Full I'roe. ain.ue tor May T.'oth. Cndor th direction of tb la lie' ntmorial association the following order of starcine at the hall anj emeWry, and th or Jr uf formation w 'V.m proeaiun b obred on memorial dajr. J. ii. Uill, chief uiar abal. Tb eiereisen wtll bejia at Metro politan hall at 3 3) o'clo.k, wkea Capt. Claudii B. lVuou deliver a addreiu ou the life aud character of th gallant geuerai W. U.C. Whit ney. OICK or S.XEI'.'Mf IS AT 1U HILL. Muwie by the Ind-p-n loot cornet band. Prayer by chaplain, the He?. J. N. Cole. Music. Oration by Capt. C. B. Deoaon. Music Chorus. Benediction by the chaplain. Music by the Independent cornet band. OBDBR OF MABi'H TO THE COXFEDKRATI UOMBTB11T. The procession will form in front of Metropolitan hall, th right resting at the intersection of Fayeiteville and Hargett streets, and proceed np Fay etteville to East Ha rgett street, thence to the. city cemetery, where a salute will be fired over the grilles of he confederate soldiers buried there, thence to the confederate cemetery. OHbSB OF PROCESSION. Independent cornet band. Governor's Guards. A. and M. college cadets. Junius Daniel camp all ei-confder-ate soldiers, and inmates of soldiers' home, sons of ex-confederate sol diers. Orator and chaplain. Family of general Whiting. Governor and staff. Presidents, vice-presidents, secre tary and treasurer of ladies' memo rial association. Justices ol the snprems court, United States court and state ofiic-rs. The clergy, mayor and alderman. County officials and fire department. Visitors and citizens. mm mui mmm. iniii t CHASLE3 Ma:D3ilALD CHICAGO B'JSIwE RESiORED VG HEALTf-. it r 4 1, ft .1 7 .lWAT.! IHLUiUtJli (0)a , 1 ' 'tV" I . il-V. ? J.'JJ f s ' n We have seeuied 1U- agency fo THK PA DAN HUOS.CO, 1E1T FITTING. WEARING, SELLING 121 Faytttcvlllo Street, Upstairs, ; Ca'ls the attention of this friends nJ J the publi.- to the f.-.ct t?Mt he has jmt received his Uew lilies jf I-1 X E WOOLEN'S line of Litlies Slid lis-t-i Clue th'e Hud foliIs o t)e msrket. ' for sprin; and summer wear. He is ready to make th "u up in j the best style. ALL ST()OI )viirs Ladies' Misses' AI-l's, Hoys' lyid C'tiildl en't Shoes. I in t'osHible to liny of us any aged or old . -itvle shoes. 'GIVE KIM A CALL. apl tf "'MM AS L0XGA3 THEY LAST. tr5 o 1.,1'io-s fine it ElTip KiJ H'lttoii Skill's, (Ollllll Ul hi'll-, t';'-IVI "lid Paris Tins s7,- 2 t. . .?2 made to s-li at i'A t.i 'i.M. IB ORkBT..81t; benediction by th Music. Prarer and chajilain. P"io etioii of gravt'S. Military Silale. AH e s-eoiifiidctate soldiers who mu come mounted will le assigned a place as assistant uarsbai. I Mill. says n of Co!. v Col. Cald ,c; II nil ( Today's I Ue ' editorially r tn.'ii:,- '1 George Mi'is !.-;re. y : Jii'iU, . ho v.s 2 -i . teri;., .'.",. i '; ':!, lack oi i. in is. .m. tu i whj Lad declined to' portion tho gov ernor fur a oommatation of his death sentence. Id the uit uth of a gentle man who had heateu iu a girl's skull with a club, sending her :o eternity all unfurnished far her general ac count, and who was hiinseif about to die at the hands of the law, words like those, were like apples of gold iu pictures of silver, so fitly spoken were they." IXOl'R.VORTil WINDOW THE NEW PEDIGREE ROSF, Belle Siebrecht, liiuKiD Tea. A truly sup.rb rose, the result of a cross between La France a:ij L.uly i.uy Fitzwil liam. Ctiltw linpernl fink i jiie rieliest .sli.ule. Plott ers iroin 5 1-2 to 6 indies in diameter; has received the roIJ mejal ot ilie National Kose Society of Great Britain and lirst class certiticales irom all the IcaJ inj; horticultural societies of both hurope ami America. 1'erieclly lurjy and a tnor ouijli ever-lMuoiiier. No. 1 size, strung plants, from 3 t-2 in. pots, fl. No 2 s:e, sir-mjj plants. Irom 2 1-2 inch pots, 75c cacn. Orders taken lv il. STE1NMETZ, aci.'iit tor tins j;raiiJ rose. ap2 fe h - f n ihr.'i U..U r o-r v e.st : I" I t.. t: ii ''' til i j 1-n r t ,1,. Th W tathi'r For Tomorrow. For North Carolina : Fair. Warmer in eastern portion tonight. Local forecast for Kaleigh and vi cinity: Fair Sunday, southerly wiudi. Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. today; Maximum temperature 60; minimum temperature 56; rainfall - trace. ' Under a new order the S. A. L shops here shut down at noon Satur days. This is done, it is announced, to reduce expenses. The salaries of some of the employees have been re duced this week. Within a ticn of v i ;' fares in ' iri. country, i- i of which iu- i I'OUr.-if f b, ,',! depart from ai; of its s..s iu ;L men wli ise !':ic teliigHnc- Mid 'ciilt.u eft'l in -tc lety. : :t :: L are promiueiit--iu i - l.l'er-. tdiv'sici no-. u-.sc j and jour . 'i ' !' - - '': ' place (j , . . -;: : i;ir- ' ... -i ' ' ' , . character,' lncb is that of ater of j j.. current n-ws and 'informatiou. Jt is ,j the uews tiud periodical ! of I ., Charles MacOoua-d.at f).' Wa.-hin.;tot street, who -.writes the i'oiiowi.iijf let ter: fuicaiio, Feb." 2i, 1C95. M'-.nr--. Wells, Uichardsun & On., 1. urliuton, Vt. Gentlemen; . It Js c-U-.t. Ij,' iht duty of every person to .acknowledge a service rendered, no-matter wluit it nature. Wheu, however, the charac ter of the benefit -be.stoa'ed is such that it lightens the ua.ly ..nrdenc )' vi." lives, and . c'.iaiies our uifrh's f. n? c M i l list nessnens, to i'I: I -.'M i-oiupelled to i 1 .i i 'lie strength of i The feeliug j ' r, aud in a Kvet t lung i I- oo-isessiou of i u ppetite aud o roacuej icy a te of our many siyies of sUi-t-s. l'lii-s m.iiki'd in pi iiu li-jui't'S. Diessmakers' Supplies. For Sale. An Klectri Jiolse jrood as Hew. Only j beeti used a snort tune. 1'rice 00. ) Apply at this otlice. ml tf li. 1 J mi People's You triers of Hl, igh and uf 'k- county: Vonr i.., yonr n, ilailKUteM. you, tfrsnj rhi,l. y,.nr nuts, y .ur step mother eu get tbn rbeapvst furniture, the be,t t'u:C CTnfrr the lo.utem m u- 9 I UVcb LA K A LA K M, the iuosi co.uoii-,ble HAKHK.t chairs, tUe sweetest toll nnnAfj P ANG iuil iui win nir.eyott danee, iue lanent CK1'I. id- moat el-kr.iut CASKKTS, the most b-autiiul H; 1UAL Also . . uohks CLOCKS whose ticking iU.ke the I i . e.eep, A magniricent Fidding Heo. nrts, MATTING-rind-'in oluer useful anicies for tLe cM .llest amouut of money, at G.T.STRICKLAHQ'S, 123 South Wilraingtoi. S- next a.,lir to W. II. 4 li. S. Inker's. ap)2 (iEVERiKG'SlI' FEEj '23. .jLi. 4V THK HiC.sr CoFr-'KK on t.'ie r.i ,rket. Fresh. Iu. ifroraMtitf, Deligh.i n .iA ,y ah l'adiag Krocers. nihil A Nest o f nlveltif So ':; -.Vi! I O I 1 9i l .i ii f.-i .ii .--i t selec. It.'.ii. ne sure we l1ih iii any in in. m l 1 f ;'o U 11 li,,' i -i , - i II V U Oil ji v -II It Did the Business Mr. J. H. Cobb, publisher of the Mirror, at Brocton, JS. V., says: "For nearly two lears the Mirror has been publishing the advertisements of Oharr.berlain'8 Remedies, A few days ro tie writer was sutferiner from a : ) ,;i,i .!-,,. e i.-!" t I - . ! - Ig res - - : t il i coti.jK.nud. I iu Iwie ': new t I.:,: L be le. f ,1 I (V, t.tlllUell to U" " III- y il 1 1 tin t ,1 K 'II t ' ...-111 e."S, I i a . .. i i uc-s were 1 h.i arri ed at ! Mi longer keep ". and speaiiljj - il i -Hi- d i v hi' Wr: WANT YOU t- : III I. , ,i h l.lie I ill: eiy i I'" M ii. 1 dreary watches to periods of ir in j i i H plet it tusi -a,l ' I ut i . i .ii Lj; a i viicitc io and rcfr: ing repose. t iie d'Jl v n- -,i a lv.til and .i di-zeii d.ise- i n w i.- a rood 1 1 O! ' 1 . eCleU t 1 lid feei eirtirely i- ro--!, 1 : i ai. irksome i.i C .lit' a ' ,.al uie .1 i w n 1". line's t-eiery i i - . ID- i ii solves into n pleasure. A few m in;!. s I ago, owinj; to the coutiniti uaturo of i my busiuess, 1 begau ' to feel at. iirsf a resp-i ; l il. 1'. mDoxalp, At Dill.'iciit A;,v Wanted. 'At different' ages, says Judy, ma u is most fond of: 1. Hi- nurse. 2. His mother. 10. His holidays. 16 His liberty, 20. His -r . .eetheart. 30. His wife. 40. His children. 60. Peace and quiet. ( . j vo ,-r 1 1: iv- f oi-,i Ii!i ii. s a uii oi'.. a us, 'ltl,' 'I t Ni l e.., 'lia t.. ' a. .. . i.'.-ie. ..-.' sinen to sell y at 13 W . N.. C. to n-2 26 6 Batterick's Patterns liiul I' .!.'i-.-u b..i-.-is !..ie ui iived. Also the May i1"! iiie-iti r. ' Fashion hili els llee at i'.-'i . .w lliciell's. Book Store Qper-s. The old Aiired Williams &. Co. book Extra bargains in furniture ut ' opens this uioi-iiiiig foi general bowel trouble and resorted to an old Rhoinas & Maxwell. Bed lounge with ! business at the old si aud, Hi) Fay- remedy which did noiprove efflcaeious; j sttac.heable mattreHseo a spee'.alty'.. j et'eviile stieet. n ill in, corporation flnal'y he tried Chamberlain's Cohc, j -,- j or person bus sue. -v.ue'u" to this busi- Cholera and Diar hoea Remedy and Be sure yiiu see our vv fiite lawus, t news, i he stock must be disposed of two doses did the busiuess, check tug j check mustiu-i au 1 orfeand;eH bef re f at ome and at rediic 1 prices. Sales 1' 1 M,-l .' pers " , u '( lo Se .-. hhoes :md . . i I.- k of . -- j .lit i - iice are the LYON RACKHFSrORB, 16 ; ii t in street. rr -f Ft' I 1 1 .il.i a . -U t rile t (.--, t i x: A ! a'. O il' . .-,i s ,i ll's. V e I',' .. r i ..' i ir i,i'.-e I :i -iu Want you to see f,,r yo,icei , os liow ii i.-'iu. !u. -ijn n.',t full ol value tliese are Auy tailor : , l v.v,.,-.5'eo! such w uld say fJO to f evi o i.ii.ni a. iii laU-' ijjEi j 8umunu all your ipprocia- i-'ie. 1 a-y a til it ii- l S)a iiou, for our jl.r) radu is ui.ir a. mill no cied-.(, j a. ugu mil varied u. .li to it g.ti'iueuis. .N'o-. shatit; t.aot uie lu.i.ii lastidi 'Us t i-,,e. It's riaiu ellects an I tUe Dest w- ve ever d ine ac tile price. t;ne lois aiiJ Caasi- i As good as any store -in tuisl.ui.i ) 'rJrt ,s i a.: ,v, 1 1 liy stands reajy to deliver at ). and the variety leu tuu is larger. w.Vve made i t riler of i hi' grade. . Tu se are tua uoA si.it siiapes.. Hegetit cn'awayH aud I i.i j saiiiiH, ill cut iu I he ueiglit' if fnu'.ou. ,-uy t.nKir woul i say tu.it. ..J i'o';,l -'' to' $3 1'ue climax. &'!Sj I'ne a neat iabri-:- tliiUare lu.ii' a, . Ue best truuuiiuga iuic t iilor lng taste has o mceiveJ; tiie latest styles ihat t isUion has created, all hud expressiou iu oar be j. rude of ot suits. I'erfect iu every p out. Idee tiieiu ail. it will pay you. Uoudle our prices wouid not liud better iuiU; cau't. 1 liev L 11 V i I I lOl tt . Ill 1 . 1 : 12 U. l .m li u ,.- i 1 1 ut . ii . llt.U.1 itlHU-'V !' I 'ii' t'ud on tueir ovu iio-rit. i see !l Slllv-illie Slllt eisewtjilie I ii. in $18. at the very io.es; ?1.. i'et We have them at fli..i I. One i-sueci-aily a i ira.-ti i ii is a Hi i 'oaai t,ne.i..t. l olnclv aud blue, hn- l witu snk and liaudsoiueiy stitched e.'ges.- i au our ali-Auol Liavs. diagonal suits, in sack aim cmaay irocH at .'rid. 1 lies.-; 10 aud (lj.oO suns give you a wider HASL THE G JTMKl n Vnil I ; Ou," i.ii swan are u.rn. njj auvi. e Uen.re ' u oel .'e .. -. pahi'.c a ' fact, wheiebv you receive the tieuettt. We have bought ... largely, and iu inak. i ing our selections we had au eye siuglu to low tariff prices. All wool good . eijual to a l ulor s fla garment iu lluish and material. it completely. Bobbin. : For sale by J. Hal When secretary dmith returns to Washington he will be $30,0)0 richer than when he went to Atlanta his fee in the Georgia Southern railroad vase. you buy. e tan save-you monvy. Woollcott & Son. Backlens Aruica ftMlve. The beet Balve in the world for cuts, braises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, le ver sores, tetter, chupped hanas, cbil blalos, cores and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, o- uo pay reqnlrtd. It is guaran-eed to give perfect satisfaction or money re.'nnd rt. Price as cents per pox. For gale ly John X MaoEse. Stock of millinery' is complete and prices lower tiihn ever. Violets at 5c a bunch. 1. Rosenthal. Notice! . ".;.''' ",.:i.'. Having taken i;he Agency for trer-'j man Electric Hclts, fur the cure of.; Rheumatism, Sciatica, Kidney disease. Weak lungs, Lame back, .'.Paralysis, opine disease, "Nervous .debility, etc. Iam ready to supply those, ia need of them at short Dotice. Samples kept on hand. A. W. Fk a !.-:, No. 4 East Davie, second door from Fayetteville street. apl3 eod v ill be'-, made .for caih only. This April 13, lSH.V V A' v' . 'l ilos . iIavwood. ill. PlTTMAN, Trustees. A i L.U5T. i offer my entile stock of gioceries To parties be onlld in pen uutil Ml J C'.liMied (ioods ut ct-i . . ' ' ' v isli i iii- sncb a.' i .-I'l-i .ii buik hi at. retail. Vv'.ii i.-. the entire stock in st-dd. " ." J. li Tki.hbll, apiSi) 15. . I'uder Central hotel THAT HER COD'S OLID SRViCE Utnuemcn, i.adies, Misses ana ; Cuildicn ; have no eijual for style, comfort an wear. ' C. A. SHERWOOD & CO. aof Kayetteville st . Kalt.gb, N.. For" Sale." I have for sale some very Hue mili i lira. June Waurs. ! k set eetij, : ap23 hor cows. Apply t full Ea; t u ud Po Wanted. Mrs. Anna l eli wisbes to take in la dies' while work, aud also boys' shirt waists. West Jones street ap23 PBR SUIT 'Jl V VA ' '"' 3YSpCLOTH!HO We have them in blue and black jheviot, cassimere, homespun, &a. (iood navy blue aud black cueviut suits, doubl and .,.,ifjit oit 6.-w .. lu a v- rtl 1 " . 0o--' " ue lu'u"ou AUxre for we aen iuem m 43.04. bailor suits in blue stripes with cord aud whistle, 79c. Knee pants the boys need knee pants to help them through until they gel their new suit, 17c up; all wool pants f)0;. aAU wool clay wormed suit neMiJS CLAY WORSTfiiQ) SU1TS (uudtr ue.. tanlf leducuou). Any winter gariucal iu our noose, in ludiug men's, youth's aud boys: suits, overcoats, single pants, coats aud vesta without auy reservation whatever, go at til'ty ceuts on tue dollar. We uiaaa uat we say, so come ana take auy winter garment al half price. ROSEN THAL GLO MlNGr CO., St 16 FA YBTTKTlLLli 8T,, OeFOBlTK P08T0FFICK. . o m 3 1 Olio. stoelkis new and prices Sow, ..n. i fit

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