r i. 1- ro oa pe at. J. M . tor-' v of ' tad . ad. W. tha 1 , DUKE Cigarettes .90; LOO. Doa . I) UKEfUlJ IH A 'A 1 (SlGAflETfESEdh T- .t -r- CT r e. :iuc oona fcLT. v- -7,. , MAOC FROM PURE ASS ABSOLUTELY l.WnuA.-3. J CURE a Vw CnrnpIMe Traiiuen, con.'i.-ims ' Pllpi'tMToRIKS, Coi-l"H of Oiri. i.t mi Mr;. hvxta1 Omtniftit. A n er-fftiu-y Cure -.v ru ri every tiuturt aiM Jtre. J ii:ne ;m t .uif'i'M wiih the knife or ii.jdUxfriof cut.it' oi-i, w'-:'. r pa;ulul nd nUi' .n n piTuvirOL,; , u u! oi! ri-euiUa ia cieatX winrreaswr,". Wf-y oJj buxe to curs f w m. V -ni ty puy foi benefits msftlTWt f a box, ft fr t5, &ft 17 wiH CMiarnntcwi lmuod by our u zwM. CONSTIPATION the areot I.IVF.ll and STOM Auli Jtl.Ul I.A fOU nn-i l:!,OODPI'KIFIEK, Srr.n'l, mild m.i i-kn-wu In tik. wpeoiijlj aiUiited tor children's use. ttUwsGt IA ?ent. " KAKTKE8 iMued only by John Y. MacRae, '.Druggist, Baleigh, N.C. Foreboding. W.L S3 SHOE i'i A? 3.LCF0UCE,3 soles. 19 THE BEST. FIT FOB A KING. corecfovANr. EXTRA FINE- ". i7EDYS'SCiiG2lSl!Ca LADIES' OE5I " . ;rwri rnrr t. flTfli ntf(r Over On Million People wear ths V. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Stces AM our shoe3 qr ccjuany siiilsfactory They live the beot vu'ue for theinoncv. 1 ney equal cusconi tpocs ia exyie ana in. 1 hlr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices ere uniform, -st imped on sole. Prom $ tn 1 3 av i over other makra. , If yourdealercannoHupplyyouwocan. toldby HELLED BROS. Chamberlain's Bye aud Bhin Ciutmont la unequalled for IXwma, Te(ur, Salt Eheum, Bcald Head, &ra Nipples, Chopped llaiiil Itching Piles, Runs, Fiviht Uites, Chronic Sore Eyes nnd G rauuluted fiye Lids. For uale by dxnggbU) ftt 25 ccnta per box. TO H0E3B0W?:EB3. For putlinir a liorvs in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. C';Kiv's .Condition l'ov,der9. They tone up the sy stem, aid digestion, cure loss o appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disordera and desiro)' ivornis, giving Dew life to an old or over-worked honx. 25 tenU per package. For side by clraf.-pibts. ENNYROYAL- PILLS Orltf.nHl una tMiiy f-emmteiv a fk. alwjs rdiabie. iAS)t a 4k mmd HrtwH w HvA w uirUioVftff bo, irtAe& wliii br rh-bon. 'I Le y nnotberw ftfue.ilanitermtM vl$titu- V (toila and imitziiiMM. At Ilrutrfrwti, or nd 4. Id Mump fo jtrtioulri, ttlinionlnH n4 "HeUef fr UuiiU ," in i"er, bv return Mali ititA TvsLiinonialti. Ami.-, itvtr. Ohli'h(Mture,httiiaciUCtt..Ma(Uii Kqu Soli tax ULoMipiuKub. riiuwuu,!' S9 I tboald be to lonely it hoot jou, dear, Why, to bow, if you be a jt bar For the ihortest day lhrt'i aecrttio lack Which doea not anlb till you eom back. And if you were goo forerer, dt-ar, The aching heirt and the hot swift Uar Were a feeble Tent, and a fotiltt doe To the ai-hing abennce.dear, of you lonely bonld be so dear, Kiiu ma again, bo near. m I ehould reach for the jou. without I'll know you're ouFvembrae .- ud my arm should closo on a formlK Hpace, hi midnt of the world and ita hol lo sheer. In the ftayeet throng, I should thrill with fear The fear of the void which the world would be. If you were gone from the earth and me. , Old l () Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneyu will (Ind the true remedy in Klectric Bit ters. This medicine does not ntimu late and contains no whiskey orothcr iutoxivant, but ts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the Ntomach and bowels, adding strength and giing tone to the organs, thereby aiding nature iu the perfurmanue of the f mi'-tlouH. Klectriu Hitters is an xcelleut appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it junt exactly what they need. Price fifty cents per bot tle at John . Maunae s drug store. Cell or tli H"'e Brand of John iop'h MpguxHn 4 1 1 . Is b-i no equal fu xf i-ttif of Do ran anil cittle. For siiie b John V -tU I he ralvatron Army war Cry has a iii-uN'i'.u 51 OO'.OOO copies, print 1 in 40 'aiiijUHtr' H. Four IS f; S"CCiiioi. Havinir the needed merit to more than make tcood all thn id vertisioi; olaiuiKil for tberu, the fcllowlDtr four remeflie- hav? r-itchel a pheuoiri nl site: !' Kinc's New Dipeovery, for crxicniuptiori. coughs nan polos, enrti bo1tl (rn-trtttitfeu - biectrio Bluer tlin itr-itt. r) edv 'or liver etorDficl and Ktdiioxs; Huekleu's irtiini Salve, tli.' h-;t in the world, end Dr KIhk'1- e L-ife Fi!l8, whloii re a perfect tin' Al''b'' remoities Hre cuir-iD teed to do just what, is cUiuied for them and the dealer W ose npme tc attached herewith will be g'ad to tell yon more of them, fold at John I Mr.oKae'a droc etore "T wUlrh ( npniliti. ra-V'"1" J uiBm anil ini--tiot a inn, Arrideni ' The best $3.00 Men's Shoes on the market Made from tannery calfskin, dongcla : tops, all leather trimmed, Bolid leather eoles with Lewis' Cork Filled Boles. ' Uneqnaled for beauty, fine workman- . ship, and wearing qualities. Your choice " of all the popular toes, lasts and fasten ings. Every pair contains a paid-up Acci dent Insurance Policy for $100, good for 90 days.. . " Wear Lewis' Accident Imurancs Shoes, and go insured free. . - SOLD BY Wliitin Bros The Boston museum of art has re ceived a legacy of 250.000 for the pur chase of modern American paintings Our better halves say tbey could not keep house without Chamberlain's Cough l'.euiedy. It is used in more than half the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros., Leeds, Iowa. This shows the esteem iu which this remedy is held where it has been sold for years and is well known. Mothers have learned that there is Sothing so good for colds, croup and whooping cough, that it cures these ailments quickly and per manently, and that it is pleasant and safe for children to take. 25 and 50 cent bottles for 5le by J Hal Bobbitt, druggist. The Tennessee legislature hasUken a ten days recess, ostensibly to give time for a thorough inspection of the electioH returns. It will be an agreeable surprise to persens subject to attacks of bilious colic, to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain s Colic Cholerxand Diarrhoea Remedy. In many instances the. attack may be prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms of the dis ease aupwar. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. Ual Bobbitt, druggist. ThU Do U as Good as a Clock. Dogs art oftean very intelligent. There Is reason to believs that at least one Tennessee, dog has Invented clock. For a long time his owner, Bert Murdock of Murfrvesboro, was pauled to know how the dog mm- gad to know exactly at what hour in the morning to awaken biia by thrust ing its cold mauls against bis face. One day ha was permitted to over- leep himself two hours. Waking ith a start, ha presently remembered that on the previous night he had omitted to take his regular 0 o'clock ram of tansy bittfra. The truth was out.. The dbg had simply reckoned from 11 to 7, eight hours, by couuting monotonoss thump, thump thump n- ths floor as ha wagged bis tail, 73 thumps to the minute, 4.320 to the our, waking Bert just after the 61,- 563th wag. One New England factory employs 13 000 wiAnen. ITotice. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of principal of N. C. Inatitu tion for D. and D. and Blind uutil " Wednesday; May 13, 1895, at 13 m., for the erection pf a brick bailding-at the N. C. Institution, for the colored D.. D. and Blind at Raleigh, N. C. Bidders wilk be required to furnish "separate bids for wood work and f ..brick work, stating how many brick will be required to complete the work. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of A, GL Bauer, architect. The right to reject any or all bids is , reserved. .Bids must be sent endorsed ' proposals for Building." S apl9 td W. J, YOUNG, Principal. When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. For Kent. ' Four room cottage . for rent on N. t street, near.' Oak wood avenue. Those who never read the advertise- meets in their newspapers miss more than they know, Jonathan Kent- son. of Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had beea troubled with rheumatism in his back, arms and shoulders, read an item in his paper al out how a prouii bent German citizen of Ft. Madison had been cured, lie procured the same medicine, and to use his own words: "It cured me right up." He also savs: ' A neighbor , and hi wife were both sick in bd with rheuma tism Their boy was over at my house and said they were so bad that he had fo do the cooking. I told him of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and how it had cured them np in a week. 60c. bottles for sale fry J. Hal Bobbitt druggist. ' Tht; collection of old lace belonging to the Princess of Wales is worth $1EO,000. liu felon's Arnica Naalve. The best salve in the world for cntf, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, re ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, cb.il blalns, corns and all skin eruptions. aAid nositively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give Derfect satis taction or money refund ed. Pric tfl eeats per1?ox. for sals Monroe Wbndeu, of Htrinlnirhaai Ala. writes: "I nnrebased six bottles of your Japanese Pile Onro fr .tn :Ir anizi ioilln .nd it nas eut Irely coroo me pf a enceof piles of 23 years tsnl "SI wi!! Jvle n v friends to use it." For rale b John Y MacRae Rheumatism, neuralria. headache and pains of every Mini iii-tun'ly re- teved bv Joliosou Magnetic Oil II i- ft' c: ntic slzo 25c Bold bv John Y Mj.oF.ce A trollt-y hue dire.-t from Cairo to the Pyramaids wiil replace the pres. nt means of transportation by don key or camel We puarantee Johnson's MatrneMe )il; it has no superior for all achet and paiut), iutr ruttl or external, m m or t east. i.t ize 50 ceDts; 50 eet-.U size : ceai at John x Macrtae'a. It will astoiiisti von how ci'jiok jounon's in ig etic u:l will kin al :ains, i ternal and external; il.tXi 'ze rO cents; DU cents sizo 85 cents a John V Mediae's. Scientific Investigation Hzadacbs? Indlgeetloa, Billionsneas, And all stomal h troubles ara cared by P. P. P. Pri. klyAeh.I'okU.K.t andPolaHium. KbcnmatHim is cured by P. P. P. Pains and aches in the bat-k.sb-iulders, knet-s, ankles aud wrists are all at- ta.ked and eonnuered by P. P. P. This grat medicine, by its blood cUnosing properties, builds np and strengthens the whole body. Nothing is so efllcsi. ions as P. P. P. at this season, and for toning np, in vigorating and as a streugthener and appetiser take P. P. P. It throws off the malaria and puts you in good condition. Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint enres all corns, warts and bunions. Burwell & Dunn, Wholesale and Re tail Agents, Charlotte. N. C. ICE We4gain offer from the Raleirti Crvstal Fac Ice I ' ,11' 1 I V Ice of best quality and at lowest prices, in LRaleinh and to neir-by railroad points. Ice now ready lor delivery in any quantity. JONES 4 POWELL ZPooaitLOXLtjas Steam Coal is ahead of all others in quality ' and prices. JONES & POWELL. Raleigh Agents. IT Oze na v, Mill Feed, Shingles, call on Grain Laths, etc., JONES & POWELL, Raleigh, N. C. Coal. Just received 8 cars Kanawha, West ViDinia, splint, 2 cars New River lump, 2 cars Jellico, without question the best bituminous coal to be had. Also all kinds anthracite coal now in stock. T. L. EBBBHaRDt- PEfflSYLYAfflA'S Leadintr HEW3PAPER It Is a Conceded Fact That the library sossessed by ths scientist, when it covers only his special line of work and study, "is Inadequate for his use. Nature, within whose kingdom lie the fields of all science, has so constituted her domain that no one branch Is distinct or Independent of another. The scientist who enters' some of her fields of study must Inform himself upon all. The botanist must seek his pre-historic plants In the study of geology the uses of plants In zoology or chemistry. The chemist finds his materials for work In the study of geology or botany. The sciences all depend one upon the other, and the successful scientist must thoroughly understand each and its relation to his chosen branch. Further the scientist must have his Information ; . Within Easy Reach ' It must be exact and concise, for In the midst of an experiment he has no time for searching large libraries or bulky volumes. He has found a remedy for the Inadequacy of his special library ; It Is the new up-to-date Encyclopaedia BWtannca authoritative, concise, accessible, complete. He can turn In a moment to any subject suggested by an v feature of the experiment. But the scientist Is not alone In this discovery, for so complete and universal In Its bearings is this wonderful reference library that men in every walk of life find in it just what they need. It is What You Need Va It is unnecessary for u to tell you so you have known It long. But It is ours to remind you that unless you act promptly you must buy It at the regular retail prices, for the introductory offer will last but a short time. Address Ths Observer - CHARLOTTE, N. C .BP . In all the attributes a first class journal. ill that suffice to mnke cut flower: Bouquets, Floral Desigus, Palms, Ferns, Roses, Geraniums, Coleus, Tube roses, Cannas, etc, for window deco rations and outdoor planting, Choioe and latest chrysanthemums out. Vines for the veranda. Tomato, Egg, Cabbage and other spring plants. , , ' . H. STEINMBTZ, Phone 113. , Florist. Eoyster's Brittle! . Always the same, ,', Always the best, ' j Always" fresh, 1 -, 23 cenU per pound. A. L. spares no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers all the news of th Old and New World. Its several dspartments, each under the management of a competent editor, treat fully of maters pertaining to THE HOUSKHOLD, THE FARM, WOMAN'S WORLD, SCIENCE, ART, LITBRAUEB, FINANCE, THE REAL ESTATE WORLD. Presenting a complete magazine every day' SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Daily, one year, $3 00 Daily and Sunday, one year 4 0C Address - The Record Pub-Op. Q17916Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Land SJe. In House Creek township. By vir tue of a decree of the superior court of Wake county, in the case of- Rufus D. Jackson, executor of Daniel Jack son' vs R. D. Jackson and others, I will, on the 2d day of May, 1895, at 12 m., sell at the court house aoor of Wake founty one hundred acres of land beloiging to the estate of Daniel Jackson, sitaated in House- Creek township, Wake county, adjoining the lands of J. S, HaUy. S. W. Smith and others. Also the same time aud place I will sell the remainder interest in 34 1 4 acres allotted to the widow as her dower. The 100 acres oontains about 50 acres of open farm land. A large part of the other 50 acres is in riginal growth. It is good land ana i-H settled in a good community. Hour of sale 12 ra. Terms of sale 1-3 eash, hi lance on 13 months tune with 6 per or it interest on deferred payment. J. H. Flbminq, apl tds Commissioner. Seaboard Air-Lino. CONDENSED SCHEDCLK. ! nvrscT Dec. 3.'M. Trains Lat. Raleigh, ISO a at Iaily, "Mlauta Speelil," Pu.lnifcoVettibule for Ben nrnn, VArtlrion, Peters burg, K!cbojon!, Wkaliliit toa, Haltiniore, Phlladel. jinla. Sew York and a! l-oluin north. Bullet draw lugrvom le t-er and Pull xuao eoacbes Atlnuta U. vt kthlnetoo, parlor eart WaAhlugton to Sew York Poltruan bleeping car Monro-, to Portsmouth. 12 01 PM-Dally for HeudersoQ. Weldon, Suf folk, Por'smootb, Norfolk aud Intermediate stations, connects at Portsmouth with KavLineforOld point and Baltimore, with No- folk and Washington Bteatt boat Co., for Washington with N. Y. P. & N. R. H for Philadelphia and points north; also at Weldon with Atlantic Coast Line foi Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia aud New York Throagb sneoers Weldon to Ne York an with Scotland Keck Branch for tt-een vtlle, Ws ilngton ami Ply mouth. Pullman sleeper Atlanta ty Portsmouth. 5 82 A M Daiiy. "Atlanta Special,' Pullman Vestibule for So Pines, Hamlot, Monroe, Chester, Clinton, Green wood, Abbeville, Athens, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans. OhatU. nooga, Nashville, MemphU and ell points south and southwest Through Pull man Buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta, connecting direct ly at Union depot Atlanta with divereing lines Pull man sleeper Portsmouth to Monroe. 8 40 P at Daily, for Southern Pines, Hamlot, M x t o.n, Wilmington, WadeBboro, Monroe, Char lotte, Lincoln ton, Shelby, Rutherford ton, Chester, Greenwood, Atlanta and Points south. Twins Arrive Raleigh : 517AM-Datly. "Atlanta Special,,, Pullman Vestibule from New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all pointe north. Parlor cars New York to Washington; Pull man Buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta. 8 3& P M Daily from Portsmouth, aud polnti north via Bay Line N. Y. P. St N. R. R-. a'so from Greenville, Plymouth Washlnfttia aai Easter Caroiin points via Wei dou,Petersburg, RlohmoriO Washington and poiutr north via Atiaatle Coast Line, si -epers New York t( Weldon 1 20 a'm ,'iaiiy, "Atlanta Special,' , Pullman Vestibule, fron. Atlauta, Atken8,Abbeville Greenwood, Chester ant' points south. Pullman daj co.ehes end "deeper Atlai ta to Wasai n'ton. 11 60 A si Daily from W iliu lug ton Shelby, Limrolnton, Ohar lotto, Atlanta and pom : south . Mixed trains leave Johnson Btren Station, for Henderson -au: intermediate stations 5 B0 p. m.; ri turning arrives Johnson Street 9 m. . , ,. No. 403 and 403, "Atlauta Special,' are solid Pullman ve-stibuled trains composed of magnitloeut daycoachu apd palace drawing rooms Buffo sleepers between vaL;hiugton an Atl-nta without change, on whlc) there is no extra fare charged. For information relative to scued ale. &c, aoply to ticket, agent, or A J Oooke, 8. P A., RaUlerh. E. St. JOHN, Vice President. J. H. Winder, General Manager. T. J. Anderson, Gen'l Pass. Agent V. K. McBse, Supt. Transportation. -V Dorft Wait until tomorrow to take the Visitor. Try it now." 25 cents a month's. ' An advertisement in the Visitor always bring good re turns. Try it. M Mill iilMI 40114 4444 4444 r 4 4 4 4 ri 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4"4 4cJ4e? 4 44' 133 33 3 3 5 Word to Those who- a ct - Advertising. 1 TAKE THE VISITOR. ' If you are in business and. -want it to be known you- 'should advertise. - Advertising pays. - Look st the Tuckers. mm - Look at Swindell. Look at Berwanger. Look at Williams & Co. Look at Ball. a Look at Miss Maggie Reese A Look at Sherwood. Look at Briggs. Look at Rosenthal. Look at Woollcott. Look at the Lyon T 1- i T 1- I uoo& ad uugm. y J Look at the Johnson's. Look at the many others. They believe in printer's!! Racket. cl1 i ' ink. Advertise in the Visitor. Stop paying $1.50 a thou- , sand for dodgers. They ben-r, The same.y eflt yon nothing. money will put you a nice.9 card in the Visitor -week which will be for one seen byZJ 2,000 people daily. The Visitor circulates all over Raleigh. There are but; ... afi tv -few houses here that it does' -not go to. The Visitor circulates ih ) all portions of Wake county. It goes to 15 postoffices. It reaches the very class" of,, people v- vare after. ,-mb You witii trade. The Visi- will help you f TOR .- get yonr" -trade. 9 FOR1895. The publiahers take pleasure in aunouu.. ing that "The Morning Herald" has recent jy ten enlarged from four to eight pages and that while the price rem-iim ai one cen ter copy, or t3 per yar to m-vil 8ubs;rioerii each edition contains as much news a.:c more general reading matter thau is printeti by the Baltimore two-eaut dailies. The Telegraphic Sarvioe of " i'Uc Morni'a Herald" is uuexoelied by any other Bain more paper. , Its Newsservice l tue counties is thor ough and rehaole. , its Market Reports are full, complete ant accurate. lis illustrated woman's pss'o is a featur. that will not be found iu any other B-tlti-more daily. A verbatim report of the Sarmon by Rev Dr Talmage the oelebraced Brooklyn preacher appoars in Monday momuig't edition. "The Morning Herald" will continue tc oe an Independent, Newapatier fair and ioi- partial in its statements aud fearless in tht sxpression of its opinions. "THE SUNDAY UEBA.LD," of 24 p-iges, is ths bertSanday paper in Bal timore, and is sold at So per copy, or (1 50 for a year. . THE WEEKLY HERA.LD' Is the cheapest and besl Telght-psge weekly newspaper published In the TTuited States, theannual subscription being 60o. t3r"The Morning Herald" will be sent on trial for one week to any person senriin? his or her addreis, enclosing 6 cents, to the HKRALi) PUBIJ.ai!a 00., BailunoM and Charles Streets, ' ' Laioiuora, Ml. A Eicinoras, General Kaaagw, Don't hide your light. Let V . . . it be seen. Advertise Ad vertise in the most popular .. paper in Raleigh. CT The Visitor has age, is5 read daily by hundreds who a take no other paper. To Non-Sabscrib- : : ers. .. If you are not already a 5 subscriber Bend us your iddress and 25 ts. and tryJ it a mouth. If you are already. a subscriber Ml your neigh bor about th p iper. It's onlyj i- I25 cents a m v ;j everywhere u; f b- city Delivered s Commence u a. ahU.li.U.UiUiC "-CHAPLOITE" - OBSERVER. A Democratic Pnper, a paper devoted to the inHnstrial developmsnt of North Usro- -una and the South. The best advertwo? -nedinin btc3a Washiugtoa and Atlanta, iiAlLY, 8 rc- per year. WKHK.LY, U 00 per year. s, THE 03S21VEH COMPi T -J. P. Caldwbll,. El'ttor, Chidott tiv Tnn