LATK SEWS MITES. Happening l'p1olate All Ovrr the Country. The doke of CinbrlJe. (omoiidtr of the Britieh forcea, will rmi jo em Bond of the army Oelubei 1 Got. Atkinson, of Ueotgia, iiuprov.s steadily and Lin pnrct; ran alwM be predicted 'lh certainty. Lightning struck dynamite tnaa tin near Kingwood, W. Va. beverai men were killed and a great deal of property destroyed. In lb I'. S. oourt at Chsrles ton, 8. C, jwitT'ln; judge Siniou ton sentenced I life dispensary con stables to jail fur two mouths fur con tempt of court for seizing liquor sen' into the state for private una, and in defiance of the injunction granted bj the court. The jury in the case of Capt Ho gate, formerly of the army, brough' in a verdict of guilty on each f the two indictments. One charged How gate with forger and the other witt falsification of his olBcial accounts He may bare to go the penitentiary for twenty years. Information reaching Washington indicates a combined niovemeut ii Cuba by all the Spanish forces. The new admiral, who has assumed com wand of the fleet, was chosen with view to having his energy replace tb more cautious policy of the old aduii ral. The arrival of ten more sijuad rons of Spanish cavalry is also re garded as a prelude to a decisive move lent by the land forces. There is trouble at Arrapahoe, Okli boma, arising out of the shooting o an Indian, Had Lodge, by deputy sheriff Vureh. Red Lodge cauuot liv and the Indians are making thiea'f of vengeance to be carried out win he dies. On the day of the shooting the Indians were very much xcit and threatening, and lut were quietei by troop A, third cavalry. Old Rei Lodge says if his son dies '.he India people will go on the varpath am wipe out the white people at Arrapa bje. When asked how many warrior the Cheyennes had he said froin3C0tt 400 He said they would get no from the Arrapahnes, but would from the Kiowas. A Strange and Deadly ('oinlii.' Debvkr, Col., June 21 III fee. ; has prevailed for some time '. et .. . . i the miners of the R'ce, Aspeu and Er terprise mines. Today 'he forces me! underground by breaking away a wall that separated the claims. As the effect of the blast was seen the oppo ing forces rushed for the gap, and desperate fight began with drills and shovels. Several heads were cracked, and the foreman called on their men to fall back to the protection cf the rocks. Then the duel commenced in earnest, 'he long-range weapons being giant powder cartridges. With these the men fought like demons for an hoar, launching dynamite at each other whenever a head or an arm was seen projecting beyond the rocks. Two men were seriously wounded, one of them having bis shoulder torn off, and the other is said to b suffering from blindness, caused by the explosion of a missile at close quarters. By this time the noise of the conflict reached the surface, where the superintendents were in their office, unaware of the intense eicitement in the subterranean chamber. They hastily armed guards and went to the level where the men were ambushed, and, by a display of arms, oompelled a cessation of hostili- ties. Work was suspended until there is an underground survey, so as to de termine the ownership of the disputed territory. "la Mnii.'ita , .Maeoary comprehends the Baiter- sal brotherhood of m" ia iu broad est and derpeat aeon. It gradually in folds the narrow avennea of pride and elnubneee and transforms it into the very essence of nobility of the soul of brotherly solicitude for one a o'her. Such being true Masoury, bow bappy and serene should a lodge of Mhh. dk be. But Ihe shadows of life must al ternate with the light and not even the steed precincts of a lodge room are exempt from tbe rode shocks of the mortal enemy "d -ath." By the the mysterious providence nf Q d, our Heavenly Father, t whom we bow with reverence, our !lovfd brother Samuel M. l'arish. (pat ma ter) was takeu from our midst t join i he grand lodge above, therefore be it Rcsolvsd, 1 That by the death of brother Samuel M. Parish Hiram I. dge No 40. A. F. & A M., baa ens- ained an irreparable loss and has oeen bereaved, but deemt it an honor ; hat the name of such a roan shall adorn ita memorial roll. 9 '1 hat we desire to give 'estimony o bis worth as a Mason, with a true heart, which be bad long siuce dedi cated to the service of God. He was -ver faithful in the discharge of bis duties, aud tould always be relied up ou; of a quiet, manly and unassuming lisposition, beloved and respected by .hose who knew him 3. That a copy of these resolutions oe sent to the family of our departed urother aud copieB thereof be giveu to ur daily papers for publication. W. S. Primrose, Thil. Thirm, W. N. Snbluku, Com. Bro. Parish was one of the oldest nembers of Hiram lodge, as well as oe of its brightest jewels. He filled til the chairs of the lodge, serving as uaster of the lode for a number of eruis. He was looked to as a guide i i Masonic jurisprudence. He was an excellent oitizen, a skillful mechanic, i kind and affectionate husband and father, a faithful member of his lodi,e ad church, especially devoted to tVe jause of the Sabbath school. His in fant class was his great delight in fact he was a model man. "Peace be to his ashes!" Dear brother, "thou art gone to thy rest" uutil the blessed resurrection morn, then to come forth to receive "a crown of glory which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give thee in that day." "Happy S' lil. thy days are ended, All thy mourning days below; Go, by angel guards attended, To the si;ht of Jesus gi-j Waiting to recei' e thy spirit, Lo, the Saviour stands above, Shows the purchase of his merit, Reaches out the crown of love." Fraternally. E. B. T. WANTED: Y or Work To Do -Practical plan -bin. tia and biv OtUuif. 8oltar work p-llty All Job Vork pro p Iv atteoded to. tflllti'.kee utrieUfor putt'og up tor- oi toil t tl raiue Mr J." R-' prsr p'nne r n ! e widi Johnson Klug for some tl i r will b- wuli iu -tt u-1 1 ' He will be t. etii'w g wl'.-ii oobve work Wr ,'utriD all work. We bavf r .ek o: toep'pea snd rll-ov et fin St-plpe joiots 1 ce. t, !i "w- so !. W. H- WILSON. J. W. REED Rru'lli A I'ul ru BiiiMiiik. ju2i lw Teleptoue 161. A Jnrinistrator's Notice. H-"-g q'isl'll I ' i-ii-iritor of the iie of I W. Hiell, (Is, Inf.- of vVk ountr. V (V, tliia U rotirv rll iroun 'lavfug clairra riutt tbe ll eetnte f pre sent them to to tSe iio'lersitrind n or before the 8'itn il ! may. 86, or Ibis notice wtll l" ii'enol iu br of their recoverv: "It persons In. lebted t" the s ilil es'ta'e lie eoy rraated to tunk- iminedU'e pay ueut. J "AKtMM, VV N J. INKS. Ail 10 Miv : t, lti os. v Arfuir. Executor's Notice. Havinir qualified as executor f the late B. K. Harp, this is to notify all persons having claims against his es tate to present to me for settlement on or before the 21th day of May, Persons indebted will please make payment. J it. harp, niecuior. J. H. Fleming. Attorney. my93 STOCKS AND BONDS. Orrev'i d w ekly by yVysmr & Kllinotoj. Rosds. Bin. AfKRn. North Carolina 6s 120 " 4s 103 W. X. C. U. 6s 113 N. C. R. R. K rity of Raleigh 6s.l907 107 " ' Os.lHSI JU1 Ral. Cot. Mills,6.1901 104 Car'gh Mills Co,6s, 102 Stocks. Citiiens' Nat. Wank, 122 Nat. Bank of Raleigh, 132 Coin. Hi Farm. Bank, 120 Ral. Savings Bank. 130 Caraleigh Mills Co , 77 " Phos. Works, VU N. C. Car Co.. 95 Raleigh Gas Light Co. 65 Raleigh Electric Co. 127 11)4 114 106 110 102 10.5 124 124 122 135 90 100 100 70 50 M CwliM Comprises tie Tuiversity, the Col lege, the Law and Medicv schools, and the summer school for tearhers. Tuition i'60 : 35 teachers, 471 students Address President Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C. Catalogue aud handboois n University Education. ju20. COOLEST &BFST LIGHTED STORE L THE C1TV- A. B. STROXACH. For June 14th and Week. JUST OPENED A PERFECTLY lOYELY LINE Si'OTOlI LAWNS IN POTS. SPOTS. H I Rll'KS ANI KUiUKES. WARUAN- I Kl VAST fOLORS 6 Cli lS iHK YARD. CREPE CLOTH. Crepon effUin cotton 7 l-2cjd Uk Itrg are exclmive with as 8UI r S -Blue au I bUk serge, (iiPPort,1) 7 oV 9, $!? 5J sol flJ. SSPAKITB COAT tpc. Mohlr, 8. r,e, Li., Da daitera. Mj to 3. Try neofonr $1 miint-r Sultn. ibl-breaatod Srcc t'oi.B nt l hiteor Pancy Out k. Piu.s. P7AVD Tr-PV 'Drapd'eta.SlIk Mohair. Pongee, WHIl'E AND FkNOV V M-Duck. Marseilles. Medford cord. $l n to $1. Til F ", '8n'f nirrl ns'me eiinpM'oi with eiufor I lllj lion that is in suv of tue wrm we.ttli.-r ,. .ti. u.. .uus.yiuin i-nsye too-s you .lou't UNiiiy fl ..t Iu Ihu. cl lutl a Lot f AMERICAN OROANPIE3 AS TO T.nru- AS HANDSOME AS THE FRENCH. 10o YARD. INDIA LINENS. COOL.SW KKT CONCEITS is STRIPES AND FIGURES. 10c YA D. MANCHESTER WOOLEN CHAL LIES, yiMINT AND NOVEL DE- SltfNS. 15,t YARD. SPECIAL OFFERING l' RATISI'E BLACK GROUND WITH C LORED FIGURES. 6c YD a. b. mum, .mm. RALEIGH, N. C. RECEIPTFOR COMFORT If yn want to keep cool this hot wa'ir n I the -', t h- tt' cr-tie e vonreh'-ioe of any nf tbeMw Ightlea un N o.ilv i; .tb t -at nek and : the reteat arl ty bat we are shying uoei.:. that jaa liliaA aalt h w a .tUfan- Is a fit f,'1,'r9,n1V,r ''""'ndc-rr.attnehed, s ' very i.ere for Oar price fiiw IU ..f Ii.- ii .er gr,1,s ', $1 8 . t , , -j pai .. , ,7, ' , , L"' sou. with at;. lied or i c , I .rlnud e(T. ..rCcM ice , ii io wV.1aw;lhwTt,u'r,u,v'cuff4-,'te to th- . t V , . 1X1 1 1VV1IW.0 --wes.r. washables. le to ftO- Vk in whtre else " four"'u,,"tu ! " tu l l,1,h ten ,inle tb variety yoa Cud nay- 'MM Sacrifice ii? Earnest It's really worth whils to visit onr store during our special sale of clothing. Huudreds were in last week, and this week promises ber ter results. Not necessary that you purohase; we want all who are interested to inspect our superb stock of clothing, the largest in the city. Plenty to look at and if yoa are interested yon are sure to see something that will please. Good bargains, Value for your mon-y. ENGLISH CHEVIOT SUITS, BLACK AND BLUE, $7.60. ENGLISri CHE VIOT SUITS, BLACK AND BLUE, $10. These suits are nearly half of what the prices should be. Any gen tleman can tell whether a suit of clothes is cheap at 7.50. See them and you'll kno. Boys' clothing in abuudance. Wash suits, blouse effects, 90c. worth $1.50. Percale shirt waists in stripes and figures. Mother's Friend, Star and other popular brands, 17 cents up. Siraw hats 60o up, all shapes. Summer nndurwear in Game and Lisle thread. Hosiery, gloves and furnishings. Do yon know onr 25c neckwear? ROSENTHAL CLOTHING CO., 106 FAYKTTKVILLB 8T. OPPOSITE P08T0RFICB Rheumatine One bottle of Rheumatine will jcure ore or painful feet. Price 25 cents at J. W. Barber & Sons' Furniture store, Martin street. jul4 lw Thomas & Maxwell Has just received large lot of pine fiber mattresses for people suffering with broncbioal lanf trouble. Men's best gauze shirts, worth 60c; Woolloott sells them tor 85c. June 15. 1605. City papers please copy. W give night calls prompt and careful attention. You push the but ton, we do the rest. North-Side Drug Store. Brick. Parties needing brick for paving or building will find it to their inter est to tfet prices of J. D. Whitaker No. 410 Elm street, before burin, elsewhere. ju20-6lg Linen coats, duck pants, and in fact any kind of men's summer clothing made to order at a very small cost at Wool'cott's. Porch aod lawn settees at cost foi the Dext. 10 days at Thrinns & Maxwell's. Misses' and ladins' cloth gaiters, worth one dollar, selling at 50e. a pair at Woollcott's. We have about SO porch and lawn cettees which we will sell at ccM for the next 10 days. Thomas & Maxwell's. J. F. MlTCHKLi , WOOD WORK AND REPAIR SHOP. Furniture repaired, &c., &e. L Cor. W liniiiirtoii and .Morgan sth. cut Flowers iluuiiurts, Moral D-signs, Paiuis, i ei ns.liosi -s, Geranium. Colei. s.Tube roses, Caunss, etr , for wiiiJ deco rations and outdoor planting, Choice and latest chrysanthemums out. Vines for the veranda. Tomato, Egg, Cabbage and other spring plants. H STKIN.MKTZ. Pbone 113 Plrrist. How to Have a Beautiful Lawn. (Jot the grakS liih iu dry weather aod low hi wet we .tli-r. nt nlwavs sen fliarp iuoer, ho 1 when yoa t i' kIihi-ii ued be sure to send It o 1' F brock 'll ho will make it u j ist hh it did when new HiU"m ii- r I h iv- , .oupl.-te lu-Kihiu- rv for 'liud'rii? aii'l Keriinu thes- rudch;ue. 'bop 2"i 'u Ii cinlis')ury street, near new oter-i luni-e Mm What is nicer a hot night than an ice-cold drink? When out for a walk after tea stop in and get something cooling. jul4 North-Side Drug Store. We guarantee the quality of every, thing we sell to be "equal to any, superior to a great ra iny, inferior to none." North-Side Drug Store There are eight white men to one white woman in India. A no' her lot of mtttiog to be sold at factory prices n-t Ttoniaafc Mxwell'. WE WANT YOU to see and then your own judg ment will tell you what to do. Look at our line of dress goods, trimuiiugs and linings. Also HamburgM aud laces cheaper than ever sold IN RALEIGH before. Ladies gauze vests from 6o up; black hose 6c; nice embroidered hdkfs 10c; balbriggan half hose 10c, r r: cheap at 25c. Shoes and sliypers FOR LADIES and children. A big stork of spring millinery just re ceived. Our prices are the lowest. LYON RACKHTSTORE, 16 Martin street. Sale of Valuable Property. Be virtue of a jii'ltf (u. ur ieo-ler at tlie April term 1895 ol 'eUe c u iy Superior t.iourt. In tlie. r s o' w 0. Barbee agalnn A. 0. P-nu-, .. others, bekif N"o M4,suiuino. s 'lock et cf said court, I will off -r t o sa'e .i th highest Ijtfl ler for o-sh, st potnic auction, at ' he court hone l or h thecltyif Kaicii;'!. N ' on oi day, the ur i ol July 1'9-- the fol lowir g deecrib' lot cf '.u-i situxti d iu G-iroer. "t. Mar -s 'own-hip. Askf county, N 'J- aud b.'Uoded as fol lower: Begiiiuiut; at a stake 0D fett from the oenter ot the N C. K H. track, run s tl1.0 " 1 4 T" chius to s stake; thence s J ' I 16-1'ki chains to a stake- thence b ba w i 11 lfOchaios to a stake; ibcnce n e 1 16 100 chains to the beginning, containing 1-5 of an acre, beinif the lot coDvey ed by E. Hagwocd, executor to John L Coerer, by deed recored in lt.'gts ter's office of said county ia book 1 18, page ' ttJ ARM13TEAD JONES, my25 Coniuiissioner. House for Rent Four room house opposite residence W. T. Woinbie, 686 Esst Hsrgett 8r. Kitchen and garden tiooit well wa ter convenient. Apply to ina!2U tf W. T. WoMBLR. Sale of Land toMakets Asse By authority of a j nlguieut of the Superior court of Waa couuly, made in special proceedings for the sale of land to make assets, eutitled J O. Marcoiu, adniiuietrator of Betty Bry aut, ii ceased, against Louis Bryant su'1 others, 1 will sell on Hlouday tbe I6tu day of July, U9"). at li o'olook in at the court bouse door of Wake county, to t e bighett bidder, a house and lot situated iu tbe city of Raleigh, R. C, in halelgb township, described and bounded as follows: Beginning at a point in tbe north line ol Sooth street. &1 leet. east from the inter section of South and Harrington streets, thence northerly with Har rington street 83 feet; thence easterly parallel with South etreet, lbi feet; thence eontheily. parallel with flar. ring' on street, 83 feet to the north line of South Btree'; thence west along tonth street lti feet to the be g nnlng Boose on tbe lot with tnret rooms and a kit iueu. Terms of sale one-balf cash and bal ance payable in six month.KcoM Comtn ssioner. Jane 14, 1895-tdt. TUT Co's new factory is now i.pen for business. New delivery wagons will be out Monday. Tickets for sale at office of T. L. UDernarat, rres ville street. myl8 tf HERWOOD'S OLID .ERVICE HOES. for Oentiemen, i.aaics, ivtissea ana Children . . have no equal for style, comfort an wear. : 0. A. SHERWOOD & CO. os FayettBTilla 8t Kaleigb, N. C. Matting at Cost. We will commence our sale of mat ting tomorrow at about half price. We do this in order to entirely close out our stock of matting a 40 cent 'matting cannot be bought for 230., a matting pay 18e all remnants from 10 to 15o. Respectfully, Thomas & Maxwell. ENAMEL PAINTS Which canbe applied by any house keeper is the proper thing to i.-a jtify yonr homes, make old tttiinjs look new, and soild things put ou a ne and fresh appearance, WHITiJ, BLUE BLACK ROBIN'S EGG BLUE, &c, 86 eents cn at Watron's Pxture and ART STOKE, Furniture Polish .and Varnish that oan't be beat. ' F.A. WATSON. May 6th tf. " : Wanted. Two or three good salesman to sell pianos and organs, Apply at 13 W. Uargett street, Kaleigh. fi. C, to J.W.Cole. a3 2fie ' Of) ar stecH Our -stock if seWp f rcslfr aid tyiif 11 V- H AJTSff 1 ryyi-7ip siij'i c,ujtt. yoUzt f anje articlf for 9 i

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