DUKE Cigarettes smm Kr-"'llCAMr wi.M TOBACCO Cl't" ' V- jj ( r OUflhtu W.C. II I . MADS FROM High Grade Tcbacco AND ABSOLUTELY PURE PHILOSOPHY OF RAIN. Wbti the rata wnM poerla' down. Smile aa' let her rein! Tbe dry laid it gts thirsty. And tb moaataia sad tb plain. They try oot for a drop to drink, A a' all the witherin' flowrs Arc glad to set tb rata fall fre, Aad fresh with tb flower. Caa't harssanllght all tb time GUd for raia to fH Fill tb well it' maka tb dell Look frb an' aparklla' all. Tb raindrop make tb rose arrow, 8j wbat'e tb e in sigha? Tb good Lord rani tb oasieeee Lik b want to in the skies. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. MAGNETIC NERViNEri?,Ti rpCFtor Lol Manhood. 1 are wnaknwSHH, Norvout Debility !.! all thaeviUfrorn oaily or UtAr ex seanM. uiu rHuit o? overwork, worry, m kWa etc. Fail ktratiiTth, tone ami dcvwhiptaont ftivm tw entry onmn or portion of tho bony. Improve neiit i id ixjt.iat' Ly fmmtheurtttbor. Tliuuft. rftt of litTH f pruifw on fclein ourotlire. Cm earrM in vmA, poekot. 8mt by DihU to an hiroiM on reoeipt of price. One month's trnai MDt tn ih box. rioe$l.OO,6boxH, fj.OO.wiUi WnlUi UonrttiitM to refund money if riot oared eo4 id ua tar the (Mmino. Cireuiars Kre ' Juhn Y. VacRae, Dmggiat. Rakish, N O. WL. Douglas 03 shoe: fit re a kino. S. CORDOVAN. nrNeH jktNAMcato cult. ?43S" Fine Cau kicangarou 3.5P POLICE,) soles. f2.l.7SBOVSSCHC0LS!Ul 'LADIES' Over On Million Pfopl wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally atlsfactory J! . if l "ntsfO0. CATALOGUE OUCrLAS- Tnejr f iv tna neat valu for the money. in, The price ar uniform .4 temped on sole, They equal custom f hoaa In atyle anil Their wearing qualltire are unsurpassed, Prom ll to S t saved ovee nlher ni.kr. 11 your dealer cannot supply you wo can. Sold by HELLER BROS. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Bheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bite Chronic Sore Eyes and Gninuluted Eye Lida For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. to horsk"owners. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try l)r. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of ajinctite, relieve conKtipation, correct kidney disorder and destroy worms, giving ew life to an old or over-worked horse. 26 tents per package. For sale by druggists. PIGEON Mil THE CREATES DISCOVERY CI THE AGE. Cures in 1 to 4 darn. Im mediate in effect ; quick care. (Inn iieoHnieu in veet Docket, fill oomnleto in one null package, neut by mail, prepaid, plain paokage, on receipt of price. $1 per box. For sale by John Y. McR&e, drng gist JAPANESE CURB Bl'r rU . 1 lin I ''.JS, CAfieni'W . T IMI.fnM ni. iui.i Bofee of OiDtmrrt. A never ft.'lfntr ( ute tor lMeitm tbe kcifo in Inierti tk ft coi-Kitlc ar id, whirh r saintol and sel l ai P' -rr-m- nt .mil oltnt r .nltiiu in ' iir.n",sr v HVhv er.d..-re thia tn-r.l-l , dleenee? W enamnt'-o f hre to euro any ctlfe. Vo nly i; r lor l aaiveL il boxJl x IS. 3eu(tntcwll. JAPANESE PILt OINTMENT, 2s0. Box. fnUCTID ATlflMCurcd. Plica Prsvenled theaniail-IVEB jind BTvMAI H KKUiiLyuHv bi fi DlkllTirR. una! . m.lii M'. l uKjtaun tak-v eaiMolaliT ad. ited ltr children'' i::o. 6U Duwa Soenta. For bale by John T. MacRae, drug gist. ' . : ..v- Ate aad Grew Fat Last yr aaate rallre4 ran ft Una of aare tbroagb Tata, all paiaUd (mi, aad be tb trala stopped at tb 8 rat aiatioa la tbe grasshopper eonetr,th grasshoppara lit oa tb ears aad ate thaa laa doa to tbe bl. . J. we Marvrioun Mesulls From a Ifttrr written by Rm ljuii'Ifriuan, -if liiiuundale, Mich., am iit-ruiittrd to mak this eitract have uo bcHitatiou in reconunauding Dr. King' New Diin-overy, aa lb re sults taere always tuarvvloas in tbe case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Haptint church at Hives Junction she was brought do n with pneutuunia Hui-ceediug la grippe. Terrible pannysiim of coughing would laxt hours with little interruption and it seemed as if ahe could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. Kiu's New Discovery; it wax ipiick in its work and highly satiHfactory in results." Trial buttles free at John Y. Mhi-IUo's drug store, lingular size 50c and $1.0J. At. Prwf. . . Smith, t. Commercial Uollea ot Ky. Unlvarslly. Laxlnfton, Ky.. waa awarded MEDAL AND DIPLOMA BT THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, For fVf.tem tfBoak-aiee-M'af UtmTwt RuiMu Hd-ie-atlo-a. eae. Ooet to comuleta Bomui'itnl'ourae about tWMnqlndlng tuition, books. and noara. rnouosrmpny. irpe vruinc ana Talaaraphy taught. For circulars, address. friAGNbTlG NERVINE. -1 if to'il with rlHei. oi,iiraj.'ea to eun. a.erv -ucProatra tlon, File, Ulul- Neuri.-iaa.dValce' luii -..(jeui-ed t j isx cosHivo asei if Orw 'ui To " -a anil . -BEFORE - Ar I CR al.m Softenirof the Brain, oanalng Mlcer-, trtaa "try nnn ocat n j liarreneei, Impoteuoy, L t Powor In either si . prematura Old Ac. a)luuWry Ihiww, onoeed fv nvAF.InHiil-r.i,M. -w-.twixMrtinn of tlie Urain And Krror cf Youth. It glvea to Week i ireane their Fatnril Vigor and doubles the )oye ot life; enrea Looorriicu and Female Weakneea. k iionth's treat ment, In plain packnire, by mail, to a ty eddre-w. SI per boa, tfboxes 16. with every oidr we Kl V (-Itten Quarant to cure or relui-:i u w Cumiara n-tw. 4anata taawt u i W - ' - Mar- . Writing of a negro revival, the Sanford Kipreas repoiter closes with: Nrx day 1 heard one of the brethren say, "Boss, des tell you we bad a splendid unetiu'. Nineteen got Migion aud as many mure would er got it if dar ha 1 er been roof on de floor." The Discovery nmv1 111 Life Mr. G.Caillouette, druggistjleavers' ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New JiHcoery 1 owe my life. Was taken with la grippe aud tried all the physi tans for miles aMut, but to uo avail ii ud ds giveu up and told 1 could not live. Having Dr. King s New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and be- tan its use aud from the tirst dose uegau to get better, and after usiug ihree bottles was up aud about agaiut It is worth its weight in gold. We cau t Keep store or uouse vwtuout it. Get a free trial bottle at John Y. Mac- Rae's drug store. ller Louiiteimuce Fell. Carson I met Lottie on the avenue this morning and as she recognised me her countenance fell. Merrick Why so? Caison Beoause the pavement was slippery. The rest of her fell too. Knights of tbe Mttocnbees. l tie state uoinmanaer writes us from Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "After trying other niadioines for what seemed to be a very obstinate cough iu our two children we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and at the end of two days the cough entirely left them. We will not be without it hereafter, as our experience proves tuat it cures where all other remedies fail. Signed, K. W. Stevens, State Cora. Why not give this great medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at MacUae's drug store. Regular size 50o. and $1.00. A perfent skelet' n of an ancient elk, in an excellent state of preserve' tion, was found about two feet under ground, at Fiobburg. Mich., a few dsys ago. When moving Into oar present home I fouud a bottle of Chamberlain Pain Balm left by a . former tenant Ou the label I found the stat-tmeii that it was good for cuts and burns I can testify to the truth of this. Noth ing in all my experience has found its equal for treating blisters or burns K. K. barrett. manager Le Sueur Sentinel, Ls Snear, Minn. Pain Balm is also a sure core for rheum tisin. For sale by J, Hal. Bobbitt druggist. A Weather Note. One day's hot Another's not; Keep the heart a eingin't All the world's a garden spot Hear tbe bells a ringin'l Sorrow We borrow Orievin' night and day; Qod will keep tomorrow; Sing along tbe way! My boy was taken with a disease resembling blood V flux. The first thing I thought of was Chamberlain' Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Two doses of it settled the matter and eured him sound and well. I hea-'tily recommend this remedy to all per sons Buffering from a like complaint. I will answer any inquiries regarding it when stamp is inclosed. I refer to any county official as to my reliability Wbi. Roach, J. P., Primroy, Camp. bell Co.. Tenn. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt. Thomas & Maxwell has just received ft large lot of pine fiber, mattresses for people solt(la-ff wite JMWMbleai laVtmhM Wtan Mir we; . v her CMorfe Wfc so wa a CUM. so rkd f or Cworia. Whea sue kecam JUta, she shag te Oaorta, WaeslssUdCbflrtti,ihegaTUws Osstsril. Knalh Hat-mon bad tb 'good forts to rtv a snail bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, ChoUra and Diarrhoea Remedy whea S member of hi family wer siak with dysente ry. Tbie one amsll bottle cared them all and be bad eome left which b gav to Geo. W. Baker, a prominent merchant of the place, Lewiaton, N. C. and it eared him of tb am aom- plaint. When troubled with dysen tery, diarrhoea, aolio in cholera mor bus, give this remedy a trial and yon will be more than pleased with the re sult. The praise that naturally fol- owa its introduction and a- has mad it very popular. 35 and 60 cent bottles for sal by J. Hal. Bobbitt, draggir-t An Anglican clerygman in Ireland recently announced that on the fol lowing Sunday "Rev. Mr. will rt n hi nnn tbe errors of Rome for those of Protestanism." m m A blear, soft, rosy compleilon is tbe desire of every lady. Why not give Johnson's Orieutal Soap a trial. There is nothing to eompare with it as a skin beaatifier. Two cakes in a pack age, 35 aents. For sale by John Y. MaeRae, druggist. A Mohammedan miracle play "Has san Russian," was presented in Spain, A. D. 1011. i" Z v ---e-iannTinn-ein--ne-iii l.Mlliaii-li I -"r-.-i'ra for Infants and Children. nnOTHERS, Do You Know tl-M rare-rt-ric, W I BaUfnan'a Dropa, ci.il ray's (Jot dial, nauiy so-valled rVxuhinK Bynipa. and saoat ninedle for cAlldre ara rompoaed of npiuu or morpbine t T3-B Tow K Bfrw that optura aud DM-nSiiay are etui-' irv n.-uc--tii. -uiMHiaf pa Yew Know that In rre -at oi-untnrft f'ru-iyts are n-t ---riiutu-,J tu u iiarnit' 4 without laheUnc them poktnne t Do Tea Kwowr that yoe ahouM not pfm.it enr mrdlrloe to be pi --en jour clald nleas you or your phyak-Ua know of what it b. eo-n;-uai'd r Do Yew Knew that Caatoria la a punrly tregtUUle iv-amtlon, and that a list of Ks burredlanu is pubUabed with every bottle t Do Yow Know that frstoria la the preHcri;Sko of the fane-ua Tr. Snniuel rttrher. Tbaw It has been In use for nearly thirty years, aad that more Cauoria is now sold tban of all other remedies for children coml-inod 1 Po Yon Know that the Pau-nt OfTloe rjnpnrtment of the T'tdtnd Rtatr-a, and of other couutriea, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and bis assigns to use the word C as to rial " and Ha formula, and that to Imitate them bi a atnte prison offenae f Po Yon Know that one of the roaaona tor grantin-; tide Kovertmefnt pruOx-tton was beoaurn Caatoria had been proven to be absolutely fcaranleaaT Do Yob Know that 35 aver a; doaea of Caaturla aru furuib-sl fur 3S ante, or one cent a doe f Po Yon Know that whea prjaaeaaed of thia perfect preparation, your ahUdren nusy ba kept well, and that yoe may have unbroken mat t Well, these thtaiEa are worth aawlre Tlare iaosa. Beauchamp 4 Beach, Eufaula, Ala. writes : W have handled your Japa nese Pile Cure for two years now and cau conscientiously say it has given entire satisfaction and is a good sel ler. We regard it as being the best thing for Hemorrhoids or Piles that we have ever sold. For sale by John Y. MaoRae, druggist. The fae-fdnitle Ter-r er. signature of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. The first looomotiv was service on a short freight Wales. pat into road in Nearly 3,000 convicts are located in England's largest prison, Port-laud For Insomnia, sleeplessness, nerv. ousness, hysteria aud all forms of nervous exhaustion and debility, there is but one remedy, Johnson's Saras parilla and Celery works directly upon the nerve centers and never fails to cure. Large bottles 50 eents. t t sale by John Y. MaeRae. Betwetn B. C. 700 ad B. 331, 39 Greek dramatists ar mentioned. Johnson's Kidney and Liver Regu lator invigorates the liver, regulates the bowels, cares dyspepsia, bilous ness, indigsstion, soar stomach and makes your head as elear as a bell. 35 and 50 tents. For sale by John Y. MaoRae At a bazar recently held in Paris the net proceeds were $60,000. All diseases of the skin cured and the best complexion restored by John son's Oriental Soap, perfumed and highly medicated. Two cakes in each package, 35 cents. For sals by John Y. MacRae. It is not true that love makes all things easy; It makes us choose what s difficult. In order to introduce Chamberlain's Cough Remedy here we sold several dozen bottles on strict guarantee and have found every bottle did good ser vice. We have used it ourselves and think it superior to any other. W. I. Mowrey, Jarvisville, W. Va. For sale by J. Hal. Bobbitt, druggist. Campos' resignation is a serious blow to Spain. It is a confession, on the pert of her greatest soldier, that the insurrection in Cuba is too formidable to be coped with successfully by the forces which Spain has in the island, or which she is at present disposed t send thers. This will give great snj coargemeut to friends of Cabs every. where. It will furnish additional vol unteers and supplies from the United States to ths insurgents. Bnklea'B Aru 10 Salve- The best salve in the world tor eats. bruises, sores, oleers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, onll ulains, corns and all skin eruptions, and Doeitively cures uiies. or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or moo y refund ed. Price 26 eents per pox. For sale oy John Y MaeRae. Mortgage Sale. At the request of W. H. Wsath- erspoon and by virtus of a certain mortgage executed by him, recorded in book Nu. 138, at page 836, iu the register of deeds' oQioe of Wake ooun- ty, a. 0., we will on Monday the 3ud day of September, 1895, at 13 in., sell to the highest bidder at the eourt house door In Raleigh, for eash, the two traots of land described In said mortgage, lying and ' situated in House's Creek township Wake county, adjoining the lands of T. W. Hoose, Mrs A. Harrfson and others, contain ing 40 a-4 teres more or less. Pbsli ft UAAao 2 AUoraes for Atortgk, SOUTHERN R. R. (PIBPMO.NT AlB-LINI.) CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT APRIL 13, '95. TRAINS LEAVE RALB1UH, V. il. 5:35 Daily, connects at Qreens A. m. boro for all points north and Daily, sooth, and Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carolina railroad At Salisbury for all poiOL tin we it em North Carolina, Knoxville, Tenn., Cincinnati andwt-ste-a points: at Charlotte for Spar tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points south. 4:03 Connects at Durham for Ox- r. M, ford, Clarksville and Kysville Daily, except Sundays; at Grensbro with the Washingta aad Wah western VestibaUd Waited), - and the New York and Florida Short Line (limited) train for all points north, and with main line train No. 13 for Danville, . Richmond and intermediate lo cal stations; also has connection for Winston-Salem, and with main line train No. 35 (fast mail, for Charlotte, Spartan burg, Greenville, Atlanta and all points south; also Columbia, Augusta. Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville and all points in ; Florida, sleeping car for At lanta, Jacksonville and at Char lotte with sleeping car for Au gusta. Connects at Selma for Fay etteviile and' intermediate sta tions ou the Wilson ond Fay etteville Short Cat daily; Golds boro for Newbern and More head City, daily except Sun days; for Wilmington aud inter mediate stations on the W. & W. R. R. daily. Connects at Selma for Wilson Rocky Mount, Tarboro and lo cal stations on Norfolk & Car olina railroad, arrives at Golds- boro 13:05 p. m. ' TRAINS ABHIVB AT BALRlllH, N. 0. 7:30 From Greensboro and all a. m. points north and south. Sleep- Daily, ing car Greensboro to Raleigh. 4:03 From Goldsboro, Wilming- P. M. ton, Fayettevule and all points : in eastern Carolina. From Durham, Clarksville, Va., Oxford points and Richmond. From Goldsboro and all points east. Daily ex. San. Looal freight trains also carry pas sengers. Pullman cars on afternoon train from Raleigh to Greensboro, and on morning train from Grsensboco.' Doable daily trains between Ral eigh, Charlotte and Atlanta. Quick time; unexcelled accommodation. C. L. Hopkins, T. P. A., Charlotte. J. M. Culp, Trafflo Manager. W. H. Green, Gen. Supt. W. A. Turk, G. P. A., Washington Dissolution of Copartner TIBMrail&IidlU! f f " r t T r ft If f" " P- . M 5 S , S ZTA Word to Those who--' 3 D Not Eelieve in . iUZ ' Advertising. IT" I m If y u are iu basitseHs au I ' want it to be knt at- tb!L r- should advertise. 1., 4 - Advertising pays. L Luuk at the Tuckers. IT. Look at Swindell. Look at rSerwau6'er. ..' Look at Williams & Co. Look at Ball. ; Look at Miss Maggie Reese. Look at Sherwood. Look at Briggs. Leok at Rosenthal. Look at Woollcott. Look at the Ly n Kauket." Look at Du6hi. 21 Leok at the Johaivrn's. Look at the many i-tiiers. The belitve iu pciulei'V- H...-1UI.. . It --- " r- a 1:12 P. M. Daily. 9:05 A. H. Daily. 1:13 P. M. 8:00 P. St. ship. The firm of Yancey ft Martin, for the manufacture of carriages, etc and livery business is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The livery business will hereafter be conduoted by E. M. Martin and the carriage business will Da oondacteg by T. B. Yanoey. ": . sT8ans Indebted to the firm on livery aocouata will settle with B. M. Martin, and those indebted to the firm on the shop account will settle with I. B. Yancey. ' Persons having claims against the firm will please present them at uau. L-Thia May 15, m. W m n v... A. v. mj-vaa-i wkLlUini. FOR1895. Ths publishers take pleasure in announc ing that ''The Morning Herald" has recent ly been enlarged from four to eight pages, and that while the price remains at one cent per copy, or $3 per year to moil subscribers each edition contains as much news and more general reading matter tknu is printed ty the Baltimore two-cent dailies. ' The Telegraphic Service of "The Vornir.g Herald" is unexcelled by any other Balti more putwr. Ita News Service' t the counties is thor- !"?-. oiiFh am vliable. ! ?t tt Vf rk t R? ports are full, complete, ant' accurate. Iu illustrated woman a Datre is a fcaiart that will not te found in any other Balii , mors uauy. 1 A verbatim report ot uia sermon ny itev Dr Talmaeethe oelabrated Brooklyn oreher appear In Monday morning's edition. 'The Moraine Haamld1' w-Ul centinuM at a sa induMak-t Bai yjpaa a fair and iv SBrShtl in its statsovaots aad fearless in ths txprewion of its opinions. "THE SUNDAY HERALD," nf 24 pages, is the beet Sunday paper in Bal timore, and is sold at 3c per copy, or tl SO tor a year. "THE WEEKLY HERALD1 is the cheapest and best eight-page weekly newspaper published in tbe United States' iheannual subscription being SOU. J-"The Morning Herald" will be sen: m trial for one week to anv person sending nis or her address, enclosing 5 cents, to the liltKALU f UcLlbolNU J(J., Baltimore and Charles Streets, Baltimore, Md. BaCHHoraa. General Manager. ae Chlrlie.ler'. EturMnh Dlamend nraad. rEMNYROYAL PILLS llrlflnHl mnn ttmj urnuine. Ars, ttiwu rrrinMn. ladics ask tritsTKt for Cftr-iMsKft Kntjnun inn ( wai.nil Kr.tttA in Usd BJsrl hli mftftllio lhci. Bi'ftleel wttli bin.' ril.hnii. I'sikCi mo either. Rtfn$ dongerou su'.sfitu- fiotixinrf itsMfiAfions Ai l'i g)-is, nr sxnd 4. in itUD,)! rur jarticaiya, f siinn ntnit it i 'Relief for fill-a," in f'tfr. return T Mat 1 1. 1.0 Ttitimoiial. Nnr I'-tf.rr. OklrhfMtr-leml0w..MHdlain. Cjuay-o, . ttf til Lai ll liwutt. hUAVtlia., ffc PEHH3YLVAHIA S Leadina : HEW3PAPER In all the attributes that suffice to sank a first class journal. THE Ai'ellise iu th-f VldlTOrl. ' rJVC'i p&yiug l.b0 a iLu'j- saud lor dudgers. They beu-' ellt yon uothiog. The sauia " ' uxvhH? wili pa-, y-u a liiif" vara m iu rici.utt iur uue week whiuh. viui be eeu by'"' , 3,000 peuple d'l-.y. nM . -rr.... - 1 . . I l - .lie viei't'v j C'TtuiAiee au ever Raleigh. Thi't'e are bu'i."""' lew houses hero tLat it does" -not go te. The Visitor circulates iu- all portions of Wake county. -r" It goes to 15 postulfioes. n't' It reaches the very cHss of" people yon are after. You want trade. The Viei- ' ' tor will help you get your-" trade. Doa't hide your light,. Let-'J- it be seen. Ativertit-; Ad. '"-' vertise in the most popular paper in lUl-igh. '"" ' Thi. ,TuT'P.iii tin j I. - iu-'' read dai'.y by haudreds who--- take no other paper. spares no troub'e or expense to gather and present to its readers all the news of U Old and New World. Its several dapartments, swh under the management of a competsn editor, treat full yof maters pertaining to THB HOU6SH0UV V '"': ; THB FARM, woman's world, r.'; - .1C1SNCB, ART, LITKRACRB, financb, THB REAL BSTATB WORLD. Presenting a complete magazine every day To Non-Subscrib- ers. sjlf you are not already a",,' subscriber send us yourr ' address and 85 cts. aud try; it a mouth. If you aroalready , ' ' .... ... a tubscriber tell your neigh- -. i bor about the pipei'. It's only ' ... dtse , 725 c. cts a moati. Dehvefed;;' , ev, yjjvhere in lAe oily. - Comuidnue now. aUtaauUuua. i CHASLO IT A 1 i- ' SUBSORlFTlOa RATB8; Daily, one year, Daily and Sunday, one year Address . I .'.'lilKLY . 13 00 , J 4 0C. OBSERVE:. :'A.J . Dem icratio ParMT. a paper dsvett i ladttstrial develop'). ot ixo.'ta tianrineJ -3 r'. M'MAUl ttie Souiu. IUB besi advert., 1 M 5 ti CUJi iT U li- i? On i ui-.itum between WaUiiij-oa euiX Aw" 917-5tf Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. , wigkL)f?iiio n Wanted. Mrs, Anua Pell wishes to take iu 1. dies' whit work, aad also boys' shirt weista. West Jqasa atcteU pU I i ner ear.. OaiiDtfatt. Kdltjr, Ooarlofe

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