The Most Popular Afternoon Paper-Tbe Visitor. 25. & EVENING VISITOR. IO GET ALL THE LOCAL j NLWSTAKLIBL V lhllOR-1 VOL XXXIII. RALEIGH, N. C. FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1895 NO. 2S ooo-oooooo-ooo It is True. If money you wish and are wise la the Visitor yoa must advertise. Ten dime make a dolUr, bot ten lines won't aoat 700 a dollar in the Visitor, lie is a wise man who place hie "ad" in the beet paper. At a local piper the Visitob has no superior. As a trade Under it cannot be beaten. Don't listen to big tale of big subscriptions and big return 70a are promised, bat put your "ad" where it will do the must good. Pat it in the Visitor. OOO-OOOOOO-OOO Knickerbocker Shoulder Braces are the most eomfurtable and efficient remedy for round and stoop should ers. We have a new lot. Hicks & Roobrb Proscription Druggist. Special. Several beautiful patterns left of black silk grenadine that I am offering way below New York cost. D. T. Swindell. A beautiful line of 35c organdies I am offering this week for 15c. D. T. Swindell. Several patterns left of nice French gingham, worth 25c and 30o, are sell ing this week for 15.! per yard. 1). T. Swindell. Buy Raleigh flour from W. B. Mann Columbia bicycles are unequalled, $103. Hirtford bb-yles are next best $80, ?60, 450. Jo. H. Weathers, agent. We are receiving by express daily sailors for misses and children and our stock is the largest in the city and our prices the cheapest. Woollcott & Son. I am determined to sell all dress goods stock that should have been sold during the spring months regard less of cost. They must go, I cannot afford to move them to Norfolk. Re member that all heavy dreBS goods will be sold regardless of oost. ABk the salesman to show them. D. T. Swindell. COTTON CROP NEWS. There In a Very tJret Reduction In Acreage in North Carolina. Alexander & Co., well known bank er and cotton commission merchants of New York, issued a circular Mon day In which they that Hay 0th I bey addressed 3,100 letters to respon e.ble planters, cotton commission mer chants, cotton brokers, bank and baukera making advance to planter, asking for information as to this year' cotton acreage. These correspondents were selected from every cotton grow ing county in the south. Replies of the average date of May Id were received from 2,111. Consolidated, they show a total decrease in acreage, compared with last year, of 3.761.003 acres or 13 1-9 per cent., and that the season is on an average twelve day later than last year. From North Carolina 215 replies were received, showing a decrease in acreage of 17 per cent, and that the crop is 14 days late. A Card irom. Mrs. Arlington. Editor Visitor: I notice in your paper an inquiry after the "Arring ton committee." 1 would like to know "where it is at" and also why it keeps away from Raleigh. 1 feel confident that the people who induced the com' mittee to leave Raleigh can explain (f they will) why they are kept away And just here I will ask the people of Raleigh what the;- think of the little statement below, and if they do not believe others have been approached the same way and influenced. I tell it as it was told to me. A few weeks ago 1 went to a gen tleman, ssking him to do the writing for the committee when it met again, which he willingly agreed to do, knowing he would get pay He had seen some of the evidence, which convinced him how I had been treated. I looked on him as a gentle man, and in this little instance he proved hiB right to that title. After he had promised to do the writing, some one, 1 do not know who, (but I do know, he is too unprincipled to be oalled a man) went to him and said Our merchant tailoring department bout these words, "Yoo are a young has been reorganized; we are taking ' man, starting out in life, and bad a good many orders; our patrons are beUBr not bave anything to do with pleased and we sa-e you about 25 per cent. Woollcott & Son DOTS AND DASHES. PICKED UP IN RALEIGH AND VICINITY. The Happening of a Day Told in Little Space. The commencement exercise at St. Mary's school will begin Jans 13 There are 12 graduates this year. Three very attractive new cottages north of Central M. E. church on East Morgan street are nearly completed. Dr. E. Nye Hutchison of Charlotte ia a delegate to the Pan-Presbyterian conncil which meets at Glasgow, Scot land. Misses Jennie and Bessie Wyatt of thia city are at Newbern. The former is visiting Miss Daisy Green; the lat ter Miss Stella Roberts. There are already engaged sixteen car for the Baptist taberi aole excur sion to Norfolk, etc., next Wednesday There will be two trains. The convicts in the penitentiary are now actively at work making brick Two of the machines broke and there was some delay in beginning work. The circus will give its performances next Monday in the field north of Peace institute and the street cars will run to the place, on a temporary track. Today the Merrimon property, front ing on North Wilmington street, was sold by Lee S. Overman and B. H. Merrimon. executors, to Charles J. Merrimon, for $1400. Mr. Chandler has gone to Nebraska for a few days and two or three fami lies from that state will rearn with him and settle here. He took with him some flowers from Raleigh, among them magnolias, for use in a church there next Sunday. Ex-judge J. C. L. Gudger denies the report that Mr. H. A. Gudger has left the democratic party, and aavs there is nothing, so far as he is aware, to justify it, and that it is en tirely discredited at the department of justice at Washington. The democratic aldermen had a POST31ASTF.R (JOES WROXO.J The Latent Cane, is at Southport. X. ('. A letter from Southport ssys that W. R. Ferguson, postmaster there, bus been suspended from office, due to so railed irregularities, the same ir regularities am .turning to a defalca tion of about $450 which bad been ta ken in small amounts for months past. The bondeuien of postmaster Ferguson hate made good the defal cation to the government. Southport has been very iru-h stirred np over the matter, which has been kept ax quiet as possible owing to the local prominence of the person interested. Ferguson was never considered respon sible or competent to Gil the office, but was placed in office i'.gelyon account of church and as deceiving of charity. His house needed repairs, and he claims it was about to fall down. He tried to borrow some money to fix it, bat his security was not satisfactory. Htving several hundred dollais on hand of money order funds he applied these to repairing his house. Postoffice inspector Conard after requiring his sureties to make up the deflcieucy, turned the office over to Mini Price, selected by the boudmn n to con duct business until the department at Washington selects a HucOfNHor. HOW AROI T THIS ? BeAlT.FuL :3 I Ualeigh to Loe or Sot Loe the State Fair? Secretary Nichols today received letter from Mr. Julian S. Carr re garding the state fair. Mr. Carr aays he wants action taken next week on the question wh-tbnr the fair shall or shall not be held here. He ears the wants "to charge the matter off his LOtKs LfHS Cut Q!fi.-3. mind," and that action must be then takeu one way or the other. In other words the fate of the fair Ij then to hown in onr south show window Examine the new designs In Sol Haas and St. John. Railroad rumors are again becoming plentiful, and one from Wilmington, through the Star, is to the effect that the Plant system is to undergo a general overhauling of its freight department very soon, and one of the reports is that Mr. Sol. Haas will be placed in charge of that department with unlimited powers. There is a rumor, too, that there will soon be another "shake-up" on the Seaboard Air Line system. Still another is that vice-president St. John, of that sys tern, will be chosen president of the Georgia Southern and Florida railioad uuder the new organization. be settled. Will Raleigh put up the ne-ded $3,000? It is a matter for the people of this city to consider. He is iuformed by Mr. Nichols that a man at Durham has offered and stands ready to pay all the expenses of re- movsl of the fair to Raleigh and will make a free gift of the grounds. This is no hum 11 matter. Will Raleigh rise to the emergency? Celrry Stands, Wa'er Bottles, Toothpicks, Syrup Pitchers, Berry Bowls, Ice Cream Trays. Pitchers, Custards, Vinegars, Tumblers, Sherbets, The Just leceived severil pieces of all v 11 b'ack surges 42 inches wide worth CO , will sell this wefk for 33o. D. T. Swindell. that case. You will antagonize some oaucus last evening on the question of leading men in the state, and get policemen, and it is said decided to them down on you, and you bad best make five changes. All sorts of Weather for Tomorrow. For Norih Carolina: Rain today and tonight. Showers Saturday. Local forecast for Raleigh and vi cinity: Rain tonight and Saturday. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a. m: Manmum temperature, 71; minimum temperature, 52; rainfall 0.00. Our white goods department is full of latest novelties and we have just the things for commencement outfits. Woollcott A Son COMPETITION 'Knocked Higher Than a Kite." LADIES' SUPPERS -AND- let it alone." I ask all honest, law-abiding man and women what they think of this, aud I now hope all will see what 1 have to contend with, while I only ask for my own money and that the law be carried out. I could give a good deal to the public, and tell why the "Ar rington committee" is not here had I the money to conduct my paper. As it is I cannot get a paper to print what I want to it is a personal matter. Yet those guilty can rest NEWS NOTES. The Little Events of a Day in the Capital City. Snow fell in this city Tuesday night. The united order of workingmen will meet this evening. Haywood & Williams have on sale The closing exercises at Mr. H. M. OXFORD TIES. We have selected from oar own stock a JOB LOT of Oommnn Sense and Opera Toes, all the different styles, tipped and plain, at prieet unusual forsuchqual ty of goods. A LITTLE BETTER for a little less money than ever be fore. Call early before the size are hrnken. Shoe will be higher. When these are gone we will not be able to do so well by yon. The opportunity 1 yours. Embrace it now C. A. SHERWOOD & CO. I.. 1 1 r rnmors are current, ine ooaru 01 aldermen meets this evening audits session will be largely attended, no doubt. . The collection of animals with the great Wallace shows is valued at $1,000,000. They have, for the most part, been imported direct by the show from the Congo Free State through the 115th N. C. reports. tneir ageni maiewayo jvom.u, Mrs V. C. Aver is occupvinir her ... . 11 .1 V .U.( Has nis numers au BV new residence corner West Hargett and country. ' North Salisbury streets The report blanks of the railway . .1 w. ! n loaf waaw rtrtof $33 frr 195 I n - A. 1t.-t -.1 i A I assured It will De tola in tne near in- I umu"o v"-v v- i vaies excellent scuooi ai ajwi m ur ture. Crimes cannot be held forever, copies. Those for 1895 are just re- held on the 31st instant. The "fraud commission" exposed eeived. There is the same number and crime and it will again be told to the they are exactly like the otbers, yet vounfer veneration, who dallv see the cost is $94, and there is a balance and hear thinas they do not under- yet due for ruling, so that tne total stand. Are there not honorable white oost is thrice as great as last year's men enough in North Carolina to de charges. Rev. George P. Patterson was here last night, the guest of Col. John W Hinsdale, and left this morning for Fayetteville, where he will attend the annual meeting of the council of the Episcopal diocese- of East Carolina I5ASK15ALL NEWS. Record of (iaiiien Played Yeslerdiiy. NATIONAL LEAUDB, At Cincinnati: Cincianati 04000003 1 8 Phila. 00340080 - 13 At Pittsburg: Pitlsburg 00001004 05 Bostou 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 04 At L misville: Louisville 10000000 01 Brooklyn 10002000 03 At, Chicago: Chi. ago 0 1 0 2 0 4 0 1 08 Baltimore 20010300 06 At Cleveland: Cleveland 00205030 010 New York 10200200 05 SOUTHERN LEAUIIB. At Nanhville: Nashville 4 0 0 110 0 0 0 5 Lttle Rock 01 0010002 At Atlanta: Atlanta 0200105008 Memphis 00000000 00 At Chatannoga: Chatanooga 03000200 05 New Orleans 00000000 22 At, Kvaosville: Evansville 30306000 315 Montgomery 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0-11 HOW THEY. STAND. Per. Ct. 692 666 643 615 545 500 478 4'8 370 333 304 217 THOS. II. ,;u BRICrGS & SONS, RALEIGH, N. C. o 2 1 D 1 ' O B o a a o X - B 13 CD cp p 2. 0 K P 5 BU r r 7. S O T3 2 S. C Z n b 2. Z mand justice for those they see and know are swindled under their eyes? Mbs. P. D. B. Abbihqton. Dap tint Tabernacle Sunday School's Annual Outing. A trip to Portsmouth, Norfolk, For tress Monroe, Old Point, Soldiers' Home, Hampton Roads, &o,, Wednes day, May 29th, in one day, or longei if preferred, $2 round trip. Tickets sold good : to return on Wednesday, 29th, or on regular train leaving Portsmouth at 9:15 a. m. on Friday, the 31st. Got ready for the excursion of the season. Elegant coaches, fast Will They be Appointed in Wake Two cars filled with pupils from the normal and industrial school passed here today on the way home. Mr. J. B. Homan, a well known ex-member of the legislature from Iredell county, is at the Park hotel. There was quite a heavy frost yes terday morning along streams in this county, and the temperature was as low as 38 degrees. After utilizing every available inch Rev. Drs Marshall and Smedes also of ground under the monster tents the left to attend the meeting. Sunday great Wallace show fills the circumam there will be jubilee services in honor of bishop Watson of that diocese. TOWNSHIP TAX COLLECTORS. train, ice water, plenty of room and a good time generally. mm r i ! 1 ' "Imported direct from the East." De scribes oar stook to a "i. Wfi OFFBH THIS WBSK the beginning of the tea season one poand of ohotcest BLEND EDRE TE4 County? ' This afternoon superior court clerk Young and register of deeds Rogers had a consultation regarding the new law which requires the appointment of a tax collector in each township In Wake. The act require that the tax collector in each township shall be the constable elected by the people. The clerk and register will look carefully into the law bo as to see whether they will call the county commissioners and magistrates to meet in joint ses sion the first Monday in June, to carry oat the law. It appears to be quite a Won Lost Pittsburg, 18 8 Cincinnati, 18 9 Chicago. 18 10 Cleveland, 16 10 Boston, 12 10 Baltimore. 10 10 New York, 12 11 Phila. 12 11 St. Louis, 10 17 Brooklyn, 8 16 Washington, 7 16 Louisville, 5 18 2 S. w o 0 5 ETf (X) " 5 B 5 . Bills The Excursion Tomorrow. For the benefit of those going on the A. St M. oollege excursion to Ooco- neei:hee farm tomorrow I wish to state thatthe train wtll stop at the farm. Some think they will have to walk from HillBboro, but that is not the case. B. Irby. Large Cabbage Shipments. FURNISHINGS FOR GENTLEMEN. SUMMER UNDERWEAR. Gents India Gauze, Balbriggm and Lisle Shirts; G -nts Jean, Balbriggan and Linen Drawer; Gents Linen and Jeans Elastic Seam Drawers. MEN'S SHIRTS. Gents Dress and Negligee Shirts; white shirts in plaited and shield fronts, open back and open fronts ; also open both back and front. Col ored shirts with detached collars ana link caffs; also colored front Blurts to use with white collars. SMALL FURNISHINGS. New shapes in Neckwear; all the MeHsrs. Hackburn & Willett of New bern are gettinir off very large ship ments of cabbage now. They have late styles in ' collars, link eutts, Bpe- sent off 2150 packages in two days past. These packages hud 150 11 s each; they are barrel crates, holding from 30 to 35 cabbages each. Thie is the biggest lot ever sent from New bern in two days by one firm. As large as the number is six men cut and parked them all. A computation by the Jour i,l shows that for a day of ten hours they cut and packed two crates to the minute. ial grades in medium priced fast black half hose, hemstitched and corded border linen handk'fs, &c. MEN'S HATS. Dunlap's, Miller's and Stetson's stiff and soft hats. Dunlap's straw hats now ready. Nobby shapes in straw hats for young men. Popular prices for all men's furn ishings. ; ' W.H. & R.S.TUCKER & CO. Look at Mann's hame. may 22 4t Educational Item. bient air full of the greatest artists in the known world. The three brothers LaVan are the most celebrated aerial ists of modern times, doing a somer sault return act in mid-air that defies description. Royalty has applauded this act The best time to enjoy an excursion is before the heat of summer is upon us. Goto Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Ooean View, Virginia Beach. Baltimore or Washington City next Wednesday, May 29th, on the Bap tist tabernacle Sunday school excur sion in one or two days, just as you prefer. Round trip to Norfolk $2. Round trip to Norfolk, Washington City or Baltimore $3. The cheapest and grandest. First boy How do you. like your new teacher? Second boy He is not a lightning teacher the same place Dughi's Ice cream is now on sale at the drug storen of Hicks & Rogers, King & Co., Mclviminon, KobDitt, Robert Simpson and Joan x. Alacuae. Preserving kettles, fruit jars and He strikes seVf ral times in jelly glasses in abundance aud at bot tom prices at Hughes . uiaza at and 3 lb Granulated Sugar for 60s. JK3SBG. BALL. On June 3d, Jefferson Davis' birth day, a collection for the monument to knotty question. The decision will be J be erected over his grave at Rich made tomorrow. 1 mond will be taken all over the south. Some of the treasure of Capt. Kidd, the pirate, Las been found in Con necticut by two men. A short time ago they hadn't a cent, but now they are blazing with diamonds and buy ing bonds and New York city real es tate. Further details of the loss of the Spanish steamer Gravina, during a typhoon, show that 168 persons ware drowned. Only two of those onboard were saved. Women of 40 always fancy ftey have found the fountain of , youth, and that they remain young in the midst of the rains of their day. The Raleifrh Ice and Refrigerators company's wagonswill beoutMonday. Tickets oan be gotten from wagons or at office of T. L. Kbkkwahdt. in 18 6t Strayed Cow. A cow took up at my house last Sun day. The owuer can get her by call- at my house, lour miles west oi in oity, on the Hillsboro road, proving property and paying all oharges. mal8ot unaa. a. uooawin. The Raleigh Ice and Refrigerators company's wagons will be out Monday. Tickets can be gotten from wagons or at office of T. L. Ebbrhakdt. Go to W. B. Mann's for North Cmo4 lina hams. , ,1 -tJ '' ; '