DUKE Cigarettes (9IGARETTES 3 W.PutmSom&Ca 7 WMNtRlC TOBACCO C3 V Vj PUHHAM, Wjt U.S.A. MAOK FROM 1 High GraJa Tobacco AJTD ABSOLUTELY PURE CURS Some Other Day. There are wonderful thing w ere going to do. Soma other dir. And harbor ws bop to drift Into Borne other day. With folded band nd oar that trail, We vetch end wait for a favoring gala To Oil the folde of an idle all gome other day. We know we inaet toil if ever we win Soma other day. Bat we ay to ourselves there's a time to begin Some other day; And ao, deferring, we loiter on, I mil at length we And withdrawn '1 1.- strength of the hope we leaned 11 pun Some other day. And when we are old and oar raee ia run. Some other 4ay, We fret for the thing that mght hate been done Some other day We trace the path that lead as where The beckoning hand of a grim despair Lead nt) yonder, out of here, Some other day. A N"W nnd Cnmpteto Trer.i.rr?nt. cinw-itnp eiil'luBITOKlKS, Cii-uli of. Oiniiu nt and tw t.aNnt (Mninipnt. A mr.-er-fiilllutr C:i:-i forliln of t-Vfrir rialur ao-l rit-irrre. It dank'0 nii opomlta. wit'i the lrr.K or lrjr. ttousof carbMr cl-t, -whlc Are tiMniul fcnd teltioin a pi-rn.l-n-Mil t-u., 3i:t .i'!e rceuliliiK iu death, crin.cwearr". Why undrf this terrible Jiaesee7 V. au: rcn-e t toe to oura any oaae. Vcu :iy hi Id: bonpta received, tl a box, 6 Air !. f eut by mail Guarantee Iwiod by our agents. CONSTIPATION t!i great LTVKR and 6TOJ) ACU KKUIXA TOR nn-1 111 jmih rimlFlFK. Knmli. mild and Dluvwut to take, w".eolally adapted (or tklldroa's ueo. COUumt ao wntf. ! MIAJTTKES lamed only bj John Y. MacRe,;Drugijt, Raleigh, N O W.L. Douglas 53SHOE Ml mm 'aw -ran- IS THC BEST. FIT FOR A KINO, S. CORDOVAN, FRENCH AKNAMCUCO CAtr. A?Z?$ Fine Calf &Kan6A3ch 3.Ia?P0LICE,3Sole3, LADIES' 3cMA9ar .END FOR f Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoe are equally satisfactory They give the beat value for the money. 111. rrji 1 he prices are anlfnrm, stnmped on 'a They equal custom Shoes In style and 1 neir wearing qualities are unsu From Si to ft saved over other makes. if your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by H SELLER BROS. Chamberlain's Eye And Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Totter, Salt- r.licum, Seald llcnd, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching l'iks, Lum?, Frost JJites, t'hronieSoro Kves an.l Untnuiatei Kye Lids. 1 or sals by druggists at cents per box. TO H0B830WNEHS. For puttini; a hor.- in a fine healtliv con- flition try Dr. Cady'a C'onJitina l'ciwdera. Tlicy tone up the eyjtcni, aid dijrt.ition, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disordciu and destroy worms, giving B.!W life to an old or over-v.orked horse. 25 a. nt8 per package. For sale by tUiiKgists. CTft dlolieotrr'i Fnlrllll IHamoa.t ItronS. rEflYROVAL PILLS VryLK Ft. tJwav- p-HM: toi: k & Hioiut urann in itea wi wwu m"''E Irxtce. (ld with blrjp rlhbnn. Tske (Mi a ..11 J JfM.Uiaftnn. At Drtlirzlrtt' Ot Kfld M In mmpi for puttonlsn, tmttmnolal nd "KellCT IOP tOHWi" iniciier, t.y mnrn Mull. Kt.000 TirtiiiniPtls. Name Miptr. 1A ttf Ml Ucvl DrttuUU, rUAA-, l'V Thxp tiny CtiifHuies nr- inrunventeiu .nirertionH K!fJ I In which ( ofhibji, i u-V'J ucpb auu jiieciion tmi. SUDDEH 4 A Woe of the Weather. Ab, how these rain elonde do oppress The blithesome summer girl; Tuey fill ber soul with gloom, because Her hair won't stay in earl. DECLARES HIS INNOCENCE. Dura nt Says That Proven. It Will Be Ilrull New CapiuL The Briiltaner not aatlafled Uh their present eapital, Rio d Janeiro, which 1 not central, sot very healthy and perhap not roomy enough. They are to build themeeUe a brand-new eapital, embodying, a the projector would ay,erery modern improt ement. When Baby waaafc-t. we gve her CWnrafc Wb she waa a Child, she crkd f or CkAtorU, When ahe bvmme Via, she clung to Oaatorkfc When she had CUUrao, she gave them Oaatorhw For eollc. eour, praln'. brolee pavlj, welll dm nod all 1leae ot horse and cattle Johnson ' Magnetic Oil.borce braDd. Kive eieelleot at Ufaotion. $1.00 ize 51 eentii-80 cent (iteUeenta Bold by JdTio Y Mae Rm, drngarlst :' San Fr.ANCtrico, April 29. For the lirst time since the charire of murder- ng Miss Marian Williams in the Eman lel Baptist church of this city was formally made against W. H. T. Du- nnt the prisoner has cousented .o talk lie spoke first of the Lamont i:se, sayiuy : " Poor Hlanche. I am accused of strangling her and then, remaining inmoved at the details of the most lorrible crime in history. No one will ever know the sorrow I feel, and ao jne can begin to comprehend my thoughts, even if I were to tell all the anguish her terrible fate has caused me. I could not have murdered the kirl. I liked her too well ; not better than any one else in the world, but I respected And admired her, and we were good friends. "Judging by newspaper communi cations I am looked upon as a cold blooded, diabolical monster. I am painted as a devil In human shape, and very little is said in favor of the possibility of any other person hav ing killed these two girls, but when my trial is over the world will know that I am inuoeent." 4444 4444 4444 444 rf444 l?444 aannit mm mmis Indigestion, Billionsneas, Dyspepsia And all ton,. h trouble are cured by P, F, Fo PrUklyAsh.". keK.x.t andHta!um. Rheuinati-n is cored by V. P. P. Paina and Ai-!.n in thi bnrk Mhunlilnra. -A Word tO ThOSd WllO- knees, aokl. - and wrists are all At tacked and conquered by I . r. r. D Not Believe in - Advertising. Our better halves say they could not keep house without Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. It is used in more than half the homes in Leeds. Sims Sros., Leeds, Iowa. This shows the esteem in which this remedy is held where it has been sold for years and is well known. Mothers have learned that there is uothing so good for colds, croup and whooping cough, that it cures these ailments quickly and per manently, and that it is pleasant and safe for children to take. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sile by J Hal Bobbitt, druggist. ' ' Call for the Horse Brand of Johni ion's Maguetio Oil. It has no equal lor the diseases or borses and cattle. tl-00 s'ze 60 cents ; 50 cent size M ets. For sale by John Y Maoltae. It is quite possible that John Brown's body is marehing along, bat it Is very certain that his widow lives in a cabiu'jin the Sierra mountains, fifty miles from San Francisco. The best wearing, most stylish, and t'je greatest value of any $3.00 Men's fthoes on the continent. Best calfskin, dongola tops, solid I lather soles, with all the popular toes, lists and fastenings, and Lewis' Cork Filled Soles. Bach pair contains a paid-up Acci dent Insurance Policy for $100, good for 0 days. , Wear Lewis' Acoldent Insurance Shoes onco and you will never change. The insurance goes for "full measure." Talk with your dealer who" sells Lewis' Shoes. SOLD BY Wliitingr Bros '';;:.Hotice.;v:.-' Sealed proposals will be received at the office of principal of 0. C. Institn tion for D. and D. and Blind until Wednesday, May 13, 1895, at 13 m for the erection of a brick building at the N. C. Institution for the colored D . D. and Blind at Raleigh. N.. C Bidders will be required to furnish separate bids for wood work and brick work, stating how many brick will be required to complete the work Plan and specifications can be seen at the office of A. O. Bauer, architect. The right to reject any or all bids is resorted. Bids most be aent endorsed Proposal for Building." ' apl td W. J. YOCNGt, Prlnoipal. For Rent? v :. Four room cottage for reat on N. Hast street, near Oakwood avenue. -rT to Vv'-l X;v:':ab.c''- V "t It will be an agreeable surprise to persenB subject to attaoks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In many instances the attack may be prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms of the dis ease appear. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. Hal Bobbitt, druggist. Jo he son Magnetic Oil cares cramps and colic and internal neuralgia and headache and backache instantly. 23 and 60 cents, for sale by John Y faeRse Tapenny Have you finished that letter, my dear. ' Mrs. Tapenny Yes; all but the postcript. Tupenny Good! I'll have time for a couple more cigars. Those who never read the advertise ments in their newspapers uiiss more than they know. Jonathan Keni- son. of Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had beea troubled with rheumatism in his back, arms and shoulders, read an item" in his paper about how a promi nent German citizen of Ft. Madison had been eured. He procured the same medicine, and to use bis own , words: "It cured me right up." He also says: A neighbor and his wife were both sick in bed with rheuma tism. Their boy was over at my house and said they were o bad that he had to do the cooking. I told him of Chamberlain' Pain Balm and how it had eured them up in a week. 6O0. bottles for 1 y J. Hal Bobbitt, SOUTHERHO. (PlaTMONT J IB -LIN.) CONDENSED St'HEWULB. IN BFFECT APRIL 13, '95. TRAMS LBAVB BALBIOH, B. C. . 5:0ft Daily, connect "it Greens a. m. boro for all points north and Daily, south, and Winston-Saleus and points on the Northwestern North Carolina railroad. At Salisbury for all points in west ern North Carolina, Knoxville, Teno., Cincinnati and western points; at Charlotte for Spar- tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points south 4:10 Connects at Durham for Ox- p. m. ford, uiarksvuie ana neysvme Daily, exoept Sundays; at Greensboro with the Washington and South western Vestibuled (limited), and the New York and Florida Short Line (limited) train for all points north, and with main line train No. 13 for Danville, Richmond and intermediate lo val stations; also has connection for Winston-Salem, and with main line train No. 35 (fast mail, for Charlotte, Spartan burg, Greenville, Atlanta and all points south; also Columbia, Augusta. Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville and all points in Florida, Bleeping car for At lanta, Jacksonville and at Char lotte with sleeping oar for Augusta. 1:10 Connects at Selma for Far p. m. etteville and intermediate sta- Daily. tions on the Wilson ond Fay- etteville Short Cut daily ; ttolds boro for Newbern and More head City, daily except Sun days; for Wilmington and inter mediate stations on the W. & W. R. R. daily. 9:05 Connects at Selma for Wilson a. m. Rooky Mount, Tarboro and lo- Daily. cal stations on Norfolk & Car olina railroad, arrives aUiolds boro 12:05 p. m. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RALEIOH, N. C. 7:30 From Greensboro and all a. m. points north and south. Sleep- Daily, ing car Greensboro to Raleigh. 4:10 From Goldsboro, Wilming- p. at. ton, Fayette ville and all points in eastern Carolina. 1:10 From Durham, Clarksviile, f. m. Va., Oxford points and Rich mond. 10:15 From Goldsboro and all p.m. points east. Daily ex. Sun. Local freight trains also carry pas sengers. Pullman cars on afternoon train from Raleigh to Greensboro, and on morning train from Greensboro. Double daily trains between Ral eigh, Charlotte and Atlanta. Quick time; unexcelled accommodation. C. L. Hopkins, T. P. A.r Charlotte. J. M. Culp. Trafflo Manager. W. H. Green, Gen. Supt. W. A. Turk, G. P. A., Washington. Notice! Having taken the Agency for Ger man Eleotrio Belts, for the cure of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Kidney disease, Weak lungs, Lame back, Paralysis, Suine disease. Nervous debility, etc . ... . - lam ready to supply tuose, in neea oi them at short notice. Samples kept on hand. A. W. Fraps, No. 4 East Davie, seoond door from Fayetteville street. apl3 eod PENNSYLVANIA'S Leadinu NEWSPAPER ew If you are in business and e 'want it to be known you honld advertise. Advertising pays. Look at the Tuckers. Look at Swindell. ZJ Look at Berwanger. -is Look at Williams & Co. Thi great medicine, by its bloud- cleansiug properties, builds op and strengthens the whole body. Nothing is so etUoa. ious as P. P. P. at this season, and for toning op, in- i vigorating and a a stren;tben-r and i appetiser take 1. P. P. It throws off the malaria and puts you in good con dition. Abbott' Bist Indian Corn Paint enres all corns, warts and bunions. Burwell & Dunn, Wholesale and Re- tall Agents. Charlotte. N. C. ICE W main otTer from the Look at Ball. Look at Miss Maggie Reese. Look at Sherwood. Look at Briggs. Look at Rosenthal. Look at Woolloott. Look at the Lyon Racket. Look at Dughi. Look at the Johnson's. Look at the many others They believe in printer's' S Ealsiah Crystal Ics Factory Ice of best quality and at lowest prices, in I Raleigh and to near-by railroad points, ice now ready for deliery in any quantity. JONES 4 POWELL. I Steam Coal is ahead of all others in quality and prices. JONES & POWELL. Raleigh Agents. WO jo Hay, Mill Feed, Shingles, call on Grain Laths, etc., -ink. JONES & POWELL, Rale gh, N. C. In all the attributes a first class journal. that suffice to mnke IHE Advertise In the Visitor. a Stop paying $1.50 a thou-22J aaand for dodgers. They ben-I efit yon nothing. The same" -money will put you a nice' -card in the Visitor for one -week which will be seen by ay 2,000 people dally. The VianoB circulates w over Raleigh, There are but few houses here that it does not go to. ' The Visitor circulates 1" ,j a all portions of Wake county. 0m It goes to 15 posto flees. It reaches the very class of tm people you are after. You want trade. The Visi-J TOB will help you gel yourf, trade. . m Don't hide your light. Let it be seen. Advertise Ad- vertise in the most popularJJ paper in Raleigh. The Visitor has age read daily by hundreds who a a take no other paper. j To Non-Subscrib- ..,;;. . ,:. ers. -v : r3S ja If you are not already a subscriber send us your address and 25 ets. and try X It a month. If yon are alreadyJ aa subscriber tell your neigh-JJ S bor about the piper. It's only5 25 cents a month.. Delivered "everywhere in Ot city. Commence now. . lis Oar Moy One elegant upright piano, $217.50; 3 square pianos from $35 to $100. Standard makes of high grade pianos always on hand at medium prices. A. W. Parham. ap2 m West Ilargett.street. 3 OLD vs. NEW S. A. L. ..u I tor .ii, trree: Seaboard Air-Line. CONDr r.jjh.1) rOHtlJl'LE. ! vrvict Dkc. J3.65. Trains Lea KIk'i, 1 XOa M Iii.lty, "AfvHtn. :,;..,' J UOUlKb V-rl till'" ) t..r - t. errib. W;M'u, i'n.'.t' t tr(i, Bifho u . u.ili. tau, rtiit iuore, l'Li. t j.litH, Ne Vork nn.J . I'Oit' rioi u. liu'let or a . ii.'oom r It it . 1 P..." u:i.n fio'-ciit-a A. i.u.. i' .. i.uiut.l'Jl-, pi-rlor i-tin WAsbiiif-'t-.u to New York Pnilniou Sie' iu cir ulot. roe to l'ortrn'out'i. 12 01 P M-Dally for Heoderson, Wfldoa, 8;f folk, Porleuioatu. orio i and intermedin fe statious, couitecls at io'tbiuoutii wltu ByLm lorOid iJoiiit and Baltimore, wun Nor. tolk aud SVaeh.n''ri tueii'u boat Co., (or V. btiititca with K. Y. P. ut N.HR. for PbiliiiieiptiK- h:; 3 loiii!.st nortn; nteo .t Wel-iou li AUdbliC OOiit Litt I'-'!" i'iebtuouil, ' :. ;i. ' ', rtl:luore, ?wii,Jfi-t.:A uud re o' j. i i.ro- ."i elecpers Wel.lj to f ion a;u ; jetii UiiLcli ;'Oi , viMc, Wn.-u'iis-fu i J,u;ojth. i'u i u n AlUutA t V I'crtsLU. 6,82.a.m Ucttiy. "Ati'-fi p Puiiuiiia Vrt-;ibu'.. I'iite, iia' i't: Chesier, Clinton, wood, Albvvuie, .vt-!"-M, Atiaiiia, aiontdicor, :i blie, Now Orl' itUP. Cb:: it noogtt, Ne.Blivii:e, tu,ei'jLis end li poiuts soucd unci southwest. Tnronph l'u ! uian Buttst Bleepers and d y co tcbos WasiiiURCou to Atlanta, eounectlug air-.-er-ly at Union deot Athtnta with diverging lines Puli iv&a sleensr Portstaont 'i ( j Dour je. 8 40 P M .0.ily, for boutheru Fi'-ee, H-.u-':t, Must o.n, V Hin t,?: Wudedoori). 'iloiro-.). j U .-. lorfe, 1'iucoif.ion, ''beit''. RniiherfoMiOti, Oac6f?: (ir.'owool, Ai.Ui.jtu nii-i i'oiu;s bouIU, TrainsJArrivt Kdieia : 6 17 A M Jjily. "iit.iat.ta hpyc.ii u Pulluiun Vextloule t'jein jNow York, Phllr.delp'iie Baltimore, tung.j.i, Kiobinond, Fortsaiou:;t, Norr'olii and all poiuu north Pr.rior Cars iu- torn to Waebiugwn; VuU roau Bullet riloopers fc.ud dt,y coaches Washington to Atlauta. : 8 85P M Dc.ily from Portsmouth and poia'i northviuBay Lina N. 1, r) &, N. R- K-, ai60 liOui eronvllle, P 1 y ns o u 1 1, Washington aul hiaBtt'm t;auiiua POI'i'H Vl:i Ve doa.PetWftOttr?, hiuuu Witsaingtcb a ..d i-'--uorth via Atift'Jt:') Line, Dleepfrs Itew tor WtiVvjii IfnO'A'W !i:iV. "At.tftf:f. -Jr Vr-!i' t-fiolTitt'OU, potuti f nth. coa".:ici ti i s ta to Wat). ii u. .c-' It 50 A M jjui:y fi-oui W i ; a rili'ibv. L'aw::-. I A fl Jo j r I' rtoii :(; f). ai spares no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers an tne news ot tnr Old and New World. Its several' departments, each under the management of a competent editor, treat fully of maters pertaining to t ... .. THB HOU8BHOLD, TUB FARM, . WOMAN'S WORLD, B0IBN0I, ART, LITBRAURB, IIBAN0B, THB SBAL BSTATB WORLD. Presenting t complete magaxine every day' SUBSCRIPTION RATBSt Daily, one year, $300 Daily and Sunday, one year . , 40C Address . . . v- ThoRcccrd Pnb.Oo. .$17-51$ Chestnut '-"t,F' ' -'jhla.'. v I? VIXXLT r CHARLOTTE'- OBSERVER. ,"2 It 5s Not Now Necessary to drive knowledge Into th heads of children with a sledge hammer. It has become recognized that the new up-to-date edition of th BNCY&OP&DIA BRITANNICA is the epitome of human learning. It contains exhaustive articles upon .II subjects ; n contains rnatter of such ' Vide and varied interest that it l competent to meet the demands ef any ojie end every one. tvery article ol this work Is A Wedge of Knowledge And 1$ prepared In a way to main Its study 4 pleasure and not a tftfrt. These articles ere mines of wealth and towere of strength to any one who desires an education. You can have It. For It Is within the reach of rien and poor alike. Aty oni Can Save Ten Cents a Day You can: and that small amount saved for a short time will secure for you this valuable compendium of human knowledge, this complete library, this means of obtaining a thorough education. For sample pages drop a postal card with your address on it to The Observer. CB4X10TTB, j0 10! Mixed tru.' Station, i intermedia.t turning arrm-s JohDeou !r-novi Wiu a. m. . No. 402 auilKM, "At .:iit.i tft.fcki." are solid ri)!::!i.:i vestiouleU f.U'i.f, eomposed of icaguiuc'-'Dt rtvccB'.tuii and palace drnwict: romsic HuUi't sleepers betweeu waHtv.ugton aui Atlanta wituour ciitt'je, ou viiiu there Is no extrii fare ontir:ro,i. For lutotuiation relative tu soiu-.i- ule. Sc. apply to Um.v :v.'? it, .or A. J Oooke. 8. P Km E. St. JOHN, Vice 1'r. idetit.. J. H. WlNlEK, (.ttlllrMI ,1 Ul:tjfl . T. J. ANDEBdONi fii-ti'i t'as.-;. A;(i;nr V. K. licnus, Supt".-'Tri.ii.H'i:-taij'i.: The pubiibheM tak pleas.i: ing that "Tje Vo i IV wen enlaraeu from lour t ana mat wm.e i-aiu oer copy, or i r j'.-ar to m: each e'titlo ) coiitains as . jv.ui-ii u.- a more general ri'snlia: mxy. iui is by the Baltimore two-cut l.taiH. Tue tejef rapmu ms-vjiw ,.i iut Herald" is uuesoelted by any otner la more paper. Its News liervi'. ough and ro.uiblo. It Market import accurate. its illustrau-d wo-iivs that will not be fouvn. in more daily. . A vroauin repviri ;i iueo Dr Talma tl e . - r' preacher apiare m M?u- edition. "The MornsitK ii'r oe an ludcp .Jo 1 -i partial ui ns suiu-iifcUu iau expression oi lib op'.nwpa. i tue couuuea n Ukt : 5- full, oomple' find pr.t;o is a tei'i.,o any otuer IVjIu- . iiuon iv iv v i ill i c to f.:.r eii i tu- CUT FLOWERS "THE SUNDAY I'.ii.VLO,"J of 24 piges, is the best Sunday paper m y timore, ana is soia ar hj iu uuj. w i tor a year. A Democratic Paper, a paper devoted to the industrial development of North Oaro lina and the South, 'fbe best advertising medium between Washington and Atlanta. DAILY, 18 CO per year. WEEKLY, II 00 per year. THE OBSERVER .COMPAIT J. P. Caldwbll, Editor, Charlotte, N. 0. ' Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns. Roses, tteraniums, Cole us, i uDe. roses, Cannas, etc, for window deoo- rattons and outdoor planting, Uhoioe l and latest chryaanthetnums out. Vines for the veranda. Tomato, Egg, Cabbage and other spring plants. Pnone 113. . Florist. I "TUB U E iLD ia the ohaapest and bast ekut-pw weetiy newspaper pu'oluiieJ in the Ouital JUtas, theannaal subscription beiug 50c. r3r"The Mirnin Herald" willbewt I on trial for oie waei to any psrwi J3a "uj bj ox her Addrmi, enftijiinro w'in, v Ba'.ti nt ail 3ari!i 4',i-. tltJl.l. Al,