" u 111 . 1 LLC J-1. J.. 1L Thfl MdSt topulAr Atrerfloon I Paper -The Visitor. 25c EVENING VISITOR. TO GET AL .liKtuVil NEWSTAKKI Ilh; i ,i ,)r 0 YOL XXXIII. STATE NEWS. IT US OP ALL KINDS FROM ALL PARTS, i The North Carolina Happening Briefly Collated. At Ashevillt the Southern rallwayaad steamship association it holding ses sions. Last evening at Charlotte in fn nt of the Central hotel John D. Am. Id hut David Reeves, the steward of l!.e hotel. The bullet passed through the bud. It Htruck between the tibia nod outside of the Lip bone and ranped aronnd, coming oot about five inches below the right nipple. The wound li serlooa. Arnold sari be did not know Rives and does not know why he shot him. "T. W. Hoghes, Newbern, N. C," was registered at the Benbow hotel at Greensboro Saturday. He who ap peared to be something over 80 yearn of age, said he had no baggage, bit would pay In advanee, which he did. He seemed to be all right and was down in the office Sunday. His pres ence after this seems not to have been noticed yesterday morning one of the servants entered his room about 7:80 and fonnd him de.d. The state press association to be held at Greensboro July 17th and 18ih will be fully attended. The association will hold its meetings in the Odd Fel lows hall. The Brockmann school of music will give a concert complimen Uary to the association, in conjunc tion with the oration and poem by Mr. Webster and Mr. Jyner, respectively. Thursday afternoon an excursion will be taken to Guilford battle ground. Thursday evening a bauquet will be given. Walter Montgomery, an operative of the Charlotte oil and fertilizer works, is suffering from a bullet wound in the leg from a pistol Bred Saturday night. Montgomery has had considerable trouble in the domestic line and his wife has gone with her children to work in a mill to keep away from him. It is said by many that Montgomery inflicted the wound himself, thinking that this would bring his wife home when she heard that he had been hot. Summer complaint and bowel trou bles quickly relieved by Hicks' As tringent Blackberry Cordial, 25c a bottle. Only at Hioks & Rogers' drop a tor. We are selling at a great reduction all kinds of summer millinery, trimmed and un trimmed hats, flowers, ribbons, etc. MissMaoqib Rbbsh, 200 Fayetteville street. IS THIS TRUE? THE STATEMENT IS MADE THAT TdE SOUTHERN Ha Secured Control of the Sea board Air Line. A special f-oin Atlanta today says : ''tor several days it has been a sub-j-ct of common report here that the southern railway ban secured control of the Sal'ard Air Liue system. Seaboard officials bere admit that they understand that the report are correct and they expect to Ion their jobs when the Soutben takes a live possession. The control 1 as beeu secured,, accord ing to report, by the purchase of a purchase of a majority of the common stock of the Seaboard & Roanoke company. "The Seabonid My Klein reaches from Portsmouth to Atlanta, with steamship lines from Portsmouth to Baltimore, New York, Providence and Boston. The railway mileage is about 850 miles. The Seaboard lias been mak ing a costly fight on the Southern and it is stated that theSoutharn considered it oheaper to buy its rival than to light it." The news contained in this tele gram flew fast. 8. A. L. people de nied it. Col. A. B. Andrews, who is viee president of the Southern, said when he read it that there was no truth in it. It is no secret that the Southern would like to buy or acquire control of the S. A. L. and would go to great lengths to carry out that objeot It is equally true that Raleigh needs both roads and it is the opinion of most persons one hears talk that their con solidation would be a very unfortu nate thing so far as business interests are concerned. This afternoon vice-president St. John was seen at his car. He said: "There is no truth whatever in the re port. Ton can say that without ques tion. The statement that the 8. A. L. men at Atlanta did not deny th re port rauHt be due U the fact that they were silent There are only clerks at Atlanta and they are not in a posi tion to know of suoh a matter, I as sure you of the inaccuracy of the rumor." Attention is called to the advertise mena of Alex. Kreth, who does scour tug and cleauiug and has celery plants for sale. 100 empty whiskey bbls for sale julll lw Ed. V. Denton. Our stamped linen table covers, silk and fringes to match, all at reduced prices. Miss Maquis Ribsb, jul8 lw Raleigh, N. C. mi mis SLIT.". "MAKE HAY WM TOf BARGAIHS INNUMERABLE. Crops abundant and Harvesters display fine judgmeut reaping the benefits of OUR INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALES DRESS GOODS,: DRESS GOODS,: CLEAN. BRIGHT. FRESH AND NEW STAPLE. MOURNING AND NOVELTY DRESS GOODS All Wool, Wool filled and silk mixed in the smooth, fancy and rough weaves, at prices positively less than elsewhere in the city. Investiga tion has already proved this. Comparison always doe it. BEFORE you buy SEE for yourself. Not much money in it for us it is rue, but there is some satisfaction in leading the town with the lowest prices ever named for a like quality of goods. WASH GOODS, WASH GOODS, The murderous prices we place on all kinds of light summer weight materi als for Dress, such as Printed Lawns, Dimities, Organdies, Ducks Piques, Dotted and Figured Swiss, India Linons, Cbeok Muslins and all kinds of white goods, is done to CLOSE THEM out, at the game time they f urnisn a Roy al Treat to the "Stay-at-Homes." Knit Underwear for Summer. All kinds, quality and sites for gentlemen, ladies and children, Negligee S iirts, Ties, Soarf s etc, at PRICES CUT to make quick work. LADIES, MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S OXFORD TIES, At prioes the lowest ever named for such qualities. They must be sold HOLD BUUGURS VISITED A RESIDENCE AND FRIGHTENED LADIES, , Hut Were Frightened Away Be fore They Expected. Late last night burglars entered the residence of Mrs. Montgomery, corner West Hargett and South llarringtou streets. They got in a wiudow of the itting room. The people living near ere aroused by the screams of four dies in the house. M inter William Mcl'heeters was one of those who heard, and arming himself with a pistjl he hasteued to the bouse. Sev- ral shots were fired at some persons who were seen running. The muddy foot prints of the bur glars were found on the carpet in the itting room. They were in fact very much in evidence. It is not discov ered that they succeeded in carrying ff any property. Detective, alarm nd Bight came too quickly to give the bold burglars any chanoe of suc cess There are daring thieves he.e, who do not In the least mind break- ng into a house, and a caieful wat:b n premises ought to be kept. "Imported direct from the East." Da ecribes our stock to a "T." WB OFFER THIS OT the beginning of the tea season one pound of roioest BLEND PURE TEA tad 3 lbs Granulated Sugar for 60a. JJUtill 9, BALL, RALEIGH, X. C, TUESDAY, JULY 10, lS0r. 1IEVKMJE SEIZURES. REMNANTS. Hiss Maud Merr'mon returned to- day from Asheville. Chief of police Heartt gives notice that dog tai is due. Mr J. W. Bailey's name appeals today at the bead of the editorial columns of the Biblical Reoorder. A young woman named Rons Ray employed at the hosiery yarn mills was the victim of an accident Satur day. Two fingers were torn off by the machinery and two fingers crunhed. The pump on Went Lane street op posite the blind institution is out of order. The water is impure and the people cannot use it. This should be remedied. The copyists who are preparing the lists for the abstraot of the title com pany are nearly through with the work. The judgment dooket remains to be copied. There are about 1,5C0 udgments since 1855. Two transfers of Raleigh property were recorded at the register of deeds office. H. J. Young sells J. O. Brown a lot on Cannon street for $400 John Pugh Haywood sells Ben M. Moore a ot at the corner of Sooth McDowell and Manly streets. A telegram from Lexington sayBtbe people there are quiet, though yet talking of the great trial. The state ment that trouble is feared is, so par ties from Lexington state, unfounded. The matter is believed to be ended. Shemwell was on the streets yester- day, arranging to move out to bis farm. Dr. and Mrs. Payne have left for Black Mountain. Some persons say Shemwell cannot live in Davidson ounty. : A r.EGI3r&RT) DISTILLERY SEIZL'D YESTERDAY. ' Two Veteran Moonshiners I.oxe a Still in Chatham County. Deputy collector Woods has upon orders from collector Simmon seized the large registered vthinkey distillery of W. R. Seat, at lliK), View. Thirty one b.rrels of whiskey were seized there. The seizure is made by reason or th- fact that Seat f -tiled to pay tax on hie liquor. Deputy collector Kridr seized a 50 gallou illicit distillery near Bellevoir, Chatham county. Lewis Marley and Henry Perry, t.i veteran moonshin ers ou whom the ..ffi-ete would like to get then li.tiiits, oviie,i ihin outfit, but they escaped a usa-i!. Seteial times their stills Lave he-u destroyed I ut they quickly fct luto busiues again. Deputy collector Sbelburn reports the seizure of two buggies, two horses and a lot of contraband whiskey. He made these suixure iu the town of Durham. A MO Mi THE iELAVAKi:S The Crop of (hi Ever Popular Urapn in Very Lur;re. One of the prettiest, spectacles any where iu this vicinity is Sir. Bilyeu's vineyard of Delaware grapes. He has in it 8,000 vices of that 'nseions grape, in ull hearing, and 4,t .')) young vines a -e coming on. He ban another vine yard Wfst of the state experiment farm, this also being of Delawareg, the queen of talJe grapes. It is a sight to see the vines, so heavy are they with their burden of graptg. Some of them weigh 15 pounds. Mr. Bilyen has Fold 10 pounds from one viue for $1. He estiraales the receipts f,r an acre at J500. The expenses will be $100. this not including his ltbor. This is the best record he has yet made. But his viues have never been so f ally fruited as they are this season Dels a ares resist rot better than any other grape. But few are affected. There are two kinds of rot; tbe early ordinary rot and the sour rot. It appears that electricity has i methiog to do with the latter kind. L.ist yearthe first shipment of grapes by Mr. Hilyeu was made July 23, on'y one day later than the first from South ern Pines. This season the first ship ment is expected to be made about July 25 The Shemwell Case. The Greensboro Record says that the following comments were heard after Shemwell was acquitted: "David son had as well nail up its courthouse doors and shut up shop. The county has no need of courts." "It's evident Shemwell' s acquittal cost him a round sum. ; Whether any of the jurymen got any of the money or will get any may never be known, yet it will be difficult to make people believe some of them were not well paid for their work." "It's a farce and an enaouragement for lynching." "Could a man hire that jury, cage them up and start in the show busi ness, charging an admission of 50 cents a . head exhibiting them, he would make a fortune." Public opin ion has been outraged as well as jus tice. The next time a man U shot there will be a lynching. It is evi dent olass distinction played an im portant part in the acquittal The middle classes were made to believe that (he Paynes were aristocratic, au toorat'c and were of the rule or ruin sort, while Shemwell was held up as one of the common people who would not bow his knee to them. With such ideas fastened in the brain of a fool there could be no other result." William Jolly, the white' man who had trouble with his wife and who has been in jail, was released this .morn ing on payment of oosta amounting to $38. DOTS AND DASHES. The THE EAT11EK (he Fore- Conditions and cast. Forj North Carolina: Fair. Local forecast for Raleigh and vi cinity: Wednesday fair, slightly warmer. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 m: Maximum temperature, 68, minimum temperature, Oil, rainfall 1.79. The barometer has fallen over the south Atlantic states since yesterday. it is slightly lower over all the Atlan tic states since yesterday morning. Slight changes in pressure hive also occurred in the northwest. But the general., conditions have not changed greatly since yesterday. There is a large irea of low pressure over the northwestern states, while the pressure 'continues-''- comparatively high over the south Atlantic coast and the gulf region, Light rains oo. curred yesterday at a large number of stations iu tbe south. The heavi est rain reported was 1711 inohes at Raleigh. The conditions are favora ble for a day or two of fair weather, with southerly winds and moderately hifh temperature. Ask a Lower AssossaV nt. Vice president St. John, his wife aad bis stenographer, arrived here early this morning iu president Hoff man's car of the 8. A L, and at 3:40 this afternoon left for Asheville While here he and division superin tendent Moncurs went to the office of the railway commissioners and asked for reduction of the assessment of the S. A. L. Mr. John D. Shaw, attorney of the road, also addressed the com mission. President Samuel Henajoy of the Egypt railway also requested the commission to reduce the assess meat on hit toad. PICKED UP IN RALEIGH AND VICINHY. The Happenings of a Day Told in I.iiile Space. Mr. Walter Scott it building a 5 room cottage on SiuilhOeld street. Next week work begins uu the r--ervoir at the lueane x luro. Mr. Sylvester P. Petniugtou is bnild ing two cottages on '.Vest Davie xtieet near South Salisbury street. Mr. J. X. Holding is building a cot tage near the corner of South Salis bury and West Cabarr as streets. Last uight'x raiufall was eicessive Raiu was not needed in this section. The high wiud blew do.tn some com. Mr. U. L. Liudsay .f Rockingham county is uow a clerk in tbe office of the state tieasurer. He was an assis taut clerk of the lant legislature. Maj. A. M. Lewis and family go to Louisburg tomorrow, to be abseuttwo weeks Mrs. R. 0. Lewis and her sou Robert accompany them. Misses Minnie and Ethel NorriH, and .Viss Lucy Montgomery, of Con cord, were at the Central hotel, Char lotte, yesterday. No place in the state Las batter or cheaper ice than Raleigh. Here it is half a cent a pound at Wilmington three quarters of a cent. Mr. Ellington, of Wynne & Elling ton, left today for a trip to the Cum uock coal mines and to Jackson springs. Many merchants have failed to list their purchase tax. Register of deeds Rogers found one case where a mer chant had not paid this tax in five years. The young lady copyists who have for two months made the office of the register of deeds more attractive than it ever was before, have all save two departed, 'i heir work is nearly done. Mr Jesse A. Jones has news from Snow Hill that Mr. Rufus E. Best, a prominent citizen, aged 50, fell from his road-cart Sunday and was instant ly killed, the fall breaking his neck. Editor Henry A. London was here oday on his way to Greensboro to at tend the annual meeting of the state press association, which he says has about 75 or 80 members. Mr. George Allen says there is no T. W." Hughes of Newbern, and that there must be an error in the ini tials of the man who died suddenly at Jreensboro yesterday. He knows a Thesdore Hughes of Mobile. ('apt. H. P. Williamson has a letter from his son, Mr. Bailey Williamson, now living in Texas, saying that farm ers in the interior of that state have ao big a corn crop that they expe t to see it sell for 10 oents a bushel. The Wilmington Ilevew makes s fair hit when it says: "The Durham LUht Infantry will go into camp on the coast near Norfolk tomorrow night. There is no seacoast spot in North Carolina available for military en campments, and hence this company is forced to go to another state for sea room. Mrs. Arrington now says she has it on good authority that some lawyers report her to be oraxy, but she de clares she does not wish to be made to appear craxy until after her case ends. She adds that when she finds she can't get justice she will "hire a hall," and then tell her story, from beginning to end. State librarian Ellington says that after comparing the certified list of magistrates now on file in the office of the secretary of state, with the pub hshed list he , finds in the list which was printed by Stewart Bros that in 260 cases the names of jus tices have been changed, or printed incorrectly; eighty-five names not shown on the certified list in the office it the secretary of state have been added to the list; terms of office have been change! in eighty-nine cases; six names on the certified list have been dropped by the printers, and do not appear on their printed list. ; This makes 400 changes. All these appear in a 91 page aooendix to the ' journal. No. wlij r TUEK.Ht ;.M K VKti that not it m . The only r'-'v t that tkn.k ot tMiiK of Ted has nev-r li- i Hi-. ii, ti.. , ; We hare IiuokIiI 'i f t. : it curate uufco ami it-'l i; : . t: l prices. TIIOS. 11. BUIOGS & SONS RALliiGII, N. 0. ROCM-iVIAKiHO PECUL r vfisi ia t. Special i.r Ki,! ti 1 ' . I S !ilS tijs V 'AH Shown on tihU-'A DRESS GOODS. Printed SilkStripaCi HIGH CLASS NOVELTY COTTON:1 -SW1VKL -SWIVEL SILKS,' SILKS, 'VHITE DOTTED SWISS Ail sLIN. J MEN'S DRAWERS, MEN'S DRAWERS. lEN'S NECK TIES, 0 MEN'S If Ai K HUSK, W.H. & R.S.T CO THE WATEIt Wvhtivi, V.m.. Motions Argued in Court The superior c .ui i i 'his at'ternoiui j i,.- he bmch.. The sp 1 lit1 N tt 1 1 1 1 . lit! rt i 4 . ; I V .Hut',, onaideration was the hiim'i,.i, ufc. ui.-'- tel for the Rmeili walm ij :u, f i new trial, ana th i-i-tet ,c ; r Pou that so heavy a tiue '. it... posed by the court as to tore llirr xunpany to remove dam unl drain ts pond which hn -been 'jud'ciaPv teclared to be a umsanc- Kx-judt;e Whitaker that tli, ourt inaki.t such alluwauuo to the . - pert witnesses as ;is I u.iutfhl prnpri. I'he judge allowed $10 ad j ami mil ige Mr D.y shkoi! iIi:u die. etai- bear half the cosu. u, iinn t Ui- -licitor ttl'jocted. . The. jud.v -uii'i hi- lid not think tun. m-iik - -.co.ii.U- should pay am eostt.. As Tub Visiima g iet to .pn'.H them- ia argument on Mr. Wli.t i i,- qnest that the cou.t .-.lup.ise -a h. aty . line so as to lHH;.e Die brmMux the dam; or that it the- dnieiid:n.: agrees to break the data brt vi c.i 20 and Dec. 5, not to .i -e thf.w.tter it.t pumping, and not to appeal. Unit tl,. fine be a penny au. I costs. The judjre makes t '.e line? lil.iimi Ives seedling claret vi'ui, i..l nv very tine, for sale at the C-intra-1 i-'a. at 50 cento per gallon. .1 Woollcott has a . tew tu.ii.; . r.imt will interes you it v u ci,.a; ti en store. Dress goods of nil descrip tions. A complete liue ut l iOies' uu ier wear at a very low price nl .ti cott's. Duck and lia-n sui.s ui.i.if I.; oi.lcc and they fit too, at vVooili-.m m, 4ients gauze shu I f, goo..l oioin f..i 25 oents each. . VVooilc.ill & S...it. 6 ' r i I' a m ,.!.;....: A nice line of gents' latjit lour ;.i t band ties at Woulicou'e. i r

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