DUKE OigahetteS - IIRAWTTFC M L ry'wh'jwnpiCi'T';Tiiy ' us;-,, -iHf Ft'? Q""'i'M'.Q.tE V madc rnoM 5gh Erado Tsbasoo PURS ABSOLUTELY E2s!y, C'Ickly. Psrni2K2ntIj Sestorcl. , IMETIC ERYJKEt."Sii TPHWirLcst Mjnhoriti. t'ureaw..B fibres, Mprvoas Debility and ail the evils from eurlj or later es, oew p, tJie r"suj ui cverworic, worry, sickness, etc. Full .t-cnrth, tceniif dcT -ivimeni (riven to ovary orr? n or portion of te luiay. Improve mwitimioun.ti'iyocii from tlicl:.-itl)'ix. Thoua. ands -t iit4'ns of rniif on tiioia our oroa. Can be carried in vet ;o!i. Hi hy niU to an' BiMrertrtouri'Ooiitoi n ice. Ot.t ninth's troat cutout i;i "Hch fiox. IVic i .no 6 b-at'c, with Written -iuitn.nU.otn rrfund ;noi.j if not cured Rt-ud to u fur the li'-muite. Circulto-. i'rae. Jchn Y. M.c.Rse. Druggist. I.ale;,;!i, N.O Song of the First Vhipioowill. I bear it blown whence the moonbeams pale are lying Ob sheltered gladee beyond the weetrrn bill; Now rising witb the freshening gale, bow dying The plaint of the whlppoorwill. It waksne la my aonl such memories tender Of ehildhood'e of dream! Down lilied meadows 1 stray evening's splendor. By willowed, dimpling streams. One more the dusky toiler seeks h-tliDtr; I hear bia faint, melodious while there Across the wold the village bull pealing The evening hoar of prayer. A child at mother's knee, I now re member, No more life's poignant pain, its burning tear; There learn of eitiea pant the sunset'a ember, Beyond the bourne of yearn. And hark! blown whence the moon Ira iiih pale am lying On t.heltrred irladea beyond the vestetu hill; Now rUiug with the fr'aheuing winds now dying. The plaint of the whippoorwill! . liOUtiHT 11EU A lirsi'.AXI). far-reeediug land in the bia ng; is Dt'ii'iiiliint Hired u Krii'iitl M.ury the t'liaijilaiiiiuil. to w. extra pinij- n its as ii a f k ilf tv La rir yofj a Ki.-js. 'F!K:C.iL'iK,mwsa i pin nnr inr , -n MM Mil I7" Over One Million l-eople wear the i-.i...viiu, nt.nnmiu.MJBi.. W. L. Dsuglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally stitinfactory -They fcl ve the beat value for the monev. They equal custom hoc In style and fit. Tholr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, stamped on sole. Prom $i to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you ws can. Sold by HELLER BROS. Ohamborlaln's Eye and SKtn Ointmom Is unequalled for Eczema, Teltor, Salt Rheum, Hcad Head, Soro Nipj U'S, Chapped Han.ln, Ituhing Piles, liiirn.i, Frost Iiites, Chrome !?oro Kycs a:s;l Civr.nuhiteJ Eye iid& For 6.lo by druggists .it cents per box. TO nOBraSOVrNSE3. For rmttiii? a lio: in a lino licaltliv con dition try i'r. C:';'s Coivlition l'owders. Ulicy tone up the py:tcm, ai.l digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney' diporders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 tents per package. For sale by druggists. ATC9T KHY OF GEON Curos in 1 to 4 divrB. Im mpilinto in olVoct ; quick to iH earn. . Tin nn rnriicu in vem hi A iiotkot. all noinrlffo in one Bmnll pnokun. Hunt by mail, prepaid, plain tuiokiifo, on rocoipt of prion. $i pvr box. For sain by John-Y. McKae, dragj E?.7 iThtMf finv i'MiiMiiien nr E3iyJ,,, in 'lH hour wiihuul tM-b ami Injf cfHn fn it. () MX The best wearing, most stylish, and the greatest valuo of any $3.00 Men's Shoes on the continent. Best calfskin, dongola tops, solid leather soles, with all tho popular toes, lasts and fastenings, and Lewis' Cork Filled Solos. Each pair contains a paid-up Acci dent Insuranco Policy for $100, good for !!0 d.ivs. . Wear Lewis' Accident Insurance Shoes onco and you will never change. The insurance goes for." full measure." Talk with your dealer who sells Lewis' Shoes. FOLD BY Wbiting Bros 7APANES1S no 1 K-r-ns New Yoiik. Juue 9. John Bauer was arrnsted thm nmrninir. He was carryiug a new suit 01 ctoiues in n buudlrf, aud as hrf did uotgivea prop er account of his possession f th lothiug he wan locked up. He de clared iu iditiou that be intended to marry. 1 dih statement was in euig ma to :hv polier, but it was explained today ;when the case of Mary Schubert agaiuxt Joseph Shiefer iu a public court today was called. Sbiefer is a well-to-do married man. whose wife owns a gtet deal of real estate. It as alleged by Mary that be t' ok her to excursions aud balls, figuring as a single man, aud trifled with her affections. Bauer today of fered to marry Hiss Schubert, so as to got his friend ahieter outol trouDle Mary said she would consider the matter. Bauer got the suit of cloth ing from Shiefer, with other consider tions, if he would marry the girl. Shiefer and his wife admitted that they had giveu the clothing aud other considerations to Bauer to marry the girl. Miss Sohubert frankly admit ted that she would like to have her good name re-established by marrying Bauer, but declared she ought to nave part of the consideration paid Bauer. The latter was discharged on tne charge of larceny, and at once made preparations to carry out his part 01 the bargaiu to marry Mary by buy ing household furuiture and renting apartmeuts. Frank E. White, Minneapolis, Miun., writes: "Have used two boxes of your Pile Cure aud must say it has done wonders lor me. 1 would not know I ever had the piles only when I ntoop low. The itching is all gone.' Sample free. For sale by John Y. MauKae. SIX TYPES OF tilRL-S. (ib4n' Fair American of - rluurt KiiitN and iualitie. Aa interviewer fur romance worms out of Charles Dana (iibson the fact that the American girls h baa err td are divided into aix clasps or types. "First," said Gibson, "there is the professional belle, who lives con stantly on parade, in fall uniform, un der tba escort of social brass. Neit is the tomboy, who wears tailor-made gowns, smokes cigarettes and kuows something about everything like a eatalogue. Then there is the senti mental girl, who always loves jnst oue man the man who bap eus to b talkiug to her. The fourth is the so qaette, wbo keeps half a d ien men in love witb her and joalous of ber at the same time. Fifth is the ambitious girl, with a set purpose, who makes everything in life subservient to its attainment. The last is the weil-nal-anced girl, who always separate the gjod from the evil, the sham from the true and molds her own character; who oompreheuds men, who is reserv ed yet gives all, whose friendship wears well yet never approaches inti macy." I have two little grandchildren who are teehting this hot summer wratber and are troubled with bowel com plaint. I give them Chamberlain's Oolie, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Unmedy and it aots like a charm I earnesMy recommend it for children with bowel troubles. I was myself taken with a severe attack of bloody flux, with cramps aud paius in my stomach. One third of a bottle of this remedy cured me. Within tweuty-four hours 1 was out of bed and doing my housework. Mrs. W. L. Duncan, Bon-aqua, Hick My dear; where is my overcoat!" Your overcoat?" Yes; I'm going to the strawberry festival." All diseases of the skin cured and the best complexion restored by John son's Oriental Soap, perfumed and highly medicated. Two cakes in each package, 25 cents. For sale by John Y. Macllae. Did You Kver fry Electric Bitters aa a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine i:as been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all teiuale complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss f appetite, constipation, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleep- ess, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Large bottles only htty cents at John Macllae s drug store. While in Topeka last March, E. T. Barber, a prominent newspaper man of La Cygne, Kan., was sick with cholera morbus verf severely. The night erk at ;he hotel where he was stop ping happened to have a buttle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy and gave him three doses which relieved him aud he thinks saved his life. Every family should keep this remedy in their home at all times. Ho one can tell how soon it may be needed. It costs but a trifle and may be the means of saving much uffering and perhaps the life 01 a. me member of the tamily. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. Hat Bobbitt. The averacre'eritic is the man who couldn't have done it himself. Sometime ago 1 was troubled with an attack ot rheumatism. 1 used Chamberiaiu's Pain Balm aud was eomuletelv cured. 1 have since ad vised many of my friends and custom ers to try the remedy and all speak highly of it. Simon (jtoldbaum, San Lui Kev. Cal. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt. Some people never think about , re ligioU uutil they ooine graveyard. in sight of a ,f jn-nt. A u,'',''Vl," i rev -.'. .-at V"''' "Vi-'IHVX Vi? Sn t ) i- .linl ai'ltin torrit- to C(ln !;! CteiTOdb til rjtu flotmipttn? of nt sr.-i iwq -. f nr Piles of lorttt ion with Ho at-:, whion ore r-ra, . ii often ro 1 i.y f idnre thle .tout i O boxes ,is t. i henonts r JAPANESE 4X6 CtcV.r, MMcffti v to t't , a Box. , Prevented, rr.ni.: iii-rrekjis the gnr.t I.IVF'i did B l i iMACi; "iw .. -f '", , .ik",.?el: cA. pui i-t iL..lron'i ok. h' tSt eonlH. Rheumatism, neuralgia, pains in the back or Bide, stiff necK, sore throat, tonsditis, diphtheria, camps aud eolic instantly relieved by Johnson's Wag netie Oil. Larife bottles. 25 and 50 cents. For sale by John Y. McRae, druggists. . 1 Johnson's Kidney and Liver Regu lator invigorates the liver, regulates the bowels, cures dyspepsia, bilous ness. indigestion, sour stomach and makes vour head as clear as a bell 25 and 50 cents. For sale by John Y Macllae. that boy Adam was proudly oonsoious he never made a mistake in his hood. For sale by John Y, gM. MaoRae, dru- ForRent. ' Four room cottage for rent on N. Baat street, near Oakw-iod avenne. fply to Pa) Talagraph Hm. mXI A Household Treasure. D W Fuller, of Canajoharie, N Y sv that be alwavs keeps Dr Kiug'i Mew Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very heat remits follow its use; that he nmniri not ha without it.if Droeurtbble Q A Dykeman, druggist, Oatokill, N v say a that Dr King's New Dlsoovery nn.innhr.edlv the best cough reui' edy; that he has used it in hia family for eight years, and it has never fail ed to do all that la claimed tor It. Why not try a remedy so long tried ana toiierl Trial bottles tree at John Y ataeliae'a drag store. KegaUr liu (OoaudlU an to., ubbitt. Tenu. For sale by J. Hal Down South in May. Bnckleu's Aruica Halve. The hst salve in the world for cute. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt ruenin, le ver sores, tetter, ctianpea nanns, olui blalns, corns and all skin eruption. anrl nnsitlve v cures ones, it do pay required, it is rnaranieeo. to give nerfect BatlsfactiOD or money roiuna ri Knee urt cents per poi. 1 or o .lohn VaeKe telling for Infants nnd Children. TH1KTT ywara' opwrriUos of Cantoria wlH thajjatrcnaeej? miUlnne of persona, ponnlt n to apel: of ft triOient goet-loc. It l4Baqutionablr 4nJt roanody ff.r Jo'-onJCklMrn the world lias tt known. 1 1 la hrml; f'hl'drom like It. It gUesfaom health. It wU aava their live.. In ft Mothers have aomethlng which la ahsolotel aajo amd practtuaJly perfect aa a child's medloiue. Cantorla destroys Vonm, Castorla nllny Fever.'h-- . Cnetoriajroventaoriftia-jrir Cnrd. Ca'itoriei cnreIlrirrhoB. m td 7lnt Cullo. CsHnrollevaTr'ethlriB Trrm'-'lea. Cuatorlu otsrea Coaiypotloii au.l Flutul-nry, Caateria neatralizea lhejeffeets of-ai-h-.lojicid or prlacrons afr. Cr.BtoHa Ao not CPiitaln inorTiMnr., opium. .r other narootio property. Castnrla Bsftimi'ntes the foodr"gnlc thotornaclondowelji, ylvipft haalthy and natcr"! 1. p. Castoria la put up In one-'.i hotrlis only. It Is wot aold In holfc. Don't allow any ono to eHrouB--.j llri.-.; nK- ontl pi-ajirjromlB that It la "ju.it aa Rood " raid -J :V j.!-i: jrer vtyj' r-rponrs'' See that you pr.t C-A 3 T-O -"s -. A 4 4 ll 4A(k K 1 1 m mm mm .A Word to Those who 2 D Not Believe in EH Advertising. - - If you are la business and -want it to be known yon " should advertise. Advertising pays. Look at the Tuckers. Look at Swindell. Look at Berwanger. Look at Williams & Co. Look at Ball. i. on w'ffry ygTrtypcr. Children Cry Ids' P;tt -hofz Cestoria. SOUTHERIi R. it. ! f (P1ED.MOST AIB-LINE.) CONDENSED SCHKDPLK. IN EFFECT AI'BIL 12, '95. TRMSS LEAVE KALEIOH, N. C. 5:05 Daily, couueets at ("iieeiiH- a. m. boro for all points noith and Daily, south, and Wiuston-Salem aud points on the Northwestern North Carolina railroad. At Salisbury for ail poiuts iu west ern North Carolina, Knowii'.e, Tenn., Cincinnati and westeru points; at Charlotte for Spar tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all poiuts south. 4:10 Connects at Durham tor Ox- p. M, ford, Clarksville and Keysville Dailv. exceot Sundays; at Greensboro .... i with the Washington and South- western Veatibuled Hiuiited), ! and the New York and Florida FOB1895. i:i!!.-i!ier talc pleasure in announo a !'on:iri!? Herald'' has recent ly' f-o.- . etil.-.rce f:'.ui four to eight pager, tin-'. :';': vrl.i'c the prieu rem iins at one cent T.)iv. ." f'i oer yar to mr.il subscribers ecl ei'i'iOj'i contains as uuch news and m;.-f ril n ailint; macter than is printed lv ti. ffaltitiiore two-cent dailies. " Die IVln;iaohio Survice of "The Morning an-.!u" iruacxoelled by any other Balo i more on lis W i tie counties is thor jervice oiiKii sn.i relialile. !t Marl-pt P.srsjm ars fall, complex anc acui-ain. !w i'.lostr-.td wonwa's page is a featurt that, will not i:e found ia auy other Balti ' more liaily. ' 4. verbatim r:iert oi' the Sermon by Kev ' Dr l!inat;e (lie celebrated Brooklyn ! prenc'it-r appearc in Monday moruing'f , bdiiioh. I i'.,.' M.iiui::g Hem'.d ' will continue ti OS an hk;k; ( ii'.ip it ewspaper tair ana lrn rartial in its Kiai.nants aud fearlsss in the expranaioi; of its opiiiio.-is TE5E UN.AY- HI31lALl." Short Line (limited) train for of 2-1 pig, is the bin! i .mil--all points north, and with maiu timore, aud isaoid at .to per 'lin- train 11 f..r Danville. I tor a year. llic.hiuond and intermediate lo y paper in Bal copy, or t J 51 1:10 P. M. Daily Johnson's Maenetic Oil cures all Dains. internal or eiwrum, uinino, colic, neuralgia, rheumatism, sprains. bruises, lame back, pleurisy, instantly. Si im iu. RflcU i 50 cent size as cts For sale by John Y. Macllae. While at Peekskill. N. Y Mr. J. A. Scriven. a prominent mannfacturer of New York City, purchased a bottle 01 Chamberlain's Cough Re.nedy. Such irnod results were obtained from its use that he sent buck to tue druggist. from whom he had obtaiueJ it for two more bottles of 1h same remedy. When you have a ' cough' or cold give this preparation a trial and like Mr. Slcriven von will want it when Hiram in need of such a medicine. It is a rem edy of Croat worth and merit. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. Hal Bob bitt. ' cal stations; also has connection j for Winston-Salem, au l with j maiu line train No. 35 (fast j mail, for Charlotte, Spartan-J burir. Greeuville, Atlanta and J all points south; also Columbia, Augusta. Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville and all points iu Florida, sleeping car for At lanta, Jacksonville and at Char lotte with sleeping car for Au gusta. Connects at Selma for Fav etteville and . intermediate sta tions on the Wilson ond Fay etteville Short Cut daily; Golds boro for Newbern and More head City, daily except Sun days; for Wilmington anil inter mediate stations on tin W. fit W. 11. R. daily. Connects at Selma for Wilson llocky Mount, Tarboro aud lo cal stations on Norfolk & Car olina railroad, arrives atGolds boro 12:05 p. m. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RALE1UH, N. C. 7:30 From Greensboro and ; all A. M. points north aud south. Sleep. Daily, ing car Greensboro to Raleigh. 4:10 P. M. "TIS8 WBiSHLSi 4?EALl: ta th. cheapest au l ut 'eight-page weeti tewfi!iif r iubUi!e:l :u tin: ;!nued Sutes inea'iu.iai aubiicr.ption iiein;; 50u. l-e)' Th" M irn'.cg Herald" will te sen 0;i trin! fo, -ne w..iek to ar.y pcrso!) sendlnt r.U or her fldress. enoloiiin..- 5 ocl-Is. to the UKKiLO PUBIJ8HI.W 00.,- Bi!tirao-a a.uu Charl"-! Streets, . Baltimore, yd. A Kcn?t3- frrroiri1 :05 A. H. Daily 1:10 r. m. 10:15 P. M. From Goldsboro. Wilming ton, Fayetteville and all points in eastern Carolina. From Durham, Clarkmille, Va., Oxford poiuts aud Rich mond. From Goldsboro aud all poiuts east. Daily ex. Han. Local freight trams also carry pas sengers. Pullman cars on atteruouu train from Raleigh to Greeusboro, and ou morning train from Greensboro.. Double daily trains between hal- eigh, Charlotte aud Atlanta. Quick time; unexcelled accommodation. C, L. Hopkins, T. P. A., Charlotte. J. M. Culp, Traffic Manager. W. H. Green, Gen. Snpt. W. A Turk, G. P. A.. Washington. A. -.W. FRAPS, Agt. of the German Electric Belts for the cure of rheumatism, sciatica, weal lungs, lame back, paralysis, spine dis ease, nervous debility, female com plaints, etc. After suffering 16 years with rheumatism I got cured by wear ing the liieetrie Belt. V No. i East U,vie, second door from Payettevilie street. PERH3YLYMIAS :HEW3PAPER- - Look at Miss Maggie Reese. y Look at Sherwood. - Look at Briggs. - Look at Rosenthal. - Look at Woollcott. ' Look at the Lyon Look at Dughi. ' Look at the Johnson's. - Look at the many others.! - They believe in printer's -ink. Racket. i Advertise in the Visitor. r Stop paying $1.50 a thou-? '-'sand for dodgers. They ben-. ? efit yon nothing. The same. money will put you a nice card in the Visitor for """ week which will be Been by-w 2,000 people daily. jf The Visitor ciroulates all clover Raleigh. There are batJ y-'few houses here that It does -. not go to. -! The ViaiToB circulates in v L all portions of Wake county. jm It goes to 15 postofllces. r f It reaohes the very class of tZ ... -To-people yoa are after. In all tlie attributes i nrst cUsi journal. that sutlice to mnke When Baby was sick, we gave her Oastorla. When ahe waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, ahe clung to Castoria. When she bad ChU-jmn, she gave them Oastornv B, "I am too much oi a gentleman, sir, to tell you what 1 think of you here, exclaimed the irate politician, "but If 1 ever catch you in congress I'll eall joa liar, air." Dissolution of Copartnar- ship. ' The firm of Yancey & Martin, for the manufacture of carnages, etc, and livery business is this day dis solved by mutual couaeut. The livery business will hereafter be conducted by K. M. Martin and the carriage business will be conducteg by J. Yancey. Persons indebted to tne nrm on livery aooounts will settle with K. M Martin, and those indeDted to tne nrm on the shop account will settle with T. B. Yancey. Persons having elaims against the firm will please present them at once This May 15, 1895. T. B. Y ANGRY, K. It. UaftlUI. flEiilli spares no "trouble or expense to gather and present lo its readcis ail the news of th Old and New World. Its several departments, each under the management ot a competent editor, treat fully of muters pertaining to THE H lliSiMoi-I', THE FAdM, " . woman's world, 301ENCE, ART, llTEttAURB, FINANCE, THE REAL ESTATE WORLD. Presenting a complete magazine every dayl SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, one year, 83,00 Daily and Sunday, one year 4 0C ;. 'Address TheRocordPub.Co. 91 7-9to Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Wanted. Mrs. Anna Pell wishes to take in la dies' white work, and also boys' shirt waists. West Jones Ureal. asSD You want trade. The Vibi-' -'T0B will help you get your trade. " io- Don't hide your light. Let T 'it be seen. Advertise Ad- ri : vertise in the most popular! .. ... 0 r paper in Raleigh. i The Visitor has age, Is"" r read daily by hundreds who" ui ' SI take no other paper. 'pz To Non-Subscrib- :Z- ers. i If you are not already -subscriber send us yonr :ZZ ." . ? address and 25 cts. and try" . 1 it a month. If you are alreadyij . a subscriber tell your neigh-; k--" . . t bor about the piper. It's only; t. : . 25 cents a month. Delivered; 1 .everywhere in the city. - ' Commence now. i " . ;-uiauuunum; - CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. VKBHLT A. Democratic Paper, a paper devote 1 to the industrial development of North Caro lina and the South. T be best advertising medium between Washington and Atlanta, DAILY, 8 CO per year. WEEKLY, f 1 00 per year. ThE OBSERVER C0MPAHv N.J. P.0auwsu, Bdltor, Oharlotte. V

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