DUKE Cigarettes v - IsIGARETTESv 7"- .o -i B?'fiMninvicuc nee 11 1. Y7 .... - maoc rnoM High Grade Toireo ABSOLUTELY PUrTE TOOK! Easily, Quickly, Penrznsatly Restored. MAGNETIC KERViKESraSSlJrt: imtoreLott Manhood. Cure weakiicaaoe, Wnrvoua Debility nnd all the eviln f mm enrh or lator ex cesses, the results of overwork, worry, eickneM, etc. roll tnrcurth, tone and development Riven to everr organ or portion of tlie hoar- linprove meutiinineuiately eenn from the brat box. Thoue ada of letters of praise on uVia ourorHoe. Can be oarried in vest pwket. tvnt by null to an ' addraeaonreeeiptof price. One noi:th'a treat merit in each box. PnceSI.(,6uoxi-a,5.oi),with Written Goarantoe to rofnad money if not eared ttend to o for the Uenuiue. t'lroulure Tree. John. Y. Hr.uXa, I)rjngi9.. a-deli, N.O. W.L. Douglas S3 SHOE flT FOB A KING. 3. CORDOVAM, 4.3.m Fine. tAifftXANawwo. 3.5f PCUCE.3 50i.E3. Mrtf. WORKING!. .EXTRA TINE- '- 2.l.7?BCYS'SCfi0fllSH3a LADir.3- SEND TOR CATAIJG.'C r''JOCKTO.'U'VASS. Over One Million leople near the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes are equally .;ii!sfactory They give the beet value tor the money. They equal custom shoe 1 1 vlr ited tit. Their wearing qualities are tir'ourpassrd. The prlcca are uniform, --stamprd .i sole. Prom $ to $j auved over ntnnr mrkes. If your dealer car.not supply you vre caii. Sold by helled rases. (on 11 (via Chamberlain'i Bye nud Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Erw-n.-i, Xeter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eyes and G .-annlatvd Eye Lids. For sale by druggists nt 25 cents per box. . TO EOBSlTeWN EBS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked hor&e. 25 tents per package. For sale by druggists. TH GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Cure a in 1 ! 4 dure. Im mediate in t flfi l. : nmck to core. (Ian he (nm-.-J in vest rwtckot. all complete in one Hent by mail, pn-pjiid, plain package, on receipt of prwe. i 1 per box. For sale by John Y. McUue, drug gist. - PIGEON I2V . hi I Then tiny ftifMitlfM ,, l'"t in hmutn vi(rniui.J ,--.,-1 BtiicoHvoniciM p. iirW-rtioniHl ,in 1n MUtrli oiHitliR. ( u-V UL"J iitexm una mtrcf tonri tat; I BR8PU LITTI.K RKOWX EYKS. Bright little brows aye from baby land Ar vlnkiOgT aad blinking at mat I fail tb loo h of dimpled hand Aa ba alambera a pea toy knee; The tiny flair era tag nt my heart. And I fold him in my embrace. Tba aUat plctore In nil the world, la my little brown eye' a dear little faee. Little brown eyea, I am nil yonr own, Cling fondly to me, baby boy. Yonr mother' lap la yonr kingly tbrone, Yonr kubjoct'a hrart i full of j y. Take nil the trtaaarrrt of life away, 1 aak not wealth or atatiuo grand. Put lrav. Oh! beaten, I humbly pray, Little brown eye froic babylaud. Laet June Die Crawford brought bia twelte-inotitbe-uli child, Buffering from infantile diarrhoea, to me. It bad been wnaned nt four month old and bad always been aiekly. I gave it the usoal treatment in iueh caa but without benefit. The child kept growing thinner until it weighed but little more than vhen born, or per hapa ten pounds. I then darted the father to giving Chamberlain' Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. lie- f ire one bottle of the 35 vent sit had been uxed a marked improveumnt wrm Keen, and its continued ua eared the child. Ite weakneea nnd puny consti tution disappeared nnd its father and myself believe the child's life waa saved by thie remedy. J. T. Maklow, M. D., Tamaroa, III. For aale by J. Hal. Bobbin, druggist. A MoHieut' AnguUh. "That adorable hair!" ha claim- d. "Can it be." ah gasped, in n I. w voiee, "that he love anutber?'' She atarlad in appraheoba. 'Those soulfal eye'" he rried. Hhe n reaeaared. 't he eyea weie her own. The great Hamburg (Germany) grape viu, which was planted in year 1771. and is now 50 Inches in circum ference, ia the largest in the world. A horse licked II. d. tihafer, of the Freemyer House, Middleburg, N. V. on the knee, which laid him up in bed and caoeed the knee joint to become stilt. A friend recommended him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which b- did, and in two days was able to be around. Mr. Shafer has recommend ed it to many others and says it is ex- ceneui lor any una ol a Druue or sprain. This game remedy is also fa mous for ito cures of rheumatism. For sale by J. Hal. Bobbin, druggist. japans sra CURB w . 3 TAnrrent. Pnnifttinff of BrPPOBITOBIES. OapMllfll of umtmrnt Into c( Ointmen. A ner Milne Cut ' ilael mtrt nature .rod degree. It i.k n inaer! iiri. Why or-rj .ire tnta lie? Wa BJrantoo t;,oee e.i nun nn rni. Ynn odT 1"I 'or SAltA. SI a box, J ( r . Int w i' ! JAPANESE PILfc OiNTMENT, 25o. a Box aAiinemlTmMSnr.ii. HiKs P-e3nte4, ireatUVKR una rriiBAtii i.ui-i.uii " VdDtwJ fur oilldHSi-a uw. 60 Ujs fjtcenta. For sale by John Y. MacRae, drug (1st. ; Mini al aud Mid aJrs Id drath terrible disea J mm MM Jt , . W. U. Nelson, no is in the drat Dustiness at nVingviue, Mo., has so much confidence in Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy tbat.ue warrants every bottle and offers to refund the money to any customer who is not satisfied after using it. Mr, Nelson takes no risk in doing this be cause the remedy is a certain cure fcr the disease for which it ia intended uud he knows it. It is ior sale by J. lial Bobbitt, druggist. In London recently two panels of old Brussels tapestry sold for (3,060. One of the Goblins; representing Ven us and the Graoes, brought $2,310. Marveloun Kemills From a letter written by Kev. J. Uuudermau, of lliuiondale, Ali.h., we are permitted to make this extract: 'l have no hesitation in recoiumendini: Dr. King' New Dineotery, as the re sults were always uiartelou in tbe case of my wife. While I was pastnr of the Baptist church at lli.es Juuction nhe was brought don with pneumouia sui-ceedioK la criupe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend r-i:in)iiiend'd Dr. King's New Discntei y; it was iiuick iu its work and highly satifa.'tory in msults." Trial bottles free at John Y. MacUan's drug store, liegular sue 50. and 11.00. Four Itlg ScccHe. HavlDg the Deeded merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal ale: Dr King's flew Discovery I for consumption, coughs and colds, each bottle guaranteed Electric Bitters, the great remedy for liver stomach And kidneys; Bucklen's arnica Halve, tbe best in tbe world, and Dr King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect P'll All these remedies are guaran teed to do jnst what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will be g'ad to tell yoo more of them. Sold at John Y MacBae's drag store The banana is seedless and has been ho for centuries, though nobody knows why. It is a modified berry, cutting ia the middle you will ilnd some little brown spots which are rudimentary seeds Johnson's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is invaluable iu all pulmouary af fections and consumption. It u rich es the blood, restores lost tissues, builds up the appetite makes sound rlesh. Pint bottles $1 00. For sale by John Y. MacRae, druggist. Gardeners are trying so hard to get rid of seeds in fruits that iu a few years fashionable man could not have appendicitis if he tried. Already we have the seedless, or navel oranges. Sometime ago I was troubled with an attack of rneumatisin. 1 used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and was completely cured. I have since ad vised many of my friends and custom era to try the remedy and all speak highly of it. Simon Golpisaum, Srh Lui Key, Cal. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt. Free Pills. Send your address to H. B. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. rhese pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to st jmach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. sola by John l. MacKae, druggist. Raisin producers in California are trying to obtain Beedless grapes for raisins. The famous seedless grap s of Corinth are called currants. Johnson's Magnetic Oil cures all pains, internal or external, cramps, colic, neuralgia, rheumatism, sprains, braises, lame back, pleurisy, lustantly- $1.00 size, 50 eta.; 50 ceut size 25 cts. For sale by John Y. MacRae. The pineapple is nearly seedless and is propagated from slips. The eggplant is occasionally seedless. Mile Paulina of Holland is prob ably the tiniest woman on the planet. She is 18 years old, weighs less than nine pounds and lacks four inches of being as high as a two-foot rule. Chamberlain's is the best of all. Vincent J. Barkl, of Danbury, Iowa, has used Chamberlin's Cough Kemedy whenever in need of a- medicine for coughs and colds, for the past five years and says "It always kelps me oat. If any one neks me what kind of cough medicine I use, I reply. unamberlain's, that is the best of all. 35 and 60c a bottle for sale by J. Hal. Kobbitt, druggist. rrof. -, . mltli, i. Commercial College ol Xj. University, Lexington, Kj.. was awarded MEDAL AND DIPLOMA BT THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, hr ayatean ofBook-keepIni and ienerl wataeaa Macallun, rlr. ost lo complete BiMtnesa Counw about f"),lucludlns tultlon.booka Sne board, rhomigraphy, Type writing aud elegranhy taught. For circulars, addrean, r. SL bmnii. I'lunl, Lexington, Ky foAGNETlO Is sold wilh written eiinrantai to cure Norvouf Proatra tlon, Fi-.e, pizi neM.Hosdnone and fi-!u" .,Wr-.!Sy- ) 04. . u uotoOlOpiulu, To s ioo nad Aio.- BEFORE - AFTfcR tb Brain, earning Misery, InaaHty and Den . Barreneen, Impotency, Let t'0orio eltnai , Fremetur Old Aaie, .nvolontary Umm. oai-s- 1 Vyover-lndulircucetover-oxorti-.n ot rhe Pralii a.-i rvoraot Youth. Halved . wii o-nms tlielr lataral Vlor and doutiliie tho joju of life; erua Looorrho-a and Fomale Weakiniss. i Tinn;ii -treut-taetit. In plain pnekac. I'y mr.ll, t.-1. .y ii.li.rew, K kerlioT,Sboxia. Wlnevs.yi..r....rwe nlve a Vrlrten Ooarante to cure or rr.ft.od the money, iralan tree. OBKauWM iwued onl nj our xr Did Yon Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipation, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleep less, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Large bottles only fifty cents at John Y. MacKae s drug store. The Sultan of Turkey has a beauti ful tenor voice. 3 l 1 ft 4 I A p. A 4 4". 4 i 3 for Infants and Children. OTHERS, Do You Know i, 1 Bateituui'a lr.iM, (Ailln-y a n.? M.culk-U h.jilouie rup um! DHt rvnie.li.4 for i't:ildtn a-w o u.m-I 4 t4um u.liuw t T3o Yon Knew ttuu ofom and iuoi (4 .a- are i j-f u itain-ot- pnunitia f TJo Yon Know th.it In nioat cuuiitricw druiBi-. are i I YUi.tk.-4 to U Darcoti..-a With, ill Utlvlihg tlinm p-il - Ui f ' P Yon Know that y-.u should 0 t puniut any nilulne to be glren your child nalinji-u r jour i-lijsi. un Inoir of hal it isron.o-.l t Do Yon Krow llr.t I'ast.iria is a .un ly v. gi-tat.le preration, awl that a bat of lu ini;r.-'U.-nts ia il.iish--.l tU i viry l.ttli f Do Yon Know lhat (.'arb.ria b tbe pnicripil in of t!ie f:.mou Tr. flamuel Mtcher. That II has Ihii In us.- fur nearly thirty years, aaa :l.at uwrv Castor w ia now sold than of all othor remedies for clul In-n conil-iued 7 Do Yon Know that th I'al.-l.t Office IK-nnrtineut of the United Statoe, and of other countries, 1wit. insoiMl exilu-iire right to lr. Pitcher and his aasurns to use the word Caatoi-ia " nnd its funnuU. .ind that tj Imitate them b a stale prison offense f D;i Yon Know tiu.t one of Ibe rmson for gnudiUK thw icovrrument proteotiunwaa K-ai:s! Ca.-ttona bad t(H-n proven lu be abeolutcdy hamleaaT Po Yon Know tb,u 35 avcrac does of Custoria are furnunVJ for 35 eenta, or une oent a .lot- ? Po Yen Know that trhen poa-vascd of t!ii rfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and fbat you may Lave uuuroken rest f Wc M, those telvga art north knev. ing. They are facta. every The facsimile f r - " v slgcntnre cf CJUX, I&'&JaK wrpp Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla, ! SOUTHERH R. R. (l-UfM-'Xr AIK-I.IMI.) CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IS al'RIL 12, "V)5. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the late B. F. Harp, this is to notify all persons having claims against his es tate to present to me for settlement on or before tbe 34th day of May, 1896. Persons indebted will please make payment. J. K. liAiip, Executor. J. H. Fleming. Attorney. my33 Old People Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy iu Electric Bit ters. This medicine does not stimu late and contains no whiskey or other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion Old Deoule find it lust exactly what they need. Price fifty cetits per bot tie at John Y. MacRae' s drug store. A dear, soft, rosy complexion is the desire of every lady. Why hot give Johnson's Oriental Soap a trial. There is nothing to compare with it as a skin beautifler. Two cakes in a pack age, 35 cents. For sale by John x. MacRae, druggist. Administrator's Notice. Having qaalifiud as adn inistrator of the estate of J. W Ktell, de coated, late of Wake county, N. C this is to notify all persons having claims aeainst the said estate to pre sent them to to the undersigned on or before the 25th day or may, iHUti, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery: and all persons In debted to the said estate are hereby requested to make immediate pay meat. J .u. haku'iu, W. N. Jonbs, Ad in. Ad tor. May S1. 1BIJ oaw6w . Japanese Liver Pellets draw the blood from the head to the stomach, thereby ' curing sick headache and cleansing the complexion. Fifty doses, 35 cents. For sale by John x. fllao- Em, dragglat. When Batiy was sick, we gave her Cnstorla. When she waa a Child, she cried for Castorta, - When she became Hiss, she clung to Castorta. Wheniue bad Odkirn,((aveUmCitorlfc TRAIN.", LSAVB KAI.FIOH. S. C. 5:05 Duily, ciineciv a: Greens a. M. horn for all points north and Daily, south, and Wiuston-3'ilem and points on the Noithwestern North CiiroliPH railroad. At iialiHtiury f.'.1' all points iu west ern North Csir.'lin.i, Knoxville, Tenn., Cinciau.tti and western points; at Charlotte for Spar tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points south. 4:10 Connects at Durham for Ox p. M, ford, Clarksville and Keysville Daily, except Sundays; at Greeusboro with the Washington and South western Vestibuled (limited), and the New York and Florida Short Line (limited) train for all points north, and wi'.h main Hub train Ko. 12 for Danville, Richmond and intermediate lo cal st.iHous; also has connection for vVinston-Salem, aud with main hue train No. 35 (f ist inail, for Uliaiiotte, spartan burg, Greeuville, Atlanta aud all points south; also Columbia, Augusta. Charleston, S:ivatuah, Jacksonville, an 1 all points in Florida, sleeping car for At lanta, Jacksonville aud at Char lotte with sleeping car for Augusta, 1:10 Connects at Selraa for Fav- p. M. etteville aud intermediate sta- Daily. tions on the Wilsoii ond Fay etteville Short Cutdaily; Golds- boro for Nevvbern an-1 More head City, dtily except Sun days; for Wilmington aud inter mediate sT.aU. i as on the VV. & W. R. R. daily. 9:05 Connects at Selma for Wilson a. M. - Rockv Mount, Tarboro and lo Daily, cal stations ou Norfolk h Car olina railroad, arrives at'xolds boro 12:05 p. m. TRAINS ABHIVB-Vr KALKUIH, N. C. 7:30 Froui Greeushoro and all A. m. points north aud south. SUiep Daily, ing oar -Greensboro to Raleigh. 4:10 From Goldsboro. Wutuing e. m. ton, FayettcviUe aud all poiuts in eastern.Carolina. 1:10 From Durham,. .'Clarksville, r. M. Va., Oxford points and Rich mond. 10:15 From Goldsboro and all p. 91. points east. Daily ex. Sun. Local freight traius also cairy pan sengers. Pullman cars on afternoon train from Ra'e'gh to Hreensfcoro, and on morning train from Greensboro. Double daily trains between Ral eigh, Charlotte and Atlanta. Quick time; unexcelled accommodation. C. L. tlopkius, T. P. A., Charlotte. J. M. Culp. Trafflo Manager. W. H. Green, Gen. Supt. W. A. Turk, G. P. A., Washington. Dissolution of Copartner ship. The firm of Yancey & Martin, for the manufacture of, carriages, etc., and livery business is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The livery business will hereafter be vonduoted by E. M. Martin aud the carriage business will be oonducteg by T. B. Yancey.';' ; Persons indebted to the firm on livery aocounts will settle with E. M. Martin, aud those indebted to the firm on the shop account will settle with T B. Yancey. Persons having claims against the firm will please present them at once. This May 15, 1895. T. B. Yakoet, S.M.MAUU. Word toTI-.ose D Not Believe lh tZ- Advertising. ' If you are in bo nfiiu, want it to be ki u y u should advertiii. Advertising pi -; Look at th-r"- . s. - Look at Swindell Look at B.TWJti,, r. Look at Wiliiaiun i. Co. Look at B;:!5. ' Look at M if. M'.j.i.'- Reese. - Look at Sbt' Look at Briggt Look at R.iseuilal. Look at Woollooit. Look at the Ly on KacV.ei. Look at Daghi. Look at the Johnson's. Look at the many others They believe in pnuv.-r- ink. - t 9 -e T1S 'MM I8MH FOR1895. The nub lis here take Dleasure in announo ine that " Che Morning Herald" has recent- TV nPAn AnlttrcAH frAtu fnnr tr aiirht nnivaa and tbat while the price remainit at one cent nai.d for dodgnrH. fV.r fVinT Xl rur VMr t mail aniKamnrtawai I eroh eition contains as much news and ,Ht ,nn n,,n,; more general reading matter than is printed jb ' -v-.-a Tiy ine naitimore two-cent aaiues. ine lelcrapuic Service of ' The Morning Herald" is unexcelled by any other Balti more paper Its News Service 1 l the oonatiea ia thor- oneh and reliable. ts Market Reports are full, complete and aocurt"j. Its illustrated woman's patre is a feature Uial will not be found in any other Balti more atmy. a veruaiim report of tne Sermon by Kev Dr Talmaee the celebrated Brooklyn preacher appears in Mondav mornins'a edition. "The Morning Herald" will oonaoaM te oe an Independent Newspaper fair iaad im partial in its statements and fearless in the expression of its opinions. "THE SUNDAY HERALD," of 24 ptces, is the best Sundav paper in Bal timore, and is sold at 3c per copy, or II 60 for a year. "THE WEEKLY it Advertise in the VicirK. Stop paying $1.50 athu- iher b.'u-' Ine HiiDe' w money will pat you asiie.' card in the Viam, ior one" week which wiii be been b 3,000 people daily. The Vibitok cuuaiates a IE over Raleigh. There are bui 'few houses here that it d oe not go to. The Visitor eirculatet all portions of Wake eonnty. It goes to 15 post offices. It reaches the very c.laiis of -- people yon are after. You want trade. The Vial-"": toe will help you get yourj" Pt1h1chesterfs Enffll.il DUatead Bread. 4 I lM . . .1 ENNYROYAL PILLS ; .... . ...... . . I TV , 1 1 . I HE BALD1 3 the cheapest and beat eieht-pacre wc.erlv newspaper published in the nnitcd States, uoanuuai subscription being fiOc. tiT"The Morninir Herald" will be sent ou trial for one week to any person sending ua v.j uei a.iuiraa, euuioMio' o cents, to me a SKALU rUBUUbtiNW (JO., Baltimore and Charles Streets. Baltimore, Md. A RsoRRom. General Msnepcr. IrtHnHl nnd 4nw Genuine sFt. itJwajt rt-Usblr!. t.ott: tik , LruKiririt fup Chivhinter Knyhnk 'in -no. Hrul In Kit mat UuM iut io e. ifclijd with dlue rihhon. Tttke ' Li Athrr. 'Jiefuite iatiaeruu ubtittf tiout ai'i ftnitirinru. At Drujuiit, or imiiI 4. In Htiml for parttculan, toitttnonialH aad "Kcllur ror Lfttiiv," n intrr, oj rt'larw r mall A. Aruu Ai'dliuamain. .tiihic IHJ'tr. 'hlcheMtrl fctmlUUJti.lBiaiauii Ngot. a ink -it be Been. Adt-rtife -Ad-- -vertibe in the moit wM bj ivU LiMi UruftfUM. 'paper in Raleigh, mi . tt. ... i nrnniTTf TvittTt a- im iuito t- r tiiiio i L V AiilA b rBSd Leadina HEW3PAPER In all the Attributes that suffice to mnke a lirst class journal. daily by huiiii. a- who" take no other paper. ' To Non-Subscrib- IIS i ers. -If yon are not already a"", i4 -subscriber send us vonr'! " - ..... al -address and 35 ota, and -try " "" -it a month. If yoa are alrri.dv! -a subscriber tell your neife'h- I -bor about the paper. It's !'-lvT '2f cents a month. Deliv spires no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers all the news of thf 'everywhere ia tbe ciy . CA inA U.vrH " Its several departments, each under the management of a competent editor, treat tully ot maters pertaining to THK HOUaiSHOhD, THE FARM, WOMAH'S WORLD, SCIRNCB, ART, LITKBAUBK, FIRANCB, THB RBAL MUTATE WORLD. Presenting a complete magazine every dayf BCBSCBIPTI0H BATES: Daily, one year, $3 00 Daily and Sunday, one year 4 0C Address The Record Pub Co. 917-916 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Commence now. a " CHABLOITc, -:. OBSERVER. Wanted. Mrs. Anna Pell wishes to take in la dies' white work, and also boy shirt wat. WM Jobm ttiwak pSa 4A nrtmnflpfttiA Pftiur. a tunAr devoted V.I tht industrial develbpmetjt sf NorlU mb-o I Una and the South. Tbe btst advorlii medium between Waahiutoi ar"1 ii". UAibY. ag op per year. iymESlY, f l 00 per year. ThE OBSERVER C0PaNv J. P. Caldweul. Sdttr. Stun 0.

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