LATE SEWS NOTES. Happening l'p-to-Date the Country. All Over General Qaesada, on of the Cuban rbU, is hopef al. lie say that Cuba will loon be independent. The repub lieani in Spain are on the point of making another attempt to overthrow the monarch. In London Lad Somerset denounced Ida Wells, the eolored agitator against 1ncbings, for having made unfair at tacks upon His Frances K. Willard and other temperance leaders in Amer ica, ebargiug thein with being onaym pathetic with the negroes of the I'nited States. In N. Y. city a man named Wilson tells a queer tale. He says bis wife drugged hiin and had him carried away to Australia. Then she secured a divorce, married again, then died, and now he sues to recover the prop erty which he says belocged to him before he was sent away. The largest farm in the world is in southwestern Louisiana. It extends 100 miles north and south, and 25 miles e&Bt and west. It was) purchased in 1883 by a syndicate of northern capitalists, by whom it is still oper ated. At the time of its purclase its 1,600,000 aores was a vast pasture for etttle belonging to a few dealers in that country. Now it is divided into pasture stations or ranches, existing very six miles. The fencing is said to have cost about $50,000. Colored men take advantage of tin new act in New York and are patron izing the swell hotels. Discriminatioi. was shown in some places, but in th majority they were served without question as long as they paid theii way. The proprietors of hotels, res taarants, barber shops, bath house and other places which have been rut exclusively for white people ore won dering what the invasion by the col ored people is going t- amount to. There will be a meeting of the hotel keepers of New York city this week to devise some means of protection, and the best legal advice will be secured. LAIPLAWS BUS VEKU1CT. Kusm'II Surtf Human Miit ld A warded 94(1,0(10 Damages. New Yobs, Jane 10. After a strong denunciation of Russell Stge by Jo seph II. Chuste, tb famous case of William K. Laidlaw to recover $50. 000 from Hussell Sage for injuries in the Norcross dynamite bomb explo sion, ended today before justice In grabam in a verdict of $40,000 for Laidlaw. 1 he case was dismissed on the first trial on the ground that it had not been shown that uheu Mr. Sage pulled LaidUw in front of him Laidlaw was removed from a pla e of safety, the onus of which proof was declared to be on the plaintitf. When Norcross went to Sage's office and dropped the dynamite bomb Sage pulled Laidlaw his clerk, in front of him. Laidl.iw was badly hurt while Sage was not injured. Knights of Ilium:'. The twenty second anniversary of the supreme lodge. Knights f Honor, is in session at New York city. At the election of officers John Mulligan, of New York was made supreme dic tator A document which would al low voting on the application of a can didate before taking him to a medi cal eiaminer was defeated. Document providing for the issuance of a paid up policy to a member after twenty five years' continuous membership was defeated. The admission of wo men is suggested from Kentucky, and it is expected the committee to which this was referred ill report favora bly thereon. Doing away with the cost of benefit certificates to nw mem bers, and the paying of per capita taxes to the supreme lodge by grand jurisdictions are some of the benefits to lie derived from the expense assess ment. The next session will be held at Louisville, Ky. Oxford Ties of all kinds Shoes at all prices. Woollcott Si Son. Rheumatine One bottle of Kheumatine will cure sore or paiuful feet. Price 25 cents at J. W. Karber & Sons' Furniture store, Martin street. Turning Silver Into Hold. A man who has had several contro- i jull lw versies with persons who are of the .----,. - . .v.. lL-. ; , , Porch aud lawu settees at oost for opinion mat me " " r- . ,ae elt n ,1(iyH Ht, because (as they imagined) the gov ernment would at any time exchange a silver dollar for a gold dollar, wrote to Washington for official information on the subject, and the following is the correspondence: Hon. John G. Carlisle: Dear Sir: Flease let me know 1. If a silver certificate (I do not mean a coin certificate) is presented at the treasury, can aholder, under the law, demand gold for it? 3. Can he flrst demand silver, and immediately legally demand that the government exchange the silver for gold? 3. If he did make the demand, wrou'd it be acceded to ? 4. Can a party holding, say one sil ver dollar or any number of silver dollars, legally demand from the gov ernment that it be exchanged for gold? The reply was as follows: In reply to your letter you are it formed that neither standard silver dollars nor silver certificates aie redeemed by the government in gold. Silver dollars are stand ard ooins of the United States aid, as such, are not redeemoble at all; but they, as well as silver certifi cates, are receivable for all debts due to the United States Silver certifi cates ars, of course, redeemed in Standard silver dollars : Th'iin & if t veil's This is for You. Do yon want to know where you can get pur ICE CUKAM made from pure cream and milk furnished by N. C Experiment farm? Ouly $1.40 per gallon, 75c per half gallon. Orders l filled promptly. Order -. Saturday for tSunday. Also served at our ice cream parlor. Any flavor. Ui'ctn Rru S! Caktkr. 120 Fayettevillo St. Telephone 155 julB (Jt I.O-O.F. Regular meeting of Seaton Gales lodge this evening at ' 8 o'clock sharp. Work in the 2d degree. Nomi nation of officers. All Odd Fellows cordially invited. ' E. L. Harris, N. G. Thibk, Sec. Fallen ' lodge, 1916, Knights and Ladies of Honor, will meet in its hall at 8 o'clock this evening. Carpet Sale. WK hat leftover from special con tract work com rolls and rods of rolls of carpeta. To these we have added some patterns opon our rega le r stork that we will not duplicate the c -ming season. We have classed them into three lota, prices as follows: fl.'wr, 7 .V. ul $1 per yard. Auy Carpets bought from these lots will be made sod laid without charge. These are less thao mill prices, but we make this offer as an incentive to close them out quick. W. II & K S. Ti. KM & Co. ICOOLEST &BEST LIGHTED STORE IS THE CITY. A. li. STK0XACII. For June 14th and Week. ATTENTION! 1 am prepared to make coutiacts to do tinning nml plumbing. Cu also puc In f tree pomps and raius which will tore-' water half a utile or more aiol to the top of atv huildiiikr. at ir,o of from 8 to 6) gallous ! r iuiiite These rains cost from t'J ' li " Also have h tull lot of stove pipes an.t elbow Pi ice ( ii(e- 18 ceuts a joint; 2 for ja ceute, 3 for (HI cents. Kltmws 'i'A cents; two I )T 45 can's or 3 (or Hi ceutj. Sttictaction gnaran teed. H WILSON, Rv ir 1" Pulleu Balliiinir. . juU 2w Telepboue 161 JUST Ol'KSKl) A PERFECTLY tOYELY LINE sroTfll LAWNS IS DDI'S, SPOTS. fTllI 11-! AM FHil'KKS. WAKKAN TKI KAST CO LOUS 5 CKSTS I'KU YARD. CREPE CL0T8S Crepoa effects in cottOD 7 i-2c jd RECEI PT FOR COMFORT1 Administrator's Notice. Having qnH'ifle qs ad" inistrator of the cstrtte cf J. W. Ntell, df censed late of Wake county, N. C , this is to notify all persons having claims the raid estate to pre. seDt tbem to to the uoderglgoed ou or he fore the J'itii dy of may, 188(5, or thisDotie will be plead Id bar of their recovery: and all persons In. det'tei! I i the still estat ae he eby reqiiittcil to lU'ike imtuediv py ui.ut. J n. MARCOM. w N Jos to, iiiu Aduir. May iH.'. 1t"J on. (J AMERICAN ollOAXPtKS AS TO LOOKS AS HANI-SO M K AS T1IK FRENCH. IOjYAKD. If ?a want to keep eool this hot weather and the hottest has tot come i HC1 S - Blue aud bl.k serge, tlnported) 7 W 9, $U 50 and 1J S'-'l'AR VTK COAT-' - Mpicv Molialr, Ser.e. Limn. Dae daster.', to 3. Try ons sr oiir t iiiniiier Suit.. I. ihlr brfaatM gerre Voalu mii.1 Mlnto ,r I ,ui.-y llnck Van, p ' J,TDVK3ri"--i!l'.Slelw 'Drapd' ete Silk Mohair, i'ongee, WHITK AXDF4NC. YZS T-i-Uacx. ilrsoiiles, Hedford cord, f: to $V ii-.. i . V . !i wFtriu weAiiierSiMM-iHltles T ie . i fit ai.d iiiimb and stylUh t Zu t0 oan f flnJ ,n g ? H Lot of Negite priced 'TtlW Z iV ?rf -5e;rrherr tot r ,,,r sou;, with attached or LL$ fcMr. c. til?wMtoJt?W' rhSrff'-''- to -tchVhrsryVw' LO'iOl; AlTRACTI()XS---n:r- -U; els? f0Ur-,""J a5 t te v ,riety yo d uy" Executory Notice. Il uim: iinalified as eiecutor of the late li. F. Harp, this is to notify all PtTvium hniiii: claims agaiust his es tate to present tn me for settlement mi or before the 24th day of May, 1806. Persons indebted will please make paymeut. J. 11. IIakp. Executor. J. 11. Fleming, Attorney. my23 INDIA LINENS, COOL.SWKKTCON'KIT9 in STUIPKS AND F1UURKS. 10c YAKD. MASCHKSTKH WOOLKN CH AL LIES, ylTIST ASU NOVEL DE SIGNS. 15-YARD. STOCKS AND BONDS. Corrected veekly by Wins Si Kllinotos. Hon lis. Hip. AsKF.ri. North Caroliua 6 126" 127 4s 103 104 W. S. C. R. 6m .113 114 N.C. R. R. 105 10(! Citvof Raleigh 8s.l907 107 110 " " 6s.l897 101 10J Ral. Cot. Mills,6s,1901 104 105 Car'gh Mills Co. 6s, 102 Stocks. Cifiieus' Sat. Rank, 122 124 Nat. Hauk nf Raleigh, 122 124 Com. i; Farm. Hank, 120 122 Ral. S.niiifjs Hank, 130 135 Caraleih Mills Co . 77 00 l'hus. Works, 90 100 N. C. Car Co., 95 UK) Raleigh Uas Li(rht. Co. 65 70 Raleigh Kle. trie Co. 50 University of No (fi Carolina Comprises the I'uiversity, the Col lege, the Law and Medical schools, and the s immer school fur teachers. Tuition JC0 : 35 teachers, 471 students. Address President Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C. Catalogue and haudbook on University' Education..-'. ' ju20. Ol'l I o,. Old people-who reipnre me iicme to regulate the bo.els iind kid icy will find the, true 'reineily- in ' Electric Hit- ters. 'I his ni'-dicine does n t svimii- lalc and ci.iii.iiiis ii" whiskcc ur- lher i nt i - tt-.-i ii r , but a -ts as ,-i t.aiic and al!niiili.;. . Il acts mildly 'mi the stomach and nm.;ls, a.ldiiig slrrliijih j and giviiij.' tiuiii to tin; nigans, thereby I aiding nature-, in Mm porforiuatiue of j the functions,'.'. Electric Hitters is an . escelleiit appntiicr and aids digestion. ! Old peoplo Iind it just exactly what j they need. 1 rn'e hlty edits per hot tie at John . MacRae's drug store. J. V. MITCHELL, WOOD WORK AND REPAIR SHOP. Furniture repaired, &c,, &c. 1 : Cor. Wilmington and Morgan sts. WE WANT YOU to see and then your own judg ment will tell you what to do. Look at our line of dress goods, trimmings and linings. Also Hamburgs and laces cheaper than ever sold IN RALEIGH before. Ladies game vesta from 5a up; black hose 6c; nice embroidered hdkfs 10c; balbriggan half hose 10c, cheap at 25c. Shoes and sliypers FOR LADIES and children. A big stock of spring millinery jnst re ceived. Our prices are the lowest. . v.-CUT-FLOWERS- Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, I Ferns, Ruses, Geraniums, Colecs.Tube roses, Cauuas, etc., for window deco rations and outdoor planting, Choice and latest chrysanthemums out. Vines for the veranda. Tomato, Egg, Cabbage and other spring plants. H. 8TK1NMBTZ, Pbcne 113 Flnrist. When yoo get a drink at our foun- bad the best. LYON RACKETSTORi:, North-Side Drug Store. 10 Martin street. SPECIAL OFFERING IS BATISTE BLACK G BOUND WITH C LOKED FIGURES. 5c YD. a. nnum, mm. RALEIGH. S. C. Sacrifice iij y roest It's really worth while to visit our store during our special sale of clothing. Huudreds were in last week, and this week promises bet ter results. Not necessary that you purchase; we want all who are interested to inspect our superb stock of clothing, the largest in the city. Plenty to look at and if you are interested you are sure to see something that will please. Good bargaius, Value for your money. ENGLISH CHEVIOT SUITS, BLACK AND BLUE, $7.60. ENGLISH CHE VIOT SUITS, BLACK AND BLUJS, $10. These suits are nearly half of what the prices should be. Any gen tleman can tell whet her a suit of clothes is cheap at $7.50. See them aud you'll know. Hoys' clothing in abuudance. Wash suits, blouse effects, 90c. worth $1.50. Percale shirt waists in stripes and figures. Mother's Friend, Star and other popular brands, 17 cents up. Stra hats 50c up, all shapes. Summer anderwear in Game and Lisle thread. Hosiery, gloves and furnishings. Do yon know our S5o neckwear? . ROSENTHAL CLOTHING CO., 805 FATFTTFV1LLF 9T, CFPOSITH TOSTOVFioil. Sale of Valuable Property. By virtue of n j i tu'iu-ut remli-re at the April term ItWio A nke c n tv Superior '.urt, io the ens ot 0 O. Barbee sitaiun A. 0. r-uuy aiir, others, beii tr N. V4. ninuot.a dock et of said court I w ill ull-r (or sale r 'he hitfheiit li' I !r for c-'sli, t public huction, r h c.mrt. tiniise d or li (tieci'vof Kitieiih. N , on Hoi -i!av, the 1st. i!iiv ot .1 nl v I'D the t -1 lowltig i1en:i i'je.l lot. i f '"li'l silust'd in GsrD' r, Ht. Mary's 'own' hip. ake county, N ''- iiil li' ii'iiled ss foi lows: Bej;iiiiiiug at a stke lOUfeit from the center of the N P. R B. track, runs s 01 M 4 if'0 chains to u stake; thence s Hi" n t ld-P'O cliaius to a stake: thence u tiu" wail liOeliaius to a stake; tbeuce n 27" e 1 18 100 chains to the begiuoing, containing 1-1 cf an acre, beiug the lot convey ed by E. Hagwocd, execuLor to John L Coster, by deed recoreil iu K-stls. ter's office of said county iu book lid, page 460 AKM1STEM) JOSES, iuy25 t'oiuiinssioner House for Rent. Four room hoiiseopp'ifite residence W. T. Wouible, 8H6 bast Harnett St. Kitchen and garden tioo't well wa ter convenient. Apply to ma29 tf W. T. VVombuk. n (9 w I zzz .;,AUt.. It Mrty do us Much lor Yon Mr Fred Mil'er, of IrviiiK, 111, writes that h ' hud s severe kidney iron hie f')r many years, with severe rains in his back ami also that his bli'iler wis alt'ectwt H? tried tu-iny so called kidney cures but witnrut auv K'od reult. About a year ai?D be began Die of Kiectrie Bitters and found relief at o :ce Kiectric Uit'ers is eiec.ially aHupted to cure of all k duey and liver trou Ides and often gives ilinoHt instant relief One trial will prove our i tute ue t Price only 50 for large bottles, at John Y MacUae's drugstore. How to Have a Beautiful Lawn. Cot the (trees high in dry weather aud low iu wet went tier, bat always use a tdiapp mover, aod when yoa want 0 rbirpeucd be sure to send it to T P Brock ell v ho will make it cut just us it did when new Kemm bfr 1 have complete machinery for grinding and sen lug tbes marhtuea. Shop 914 'trh Onlis'iury street, near new op. r bonso j 7 ill Another I r of in ittiu to be so d at factory prict s nt '11 ouias Maxwells'. Sale of Land toMakets Asse By authority of r. jadgiueut of the Superior court of Wake county, made iu Bpec'al proceedings for the sale of land to make assets, entitled J 0 Marcoin, administrator of Betty Bry ant, deueased, against Louis Bryant anr) others, I will sell on Monday the loth day of July, ID), at 13 o'clock m, at the court house door of Wake county, to t1 e highest bidder, a bouse and lotsitnatedin theoity of Raleigh, N. C, in ttalelgh township, described and bounded as follows: Beginning at a point in the north line of South street, 83r feet, east from the inter section of South and Harrington streets, thence northerly with Har riugton street 83 leet; thence easterly parallel with Sou'h street, 18 feet; thence souths-lv, parallel wkb Har. rington street, 83 feet to the nortu line of Sooth street; thence west along couth street li feet to the be g nniag Boose ou the lot with three rooms and a kit -lien. Terms of sale one-balf cash and bal ance payable in six months. J O. MARCOtf. i Coaiut8eiouer. June U, 1885-tds. RALEIGH ICS & RE FRIGE WAT IftlQ" Co a new factor r is n ojir ii for bnViaess. . New delivery wagons will, osi out Mouday.. Tickets for .ale at olfJoe of T. L. Eberhardt, Pres't, 120 i y tte ville slreel. wy!8 tf SHERWOOD'S OLID ERVICE HOES. For Qentlsmen, Ladica, Misses and Children have no erual for style, oomfort an wear. C. A. SHERWOOD & CO. aoj Fayetteville 8t.. Raleigh, N. C. I Matting at Cost. We will oommence our sale of mat I ting tomorrow at about half price. We do this in order to entirely olose ! ont, our stook of mattinir a 40 cent matting cannot be bought for 22c, a matting pay 18j all remnants from 10 to 16c. "Respectfully, Thomas & Maxwell. ENAMEL PAINTS Vhioh can he applied by any huuse keeper is the proper thing tn beautify your homes, make old things look new, aud soild things put on anew and fresh appearance, WHITE, BLUE BLACK ROBIN'S EGG BLUE, &c, 25 cents can at VMon's Rcture and ART STOKE, " . Furniture Polish and Tarnish that can't be beat. F. A. WATSON. May 6th tf. Wanted. Two or three good salesmen to sell pianos and organs, Apply at 13 W. Hargett street, Raleigh, N. C, to J. W.Cole. a2 20 Keep ij-ourstoch aid prices wfee fu Out mtock if f&w9 -.frcsb iyli6

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