FOR BENT FOR RENT 1-4 - -t " 1- i- 1-8 1-1 bOUTH ST. P ICS tt 80. 1-1 w CABARRJTr" ' I SO " " 100 M " " - 81 LI 3 BD IT"4 - l 50 LX50IR - .?-"' " K. BOOTH " TOO BRANCH- 3.50 l- BLOUNT " 10 00 JOHN803 P0 8. PERSON" - 1100 F1RWOODAVE. u 11.00 1 STORE nt'LBORO ROAD HEAR A. tV. COLLEGE M 100 HARUETT ST. " 18 00 1 POLLEN BUILDING " SSOO DAWSON " M 8.00 1 OFFICE tad FLOOR " 6 tS EYEMGYISITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON, (Except Sunday) i VEH1NG VISITOR PUB-CO. THE VISITOR, y carriers in the city, 15 cents per month. Hnces tor mailing, J per year, or 25 cents per month. Ottice Upstairs over Mr. J. Hal Bobbitt's Drug Store, 2nd floor. W. M. BROWN, SB., M'gT, Raleigh, N. O. FRED. A. OLDS, Editor Thb oeoxful im of electricity m motive power on team roada has led the Baldwin Ineomotite works of Philadelphia and the Westing-house leetrie and manofaetiring company to effort a combination. It is eipee ted that the naion of the two com panics will result in the earl inlro daetlon of improved forma of electric motor for atandard ra'Iroada. Tm rnmor tbat the United Statea la at last getting "mad" at Spain would be a great thing if it were true. It costs the United States t o em inent abont (360,000 a year to main tain the cruiser New Turk. . Tub eipert counterfeiters who for two years pant have been engraving and printing Unite! States gold cer tificates, and flooding Canada with notes of smaller denominations have been discovered b secret service de tectives, and foar of the gang are now locked np In Jersey City. Brockway, the most eipert forger and counter feiter in i his country, Is the prinefptl of the gang. He is now seventy-three years eld. Gibbbal Macel offers five thousand dollars to the soldier or band capt uring Capt. General Campos. London has decided to convert Into parks and playgrounds for children the 173 disused graveyards in that city. Thb light grain.crops in 1894 have affected the earnings of the western railways iniurionsly almost to the present time. This year's heavy crops, however, onght to make up this 1 oss. It is estimated that the American people have invested $25,000,000 in bicycles this year, and that the de mand for wheels in the next twehe months will be about 700,000. Mean time h rses are selling in Idaho at $15 a dozen, with horseless carriages loom ing np on the horizon. Thb Chicago presbytery has decided that the ohurehes belonging to it mast not use fermented wine at the com munion services, and that nnferment grape juice mast be substituted at all times. To carry the work of temper ance still farther, temperance pledges will be placed in the Sunday sohools. Thbbb is an alleged plot to restore to the throne the deposed queen of Hawaii. Aocording to the plot the Island was to be looted and captured property givjeri to the filibusters. A secret agent at San Francisco unwit tingly revealed the plans to a newspa per reporter. He proposed to descond upon the island and wreck the Dole government. Senator Gorman's difficulties io Maryland are said to be growing. The Cleveland men are not the only angry ones. Some of the senator s own former .supporters are grumpy, and may make him as much trouble as those who have al vays fought him, He is represented as being more ani' ions than at any tune since first as taming leadership in the state. Consul general Jernigan in a tele gram about the outrages in Chinn says the American mission property as Tun FaV has been burned. Th details of the Eu Cheng massacre art horrible. Houses were stealthily sur rounded and sleeping women and children speared to death. The situ ation unsettled. ' 8jaJLLsU 111 Ir i. w I'nnaiiliv a r- inuoil'Mlan(a. stflWf imaaf ll!nV B Which r.p.ibn. in-Vflviuii I Ang 6. Accideni"-: $3 The best 13.00 Men's Shoes on the market Made from tannery calfskin, dongola top, all leather trimmed, solid leather soles with Lewis' Cork Filled Soles. , Unequaled for beauty, fine workman ship, and wearing qualities. Your choice of all the popular toes, lasts and fasten- ;7af Everr nair contains a naid-nn Awl. dent Insurance Policy for $100, good for 90 days. Wear Lewis' Accident T,Mnni'" Shoes, and go insured free. SOLD BY Whiting Bros XOriCE OF SALE. BY virtue of a mortirage from Annie fc. Kott'-rs ani J Rowan Rog ers, nrr nuaoaoa rnsoraea iu toe reglst'-r a omea or wase eoouty. in book Hi at pane J bv vlrtoe of aat'ioritt eoiifnrred upon me m trus tee by decree tlif el tlie Hh diy nf July. 1U hDiI aliened by 1). H. TonnK. ele'k of ritipvrlor i onrl ol Wake enmity, tu'Mi mm-oUI roceul- lo(T milikd W VtMti Aunie H. KoKraantl J Row mi Rogers and oth er, I will a II on Wednesday, the 28th day or oirusr, 'nut, at trie nour ni id at th conn houhe iloor of Wake county, iu tbe city of Raleigh, the laud- conveyed and ilerorloea to e-M tnor'g4e, ttea e being situated in Little Ulver townahip said oonuty of Wake, nod more tally deeorttad as follows: 1st tract, er"j iIuIdk the lands cLthe state of O. L. Jones, William Mr ob eli adotbrr, ud l -glijugat astahe oo tbe rJ.if x road, runs tbenoe 97 polfs to a stake, tbeuee snath three degrees ent 110 poles to a wbite. oak tree; tl.euce a.oug Sjeauiore branch to a poplar Id skid branch; thence N 133 poles to tbe beginning; eontain log 71 l- acres mure or less, and bei 'g tbe Und conveyed to W. H Uot'er' wood b D Harrison, aduunistra tor. bydetd recorded In said regis ,er's office In bo'.k 23, on page i81 . 2d traot, anof n as tbe Woodson Uarp nter laud, beginning at piue on tbe namax ronu, ruus tueuue , nortb 102 poles to a pint-; t beuee north IS degrees, east tit poles to a gum; tbenoe east 81 poles to a wbite ok; . tbt-nce soutb 14 poles to a wbite i-ak on said road; along th said road to tLe LeKlnoiug; containiug 1 10 i acrs, and beiug tbe land conveyed; by H. W. rJortou to n. a. noage, tcuardian of V odson (Jarpenter, by deed recorded tu taid register's ollioe in book i; ou page 410, aud being tbe same laud sold by w. M. Face, com rulfcelouer, on January, 163 3d tract adjnlus the Unas of WiU lain UitcLen, burtou Ferrell aud others aud begins at a poplar near ibe alllcUell etilug brauob, near its ju not ion with tioiuiore braneb, ruus tbeuee east wilh carah b. (ireen's lue Ufi poles to a itaar; tbenoe eoutn 12 1 2 degrees, east willi eaid (ireeu's line 98 poles to a gain on the Falson spring branch; tbeuee west witb Bur tou Ferrell s liue JUS poles to an oak ou tbe Mitchell epriug branch; tbeuee down tbe various trees of tbe same to the btgiuulug, contaluiDg 71 1-2 acres, and beiug tbe laud conveyed to W. H Underwood by K. K. Pace and wife, by deed recorded in said register's office in book r7, on page 00. Reference is bereby made to all of l he deeds above referred to. Terms of sale casb. This July 21th, 1885. J. . HOLDING, Trustee, jol 27 80d. Mothers Friend1 MAKES CHILD BIRTH EASY. Colvin, La- Deo. B, 1888.-My wife nsed UOTHBB'S I-KIXrTD before her third confinement, and says she would not be rtthout It for hondreds of dollars. DOCK MIXLS. Sent by express on receipt of price, 11 JS0 per Dot- ; a Nuw and OoniDlt Traatmeiit. cotLiiiinir . Book "To Mothers "mailed Ire. ' fiL'PPOMITORIES, Ciule of )lntmnt and two ikiximoi viBLiaent. a uevar railing cure lor FllM of Tory Bfttur dfiirree. It makes ud opvratloD with tta knife or Id)cUoo of rbot acid, which nnlnfbl and aaldom a permanent cu, c, and ofter leaoltlng In death, imnectiaearr. Why entfurr this terrible dlaeaae? We Buaranta 6 boiea to our any aasa. You ouly pay for .enents reoslred. II a box, A for 95. Sent by null. Ouaranteea tasned by oar agaate. CnNTIPATinNCl"d' Pllc Pmenlxl. IfUnO I 11 H I lUn h,JapanetLlwerPllet the (treat UVEK and 8TOM ACIl KEUUL&TOR and KLOOD PUKIFIF.H. Small, mild and pleasant to take, ogpeeially adapted for children's use, SDDoses ss 'nta. i h -f raJUNTFXa Issoad only by ' JAPANESE CURE MHADFieLO rteouLAron co- ' raa saw israuMuaataTa. ATLANTA. SWfr A clear, soft, rosy complexion is the desire of every lady. Why not give Johnson's Oriental Snap a trial. There is nothing to compare with it as a skin beaut.ifW. Two rakea in a pack. ise. 25 ohuU. For sale bv John V. UacUae, druggist. ' 1 i 0 0 Et Pimplss, Blotches rrn id ii M r. Charles B. Bouse, the well known New York millionaire, who served in the Confederate army, de sires to pat ap a building for Confed erate veterans at the Atlanta exposi tion ; He proposes to make it a meet ing place where lectures and speeches maybe delivered by veterans and where Confederate relics may be sold. A ciboulae has been issued from the headquarters of the American railway nni H which, after treating of various business matters, assails the old bro therhoods and the latter grand offi cers in a savage way. The circular, is addressed to taw local anion .and is Signed by Eugene V. Debs as pTesi-- dent. It bears evidence of his bitter feeling toward the officers of the bro therhoods.i, 1- PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT . AND POTASSIUM Makes Sr Marvelous Cures ;S in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula:: , P. P r. porifieattMbtao&biifldtvip th wititlc and dnbUitatwl. el as trejav : t weakened orTM, ezpls lUieiHi t ;vinsc th patient health and bai.-m Thr alokDeM, fUoomr fei. . hwaltad flm prcraited. and Old Sores z2 Catarrh, Malaria 3 and Kidney Troubles Ar cBtlrvljr nnored by P. P.P. mmB liicklj Ash, Poke Hook and Potae- inm, the greateuG blood puiifler on 0m earth. 0 Abbudkkf, o. , July 21 , 1991. .-avM IfBsmta. Lippman Bro. Bavannah, Ga.: Dea Sirs-I buuht a bottle of oar P.P. p. at Hot 8priDtn.Ark.,and ea It baa done me more kooo than three months' treacmeiit at thellotaprliiga, 'v eDd three bottlw O. O. D. EeapuotfniJy yonra. ., - J rf. M. NBWTO. Aberdeen. Brown County, 0. ,-0 : aV, D- lohaUtOBU 1 9b i7 kthom it mnf rmctrnt 1 bere 1 by teatify to the wonderful properties ef P. P. P for ernptiOBJi of the akin. I altered for sereral years with an un 1 Itchtly ud dlsngreeabltj eruption on my face. I rtea eTery known rome dy bat In vaJn. until P. P. P. ww used. 1 and am now entirely cured, ifilgnedbj) J. U JOHNSTON, fiaTaonaa, Qtv- V ; Bkl Cmr CmrU. - 1 TutUHmf ftmtke Mayor tf SeqvTu 1 J BeQnut, Trx., January 14, 1M93. . avaawoDaw. uirrwaa afnu.. pkV auuSU, Oa. t OenUeme hav triHfl vnnr P. P. P: for dlseaae of the akin, oitaiiily knpwn as akin canoer.of thirty yrnra' tAD-liisK, and found (treat relief i It purifies the blood and removes all Ir S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line. OOHDEN8KD 8CUKDULB. ! irr lot May 5, tM. Trains iieavv. Kalelgn, ' IMA at Jally, "Atlanta Special, 1 oilman Veetlbalelur tlen aerson, Weldon, Peters barg, Blehmond, Washinir ton, Baltlmorw, Pniladel piila, Wear fork and al points north. UuSet draw lug room sleepers and Poll man eoaeliee Atlanta to Wasbington, parlor ears Washington to New lork Pnllman dleepln ear Moa roe to rorunoatj. 11 81 A M Dally for rJeoderson, Weldon, 8nf folk, Portsmootn, iSorfolk and intermediate stations, eonneets at Portamoatb with BayLlneforOld Point and Baltimore, with Nor folk and Washington Bleam boat (Jo., lor Washington with K. V. P. a fl. ii. K for Philadelphia and rolnts nortn; also at Weldon wlln Atlantie Ooast Line for Richmond. Washington. Halilmore, Philadelphia and flew lork. Throngb sleepers Weldon to JNen York ani with ScoU&nd iHeok Branch for ttreen ville, Washington and Ply month. Pmiinan sleeper Atlanta ty forumoatu. B 85 AiM Daily. "Atlanta Bpeolal,' Pnllman Vestibule ior Bo. .Pines, Hamlet, Monroe, Hjheeter, uiintun, Ureen. wood. Abbeville, Athens. f Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, new Urleaaa, Uhattas nooga, Haahvuie, Memphis aud alt points eontn and southwest. 'X'hrongU Pull man Buffet Hleepers And day eoaehes Washington to Atlanta, connecting direct ly t Uulon depot Atlanta with diverslng lines ruli man sleeper Portamonth io Monroe. 8 aO P M Dally, for Southern Pines, Bamletk Hail o.n, w uuiingtun, Wadesboro, Monroe, Uhar lotte, Linoolnton, Bhelby, . Rutherfordton, Chester, Ureeawood, AtlanU And Points south. Tralns,Arrlve iUlelgh : (Bill m Dally, "Atlanta Special Poliman Vestibule from Mew York. Philadelphia Baltimore, Washuucton. Richmond, Portsmonth, Horlolk And . au point north. Parlor cars . lNevt York to Washington: Pull oiaa Buffet Bieepers and day euaehea WashingtOB to Atlanta. ar afDallv from Portsmouth- and poinii north via Bay June A. 1. 1 ' U. K. B. also fron. ereenvllle, Plymouth, Washington an i Kasteru Oarollna-points via Wet don.Petereburg, Klohnionc Washington And poinb north via Atlantie Coast Liue, sleeper jew York tc Weldon. 181 AM Daily. "Atlanta Special: Pnllman Vestibule, fron. Atlanta, Athene, Abbeville. Ureenwood, Chester and points south.; Pullman day eoaehes and .sleeper Atlan to to WAsbi ngton. 11 So AM Daily from Wilmington, Bhelby, Liueoluton, UhAr lotte, Atlanta And points south. Ho. 408 and 401. "AtlanU Special." j are solid Pnllman veatibaied trains, oomuoseu oi u eicuuiaeuk usi etmouee And DArSMt drawing rooms' Ballet sleepers between v uhington anu Atltnta without change, on wtueti there Is no extra fare oharged. For Infotmatlon relative tosoaed- ule, Ac, apply to Uuaet agent, or A i Oooke, B. P A., BAltlgh. E. St. JOHN, Vice. President. J. H. Wikdsb, (ieneral Manager. T. I. Abdusou, Uen'l Pass. Agent V. Jt. MeBai, Bnpt. Transportation. Jor, i;Voondary andtertlarr Tpbil. 'lkicd polaonlna;. merao rial pouM . ,4. tlarla, dyapepslQ. and In all bliy..l tn i ails dlMaaaa, ilk. 1lotohea, (M;apua, old ehronlt iloara, setter, soaid liaud, bells, errslnaiaa, oscina- nj say, without teat of oon.tradlctlon,aat P. P.J, la the best blood parlfler In tbe world, and makaa poaltive, apeadr andpnaaaQt cum In all easea. i ' ' Ladles whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is In an Itnpnra oon di ttos, dae to m.natraal Irravnlarttlea, .r. nenli.prr tM.nnfltAii h, tht mrnn. darfnl tonfa and bkwhl filaaMainff npnn. i VltatlOO from to. seat of tba dlwai ertlea of P. P. P.-Prloklr Aik, Itoka and prevents any apreading- of th Boot and Potassium. i i aoras. I bara taken firaor all bottles ' SHSBaaBBBaBaBBVBHBvnaBHaBaaBHBBaa, and feel oonfldent thhtaaotbar eourne a Bnmann.n Ua A au. Uth 1tia9 Will effOOt ft OtirO. It tlAS SlSO relieved 1 oan speak tn the falgbeat terms of E!Lt!71? !Srt)Ket1on and atomaell K CAPT. V. at. KVWt. -i ' disease, plenrlsT and rhenroatliun for - s .;. , l.. Attorney at Law. n aTJ I oan speak m the nlgbeat ternia of our madlolna from mr own uersa ui knowledge. I was affected wits blurt disease, pleurisy and rneamatiun for 86 years, as (ranted by-tbe very best , uuj.icians ana aueoft oouurci vi.iur ' tars, tried every known teroedy with out nnding rjllef. J have only tukoa one bottle jot yonrP. P. p. , oan obeerfnlly aay it laa dons' me mora Bood tfcaa nncthli u I have aver taken, lean recomi. .! voarrnedlcinenoall . m n. jb. i bam, Bed on Bi Dimes ofns.- , llh DBUOOISTS SBLIi IT. ' ' ' Lirv.Arj snoo.: FOR RCWT. M PDLLK5 BDILDIHQ Ind FLOOR - n'ftj SEVERAL GOOD B0ILDIK3 LOTS FOR 8HLB OH III! TEEMS i BT THE - M05TH. CALL ASP WR WILR TAKE PLE18UEE IU 8H0WIHQ ART OT THE ABOVE DESOBIBEO PROPERTY WYNNE, ELLINGTON & CO '9-OKK0KH-K0-9- TTERBURN LITHia: TI PALATABLE AND HEALTHY. ;Absolutely Free From Or-! ;ganic IVIatter, Therefore! PURE 20 Cents for 1-2 Gallon Bottles, Delivered; Anywhere in the City. 0 O Q o J. HAL BOBBITT, Sole Agent ior Raleigh, N. 0., Constant! Receiving Fresh Shipments Direct from Springs. STOCKS AND BONDS. Corrected weekly by Willi 4 Kllito. Bis. Bosds. Nortn Carolina 8s W. V. C. B. 6a 113 H.C. R. R. 106 City of Raleigh Os.ltW 107 6,187101 Rat. Cot. Milis,6e,j901 104 CarghMUlsCo,08, .108 ... Stocks. , Citiiens' Hat. Bank, " 133 Nat. Bank of Raleigh, 122 Com. A Farm. Bank, 130 Hal. Savings Bank, 130 Oaraleigh Mills Uo., 77 - Phos.' Works, 00 31. C. Car Co., 96 Raleigh Gas Light Co. 66 Kalelgh Jtlectrio Co. - ; ' '"'" 1 l' ' ! ' IM '" Abiid. 136 137 103 104 114 106 110 103 106 134 134 133, 136 SO ,100 .000 70 60 i nn in mmm n i in 1 1 1 1 lit- ... ; w .- -1 n.f T. nBEEIIS31!:r".ItI:3ISTr?ltilBllp,lf ri i:wewe"ewwwvveea)eewwJeew u ,X;,, tit 4 r- - -'4 K k- We have about 50 porch andtawn settees) whioh we will sell at oot loi tu neat ludays. . - .; 7 ,'rhomat ft lfaXell'f. - AMOHl'H, $3.00 PER YEAR. THE Gyeuing , Visitor. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, NOW IS THB TIME SOW IS THE TIME TOJSDBOKiliB. TO SUBSCRIBE. Th mission Tf THE VISITOR will , be in tbe fatnre, It has been In the pnst, -.. . TOIELEYATR LIBOR v : . - PDBLI8H.Ai)l HOUR KEW", INTEREST RKATERS "-',.' 4LL CLAS. -TO AD VAKCE TBE INTEREST' OF RALEIGH, REPORT ALL INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. It will eontribnre, by lte advoeacy of Progressive Ideaa of Business, to make Raleigh sr prosperotu : manafaetorinft aenire, a ' model of eommereial enterprise, and the 1 . ,, . cuoet prosperous CITY IN THE SOUTH. , Its small prlra will attract snbwsritew. Its real meriu will make it a . popular favorite. SUBSCRIBE FOR 1 THE VIOITOR . . I -TERMS i One year, Inside the lty. One week, u , One mouth, "... One yeaf.oatalda theeltV. One week,":; , '.J. Onemoutb, v., : lob of foar, one month.' . . . KTEnrsrolsp 3d. , Co S3 $3 10" ' 06 ' 5 tlC3

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