TO" LET. LET 1-6 RnDvallin?, on Hirri-ton atrojt, 5 sqjuo? fom the.capitol. : 1-6 Roam Drvellin on Jcn9 street, mir D, and D.asvlum; cood well of wit;v. 1-8Room Dvve.lin.-on Edontm rtroC. 1-2 square from capUol; n cov . nja. 1-5 Room Dwelling on Rhunt afoot. 2 squares beyond Govern u's sti .rRof,mdwetliriror Ulcunt streei. u Duiimnsiuw iui. sua iieni Cu .ad will be glad to .how yoo. any of the abo.e a. EVEUUP. VIS.iTO R- .HJBLIMIUU tYTRY AFTERNOON, thuicpt Sunday) EVENING VISITOR 1HJB CO. THE VISITl R. r' fii'ri in t,ie S ienU pet iiumlli. I'fitei lr nuilinc 3 V year. r cents per niunih. OtlUe-Up-s over Mr. J. Hal Bobbitt s Dm. Store, 2nd lloi-r. W. M. BKOWN. Pk., M'g'r, Ualeigh, N. C. J Thi. doe. not -iu!u,.e the nHti-f pop- ulation of AlasU., which is ! aie 1 tin.tlr dWxiniil .r type t- rath' Amer ican Indian with all Li" utaMousof physiognomy and irib.l peculiarities. It in orpriiiik ' '').. f.-ntler fresh bit a lvra' pro. portion of our iinlian support them f jvments. N . 1) West Uargett struct. We iiiam o.U-t trom tlie S. A. L portion oi our jumiuu uj-r."-. . ... . . - ,.., Ue oi I .1 . i.t'itv a 1 1 ..I l"ivv".i pr;..'.. in aehe without aid fi.m the R ,1,.,..;, (lU, ,., 1U ;,v uiit....l ment. The nil i.bertt these ,. ,r ,l.-lii.rv n m .pi.u" '.v.. porhng Indian- :.i ti.r "-;!'-gate i , J-':S 4c rO'.VUL-. 212 900. Tber.:e 131 i" ndiaua j . living on res .'i ?. . rly all j Pqj nti3S these who earn tU:i -.n Ii i g do so , . , ,..-,.,:;,- . . . Steam - i!. '1' ' ' oi.ior-. in ju.iiiiy by agncullurii ;uruii. -. wuitu the women ha tf l iVa . i the re- aultH I fred" A. OLDS, Editop The BUpremt- court of California has decided tbafp ker-plajing for mon 7. l,oweTrobjctinaL.le in fact, is in a ..f tl.M law as innocent as Marvi fn- ' " ! Trom a lc tt -r vntt-:i by Khv. J. Gunderinan. ol I'liii. l i -. Uirh., we are permitted . maie tb;-. t-i tract: ,-l hav.' no hesitation in re "" mending Dr. Kinir'a New Discovery. the re- Halts were alvtv mnr e in tin JONES & POWtlt. K.-.lciyh As-'t.'s. iro.i GrrxliL llav. M il Jhi.' ;. t.atl. to JON t S POWELL, Kale sh. N C. . ' on. daved forrecrea-'caof m.v wif-. While I xw. pastor chesa or an, gn.e ply-a the ISaptist .-hurdi at hi junction t,on. and if votary and the pUc. ( ,,,umuill j P V' $ t?S where it in played are not cnminal. Smoeediug 1 leiriLle B , frtSlJ " paroivama of coughing would last TY 1 f Vl Ti,i.eoi)l..f this state who look at 'hours'with lit le interm,,: i. u and it , A SlfiL C ..f-lrvandsay seemed aa if -lie could survive -A! I JUUMV fe- the matter d.spasH.onately say and say r,cml...... ),d Dr. , ktfLl'V !V i.. .i... ,.. unittl of Sheuiwell x-.... t: i,.t in n J J: V truly that the equittal of Mieinweii, KiD,f,g Nrtw Di,covery5 it wo- lj-'k iu the slayr -f lr. Payne at Leiington, I itH work highly satisf.i -toiy in . i it Uaimh ca-1 rMunlts " 'I'liai bottles free a' John . """'.ker .JL. dru. store. lUgalar aes as uns uii ' 50 aad ij .H..ide say almost with one nco-.u that it was Shem.vell's money which i.i,. nred his unrighteous acquitui Tl.xf. ..n.iiltal marks a Uistinct step backward. It lowers the value of jury trial. It leads evidently to a re turn to the old Mosaic law oi u STOCKS AND SOUDS. Corrected weekly by Wynne & Ellis uio.t. Bosns. Asked. 127 104 in 100 110 103 105 124 124 132 2 135 00 ioo j g 100 70 60 Mothers Friend" MIKES CHILD BIBTiLiKI. Uin urn i,' iii" - iitint. .tu n,l a tooth for a tooth." It vOTth Carolina 6s li3 1 ... i - I .. id:: J 1 - K ' a noilM X EUUll 1 - " " leads lo juage - - u3 Yhich terril la and borriDle asitiayet . I .... " n.i..:i, .. lOii? lir: makes lew erroi. uiym nioiguu-, - I Os.iri'.'j 1UI m... ..i ;,t- f,f the negro pop-1 di Mills. rts. 1901 liU ... inrrrtnseR afl fast 1 Car' irhMill8Co,6s, 102 nation oi uie - STOCE. ., the mhii, er even taster. - CHlwM, Nat. slik. 133 neou if the figures given by Dr. H Nst Bank of K,igh, 123 f aussare of Charleston are to be cred- Com & Farm. iaDk, 1U0 Hed. He says that IM aea.u 6- . the blacks is much larger man ... U of the sooth-1 rn cities, and that the biacn city poF- Raieigh lias L,'gni. v.-j. o.. ' Ji oltrt. I P.Uiirh Klei'tric Co. olation woald soon ius-' 1 o- - ther if it were not for th access inns from the country. The increas ;,.li nation of the negroes to move t.n ill cause a large decrease. be argues, during the next decade; and his figures seem to jaunty m. '. r - - .1 Colvin,LaMDro.2, lbtw.-ijwuu u.ou L,n.i...t'n, movement I uAnmimo wniTi'.m vAfnvA hap third 1MB unnsunu jvuuoo...-. auiuiuio . f i ,unrl Me in 1S81, 1 jonflnement, and says aho would not o or einated at Portland, file., in w 1 . i,..-. of dollars. I VILNUUI Kit tVl and at the end of the first year a con- DOCK MILLS vention was held there with two hun-l , cn rwipt of i prire. 1J0 per bot- dred delegates, yet thi. year at Boa- "XoMo , 4. ... n.. RO mf). reuresenting an I .w' ..u. 0uai.T. rtvrA, o I1IU liuciu f I w - m- Aggregate mem. ert-hip of over 2,500, 000. This record of growth is unpre cedented in the history of religions or any other kind of organizations. In the comparatiTely short period of 14 years the order b .8 attained propor tions surpassing those of any of the fraternal societies of the country, h as the Masons the Odd Fellows, the Grand Army 1 f the Republic, tha Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor It is excelled in numerical strength only the two flreat political parties, and by the KO' man Catholic and ProteBtantchnrchea "If President Lincoln, in 1861," aaya the New York Recorder, "had is an order for the auminary shoot inr of every Confederate soldier capt ured in arms, all Europe would hav. interfered to prevent au.h an outrage on civilization.1' According to re ports from Cuba Gen. Campos baa is- Hiid iust such a savage order, ana eme of the most inlluential paper, in this country declare that if he abides lv it the United States should call h w down. There is a point where the American people will cease to be neu tral, and that is when the laws of civ. ilUation and humanity are violated If the Cuban insurgents are to be hun ted, captured and .hot like beasts, there are plenty of American, who will sav the sooner we recognize them as belligerents and accord them bel ligerent rights the better Tho br?t 5S.00 f.'sr'a Shoes on iVe maikct Mado from tannery calfskin, done. i.a toi, ail uatlit r trinu.ied, solid Ip-at-i r ,L w-th Lewis' Curb Fulod . l?s. Uncquah'd i"r tieiuty, tine wor.:r. - - i ship, and woaruv qt.ilit.e.. You- '! of all tho popuiav toos, lasts and v F.vrv rf'r ror.tiin paid-up Ac'- j . - ..1. ... llUk nnA i ,V , dent insurance roncy io W uays. Wear Lewis' Accident InfUIJW Shoes, and go insured freo. SOLD SV WJk-iiv in i Bros A . 'wFR A.P S, Agt. of the German Electric Belts for the cure of rheumatism, sciatica, weak lungs, lame oa, y!''"V'"" I .m a rrlve Kaleiftb : ease, rer.ous . deniiny, - , -nailv. .-Atl. Seaboard Air-Lino. OOiSDGWSKD BOaiiUULE. IB bkkkct May S, '5. Train. Lev- Kalelgh, 1 Wi M I'ally, "Atlanta Hpoel il. I Oiituan t Biiiuie iu uereon, WtMou, Peters burg, Kicha:ond, Wi-.hl':-ton, Haltltuorn, Piillfulel. pliia, New VoK and nl nnlmi nnrth. HufTet tlra initronrn aleepers and Ptii! ruu coaches Atlanta to Washington, parlor cir Waabington to Mew York Pullman Sleeping car Mon ro to Portamontl. lUlAM-iyiy for nenuersou. " folk, Portainonth. INorlol mid intermediate stations, connects at Porfaiuon'b with Hay Line for Old Point and tfaltiuiore, with ?ior foiBandWaFhtug'oa -iiexw boat Co., for WaliingUa v v. P At N'. it R for PhlUdei)bia an;! points north; also at Weldon with Atlantic Coast Line for Bijhuiond, wasiuugiou, L. I.L.inrl V 1 1 i I Kit el KQiS sod ew York.. Through v.h..i.u to New York aul with Scoiian.i ISeoK Branob lor wreu ,!,!. '.Val.ini'OU e.ud Ply- mouui. Puiiman sleeker Atlaut.i ty PorLsmonHi. " 0 ui,un Vtlbu le ror So. Pints, Uauilet, Mouro, Ohester, Clinton, tireeu. AtiHilta, IkiOUtgOlUei J, lilv)" bile, i.e Orle.ns Uhatta nooija, NashvUie, 'uitiupbl aul all points souiu uu southwest. TiiiougU Puu Uiuu jiufet Sleepers and dny coacbes Wasbingtou to At.i.nfu i.nnnAe.tiuff direct- in o llnlmi ilonot Atlanta ijf ai -7 .. man sleeper Portsmouth to Monroe. I ... 4 1 it frr Boutneru riu""i imiu.-.. Malt o.n, Vilaiingtin, OjAnaVnrn Monroe. Otiar- irauvnw..., , lotte, Lincolnton, Shelby, V If Puro Dm,;: 9 oo-o-oo O c i XH- O-OOOOOOOO A. vs. AliDEN I Fine ED.S Cigar8' -,.H ooo-0000 000000 h i.ecorue and gone( mv;.-s and accustomed j v it b' hooves us to turn : lu v Tl l io)-i: of seed should ktep I 1 .Mi '. liBrr ant items: I k. ".-1 ve a .i maae of one and) .el" i'.v telrbrated and re-. lit : S 1 00000 r-fc K holesaj 1 and Retail Ki or.iST .D SEEDSMAN, , fJ.Kl'.'H, N. C. c - 000000 1 lotte, Lincolnton, Bbelby, Y T 0 -o. gnand' $oaiiy PJ-X -r'?,?tiOH?s Points south. V persana V I raiUB ,.tl.,nto Hlr.! I'.:... a .ff,,m i rears 6 80 A M-i'a y, r t A. ,1 L ... xA 1. I with rheumatism i goi cureu 1. ing the Klectric Belt. No. 4 Kast Davie, secona aoor io.iu Fayettville street. 271 " M ' If . x- , T9L : fcMia'.ViBod:'.':..! Ektubbb to the Indian bureau show n airBreeate population of aborig wUin the entire country of 248,253., PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASoivJM Wakes Marvelous Cures In -Blood Poison Rheumaiism and Scrofula SURE , O ..1.1. 'iVrnhi.n'l! IUHlM1!:iriT 1 lion ot l!imu.rit. A lK vor u.i '.'i,! l nr.- f.-r 1 tuw evei j nature an.l iIok U " "IJ". with 111.. kiUfe or iBj-eltcw. of .w h.vll. Ulch resultir.g in .Irath, om .:. Why ei3ur this terrlhle cnen? Vt ?, Bu-,i?t fc5 .imi-ttta received. l f'11 8ent aja11- . i ..I 1.. .ir ri.ii.lll, uuaraiiwwB ibpu.-u j ..... . IVipm-nnt I.IVK.R M.d STOM ACH KEOl'LATOH nod : . .r...1miirn, ii umioi 7111.1 farm nis tike, ygpeeialiy aditwl lor children's im. 6U A eeuu. . , 'inaBANTKKS lmd only ov Pimnlec Rlntr.hP.P. -? and Old Sores 3 Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Inm, the greatest blood purifier on Are eiUln-ly rtucneJ P.J'.P. -Prtc Imn, aarth r. t etr- . . Tn'.w O, 1 Q01 Mekhs. LicpmaW Bbo.. BnTannan. Oa. : DhahSipj I bou-it a tioUle or f our P. P. P. t Hot, 8pi -ium. Ark., dU than rtoromo morn ko(,1 thnn three month' at t!. e Hot Springs. Send three lottl C. O. D. Aberdeen, Brown County, O. 'r-..:.: Wo-ltmlld8np V : - pl-J. D. JotnMon. fi'.-'.lh :il. fflvftfl jj ., -.-MsMi. Y hArtw r ,i!:ene.i Ufcvee, ejpele wuf, , the) nr-nderfi'l priierUe i -actio piUir 4'.th and "J , ., ,or orul,tnns of the skin. I i ;.!.... alekoesa, teo&T . ,trl,a(i for rMreral years with an on- ffiA2rtSa 0 Directory. Nam i orK. ruiiauetpui"! u Baltimore, Washington, Avr00-C 0 ri u Knrr uiiiciii , it. w K. UUlilMUUi a v i . nf-nltr And all lKLUtb A . . north. Parlor cars ew vtr m wawiuncrron: run man Buffet Hleepeis anil day coaobes wwrnugtou t.n Atlauta. tv.iIm lw.m north via Bay Line N. i. P. n K K.. aiao irou. ttreenvllle, Plymouth, Washington ana jcaBieru r..Ai unliitR via Wei UOJVllu- I" - - don,Petersburg, Bicbwoud a it V , , rr f r. r finil I M 1 1 11 1 r north via Atlantic cohhi Lice, Bleepers 11 ew mra iu U a MAtl 101 . rlally. "Atlanta Special,' . 1.. ' or.11, nun Vearlbnle. troib I ... A.I A Kl.Di I 1 Atiauia, ttuiBut,vuv...... ttrtenwooa, unesiur uu nnint.a Rontb.' Pullman Uaj coaches anu -gleeper 4-a n waani ni7Lou. 11 26 A M Ually Irom W i 1 m 1 n g t on, 1 " uhoihv. I.inoolntcn. Otiar- lotte, Atlanta and poiuiB BUUVu- xt. jm,i .im "Atlanta Special.' InQ, o nu- are solid Pullman vestlbuled trains, xx-1 Al It a IT-ll I Ill-ttU I. UOIuv".uvu OOIUUUBCU v o - , . ... andTalwc drawing rooms But'et ' . . A; nak r ...All Ullll sleeper, peiwteu nwi"- ---Atlanta without change, on there is no eitra iare ourg. For information relative to .ched ale, c, appiy w "v J OooKe, . r a , t? a Kin vice rrestiv ui t H Winhkr. General il iuager T. J." Ahibbso, Gen'l Pass. Agent V K. McBbb. Supt. Transportation Tnatofr pecialfyoX stamps. . o :o'ooo- oooo GSS'I ' tss BEST. Take the Visitor. AMOMiH, $3.00 PER Y i 1 1 ii Washing Your Eyenjjjg AnxMU. iiku HLL-ai,nan. .x. tatter ".:: '-"'. h.4 erynlnelae. i skip rancr CureJ. bwi'SS S!xar,!,l:T.,j.r n.iv,- f.oauiTe, iyTfvj xr v ayj..- 7.1, i t: : J. i v.iim-.:i nsllotwa. r ,:. ' . . . i 'inv tr; t tout p P P. Ladlei. whose yte ".P0," fnowp as 'Kin oT.o' or.of f o.ty years O ami who WooU l h. "Xf.SP'S. iuVrtfr., wiA f..a.1 Kr. relle : It gm. tlon..lnotome-in ImfMarV': 1,. Mood ana r.,pvesli!r- "JT are neoi.llarty henett.. hf Vne Won fitatlon fri;tn tho seat of tuo disease 59 O dorral I..iIojii4IW,, ind prevocu. anv nr..a.!in of the p p. P.-Pnuatt Alb, Poke r4i i UBV,mki3nftvoornixbottie Boot an 1 Potasslom. ' nd feel that another rourse . .m O ..I' h.k ihoi. will effect cure. It has aim reliever o., ,ntu. Mo., an. Uth. ISUi , ,,,. r,.,lu .a;..n and atomaob -sr loan In the l.Ilit terai""' troubit Yaurs truly. , , ,y 5."..?. nlinrtw aid rh.aioatlsn, tor saSSSrara? m m mm Free. C rari trloj -very tnown ri-meoy witn- .j oa7hndlo rcllet. I Jave oolytokeo AT- DlOTOOISTa PBLL IT. - , . " SI PSS-lsi LIPPMAN BROS. loaareoomrnendyotirmcdielnetoaU PBOPBIETOK3, O t .ulerer. of the above rti;ea. . nuroitiuM, . - ,,.59kM MA- Mn. UpwmaBBloek,Savnnah,Oa Bpringfleld. Green Ocnnty, Mo. . OB Clothes. 4 PAP4R FX. T.L KM Ein days of old I your good moth. HjW S TH I M did it and you had no fault to lino. J ,v.0!k When it comes to laundering your soil- TO V,,: ed linea i ' v sj '.wo&. ADVANCE TAB INTEREST OF BAtEieH TO v BEPOBT ALL INDUSTRIAL. r-i t i t.n r T r I aWia Miaw-awsB. It will contribute, by It. advocacy of Progressive Ideas of Business, U make Raleigh a prosperous uaanufaatDrlng eenire, a model of comrnerelal enterprise, and the most prosperous CITY IN THB SOUTH. Its .mall price will attract anbsorlben. . , ,. in i r. . lia real merit, win uiwkc mm popalar favorite. SUBSCRIBE FOB THE V ISITOR We Will Be a Mother to and the peifect satisfaction we guar- autee will mase you tnina oi mono happy days of old. Discard safety pins! , Away with batchelor battons' i The Oak City steam laundry u, s on buttons and tape. OAK CITY STEAy LAUNDKY, U R. Wtatt, Phon.87 .Proprietor TxRUR The minion of THK VI Hi')?, wui x.' , be iu the iuture, . h it L6 One year, inside the city, been iu the pst, One week, " " .One month," TO ELEVATE L.B07. .One year, outside the city, kOne week, " ' " , xo ' One month, - . niMka f Iaiii nnr. nrnnth PUBLISH ALL POKE NEWS. ! Pontage paid at this office. IS 00 09 M (IN 06 IB . 11 0 : TO . INTEREST READ si US QF ALL CLASSS Address, EVENING VI8I A 4 Jai: l"l.

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