CARRIED THEIR POINT. The Eiigiii'tT Caui to Se Mr. Yimterday cngiueer Hairier, tiarri on, rtir and Yates, of the rteorgU, Carolina tnd North- division of the 8. A. L., arrived here. Vim pnrpf ss of their visit wa l i am hit. Reed, superintendent of motive p-r. Two week ago, or more, ho bad pr-anised them that an eugiuoer named Deuson, from one of tho western roade, who Lad been put en u eugiue iu place of engineer Yates, shjulJ be taken off acd engineer Yates restored. Bat Mr. Heed ouljr premised; Le did not perform. Yesterday he performed, that is Le ordered Denson to rome here at once, lie also restored Yates, It seems that the latter was to have teen "examined." These examina tious are new things and do not "set well" cn the veterans, who think they know their business. The en gineers who came yesterday to pro tect against tfce dropping of Y'ateaare pleased that he has been put on dnty again. There is to be a meeting )f engineers here in a few days. LATE XKWS NOTES. HapiKMiiiijrs All OvtT th. (Viiiitry Ihiolly IVswibed. ' It is expected that the pre-ident will appoint ex-congressman Uunn postmaster at Iiocky Jlonut. The plot to counterfeit the pink two cent postage stamps has been snr'oonded and all the counterfeiters Dabbed. An important addition to the uavy was made yesterday when the double turreted monitor Amphitrita was put in commission at the Norfolk navy yard. The Pacific mail steamer City of Para, which arrived at New York yes terday, reports that Wednesday and Thursday she wis followed by a Span ish warship. At Sanford, Fla., last night Henry Suber shot and killed Leopold llinone and A. E. Odoldo, and bis brother Charles dangerously wounded Antonio Taffoletti, after a quarrel about sup per. . P. S, civil sen ice commissioner Theodore Roosevelt will hand his rei nation to president Cleveland in a few days, and early in Vir will become one of the four police commissioners of New York city. The Emanuel Church Triifretlit's. San Francisco, April 33. The police are still busy picking np the threads and weaving their net of circumstantial evidence in the Emanuel Baptist church cases, so as to leave no weak mesh through which the accused can escape, for they be lieve they have the murderer in the person of W. H. T. Durant. It is now thought they will make an endeavor to try Durant first on the charge of murdering Miss Lamont, as the evi dence in that case is said to be much stronger against the prisoner than in the case of the killing of Miss Wil liams. Referring to the rumor that Blanche lamont was lured .to the church by Durant's promise to perform a crim inal operation on her to save her from disgrace, and that when she shrieked in agony he caught her by the throat to stifle her cries and choked her to death, Dr. Barrett, the city autopsy physician, states the rumor is with out foundation. He sys he took es pecial, care in the matter of the autop posy, and he is satisfied that no crim inal operation was performed. He also states that both young women died of strangulation, and that the knife wounds in Miss Williams' body were not the cause of death. But J. B. P. Hudson,; a citizen who lives within a few doors of the church, who has been found after much labor by dectives, says that on the night when , Miss Williams was last seen he was passing by the church he iaw a young man and young lady at the gate. He said the man was urging the girl ,to consent to some proposal he was making, and she was demurring. As Hodgson .passed the young man looked him square in the face. . Hodgson told his story to the detec tion, ml Durtnt ' brought op from hi cell. A He fcd Uadon lb I Her aaid t " That is the face that it th into ; lam tare of it." Durant again denied that he w at the rboren, and mi l II lr vu wu mis taken, but tho chief of police think he ha f and the m -it i-nportu,t wit ness iu the case. It is now ,ertin that the aaeused man will o-tk to establish an alibi, and tint will be his line of defense, in the case of Mis Williams and also in the case of Miss L;tui"nt, of whose murder he is also u-pected. in the preliminary examination of Pu tant, the testimony of the witnesses examined did not materially differ from that given at the inquest. When the uame of A. K. Williams, th dead girl's father, was called, a sensational incident occurred. - A handsome, well dressed young woman, who had been standing all the niorninp on the edge of the crowd behind yoiinfc- Durant. stepped to the witness platform and said : " I shall refuse to say a word until I have spoken to this defendant." Jud(;e Conlan ordered her to step down, but she refused, and exclaimed: " I declare this man free !' As a balitf took her in hand she ex claimed : " No one shall touch me un til I hive spoken to this man !" The woman had 'evidently become insane from brooding over the mur ders. Durant's overcoat, Minnie Williams' purs-, Durant's keys, a bunch of rai;s that were found in the murdered girl's throat, a stick which was used to fcree them dowu, and a broken kuife with which the body was mutil ated, were offered as evidence. . - - - Are you usinir Levering's coffee? It is undoubtedly the best on the mar ket. Try a a package. COMING! W. 3. Harris World Fanrns Wid Plate Shows Will Exhibit at Raleigh Thursday & Friday. April 25-26. FINE TAILORING I 'in e People's VfrdrV-:.& xar T :HVi k ' ..4.- .ifi-.', :;;itviV?:i 5 CJ". WeESiI 121 Faycttevllle Street. Calls the attentioo of this friends and the publie to the fact that be has just received bis new lines of FIXE WOOLENS A S 10,003 Den of PERFQRIfiC Lions. Aciobats, Aeriaiists, Juicier. Contortionists, Wire Walkers. Kijuili: rists, AT?D A HOST OF F U Fi Y C LO VV N 3. Two pel ft ruimices daily at 2 and 8 p. m. Admission popular prices. Location Hiwkinslot. Don't forpet to attend the special sale of 3 l-2e a yard shirting calico on net Friday, at I. Rosenthal's. Stock of inilliuery is complete and prices lower than ever. Violets at f;o a bunch. I. Rosenthal. i ! i , j i J A for spring and Hummer wear. He is ; ready to make tbfin op in the bent style. GIVE HIM A CALL apl tf 1 THE NW PSD1GREE ROSF, Belle :-: Sicbrccht, Hibrid Tea. ' A truly sup rb rose, the result of a cross between La Fran.e and Luly Mary hUwil liams. Color lmperi.,1 l ink of jiie richest sli ide Flowers li om 5 t-2 to 6 inches in diameter; has received the rM meJal ol the National Rose ieht.v oi Great liritain and lirst cla-s cei tiiic.i:e Iroiii all the lead ing societies ol both furope and America, i'er.ectly iiaidy and a thur- : oufh ever-bloomer. No. 1 sie. strong pla its, from 3 t-2 in. pots, f I. No 2 si.'e. .stiMiig plants, tioin 2 1-2 inch pots, 75c cacn. order., taken by M. STEINMETZ, ajfcnt lor this $cnJk rose. ap2 I Candidate Y'on voters of Paleiifh an 1 of Wa' e.Miuty: Your wives, yo'ir n an I daughters, your rand cl ilJren, your auets, your step mother csn sret tl che.tpesi furniture, the b-st t'oillv f-K "T" o 1 1 " i- Oie Ioi.l-t HCK 3 I U Vf.rj, tiI,AU AI.ARW, th nios' cotnt'.-r ii. le HAHPK.t chair, i lie sweetest tone B , nRPAM FIAO " UnUAS hal will iinkeyr-l liauee, the lartrest CDKl'IS the uiot elepant tASKKT.S, the most leauiiful HI RlALAIso 0 . n 0 now. C LP G KS aVposb ticking make the baov e.-p, A magnificent Folding Bed, t'-irpM, a m KloweiJiri. Crock- MATTING, n.1 many other useful articles for the smallest araouut of money, at Do You Read ? Yes, of course you do. We can supply any book, newspaper, period ical, magazine, fashion book, novel or other publications that, can be ob ta'ued in America in the shortest pos sible time and at the lowest pos?ibld price. . Will take your subscription for any journal published anywhere in the world vr at any price. Thb NoKth Cauolisa Book Co., ap23 4t 129 Fayettev ille St. Thomas & Maxwell has just received a large lot of pine liber mattresses for people suffering with bronchieal lun troubles. Id) (TOMMIU 12) c ii b"i)UJ nHERWOOD'S I Extra bargains in furniture at Rho.aas & Maxwell, Bed lounges with j attacheable mattresses a specialty. Wanted. Mrs. Anna .Pell wishes to take iu li dies' white work, and also boys' shirt waists. West Jones street ap23 Watch Lost. On North Salisbury street a lady's gold watch and chain. Finder will be rewarded by returning to D. (i. Conn. For fresh vegetables and all kinds of country produce call on J. N. Hub- i bard, at city market, stall 21, 23 3t YOUMp"EAT;7 Ton Wa:nb SOMETHING GOOD. ; IKeit: HAMS? v 1 have them, sweet and juicy; the very best. You want feef Tongues,. Ureakfast Strips, Bacon, too, don't you? 1 keep it. FLOUR The best of brands Acme, Dan Val le) Desoto other tfood brands. MEAT, Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Canned Goods of all kinds. EVERYTHING Kept in a first class grocery, store, : YOU Should come and see me belore huy ing. Everything here in the eating Tine that you WANT. C. H. ANDERSON. The Live Grocer, ap24 Ct ' Fayettcville Street, We are showing complete lines of !a! 3),. li H im , HO 9 in ail the newest styles aud best materials, at prices 25 per cent Iowht thau you have been pay jug. KiK STOCK MvT Easteraod balance of the week, we .f! r fl 25 KID GLOVI'S FOH 80 1.00 " ' " 09c The gloves are perfect, fresh goods in the wanted colorings, HOS. For Oi, l,a-!:. s':'!f:es an? Cbild'en have no eqiui for. .tU', co-afurt an wear. C. A. SHERWOOD & CO. to", ply-M" : -it . . i! i .'. IN 'PRICK OF FfNK DRESS;-. GOODS! Imported Dress T'atterns weve i 1.50, now 1 (X) a yard. Imported Dc-ss it'erm were' $1.25. ti-iw 75 :. Imported Dres-i Patterns were . 1, now 6.V. Imported Dress I'ats-i'jn were 75c, now 50c, In order to clear the above- liue-t be fore the warm season sets in 1 have made th mentioned cuts. All are this season's goods and stylish. , 1. KiKSliNTTIAL. Handsome Fic'iKed China Silks, suit able for shirt waists, only 31-, value 50). ap4 m I. ROSEFTHL For Sale. An Electropoise good as new. )ul been used a sh'rt time, l'rice f2() 00 Apply at this ollice. niO tf r.T.STRIC:LA3D'S 128 .South Wilmington St . II. & R. S. Tu kT's. nejt door to W. i'-3 , mmh 6W 9 fit 9 THE H1SST COFKKK on the market. Fresh, Inviori in,,', Delightful. Hull jy all leading grocers mhll Royster's Buttercups. We are constantly directing our at tention to the production of palatable and v. holesome coufei tions and in our efforts to produce something worthy of special attention e have succeeded ! in revolutionizing the manufacture of the very popular and meritorious candy known as "lluttereups." Here tofore they have been extremely high priced. We now are furnishing them at a moderate price and in no manner reducing the quality. We commend them to your atten tion and predict for them large sales and popular approval. 20c per pound. WE WANT YOU to see and then your own judg ment will tell you what to do. Look at our Hue of dress goodH.triinmiugs and linings. A'so Hambnrgs and cheaper thau ever sold IN RALEIGH before. Ladies gauze vests from 5 np; Mack hose 5 ; nice embroidered hdkfs KM; balbriggan half hos 10-, cheap at 25c.: Shoes and sliypers FOR LADIES and children. A big stork of spring inilliuery just re ceived. Our prices are the lowest. LYON RACKHTSTORH, 16 Martin n reet. Bock Stora ; Qpisns, The old Alfred Williams & Co. b,. i store opens this morning for gener,;. business at the old stand, 119 Fay etteville sfiuet. No firm, corporation or person has succedrtd to this busi ness. ; T he stock must be disposed of at ouce and at redue d, prices. Sales will be made for cash only. Thi April 13, 1895. A. W. Haywood, Thos. .M. Pittman, Trus'tees. Talkiii about i henoesf, Like, a bvk at our ;V.50 ;'ii;iT'i ..f .Men's Suith. ,We are r.'ady and wi li i mi to guarantee iheiu as our higher-priced sails. In the lirst. place, you lie, or were, privileged su :h a variety of genteel pattern and fash i n:'ble styles before. They are liu ishod with a care that would do cred it to co.stlior garments. No sham about them. Plain . effects an 1 ueat mixtures, Cheviots and Cas-ii-1 meres. This i7 50 grade is the orlay f beiC'inuiug of a long line of perfect t:iih(ring. Any tailor would uy .'Jl.T. ! and iT2,;i). l'ou ha e amverj livy Meen MiieU truly ex -e'ieat sui's ! l.o -ii lit 1 le movey before. " ..They stand on their own merit. V.oi iiver ; see a silk-liu suit e'sevhere f'T less than $18, at the very lowest fl5, yt we have th-iu at .''12.50.; 0u especi ally attractiv is a Diagonal Cheviot, ' bine's and blue, liued with silk and handsomely tttitchetl edges. Theu our all-wool -Clays, diagonal suits, in Hack and cutaway frock at $ 10. TueseflO and 12. 50 suits give you a wider raim of ihbiT-s to seieel i"ro;a. We are su;e .ve i i i ii: any m "i, and even if you buy ir-iT. a b!,. r t ide we wanty.iu to f. r y imi'Iici li v full of valni these are. Any tail.. r would say .,) . v-"- .eu.!i.'i u '.h y-i ii- appreci,t- Q) li 53 tiou, f.,r our il.T - grade id fcooT euv.ugh and varie l -uough to at. li act t lie mo .t faslHli uis'.e. It's the best we've ever done. ai. the prb-e. As good as auy store in this lau.l siaiuls ready to deliver ai and tlm variety ten times larger.' .We've nvide a trader of this grale: Th.-se are the new suit shapes. Regent cutaways and long fackts, ail out, iu the height of fashion."-' ny 'ta'U'ov would :iy that. O&'iJj' t'ue nuest that a I'd milieu; ue best triiiimi ngs lliat t-tilor-ing taxta has c;iic.eived; the iat-'it styles that fashion his created, nil liu l cvpressiou in our tst grade 'of ' ofsaits. Perfect in every point, ried them all. It will pay you, DoujIo our prices would uot tiud better suits cau't. HAIL THE Our spring goods are arriving' and we desire to lay before tha public a fact, whereby you receive the Imnefit. We have bought largely, aud in malt, ing our Selei tions we had an eye single to low tariff prices. All wool goods equal to a tailor's $18 garment in iiuish and material. v f2r: suit A laige Varieij, . We have them in blue and black i.liHVWit.. r.nriuimerM. hoilleHoil n. &e. uiy woil uiaiir, as good as can be purchased auy where for i'5.00; we sell them at $3.04. Sailor suits iu blue stripes with cord and whistle, 79c, ICuee paut the boys need knee pnuts to help them through until they get their new suit, 17c up; all wool pauls 50;, nS CLAY : -WORSTED SUiTJ-;'1 8C- $9.2.) (under ne tarilf reduction). Any winter garment, in (ur house, iu- . duding men's, youth's and boys' suits, overcoats, single pants, coal.n and vests without auy reservation whatever, go at tifty cents on the dollar. We moan we say, so com and take auy winter garment at half prb;e. ROSENTHAL CLOTHING CO., 806 PAYKTT8VJLLK tTt, 0PP0SITB.P08T0KF I C K t 5 s : ",Jr inMiu If you waifrti a tiUnt foi a maiii hoy w child ii will pay you to look oves omi; ck3 fosr oan stock Is jie vV :acic3 nnceo flot '3 ' "'I'lllTiT" -fur, y - f it na r i rt l it ' r akim t! ulrtln'lgnMiaif