a Tno Most Popular Afternoon Paper-The Visitor. 25. EVENING VISITOR. TO GET ALL THE LOCAL K EWS TAKE THE VISITOR. VOL XXXIII. RALEIGH, N C. TUESDAY. JUNE 11, S NO. 41 Weather for Tttmorruw. For North Carolina: Rin in central and eastern portion, fair in western portion. Local forecast for Raleigh and vl- Inity: Possibly a little rain, bat greater part of Wednesday fair and warmer. Local data fur 24 hour ending 8 a. m: Minimum temperature, 79; minimum temperature, 63; rainfall 0 04. Th slight "1" which wax n ted yesterday morning off the North Car olina coast seems to be developing iq. to a considerable storm aud is causing threatening rainy weather with cool northeast winds along the middle Atlantie coast. The rain in only heavy long the immediate coast. The baro meter is high over the north Atlantic coast; it is slightly low from Nash ville north to the lake region. The weather Is generally fair and warm in th eentral valley. The probabilities are that very little rain will fall in the vicinity of Raleigh, though the sky may coutiuue cloudy. The tern perature will rise. We have about Ml porch and lnD Fettter which we will sell at cot for the next lu days. i nomas St Maxwell's. Thomas & Maxwell has just received a large lot of pine tiber tnattreshes for people suffering with broncbica) lunjr troubles. F.iirth of July hi i.rfolk, "Trip le link Kxcurxioii" takes you on the 3d. you have all the 4h there. Greal excursion, low rates. june 11. All Kinds of Plants for Sale 1 have any quantity of all sorts of plants and also fresh vegetables for kale at my store, corner West Jones and North Dawson streets. j3 m K. M. Utzman. oooooo-oooooo Wise People read the VisiToa and wise people ad vertise in It. Too cannot afford to sit idly by your atook of goods and wait for customers, while your neit door neighbor is getting rid of hia i Js. Do as he does. He adver tises In lb. Visit k lie is sensible. So are you but you r afraid torpeod a dollar or two. Money well spent is money made. The Visitor will make it for you. o-oo-ooo 000-000 Nice Rooms for Bent. WK have three nice living rooms for rent over our store on Fayetteville street. Kent low and possession given at once. Apply to the North Caro lina Book Co. june 11 4t. We have today received another as soi tiiieut in Chant illy Laces. We are hIi a'iu these in 3 4. 7-8 and 1 inch widi hs. june 11 A. B. Stkonach Porch end lawn tettees Ht cost for the next 11 dav at Tbf nj- & Maxwell's For Sale. Six roin house, well located, offer ed cheap. Building lots Two lots in good lo ctlnv, cheap and on ca-y terms Ap ply to John "lf hols, agent. No 8 West Martin street. j. (S3 A telegram received here this morn ing by Mr. T. C. Wi'l sins, announc ed the death of his grand child, little Annie, the infaut daughter of Cspt. K. 11. and Mrs Annie T. Powell, at Oxford, N. C, at 4 30 this morning. The burial will take pluce at Warren. Con, N. C, tomorrow afternoon. TO ALL A. li.Li e: CD'S FOK IKH ttlTittClUBKKS 'i D Al AtiA ZIN liS A.N D K . SI A I'KIW. We have pnrchamd the entire peri- lir.il and iiewvraper business of the d li' in of Allie i K il!iams & C and lie subscription list is trarsfei red to 'is. All subscribers and reguUr pui h isersof periodinils will obtain their ewspapers aud magazines from us as heretofore during the past twenty years. Everything new iu fashion maga zines aud current literature received as soon as published, and we invite you to call aud look over the new things. Yours truly, North Carolina Book Co., K. G. Harrell, Man'gr. june 11 4t. Challies, Lawns, Organdies and dress Koods on special sale Thursday at 2 1-2 aud 5 cents at Wonllcott & Son's. Lost. Lost ..ii Thursday night a foil link Cli;ilt l iine Pin. Ki rd at this of. li.re for i's return. j. b All Colors. Tnesdny next, at our special sale of 12c organdies, one day only, for 5c. D T. Swindell. Iresse for ever- body Thursday at 2 1-2 and 5 cetts dress sale. Let everybody come. I '..ll,.lt A Q....'m Fancy Lemons by the box or the d zeu at 1). T. Johnson's. Large Bress Goods Sale. Thursday w will offer a large lot of printed Lawns, Checks, Organdie and Dress Goods at 2 1-2 and 5 cents a yard, 'these goods will be a bargain as some of them retail as high as 15 cents. WootuioTT & Son's. Best Creamery Butter 25 cents per pound at julO 2t D. T. Johnson's. 2 l-2c and 5c Yard. We are going to treat you rigbt Thursday in the dry goods line. Kvery body can get a nice dress for 2 1-2 cents a yard, and something extra for 5 cents a yard. Woollcott A 8m. Reliable Goods at "Off Prices" Saves DOLLABS. True Economists will Car. fully Consider 0 ur Clearance Salesjhrino this Week. : : PROFITS SQUANDERED, Our entire stock af Imported aiid American Woolen Drrss Good", with out exception, to be sold at 0O3T price to cash buyers We do this to facili tate a Bwift clearing out of as much itock ne possible before tatting Inventory Slack and Mournine: Goods Smooth surface, fancy eaves or roogb effects, figured, striped or plain woven All the standard prades and fasbionaMe materials of the day, (rood the year round. Buv now and save tie rem-llpr'a profits One and only one In a town WE - ARE-TH4T ONE who handles mat justly ceteoraiea Cincinnati line of ladles tin" lootwear Known us 1 EJegant shape, perfect fitting, highest in style, low , HERWOOD'S OLID est in price, none better. BRVICE ' 'HOES. J EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. .. imnr II"1 Til TC Ttnrt n1 P.ioKard's tine stioee Prince AI riU VV iO 1111 J iberts aud Southern Ties conibine.luxurv with oomfort, an Ideal Hot Veather Dregs Shoe for gen'lernen. Priee3 50. o'innnnrn And Indirng of a ualitv. will recognize some advantage In tbis orring and will avail themselves of this opportunity for present and future wants. C. A-SHERWOODJlCO. WAKE FOUKST I'OLi.FIJK. The SMiior Class Day Kxenlse. The Graduate, etc. At Wake Forest last eniug the se nior class day exercises were as fol lows at Wingate memorial hall: F.E. Parham, president, of Gran ville; II. W. Karly. secretary, of Ber tie; J. II. Kerr, omtor. sut.ject, "Cm parati .es, their l-llaence on law;" S K. Huxton, hisloriau, of Northamp ton; L. A. Beaily. poet. Djplin; W C. Si'B, prophrt, of Johnston. There was delightful inusio by the 1st regiment band, of llichmoud, Va. After the close of the exercises presi dent and Mrs. Taylor fae an elegant reception at their residence to the se nior class. Twenty-five young ladies assisted in receiving the guests. There are twenty-two graduates, as follows: S. R. Buxton. Frank . Parham, (who are the two honor men), R. T. Allen, L. A. Beasley, I. 8. Bojles, W. J. Christian, Jr. J. L. Cornwe'.l, Ral eigh T. Daniel, M. P. Davis, J. V. Devenny, W. Durham, H. W. Karly, R. W. Haywood. 0. L II "fl'in-n, J. M. Holding, J H Kerr, Jr. Hugh Long, J. R. Moore, V. C. Xetou, John A. Rog ers. Win. Royall. Opera 'H.ix EvtMiit:-;. At the academy of music this eve- ning the opera "ihe Pretty I ersian, three act work by the famous com poser Charles Leroq, will be presented by the Andrews opera company. Itis comic opera. While the muic is bright and tuneful, its great success has resulted principally from its amusing comedy theme, which deals with the peculiarities of the Persian marriage laws. ine extreme ly ludicrous situations, combined wiib the brilliant and lavish costuming of which the opera permits, and the brightness and daintiness o. its music make the "Pretty Persian" one of the most effective aud successful of the later school of comic operas. Death of Mr. Jell". Denton. Last Saturday Mr. Jefferson Denton of this city went to the Keeley insti tute at Greens 'oro, for treatment. Sunday it was found that he had pneumouia. The end soon came. A telegram announces his death tnis morning. He was 84 years of age and had many friends. His brother. Mr. E. V. Denton and Mr. John W. Rrown left for Greensboro this aftei noon to bring the remains here, The funeral will be held tomorrow. "Imported direct from the East." D ecribes our stock to a "T." WE OFFER THIS WEEK the beginning of the tea season one pound oi cnoicest BLEND PDRE TEA. and 8 lbs Granulated Sugar for 60e. Swindell's Special Sale Sat urday, June id. Swindell's Parasol Sale Saturday : Swindell's Parasol Sale Saturday Swindell's Parasol Sale Saturday Swindell's Parasol Sale Saturday Swindell's Parasol Sale Saturday Swindell's Parasol Sale Saturday Swindell's Parasol - Sale Saturday Swindell's Parasol Sale Saturday Swindell's Parasol , Sale Saturday Swindell's Parasol Sale . Saturiay Swindell's Parasol Sale Saturday Swindell's Parasol Sale Saturday BOAKDOF ACllICULTUtE. j DOTS AND DASHES. ITS SEMI-ANMU AL SESSION BEQANTHIS AFTERNOON. i he Members Whom the I-ex'-la-ture Tried to F.leH are Mere. This afternoon at 4 30 Vrloek a reg. ular eiou of the board of agri ul ture be-an. There are preseut. W. F Oreeu. pretideut; II. K. Fri-s, J. B. foflield, W. R. t apehart, J. 1:. McLelland and ilmer, old meiulrs of the board; J. K. Mewborne. a member Lecause of bis being presi lent of the state Alli im e; Hill E. King sromtbe 3rd and R Aikeu of the 9th distriet. both new members elected by the last legislature to fill vacauuiep. J. J. L"ng was elected to fill a vacan cy iu the 6'h district, but he is dead. The last legislature also elected, or tried to elect, five additional trnt -es. these being J. A. Buchanan. C. II. Jobkson, J.C. L Harris. J. R Cham berlain and (). H. Starbuck. but as this election took place before I lie act was ratified it is void aud of n --tre-t, asit appears under the irrinsof the su premo court's decision in the. cm of Cook s, Mears. This tLe Vi.it.p! stated Miimediately after the d-ci.-i. u in the liil ter case. Ail these ''additional" members are here. This morning they einpl yed Spier Whitaker as counsel and asked his opinion as t heir right, to hold of fice. He told them they ladnorigl t. 'he act which increased the board abolished the trustees of the A. & M. college. These were W. S. Primrose, N. B. Broughton. D. A. Tompkins, aud R. W. Wharton. The act pi aces the duties of trustees on the board of agriculture. The " additionals" did not demud places on the board. Two of them, Starbuck and Buchanan, were near the building. That was all. They nid they had no rights. The board declared their places vacant and elec ted Primrose, Tompkins, Broughton and Wharton to fill the vacancies. It also elected two other members. A. & 31. COLLEGE. PICX2D UP IN RALEIGH AND VICINITY. The weather will be warmer, the sun brigh ter and the heat greater after Saturday; Don't you think you will find a Parasol there? If you are looking for real un clothed bargains atteud our special sale Satur day, June 15th, when we will offer all f our large stock at 10 per cent less than whole sale cost. We have the prettiest line of para sols in the city to select ftom and we tell you that you can be pleased both as to style and price. We have it. The Trilby parasols in white with enamelled crooked handles, trimmed deep with chiffon or lierre and mechlin lai e, made on a light durable par agon frame, with pro tected tips and joints. There are none better than this parasol and you will agree with us when you see it. We ill fhow all i he late alludes ai.'d fi'its i:i fa n- C' cllHIl' eHOleHlld Sol'd silki' from tae ery best manufacture!, and the goods ail new and fresh, this aeasoii's purchase. In . this sale you will also ttud a large lot of beautiful ia .-. u parasols in plain and fan y with enamelled crooked uan dies and securely fas tened to the frame. We have too large an assort ment to try and tel1 you of each Kind tn this ad But remember every parasol in our store will be sold Saturday, June 15th, at 10 per cent less th an w holesale cost. The greatest sale ever held. Without a par allel in the history of parasol sales. Don't miss this sale. D.T.Swindell. iuteretfting Exeavses to he Held tliis Evening. At 8:30 o'clock this evening the commencement exercises at the A. & VI. college begin There will be prayer by Rev. Dr. Marshall and the annual address will be delivered by Oapt Chas. E. Vawter, principal of the Miller manual training school, at Crozet, Va. The Miller school is the most distinguished of the manual traiuing schools in the south, having beet! endowed handsomely by the lite Samuel Miller. Capt. Vawter is a dis tinguished educator and by an invita tion addressed the N. C. legislature when the state had been aroused to the needs of this work aud was looking to the establishment of the instituiion which is now an honor to this city and state. The benediction this evening will be by Rev. '. B. Cobb. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Chairman Drewry Says His Com mittee Will Make Things Hum. In the course of an interview with chairman Drewry of the street com mittee hi said : "I really think it is the best plan to let. out the paving by contract. We had figured on a cost of $1.50 a square yard, but can get the work done by contract for only $1 35 This is for Belgian block. We can get macadam work done at 75 cents a square yard. There is no money on hand. We do not as yet know the city's financial status, as the books are not yet turned over. It is said they will be turned over within ten days. We intend to do much. work and to make things hum." Most WonderUl of Cows. Mosea Viff, of Rose Bank, S. I., has a curious and valuable Alderney cow She is very largs and has a hollow on her baok which will hold over a'gal Ion of water, and the cow always stands in the rain until the hollow is tilled. It is then absorbed through pores and she giv.es that much addi tional milk, but,; oddly enough, this phenomenon does not take place if or dinary water is poured into he hoi low spot. Mr. Viff states that the process is even more strange if there happens to be a rairbow during the shower, as in chat cue the cream that rises on the milktakeson all the beau tiful colors of mother-of-pearl. The HapiN'iiings of a Day Told iu l.iltle Sji.it e. Karly peaches ar- nearly ripe. Fine raius fell yesterday west of here. Mins Knte j'lescott went to her home at WelJoa today. "V'li'e a number of Rxleigh people went to Wake Forest today. A three-year-o'd son of Mr. Henry Hicks is very sick with fevor. The deaf-inii and blind pupils went home today. They will return next September. At Auburn this morning Mr. Geo. W Norwood of Neuse was united in marri.ige to Miss Mamie Johns. (to.id progress is heiu made in the a.i liti'.n to the colored fustitution for deif-uiutes aud blind. M the diucegiv-n at Briggs hall U--t ui,;ht there Me 33 couples. Mr. 11-ury W. .Mili-i led. Today at States ill iu the federal court i he tnal of J. R Holland, the Charlotte bank thief began. Pastor D. H. Tuttle says the 6 p. iu. Suudar seriuoti at Central M. E. church, tried as an experiment, proves a great success. Senator Ransom has postponed in definitely his intended Asbeville trip aud goes to Blowing Rock in a few days. He is now in Lenoir. A regular meeting of the chamber of commerce will be held at the may or's oibVe at 8:30 this evening, which all members are urged io attend. Fallie or Vallie .Mills, colored, is in jail again, ou two charges of stealing shoes, lie, from cars at the Johnson street, stal on. It is ihe th'rd lime h- has been in jail. It is 1 med that several building ami loan associations have applied to he secretary of state to refund the license taxes aud announcing tneir purpose to withdraw from this state. The geological board, composed of Governor Carr, J. Turner Morehead, f Rockingham, and S. L. Patterson, Caldwell, met this morning, and leard the report of the state geologist Holmes. It is said considerable pressure is beiug brought to bear on democratic state chairman Pou, to induce him to call his committee together so it can all a silver convention on the plan of that in Illinois. Whatwill be theout- niue no one appears to know. More buildings are needed at the . Si M. college; a chapel, an armory, etc. During the vacation a 24-rooni dormitory will be built. The athletic grounds are in poor condition and need attention. They have never been pat in proper condition, and are very rocky. The students also need more drill. An associated press telegram from Memphis says that U. S. senator Marion Butler heads the North Caro lina delegation and in in company with the delegation reached Memphis this morning; the delegation is com posed of democrats, republicans and populists alike and is significant from the fact that it will be the first mani testation of coalition between the three. parties in North Carolina. NO REASON why any one should use a THERMOMETER that ts not accurate. I he only reasoo we eao think of is that a stock of 19 f.a T n am r, m nt.nrQ Water Coolers, Filteis, Kruit Jars Jelly Glasses, Preserving Kettles, &o at lowest prices at Hughes . june 11 3t. ASSESSING Cl i V PROPERTY has never been kept in the elty. We bar bought a good stock of ae orate oues and sell at reasonable prices. TIIOS. II. BRIGGS & SONS RALEIGH, N. C. Whirls. Popular styles aud r Fees. 75, 5c, $H aud up. Couic befoe the aWtui'uts are picked over. vV.H.fc R.S.TUCKER & CO. JELKJIlTFl'L' PERFORMANCE Vas Given by ihe Andrews Opera Company Last Evening. A delighted audience witnessed the apital performance of the opera "Fra Jiavolo" at. the academy of iuuei last vening. From opening to end there as the sparkle of music and clever eting. Miss Myia Morella, the "Zer ina," was most musical, and Miss Florence Clayton's high notes won ap plause. Mr. Jay Taylor made a very n-ceptable aud tuneful "Fra Diavolo." 'he funmakers were Ed. Andrews and 'red Clayton, as the robbers, and hey with Mr. Taylor and Miss Morel ,i won the deserved compliment of a iouble encore. The choruses were !Ictive, the costumes good and the ompauy made a u'ost agreeable im iression. Music lovers should this veniug hear it render the "Pretty 'ersian." Beef, Wine and Iron. Have you tried Birdsong's beef, viae aud iron? It is a fine tonic, the ingredients guaranteed to be the best, md it can be bought at the North Side drug store for 50j full pint bot le. Wynne & Bi&dsoko, Prescription Druggists, u31 445 Halifax st., cor. Johnson. The Work is Being Carefully Done. ' Messrs. Julius Lewis, B. P. Wil liamson and B. Frrnk Womble are now putting in most of their time mak ing assessments of city property. To day they were on Fayetteville street. For some time they have been in the southern part of the city, among the small houses, where labors were tedi ous and slow. They have been over aboiit one-fourth of the city, they say After they complete their work one of them should be continued at work, verifying the assessments, and mak ing up a carefully prepared list of the number, location, dimension, &o., of all pieces of property. For Sale. A handsome walnut folding bed cost J85 CO, very little used. Upper part a book case with glass door and rciamented top. Also tester top nahogany bedstead, posts elegantly carved and a Chickering piano with rose-wood case. Apply to Southern Kxpress office. ju5 How to Have a Lawn. Beautiful Cut the grass high in dry weather tnd low in wet weather, bat always jse a sharp mower, aod wheo yon want it sharpened be sore to send It o 1 i . Brockweli wuo win niaKe it cat j.ist as it did when new. tfewem- Der 1 nave complete tnacmnery ior grinding and settiug these machines. shop Hi a ooutn Baiisquryscreet, near new opera house. je7 m : Dress goods at 3 1-3 and 5 oents per yird Thursdays at Woolleott's. Summer complaint and bowel trou bles quickly relieved by Hioks' As tringent Blackberry Cordial, 35c a bottle. Only at Hicks & Rogers' drag store. ; 3 V I'

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