THE TIMES-VISITOR tkLKlOH, H.JC. MONDAY May 16, 1898. TO SUBSCRIBERS. PLEASE PAT NO MONEY TO CAR RIERS. THE MANAGEMENT OF THE TIMES-VISITOR IS NOT RE SPONSIBLE FOR ANT MONET PAID TO THEM. IF TOU WANT TO SUB SCRIBE TO THE PAPER SEND TWENTT-FIVE CENTS WITH TOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO THE OF FICE OF THE TIMES-VISITOR AND GET A RECEIPT. IF YOU SHOULD SEND THE TWENTT-FIVE CENTS BT THE BOT WHO WILL CARRT TOUR PAPER BE SURE TO MAKE HIM BRING YOU A RECEIPT THE NEXT DAT. MILLIONS GIVEN AW AT. It Is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land which ia not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has ab solutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness and all diseases of the Throat. Chet and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on any Druggist, and get a trial bottle free, regular size 60 cents and 11.00. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. " SWEET PEAS. Plenty of sweet peas 10 cents a doz.. and Carnations 25 and 35 conts a doz. Leave orders at Darnell & Thnmas. H. STEINMETZ HATS TAIMMED FREE OF .CHARGE, j DSC3 exsb FOR SALE. Two fine Jersey mtlch cows. ED. V. DENTON. OUR SUBSCRIBERS. LOST. All subscribers to the Daily Ttmps who were not taking the Press-Visitor and who are in arrears with their sub scriptions will be dropped If they do not call and arrange the matter before Wednesday. The Times-Visitor acknowledges the reclpt of an Invitation and program of the Sixth Annual Commencement Exer cises of the State Normal and Indus trial College of North Carolina, to be held Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. May 22, 23 and 24, 1898, at Greensboro, N. C. Roger O'Kelly. was yesterday adjudg ed Insano by Justices H. H. Roberts and W. M. Russ, and ordered to the Eastern Hospital at Goldsboro, as a patient. IMPORTANT NOTICE. A pocket account book. Morrocco- cover with name and letters on back, return to this office. C. M. CREECH. May 13 3-t. For sale 6,000 feet of second hand lumber, apply to B. H. Parker, Adams Building, Raleigh, N. C. APPRENTICE WANTED. The subscribers to The Times-Visitor an' the advertisers In the same will please pay no money to any person collecting for the paper unless the col- lector can show written authority to receive money for the company from the present management. Rememer also that subscriptions to The Times- Visitor are payable strictly In ad vance. The patrons of the Times-Visitor must realize that It is no easy task to get the subscription lists properly ad justed. However, don't fall to notify the office whenever you fall to get your paper. It Is necessary for us to know this. A boy who has had some experience In type-setting, who wishes to learn his trade in all Its branches. None but a steady boy wanted. Apply to EDWARDS & BHOUGHTON The ECLIPSE Cleanable DRY AIR REFRECERATORS BRIEF NOTES. Attention Is called to the Sheriff's notice. Senator Butler and Congressman Skinner are at theTarborough House. Mr James C. Parham, of Wilmington. I Is in the city visiting relatives and friends, and will return Wednesday. WW ...ah.ff SPeoAoAtSxzfiflff mfwyp The Hardv Bros. Co. have been awarded the contract to furnish the annunciator and bells for The Carroll Hotel. Beautiful weather attracted thou sands of people from the city to Camp Grimes yesterday. There were a great many strangers In the city ard the ho tel and boarding houses were taxed f their utmost capacity. Large number' of people from adjacent towns took ad vantage of the Sabbath to see the North Carolina soldier boys In camp. The street cars and hacks did a thriving business. All Interior parts removable. Merit and Novelty. Thomas H. Briggs 4 Sons, i.'ALKIGH N r. There is Profit in Experience andfall the crystalized experience of this business is being used for your protit. Knowing where to buy, what to buy, when to buy, and how to buy, means the saving of many a crisp dollar to our patrons in a twelvemonth. Here are some practical proofs of what knowledge rightly used can do in this direction. You'll do well to closely scan the list : Waists Grand Newest Shirt Stock. Waists made of Lawn. Percale and tSinghams in stripes and plaids colors, pink, blue and hoillotrope, with yoke in back and front and standing collar, Price 49c Percale. Madras, Gingham and Or canilic Shirt Waist -Blouse effect in plaids and stripes all colors, with de tachable collar, Price 69c Waists made of Percale and Lawn. In xtnpe and plaid- all colors, with white collars, and some of same material as waists, Price 79c Waists made of Gingham, Pluue.Per cale and Madras- pointed yoke plait ed hack and blouse front detachable collars. This garment is made with The Floret to Waist Adjuster and Skirt Hanger," Price 98c Special prices will lie made this week I., close nut our ladies' Suits and Sepa rate SKirts at naf the usual retail price. Nottingham Lace Curtains, Size ;i, yards x:!H inch, pair 4ftc " '2 yards x.lfi inch, pair 50c " .1 yards x4 inch, price "ro " ;!', yards xM inch, price $1.00 " .T yards x K inch, price JI.25 " .1'; yards x S4 inch, price 11.50 1 P to jr jo i 'iii-tain Loops. Kali Fringe, Shades. Poles and Window Paraphernalia and itlai hnients all kinds. Unfiled Curtains. Swiss Muslin. Lace Trimmed Ruf fle, extra full size and lone. $2.00 Stripe and Dotted Muslin Curtains. Swiss liuftles, cool, fresh and airy, $l,50 Coin Spots Muslin Curtains, Ruffles aine. spots size of dimes, ouarters mil halves, desirable and readv to hane. Special Portiers Hall and Door Portieres. Extra heavy ribbed. Damask woven. fringed colors: Mahogany, Green, Brown and Blue, $S.OO Real Damask Portieres, Rich, showy effects, full fringed; col ors: Oak. Gold, Maple and Mahogany, $3.00 Whip Cord Denims and Corduroy Tickings for Portieres, windows and furniture coverings. Breezy Inexpensive Curtain Nets. 40-inch Self-c ilored Scrim 3c 40-inch Fancy Colored Scrim 5c 40-inch Striped In Blue, Gold and Red "lie 40-Inch Bleached and Unbleached Striped in Blue, Gold and Red. ...10c Point De Esprit and Nets. Prices ranging by the yard, 10, 15, 20 and 25c Figured Swiss Net. Coin Spots from 12 I-2C up Lace Curtains. White taped from IOC up Col-rod Draperies. Cameo and Roman Figured Floral Cictons. Gobelin Art Fabrics, Vienna Silkiillne. Gold and Silver Tinseled und Embroidered Muslin, 8, 10, and 1 2 1-2C White Bed Spreads. Many homes that have been long es tablished are In need of a new sup ply. A handsome showing Is ready and all our spreads are hemmed. We hint of a few White Crochet Quilts, size 11-4, Mar sellles pattern, hemmed ready for use, 50c Honeycomb and Crochet Quilts and Satin Marseilles, from j A. B. STROHACH. COAL FACTS. The handsomest Line of WASH FABRICS inthe State at the Lowest Prices. The Richest Things in WASH GOODS aie here as well as the ordinary at common-sense prices, that mean a saving of money. It will be a pleasure to show them to you, whether "Looking or Buying. NEW LINES. Organdies, "So-called," 5c. yard ; American Organdies, 6 1-4, 7 1-2 to IOC. Embroided OrgDndies, i8c ; Imported French Organdies, 25c. New Line in Newest Things in Percales For Shirt Waists. YARD WIDE 6 14, 7 1-2, 10c. New Things in White Lawn shirt Waists Plain, 75c. each ; Tucked, $1.00; Tucks and Inserting, &1.25. New Things in the Fashionable Parasol In all its variations at prices that you will be "willing" to pay It's A Woman's Way If its only a 10c. vest, she likes it tasty. We have a tasty one at that price. If you care to pay more we have them better and prettier at a little higher cost. Cotton, Lisle, Late & Silk, White & Colors. J. R. Ferrall 6L Co. Just Received a Fresh Lot of SWEET SUGAR CURED HAMS, AT 75c t . $5,00 10c. Per Pound. J R Ferrall & Co, PHONE 8S. BARGAINS -AT- THE BIG STORE Mn and medicines are judged by what they do. The great cures by Hood's Saraaparllla give It a good name everywhere MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan In large and small amounts by Citizens Trust Company. C. M. HAWKINS, President ", t J 1,000 Men's Standing Linen Collars in 10, 15 and 20c grades,; la. job lot, tonight, each 5c. WANTED. Old clothes and hats, old shoes and all klndsofsecond hand goodB bought and sold at Harris' Steam Dye Works. East Hargett street. Raleigh, N. C. Suit? cleaned, 76c Cleaned and dyed S1S.000 to lend on city real estate. ARGO & SNOW, Attorneys at Law. May IS 1-w. 4 young men between the ages of is and SO can secure a good position by addressing or calling on J. S. JEWELL Branson House. J 300 1 les, New Styles in red J white and blue, all silk, the latest fad for men and women, t Band Bows, String Ties, 4 ij jnands, and tecks, at 25c. LOST On Saturday, 14th Inst., at or Bear Camp Bryan Grimes, a lady's gold bar breastlpln, enameled with blue Porget-Me-Nots. "Tiffany" on back. Finder will please return to Mrs. Theo. H. Hill, corner West Lane street, and St. Mary', Raleigh, N. C. Liberal reward. 3 U pedal Rate From Raleigh to Old Point Comfort. Virginia Beach and Ooean View, Va., Via Seaboard Air Lin For $2.50. Commencing Saturday, lt(ay 14th, the Seaboard Air Line will sell round trip ticket! from Raleigh to Old Point Comfort, Va., Virginia Beach and Ocean View, Va., for J2.60 for the round trip, ticket! on sale for trains Ieavelng Raleigh Saturday morning at 2:18 a. m. and 11:80 a. m.( also train leaving naieign at J:u a. m. Sunday morning, toofl returning on trains leaving Nor folk Sunday night at 8:46 p. m. Monday morning at 9:20 a. m. and Monday night t l:4S p. m. For further Information call on H. . Leard, Passenger and Ticket Agent Raleigh, N. C. SHERIFF'S TAX SALE. The sal of oronertv n tha oini,.. 150 Men's Hats, a job, prices range from 50c to $1.00, your ', choice tonight for 25c. 500 Men's Soft Shirts, colored well made, extra good cloth, value 40 to 50c. each 25c. 120 Pairs women's Shoes a big bargain, all sizes, new goods, good $1.00 values, to night at 82c. 100 Pairs Men's work Pants, tough strong goods; dark colors, all sizes, to night 48c: WE HAVE OTHERS. Souviners to customers from 8 to 10 o'clock tonight. W. E. JONES. Our Money is at Work ! A tireless toiler in a depressed marke!; an active and alert watcher in the vast precincts of pro duction, a maker of opportunities ; an honest gleaner of honest bargains. The past week was of fruitful buying; the present shall be a week of fruitful selling. Worth prices have been crumbled to mere nothings; and great, stalwart values will be led away, the captives of your prompt response. More of the Suits at $6. As luek would have it, we wee able to get a couple of hundred more of those Men's Regular $9.50 Suits at a price that it is possible for us to mark them 6 Take 'em out and comprethem with what auybody is offering at $7.50. If they are not just as good, bring them back and get your money. We know what clothing values are, and these are absolutely $7.00 siuts. Two Hundred Men's Suits. That are worth lio, and as good as lots that are selling in town today at $20. offered as a special privilege at 17.50. They are round and square cut Sack Su.ts of fashionable fabric and effect all wool, of sourse ; we wouldu't sell a suit that was n )t. Waiting just means paying $2.50 to $4 more for a suit that cannot possible be better. See them 1 You will soon be interested. Two Hundred Dozen Half-Hose. At less than they can be landed for in this country today. Fast-color Tans and Blacks. They are worth, in the open market today, 25 cents a pair; our price 15c , two pairs for 25c. Staw Hats, Negligee Shirts, light woolen and cotton Underwar, are ready and in line of course correct in style and quality, and at our usual low prices. o0.n..k..r,.S. & D. BERVANGI-R USfffLm It is No Feat ForUsto Fit Feet A FITTING SHOE 1 Looks much nicer, wears much longer. feels much better, costs no more. When deciding as for comfort or torture or months, why not buy shoes where vou can find the shoe that pleases you, and where trained men who can fit you for com fort, have the numbers and width to fit you with. Trunks, Valises, &c. POOLS SHOE STORE. At LUMEN'S. New Goods Received today! Hammocks, Water Coolers, Lemon Squeezers, Fly Fans. Baby Carriages, Ice Picks, Ice Shredders. The nicest lot of Hammock erer opened ia Raleigh 75c to $4.00. Two hundred Japanese Fish Pole. All the above are new goods Just opened. Remember the place. ' JC8 LUMSDEN. on B OS A TRIAL. t We have the neatest line of medium price furniture In the city consisting of Parlor Suits, Chamber 8uits, Bed . Lounges, Trnnks, Cook Stores, Bed Steads and Chairs in endless Tarietles. Mattresses manufactured in the city by one of the best workman la the Bute, Orders taken to fit any sis bed. Terms to son customers on weMju, Inotnllntonta , minquenia win Da continued to-morrow (Tuesday) at 10 'clock a. m." & T- JONES, - fherUt o. s. 31 Fayortevllle Street, Raleigh, NC 1 Stores at "

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