V i If DUKE Cigarettes A Cigarettes 'WDunSonlKg ywiUKH TClALCCCa U P OWWHAH.WC, us . I r. MADE FROM High Grade Tobasco AMD ABSOLUTELY PURE billy, Quickly, Ptnaciatlj Restend. iirurnr ucDvmcuioid with wnt. tea saarantee U ility and 11 the from early or Inter x- otorLnlHinhM4. Cares weakneeew. N'nom iMtul mm, Um man of overwork, worry. aoKhm, ew. rnu to eanHurrh. tone and der'lotjui'iit aire nrgnn or portion of th boo. Improv- 1 ir Wtf vnda of IrvMera of pnuse on fileinoaroaif. lu beouricd in pocket. Bent by uutiX to ftva ftddrMwonrtMMiDtof Dric. month! trout pitj.it in Mchhox. Pnoef l.UO, 6 box. .r.jO, with WtittMt BaamotM to ifuui muu7 if not coral Hood to us fur the tioaaui. Circular i;r John.Y. UmKm, DrQKRiit, BaiPiRh, N.O. W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE riT Ton a kino. 3. CORDOVAN, rancMAUMMUIBCMP. .3J Fine Calf &KAN3Am 3. V POLICE,) soles. 2.l7BCYS"SCHiaSim. LAJDlES- BKocrroiLMABa. Over Oh Million People wear tha W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They five the best valve for the money. They equal custom shoes la style and .It. Their wearinf qualities are onaurpsssed. Tha price ara uniform, -"damped on sola. Prom Si to f j saved over other ntskrs. If your dealer cannot supply you wo can. fold by HELLER BROS. Chamberlain'a Bys and Skin Ointment la unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching riles, Burns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO HOBSBOW2rBBS. For putting a horse in a fine Lealtl.y con dition try i)r. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure lues of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-work! horse. 26 Bants per package. For sale by druggists. J&CtLAPIAN LOVE. Ob! bid to aot, Amaada, a a student of the laacet. To meet yoa wbea tha aaooa has tlag- d tha sleeping earth with a;old; Tha .teatag la traditiuaelly Biting, bat perthsace II Would bring about bronchitis, or at least a heaty euld. And tboDifh v lor each other at bat few hire loved before na, Wa need do outward token of analter able blii": Leave that to those less prudent; the authorities assure na That vary oftB microbes are trans mitted by a kiss. Jor must ya rush towards na to express your satisfaction: lis troe that fat Laa severed us fur many a weary day; Bat still eicitnneDt. a you know, aa clf rates I he action nr uuisa ana Heart in really qaita a prejadu-lal way. I 11 see you then at midday (pleaae make sore the room is heated To 00 degree or 61 degrees); we'll talk about the past. And how our various ailments by aur doetora bare been treated; When. ty tha way, Amanda, were yoa vacinated last? And ao we'll meet tomorrow; I will sing your favorite ballad, For voeal eierci'es greatly benefit the luuga, And having lunched discreetly oil an hygienic salad, We'll gat into each other'a eye and on each others tongue! The PUoa'i Introduction. It ia aaid that tha first aaa of tha piaao ia pnblie waa tba year 1706, at tha Coveat Garden theatre. Aa old playbill leaned a few dya before tha performance eoatained tha following item: "At the and of act 1 Mies Bickler will sing a favorite aoag from'Jadilh,' accompanied by air. Dibdin, oa a new instrument called the 'piano-forte. " Mstrvrioua Keaulta From a letter written by Rev. J. Oanderinan, of Piuiondale, MUh., we are permitted to make thia attract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re salt were always marvelous in the case of my wife. While 1 was pastor of the Baptist church at Riei Junction the was brought down with pneumonia succeeding la grippe. Terrible parotysmi of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed aa if ahe could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in ita work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at John V. MacRae'a drug store. Regular site 50c and $1.00. PIGEON THE GREATE3T Discovery of THE AGE. K ja Sf Bf DA Cnres in 1 to 4 tl.is. Im- tWm I I m mediate in effect ; nuiok to l N ' fta cure. Can he oarrio! in vest I aiM mm pocknt, alt (uiruplet.. in ono mall paoautfo. ttont by iiiuil, prepaid, plain pack, on receipt of price, tl per box. For sale by John Y. McKae, drug ' let. 51 iu'e tiny i, nr- rHt id 4 nourrs t-t anniif inetiTPDlcAPrt lfrt,Un u whlrb 4 opAfbti 'u bem and In, oil on full. ML eTAPANE9E IP I CURB A Jew l (Vrapliee ,Tretnwt, emstellM of afJPfOSlTOBIEfl. O.PM1". of Olntm.nt d two Boies of Olutaisuf. A BflTjr fnlllns &re "'!iSf Ike knife or in U,n of osi!x)Ho arid, el m Dalaful snd ldo irmn n rare, and otttin re iolSSi uV dlh CaneeMSart. Why endure this JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT, 25c. a Oox aie spinsiriursd. Piles Prevented. LUNS I ITA I rUrvK,,lane,(.LlerPHett I. I rvFR and 8TOMA011 REGfTLATOB and lialie.escaeiallv adapted for children'! net. OU Dom l&eenta. For sale by John T. MacR&e, drag- gtat. Sometime ago I was troubled with an attack of rheumatism. I used Chamberlain s fain Balm and was completely cured. I have since ad vised many of my friends and custom ers to try the remedy and all speak highly of it. SiMo.i Uoldbaum, Han Lui Roy, C'al. For sale br J. Hal Bobbitt. lo make knowledge valuable, yon must have the cheerfulness of wisdotr. Goodness smiles to the last. A horse licked 11 9. Shafer, of the Freemyer House, Middleburg, N. Y. on the knee, which laid him up in bed nd cansed the knee joint to become stiff A friend recommended blm to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which ne did, and in two days was able to be around. Mr. Chafer has recommend ed it to many others and says it is ex cellent for any kind of a bruise or sprain. This same remedy is also fa mous for ito cures of rheumatism. For sale by J. Hal. Bobbitt, druggist. The Change Banks I thought she needed sym pathy and I married ber. Hanks And Banks And we have now ohanged places. Chamberlain'a is the best of all. Vincent J. Barkl, of Danbury, Iowa, has used Chamberlin's Cough Remedy whenever in need of a medicine for coughs and colds, for the past five years and says "It always helps me out. If any one asks me what kind of cough medicine I use, I reply, Chamberlain's, that la the best of all. 25 and 60c a bottle for sale by J. Hal. Bobbitt, druggist. Sure of 11 i in. 'Isn't he rather fast," asked the anxious mother. 'Yes, mamma, in one sense of the word. I dou't think he can get away." Japanese Pellets are small and mild, easy lo take, no griping, the moat pleasant effects attend their oae. Fifty doses, 25 cents. For sale i. John Y. MacRae. A Stern Rebuke. He Yoa said you'd return what ever I gave yoa and here yoa are giv ing a blow for a kiss. She Well yoa gave me a smack and I'm giving yoa one. That's all. Oar grand business is to see what lies dimly at a distance; bat to do what lies clearly at band. Old Peopuv Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels anil kidneys will and the true remedy in Electric Bit ters. This medicine ctoeH not stimu late and contains no whiskey or other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters ia an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exactly what they need. Price fifty cents per bot tle at John . MacRae s drug store. Impure blood causes pimples, hives, boils and eruptions of the akin Johnson's Sarsaparilla and Celery purifies the blood and eradicates all bloed poison. Large bottles, 50 cts. For sale by John Y. MacRae. He who loves goodness harbors an gels, reveres reverenoe, and lives with God Emerson. Pains in the back and frrolns sap- pressed and highly eolored urine and all kidney and blood troubles quickly relieved by Johnson s Kidney and Liver Regulator. 25 and 60 cents' For sals by John Y. MacRae, druggist. Action may not always bring hap piness; bat there is no happiness without action Disrasl. A .Survival of Individualism. Men may nnite for vr ng or right; rut in the twilight hour A girl prefers that fate be hers To be wooed by one-man power. Johnson's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is invaluable in all pulmonary af fections and consumption. It enrich- the blood, restores lost tissues, builds up the appetite makes sound flesh. Pint bottles $1.00. - For sale by John Y. MaeRae, druggist. few'. - . San I Ik, . Commercial Collet of Ky. University. Laxlnc ton, Ky.. was awarded MEDAL AND DIPLOMA I! THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, IrMeai m SmUmmii jmI eeral gejalBMea Kduemtlwo. ele. Cost to complete Ditnesa Course about SM Including tultloo.bookl Snd board. Phonography, Type Writing and alafraphy tnua ht. For circular!, address, y. K. MlTHf. Prealauwt, lalarwa. Xs MAGNETIC NERVINE. It sold with written gnnraatas to. mire aj.i.ousPrcetra tion, Fits, Dizil pes,HoailacV and lieuralaia a.dWake-fulut-a,cau'M.1 oyex oeseiveuaeol upturn, To Voo and Alco hol Mental Depree. aton. toftevtirn of aha flanatnff Beleerv. Inn rtltw oau r-jth! Barreneas, Imnoteucy, k nt Power lu either asi, premature Old Aa, voluntary ""-S "."S3 br orer-radulpeDoe, overexert!., n .f the rtrsln and rroreof Youth. Ita-Westo Wen!: meaia their Katurnl Vlaor an.l Joublee the Joys ot I'.'c: cures CooorrhojaandFaoikl Weakness, t -oouth treat aent. m plain ctick0K, by mall, to ty aildress, tl E bill, 8 boxes I&. with ersry I order w iv a Last Jane Die Crawford bronghthis ! twelve-months-old child, , snffering from infantile diarrhoea,' to ma. It had been weaned at foot months old and bad always bean sickly. I gave it tne usual treatment in such cases but without benefit. The child kept growing thinner nntil it weighed but little more than when born, or per haps ten pounds. I then started the father to giving Chamberlain'a Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Be- fare one bottle of the 35 cent site had been need a marked improvement waa seen, and its continued use cared the child. Its weakness and puny consti tution disappeared and its father and myself believe the child s life was saved by this remedy. J. T. Maklow, M. D., Tamaroa, 111. For sale by J. Hal. Bobbitt, druggist. CouHiderate. The lightning bog is nest polite; He doth illuminate ,' Enough te see bat not enough To spell a tete-a-tete. Johnson's Magnetic Oil cures all pains, internal or external, eramps, eolie, neuralgia, rheumatism, sprains, bruises, lame back, pleurisy, instantly $1.00 site, 50 eta.; 50 cent site 35 cts. For sale by John Y. MacRae. Iuaudible What are the wild waves saying? She asked in the seashore crowd, I canuot tell her now, he said The bathing suits are so load. llifrhteous Indignation. King Yambeai What is the news, Psyohenot? Psyohenot This paper left by the missionary gives the particulars of the Holmes case and the Pietiel chil dren "Hat More American outrages! How shall we deal with that people?" W, H. Nelson, wno it In the drag business at tungviiie, mo., nas so much confidence in Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea : Remedy that.be warrants every bottle and offers to refund Jhe money to any customer who ia not satisfied after using it. Mr. Nelson takes no risk in doing this be cause the remedy is a certain oure fcr the disease for which it is intended and he knows it. It ia lor aale by J. Bal Bobbitt. dxiiggist. Backleo'a) Arnica SaiTO. Tha beat aalre in the world tor out. braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped bands, chli oiatns, corns ana an skiq eruption, and positively euros Dlles. or no pay reqnir- d.- It la guaranteed to give Derfeet aatiafavetroD or money refund- ad. Price S5 eenta per pox. For tale by John T HmBm. In Salvador last week an attempt to assass'nate president Guiterrei waa made. Thomas Regalada, a former American student is said to be at the head of the insurrection. (Ml for Infants and Children. J i taaU'ani pn OTHERS, Do You Know th.t Jl I lUtrouui'a Drops, (Skifny a CukImI, nuuiy o-a-aue4 Huuihuis Syrups, asd snoat ratueiliee fur uSUlrva are rutiipiard of opiuaa or HMS-)ih!ae t Pe Yew Kwe that oleum and nMN-ihi te are etuief mar bavxjtH; puieons f Do Ton Know that In nwat cuuuU-msi druiu.'ist are nut pt-ruuttal to sill Barrotk' Without labeling them polav-oa t Po Yew Knew that yoa shnuld sot a-nuit any ns-dicuM to he fire your child Vjiueae you or your physician Icww of what U is -ouipuis-l r Po Ynw Knew that Caatmis U a in )y vcceubki prp-aration, and that a list of lU UifTecUent Is pubilrhed with crery hottle t Pe Yow Krow ihat Cacloria is tlie pretcrintioB of the famous Dr. Bamiiel Pitcher. That it has been In use fur nearly thirty years, enu liiat uiure Castor ia is now told than of all other remedies for cliildren combined t P Yon Know that the Patent Offlor Department of tlsn Toiled State, and ' t other countries, hare issued exclusive right to In-. Pitcher and bis asrium to use the wurd " Oastarta " and Its formula, and that lo un sat thru Ir a state prison offense f Po Yon Know that one of the naaous for tfrantuu- this government protection a bsosuat) Caatorta had been proven to be abeolntoly kau-mleaaf Po Yon Know that 36 nvare-4e doers ot t'Haturia ara furnished for 35 eenta, or one cent s dose t Po Yon Know that when powv-awd of Uiut i-rfect prejiaraiioa, your children may lis kept well, and that you may hare unhruken real t Well, these things are worth knowing. They are (act-. The fac-alxnlle igriwvtnras of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Baby was atck, we gave herOattorla, When she was a Child, ah cried t or Castorla, When ahe eecam atiaa, ahe olJU to Oaatoria, Waaa she had GsuUrsn, tliea-staajsnClasrasla. SOUTHERN R.R. (PIBr-MOMT A1H-L1NB.) CONDENSED SCHEDULE. 1H EFFECT APRIL 12. '95. TBA I S3 LKAVB BALBIOH, If. C. 5:05 Daily, connects at Greens- A. M. boro for all points north and Daily, south, and Winston-balem aad points on the orthweHtern North Carolina railroad. At Salisbury for all points in west ern North Carolina, Knoxville, Tenn., Ciuciuuati and western points; at Charlotte for Spar tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points south. 4:10 Connects at Darham for Ox p. M, ford, Clarksville and Keysville Daily, except Sundays; at Greensboro with the Wasbingtea and South western Vestibuled (limited), and the New York and Florida Short Line (limited) train for all points north, and with main line train No. 12 for Danville, Richmond and intermediate lo cal stations; also has connection for Winston-Salem, and with main line train No. 35 (fast mail, for Charlotte, Spartan burg, Greenville, Atlanta and ail points eouMi; also Columbia, Augusta. Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville and all points in Florida, sleeping car for At lanta, Jacksonville and at Char lotte with sleeping car for Augusta. 1:10 Connects at Selma for Fay- M. etteville and intermediate sta- Daily. tions on the Wilt-on ond Fay- etteville short Cut daily; Uolds boro for Newborn and More head City, daily except Sun days; for Wilmington and inter mediate statioas on the W. & W. R. R. daily. 0:05 Connects at Selrqa for Wilson at. Rocky Moqnt, Tarboro and lo- Daily. cal stations on Norfolk & Car olina railroad, arrives at liolds boro 12:05 p. m. TBAIB8 ARRIVE AT RALBK1H, N. 0, 7:30 From Greensboro and all at. points north and south. Sleep- Daily, mg car Greensboro to Raleigh, 4:10 From Goldsboro, Wilming at. ton, Fayetteville and all points in eastern Carolina. 1:10 From Durham, Clarksviile, m. Va., Oxford points and Rich ; mond. . 10:16 From Goldsboro and all p. at. points east. Daily ex. Hun, . Local freight trains also carry pas sengers. Pullman cars on afternoon tram from Raleigh to Greensboro, and on morning train from Greensboro. Doable daily trains between Ral eigh, Charlotte and Atlanta. Quick time; unexcelled accommodation. C. L. Hopkins, T. P. A., Charlotte J. M. Culp. Traffic. Manager. W. H. Green, Gen. Supt. W. A. Turk, G. P. A., Washington tie iw mm FOR189b. The publishers take pleasure in announc ing that "The Horning Herald" haa recent ly ben enlarged from four to eight pages, and that while the price remains at one cent oer copy, iir 13 per jriar to mr.il subscribers erch eiMtinn contains as much news and more general reading matter than is printer by the Baltimore two-cent dailies. The Telegraphic Service of "The Mornine Herald" is unexcelled by any other Balti more paper. Ita Newsservice 1 ike oooa-ties ia thor ough and reliable. it Market Keports are tali, complete and accurate. Us illustrated woman a pae u a feature that will not be found in any other Balti more oauy. A verbatim report of the Bermon by Est Dr Talinage the celebrated Brooklyn preacher appears in Monday morning'' aditioa. -The alornina Herald" will oontintM ts oe an Iade;endent Newspaper fair and im partial in its statements and fearless in the expression ot its opinions, "THE SUNDAY HERALD," f 24 ptees. is the best Snndav naper in Bal timore, and is sold at 3c per copy, or II 50 ror a year. THE WEKKLT HERALD1 the cheapest and best rzht-taee weeklv lewspaper published in the United ritatea beannual aubsonption being 50c. :""The Mirninir Herald" will be sen on trial for one week to any person sendinf an or ner luaress, enclosing o cents, to tne HBRALD PUBUBHINQ CO., I Baltimore and Charles Btreeta, Baltimore, Md A Raoajn-nvst. Oenm-al Manarex. sFA Clilrkf.tfr'. Eiuitlah Dlssisad Bt-aad. rENNYROYAL PILLS yBL tV strr aJtrno-a rtHilLa ladiIS Ilk Uruiririil lor Cfiklfn'm-i &nilth Iha mimd OranJ in K td ind Uidii mtta,llie IlKtiM. Moftlaxl with bA J ribbuu. Tak ftgita tmt imittwi. At Drugjneti. or tend Sv In Map for uavrtleuUrt, twUAueBlaJj sud "RaaUef for I dlefi.' letter, b retarti fM W vU Ullatt-1-- fkUtVtUFth Dissolution of Copartner ship. The firm of Yancey h Martin, for the manufacture of carriages, etc and livery business is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The livery business will hereafter be conduoted by E. M. Martin and the carriagi business will be oonduoteg rby T. B xancey. ; Persons Indebted to the arm on livery accounts will settle with E. M Martin, and those indebted to the firm on the shop account will settle with T B. Yancey. ., Persons having claim against the firm will please present them at onoe ThisMay 15, 1895. Te B. Yakut, KaMaltAJUlB. al tt F7 c- i ft n if ft it it . n 4. 4 1 Kt t i ' r r 5iiitrrtiii.irt.i-- Word ioT: c;- DNot ici.t' 0 Advcrtisiir e if yoa are in bi;- want it to be 1 u a should advertise. v Advertisihg p.ri.. o- Look at the Tne; : t LoH.k at Sil J-'i. j- Look at liiLji r. Look at Wii'.iai.i ': 1 Look at rial!. Look at Mit-i M,L, Look at Sherwi Look at Rrit;- Look at Koeeui!)-') Look at Woo! icon. Look at the I y n Look at Dughi. Look at the John-. .. a v Look at the ua:r. ss They believe k. Advertise in the Vj.-iv a a - Stop pay intr jl.V .t 'L " - a tand for dod-rs. j aey i awlityon uotliin.. i"jr ew -money will put yoa it i w'card in the Visnot tot week which wt.i PEHH3YLY ASIA'S Leadinu r; KZWSPAPER In all the attributes that suffice to mnkc first cuss journal. . THE -ink. 8,000 people dAil. The Tibitok ore .iH..'t. --over Raleigh. kt u v --cw houses here the: i: j -c not go to. The Yibitor cireuiav s :n til portions of VKe iou'-.j ". It goes to 15 postolliceH. It reaches the very cL. g people yea are alter. You want traue. i ' i-. tor will help you ,-r-'. , . trade. Don't hide yoar l;ia: . L.e' it be seen. Adverns , a a spires no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers an tne news oi tuv Old and New World. Its several departments, each under the management of a competent editor, treat. fully ot maters pertaining to THE HOUtiBHOLD, TH1 FARM, womah'b world, 80IBS0E, ART, L1TIRA0RB, FIBAHCI, THE REAL ESTATE WORLD. Presenting a complete nugazine every day bubsobiftioi rates: Daily, one year, 13 00 Daily and bunoay, one year 4 ot Address .- The Record Pub-Co. 917-916 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. s-vertise in the uiont, jopi:,,- paper in Raleia, " The Vibitou has .iire. n; -r-read daily by hiindred !.. On take no other paper. t: To Non-Subscnb- ",. ers. .. ayaJIf you are not iure.i:iy subscriber send . i n address and 25 ots .,im! .,-, - s it a month. If y io arc t' y da subscriber tell your , bor about the paper I , Jia5 cents a moolb. 1. everywhere in tha c;. t. Commence n. m. asawaanwAnwattawjaVwewX Wanted. Mrs, Anna Pell wishes toHake in la dies' white work, and also boys' ahlrt awaatie. weMioaee itiwai. hgxt I .tar CHAEL 0B3.i7l., : ;A Democratic lar. a i the industrial developmrit o. ' lins and the South, i'ho "r i medium between Wsshm'oa r UAILY, M CC per yr, . AKEK.Lif, 91 00 pe- yt.u. J.P. 0. ThE OBSERVED Lj'T U Caluwelu, Edit ji, Oh, l ;i ) 1D1D TTVT1T

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