TO LET TO LET 1-6 Room Dwelling, on Harrington strest, 5 squares from the capitol. 1-6 Rojm D3llin on Jon33 streot, near D, and D. asylum; eood well of water. 1-8 Room Dwellinpon Edonton stree. 1-2 square from capitol; nicelv located. 1-5 Room Dwelling on Blount street, 2 squares beyond Governor's mansion. 1-2 Room duelling: cn Blount street. 20 building lots on monthly payments. CU will be glad t. show yon any of the shots hooe ii Inn. "V7"Y !N -NHI3 PiLX-INGT ON SC CO. and Real Estate Agents, No. 10 West Herfrett street. A I.eitor i.i ji't Won n IIuliand. EYEjPGXISIjg.B- PUBLISHED EVFRY AFTERNOON, (Except Sunday) EVENLNGVISiTORrUliCO. THE VISITOR, by carriers in the city. t lX.'INNATl. O.. Jnue 21. A oc. n: la f..o by i fJiiHii 1 i'i a op -r i li-t tiiiiit ., ill i u.rt rt ci ii the :lit ff l' r i Lvut t i,!.'er rx-iuiyor 0. 1. Va;jiui u, a 111 t 1 i'i ls jilcu-iillS, . I ,1 . .. ' '. ' ffilM ll rill I urn, i i, ilr-ja; in -nt f j i j . O i . a -r f i n'i. i in pur US ctnts per month. i :4 n,. ,u tu.. i ii.r l .1 b.-.r . f .a. t'rices for mailing, J3 per year, or 25 1 U r 1 I : "1 would like u get m-trried. Kiu..iv ak'.r n C" r Liui'.-riuaiiD, sag ra i uai Lau . Wet i'a. u ' . ' D ICE R1 u iin oifer Irnm the cents per month. llnct-iirc nr Mr I Hal Biibhitt's I Druj Store, 2nd floor. , l,U(! i .w (m ve, Ouo." Nothing was W. M. BROWN, Sr., il'g't, 'tho.ut vl the allusive until Miss Raleigh, N. C. Lau-:nuaua receifed a lft ter from .Mr. "t.ilib'iru, who bought the bar - 1 V Ice "f !vt -i u'r.v .I'l l 11 lowest pr;n. Kaici.cli Jii'l l ' ik n tv points lh ii'iuv ti Jc.iasrv in My quiutin J ).E3 & POWtU Stenn 1 "ml is alu'nJ of ill ethers in u..i and prices,. FRED. A. OLDS, Editor Okb of the next extensions of rivil 1 hoinx. She answered service reform is likely to coer the steamboat innpection service. ( Thb great corn crop which U pr in- leed in this country thiH year it just what the country ueedii. A FLOATiNu paragraph calls atten tion to the fact that Kunsis hax tweu ty well built tuwus that are now with out a eingle inhabitnut I the,. nt.Tn near hia bin letter, auil corre..poudeuoe reiiiilied ill iur- Tub advance from to iu the price of steel railn in a Hijpi 4.( tiade improvement which meaus uiuub. Steel, equally with iron, which is aluo going op, is a business indicator whii l never errs. Mail cable cars are now running i" New York City. They are similar iu appearance to the ordinary car ami are of the same length. The gripmau stands inclosed on the front platform and the rear platform. t. ;,ntiili ruisei has landed a hun irr t marines at Ajunr, i'Virm in. The "1 1 k Fla' general has demanded A'lthdi'aw tl , but I'ae i'.i ii ish com :r has ie,'iisrd the lemauil, and oiriiiij to resist an Ht.ioii. the ma JONES & POWELL. Raleich Agents. JTOi? Grain Hay, .Mill Feed, Shinies, Laths, etc, call on JONi:S & POWELL, Kaleieh, N. C Chu fcrl'i- Vncllh Diamond RrHS. Y .le. .!.,! l'Oi'j Uel . he h : in MiH 8sijpi Vi'lClun 5nm, a nero, inei .MifS u:i .h te -;;:l ou a rail ei ber dowu ami llsllKed v; but was caplured aud e.l his kriiilt. Last hi,. lit .l tied to a telegraph p ile anvl to del h rJi (A , j k J ). CK.OYAL PILLS i .T: v- .iW r :.,....,.....'. ! -! -N iil"".t.-rB.a.lmlt,ii.ll-v; -; Thb Russian government has rec iT ed a communication from the gov n ment of Great Britian, ad ising Czar's government of the interioi of England to make a naval deuiout na tion at Constantinople. Iv the Spanish reverses in Cuba con tinues complete independence or an nexation to the United titates may soon become an issue in Cuban pulitius af ter all. The Cubans are holding their own better than anybody outside of Cuba expected. Thb rising tide of business is monnt ing high, and trade reviews report t e outlook as exceptionally favorable. Crop reports have been highly encour aging. The cotton crop iudi.ates a yield of 75,000,000 bales. Pnpects are bright for a bountiful harvest in the grain growing states. IT is now deolared that the rumor to U ..4T & it... ,r 11 , ... iuo euecb iiiai 4ur. uiaastone wiil re turn to the honse of '.commons is cor rect, and he will lead the liberals at the next general election. His objeci is stated to be the carrying of a houie rule measure and thus finally settling the national quarrel between England and Ireland, "Mothers Friend" fmkes child birth ersy. Ccivin,La., Deo. 2, 1888. Myvifo used JCIHEE'S FXISND before her third .onncemont, and says she would not be ritnout it for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILLS. Sent by exrir'SH on receipt of Trhe. $1.50 per Lot its. houk "To Mothers" mailed irae. BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO., .O lk t LkDBuaoiTi . ATLANTAtOA mm A1AGNETIC NERVINE. Is sold with writn guaranteft our' "WervouBPrcKtrn Won. Fits, Dii7- J jyiu'"-s,'-;fii yfx j C3?CRE - APTCR M m, :oftelr.i p lirain, musing Misery, lnaJ"it mJ Death i iromp, Imiini-my, fist Power n oiiJier -ex, 'rnrr.ature Old Ave, '.nvnliw.Hry onumxl r iv. f r-iutluiv't'iii-ti, uvor-xerlii'ii "f li.f i:ain aal 'Vrors of youth, it .The to V,". uk Oiyniit, tiii-ir raluif.l nr. l iliioliled thn Jiiyj i.f lifn; euro u.'irrtnnn And Feniiif AVl;iif.-s. t 'lioi'lira treat !i.t, iu iilaiu i'"k tj limit. U 1. ijr wMr,w. .ertnii.fitioTewf). With ovi'r.r ifii-T wt' givo b jtntten Ouarante t. vurn .,r rifnii.l lliw i"'ne. 'lr. u'itrp free. OuurauU'6 issuvd on-iby our "l :lurt. u .urmifc. Sale of Real Estate. H iiiuiioi u v ol iw iuoi lace 10 '"vs. (i. Brown as reconlttl iD Hook ! pace U, reco ils i f UrKiite'" of "' ''B oflic.t" for Wane ccuurv, I will on 'I hiirm1a the .7rli of Juue,lS'J5, hi t o'clock iu , at. ti e couii. house door of Wtike county, sell to tbehigliest liid der for cash tUe t'.'!owiug described real est te to wit : 1st B'-iij8 at a stake on the north side ol Cameron st reet, Raleigh, N 0., 11 la feet from Utilord lerrall . W. enroer, riius thence ion naid streat bl l-t feet to a stake on the I'ne of T. H. Brings deceHged, thujCe northwardly aloug said line l"'t( feet to a stake, ttieut-e eastwardly 57 I 8 feet to a stake in alley, theoee southerly along stiid alley 1U0 feet to the beglnuing. 2ud. B. iri a at a stake at Carey Irvin's e. W. corner on West le noir street, tialelgh, ruos thence west SUi feet wirh said street to a rtake; thence north i!10 feet to a stake in Wuj. Otey's line, thence eact 2ti 1 -4 feet ro said Irvin's N. VV. Corner, thence 210 feet south with his line to the befiiuuiDg. Jos. ti. Bkown, nia28tds Mortgagee. frof. , NuiMh, -1. Commercial toliW 01 Ky. Uinversn; , J.exiri;ton. Ky., wan awarded MEDAL AND DIPLOMA BT THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, For ftTtm of Hmkke-pitiff nnd 4ileneral BuHlneHH Kiluration. lir. l ost to com(i)eto BuiiH'S!- t:oursi' unitul ;l, niclintint; tuition. I ooks I and hoard, l'lutnouriiphy. Tyne VVritini: and TcU'erajiliv tiinelit. 'u r.r-ulj,rs. addrtna, W- it- NIIITll. Preaiitrnt. Lexiagton. Bf Thb next great enterprise is an ocean ship canal to connect the Atlan tic and the Mediterranean sea, ' with terminal points at Bordeaux and Nar bonne, both in France. This would convert Spain into an island and put an end to the importance of Gibraltar as a fortress. The canal would be 330 miles long and would cost $115 CDO.000, but its commercial revenue would be large. Thb national league of republican clubs which has been in session at Cleveland has completed its work. Nothing was said about silver. The money question was not even referred to in the report of the committee on resolutions but it was declared that the party convention must settle it The silver men still hope that the na tional convention will adopt plank favorable to the white metal. None of the presidential candidates were pres ent at the meeting of the leagae. Killed His Man at 14. R Poet Jbevis, June 21 Georg Hehn, 14 years old, delivered himself ' saying that Tuesday night be shot a man dead, and plead for the mercy of justice. 13 Pimplss, BlDtcSies I..- . 89- 11 ca-- PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT c- Awn potass;:! m Makes Marvelous Cures Erin Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula p. v 4:5 I'irjflos the Wool, btHlcJa tip ii. d fl'jbiHtntefl, gives . vt nkeced nervet, expels the pttttPtit health and re sioltnei, KltmT v.sltude ilmt prevailed. i condary and tortlary d polaunlnpr, mercu- ii'.rtr.. dyepepim, and U I. skin tlibeasas, like .".ii.H. old chronic 'lfoerff. teller. SrIU iU''J, OUUit orjan-ciiw. a et'f ill - nJ ii,i Dili vr icbi contradiction,, hat F. P. P. Is the beat jn - blood parlflor 1 itheworld.and makea ii-.. .r uoiliranrlncTmanant rnrM iii all caaea. Ijdlwa whose aTStems are pr-toonwd trt In Ao IriDurB ennui farlLea, analnfr prui- ertleaot P. P. P. -Priukiy Aeh, Poke and Old Sores 51 Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Are entirely removed by P.I.P. JJ Prlokly Aoh, Poke Boot and Potaa- " alum, the greatest blood purifier on sP earth. ABSRDFinr,0..Jn1y 21,11. Whhshs. Li ppm an Bros., Savunnati, Ga. : Dkab Sinn I ltunrht a bottle or your P. P. P. at Hot BpriniM.Ark.,aad It hart done me rrrnrfi jroiwl than three m months' at the HotBprlng, Head thte ';otth! t. I). -9 Kwi)M.'tfiU;y yours, " JAH, M. &F,WT0N, ' W Aberdeen, Brown County, O. -9 Cunt. J. D. Johnntoa. . To all vhom U may conrrrn: I here by testify to the w-Hidnrtul pn-prtlea ofJ. P. P for oniptkms of the akin. I Buffered for several years with an un e'tfhtly and diaaeret'fthlu omptiou on my race, i trien t-vry ki ry known rome r. P. I1. va iwed, CiJ"" and whniA htin)1 m in An ImDnre tlon, due to menstrual irrf tfuianuea. art peculiarly daii eaten oy tntt wrn aerial tonio ana oiooa oinanainir prui Bout and Potasaiam. tPRimiFiELD, Mo., Aug. 14th, Iwya. 1 ounpeak in the bltiost cernii of your medicine from ray own uerso iw " disease, plenrtsy and rheumatlam for jr 35 years, a treated by tliu very n ph?lciir.. auo apent bonrotif 4Uol torn, trie4 ereryTiaown remedy with CJT onf Br.d.uK relief. only tekeB TZ one Doitie of your P. P- P., oA can T1"-" cheerfully nv It baa done me more good than anything 1 have ever taken. I can recommend your medicine to aU uiterera of the above diaeasea. YEART. Springfield, Oreen County, Mo. dv but In vatn. until I1 &ni1 am nnw entlrolv purod. SiaeJ by J. D. JOIIN8T0N. SuvauoaU, Oa. Skin Caneer Care. 3? TttHmony rem tht Mayor tf itquta. Ttt, SEorm. Tex.. January 11. 103. Mkskes. lii'pbak lipo.. Savannah, P. P. ft,r a lieaefl( the 'itn, UHuail; fcnp'nii aa akin cancer, ot thirty years' itahrfng, and round great relief: It Ga. I ttntlemenl hnv trt-.i your P. . r. lor a uwonnewi iuein, ip-nti afl akin cancer, of thirt. Kban4H9, iihuki nivm rviicii; i urlflea the blood and reo'oyos all ir ritation from the seat of the dlAeaae ami prevenw any aprcmUnir of the aoroa. I uave Vkou ftveur ill bv.ttiea and feel oontident tt)i.t another curae will effect a euro. It haa also relieved me from Imligreation and atomaon trouble, Yours truly. OAPT. V. M. BDST, Attoruuy at Law, ' u in Blood Diseases Firn , ALL EEUOOISTS BELL IT. k LIPPMAN SROS. ' PB0PEIET0R8, Uprnan's BledcSaTaauh, a S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line. OONDr'NSKU 8CHKDULE. inkkkkot May 5, 'US. Trains Lea. Kaleiti, I 93 A M INiiv. "atiaat.a rtpicl.vl,'' J OilOJiU Vedtuiule for rleo Urrrou. Ael.lou, Petere buri(, Kichmou'l, Wi.ghlui; tou, Baltimore, PhilaileU pula, fiew Vork and al polut north. KafTet ilraw iui; room sleepers and Pall coaclies Atlanta, to VVaebintfton, parlor care Waauiutfton .to iSew York Palluiau bleepiiitf car Mon roe to Porteuioutti. II 81 A M Daily for iieiidereou, Weldon, 8af folk, Porteuioatti, Norfolk and iuteruiedlaie stations, eounects at PorUuioath ctti BayLiueforOhl Point aud Baltimore, with Don folk and Washington 8teani boat C'o., for Washington with N. V. P. 3i H. K. K for Philadelphia Kiid points u.jrt li; also at Wtl lou with Atlantic Coast Liue for Kichmrud, Wasutu'ou, Biiitluiore, ?uiu.lelphia aiulStw l'ork through glmpcrj Weldon to Nej( l.iril 1 wila bcotluUd ecK Kmuoli for (iroen v.l'.e, WacniUiTtou aud P.j luonih. Pall uiu 8le,irtr Atlaota ty PorUuioutu. 5 85 A.M Dciiiy. "Atiauta Special,' l'ulliuau V'outibulo lor bu. Pines, Hamlet, Monro', Uhe8ter, Clinton, yreeu wood, Abbeville, Athena, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, fiew Orleans, Chattat uooga, Nashville, Memphis and ell points south and southwest. Through Pull man buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta, connecting direct ly at Union depot Atlanta with diversing lines Puil man sleeper Portsmouth to Monroe, ft 10 p m Dally, for Southern Piues, Hamlet k Unit o n, Wilmington, Wadesboro, Monroe, Char lotte, IilQColuton, Shelby, Rutbertordton, Chester (ireenwood, Atlanta aud Points south. Trains Arrive Raleigh : 5 80 A M Daily. "Atlanta special. Pullman Vetiilbuie iron) New ork. Philadelphia. : . . Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmoutu Norfolk and all polutt north. Parlor oars We Kork to Washington; Pull man Buffet Sleepers auu day coaches Washington to Atlanta. 8 85 PM-Dally from PortvuiuiHii and : polutt north vm Bay i,iue. . p, & fi. K. K., also iron; Wreouvilie, P i j ui o u l h V ashtugton am ttaeteri Oaroiiue points via We don, Petersburg, Kicnmom W'ashiiigion and pouu north vi Atlautic Coao Jjiue, HlVepew Wew York t VriOti 51 21 A M Utily, '"Atlaii'" Spi'-cl U Plli.lDUQ - V CbUbUlO, ifoU) Atlanta, Athens, xVboevlHe. 4r -oiiwood, Hl.cbri'r una points south. Puilaiau i;a . fc auu sleeper at. an ' ta to Waetii ngtou. 11 26 A m Dailyfroui W liui ington. Shelby, iiincolcton, Char ilotte, Atlanta and points south No. 402 and 403, "Atlanta Special," are solid Pullman veatibuled tralus, ' composed of n.agniflcent day coaches i and palace drawlug rooms Bullet sleepers between Washington and I Atlanta without, change, on whick I there is no extra fare charged. For information relutive to sched ule, dtc, appl to tljiint 4,'sut,, or A J Cooke. H f A., uatngo B. St. JOHN. Vice PreHident. J. H. Windbb, Geueral Manager. T. J. Asdbhsosi, Gen'l Pass. Agent V. E. McBsb, Supt. TrauHportation. Washing Your Clothes. iln days of old your good mothei did it and you had no fault to find. When it comes to laundering your soil ed linen We WiU.Be a Mother to You, and the perfect satisfaction we arnar- antes will make you think of those happy dys of old. Discard safety pinsl Away with batchelor buttons' The Oak City steam laundry u s on buttons and tape. OAK CITY STEAV LAUNDRY, U K. WlATT, ' Phone 87 .Proprietor ooooo ooooooo ooo- ooo-q ooooo? Q 9 9 O 0 9 oooooo Pure Drugs. pARDEN Fine 00OO0-6 oooooo ooo-ooo ;ood NEWS ) The Holidays have come and gone ( j with their pleasures and accustomed bustle. Now it behooves us to turn 'our attention to Careful buyers of seed hoUld k-en ( )in mill two impcrtant items: I solicit the patronage of one and i .all for the justly celebrated and re-. liable IBuist's G&rdeo S J. HAL BOBBITT, Wholesale and Retail DRUGGIST AND SEEDSMAN, BALKIGH, N. C. rOOOOO Y OOOOOO- OOOOOO ( 0 j If ' Lf v,3 r j! w m ow 3 TiRrs n.nn s Hit.v 0 ... 6 Directory. 9 a 0 o ooooo'oo-oooo-oooo- Speciafiicy0X oooo 000009 Postage Stamps. OOOOO GET ;tfeg BIESTo a :jo ;i i h, PER YEAR. tTHE venmg Visitor A PAP3R FOR TUE . PEOPLE. I0 18 THB TIMB MvJW IU TUB TIMB TO SUBSCRIBE. TO SUBSCRIBE. The mission of THB VISITOR will 1 be in the future, as it haa ' Deen In the pAst, to elevate l.b0b publish all home news. Interest readers of all classes. to ADVANCE THE INTEREST OF RALEIGH " -TO REPORT ALL INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. It will contribute, by Its advocacy of Progressive Ideas of- Busiues, to make Raleigh a prosperous . manafactDriog centre, a model of commercial enterprise, and the most prosperous . CITY IN THE SOUTH. Its small price will attract subscribers. Its real merits will make it a , popular favorite. v SUBSCRIBE FOR THE VISITOR TERMS : One year. Inside the city, f S CO One week, " " M One month," " 2a One year ontslde th city, 8 00 One week. " " (M One month," ; . " W Olobs of foar. on month, r $1 00 Postage paid at this offloe. Address, EVENING VISITOR, Raleigh ,

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