least thirty miles. It is highly probable that with proper appliances it can be sent hun dreds of miles. Of the 6,970 new post-offices estab lished in the United States in the last four years, 4.496 are in the south. This affords striking evidence of the increase of population in the south and of the business development of this section. The Georgia state medical associa tion has expelled Dr. Ballard, a prim inent eye and throat specialist, for advertising in the newspapers. What seems to have aggrevated his offence in the eyes of the association is that Di. Ballard used outs in his ads. Mention has been made of the re markable advance in the price of meat, owing to the operation of the cattle trust. Now leather has ad vanced 15 per cent, and the price of shoes has gone up correspondingly. This is one of 'the greatest and worst of all the trusts which afflict this country. '.' In the war with China, just ended, the Japanese troops have conducted themselves with marked fidelity and enthusiasm.' Their discipline ' has been equal to that of the best-drilled soldiers of Europe or America, and in no emergency have they been' found wanting; They would have conquered, it ie easy to believe, if the opposition had been much taore formidable. .The existence of such an army vindicates the right of japan to be considered a first class nation. r. for Infants and Children. THIRTT ywtr olwerratton cf CstorU with The patronage of millions of persona, parmlt w to spyalt of it without gnowtrg. It Im Tinqnostlonahly tho het remedy for Infant and Children the world hue erer known. It U harmless. Children lifce It. It Cvf them health. It will ave their lives. In It Mathers hare ometliing which ie absolutely safo nnd practically perfect as at f MM'i medicine. Cnstorla destroy Worm it. Cairtorla allays FeTerlshnf ss. Caatorla prevents vomiting Sonr Cord. Cartorla enres Dlarrhoa and 71ad Colin. Cnstorla-relleTee Teething TtotMos. Caatorla cures Constipation and Flatulency. Caitorla nentralfoee the effect of earhonlo acid gas or poisonous air. Castorta floee not contain morphine, opinm, or other narcotlo property, Cartorla assimilates the food, regnlates the stomach and howels, giving healthy and natnral Jeep. Castorla 1 pnt Tip In oneolre Dottles only. It Is not Bold In nnlfc. Don't allow any one to sU yon anything else on the plea or promise that it 1 jnst as good " and "will answer every purpos." Soe that yon yet C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fao-slmlle In every . wrapper. OVER THE STATE. North Carolina News Items Briefly Collated. signature of Children Cry fcr Pitcher's Castoria. Pimples, Blotches PRifcKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM , Makes g Marvelous Cures in sjiood Poison Rheumatism . .9 "4 t ' anu oroiuia tit-' teticr. 1 : blord pnr aj Kootaut! Ir'ntdSfliuul. Some of the Wilmington truckers will ship green peas and. potatoes this week.' '-. . The freshet in the Cape Fear at Fay etteville today at its highest and is now falling. The Pearl cotton mills at Durham are now, the Sun says, making sheet ing as fine as any in the country. " Fruit is all right yet," said a number or farmers at Salisbury to the Herald. No serious damage was done by the frost. ; Mr. J. M. Tiernan, whip married "Christian Reid," (Miss Fannie Fish er of Salisbury) owns a gold and sil ver mine in Mexico which yields $35. 000 to $40,000 a month, an ore worth $1200 a ton has just been struck there. : The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad last Saturday put the first car load of coal from the Egypt mine ; on the chutes recently constructed on Point Peter. The coal for a Brit ish steamship which is taking a car go of cotton. ? Edison, tha famous inventojt,is pre paring to work up a process for suc cessfully treating the gold ores of the Charlotte section and the News aava he has bought a mine. Three hun-I J 1 u . ' ... - . f ureu goiu miners iron ine rar west are on the way to the Charlotte sec tion. Goldmining is on a boom. Mr. Leslie, of . Montreal, Canada. cioimug ana Nortll Carolina 6 belting factory at Charlotte. The I 4 factory building, a very handsome ' w- N. C. R. 6s one, is completed . This is one of the ; " . 1 ' , , and Old Sores CatarrhMalaria and Kidney Troubles Are entirely remoTed by P.P.P. Pliokly Ash, Poke Boot nd Potas sium, tb9 KreateBt blood purifier on artH. Abkrdei!!', O. . Jnly 21 , 1S91. 0 Velars. Lihpman Bkoh. . Snvnnnah. Oa. : Pkak SiR8 I boujrln a Itottle of your P.P P. at Hot springs, Art. .onH It has done me more koo! than tureo months' ti-earnent at ilia Hot Spruiga. ' "w n 03 t!i e Wood, bonds up u1 o-ibililatoil, gives ".I;tr.eil nerves, expels . f.he patient health and 'ne sickness, gtopmjr vtudo flrt prevailed. Hand three ur.tties C. 0. D. Hewpectfuliy yours. JA. M. NKWTOK. Aberdeen, Brown County, O. . CbDt. J. O. Johnston. m39 To all whom it may coticem: X bere by tesclfv to the wonderfnt properties ui i". r. xr- lurrruijtii.tuaw ,nv i siiffnred for several years with an un- ' "W sightly and disKreenblo empMon on igjJ i nvn. . vi i'J ccij unu.u iruitr "tSSS.X Jy b f Ta'n.uutil P. P. P. waa ued 'irln. dysDiB;ia. and L0 - . akin- dfaaM, like toKaeuoW on, old ohronio ulcers, , I Ti TiUWflTr.W '.nat trails, eryMpelaa, vvsay, without fear of hat P. P. P. is the best Vr h tbe world, and makes in a Skin Cancer CnretL Tettimonyfrom the Mayor of SequinJTcx Sfquin, Tex., Jantjary 34, 1893. Messrs. Lippman Bros.. Hrivnuah, i ii ua. i aenuevtenv nave triea jour r, I.a.Mcs wbose syatems are poiaonod ? p for Jle t tlie akin, usually iI VFhoaebi.H)disinaalmnureconai- known as skin irauoarfOf thirty yara tWn, uun to menstrual irregularities, anding, and found frreat relief; "- , ...,,.ii-i.. a. " nn rl Ilea tha liit-mri anil rnmnVAt oIMn lrt:l to -tin nn.i hl.t r.laonilnanpnn. rlttlOD from the BBftt Of the dleaSS eriiiisof p.' p. P. - Prickly Ah. PoiV- nd prevents any apreaihnar ot the ai - 8pk..uhu, Mo., Aug. Hth, 1893. I cm te in the highest twrros of ' to'.k uindit'fne from m own personal vfir- - knowlt'iir. 1 w.'iSftSft'bted wtcb hoart li.-esi. i-'earisy and rlicnmatism for tf So y turs. v h3 ti cntad iy the very best pui'h'if i,t'(' mm aytn. JiunureB oi ut'i- mio, ificu rtij tii"wnnjmwjj vr i iu- ?- out flmiu'.j? ri'liti. I bo vo only takun jrw - ont notiuj or ynar r. P. P., Hl can " oheurfuily sny it nna done a.envre) tfTJrr - go31 tuau m.y ;;li1iiy 1 have evertnken. .L I can rei'onAu-enJ f mMiclna to all ' aufiorera o. tli. atMive diuf.!. MK3. M. M. V riARY. fiprlASulti. Green Couuty, iuo irtM. l have Lakes flvoor nix hnttiea and ftt confident tht another course ii Will effeot a cure. It has also reltered me from liidixostion and atoinaoli "Ey troabiea. Yours truly. gy , . CAPT. W. M. KTTST. ..Z Attorney at Law. Boos do BW mscGses ior: Fret & ALL PBUOQI8TS SELL IT. - ' PR0PRIET0E8, ' K5 XJnpuian's JBloli,KavaanaJt, Cia .' 1 jgjSSi l - - . j-J immtn ! shims'. irmnm-wmM. c-muvsauMmtmtmmmitmtamttmtmn STOCKS AND BONDS. Corrected weekly by WlSJB' 4 Klli.hqtoS. Bonds. Bid. Asked. 125 126 101 3-4 103 108 102 most important industries started in ' .. . 6s'l807 101 the south and tnrns out a class of : Ral, Cot. Mills,6,901 101 work '; heretofore confined to New ! Car'gh Mills Co,6, 103 Enc-land. Onl lilo-n "U. 1.K- iil i " STOCKS. r . 0- Citizens' Nat. Bank, 125 109 103 110 1G2 be employed the News states. I recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame back, sprains and swellings. There is no better liniment made. ' I have sold over 100 bottles of it this year and all ( were pleased who used it. J. F. Pier- N. C. Car Co- son, druggist, Sooth Chicago, 111. It Raleigh Gas Light Co. 60 is fofsalo by J. Hal Bobbitt.drnggist. ' Raleigh Electrio Co Nat. Bank of Raleigh, 135 Com, & Farm. Bank, 120 Ral. Savings Bank, 130 Ral, Cotton Mills, old, 105 -' " i " ' new, 100 Caraleigh Mills Co., ' 77 PhfiH. Works 100 90 109 103 65 50 TRUSTEE'S. SALE, By virtue of authority conferred opon me in a certain deed of front from Anderson Belts, as President. an 1 John D. Briggs, as Secretary i i Treasurer, of the Brings BoIidiBsC Maa'rg Co recorded in book 134 on p 187, in the Register of Deed's otflee of-the county of Wake, I will on the 29i,h day of April on the premises', on West street,' sell to thehighest,bidder for cash, all the per sonal property which came into my nanus, such as builders material, con sisting' of L amber, Moulding, Sash, Blinds, Doors, -also Automatic knife grinder and Witre machine, &c i Persons bavins claims against the above named company . will present! them and those indebted to the same will please settle at once. . -' - PtllL TUSIil, Trustee for Briggs Building and fJau'f'g Co. inir 13 lin. 0KH0&o0H0-HKH?0KCO v Y Pure 9n K OlrlJM v llrnrra 0 Q - oooooo Cigars. 'OOOOOOOOO-OOOOOOCOO SOOD WEWS.! O The Holiday have come aod gone( A with their pleasures and accnstnined , T bustle. Now it behooves ns to turn Vonr attention to oooo ( Careful buyers of seed should kf ep tin mina two important items: Quality Prh I I solicit the patronage of one and .all for the just,y -cebrated and re ' liable . Hoist's harden' : J. r DRUGGIST AND SEHSMAN, RALEIGH, N. C. oo yoo-oooo- ooooooi i is- 11 " SS ' pers ana - ...aSpcaalty; 600K6)0000-- HH2 Postage Stamps, o oooooS Land Sale.. IfoBTH Carolina, Wakeeoonty Supe rior Court. Before D. H. Young, C. s. c. II. M. Farnswortb, plaintiff, vs Fannie J. Nicholson, James H Boyd, col., and others, defendants Sale for partition of land. . By virtue of decree rendered in the above entitled special procrediug pending in the'-euperior court for Wake county, N. C, W.J. Peele and It. O. Burton, commissioners appointed by the 'oourt, will, on nionday, the 3d day of June, A. D., 1993, expose for sale and sell at" the court house door by public outery, to the highest bidder for cash, all that tract of land in Wake county, North Carolina, in the corporate limits of the city of Raleigh, on Lenoir street, and bound ed as follows: Beginning at a point on the south side of Lnoir street, 80 feet from the ' point of intersection with the fast line of McDowell street, and running tbrnce southerly parallel with ilcDov.eii Ktreet 105 feet, thence easterly parallel with Lenoir street 43 1-3 feet; ihruc- nottherly parallel with McDowell stret-t 105 feet to the south line of Lnioir street; tbeuce easterly along the . south line 43 13 feet tothtt beginning, and more fully described in the comp'aint. - W. J. PEELE, R, O. BURTON, apl8 30d '. Commissioners. I fashing Your Clothes. Land Sale. By virtue of the powers contained in a certain deed of mortgage,, executed to Nci'JIram Beckwiih, on the loth day of February, 1893, by Spencer Hackney and wile Susan, whieh deed is duly registered in the register's otlice for Wake county, book 75, page 636, et seq.; we will, on the iSt'i day ot May, 1895, offer for sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following tract of land: A tract of land lying in the said county of Wake and bounded as follows: " Beginning at Benjamin Clark's line, run ning west to a corner of the tract mort gaged to C J. Bright; thence south to Nat layior's line; tnenceeast witii layior s nne to a stake; thence north to the beginning, containing twenty acres, : more or less. Said sale will be on the described premises. For luller description of mortgage refer to W. a.. FOUStiiiK aud 1 S. W. BKKWKli, . . Adinrsd b n Needlmn Beckwith. ; Woinack Sc Hayes, AUys. April to, ia5. i In days of old your good mother did it and you had no fault to find. When it comes to launderkig your soil ed linen I We Will Be a Mother to . You, y and the pet feet satisfaction we guar antee will make you think of those happy days of old. Discard safety pins! . Away with batchelor buttons! The Oak City steam laundry sews on buttons and tape. ' OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, j " L. R. Wyatt, Phone 87 . Proprietor Land for Sale! By virtue of a decree of the Bupe rior court of Wake county made aU Feb. term, 1895, in the-c ase of J. J. and R. L. Sorrell, eieeutors vs A. M. To..VuAn an1 wifri. tt'A will Bull tn W JBDVM M " - ..... uu.., .V. cash, at' the court house door (.'; Wake connty, on Monday 32d day of April. 1895, at 1 m.. a tract of land situated in House Creek township, Wake county, eontaining 49 acres ad joining the lands of J. 3. Kelley, W. M. Cooper and others known, aj tha t Frederick Goodin homeBtead. ABMIBTBaD JoMBS, J. U. Flsmiso. Commissioners. laic;ilrlTe ' One elegant upright piano, $217.50; 3 square pianos from $33 to $100. Standard makes of high grade pianos always on hand at medium prices, A. W. I'auham. ap2 m Weyt Uargett street. .-4A'.ycisk mm. 'iji iri t mk .i i

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