DUKE Cigarettes - r . 'X. if m i ' 1 . . - - pr, .THCUKWCIK TODASW Cioe' ' MADS FDOM tcbssso AM ABSOLUTELY PURE " ' 3- r," Pill fl Easi'7, Ci!l:!i!)f, rcrir.zncr.tly fos'crsd. . MAGNETIC SEHVIKE-SJMt Itr. tLos' VarhfjuU. I n r v nthf w, Ntrouj J '), tit y ai iff ah li:0 pvi'; fro.n vcriy "f ltr -, the r-ui.'j or tvfnrork, worry, tttokxea t'.a. t uil iirou.ith.tomaDd development nivao to e?ry urv.i or po.-ti-n vf the rHtiy. Improve i,!eut iinrN.i.it lyM n rm Oifir 't bT. thci and-. t it'ttp ut pn.i?tf on tiloin oarooft. C4t ho oriwi in vwt p.kot. bent, iy iiiuHtoan BtiJrt-e! I'D r";mpt of ricp. Gtt) m-if 1T treat irmitt in rarhtriix. Pnet'ft 00. tU:uv - SVOO.wita Writion Uaarmite)lu retuuii moi.ey U mt cured buutl to ut for the Gt'buiiib. Circular-- if it. lobn Y. MacKfte, Drajrpis, Raleigh, N.C W.L Douglas iyW 0!nSW'itaiHT for AtciNs. CORDOVAN, 3A0P0LICE.3SOLE3. 42tf2.W0RKIN6Mtt, EXTRA rtNt- ' 2.l7'B0YS'SCH(aaija LADIES' EROCK-rcrm-vaaa. Over On Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AM our shoes are equally satisfactory They (five the bent value for the money. They equal custom hoe In style and lit. Their wearing qualities are unflurpesscd. The prices are uniform, stampea on sole. From $i to $3 snved over other makes. Ji your dealei cannot supply you we can. Sold by HELLED BROS. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Etzcms, Totter, Halt Rheum, Scald Head, fc'ore Nipples, Cliapped Ilandj, Itching Tiles, Burns,. Frost Kites. Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Udi For sale by druggist at 25 cents per box. TO HORSE!) WNERS. For putting a horse in a lino healthy con dition try Lr. Cady's Condition I'owdere. They tone tip the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney aiiiordcre and destroy worms, giving Dew life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 onto per package. For sale by druggists. THE GRCATET DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Curea in 1 1 1 t duys, Im mdii'.to in t-fT.trt ; iiuiok ti ctirt". Vut he carrier in vest nockot, fill tiuuii'ifto in oiip eiua!! ptu'ktw- tnt ry nwni, rHtin, plain park iw, oa rwciiit of price, it lr box. Kor sale by John Y. McRae, drng gHt PIGEON MILK fi'lllCNI t(f(V I'llltSlltCK nr- "i Hi wliirli ( onnihit. 1'ii-V'lUUlJ ALWAYS HITi THE: GOL The best wearing, most stylish, and the greatest value of any f 3.00 Mon's Mioes on the continent. Best calfskin, dongola tops, solid leather soles, with all tho popular toes, lusts and fastenings, and Lewis' Cork Filled Soles. . .. Each pair contains a paid-up AccU dent Insurance Policy for S100, good for IX) days. ; A ectriont. Tntmrancc Shoes once and you will never change. The insurance goes for "full measure." Talk with your dealer who sells Lewia' Shoes. .. ;:, SOLD BY Wliitixigr'.Bros THE TIIAXTOM VESSEL. (A hitherto aodincovered poem by Edgar AlUa Pu bat bo brought to light ia the rnitereity of Virjlnia Aoooal fur 1605 ) Sailing oft tea abyimal F-otn a world of kbama One a kimI, itraof and dismal. Phantom !, earn Toward a fair ula and oldon Wbrreill angrls aniwholdrn Tcntntwd fite'e ghastly, goldva Fan of doom and feme. Fan and fame by aeriphu builded In the daja of ore. Tbr (a tmple cbasd and gilded) From the earthly ehure l. to beafen rote it gleaming Ail with hi.) and beaut beaming, ' ik a drvam of Aidenn aveming Ua: it aeemed no more! But the pilot (tet-ring For that temple bright. Krer found the island veering Hrota hie ancient sight, Till, from nightly ehorea appalling C'aine the solemn darkuexH falling. Id itH haiigry clasp enthralling. Laud nd e and light. Then the veHHel .inking, lifting Over h"pes eubliine leriehed hopes!" came drifting, drift iug To a wild, weired clime; There, a visitor undaunted In that d-sert land enchanted, Still it Heeu the vessel haunted Uot nf Kpaee aud tune Beauehamp & l.rseli, Kufaula, Ala. writen : e liaif baudted your Japa nese i ile Cure for i' yearn now and can eouscieui lously say it has given eutirr Hatisfactiuu and is a ood sel ler. We regard it as being the best thing for tiriuori holds or Files that e have ever sold. For sale by John V. .MavKae, druggist. JAPANESE 'cure A See 4 Oetnolrt. Trt Mltlo M Vo,m of OlDtpeDt. A nr f. )tn ; 0tor SMS SJSSV "il.'e ion or canwiiw - . Mrmuiwt cow. Dd onan ra- aDBOrnaar?. Why asca-nsiFKii few' JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT, W3. B BOX. 'MNSTIPATNM ItliiUtir! S V efcileren'. ucc. J iA-ea t&oents. For salt by John Y. MaoEic, ilrnir- gist.-. . . -: : .. -For Rent. Four room eottage for rent on N. Bui street, near Oak wood avenue. iLfglto.PoatalTalagraphsflM. bSI7 Citn .Make an Alteration. "What! you are g-dng to have your little daughter christioed Glycerine? .low absurd!" "To be sure I am! Yoq see, if the hild turns out to be a sweet and geo tie creature, the name will suit her to a T; but if she happens to be rath r short-tempered, like her mother, f i r instance then we can make a slight alteration and cali her Nitro-ilycer ine." Sometime ago I was troubled with an attack of rheumatism. I used Chamberlain's Fain Balm and was completely cured. I have since ad vised many of my friends and custom ere to try the remedy and all speak highly of it. Simon (jtolDbaiim, San Luit Key, Cal. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt. Denver was named for Gov. Jams W. Denver of Kansas. Johnson's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is invaluable in all pulmonary af fections and consumption. It enrich es the blood, restores lost tissues, builds np the appetite makes soand tlesh. Pint buttles $100. For sale by John Y. Maeliae, druggist. Rochester is the acqueduct elty, from its bountiful water supply, Frank E. White, Minneapolis, Minn., writes: "Have used two boxes of your Pile Cure and must say it has done wonders for me. I would not know 1 ever had the piles only when I s.oop low. The itching is all gone." Sample free. For sale by John Y. MacUae. Louisville is the falls city from its situation at the falls of the Ohio river. While in Topeka last March, E. T. Barber, a prominent newspaper man of La Cygne, Kan., was sick with cholera morbus very severely. The night ulerk at .he hotel where he was stop ping happened to have a bottle of Chnmberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy and gava him three doses which relieved him and he thinks saved his life. ' Every family should keep this remedy in their home at all times. No one can tell how soon it may be needed. It costs but a trifle and may be the means of saving muoh suffering and perhaps the life of lime member of the family. 25 and 50 oent bottles for sale by J. Hat Bobbitt. Savannah is the forest city of the south, from its innumerable shade trees. Itcaxooio AM Thine. Mr. Uplate." said th. landlady severely, "it it now after ten o'clock. I really cannot keep tht breakfast table watting for yoo to long every morning." "Madam," replied the laiy boarder, looking at thongh he had "that tired feeling," "if yoo think I am going to endanger my health by ariting b" fore the day it far emugh advanced o I ran tell whether I will need to put on my winter flannelt or my game underwaer, you are entirely mistaken." Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of head aotae Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual si ok headaches yield to Its influence. We nrere all who are afflicted to pro enre a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial In case of habitual oonsti. nation Electric Bitters cures by glv log the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it at once Large bottles only 50o at John Y MacRae's prog store. While at Peekskill. N. Y , Mr. J. A. Seriven, a prominent manufacturer of New York City, purehased a bottle of Chamberlain's Coagb Reaiedy. Such good result were obtained from its use that be tent back to the druggist from whom be bad obtained it for two more bottle of the same remedy. Wh.D you have a cough or cold ft v. thit preparation a trial and like Mr dcriven yon will want it when again in need of such a medicine. It is a rem edy of great worth and merit. 95 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. Hal Bob bitt. New Haven is the elm uity. Its principal streets are beautifully shad ed by old elms. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried f or Oattorla. When she became Was, she clung to Castorla. When the had Children, she gave them Osstorit. S. F. Yinger, Dewart, Pa., writes: Mr. Harinicof this place has used your remedy for the Files and recom mends it very highly. He gave me your address. 1 would like to kuo on what terms and price you sell to dealers. Let me hear from yon and oblige. Sold by John Y. MacUae. New Orleans is the crescent city, from its situation on the bend of the tlississippi. All Free. Those who have used Dr King's New Dis covery know its value, and those who have uot, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised druggi.t and get a tri al bottle, free. Send your name and address to H K fiucklen & (Jo, Chicago, and get a sample bottle of Dr King's New Life Pills frte, as well as a copy of Ouide to Health aud Household Instructor, free All of which is guaranteed to do vou good and costs you nothing at John Y MacIWs drug store. Seattle, Wash., was so called after a powerful Indian chief of th neigh. I orhood. I have two little grandchildren who are teehting this hot summer weather and are troubled with bowel com plaint. I give them Chamberlain's Colic, Choleri and Diarrhcea Remedy and it acts like a charm I earnestly recommend it for children with bowel troubles. I was myself taken with a severe attaok of bloody flux, with cramps and pains in my stomach. One third of a bottle of this remedy cured me. Within twenty-four hours 1 was out of bed and doing my housework. Mrs. W. L. Duncan, Bon-aqua, Hick man Co., Tenn. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt. Burlington, la , is called the or chard city, from the abundance of fruit trees. The Discovery Sved Ula Li f Mr. G.Caillouette, druggist.Beavers- ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with la grippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about, but to no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King s New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and be gan its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We can't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial bottle at John Y. Mac- Rae's drug store. Chicago is the prairie city, from the flatness of the land surround ing it. Marvelous Besmlts From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: "1 have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re sults were always marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor if the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was breughtdown with pneumonia succeeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at John Y. MaeRae's drng store. Regular size 60c. and $1.00. The Princess of the Carnival Dead. Hartpobd, June 21. Gretohen Stein, the princess Carnival of many a bril liant masquerade, and the beautiful girl that ended her life on Tuesday, was burled yesterday The pallbear ers were her young gentlemen friends whojwere her ardent admirers in life, and who were as eager to do honor to her in death as they were to seek her hand for a dance in the carnival of mirth and masio. Gretchen was a suicide. She killed herself because her lover failed to keep an appjintment to' meet her, by taking poison when she was despond ent and heart-broken. She was 18 years old. What is 3 milieu t ti i m w d mi wm m rw - - u n ti r m a s OastorU Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's pr- rifition for Infants mud Children. It contains nekber Opi uiu. Morphine nor other Narcotic 6ubsUiiicc It i.t u :..iriulcsd (substitute for Paregoric. Dropa, Soothing Syruii, and Castor OIL It la Pleasant. It guarantee i.s thirty years' u.se by Millions of Mothers. Cotoriu tlo.stroj.-4 Worms unil allays feverUhue&a. Custoria prevent vomiting Sour Curd, cures Dlarrhosa and AVli.d Colic. Castorla relieves) teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency. Caxtoria assimilates the food, r-'gulatos the stomach and bowels, giving healthy u.ntl natural hleejt. Cas torla it the Children's Pari:cea the Mctln-r'a friend. Castoria. Castcria. "Castorta Is an excellent medkine for ditl Oea. Mother, have repentudiy tuld lue at its good effect upon their children." Da. (1. C. Ohuoiid, LowhII, ihuVL Castorla Is tlte tH?t iwnuxly fur ctultlrt-.ii of ! which 1 am aojualuu!. 1 hop tlie I.iy i u4 : far distant wheu mothers til oousMer U ' rual j tntereet of Uii-lr children, au.l tun G.:.)n i In- ' aU-ad of the various quack QHtmnunvliiWi are destroying their lovvl oiies. by forcing (iei.:ru, -morphine, soothing eynip and oUcr l;e:ul aente down their thf-nata, thervby M-kidiu ' them to prtuiiature graTtM.w j - In. J. F Kimcuitub, I OuDway, Ark. i " Castnrie, hi so wi ll aibiptedtnchllrlmi that I r-olut,jt-i.il it Ub.unot to any prcacriptioa Iumjwq to uie.' It. A. Arch, M. D , l;l Bo. if..r.l :,t , Hro.,klyn, N. T. " ' Hir ie. -uciinF lu U,. eliii'lri-n's depart un fit lve biM'l.'i liUrliiy of Ui-lr experi ence in Uiir oiiLsiiltt pi ucllce ah Cabioria, tUid i:li ii :tt v. onit have among our nte.i U t.u;.,-c..s y fi.-.t i- Viiowu a.4 rniuiar pii.tucis. y". :iri fnic to cmf'-s. tluit the lot r.C of , hj. .ou US U loot With tav ot ui.tc :' V;;ku l!WPnAL A I) IllsyKNHARY, Hootoo, &Lk& Allu C. Sbith, Iret., The Centaur Company, TT V ditiij btrcot, New York City. SOUTHERH R. R. (PIirMONT iiB-LISR.) CONDENSED SCHEDCLB. IH EFFECT APRIL 12. '95. TRAINS I.BAVB RALBIOH, H. C. 5:05 Daily, connects at Greens a, m. boro for all points north and Daily, sonth, and Winston-Salem aud points on the Northwestern North Carolina railroad. At Salisbury for all points in west ern North Carolina, Kuoxville, Tenn., Cincinnati and western points; at Charlotte for Spar tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points south. 4:10 Connects at Durham for Oi- p. M, ford, Clarksville and Keysville Daily, except Sundays; at Greensboro with the Washington and South western Vestibuled (limited), and the New York and Florida Short Line (limited) train for all points north, and with main line train No. 12 for Danville, Richmond and intermediate lo cal stations; also has connection for Winston-Salem, and with main line train No. 35 (fast mail, for Charlotte, Spartan burg, Greenville, Atlanta and all points south; also Columbia, Augusta, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville and all points in Florida, sleeping car for At lanta, Jacksonville and at Char lotte with sleeping oar for Augusta. 1:10 Connects at Selma for Fav- P. M. etteville and intermediate sta- Daily. tions on the Wilson ond Fay- etteville Short Cutdauy; Golds boro for Newbern and More head City, daily except Sun days; for Wilmington and inter mediate stations on the W. & W. R. R. daily. 9:05 Connects at Selma for Wilson A. m. Rockv Mount, Tar ioro and lo- Daily. cal stations on Norfolk & Car olina railroad, arrives atGolas boro 12.05 p. m. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RALEIOH. N. C. 7:30 From Greeushoro and all A. m. points north and south, Sleep- Daily, ing car Greensboro to Raleigh. 4:10 From Goldsboro, Wilmiug- P. m. ton, Fayetteville and all points in eastern Carolina. 1:10 From Durham, Clarksville, r. M. Va., Oxford points and Rich mond. : 10:15 From Goldsboro and all P. ji. points east. Daily ex. Sun. Local freight trains also carry pas sengers. ; Pullman cars on afternoon train from Raleigh to Gweusboro, aud on morning train from Greensboro. Double daily trains between Ral eigh, Charlotte and Atlanta. Quick time; unexcelled accommodation. C. L. Hopkins, T. P. A., Charlotte. J. M. Culp, Tratflo Manager. W. H. Green, Gen. Supt. W. A. Turk, G. P. A.. Washington. Dissolution of Copartner- TillSHIftll The publishers take pleasure in announc ing that "The Morning Herald" has recent ly Wa enlarged from four to eight pages, and that while the price remains at one cent per copy, or til per year to moil subscribers earch edition contains as much news and more general reading matter than is printed By the Baltimore two-cent dailies. The Telegraphic Service of "The Morning Herald" is unexcelled by any other Balti more irfper. 1U Nbwb 'Service' i the counties ia thor ough aaJ reliieli. Tts Market Reports tre full, complete and aonirate. lis illustrated woman's pce is a feature that will not be found in auy other Balti more daily. A verbatim report of the Sermon by Rev Or raimaire litt celebibted Brooklyn proacher niipeurn in Monday morning's edition. "The Moraing Herald" will continue to oa an Independent Newspaper fair and im Dartial in i statements and fearless in the Ujreioa of its opinions "THE SUNDAY HEItALO." f 24 piges, is the best Sundiv paper in Bal timore, and is sold at 3c per copy, or (1 50 lor a year. "T11E WEISKLT? HERALD is the cheapest and best eight-page weelr.lT ucmauapvi puunauuu m me "Ulteil otaies, beannual subscription being 50c. , "T. la. Ji. '1 ii.u uciaiu will BDU 3n trial for one week to any person sending Iiis or hir nd, tress, enclosing 5 cents, to the nit :t vi.y rujsuBsu x uu., . Baltimore and Chsrles atrwti. Kltimnra. Mrf. A. W. fn APSyligt. of the German Electric Belts for the cure of rheumatism, sciatica, weak lungs, lame back, paralysis, spine dis ease,, nervous debility, female com plaints, etc. After suffering 16 years with rheumatism I got cured by wear ing tho Electric Belt. No. 4 East Davie, second door trom Fayetteville street. '.. XsJ V ship. The firm of Yancey & Martin, for the manufacture of carriages, etc., and livery business is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The livery business will hereafter be conducted by E. M. Martin and the carriage business will be oonduoteg by T. B. Yancey. . Persons indebted to the firm on livery accounts will settle with E. M. Martin, and those indebted to the firm on the shop account will set ,le with T. B. Yancey. Persons having claim-" "gainst the firm will please present litem at nnae This May 15, 1895. T. B. Yanobt, V. M. Martii. 4 i ii i 4 4rl4fl itAct-t 5 S S S S S 1 si Word to Those who DNot Believe in E Advertising. m -v- If yon are In business and are want It to be known yen -should advertise. - Advertising pays. Look at the Tuckers. Look at Swindell. ' Look at Berwanger. Look at Williams & Co. ZZ Look at Ball. Z - Look at Miss Maggie Reese. Z Look at Sherwood. " - Look at Briggs. Look at Rosenthal. Z. - Look at Woollcott. Z Look at the Lyon Racket. Z Look at Dughi. Z Look at the Johnson's. Z . Look at the many others. Z y They believe in printer's v ink. Z m Advertise in the Visitor. " y Stop paying $1.60 a thou-' y sand for dodgers. They ben-" At f-eflt yon nothing. The same" j -money will put you a nice" card in the Visitor for one" j week which will be seen by" y 2,000 people daily. The Vibitor circulates all" its over Raleigh. There are but" few houses here that it does" not go to. " The Visitor eirculates in' -all portions of Wake county. it It goes to 15 poBtoffices. - It reaohes the very class of -people yot are after. You want trade. The Visi-" -tor will help you get your -trade. r l:w Don't hide your light. Let it be seen. Advertise Ad-' c"j vertise in the most popular' PEMSYLYAIilAS : NEWSPAPER In all t lie attributes that sutlice to mnki a first cl.iis journal. . spares no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers all the news of th Old and New World. Its several departments, each under tht management of a competent editor, treat fully of maters pertaining to THE HOUSEHOLD, , THE FARM, WOMAN'S WORLD, , SCIENCE, ART, LITERAURB, FINANCE, THE REAL E3TATB WORLD, Presenting a complete magazine every day' BUBS0RIPTI0H RATES: Daily, one year, 3l00 Daily and Sunday, one year. 4 0C . Address .;' " -: The Record Pub Co. Qt7-Qt6Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Wanted. Mrs. Anna Pell wishes to take in la dies white work, and also boys' shirt waists. West Jones street, ap22 paper in Raleigh. The Visitor has age, is ev- k'- read daily by hundreds who' --'take no other paper. E To Non-Subscrib-;'w - ers. If you are not already a i subscriber send . us your; t -address and 25 ots. and try' - . . . ; i it a month. If you are already, A a subscriber tell your neigh tboi about the piper. It's only. '.25 cents a month. Delivered; everywhere in the city. - Commenoe now. CHAFLO TIE ..-. OBSERVER. A Democratic Paper, a paper devoted to the industrial developmsnt of North Caro lina and the South. Xbe best advertising medium between Washington and Atlanta. DAILY, 8 CP per year. WEEKLY, tl 00 per year. ThE OBSERVER C0MP1H1' N.J. P.Oauw-klih. Editor, Okarlotto, V 0.