J n J Papar Tb Visitor. 2.ri. EVENING "C Ctl All r.I I lttL l mwe taki in v:? ncR.r VOL XXXIII. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY Si. IMi. .NO. 27 000-000 ooo-oo-o The Unveiling. j The News nod Obaentr made a big bow. The Daily Press was out in flame. Tie Vihitob bad no gaudy wings Hut it got tbr just tbH mint As it slwaya does. If yon are not a almcriber you should be. If you are a subscriber tell your nrxt door neigh bor about the paper. The Visitor bat no canvassers and r-flies strictly on it friends for Ha support. Help to roll the ball. oo-o - oooooo-ooo , To the Clothing Trade. We bate a nice stock of light and medium weight coats and vests in mohair ilanuels, kerseys, seer suckers aud liueu, which will be sold at less tban New York cost at D. T. Swindell s. Also a full Hue of boys suits in light and in dimu weights; all sizes to bd sold at moving prices at D. T. Swiudell's Men's suits for three dollars at D. T. Lwludell's. Fine Butter at a Low Price. I have arranged with th Riverside Dairy Co. at Lowell, N. C., to handle its Butter on the market. This Dairy is iu charge of Mr.H. Howland, who formerly had charge of Mr. W. G. I'poburch's Creamery. The Riverside Hut'er ueeds no recommen dation to those who know Mr. How land or have used "I'pchurchV but ter. For t,e present 1 will retail this tine Hatter at 25 cents per pound Cooking butt A at 20 and new Tarbell Cheese at 15 cents per pound. D. T. JoH.N'.MOS, mn 22 2t Phone 28. Whit9 Goods Mast (Jo. Don't fail to see our lOo duck, yard wide; 150 pieces white lawn 7-8 ', yard wide, at 0c. Also a big lot at 11c. India lawn 13c, Uj, 19 , 23c aud 25c, wide nd nice quality. Check muslin from 5 to 18c. liif lot latest Swiss at 10c, 11c, 18c and 25c. Lawns 4c and 5 Organdies 7c at D. T. Swindell's. laauiflBraftia Variety -01 Strong Attractions. BLACK DRESS GOODS PLISK in Crinkled Loveliness.-.-. JJOl.'UKK, iu Knotted Elegance. CRHI'DNS. i'i IV.c.-red Beauty;. Henrietta';. Cashmeres, BatUte, Granite Glotiis, Fine Wool "and Storm Serges at Prices Un-nutchabU. COL'l) DRESS FABRICS. st md:ird Hixids at undertone prices. Woolni Dress Goods, all kinds, shades and weichts. to be closed nut. Piolits sacriticed in order to nvkeroom for our very large stock ot w sliatMe ma .erink and midsummer Dress Goods It low prices is wb .1 you want you need not hesitate du. waae i ikui in. SHIRT WAIST SILKS. Plisse. India, Kai-Kai, Silk Glorias, Cantons, . . laille, 6tc, commencing ' at lSc running up to ft. 25 a yard. SILK at reduced SHIRT prices to - WAISTS clear out. in beautiful blue, LAUNDERED "ink and tan neat patter. is and well SHIRT covered grounds; cut in the extreme WAISTS. swell style a, id per fect fitting, ioe up. KiSY" DRESS SKIRTS in black and navy blue,. Godet style, lined through and through. Prices ii.SO, $4.50, ?6 and 7.50. Clear, sharp competition 'means "Bette values at lower prices than others oifcr." In a word, undorse'ling. I his our custo mers say we do. C. A. SHERWOOD & CO. Buy Raleigh floor from W. B. Mann. 1 -. , m m ; Go to W. B. Mann's for North Caro lina hams. THE MTltEME COURT. And a Summary of lU Important IU'i ixlons at this Term. Tba term of the supreme oourt just eloaed made an unusual number of de cisions of general interest. Among these ire Moroney te. building and ioan association and Rowland vs. tba iinilding and loan assooiation, which :.i"rm the decision in Mills vs. tba building and loan association, ren dered years age, to the effect that building and loan associations are subject to the usury laws of the state, and hich add that the legislature cannot (if it had so intended) make a discrimination in favor of these cor porations. Then there is Sutton vs. i'&illips, in which it is held that the legislature has the power in its discre tion tJ give the whole or a part of a penalty to anyone who shall sue for the same bank ts. Gilmer holds chat an assignment under the act of 1803 is invalid unless the assignor tiles his sohedule in thirty days as re quired by the act. Ewart vs. Jones and Cook vs. Meares settled the eon- lest as to the two criminal court judgeships. Loc;an vs. the railroad holds that the lessor company, unless -ipsly exempt by statute, is liable (or torts, both to the public and to he employees of the lessee company. Commissioners vs. lumber company settled (on reaching) the rights on t floatable river. Learell ts. tele graph company determines that a telegraphic message sent between two poiuts in North Carolina is subject to the commissioners' ra'e at 25 cents, tven though the message passes through an adjacent state en . route, iherrill vs. telegraph company reaf firms the liability for damages for mental anguish for failure to trans mit messages of a non-peouniary na ture. ComiuMsioners vs. Black well manufacturing company determines the extent of a corporation's liability to taxation. Then there is the Farth ing case, which held that what is known as the "assignment act of 1895" did not not apply to mortgages, and Carr vs. Coke, which hel l that, this act could not be bet aside, even though the signatures of the speakers were procured by fraud, the bill never having having passed in fact having been defeated on its attempted pas sage. In this last rase the court stood three to two, judges Avery and Clark filing vigorous dissents, on the ground that the legislature itself, and not the lobby against the legis lature, could make laws for North Carolina. DOTS AND DASHES. PICKED UP IN RALEIGH AND VICINITY. TilK RAILWAY lOMUS.-lw l itis is One Way to liaise Money. Raleigh raised by means of a lawn party in Nash square four or Ave years ago the first money for the soldiers' home. Later the first money for the confederate monument was raised in the same way. These affairs were great pecuniary successes. Now why cannot another one be held to raise money for the statue to Vance? It will make a pleasant mid-summer amusement, and the cause will be ex tremely popular. The Visitor sug gests another lawn party on a grand scale. ; Weather for Tomorrow. For North Carolina: Fair, followed by increasing cloudiness and probably rain in extreme western portion Fri day. Warmer. Local forecast for Raleigh and vi cinity: Friday, fair in morning, fol lowed by threatening rain Friday night. . Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a. m: Maximum temperature, 64. minimum temperature, 41; rainfall trace. Mr. John R. Morris is sick at home at Goldsboro. hi "Imported direct from the East.' ' De ecribes oar stock to a "T." WB OFFERTHIS WEEK the beginning of the tea season one pound of choicest BLEND PURE TEA. and S lbs Granulated Sugar for 60o. JUddK Q. BALL, The Happening of a Day Told In Little Spare. Editor H. A. L ndon, of PltUboro, was here today. Late p'auted cotton and eorn are said not to be coming op. The new electric company will in a few days tarn on its lights. Where is the "Arrlngton commit tee" ? Will it ever meet again T One saloon man here sold drinks at the rate of $1 a minute for ten boars last Monday. The Surry Farmers' Alliance has sent to governor Carr $5 for the Vance monument fund. It is as yet not decided whether there is to be a fence around the con federate monument. Air. T. R. Jones, the well known beer dealer, has put on the streets a very handsome wagon. Mrs. J. N. Harwood, of Baltimore, who has been visiting Mr. J. N. Hub bard here, left for home today. Quite a number of new buildings are going in up Idlewild, which after awhile will be a pretty suburb. Mr. Jesse A. Jones went to Louis burg today to attend the Raleigh dis trict M. K Sunday school conference. The circus next Monday will attract great mnny country people, The bill posters have done their work well. Great quantities of the old material in the yards of the S. A. L. here have been shipped to Richmond and sold as junk. Active work baa been resumed on the residences of Mr. Theodore Dob bin aud Mr. Joseph F. Ferrall on Hillsboro street. Col Muldoon,' the builder of th monument, gave Mrs. Armistead Jones check for one hundred and fifty ollars for the monument fund. Mr. W. K. Dulin, who in 1858 62 was a telegraph operator in this city, and who now lives in Washington, D C, is here, the guest of Mr. E. B. Roberts. The S. A, L. train north-bound was an hour and a half late today, owing to the breaking down of an engine at Rockingham. A compound engine was utilized to bring the train here and on arrival had barely a shovelfull of coal. James C. MaeRae, Esq., is at Fay- etteville in attendance of the Episco pal council of the diocese of East Carolina. Among the bishops to be present are Cheshire and Watson, of the state; Capers of South Carolina; Dudley, of Kentucky; and Randolph of Kentucky. Mr. John Brown the undertaker, or to use tue correct new wora. "mortician," has just received from Cincinnati a $750 hearse. By the way it is not "hearse" any more; the correct term is "funeral car. So in up to date phrase "the handsome funeral car of Mr. Brown the uaorti- oian has arri.ed." Next Wednesday e.ening, May 29th, a dramatic performance will be given at the opera house at Wilmington to aid the fund to purchase a silver service for the cruiser Raleigh. The state of North Carolina cannot pass by unnoticed the fact that the oruiser that bears the historic name of Ral eigh is still without this usual gift. It is the intention to raise the sum of $3,000 for this purpose. Miss Eliza Potter, of Wilmington, sails next Saturday for Europe. ' The party she is to join consists of Mr. W. R. Tucker and Misses Bessie, Sadie and Minnie Tucker, of Raleigh; Madge Morehead and Lida Carr, Durham; Mary Sanders, Richmond, and Cor nelia,Boykin, of Baltimore. Mr. A. A. Thompson left today. He will also sail on the Entruria for England and a European trip, to be a.bsent seven weeks. Mr. II. Decker also takes his departure Saturday. He will return in September. : ' '. :' 'V ' A -' - : . -; l'lusr Upon (nlte a Lot if. Voui plu'iit The railway commission takes action it the following cases : Sauiuel Arcber vs Koatberu 11. It , overcharge aud dtiiiire; mi juris diction; dismissed. Navassa kud" company; request for reduction of freight rate between stations on the LyDcL'iorc & H.nhiin railway ; 10 per cent- ted nation ordered. W. T. Owen s Wilmington & Wei. don railway; complaint of overcharge and damages; overcharge refund '.1 and matter adjusted. S. T. M oore vh Southern K. K , re fusal to ship fr-ichi by ruite dii -ct.-1 ; evil corrected: chsc dropped. Ledbettt S lutheru 11. K., Ioshu traneportatioii of fjeight; loss paid; case dismissed. W. H & K. S Tucker v Atlst-tic & N. C. It. R., complaint of miu'Miuui charge on package shipments; cor rected aad cane dUn.isst d. W. U. J,,nes vh 1 cj A II R , com plaint for refuHul to r--pla, e sid.iit- at saw mill; siding replaced; case dismissed. Wi.iit They Say Ali.iitt tin -'U!i. Col Willinm Lee Davidson of Lin coin county on his return fr-m liil-i eljjh. nee iiiip.iuii;d or bis two dai",'V i tek-s, gave tUd Chur;oUe Mews c. glow, tng account of the 20th in Raleigh. . There were uot less than 50,01 3 p--pie here, he says. There were 30, 0(10 iu Rtl-iyh in 1852 wheu Ueury clay spoke, aud Col. Davidson says he kuovvs the crowd on the 20th was mu;h the largest. "It was a fine crowd," he says, "well behaved, aud I came away from Raleigh prouder of North Carolina than I ever was be fore." Notwithstanding the large number of people here on the 20th, the trains all reached their destination on scV.ed uie time and not an a-cident i-appenad during the entire day to mar the pleasure of the trip. This is a very creditable showing fr good railroad service. Mr. Charles Hopkins, passenger agent of the Southern railway, says the Southern road brought IS 003 peo ple into Raleigh, all safely and with out an acoident of any kind. On the day of the 20rh alone the Southern ran 125 cars into' Raleigh. Peace Institute Coiaineiicemeiit. The first exercises begin tomorrow night. There will be numbers iu elocution, physical culture, and music. The exercises begin promptly at 8 o'clock; and visitors will enter on the lower floor. The public generally is cordially invited as well as the pat rons and particular friends of the in stitute; but young gentlemen will be admitted by ticket only. REMNANTS'. Annie Goldstou, the negro woman who was arrssted yesterday for steal ing a gold watch from a white man from the : country, had . hidden. , the watch in the ground behind the house of one of her neighbors, The Baptist tabrnai le excursion to Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Bench, Onean View, Old Point, etc , Wednes day May 29 h, will be the largest, and grandest excursion of the season. You can sUy oue or two days, just as you prefer. The round trip rate is $2 The suits against the Caralaigu phosphate company for selling phos phate in sacks not having the state tax tags was to have been heard before justice Roberts today, but was post poned until nex't Saturday, in -order, it is said, that several other suits may all be heard at the same time. Hon. Matt. Ransom, United Stat 8 minister to Mexico, is at Montary, and in taking treatment at the hot springs, lie has improved very much, but is mill weak, and will not return to his post in the City of Mexico for several days. The high altitude of the City of Mexico did not agree with him. Col. Paul Means Is out in an open letter, published imtoday's Charlotte Observer, in which he states his reasons at length for his vigorous op position to the resolutions of the state democratic executive committee in committing the party to free coinage at the 16 to 1, ratio. He declares that the committee had no jurisdiction in this case and was aoting arbitrarily. KWS NOTES. Th.- Link- Nivi'iii. of a hay In the ''.ijili! City. S'jiiJ are yet r-ing caught and in uuui-tiii'y Urge numbers at Mil- bui ui -. We,li.e,,day .May 29 all are going t. Norfolk ou tlii Baptist tabernacle exeursi-'U. An for the Utl-igb & West ern railway is lieiug repaired by the N. I'. Car o i'ip.iuv. Today wis observed in the Kpisco pal and R oi:uu Catholic churches as the feast of the ascension of oar Lord. ' . Cur returned from Ureens- l l 'D ills atieru ...is, proatly pleased wit1; tb. wi-rk 'he normal and indus- 1 U I li ecUooi h douu:. I'. . Marshal Carroll is a very busy man t'. 'se d ivs, tf-ttiug his papers in shape for thn circuit court which be trin i h-.-ir- neii Monday. Tttvnty thiji.saiid loaves of bread H- -i i !) rt t -tweeu Friday and Mo id.iy 'if'ri u i. n. For a while Mon day th--! sepj-'y ave out. Theie re 12dfu;ii.res here and last M.'.'idiy tli.-y n j ! ii au average $100 each of i.t di iulis That is $1,200. ! l i-i is l fcre.it ji llij dlillks. M S' ' rii f Lexington, L. A. . jAl.-.c vt Cudi. lie; S. VV. Hulmau "f OjrUaiu aud J. C. M.-.Craw of War i, atou are registered at the Yarboro. Tiie Monday evening dub will mee! this evei. ing ut Mrs. Richard B. Hay wood's, nu entertaining programme wi ! be carried out, aud all the mem bers. Thero was a li'ht fall of snow at Mom-' e Tuesdny evening about 9 o'el'jfU, bu' it melted aB fast as it fell Ati inch of suow fell in Watauga county. The walla cf tlie addition to the hosiery yam u-ut are rising rapidly. The eitcusiou will be three storieb '.litb .ad wil iura'sb the same space for muchinery as the completed part t f th" building. Th who heard bishop Haid at at the Ui.uolic church this morning say that his sermon on the ascension of Christ into heaveu was entertaining and instructive. Mrs. Smith's sing ing at the olfertory was highly appreciated. .The meeting at the Fayettevilli street Baptist, church is still in prog ress. Se.en persons were baptised last Suudav evcniui; by Rer. A. D. Hunter, among the number being an old man iu his seventieth year. Sei vi 'hs this evening The Capital city cycle club has elected the fallowing officers: Presi deut T. li. Woma'ck; vice-president, A. W. Knox; aectetaiy and treasurer, A. B v.veii; captain, Henry W. King; lieutenant, Robert L. Gray. K. P. Battle and Chas. Root were elected members of the exa. utive committee. BhAlTiPlL Hhown iu our noutu how window Bxamine the new lef,igns in Celery Stands, Wa'er Bottles, Toothpicks, Syrup Pitchers, Berry Bowls, Ice Cream Tray. Pitcher, Custards, Vinegars, TuiMiiern, Sue.b-ts, THOS. H. BRINGS & SONS, RALEIGH, N. C. 5.3 J S O 3 c " ? g a o w B -3 o 1 ?5 5. B x -i -h r M fo 8 2 r. t g z ira O.D ? D". " 5 s- 5 a 3 2. z S S ? g -2. a El " 2 i 5 2. wjBni;.oci.r,.i FURNISHINGS FOR GENTLEMEN, VN Oliii All.' KSNS'B KRRY. RULES The jliitq is tiiid Lord Aliretl i)oiil;is Had a Fight. Los oos, May 22. The Marquis of QueeDHberry and his younger son, lord Alfred Douglas, had an exciting iniitei y iteidiy. Lord ..Douglai- received a sever chastisement- while his father showed traces of the scrim mage. The fashionable afternoou promenade in Piccadilly was filled with aristocratic spectators today wbe u the. Marquis of Q ieensbcrry met lord Alfred Doiiiflass,. A few words passed ancl there was a brief but vio lent conllict. : The police separated the contestants and took them to the police station. Lord Alfred's counte nance was disfigured with a black eye. SUMMER UNDERWEAR. Gents India Gauze, B,ilbrii;gtn and Lisle Shirts; GenU Jean, Balbriggau and Linn Draw -rsj Gents Linen and Jeans Elastic Setm Drawers. MEN'S -SHIRTS. Gents Dress aud Negligee Shirts; white shuts in plaited and shield fronts, - open bank aud open fronts ; also open both --buck aud frnut. Col ored shirts with detached collars aud link cuffs; also colored front shirts to- Use with white c ollars. SMALL FURNISHINGS. New shapes iu Neckwear; all the late styles iu collars, link ciiti.i, spe cial grades in uieili mi prwed fast black half hose, . h-eiaMtitched and corded border liueu hauak'fs, &c. MEN'S HATS. Dunlap's, Mill ;r's an J Stetson's stilt and soft hat4. Dunlap's straw bats now ready. Nobby shapes iu straw hats for young men. Popular prices for. all men's furn ishings. W.H. & R.S.TUCKER & CO. Dughi's ic-j cream is now on sile at the drug stores of Hicks & Rogers, Iviug & Co., iMclvimmon, B )bbilt, Robert Simpson and John V. Mac.Rae. Strayed Cow. Knickerbocker Shoulder Braces are the most comfortable and efficient remedy for round and stoop should ers. We have a new lot. Hicks & Roobbs - . I Prescription Drugglst.s Preserving kettles, fruit jars and jelly glasses in abundance and at bot tom prices at Hughes'. ma23 2t Look at Mann's hams. may 22 4t The Raleigh ice and Refrigerators company's wagon will be out Monday. Tickets uan be gotten from wagons or at oilioe of T. L. Ebbbuaudt. ml8 fit A cow took up at my house la,tt Sun day. The owner ciui net, her by cal1 at my house, four miles west of the. city, on the Hiliso ro road, proving1 property and paying all charges. mal8 6t Chas. A. Goodwin. We are headquarters for shoes an I slippers. Manufacturers have advan ced their prides; we have not; buy be fore we do. A Woollcott & Son. The Raleigh l-:e and liefrijerators company's wagons will be out Monday. Tickets can be gotten from wagons or at office of T. L. KuKKHKir. . Arrived by express 60 ladies' hat white and black 50 cents, eacu worth. 75 cents. n . . Woollcott St Sos. i We receive daily by eiprttss ne( goods for our millinery department. fWooiioou s Boa. I-