CHURCH BITCH KIUES. The Evidence A;::iIot Durant Is En tirely Circumstantial. 8as FaAiciaco Oal., April 81. Theo dora Durant vat very cWrfal this morning and greeted every on with whom he cam la contact with a smile nl pleasant word. The probable change la conduct of th aoeused man is caused by th belief that the polica Lave exhausted ever source of infor mation against hiui. The searching of the church is finished and no fur ther evidence has been brought to light. He rested well last night and ate a hearty breakfast this morning. Police surgeon Somers visited Du rant to study his actions in anticipation of plea of insanity when the case is called. Sominers say Durant shows no signs of an unbalanced mind; in fact be spoke with intelligence on every subject that was brought up. Another man has come forward who thinks he saw Durant and Miss Wil liams, or a couple very much reeemb ling them, at 11 15 o'clock the night of her murder. As he passed them le heard her laugh and Durant was smiling He did not observe their ac tions afterward, but says they were walking toward the church. The de scription tallies exactly with the dead girl and Durant, and if they weie the persons his testimony will go to prove that the girl was not dead early iu the evening, as Las been supposed. Chief Crowley is still hard at wirk trying to strengthen the evidence against Durant. lie says his men have so far obtained no clew which would lead one to believe that the murderer had an accomplice. Th chief had a conference with the detect ives and not one of them has found anything to prove that Durant is not the guilty man. Darant's attorney called on him to day and the two held conversation for some time. The attorney said his client was about to make a statement which was not to be made public at present, and requested the police to see that Durant was not distnrbed. Durant worked the whole afternoon on the document, and denied himself to all newspaper. men and his friends. Little hope is . expressed that any bloody clothing belonging to the mur- derer will be discovered. This, the police say, is the only weak point against the prisoner. A slight reaction in public opinion has set in in favor of Durant, brought about, no doubt, by the testimony of those who witnessed his cool actions after the discovery of the body. His comrades of the signal corps of the California national guard, who were present when the news of the finding of Miss 'Williams' body, and that Du rant was wanted for the crime, was flashed by the heliograph telegraph system from this city to Mount Dia blo, say that not a muscle moved or flush passed over his face. His ac tions at the Christian Endeavor meet ing on the night of the murder of Miss Williams were so gay, and he seemed so self-possessed.that there are many who think the police have run down the wrong man. . On the other hand the circumstantial testimony against Durant is so strong that something else will have to be done to remove from the minds of many people the impression that he is the guilty man. ' This afternoon the police received information from a laundry that a . a pair of bloody trousers had been left for cleaning. The trousers are too big for Dursnt, but tfie police will trace the clue to find the owner. Durant's mother has engaged able counsel to defend him, and in every way shows a motherly interest in her son. She firmly believes that he is innocent. The police promise some starting developments in the case. It has been known all along that the authorities ad evidence, the nature of which had not been announced to the out . aiders. '' . It pertains more particularly to the murder of Blanohe Lamont and puts a new phase on the sensational ease. An inkling ofthe theory and the facts sustaining it escaped today, It is that Durant took Blanche La v mont Into the church to perform upon v Iter an operation, that she screamed luring th operation, aod the young medical student, ia a treaty of fright. choked her, hot choked too hard and killed her before he waa aware. The eondiiioa of the girl's body when first fouad indicated that the had been the victim of assault Thl was accepted as a fact, but th report of th physician who made th au topsy earefolly avoided this point. Ia the report mad pul.lic there was no mention of th evidences of as sault. Now it is said that Planche Lamont wit ia trouble and the phy sician found evidence of an opera tion. Th-se were the same marks that had led the finder of the body to be lieve that the girl had been assaulted before be'ng killed. A report was current today that four cans of kerosene oil had been found beneath the blood-stained church, indicating that the residents in that vicinity intend that the dese crated structure shall not stand. Raleigh Council, No. 551, Royal Arcanum, meets this evening at the ball at 8 o'clock. COWING! W. H. Harris World Fam ns Hickel Plate Shows Will Exhibit at Raleigh Thursday & Friday, April 25-26. Kaw Kea Tea, 5 and 10c pigs. Try it. D. T. Johnson. Wanted. " V . - l - : I Vc- yte V. , 'fi i a - - , -. ciS: ' ' v lf . . ' - -.i - FIDE TML0R1IIG G.Wcikci 124 Fayettevllle Street, Upstairs, Calls the attention of this friends and the public to the faet that he has just received his new line of . PINE WOOLENS Fob Sale. A BOOK STORE. VALUABLE COPYRIGHTS A LONQ ESTABLISHED BUSINESS Bv virtu? nf ittthiirifv r,n(rr I urt..n n I by E. G. Hirrtll Individually, anj as jur i vivinj pirtner of the kite lirm of Alfred mil a nimimssL)., CxmpoSf d ol MiJ Hrrell and tht lite J B. Neathcry) and for tlic pur pose of winJinf up the business rf said tirm we filler for sale tli slock in trade: 0ry ri(!lUSiidbX)k plates ol Moore's Silio. History of North Carolina, Mrs. Spem.c s First Stfj'S in North Carohna History, Wil- 1 : . . - v .k i: i . . j .. . liiis niMiii vjiuiiiu neaaer, isortu Ijaro- . . f urn, 1U " bee" Justice and Form book, North Caro lina Sons s and Hymns for schools;biisiness, ' store, trade and oilue furniture, tixtures, appliances, good will and all .tlie property and erlects Conveyed to us, save and except thechoses in action and other denunds. i lie Business nas run esta'Misnea nearly Ihirlv vtirc an.1 ic th htticA in the state. We invite otlersand would be glad to communicate wiili intending pur ciusers. A. W. HAYWOOD, TUOjlAS M. PIT TMAJf, P2 tot - , Trustees. j 1 1 . A 810,000 Den of PERFORIKG Liens. Acrobats, Aerialists, Juggler", Contortionists, Wire Walkers, Kquilibrists, Mm Ann TmII wIhIi!! tit .kM in In- I dies' white work, and also boys' shirt i K D A HO S1 OFFUNfJYC L O W W S. Xf. B. Mann's is headquarters for good coffees. ' Watch Lost. On North Salisbury street a lady's gold watch and chain. Findr ill he rewarded by returning to D. G. Conn. Two pt-rfnrmancs daily at 3 and 8 p. rn-' AdiniKsion popular prices. Location Hawkins lot. Go to W. B. Mann's fr all kinds of fine pickles. For fresh vegetables and all kinds of country produce call on J. N. Hub bard, at city market, stall 21. 23 at .Remember Mann when you wish something nice for your table. New N, C. Herring, cheap by the 1,000, at D. T. Johnson's. Pure water is considered by all to be necessary to health, so go to Hughes' get a filter, and save health and ex peise. apl9 3t SHOES I :. Thomas A Maxwell has jast received a large lot of pine fiber mattresses for people suffering with brouchical lnnjr trouble The Peopled Candidate Ton voters of Raleigh and of Wake county: Your wives, your sons and daughters, your grand children, your aunts, your step mother can get the cheapest furniture, the best COOK i nTntiro tne loudest bitr- 1 15 I UVL&, GLAR ALARM, the most comfortable BARBB1J chairs, 1 the sweetest tone Ma a i ; . PI A Nil AKD ORGAN that will make you dance, the largest COFFIN, the most elegant CASKETS, the most beautiful BURIAL Also . n n e ROBES. C L 0 U K S whose ticking makes the baby sleep, A magnificent Folding Bed, Carpets, m m 1 1 i a I Flower Jars. Crock MATTING, erv and many other nseful articles for the smallest amount of money, at . ' G.T.STRICKLAHD'S, 128 South Wilmington St . next door to W. H. & R. S. Tucker's. ap32 1W CMS, MTE mm. Is? 3hom We are showing complete liues of . nil', WE WANT YOU ' toseeandthenyonrown judg . ment will tell you what to do. Look at. our line of dress , goods,trimmings and linings. Also Uamburgs and laces cheaper than ever sold IN RAL EIGH before. Ladies gauze vests : from Bo up; black hose 5a; ; nice embroidered hdkfs 10c; balbriggan. half hose 10c, ; cheap at 25c. ' Shoes and sliypers FOR LADIES and children. A big stock of spring millinery just re ceived. Our prices are the r, . lowest. itYON RACKETSTORE, 10 Martin street. . in all the newest styles and best materials, at priees 25 per cent lower than you have been paying. oloves For Easter and balance of the week, we offer f 1.25 KID GLOVES FOR 89o $1.00 " .. .. 69o The gloveH ire perfect frenh goods in tbj wanted colorings. Biv mm, mmm, Once More. ' Neit Wednesday we will aga'n offer all dress goods and silks at special sale, when no profit will be asked. This is a grand offering and no lady Should neglect to profit by this sale. Yon surely need spring dress goods and cannot buy them as cheap by one fourth ' as we sell on thesspecial sales. Oar object Is-te reduce the stock before moving to Norfolk. .Re member next Wednesday, 24th. All dress goods and silks at wholesale cost at : : D. T. Swindell's. Extra bargains in furniture at Rhomas St Maxwell.' Bed lounges with attaeheable mattresses a specialty. ; SiCOULDi J JTALK THAT. HERWOOD'S QUO iGRVICE For Gtutlcmen,. Ladies, Missea and . Children have no equal for style, comfort an wear. C. A. SHERWOOD & CO sa$ Payettvjiv. St . rtai-.-iuh, 4. .J ' for spring and summer wear. He la ready to make tbetn up in the best style. GIYE HIM A CALL apl tf THE NEW PEDIGREE ROSC, Belle :-: Siebrecht, Hibkid Tea. A truly sup vrb rose, the result of a cross between La France and Lady Mary Kitzwil liams. Color Imperial Pink of )lic richest shade. Pluwers from 5 1-2 to 6 inches in diameter; has received the gold meJal of the National Rose Society of Great Britain and first class certificates from all the lead ing horticultural societies of both turope and America. Fertectly hardy and a thor ough ever-blooiner. No. size, strong plants, from 3 1-2 in. pots, fl. No 2 size, strong plants, from 2 1-2 inch pots, 75c each. Orders taken by H. STEINMEIZ, agent for this grand rose.' ap2 For Sale. - An Electropoise good as new. Only beeu used a short time. Price 20 00 Apply at this office. m6 tf Book Store Opens, The old Alfred Williams i Co. book store opens this morning for general business at the old stand, 119 Kay etteviile street. No firm, corporatioa or person has anci-eded to this busi ness. The stock must be-iiposedof at once and at reduced pric Sales will be made for cash only. This April 13, 1805. A. W. Haywood, Tho8. M. Piitmah, Trustees. Royster's Buttercups. fi We are coustautly directing our at- "St tention to the production of palatable and wholesome coufectiona and iu our efforts to produce something wortuy of special attention we have succeeded in revolutionizing the manufacture of the .very popular and meritorious candy known as "Buttercups." Here tofore they have beeu cxtreme'y hirh priced. We n.i.v are furuisiiiag th-m at a iu dernte prk-e and in uo uiauuer reiiucmg the quality. U . A .1 i' tj i-uiuiuruu lueiu ID your atteu- ,jk tion and predict for thui large .sales 1 uud popular approval. f 1i3 20c per pound. A Meet f Noydtk THE BEST COFFEK on the market Fresh. Invigorating, Delightful. Sold by .all leading grocers. mhll ,t Styles f CSOfbar Talking about cheapest, a just take a look at our $7. 50 grade of Meu's Suits. We are ready and willing to guarantee them as our higher-priced suits. In the first place, you neer were privileged sunh a v.iriety of geuteel pattern aud fash ionable Ktyl"s before. They are fin ished with a care that would do cred it to costlier garments. No sham about them. Plain effects aud neat mixtures, Cheviots and Cassi meres. Thi $70 grade is the worthy beginning of a long line of perfect tailoring.. Any tailor would say 4515. (oft fjffj and $120. You-ha-e never lily seen such truly exiellent suits for o little uiotuy before, They stand (iu their owu merit. You never see a silk-line suit elsewhere f " r less than $18, at the very lowest f'15. yet we have them at $12. 50. ' Oue especi ally attractive is a Diigonal Cheviot, black and blue, lind, with silk and handsomely st'ti'.hed edges. Then our all-wool Clays, diagonal suits, in sajk and cutaway frock: at $10. These $10 and $12.50 suits give you a wider for Vei? ... 'air4 - - range of fabrics ti selec! from. We are sure we au fit any una, and even if you bay from a high- gradn we want you to see for yourselves how full of value these are Any tailor would say $20 to B5 (2 Summon all yonr apprecia U Motion, for our $15 grade is good enough and varied enough to at ttautthe most fastidious tas'-.e. It's the best we've ever done at the price. As good as any store in this land stands ready to deliver at' $23, and the variety ten times larger. We've made a trader of this grade. These are the new suit shapes. Regent cutaways aud long saaks, lf eat in the height f fshiou. Any tailor would say that, i SBffb $23, $25 to $3 The climax. tSaiya The finest fabrics that are milled; the best trimmings that tailor ing taste has conceived; the latest styles that 'fashion has created, all find expression in our best grade of of suits. Perfect in every point. Sea them all. It will pay you. Double our prices would not find better suits; can't. t HAT lira IN PRICE OF FINE " DRESS GOODS! iS. Sr Do BERVANSER. Imported Dress Patterns were $1.60, now $1.00 a yard. Imported Dress-fatterus were $1.25, now 75c Imported lresT Patterns were $1, now 65c. Imported Dress Patterns were 75c, now 50c. In order to clear the above lines be fore the warm seasou Sets in I have made the mentioned cuts. All are this season's goods and stylish. I. ROSENTHAL. Handsome Figured China Silks, suit able for shirt waietH, only 81o, value 60a. - ' ap4 m I, ROSENTHAL A Fourth Less than Cost. All men's clothing will be sold in suits for one-fourth less than the ,'"t ual eost of same. And we have beautiful assortment of men's sumiui-r suits and a very large stock to select from. .We will notnave a clothing department when we move to Norfolk and shall not carry any clothing from here if ""our low priees will-sell it here. For instanoe, a suit that sold for $15 cost $10, and we now sell at $7.50. So yuu see this is just half the retail price and and a fourth less than cost, at D. T. Swindell's. 4u HAIL-THE SPiRING S Our spring goods are arriving and we desire to lay before the public a fact, whereby you receive the benefit. We have bought largely, and in mak. ' ing our selections we had an eye single to low tariff prices. All. wool goods equal to a tailor's $18 garment in fiuish and material. ! ( 10 A lare variety iUIT- We have them in Cheviot, cassitnere, blue- and blaek homespun, &o. BYSPCLTHING siugle-breastea, thoroughly well man e, as good a can be purchased any where for $5.00; We sell tbem at $3.64. Sailor suits in blue stripes with cord and whistle, 70c. Knee pants the boys need knee pants to help them through until they get their new suit, 17c up; all wool pants 60j. nNJS CLAY' WORSTED SUITS-J101 8C,; (9.25 (underTiew tariff reduction). Any winter garment in our house, in- -eluding men's, youth's aud boys' suits, overcoats, single pants, coats and vests -without any reservation whatever, go at flfty'cents on the dollar, We mean : wjt we say, so come and lake any -winter garment at half price. . - ROSENTHAL CLOMItfG CO., ao FATBTTBTILiB ST., OPPOSITKPOSTOFFICK. we ppSee onau bc'ainal Mewsjpjj?8cag line off ClotMEigv Haito9Eioco5,iico. anf ocEi w nor nnad flow.' TT.OvOvin)