TOE TIDES-VISITOR RALEIGH. N. C. PUBLISHED BY THH TIMES-VIS ITOR COMPANY INCORPORATED. OFFICE IN THE! PULLEJN BUILDIIf G 6UBSORIFTIOII PRICES. One Year $3.00 Six Months 11.50 One Month K (Entered as Second-Clans Mail Hatter, torero. THE LEADER IN THE NEWS AND IN CIRCULATION. TELEPHONE NO. 168. MONDAY.. .May 16, 1898, Chicago boasts of an American flag 75 feet long, 40 feet wide, made of 800 yards of bunting. A Madrid paper Bays that "Spain will win In tin1 long run." Certainly If her tleet ki-vps running away from Admiral Saiti;nn. She will Indeed win In a long run, bill she better run quick and fast Till, VV. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), now "hief of Scouts on General Miles' staff, has tendered the Government 400 of hi horni's to be used by scouts, trailing the Spaniards out of Cuba. Congress has voted Dewey It thanks. This entitles the Admiral to the privileges of the floor of bnth th Senate and House. May he silence some of the useless wrangles there he did at Manila. Now It seems the wishes General Fltz and service to help war departmen Lee's experience along matters there. Better send him back to Cuba In command of the American forces. The Asheville Citizen. Wlnston-Sa lem Sentinel, Charlotte News. Greens boro Record, Lexington Dispatch and Goldshoro Argus have started sub scription lists for the Worth Bagley Monument Fund. The North Carolina Press Association will meet this year at Waynesvllle and June 22nd or 23rd will, probably, be fix ed as the date. The Chairman of the Executive Committee has Issued a call for a meet Ing of the cimmlttee at Ral elgh, on May 26th. to make preliminary arrangements for the annual session of the Association. Admiral Dewey's victory at Manila wreathed American faces with smiles of triumph and gladdened our hearts with true American pride. The Wins- low disaster cast a cloud over our re joicing, dropping about us the dark mantle of the seriousness of war. Par ticularly so Is the situation In Raleigh today, where our whole people are In deep bereavement and saddest mourn ing, with military honors, laying to rest In our beautiful city of the dead the mortal remains of Ensign Worth Bagley, the first Amerlsan olTicer sac rificed upon the Nation's altar. Thus it Is we learn that war Is not all a summer holiday rejoicing over victories achieved, for the future no doubt la full of pregnant questions which may not be answered with a smiling face. The noble, heroic men who man our warships are momentari ly awaiting orders that may lead them face to face with results when, like young Bagley, their names may be In scribed upon war's roll of patriotic and heroic dead with "Old Glory" as thel winding-sheet. Uar-Taxos Let the House with equal speed and in the same spirit, pass the same meas ure. The two acts totrelher. On the bier ... . . ,, .1 Will Increase the cost of medicines, oi me young ouun.e.ii uciu. and pruc1ent families are buying sup plies now as a matter or economy. Don't get caught, but at once lay in a year s supply of Hood's Sarsaparllla on the. deck of the Wlnslow, bearing the name of a Northern commander, there will be laid by the nation the united pine and palmetto. Today and henceforth they stand for the same country, they represent the same patri otism, they support the same flag and they stand rooted in the soil of the same motherland. Let no line on the statute book remain to disable or pre vent any man from serving the country he loves, and for whom a Southern State, a Southern home and a South ern mother gives the precious tribute of this young life, cut off untimely, save that no man dies too soon who dies where duty calls and where his country commands. and Hood's Pills, the most Important nf all family medicines. If you have neglected your course of Spring Medi cine, or If you are in need of a good blood purifier and tonic, TODAY buy and begin tt take SARSAPARILEA America's Greatest Hood's Medicine. Hood's Pills, are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsa. arilla. COMMSSIONED LIEUTENANT. Lieutenant Geo. L. Morton received his commission Saturday as I.iiuten ant of the United States Navy, bearing date of May 2. Shortly after he took the oath of allegiance bcfure 'Squire M. McGowan, Justice of the pertce Wilmington. MASONIC MKKT1NC.S. The Masons of the State will havi their faces turned toward Raleigh (his week, as beginning with Tuesday nigh there will be In this city annual meet ings of the Mystic Shrlners, the Grand Commandery of Knlglils Templar, anil the Grand Chapter of ltnyal Arch Ma is. The Shrlners and Templars wll give their annual parades, which arc always very Impressive. A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like It. but there Is really no trick about It. Anybody can try It who has Lame -Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kid neys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation. Head ache. Fainting Spells Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It Is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to Its natural vigor. Try Electric Bit ters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guar anteed. Only 60c. a bottle at any Drug store. Reunion Confederate Veterans of State United Presbyterian General Assem bly. New Orleans, La., May 19th t( 31st, 1898. On account of the above occasion thf Seaboard Air Line will sell round trlj tickets from all stations to New Or leans, La., and return for one first-clasp rare for the round trip. Tickets to bf sold May 17th. 18th and 19th, with flna limit June 4th. 1898. Or. HARVEY, Veterinary Surgeon BOBBITT'S DRUG STORE. Phone 109. Washington. Mav 15. Senator Sewell. of New Jersey, who was nominated to be a major general In the volunteer rmy, has informed the Secretary of War that he will decline the honor This action presumably Is due to the belief of the Senator that in accepting a commission in the army he would be compelled to resign his position in the United States Senate. As Senator Sewell was aDoointed from civil life, the expectation is that the vacancy will be filled in a similar way. i ne senator nas also been as signed to the command of the troops to be concentrated at Washington, and ma iriiieiueni wm necessitate a new selection for that command. Laughs at Mud Greatest Cycling Feature of 1898 VICTOR STRAIGHT LINE SPROCKETS No grinding, no Knapping, ho break ing, no gear case no trouble It JUST WO UK 8, rain or fhiuc. Philadelphia Call Says; "It absolutely does without the use of a frear case. It prevents all loss of power in rainy and miuly weather and it does away alto gether with irritating snapping ami grinding noises which were unpleasant features of the old style chain wheel." ON AN V MCYLE FOR lo. ON 98 VICTORS FOR NOTHING. Come and make your own Mm! Tests and lie convinced, '08 Victors $-15 to (100. BAKER & BOWEN, 12H FAYETTEVILLE STREET' May .1 If I Will Again Call Your Attention to My FISH STALL, ON MARTIN STREET Where you can mt nice supplies of I uesn nsD cheap, riememoer we receive Fresh Fish every dai , and can supply yuu wiiu uue ivie ouau. Orders received and promptly delivered. Remember the palace 121 E Martin Street. II J Jones & Co., HE-NO TEA THE kind Chinese drink ' "Habit is second nature' with all. So a little while it will be before every cottage and palace Wi'I use no drink but the He-No Tea. No Paint No Poison. He-No has no equal for iced tea. He-No surpasses all other tea tor Purity and flavor 75 cents pound They Offer $100 heno he-no FOR ANY CASE OR NERVOUS OR SEXUAL WEAKNESS IN MSN THEY TREAT AND FAIL TO tiURE. No fake cure, but a scientific treat ment administered by physicians In Rood standing, and specialists in their line. The State Medical Company cures .ost Vitality, Nervous and Sexual Weakness, and restores life force In old and young men. They will guarantee to cure you or forfeit 1100 should they fall, where their medicines are taken according to directions. NO MONEY REQUIRED IN ADVANCE. Deposit the money with your banker to be naid 10 tnem wnen you are cured not be fore. The State Medical Company Is an incorporated company with a capi tal slock of $250,000, and their guaran tee is worth 100 cents on the do lar. Their treatment Is truly a MAGICAL treatment, and may be bills to all Who prefer to ro to headquarters, If they full to cure. This company does not supply anything free; they charge a reaponahie price If they effect a cure, and nothing If they don t, taken at nnme tinner their directions, will or they will pay railroad fare and hotel wm cost before you take It. Full information on request. Writs today. 1-8, 1-4,1-2 and idpackii 20 lbs. to chest, rT Trade prices. supplied u.t importers W.C. Stronach&Sons Wholesale an J Retail Grocers. STATE MEDICAL OMAHA, NEB. Suite 644 Ramge Blk. CO. V LOR, Of No. 10 West Martin St. Raleigh, H G Who Makes Clothes thin FIT AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. $10,000 mrmtmnm Tmrmrnmrrfmrm mnrnimrnnmmnm nnrmmrtm Worth of Furniture Jo Be Sold. Summer Hardware. The North Star Refrigerators (Lined willi Cork The Best Made). By June the First. (YtMlll (Imnrovt'il), FrceztMS FLY ever. FANS Cheaer than of L-very cle- SALE OF LAND. The Times-Visitor, of Raleigh. N. C. consolidates three afternoon papers Into one, and thus secures a clear field for Itself. It begins well, and we wish It great success. Norfolk Virginian and .Pilot. What's that? Isn't this a combine, and Isn t combination plutocratic? Can our esteemed contemporary be sincere in hoping that a triple combine and a monopoly will succeeed ? Richmond limes. Oh, no, Brother Times. This Is not combine, plutocratic orotherwlse. It Is a harmonious consolidation of a large amount of physical energy, limited In tellectual capacity and capital a kind or mingling together of contending forces Into a Jouranllstlc enterprise cal culated, to posh forward local Interests and furnish the public with all the news. ' ' THE TWO ACTS TOGETHER. A Southern State, say the Philadel phia Press Wesdnesday, gave the first victim of the war under the flag of a reunited country Ensign Bagley, of North Carolina. The Senate Thursday, without debate and without dieaent passed the meas ure repealing an disabilities of every or der uader the Fourteenth Amendment. By virtue of a Judgment of the R11 perior court of Wake county. North Carolina entered at the April term 1898 of said court In the case of David Stephenson against L. D. Stephenson and others, being No. 7247 of the Civil term docket of said court, I will offer ror sale at public auction for cash at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, N. C, on Monday, the 6th day 01 june, is, ai iz 0 clock m., the fol lowing described tract of land to wit situated In Swift Creek township, wake county, N. C. adjoining the lands of O. J. Banks on the south, on the west by the lands of L. J. Banks ana w. K. Stephenson, on the south by the L. D. Stephenson tract of land ana on tne east by the Covenant Road. Beginning at a point on the Coverant Koad near the residence of Dnviri Stephenson, running west to W. R, Stephenson's line so as to embrace in said boundaries one hundred acres. E. T. BOTKIN, Commissioner. r 4 - SOUfHERN BAPTIST CONVEN TION. NORFOLK, VA.. MAT 6TH-12TH. The Southern Bantlst mnvMtinn k. American Baptist Educational Society and the Woman's Baptist Missionary Union meet In Norfolk. May th-12th. The Seaboard Air Line will sell tick ets to Norfolk on account of thu meeting! at rate of One Fare for the round trip. Their ordinary train ser vice which la magnificent, has beeen augmented by running on May 6th. of tr "Baptist Special." This train will '"v Atlanta at 12:00 noon, having attached our Chanel Car. in hiS fj-rvlces will be held during the trio. 1 ne song service will be conducted by Mr. Wolfsohn, who Is associated with Dr. Broughton, of Atlanta. -For handsome thlrfv nu nun xsoos ana uuide ta the con vention call on or write tn H sentaUve of the Seaboard Air Line, or T. J. ANDERSON, HARDWARE scription. Garden HOSE at 6 cts. foot Julius Lewis Hardware Co. We have moved our entire stock of aroods est in tii j . . v aiu,uuu worm into our nouse we next to Woollcott's & Sons. QIA StWinrlsxl Cj mm i.s. A-1 A ' ' -"v, im luuiii uu iiy tilt; time FLY SPRKFN WT M V we get our new building completed June cloth (aii widths) . i ri 1 ai- nrn int-nnil 4-r csm I it nuiiiimu to uu every utMiarswonn LAWN MnwPP T AWV rti arooos we nave. mowers, lawn mowers, PARLOR SUITS Chairs, Rockers, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers ncme ty;n8 Of every description. A laree line of fancv CENTER TABLES, Pictures and easils to be sold at some price. Foreign and Native Wines i DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR LINE OF MPtt Flu"s I U! I Ul.l Mlirmn in r-i nnn ah ; m. ... mineral naiers, MAI iiiiu AMU rLUUn UIL ULUIII. Cisars and Tobacco. We have bought the prettiest line of Baby Carriages ever shown in Raleigh. We cannot make room for them and must sell them out at once. A full line of Cook stove. All troods will be sold either for cash or upon easy weekly payments. Gommpany. BADLY SHOT. Last account of the case is consid ered critical. No hobe for recover baVe joined the army to make war oil them. In our Ramble in New York a few days ago we run up rfitit a firm, who deals In Curtain Poles, Wlridow Shades, SKool Cotton, Linen Collar and a full line of kotlons, he wanted money. We scooped his Stock, and now they are at the LYON RACKET STORE Window ShadeB worth 60b. Was shot to 24c: CurtaiH Poles wood fixtures worth 7iic was shot to 26c; Curtain Poles Brass Fixtures worth 26c. was shot to 19c; Coat's Spool Cotton worth 5c. was shot to 2c. a spool. Lim n collars worth 10 and 16c, waa shot to lc. later no hopes for recovery h'EDDING PRESENTS; ! n, 7, ,i. othinjr brings greater joy ito me nappy uncle on her f wedding day thiin the gilts oi flier friends. 2 STEkLING SILVER, f CUT0LAS i CHINA I FORCE LA IN CLOCttft I REAL BRONZES, X URtC-ABRAC. f Attractive store, a biiutitu slock with attentive clerks Make the selection of your gift an occasion of pleasure. No charge for engraving. i t H, Mahler's Sons i Jewelers and Silversmiths. J NOTICE OP SALE. Under and by virtue of a power of sale conferred upon me in a deed of trust, executed by J. R. Wllkerson and OeleRlIn A. Wllkerson, his wife to me; on tlic 2sth day of January, 1896, reg istered In the Register of Deeds office for Wake County In Book 139 at page liiiS and also registered In the Reelster of DeedH office for Franklin county In Bonk 14 at page 461 will sell at public out cry to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door for Wake county, Raleigh, N. C. on Monday the 23rd day of May, 1898, at twelve o'clock in., the following described land, to wit: Beginning at a stake, corner of lot No. 2, according to map of the original divi sion or tne lands between the heirs of the late B. F. Moore, Sr., thence South 89 degrees. East 260 poles to a stake on Little River, thence down said rivei to a stake corner No. 6, thence with Nol 6 North 89 degrees West 234 Doles across No. 3 to a stake in the line of No. 2: thence North 1 degree. East with No. 2, to the beginning, centaln Ing one hundred ninety seven and one fourth (19T4) acres by survey. This tract of land comprises lot No. 4 and the northern part of lot No. S of the original division above referred to. bart. M. GATLINO, Trustee. May 18 1898 April 18-10-d. NOTICE. Opposite Postofflce. RALKIGH N C North Carolina, Wake County, tn the superior court. Katie Stewart et als. vs. John Johns Queen. Smith and her husband et als. The defendant Queen Smith and her husband Smith above named will take nut ice that an action entlUed as above has been commenced in . the Superior Court of Wake county to sail the lands of the late Allen Stewart for division among his heirs, said land being Bituated In the village of Gar ner, N. C, and containing two acres, and said defendant will further take notice that she is required to atroear before D. H. Young. Clerk of the Su perior Court of Wake county on the 13th day of June, 1898, and answer or uemur to the petition already filed therein, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for -the relief demanded in raid petition, and that the proceed ings already taken In said action be In all respects confirmed. This V day of May, 1898. D. H. YOUNQ, , . . Clerk Superior Court. 1 time a week d-w. Thomas 67 Campbell. 9 td Em MurtioOStreeW Phonaei Q, Send Your Work to the OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. the best laundry work pos- I C WA A DO HAT And secure 8ible