i FOR RENT iw ROOM DWELLINGS SOUTH ST. 1-4 1-1 -t 1-J 1-0 l- 1-1 LENOIR BRANCH " JOHNSON FIR WOOD AVE. HAROETT ST. DAW80N " PBICE $150-. " tot ? . M S.U " 6.00 11.00 " 18 CO 44 a. oo EYEMIHG VISITOR; PUBLISHED EVFRY AFTERNOON, (Except Sunday) EVENING VISITOR PUB CO. THE VISITOR, by carriers in the city, 15 cents per month. Prices (or mailing, f J per year, or 25 cents per month. Orlice Upstairs over Mr. J. Hal Bobbin's Drug Store, 2nd floor. W. M. BROWN, Sb., M'g'r, Raleigh, N. C. f RED. A. OLDS. Editor Advertisement! to be changed must be sent In before or by 13 o'clock, to Insure Insertion. Th underground trolley U in use Bueeessfully in Washington on a street railway line eight miles long. Smutob. Marion Butler says senator Til'man is the Andrew Jackson who would free the people from contem plated British domination, and the sentiment is cheered the echo by the populists. ' A Sam Francisco paper says the heirs of Jose de Jesus Noe will bring anit to recover a vast tract of land near there, and that the property in olved is estimated to be worth 34 000,000. Eight million dollars are going into building improvements on Broadway New York, south of Fourteenth street, The idle money in the banks is begin ning to How freely into real estate in vestments. Advasck in the price of corn. In the face of a larger yield than the coun try ever had along to 1895, shows tht the farmers are the chosen people this year. .. . . waiting for the action or approval of anr other nation. It is believed by each men as senator Daniel of Virgin ia, Gen. Stone of Missouri, and sena tor Jarvis and congressman Loikbart of North Carolina, that the result of the xiUer conference which cloned yesterday will be felt in every state represented there. The propositi"!!, it will be seen, goes to the very rout of the silver question as encouutered by the democratic party. The friends of silver within the democratic party will bring forwurd a new proposition neit year with regard to the parry's presidential nomina tion. They will insist that the candi date pledge himself or in some way commit himself in the event cf elec tion not to exercise the veto power of his office in eased where he dues not hold that the measure pretsatrd for his signature is in violation of the constitution. Tbfhr liny ('Hpulpn :r- rl laid L....M ..I.I.., i Incunvrnirni'i., nfl.-l, i HT IV 1 111 which i.imP.,. .inUJI J wpp) ana jnit'ftl' i ? fall, Aug 6. Favobablb accounts of the progress of the Cuban revolution have been re ceived at New York by Gen. Qonxalo de Quesada, secretary of the revolu tionary party in the United States, in a letter from Gen. Maoeo. It has practically been decided that H. H. Holmes, the suspected murder er of Minnie Williams, B. F. Pitzel and half a dozen others, will go to Chicago for trial for the murder of the Williams girls. Ohly two courses are open to Spain. She must either send one. hundred thousand more soldiers, or must grant Cuba complete autonomy. Spanish soldiers died of yellow fever in the past few weeks at the rate of 120 a day. . " Japanesb military have suffered a loss of thousands from Cuba during the last few months, and the princi pal stations in Japan are at present converted into great hospitals. The Formosa expedition has proved espe cially disastrous. Thekb will be real civil service in the District of Columbia. It is offi cially announced that within the next week the civil service commission will take charge of and personally conduct all examinations for positions under the district government. SUDDEN DEATi o T 53 -a The best wearing, most stylish, and the greatest value of any $3.00 Men's Shoos on thfl continent Best calfskin, dongnla tops, solid leather soles, with all the popular toes, lasts and fastenings, and Lewis' Cork Filled Soles. Each pair contains a paid-up Acci dent Insurance Policy for 9100, good for 00 days. Wear Lewis' Accident Insuranoe Shoes onoe and you will never change. The Insurance goes for "full measure." Talk with your dealer who sells Lewis' Shoes. SOLD BY "Whiting Bros i-i 1-4 ! 4 1-8 1 FOR RENT CABARRUS BAUBUYM " R.BOUTH " 44 BLOUNT " B. PERSON M 1 8TORK HlLLBOR' RAD KfcUR A. . COLLEGE 1 " PULIEN BUILDN 1 OFFICE " Sod FLOOR 11.60 io or 15.0P BOO MOO its aNOriCE OF SALE. BY virioetif a mortgage from Annie H. fox ra anil J Kowan Ru re, r l-iisbaud re;ortl- d iu Hie reiflnter' iMc ot 'Vko cuuty, iu book IU ' pt,-e Mi.aud bv virtue of nthorit uouferrrU uoa uie m tra tee by il'ireo dated the 6tli d ty of July. l&UY Hud uimI by D 11 Young, rletk of etapt-rlor Court of Wake county, iu 'lie special proceed In entitled W. W Vtesvs Annie 8. Rogers ami J Rowau Rogers aud otti ere, 1 will sell ou W edm cd-y, ttieWtb day of ' Uirnst, Ib'J), at the hour of U M. at the noarlbone tor o Wake county, iu the city of R.tleili, (lie laud- conveyed aud dexcribuil iu S -i I inor'giK', tlio-H e biting sitaa'el iu Little River towutdiip Co- nty of Wake, and wire fully described as follows- 1- t tiaet, arj lining the lands of the tstate of ;. U. Jones, Willis iu Much ell abdutbt-rs.aud begi iuKatastaae on the Halifax road, runs thenev U7 polis to a suae, tbence sou u tbroe degrees east 110 poles to a owk tree; tuenee aioug rijcniu'ir. hmni ii tatpv)' iu ssid breocl ; tru-uco N P"lf to the begiuuii(. ; - 'nila lua 71 1- cr f more or les. i - ei. tbie laud donvejed to W. kt. Uniir wood by (L U. Harrison, aduiiuirtra tor, by (!etd recorded in aaul regis ter's oC'ff In bo-ik 23, cm page 8) 8d tract, kuowu hs tbe Wo d fn Uarp liter lund, begiuuiug at a piue on tie Ha'ifax road, rune theuue north 103 olstoa piie; tbence north 16 degrees, rast 82 poles to a gum; !hrnoe east bl poles to a wluteonk; ' hf nee south '.4u poles to a white oak on said road; thence aloufc th aid road to tbe beginning; containing 1U0 aeri-s, and being tbe land couvuyed by H W Horton to H A. Uodge, guardian ot Uo.i1eu Carpenter, by deed recorded 'n raid agister's omce in book H, ou page 410, aud being the same laud Mid by W. H. Pace, com initatoner, u Jauuary Vi'h, 1?S2 lid tract adjoins the lauds of WIN lisui MitcLeU, burton F-ireil aud others and begins at a poplar near the Mitchell spiiog brauch, near lis juuotion with fycaui re branoh, ruus thence east with tIab B. Oreen's line lift poles to a stsk-; thence south li 12 degrees, east it i said (ireeu's line poles to a gum on the Fai ou (Driner branch; thence weBt with LU.r-! t. u Fcrrell s line 126 poles to ru k on the Mitchell spring branch; : n e dowu tbe various c .urcesof tbf ci;e to the begioning, containing V l-i acres, and being the lv.nd ciuveved to W. H Underwood by E. K. Pace and wi!e, by deed recorded In gaid regisk r's office In book 1 7, on page tW. Relereuce is hereby made to all of the derde above referred to. Terms of sale cash. This July 3'th, 185 J. N. HOLDING, a'rnstee. iul 27 SOd ; Mothers Friend" makes child birth easy. Colvin.La, D0. 3, 1889.-Urvrlfe used MOTHBE'S FHIXfTD before her third confinement, and say she would not be vitfcout it tor bundreds of dallare. SOCK MILLS, Sent by express o receipt of prist, 11 JO per bot tls. Book "To Mothen " mailed frte. BnAOFIILD KEQULATQ CO.. raiukouinuMiiTi fTUUITA. OA- CURE A 7i.w ana CJomplpto Trontiaent, coDUlius: -iUPPOHITOKIES, llnpulw of Cintnunt ml t Hi 'ii8 of olnuveut. A nover-fsllmg Cure fcrPHe' f every nature and di'irree, H mt&e Mi open.ll j. with the knifu or IuJbcUi.dr of oarbolln aciil, whicl -rd painful and eeldom a pern,anent cuio, and oftet resulting la deiitli, unneceaMry. Why endur, this terrible aiaeue? We uarante9 t poiea to cure an oase. You only pa to txinentii reeelTed. f I a boi, for 13. Santbyuall (iuuranteea liwued by our ageuta. CONST IP ATI ANCuM0- p,,e rTsventsd, VUIIO I IT n I IUH bylaa.nesLIerPellet the great MVKK and 8TOJIACH KEOULATOR nnd BLOOD PliKIFIEK. Small, mild and pluauiut to take, especially adepted tor childrea's uee. fiOiioaei iB Mult. 'lABAKTKEH imati only by IV II Sa Pimnlfis RlntnhRs 3! i"8"1 A kbw malady has appeared in the American telephone exchanges. The fatigue of continually at the receiver produces a humming in the ears and a headache, and finally abscess of the tympaDum. Tbe employe has to rest every three or four hours, and sometimes to cease work altogether for some days. It is not yet explained whether the affection is due to defec tive apparatus or to overwork. The silver conference at Washing ton finished its labors and adjourned, llany delegates made speeches, and some scored the administration quite severely. It was resolved that the democratic party, in nationil conven tion assembled, should demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold into primary or redemption xnonejr at the ratio, of 10 to 1, without 1-PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT JET AND POTASSIUM Makes Marvelous Cures Erin Blood Poison IE: Rheumatism Pimples, Blotches j and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Ar entirely removrd by P.P.I Prick. y Aflb, Potp Boot and Fotas- ' I urn, the greatest blood purifier oo artH. grand Scrofula P. purifies the blood, ball da np rt,ilc and debilitated, glvea ABERMtfiir, O. . Jnly 21, 1801. MEflftits. Lifpman Bros,, SAVAnnah, Qa. : Dear sirs I boiiKht a bottle of yourP.P P. at Hot Springs, Ark. ,ant It has done me more koo! tfajin threo monthfT trtMtrme.it at the Hot Springs, Rend three bnttlfs O. O. D. S. A. L. Soa board Air-Line. CO Delphi ct;MKlULK. IB arraor slay 6, 'Mi. Trains Lk KaIciku, 1 V8 M1'ally, " U--ut.it H elal, I niliuu Vcstiboleiof ilei. uerson, Weldon, Feum Atarif, Kichuiond, iVbabluti ton, Haliiuiore, PnilaUe:. ptiia, iNew lork and ai polnuuortb. BulTel draw in(from aleeperaaul full niau cousliee A Haul a ti W aaiiiiigUiii, purlor ear. W'aiiUiuttion tuKewYork Puliman dleepinx ear Mon roe to Portsinoat'i. i 11 81 A M-Dully for beudersou. Weldon, nul folk. PortsinoutU, orloik anu luleruirdlttie stations eonnecta at t'oi teuioui I. v-llU Bay Line for Uhl Poiui aud Baltimore, with fior folk ana v aauington Hieaa boat Co., lor Washington witn M. i. P. A A. . h for Pbiludeipbiaaail (ointt norm; eleo al WelUon WILL Atlantic Ooaet Liue loi KicUuiond. W aautiiKlou Haiauiore, Philadelphia and flew tork. Tbrougb sleepers Weldon to Aev York aul with Bcoilaun Xeck Brnnen tor WreeL vllle, VaeblLgion and Pl nioutn. P'l.liuau sleepei AiUuta t Portsmouth. S 85 A.M Dully "Al luuta bpocial, Puliuiftu etilunle lor o Pn..a, liauilet, Aioukh, Cbt-kter, Oliuton, Ureeu. wool, Abbeville, Athens. Aliauia, Montgomeiy, Mi--Lin', Jew Orleuiu. oLallat noogu, Nasbviiie, atcuipb'.t hijU (ill points sou in auo souibwesu 'i'Uioub Pull man Buffet Sleepers ant. day ooaoties V asblugton u Atlanta, eonnectiug direct iy at Union depot Atlante witn diverting lines Puh nian sleeper Porteinontu io Monroe. 8 40 P M laily, for riootheru Pines, Hamlet. MkZlo.n, vViiuiiniilobi V adesboro, Monroe, Uliai- lotie, liincoiutou, fctielby, Kutnerioratou, Uliesler, Ureeuwoou, Atlanta aud Points aontb. TraIns;Arrive ttaleigU: 6 8U A M lally, "Atlanta Hpocia: Pullman Veeiibne Iron, JNew York, Pniiatielpnia Baltimore, Waabington. fiiebmond, Portemouii. Atrtoik and ali poiun norib- Parlor ears Ae oik to WaeblngLon; ton man Builei oieepeis am day ooaobes W asklngtoi to Atlanta. S 36 P U Dally torn Portemouin and polni nortb viaBay JUiue JN. i. i it . K. K., alto iroi. Oreenvllie, PiymoutL VrHkbittgu-n aii'i iLusiei i Caroliub points via W el don,Peterebarg, lilobmoni. Waebiugton aud poinii north via Atlantic tuasi Liue, sleepers 4 ew kork li WelUon 1 81 A M 1'aily, "Atlanta Hpeolai, Pullman VtBtiOuie, Ira Atlanta, Attieue,Abtevllle, W ret n wood, Chester and points sontb., Pni man da) tobf.Les and sieepar Auan ta to Wasbl ngtou. Dally iioiu W iim iug ton, Sbdiby, iilncoliiton, vuar lotto, Atlanta and poin t south. Xo. 403 and 408, "Atlanta Bpeuial, are solid Pullman vestibaled trains, composed of c agninceut dayooaobee and palace drawing rooms Bullet sleepers between ivaehiugUm am Atltnta without change, on whici there is no extra fare cuarged. For inlorm&tion relative to sebeo hie, ao, apply to tlckdi agdut, or A J Oooke, a. P. A., iiaitlgh. E. St. JOHN, Vice President. J. U. Wihdbr, Ueneral ulanager. T. J. Ahdrbsoa, Uen'l Pass. Ageut Y. K. McBaa, Uupt. Xraudportation FOR REWT. f . tteaDectfuUv runrs. I An. M. HKW njN. Aberdeen, Brown County, Ci.pt. J. D. JobnRton. fb nil whom it may cvWKtfm: I her by testify to the wonderful properties nere aicKneas, Kloomy . r. lorwupuvnoi me skid, i laaaltude brat prevailed. for aeverat yean with an tin- my face. I tried every known reme dy but In va'n, until P. P. P. wee used, sad am now entirely cured. 61gaedby J. T). JOHNSTON. Savannah, Oa, Shin Cueer Cureile Tutimony from tht Mayor of Sequin, Tkt. P. P. the rei strenr- t.r weakened nerres, expels riiae-" .- . ving the patient health and u.ifM -nere aicKness, gloom' )Ol'. svpuin aim vii i- J' l ira, lusurj in ai ! L:o-t .ml skin dteeaaea, like troondnry and tertinry icd Dolsonlnir. mern j'llerla, dyspepsln. and blotchos, ptii'jioa, old chronic 'lloers. cotter, acaictaead, bolls, eryslnelas. ecienia- we may say, without fear or contraaiccion.cnac r. f. r. is toe best blood purifier In tbe world, and makes oaiuve, sp 1 all oases, Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood Is In an Impure condi tion, dne to menstrual Irregularities, are peculiarly benefited bv the won derful tonlo and bloou cleansing prop ertiesof P. P. P. -Prick if Asa, Po5e Root and Potassium. positive, speedy and permanent cures SpniNQFiBLD, Mo., Auff. 14th, 1893. I esn speak in tbe highest terms of oar medicine from mv own optho tn.1 knowledge. I was affected with hort disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for S5 years, was treated by the very beat physicians ana spent hundreds of lol lara, tried every known remedy with out nndlrikT rIinf. T havn onlv takAn (,one bottle of your P. P. P., nd can cheerfully sav It has done me mora Mac good than anything I have ever taken. " I can reeommend your medicine to all " 8Uffeer9 of the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YEABT. Bpringfleld, Green County, Mo. BwQriw, Tux., January 14, 1893. Go. ( Gentlemen I have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin ranoer.of thirty years' landing, and found great relief: it purifies the blood and removes all Ir ritation from tbe seat of the disease and provi-ut any sprpading of the sores. I have taken llteor Jix bottles andluel c-unfi.louc thhtauotheroourse will effect a uure. It ha also relieved me from Indication and stomaoli troubles. Yours truly, OAPT. W. If. RUflT, Attorney at Law. M oo Bioci! Disease!. lor Fret AIL DBUQOISTS SELL IT. LIPPMAN SROS. PBOPBIET0S8, Uppnta'i Block, SaTiuaaall, eat, STOCKS AND BONDS. Corrected weekly by Wui A Bllibotob. Bonds. Bid. Askbd. North Carolina rjs 124 127 " , 4s 103 104 W. N. C. R. 6s 113 114 N. C. R. K. 106 108 City of Kaleigh 8s,1907 107 110 6s,lbu7 101 102 Bal. Cot. Mills,es,l901 104 106 Car' gh Mills Co.tfs, 103 Btocba. Citixens' Aat. Bank, 122 124 Mat. Bank of rtaleigh, 122 124 Com. & if Mm. bank, 120 122 Bal. Having Bank, 130 135 Caraleigh Mills Co., 77 90 " Fhos. Works, 00 100 N. C. Car Co., 96 100 Raleigh Gas Light Co. 66 70 Raleigh JEElectric Co. 60 1 M FDLLS5 BUILD1H9 tod FLOOR - inoo BEVKRAL GOOD PDILDIHG LOT8 FOR 8HLK ON KAT TKRM8 BY THE MONTH. CALL AP I Wllhl TAKR PLRVHUK IS 8BOWINO ANT OF THU ABOVE DE3CBIBED PROPERTY. WYNNE, ELLINGTON & CO 00KKOC0K0K-HQ- TTERBURN LITH1A: " mm U WaTERp PALATABLE ANO HEALTHY. Absolutely Free From Or-; 1 . Iganic Matter, Therefore! Pl'RE. V.V.'.V 20 Cents for 1-2 Gallon Bottles, Delivered! Anywhere in the City. 2 oooo J HAL BOBHITT, Sole Agent lor Raleigh, N. C., g Constantly Receiving Fresh Shipments Direct from Springs. O ooooooooo kk 0000000006 GET the BEST0 TaHe the Visitor, A MOUTH, 23.00 PER YEAB. THE Evening Viitor. A PAPSR FOB THE PEOPLE. We bave about 60 porch anu iwn setteec wblub we will sell at cot for tbe next 10 days. .Xhomaa ft M.eU'g. NOW W THE TIME UvV IS TUB TIME TO:8UaUKlrJr. TO SUBSCRIBE. The mission of THE VI3ITOR will be in the future, as It has been In the past, TOELEVATE LIBOR PUBLISH ALL HOME NEWS. TO INTEREST BJEAPK!19 . -TO- ADVAKOB THE INTEREST ' OF RALEIGH, -TO- REPORT ALLHINDU8TRHL ENTERPRISES. It will eontrlbrjre. by its advocacy of Proftreselv Ideas of Business, to make Kalt-lgh a prosperous manufacturing eenire, a model of commercial enterprise, and the , most proeperoos CITY IN THE SOUTH. Its small prire will attract subscribers, Ita real merlu will make It a popular favorite. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE VISITOR TERMS : One year, Inside the elty, ta 00 One week, " 0 One month," 8 One year, ontelde the elty, t 00 One week, " M M One month," Olobs of four, one month, tl 00 Postage paid at thU office. Address, eve sin vi iros, BALBIQH, N. 0)