TO LET. TO LET 1-6 R ojt. Drvallin on Harrington street, 5 squares from the capitol. 1-6 Ro)m Dvellins: on Jones street, near D, and D. asylum; eood well of water. ; 1-8 Room Dwelling on Edonton street, 1-2 square from capitol; nicolv located 1-5 Room Dwelling on Blount street, 2 squares bevond Governor's mansion. 1-2 Room dwelling on B'ount street. 20 building lots on monthly payments. Call and we will be glad to show you any of the above home .id lots. "W"5riN ISTTT! JJHiTjIJ'GhTOIT &C CO. In- d Real Kstate Agents. No. 10 Wert Uargett street. t EYEMHG VISITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON, (Except Sunday) EVENING VISITOR PU1 CO. THE VISITOR, by carriers in the city, US cents per month. Prices for mailing, f J per year, or 25 cents per month. Oifice Upstairs over Mr. J. Hal Bobbin's Drug Store, 2nd floor. W. M. BKOWX, Sr., M'g'r, Raleigh. X. C. tire of a gold dollar, and is therefore merchandise bought to pay debt iu the United Slate and Europe. A. U. S. dollar ia worth two Mexican dollar. FRED. A. OLDS, EDITOV BALBIGH, 5. C, MAT 10 1895. A statue of S. S. Coi, erected by the subscriptions of letter-carriers, will b unveiled in New York July 4. There are 50,000 children of school I transportation.! age who are now out in the streets of j New York, with no scuoolhuses to receive them. One of the nit striking Natures of the figure just made public by the census bureau regarding the occupa tions of the people jf the United States under the eenaus of 1830 i the great increase during the past 30 years in the number of persons in professional occupations and the num ber of women who have been making ; their way both in the professions and into trade and transporta'ion. The increase in the whole number of per sons, both male and female, employed in gainful occupations has been from 13 505.923 in 1S70 to 32.735.661 in lri'Jl). The increase in the namber of of women employed has been from 1, 836 288 in 1870 to 3 014.711 in 1890 The most notable increase among women employed is in manufactures, professional service and iu trade aud STOCKS AND BONDS. Corrected weekly by W i s .x is & Klli.iutok. Hoxps. North Caroliua 6 4i Bin. 126 103 113 11)5 Turkey is menaced with war by three of the great powers. Knglaud will fight if Armenian reforms are not granted. The sultan's advisers have resigned. Three hundred lost children were picked up May 30th in New York, mostly in the vicinity of Central park, but all were found by the police and had to be taken care of until claimed. Money is so abundant in London that there is to be a reduction of the rate of interest on permanent invest ments to 2 per cent. This accounts for the eagerness of the British capi talists to get hold of IT. $ bonds. The prince of Wales was on Satur day scolded by his august mama, the queen, because he dived with a Lou don sheriff during Whitsuntide in stead of receiving the sacrament. William W. McLaughlin, until Fri day. morning a New York inspector of police, spent Saturday his first day his first day as a convict, in the same with Thomas Considine, who is under indictment for murder. Dr. Lyman Abbott, an eminent New England preacher, calls attention to the curious but significant fact that it is rarely possible nowadays to tell, from hearing or reading a sermon, to what denomination the preacher be longs. A test was made Saturday at New York of a light Maxim machine-gun capable of firing 500 shots a minute That was the claim made for it, but :tfter the test those who were present announced that it had accomplished even more than was claimed. The thousand miles of road between Chicago and New York have been covered in sixty-five hours by relay bicycle riders. This is at the rate of nearly 15 1-3 miles per hour for the entire distance. The race began at Chicago last Wednesday and ended at New York Saturday. The enthusiastic Cherokee "boom er" of 1893 are now perishing of h inger. They have raised no crops lor two years. They are now without money or food, and as all their pos sessions are mortgaged, they cannot even escape to drought-stricken Kan sas. Such is the wail of distress which comes from suffering Oklahoma. Some of the inhabitants of the town of Gettysburg are opposed to the ex tension of the national park there, a they think the removal of the farmers will injure the trade of the place. The town has a population of only 8,200, and it might be a good ide to bay it as an accidental feature of the great battle. LATE NEWS NOTES. All Ovor 1 1 uppt n i ujrs 1 ' p-l o-1 tut t th Country. W. N. C. K. fl N. 0. II. K. City of KaleighO. 1907 107 " 101 Ral.Cot. MiiN.0-.!9Ol 104 Car'gh MillsCo.tK 13 JM'i K.'. Ci'iins' Na'-. Hank. 113 Sat. Bank of Kaleigh, 133 Coia. & i-'trm. Bank, 130 Hal. St uiffs Kink. 130 Caralowrh Mills Co , 77 l'h .s. Works, IK) N. C. Car Co., 95 Kaleigh Ih-i Lirlit Co. 65 Ril-ih Kl-tric Co. AKrn. 137 1(4 114 110 103 105 134 134 133 135 9) UK) 100 70 50 ICE Mr. Eomero, the Mexican minister at Washington, gives bis views of the ex perience of Mexico nnder . the silver s aodard, saying that .the Mexican dollar is sold for the price of the bullion it contains, while the United gUtes silver dollar is the representa- The Chicag3 city directory gives that city a population of 1,695,000. Silver is all the talk iu Alabama but Gov. Oates doesn't think a fusion with populists likely. The whaleship Kite has been char tered to carry tie expedition to Green land to bring back Lieut. Peary, the arctic explorer, who has been there two years. The support of the "white metal" is said by many to be democracy's only chance. Senator Harris says he thiuKH free silver principles will win success for that party. The government authorities at Ha vaua Cuba, claim to have information that an expedition is being fitted out in the bayous of the Mississippi river t ) go to that country. The committee appointed by the New Jersey senate to investigate the state house frauds presented its report accusing officials of collusion with out siders to plunder the state treasury. A committee of twelve leading citi zens of Atlanta today at Washington invited president Cleveland and his cabinet to be present at the opening of the cotton and international expo sition September 8. Secretary of treasury Carlisle ex pects to leave for Kentucky tomorrow to deliver at Louisville the sound money speech he was obliged to post pone on account of the death of sec retary Gresham. Best reports of the cotton crop are of about 7,000,000 bales, each of 475 pounds. Crop conditions do not com pare favorably with Juue 1. 1893. The possibilities of a small crop appear to be decided. An oilicial communication from the Chinese government was presented to the president Saturday at Washing ton formally thanking the govern ment of the United States for its friendly offices in behalf of securing peaoe between China aud Japan. The schooner C. G. White, of San Francisco, was lost last week on the coast of Alaska. Ten of the crew were lost. Many were frozen to death while lashed in the rigging, and oth ers were drowned. The survivors landed, crossing the mountains througha deep snow: As the steamer Arthur, with ex president Tang of Formosa and a number of other refugees on board, passed the Hobe forts she was fired on, and seven of those on board of her were killed and 17 wounded. The German gunboat litis returned the firs, killing 13 men. These are days when the New York police are being well shaken np, Com missioner Roosevelt last Saturday took an early morning walk and surprised policemen. Only one was attending to duty. In a stroll through an entire precinct Roosevelt found, but a single bluecoat paying attention to busi ness. V. ic.un offer from the Ral'.iarh Crvstil ice factory Ice i if best 4 ia!ity and at Invest pucs, in Kalcic.ii aiul to iicu-bv railruJ points. Ice now ready lor delivery in any quantity. JONES & POWELL,. JPOOall.OXLt3S Steam Coal is ahead of all oiliers in quality and prices. JONES & POWELL. V Raleiuh'Aseiits. S. A. L Hay, Mill Feed, Shimj'.es, Laths, etc., call on JONES & POWELL, Raleigh, N. C. Sale of Valuable Property. By virtue of a judgment rendered at the April term 1895 of Wake coun. tv Superior Court, in the case of Q. O. Barbee against A. C. Penny and others, being No 534, purauions dock et of said court, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, at the court house door in the city of Kaleigh, N. O, on Mon day, the 1st day of July, 1B,J5, the fol lowing described lot of land situated in Garner, Nt. Mary's township. Wake rouuty, N.O. and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stake 100 feet from the cenW of the W.-iv K K tra'jk. runs s (5'V 1 M W chains to a stake; theuce s iU n 1 16-100 chains to a stake: tbence n (Ji w 2 U l'lOchnius to a stake; thence n 27 e 1 16 100 chains to the begiuuiug, containing lo of an acre, being the lot convey ed by E. Hagwood, executor to John L Coster, bv deed recored iu Kegis's office of said county in book 118 page ' 60. ARM18TEAD JONES, nay 2$ Commissioner. ffclclieafcr'a Knclt.h THamond Tirana1. w y-- v llrJjflnlil aim woiy i.vnutno. W J &N fX. l"aw M.'.l'.il. LADIES nl ,CHjKi( Br.m.l f.i lliv. m,.t Ml metallic Wraoioi'ed ll" riMmii."- Take .'A IF. ...... ..ft...-. 5frA...i.ii.f,.-..n.tiiftHi. I -" ,('iiM t Iirui;'Iiil4e. I W ' Jf III '"f rartti'iiHr.. t,'nlm.r.ii.l and ) E? "Ilelli-r tar i" Irnrr. by ivlurn w JY Mull. II.OOO Tr X ne. jHptr. -r "hlclivlfr kcoil(mlCo.,Mii!ln Ni.- ile bj ail Lytai Druatii"". . 1 a. Sale of Real Estate. By authority of a uiortakre to Jos. Q. Brown as-recorded in Booh 13S, pug? IS reco-ds of Register of Deeds ollioe for Wake count, v, I will on Thursday the VTth of Juue,18Q5, at 19 o'liloeK m , at the court house door of Wke ounuly, sell to the highest bid d r for cash the following described real estate to wit : 1st Begins at a stake on the north side of Cameron street, Raleigh, N.C, 11 I 2 feet from Rniford Ferrall's 8. W. corner, runs thence a ong said st rest 571-9 f -et to a stake on the Bne of T. B Bripgs deceased, tbence northwsrdly along snid lino ICO feet toastske, theuce eastardly 57 12 fpet, to a stke in an alley, thence rou herly along anid alley 100 'feet to the beginning 9nd B gi s at a stake at Oarey Irviu's H. W. corner on West Le noir stmpt, Kaleigh, runs tbence west VOi f-et with - said street to a st'tke; tbence north 210 feet to a s'ake In Wua Otey's line, theno" fast flj ' 4 feet , to said IrvJn's K W. o rner . thern 210 feet south wit h bis line to the besinning. Jos. ft Hriwv, ma?8'd Vortgqgee Seaboard Air-Line. CONDKN8ED SCHEDULE. IB KKK'or May 5, 'Ui. Trains Le 'tRileigo, I 88 A M Dail , "Atlanta SptHjitl," i u.iuiauYestilialefoi Hen uersou Weldon, Petere burg, Richmoail, Whehlug tou, Baltimore, Pbliadela pnia, iiew YorK and al points north. BuiXit d-aw-lug room sleepers and Bull uiiiu coaches Atlanta to Washiugton, parlor cars Washiugtou to New York Pullman sleeping car Mon roe to Portsmouth. 1181 A M-Daily for Heudersoo. Weldon, Suf folk, Portemooth, Norfolk and lutermediaie stations, connects at Portsmouth with Bay Line for Old Point and Baltimore, with Nor folk and Washiugtou tjtea in boat Co., for Washington with K. Y. P. St N. R. B for Philadelphia and points north; also at We'dju with Atlautio Coast Line for Richmond, Waoalugton, Haliimore, Philadelphia and flew York. Through sleepers Weldon to New York anl with Scotland INeck Branch for Green ville, Washington and Ply moJth. Pullmau sleeper Atlauta ty Portsmouth. 5 85 a Daily. "Atlanta tipeol&l,' Pullman Vestibule tor Ho. Piuus, Hamlet, Mooroe, Chester, Clinton, (ireeu. wood, Abbeville, Athens, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleaas. Chattat nooga, Nftshville, Memphis and ell points south and southwest. Through Poll man Buffs'; tileeperB and day coaches Washiugton to Atlanta, connecting direc t ly at Uuion depot Atlanta with diversiug lines Pull man sleeper Portsmouth to Monroe. 8 40 P M-Daily, for tioutuern Pines, Hamlet, Max ton, Wilmington, Wadesboro, Monroe, Uhar- lotte, Lincoluton, Shelby, Rutherford ton, Chester, (ireenwood, Atlanta and Points south. Trains Arrive Raleigh : 5 80 A M Daily. "Atlanta 8peeial,u Pullman Vestibule from New York. Philadelpntu Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all points north- Parlor cars new York to Washington: Pull man Buffet cheepers anC day coaches Washington to iVtltiata. 8 85 P m Daily froaa Portsmouth and point north via Bay Line iN. x. P. tt N. R. also from . tireeuville, Plymouth, Washington and Eastori. Oaroliua points -via Wei don. Petersburg, Richmond Washington and points north Via Atlantic Uoasi Line, sleepers New York tr Weldon SI 81 A M Daily, "Atlanta Spoclal, Pullrtao Vestibulo, frou; Atlanta, AUieutvVOinvlile, (ir-'Huwood, Chester .nd points south. PuCiusu ;aj uoache8(ui . sioiior Af.aa ta to Wash! uglon. 11 86 A m Daily from vv i lrii iug t on, 8ue:by, Liuoolutoa, Uhar lotte, Atiaata and points south No. 408 a-id 401, "Atlanta 'Special," are solid Puiiaa&u baled trains composed of n ugulllceuk day conoties and palace drawing rooms ' Builet sleepers bbtwten vVashiugCou and Atlf-nta witnoal change, oa wliiob there Is no extru faro charged. For information relative to sohed ale, 'ice, app.y to tiek )i i,'ea:, or A J Cooke, t P A , RaUigh E. St. JOHN, Vice President. J. H. WlSDBR, General Manager, i T. J. AsDEKijos, Geu'l Pass. Agent V. E. MuBbk, Supt. Transportation MEDAL AND DIPLOMA BY THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, For SjUrn i orBook-ke) tmm uf 6nml Haalnmu Kduratlon, vut. Cost to complete J4uln(i Course about U0 Including umioo.bookf: nd boftrd. Phonography, Type WMtlns aod Teleeraphy taught. Kor circular!, addrvM, . W. H. Mali II, rnMeu, TTlafai. KjJ i. Washing Your Clothes. '."In days of old your good mother did it and you had no fault to find. When it comes to laundering your soil ed linen ; We Willi Be a Mother to You, and the pel feet satisfaction we guar antee will make you think of those happy days of old. , Discard safety pinsl Away with batchelor buttons The Oak City steam laundry laws on buttons and tape. OAK CITY STBAlf LAUNDRY. L.R. Wtatt, P&OM0T ProyrietQi QKOOOaK0KKKK-0?KK Pure O1 T)rii (tv - ED. Fine Cigars. (WOtixx.oo0HHOO SOOOD wevs ) The Holidays have come aud gone i j with their pleasures aud accustomed j , bustle. Now it behooves os to turn 'our attention to Carder Seeds Careful buyers t seed should k-ep ( I in uiiaa two important items: Quality i)4 Pnce I solicit the patronage of one and i .all for the justly celebrated aud re- ' liable j! Seci Wholesale and Retail DRUGGIST AND SEEDSMAN, BALBIGH, N. C. o-ooooo Y oooooo- OOOOOO ( Daily Pa-9 Pre O psrs and x v city V 0 Directory.9 u v ecialty O Q oo-o-o oooo-oo Postage'. Stamps.' oo-c oo GET tl?e BEST TaHe e Visitor OHfE f $3.00 PER THE YEAR. Evening Visitor V PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. OW IS THE TIME fOW IS THE TIME ' TO SUBSCRIBE. TO 8UBS0EIBE. The mission of THE VISITOR will be in the fnture, as it has been in the past, TO ELEVATE LIBOR - PUBLISH ALL HOME NEWS. . TO INTEREST READERS or ALL CLASSES, TO . ADVANCE THE INTEREST OF RALEIGH REPORT ALL INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. It will contribute, by its advocacy of Progressive Ideas of Business, to make Raleigh a prosperous manufacturing eenire, a model of commercial enterprise, and the most prosperous CITY IN THE SOUTH. Its small price will attract subscribers. Its real merits will make it a popular favorite. , SUBSCRIBE FOR T H E V ISI TOR TERMS : One year, inside the city, ft 09. i One week. ' " t j One month, " ' " 21 One vear. out'iln; the city, B UO On eek. " " M One mouth," ' ' OlDhg of four, one month, W. Postage paid at this offio. Address, EVENING VI3IT0B, Raleigh, J,0 1