DUKE OlGARETTES SinARETTFsM ..! J-'W .V. f fcST 7 i Bum-Sens t!-j.Tr. r ' mask rncM ABSOLUTELY PURS 0h "3- Y Y' t '."'" A Kt'W ami rorrnlo Tretm it. c RLTi'tiHiTOHlKS, C'i;- '1 tl'.ifiulil vi l..HHfi( Ointment. A i:. :,i .... r7i:,. :rll.f (' 'jvorj" tiitturn tiU'l t-;.--. i! ,.;..- ;;i.:r:' r V it I tilP Llltirt or In." t'i!.ijJ0 . : i jtu'l f il Rii'i e-'Mt : ft jut ..'::"? -.,-, ii . s ... t.U'l'P? ill (Ifrftl, UM '.'..- h,' T T' ta tTtbio didp W iM..r;.;. f l009 tO Cure vV Oitlft, Y-i ui:: ; Jo ft'mnuiteeH tMuod tv rnr ivo::'", CONSTIPATION Hri,;;,: UtoCNrt I.IVF.H nndSTOMAUil U;f.. foil en. ):lpl PlMIFiiii. bini.il. milil .(.! . I lif, tlcpeclal!y hiitl' ted f'T children's use. &UA-)'o-X. 'i'.l. BAKTRTS ij.uwt oa!r hy Joan Y. MicRse, Druggist, P-deigh, N C. Wl3 Wl BVi!a FIT FOR AKINC. (PV3. COSDOVAN, ?4.f3.FiHtCALr?:;AN3;".sa 3.3PCUCE,3 SOLES. ?o$2.WGRK!MGMp . EXTRA FINE" a. "El 4 fe. EXTRA Fine- ' ! - 'v,f i.tie.-3. Over One Million Peopla wtsr ths W. L. Douglas $3 8c $4 Shoes AUouffhoes are cqna!3y satisfactory They (five the best vnin f r tlie r-opev. They equal custom fijeca In st!c nnJ fit. Thiif wearing quolidi ure uamtrpHPscd. The prices ro uniform, st-ii?ptr(t on poJe. From $i to ?iftved over othr mr!cs. iyourdealercannotsunr)lyycu?ve;i.,i. S:-.Why Chasr.berlaln'8 Hy? ar.J! C'i;:tmoat Is uueniutllcd (, it'w.-v,- Ti-tt?:-. Salt Klicum, Stn!.l Sit.,l..; (:',!, (-.jwd ' Ifathls, I chilli.' J'j iyr-, Yii Y'Alus, Ciir '.li-Kr-i-j J-'.vce'! I I 'I 'T,n.:!a!cl !'I-iik For sale hy d.vv,y i?, m i:." csals l tv box. For puKins a t. - :r. a l!n h :.y con dition try i-'r. ('.nU'.-i t'cu.i. in i'-.:ders. They tone up tliu t-v.-u-M, ni'i cure loss uf HJHit-tite, wlk'vc to:): liji.!!h.n, tiirr9Ct ki'lnoy disoreloM nivl Jor'r ; wr.mi, ;-jving Oi!W life to an old or -a er-R-O'-k. Iwtsu. 25 tt'tits per package, l-br sulo: Jy ih'uists. PeWRYROYAL-PILLS r jH-N bafc, alw.iv r.-!i.i.irt. i.'.o..n -k-f-SS ln,-.:dst lor V'i- :-.', '. rAti Ti 'iViI other. Rfnt?U3hiert,uful;i.it- V . i firnt i'fi fmrr'f'i'tito. -At nriKKit-;," !'n-i4ct 1 t Jr in 'ii-i' for J-arMt-ulars, l- mik uriif C O KeJIvl' f" trntlrinHur. rrJa?M . 'X P HuiV HUOiK) T riit'Otilnla. .V.t.i, Mij r. v- rhli't-rt ItcuiIcttlt'Muflii'i. uui. t K-. i I s 1 1 I nil-mi'- nr. g. i.i 4, L.-iirs illuiiili..,, P-i. ..-Ki"u:wnic!iifii(-i', niffi'lioiih! lTll giwb nud lNi"r;iv(i l-!ll. The best $3.00 Men's Shoes on tha market. Made from tannery calfskin, dongola tops, all leather trimmed, solid leather Botes with Lewis' Cork Filled Soles. Unequaled for beauty, fine workman ship, and wearing qualities. Your choice of all the popular toes, lasts and fasten . taps. . : ; . Every pair ntains u paid-np Acci dent Insurance Tolicy for $100, good for 00 days. Wear Lewis' Accident Insurance Shoes, and go insured free. : ""':::. V SOLD BY'-;:;. Whiting Br o s Notice. Scaled proposals will be received at the office of principal of N. C. Institu tlon for D. and D. and Blind until Wednesday, May 13, 1895, at 13 m., for the erection of a brick building at the N. C. InHtitution for the colored D., D. and Blind at Raligh. N. C. Bidders will be required to furnish separate bids for wood work and brick work, stating how many brick will be required to complete the work. Piano and ' specifications can be seen at the office of A. G. Btuer, architect. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. Bids must be sent endorsed ' Proposals for Building." Bpl9 td W. J. YOUNG, Principal. For Rent. jjast street, near . uaswooo avenne. Apply to Postal Telegraph olflos. m27 KUiut-t. Somevhfr In th world, tvme da in th year , What yvir? No matter; sometime 'tis planned, A word will be spoken for me to hear. And neier another will understand. Somewhrre and the world U Ruallof girthj j Somewhere and life is a tngrr- snapi uuwever mreunes me wide, wide earth; lloweter the yars on ag years lap. "it laud I hate trivorn 1 or laud aiikuown, .'hr"uj;h liin grown wrary r tiinn Mtiwti fair; wniteth that wonli-rful under- ti'Ui' T" Rlrikf i n tny heating, snmftiin, Huiui-hre The Buxton museum of art bas re ivired a IffMry of .ri0,0(X) for tbnpiir ch.itR f uind'-ra Ainrruan paintings Our brtter haltrs Kay tbry could n 't keep hnuHe without Chamberlain's t'oiiiih Heiii'-ii It is ufd in mor itian half the hniuv, in l.ri-iU. Silim llroe., LredM, luwa. 1hi: hDows th ...'fin in wliiih this renn-dy is held where it li:is been sold fr yiars and s well kuon. Mothers have learned that thfre U uothiug ho pood for colds, i-roup anil whooping c oi'j, that it citi't'H tl'i-. - ailnirats quicWy and per ! i ueiirly, and tint it is pleasant and 'iik- for chMdrea ti take, 25 and 50 t-ent. bo'tiea for Sle by J Hsl lfubbUt, 'niggit. ltchintr, tii.ruiii).', cnlv km. I crust. .i.pc of iufiuts cieHti-e,! aio! lieuled. D.i ijni.v H'ft'p rt ftsrul bv J.itiuiou e Orient ! S:i, -n ' ton V Mxettne's Frank 1 n Ffiin.nnks, head of the ,i-aie roinpauy, is dying at his tit. loliiiKbu j (Vt.) h me. - . T'.v. Ij vm WrtveO. Mrs P;-.,el!e TliOiiias, of Jilurlirin Oity, 1 w.'. ti! J i) lor doctors lie 'iad con h:i.i'iii -iii Ith.i' th. H' vnoboelor ber, in t o follies ol l!i Kit.L''." N':."-v liitct'Vc'y on' lt u-ly I'li.'ci Iht i.:ii flic snvs it taveil ii r life Mr. 'Pros Kers. l-'i'.i Fior iln St., tV.'i'.tiMO. suf.etcd froir a (treadfi;) ll, app'oHot'in,' consamtitiim, tricil wi'fi nt rostilt rvrvtliiiu eh'" ; Uo.v boolit o::e tn lleol II' Kuii?'i New I)i:'0ov.Jrv Bin! in ' wo Teets wnsctireit. lit' ii luiturailv tlionk fill. It is n: risuiti of wliiuli Hifse .ire sn:i:tlea ti."i' pr-v the wonderful eilieaov of this n n- j. iin in coi:u:; an I cOOs. t'"rje trial bottle nt John Y. MitcKae's drtii;tore; Uwiitr xte 'lie ' 1. Jotincoii's MaiLieiic t)il, horee irrtO'J, iin, is a powerful Imiiueut ec ; ein.'ly prepHred for e)!"!).'!! use for ' reoi'S ami :.!) (iiS' Ht-e.' of hor-es f.i.d till l i!) foe (SO cei.tb 5'.' ct 8 i 2.' CMiiti . . The in.-ome tai pminisi's to yield a return of f8.ri(),(X)() in Connecticut and Rhode Island. It iill be an agreeable surprise to persons subject to attacks of bilious colic to leitu that prompt relief may he had by faking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In many iiis.atnes the attack may be prevented nv takiug this remedy as toon us the tirst symptoms of the dis -ase appear. 25 aod 50 eeut bottles for sale -'by .. Ual l'.obbitt., druggist. U. S. com pti oller cf the currency i'Cckt Is is oli'ered $10,000 a year on a 'Jhiea jo paper, but declines to become hi edilor. DitS VonKver fry Klertri'. Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. '. 1 Ins medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and : cure of all female I'omplaints, exerting a wonderful direct inl'itenee iu giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss ot appetite' constipation,'-headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleep less, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, .Electric Bitters is the. medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Lt ige battles only fifty cents at Juhn Y, Mactiae s drug store. . . J.(.Tiivus !.gufltlc Oil; horse brand tr a w'ieU)lnl linlutent for rheuuia. tieiu, n oirnigia. spriins nod bru'ses r I'jnu i f lie:)t. 1 00 size 60c, 50e. dze a'o At John Y JdacRae's. VTheo Bnby was sick, we gave her Costorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she Wame Miss, she clung to Castor!. When she hud Children, she gave them Costorla. The total appropriations of the 63d congress are found to amount to $496 n08 520 Those who uever read the advertise ments in their newspapers miss more than they know. Jonathan Keni sou. of Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had bees troubled with rheumatism in his back, arras and shoulders, read an item in his paper about how a prominent- German citizen of Ft. Madison had been cured. He procured the same medicine, and to use his own words: "It cured me right np." He also says: A neighbor and his wife were both sick in bed with rheuma tism Their boy was over at my bouse and said they were so bad that he had to do the cooking. I -told him of Chamberlain's Pain Balm "J-ow it , l,l"rt bad cured tnem up in arades. bottles for sale by J. Ht, druggist. Va t.t, Jnanese Liver Pt', famliv medicine tor , 4eg and oonstlpatlon; '0 p , euts, at Jolm X UaclU DESPEHATK FKillTIXG. The Krltinh Innip Have Thiir Hands Full in Norilicni India. A British army of 14.000 men, un der command of (ien Low, is captur ing the country of Cbitral, in north ern India To get into this wilj re. gion the troops made a rapid march to the MalaVand pass. The advance guard had only gone a lit'le way into the pas when the natives wre found swarming behlnJ stone breastworks, which they had erected at every suit able corner. The pass is in many places only wide enough for tw bullocks to pass each other. The British worked their way on, step by step, their mountain and machine guns gradually shelling the nathes out of their defenses. The natives fought pliickily enough, enconrtge'i by their priests waving Q.igs, but their white garments made them an easy target. At last the straggle culminated at a sharp, uarrow bend in the pass, where the natives had fixed their strongest defenses. Then the Gordon Highlanders, the Scottish Borderers and the 37th Po gras charged np the hill in the fare of n heay fire. It was a tough j b with the bayonet, as the uat'ves fought hand to hand, but when the guides executed a Hank movement, the day was won and the tribesmen iled, leav ing the pass in British hands. The lirst brigade went on beyond flie pass into Swat, where they sm-n enciiiutered 5,000 tribemen blockii.g the road. Another engagement fid lowed. The country which the troops have had to traverse is of extraordinary difficulty. Snow-rapped mountains of dry brown rock, 15.000 feet high, bare not a green thing on them. The troops of the invaders, commanded as they were from the all but inaccesi i ble slopes, took their lives in their hands, for the protection of flanking parties was almost out of the ques tion. Nor was gun fire all they had to fear. Ths mountaineers have raised rock throwing to a science. Their forts are protected by immense collections of rocks, which are sent hurling down the shingle slopes with terrific force. All night at intervals, if the men dread being surprised, these rocks are kept crashing down. It is won derful how effective this simple means of defeuse and offense is. Strange as it may seem, where nine teenth century troops are concerned, nothing is more terrifying than these falling rocks. The effects are shock ing in the extreme,.' If Tt u tt 7b liidigri-tion, Biiliousnrsa, 1j WHY II Ii STOPPED HIS SEH3I0X Preacher lirooks and HisConrt'sii- tion Capture a Thief. At Jersey City Sunday night, while Rev. Mr. Brooks was preaching, some one rushed into the church and cried out that burglars were in the preach er's house. Mr. Brooks stopped his sermon and left the church without a parting benedirtion. He was follow ed by a stampede of the congregation, the male members leading. The wo men and girls became frightened and tried to prevent; their husbands and sweethearts from joining in the chase after the burglar, hut in a few min utes the entire" congregation, even uomen and children, was marching at a double-quick rate to the parsonage, Rev. Mr. Brooks at the head of the procession. By the time the parsonage was reached the crowd had swelled to sev eral hundred. The men surrounded the house so as o , prevent the e"cap of the burglar, while the women and children crowded the street, and with bated breath looked out for develop ments. The pastor unlocked the front door and several volunteers accom panied him on a tour through the house. They were armed with revol vers and clubs. The burglar was found crouching in the coal-bin in the cellar. He had in his possession three pairs of gloves, a pocketbook with $17 belonging to Mrs. Brooks, the pastor's overcoat and other ar ticles. The rooms showed they had been thoroughly ransacked. All diseases of the skin cured, ar d lost complexion restored by Johnson' Oriental Soap, for sale by John Y rfaoKae. , Buthlen's Aruica Sxlve. The best salve In tbe world for oats, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped bands, chil blains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cares piles, or no pat required. It is gnaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed. Price 85 cents per pox., For sale bv John X bImRm. v pepsin And all stoma, h trouble ar cared by ll (? Pri- klyA-h'okeUiiot sndl'otasslnm. K!:en Li.it inj is cited by V I. P. Pain-, and ai he in the 1 at k.l. .j.iera, knee. n:,ti-s at j wiists are all at ta.kej nud eon. ;,red by P. P. P. This great iiw-di.-ine, by its blood cleanin properties, builds up and stren't j.-ns the 'tlmle body. Nt .;hiiiif is so ell', ioui -n P. P. P. at this s-tson, and for toning np, in vigortting and as a Mtrengtb-ner and appetiser take P. P. P. It throws off the iL.il.iria and puts yon in good con dition. Abbott's K.tst Indian Corn Paint cures all corus, warts and bunions. Burwell & Pana, Wholesale and Re tail A,feiiiH, Charlotte. N. C. S. A. L. We jj;:iin otTcr from the RaHoh Crvstal lea Dry Ice of best duality and at lowest prices, in Raleigh and to nc.tr-by ruilro.ij points. Ice now ready lor delivery in any quantity. JONE3 & POWIiLL. IPooaiLOXLtas Steam Coal is ahead of all others in quality ana pi ices. JONES & POWELL Raleigh Agents. JTOj? Laths, etc., Hav, Mill Feed, Shinies. call on JONES & POWELL, Rale'gh, N. C. amor lb One elegant upright piano, j'217.50; 3 square pianos from $35 to $100. Standard makes of high grade pianos always on hand at medium prices. A. W. P.MIHAM, ap2 m West. Hargett street. Scabr CONL' ts 1 Trains Ii i ao a m- Hopprable Donnelly As the victorious champion of the people against the Minnesota Cool Combine, Ignatius Donnelly evinced a robust, practical good sense, rather at variance with the speculative, spirit shown In " Tbe Great Cryptogram.'' Mr. Donnelly is a man of the most versatile talents ; his successes in medical science, at the bar, and In the field of letters, are many and unlque. Those familiar with his writings (and who Is not?) are always Impressed with the readiness with which He Quotes .Authority To support a proposition. One Is ';' thus led to believe that he possesses a remarkably retentive mind. But those who know him say this is a mistaken idea i that his memory is poor, but he is a tireless Investigator, and has a well selected" library, with reference books of every sort, which enable htm to turn at volition to , any desired Information or reference. The work which he values above all others Is THE ENCYCLOPEDIA BR1TAN.NICA, of which he possesses two sets one at his residence and one at his office. He knows that Its authority Is never questioned anywhere, and is said to have won several cases in court upon evidence taken from Britannlca. In your ENCYCLOPAEDIA ; BRITANNICA note the tine articles on Bacon and Shakespeare, and y for your own satisfaction, endeavor to trace in the writings of Shakespeare the alleged cipher of Bacon. Such comparisons are entertaining and Instructive, If you do not own THE ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA ' you had better procure It while the new edition Is being sold at Introductory prices. Address , : THE OBSERVER CUT FLOWERS, Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns.Roses, Geraniums, Coleus, Tube roses, Cannas, ete., for window deco rations and outdoor planting, Choice and latest chrysanthemums out. Vines 'or the veranda. Tomato, Egg, Cabbage and other spring plants. , -. . , - H. t'lTKINMETZ, Phone 113. V : Florist. rd Air-Line. fcD SCHKDL'Lfc. KKitCT hue. 23. 'i5. Kaleig'i. i.v. "Atlnu'tL Siirel ..! " ..HiMiVefM'iolefor bleu Trim V, i-l.loii, i't ters fc'eitfiioii'l, V.'i.f l ini.- ,, HtHiuiore, rt.il.i ! pi. tti, IfW York ar;d f.l I o'uts tiortli. Buffet draw i'l'rroriii t let peri &bd Pa!i lus.n roaches Aunui- tt Wi'tliingtou, parlor CRrr Wimi.iiigtou to New York 'tilii oQ Hleeiiiug car Uou-ro-. c I'ortsutcuth. 1 j 01 PM-I)a.i!y for Heuderson. Wehlon, 8af foik, Portsmouth, .Norfolk and loteruiwllate stations, connects at Portsmouth with BrtvLineforOld Polm and Baltimore, with Nor foik and Washington Sleati, boat Co., for Washington with V. Y. P. & oN. it. B for PhiUdolph a snd polntr north; also at Weldon with Atlantic Coast Line for Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Phllndelphlti tnd dtw York Through sleepers Wel'lon to New York aul with Scotland fleck Branch for Greea vide, Wsthingion and Pb mouth. 1'ulluaiin sleeper Atlautaty Portsmouth. 5 83 a M !aily. "Atlituta Spe-cial,' Pullman Vertibule for Bo. Ptnoe, Hamlet, Monroe, Chester. Clinton, Green, wood, Abbeville, Athens, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo tiiic, Now Orleans, Chattm nooga, Nashville, MouiphU and nil points south and southwest. Through Pull man Bullet Sleepers am day coaches Watlilngtoa to Atlanta, connecting direct ly at Uaiou depot Atlanta with divers) ng lines Pull , iran sleeper Portsmouth to Monroe. 8 40 PM Daily, for JBouthcrn Plnoa, Hamlet, M x t o n, Wilmington, WfiJosboro, Mouroo. Char lotte, Liucolnton, nbelby, Buthcifordton, Chester, Greenwood, Atlanta and. points south. Trains Arrive Raleigh : 617AM Daily. "Atlanta fcptela).u Pullman Vestibule from JSew York, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all poluta north. Pirlor cars New York to Washington; Full man Bullet Sleepers and day coaches YfasUmgion to Atlauta. 8 35 P M Dtx'ly froct Porti-iuonth ftud points no-1 h via Bay Line S. Y. P. i, IS . R. R., also frc-jt Greenville, P 1 y in o n t h. 'Vashujt'-o j.,rt t K""""-" Cavollu't poiuts viii Wot don,Poti,rebtiri1 I'if.bvio'iii Washington aud pioisith north via Atl:tia Co'vet Liue, si ptrs New York ir WoidOu 1 30 AIM taily, "AtSivnU Bpocial,' Pultuiau Vestiliu'e, Irort Atla-ola, Atbeus,A'ujt,viti Greenwood, ('luster hui: . poi.'its sontii., i-'ulluina i'"V cot eh- up ) :.i'. r Ai.a'- ta to Wash! ngton. 11 CO A M xaiiy lioul W ilia 1 ug toll. f?iielby, Llusoluttta, Uhar lotto, Atiaur.a and potnit scuth Mixed trains leave JohuBon Stree, Station, for Henderson blu iateruiediaro stations 5 S0 p. m.; re turning arrives Johssou Street 9 (;( i. tn. v 402ai.14u8, "Athiuta Spcinl," ire solid Puiiujao veetibuloti trains composed of si'iigiilllooat day eoacUer nd palaoe drawing rooms Hnict sleepers betv't'Ori Wat-hlugtoit aui 4ti tita. willtoat chaage, on whiot there is no o:;tri f:iro charged. For Infonuation roiiitive tosche-i-rtle, &e, auii'-y W ti-jicat iwtai-, or A J Oooke. S. F. A., llaU'gU. E. St. JOHN', Vice President. J. II. Wi.vuKU, General Manager. . T. J. Anhbusox; Gon'l Pass. Agent - V, K. McliKii, Supt, Transportatiou. lAtiti A AAA it A Art , i H rt tt ft r. i A K H rt - t A4 AA ddd- jj Sj ' j A "Word to Those who "f;TZ D Not Bjliavo in Advertising. 7. If yon are in business nd . want it to be known yonZ2 4 ' should advertise. Advertising pays. Look at the Tuckers. Look at Swindell. Look at Berwanger. . i - . - fcj fs i. r ink c Look at Williams Si Co. Look at B ill. Look at Miss Maggie Reese. ZZ Look at Sherwood. ZL Look at Briggs. Look at Rosenthal. Z2 Look at Woollcott. " Look at the Lyon Kacket.ZT Look at Dughl. ZZ Look at the Johnson's. ZZ Look at the many others. ZZ They believe in printer's Advertise in the Visitor. ZZ. mmmmmi FOB1895. The publishers take pleasure -in a:inoun log that "Ihe Siorning avrn'.ii" ti.w rec. il ly been enlarged from four i oiut pages, and that while the price c.Hms t'.l one canl per copy, or ii per year vo :u..ii su'oaonbers jaeb edition contains as mucti news ant! more general reittliuj; ma tor than is primed by the Baltimore two-cent (taihes. The i'elegrapuio Service of "The Mornini Herald" is nuexcellcd by any otaer ualii- Stop paying $1.50 a thoa-2?" . sand for dodgers. They ben- ... . j.., . eflt yon njthing. The sameTli J money will put you a niceZ card in the Visitou for oneT ' -week which will be seen by' 3,000 people daily. ZL':', The Viai'loll circulates all' .-over Raleigh. There are hutZZ i few houses here that it doesT" , s uot go to. ZZ The Visitou circulates in" '. v all portions of Wake county."" '. It goes to 15 postollices. . ZZ'l It re'-iclns the very class of"' people v : ire after. -v You warn trade. The Visi-2 tok will help you get yourjr, - i trade. , Don't hi I" your light. Lel'J 3 .-it. he seen. Advertise Ad- i ? vertise in the inost popular , paper ia Raleigh. ZZ-, :- The VidiTou h is age, is"7,. ZZZ i'ead daily by hutidreils whtO" ; , .' t take no other paper. r- To Non-3ubscrib- ers. , tnore paper. - Its News Barvioe V the counties is thor- ouL'h and reliable. Its Market Keports are full, complete auo accurate. Its illustrated woman's is a featurt that will not be found in any other Balti more daily. A verbatim report of the tamon hy llev Dr Talmage the celebrated Uroolclyn preacher appears in Monday moruiug'b edition. "Ihe Morning Herald" will continue to oe an Independent Newspaper fair and im partial in its state. iients and fearless in tne axpression of its opinions . "THE SUNDAY UKB VLD," of 24 piges, is the hest Sunday paper in Bal timore, and is sold at 3c per copy, or $1 50 for a year. "TUB WBKKLI UEttALD' ts the cheapest and best ehtht-ptge weeklr newspaper published in the United States, tneannual subscription being ooo ' j"The Moruini; Herald" will He sent on trial for one week to any para.ia seudinc his or her address, enclosing S cauts. to the . , HEB&.LD PUBtiPjama OJ., Balthmoxs and Charles Streets, BaUimxtt, Ml A BKHHOnii eail Miiiiu, . w If you are not already a. ;! subscriiier send in ynnrUv iiaddress a nil 25 ot s. and try. "i it a mouth, lt you are already ".-- r subscriber t.ell your neigh-;,j wbor about tli,' p per. It's only ) , ', '25 cents a in u' U. Delivered;j ""everywhere in 'ht city. ' Cotniuence n j.ii iii '.u.auuu..; in -CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. VKKKXY V A Democratic Ptrmr, paper devote to the initustnal deveiopmsnt of North Cari huaand tlietiajth i'r host ativr,tt.'i aw limn bntW'wa Vasliingtou and Atlan i. DAILY, ti if psr vear. 'VSElkLY, H 00 per yaar. THE OBSERVER COUP 41" J. P. CiihDffBUL, Klitor, Chirbtte

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