i- ' 't . : MARKETS BY WIRE THEYLEAVE lOMjThey Offer SI00 Do v rv Movements of Stocks on Ex change To-day TONES OF THK STOi'Ks Quotations as Kcc. ivcd by l ortei field & Company's Branch Office over their Leased Wire Story of the Openiivg in Big Markets. NEW YORK COTTON. Mouths. May Time July August Open High. Low. Cols. 0 406! 41 6 40i 41 0 44fi 45 0 4S6 411 0 35(i 37 6 33(i 34 33.G 35 fi 35 ,(5 3ti fi 37(4.0 38 6 45 fi 48 6 53 C 57 6 50 6 49 6 54 55 6 40 0 30 40 6 42 0 -u 8 41 C 41 6 45 6 48 0 35 6 33 0 33 6 35 0 3S September 6 40 October SS November 6 37 December C 41 Januaiv 0 4:1 bteatly; sales 140,8'JO CHICAGO (4RAIN ANi) PROVISION MARKET. The tollowing Mere 1. u e cmsinjj qii" tations on the Chicago Grain am! I'm vision market todav: Wheat July UWii: Sept s4J Corn Julv 32 Sept 33. Oats July 24: Sept 21$. Pork July 11.55: Sept 11 65 Lard July 6.07; Sept 6.15. Clear Rib Skies July 5.80; Sept 5.110. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. pleasing Liverpool, May 2". 4 P. M. Spot quiet. Prices steady. American middling, 3; sales 7.000 bales; specu lation and export, 500; receipts 8.000: American, 7,800. Futures opened steady and demand moderate. Closed steady. The following were the closing quo tations of the Liverpool cotton market today: May" ,3 35b. May and June, 3 35b. June and Jul", 3 34a35b. Jnly and August, 3 35b. August and September. 3 34u35h. September and October. 3 33a34s. October and November, 3 33s November and December, 3 32b. December and J-.iuuasy. 3 32b. January and February, 3 32b. February and March, 3 32a32b. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. The following were the closing iio tations on the New York Stock Ex change: St. Paul Northwestern Rock Island Southern Preferred. 0s J 28 104 81 Louisville Nashville 5-H Chesapeake Ohio 2'4 Con Gas - American Tobacco... 108J Missouri Pacific 85 Manhattan - Western Union !1 i Burlington and Quincy. 102 Jersey Central U. S. Leather ,!H Sugar :- vili DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT. The Second Massachusetts Honors u Pretty Carolina Girl. When the stalwart Second Massa chusetts Regiment passed through Ttockv Mount on the ISth instant, says the Argonaut, the soldiers were so de lighted with one of our fair little maids that they made her the adopted "Daughter of the Regiment." The Boston Evening Record says: q,i haa a little "Daughter nf the Reeiment.' She is niA Til Annie i n ; lery of Rocky Mount. North Carolina. When the dust -covered train pulled Into the station, she was the sweetest little picture on the platform. Dressed In spotless white, with arms full of Southern flowers, she entered the headquarters' car. She stood hesi tatingly at the door, and then ad vancing to Col. Clark, she placed a hlE fragrant bunh of posies in his hand. "Rocky Mount," she said, in lisping .v "hoTies lots of success for you. and we hope you will all come nam well and happy." j Cheek. The Massachusetts paper continues: The "Wilmington Colored Educa- .kn mtl' phildish speech touched tional Institute" was today Incorpnr 'The little, childlsn spe.ci fcy Secretarv of gtate The every man. Col. Shumway, a elT incorporators are: Thomas Rivera, Sr., of the last war, made a furtive dab Joseph Mitchell. Jno. G. Norwood, t his eves and Col. Clark took the Aaron Kellog, Marsh Walker and An- chlld tn his arms for just a moment, drew J. WaUwr. Se then passed from man to man jlailroad Commissioner Pearson re- wlth the flowers, all standing watcmng her as she passed to the door, un tn verv threshold she turned, 'Good-bye she said, and kissing her hand to all she 'ent dow the steps." s Friday last, littl Miss Annie Tlllerv received the following letter. showing how her graceful act was ap ...j v.. nio -Rostnn erirl. many . preciateu - T r - miles away irom me ou...., "Mls Annie Tillery. Kocity N. C: "Dear Miss Annie: I thought you might like to see this item from a Boston paper. ""We are pleased at the Kino recep " Hon your people are giving tne chusetts men. My daughter, Vera E. Scott Reading, Mass., would be giaa to hear from you If yo are disposed to write. "Touni truly, . "W. M. SCOTT.' a ttWt.TO BOTB TROTTBBB. A IiITTXJn BUXBJ. nuuj" f"V "My little boy ha ben troubled every m-inff for the past four or five years by ii eruption covering Ms body and limbs. It was so bad he could not get shoeleid stocking Lt spring X heard of Hood's SarsaparUls, and by taking- this mdelcine he was ntlrV rSedf" lira Nettle Ryan, Winchester. , - , Ioed'1 Fl are the only pills! to take With Hood's Beswaparilla, Cure ail J1tT Ills. Colored 1 roops Or- dered to Move to Fort Macon on Monday The negroes In Raleigh are excited over the orders received from Adju tant General Cowles. The order was Issued to James H. Young, Major of the Battalion, and through him to James . E. Hamlin and Andrew Haywood, captains. Other orders were sent to the Lieu tenants at Wilmington and Newbern and C. S. L. A. Taylor, captain of the npgro compay at Charlotte. Monday is the day set for the de parture of the troops for Fort Macon. The Charlotte company vi'l leave the "Queen City." via the Seaboard Air Line at 5:10 Monday morning and arrive here shorty after 11 o'clock a. 7TL The two companies from Raleigh are to report at Odd Fellows Hall at 10 o'clock in the morning and at 11 will proceed to Union Station, where they will board a special train on the Southern Railway and await the ar rival of the Charlotte company. From here the Southern will take the com panies to Goldsboro and turn them over 1o the Atlantic road. At Newbern the Wilmington division of James E. Hamlin's comnany forty strong, will join the special train, as also will forty men from Newbern, Join the snecinl train, as mso will forty men from Ne"hern join Andrew Hay wood's company. Lieutenant Marshall. T S. A., ha completed a'l arrangements fnr the troops and will have charee of them wben thev reach Fort Macon. James H. Young will act as Major until the Regiment is formed, ami will then be promotpd to Colonel. Hi uni form, ordpvori several weeks ago. 1ms not yet arrived. Twent v-t wo cnvrnr.!s of n''-n volunteers have asked for positions in' the Fourth Tfeniropnt. Cfiarlntt". Asheville. and Winston are sure to get positions in the Tptiircnt. The necnes will bp given a farewell address Sunday nltrht. From tnp tunrnc T.rnnrvp.t thp fol lowing cHnir-ir rpvonls thnt the third section of the train which convoyed tV" First Rptrimint from Tialfisrh to Jack sonville, narrtnvly escaped wrecking at Monroe: There w;s great excitement in town Thursday when it h.-ciioe K-'i'.vo tl.:.t 'i .lastav.Hv : - rs . .v. i -1; the third seet;,n nf tlie tr.'i c.int.'iin:nir j volunteers to 'hattaniniga. The mailt before Mr. Elliott, watchman of the Catawba furniture factory, heard two men talking ou'r'd" the mill office where it nlmts on the Three C's rail road. He distinctly heard the words: "Lets run them off nt the Three C's switch." and knowing that two sec tions of the volunteer train had al ready passed and others were ex pected, he suspected that mischief was intended, so he went out and saw the men going in the direction of the switch. He followed them up and sure enouerh as soon as they reached the switch they began to work at the lock chain. Mr. Elliott became excited and rushed for them, but they made off as fast as they could. Elliott gave the alarm and Mr. Lee. of the South ern, got a number of people to scout around in search of them, but without esult of any kind. TWO NEW BRIGADIERS. By Telegrah .to the Times-Visitor. Washington May 27. President Mi Kinley this afternoon nominated Col. Fred Grant and Francis . Ureene t be Brigadier Generals. THREE SPANIARDS SIGHTED. By Telegrah to the Tim "s-Visitor. Key West. Slay 27. Three yellow- iunneieo uarsnms reporieu siiueu ou . n.,-i, ....-, n .......l,-.,. left to meet them. Postmaster C. Tom Bailey today re ceived his commission from the Post master General, and will tak charge of the postofiice either late this after noon or tomorrow morning. Cadet Memborne, of the Agricul tural and Mechanical Cllege, is re ported dangerously ill. His sister has been sent for and a telegTam today called his mother to his bedside. The detail from the Greenville com pany to meet the Second Regiment Band were Lieutenant Snuggs. Ser geant Wood, Con f lis Blackley, Pai ham FormeS) R0bey ad Musician turned today to his home in Morgan- TEN NEW CONVICTS. Terms Range From Ten Months to Ten Years. Four sheriffs have brought recruits , t the State penitentiary and the men : placed in prison today are not the handsomest loijiffPcupying cells at the n Sheriff Mann, of Hyde county, was first to report, bringing with him one convict for a short term. Second to arrive and bringing the next to the largest delegation was Sheriff J. M. Smith, of Rockingham, the man who hanged John Evas. and he brought three convicts, two having nice loner visits to make. sheriff W. C. Robertson, of Polk Ic0unty, brought one negro convict. He has a short term for a small offense, but )s a noted criminal, Lenoir county led the procession with ! delegation oftive, brought here by , sheriff Ben Sutton. The terms or sEntences ior ine ten prisoners range from ten months to ten .," i,..in-. -u mu,rno ir. vpars. ine snerius their homes today. BUCKLE N'B ARNICA SALVE. , The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, tlons, and positively cures Plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- For sale by ail d rugf! sis. CASE OR NERVOUS OR SEXUia' WEAKNESS IN MEN THEY XREAT AND FAIL TOCURE. No fake cure, bufva scientific treat ment admi.igtered by1-, physicians in good standing. ana specialists in their line. The State Medical Company cures Lost Vitality, l'ervous andV Sexual Weakness, and resnres nfe force in old and young men. Tey will guarantee to cure you or forfeit SlOO should tlftey fall, where their medicines are takas according to directions. NO MONEY REQUIRED IN ADVANCE. Deposit the money with your banker to be paid to them when you are cured not be fore. The State Medical Company is an Incorporated company with a capi tal stocK or $250,000, and their guaran tee is worth 100 cents on the dollar, Their treatment is truly a MAGICAL TREATMENT, and may be bills to all who prefer to go to headquarters. If they fail to cure. This company does not supply anything free; they charge a reasonable price if they effect a cure and nothing If they don't, taken at home under their directions, will or they will pay railroad fare and hotel will cost before you take it. Full information on request. Write today. STATE MEDICAL CO. OMAHA. NEB. Suite 644 Ramge Blk. CALL ON J. L. O'QUIHN & GO. For Cut Flowers, Boquets and Flora Designs, also Pot Plants for the h'use !! pes. Cliiysnnil.eir.uiiis. anil all kind' of hedding plants for outdoor, and veg eta hie plants. Cabbage. Tomatoes. Let tu. e. Beet and Pepper i'lants. Fine headed Lettuce now ready. Call at Heartt Heartt's Drug Stor for all vegetable plants. J.L.O'Quinn & Co TELEPHONE 149 B. RESIBEN5E I4S CI, Raleigh, N. C NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS. The followng property seized fur violations of Revenue laws: having hern the Internal 1 broken package spirits seized from 1-. L. Hal ley. 1 hroken package spirits seized fror J. D. Carroll. 1 broken package spirits seized from Jop Johnson. 1 broken package spirits seized from ielvmgton and Dickens 1 broken package spirits seized from Sam Trogdon. 1 hroken package spirits seized from Divis Lawrence. 1 broken package spirits seized from Avent. 7 broken packages spirits seized from W. R. Combs. Notice is hereby given to all persons having any Interest in said property to coiiie forward within 30 days from this date and make claim as prescrib ed by law, otherwise It will be forfeit ed to the United States. E. C. DUNCAN, Collector 4th District N. C. May 5. 1898. Mav 21 4-t-2-t-w. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a Judgment of the Su perior court of Wake county, North Carolina entered in the case of W. H. More vs. B. F. Montague at the April term, 1S98. of said court, the same being No. 7242 of the Civil Issue Docket of said court, I will offer for sale at public auction for cash at the court house door In the city of Raleigh, N. C on Monday the 6th day of June, 1S98 at 12 o'clock m. the following described lots of land. Lot No. 1. Situated in the village of Oberlin near the city of Raleigh, said county and State and known as lot No. 11 In plan of said village containing two acres which said lot is more fully described in book 32 page 504 of the Register's office of said county. Lot No. 2. Conveyed to W. H. More by George Hill and wife by deed reg istered in the office of the Register of Deeds of said county In book 90 page 313 and known as the Morgan place on the east side of Fish Dam or Old Hills- boro road In said village of Oberlin. adjoining the lands of Virgil Thomp son, Henry Japer and Fred. Bonner, except one half acre sold to Henry Jasper and one acre sold to Fred Bon ner, and also the lot sold to A. W. Pegues. May 6th, 18S8. ARMISTEAD JONES, Commissioner, Mav Wl-il NOTICE. North Carolina, Wake' bounty. In the Superior Court. Katie Stewart et als. vs. John Johns Queen. Smith and her husband et als. The defendant Queen Smith and her husband Smith above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake county to sell the lands of the late Allen Stewart for division among his heirs, said land being situated tn the village of Gar ner, N. C, and containing two acres, and said defendant will further take f.notlce that she Is required to appear : before D. H. Votmir. Clerk nf tho Hn- before D. H. Toung, Clerk of the Su perlor Court of Wake county on the 13th day of . June, 1898, and answer or demur to the petition already filed therein, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said petition, and that the proceed ings already taken la said action be in all respects confirmed. This 9 day ol May, 1898. D. H. TOUNO. Clerk Superior Court, r i time a wees: f-w, Ferrall -AT TUCKERS STORE. 123 nnti 125 Favetteville street. WE SELL ROUNTREE ROLLER TRAY TRUNKS. NOTICE. This is to give notice that the co partnership heretofore existing be tween A. T. Stevens and M. A. Mevens. trading under the linn name and style f Stevens & Son. and carrying on the business of (rrocers on l:'e ...rue: if Salisbury and Martin meets, in this city, was dissolved n :...-.y 1st, IsHv The mid business will be c.m- duoK'i under tie linn name 1 Stevens I iiollu-rs.. The copai lii.-rsldii heretofore exist ing between said A. T. Stevens and M. A. .M. :.: at Hallant : lie's Mi":' was also !)sse!voit on saal JHay l. iv.-. and thi' business liint for the sale general mei ehandi-e n ill be coaducl f.! bv the said A. T. Stevens. A. T. STEVENS, M. A. STEVENS, W. II. STEVENS. May 21 2-w. CITY UKTAlL PRICES: 5 lbs. ami less than lOll.s. at onetime 00c. per 1110 lbs. 10 lbs and less than ',' lbs. at one time, 5()c. per 100 lbs :5 lbs. and less than 100 lbs, at one time, 40c, per 100 lbs 100 lbs. and less than LtUlli lbs. at one time, :15c. per 100 lbs. 1,000 lbs. and less than 2,000 lbs, at one time, :10c. per 100 lbs. 2,000 lbs. or more at one time, 21c. per 100 lbs. These are low prices. We want to contribute to the com fort of everybody. We want all our drivers of wagons to visit all houses in the city wu'!ie ce is taken regularly. To do this they can't wait at any place to put ice away or for change or a chat. So we request all to get tickets and be ready to exchange a ticket for ice as soon as wagon arrives. If this re quest be complied with we will try to give good service. Drivers have tickets for sale for cash only and do not keep tceounts. JONES & POWELL Foi Housekeepers. We take pleasure In offering a very fine line of seasonable goods, such as PURE FRUIT Preserve. Jellies and Jame In fancy patent glass Jars or by pound. Atmore's mince meat, plum pudding, etc NEW prepared Buckwheat, with pure sap maple syrup in quart or gallon cans. NEW CROP Raisins, Currants, Cit ron, etc- Olives. Ollon OIL Cutsups and Sauces of finest quality. CANNED GOODS in endless variety from thebest packers. WE believe we have the best Flour on the market. . Have you tried it? Our famus "MELROSE" brand. EVERYTHING purchased of us is guaranteed to be of the finest quality. Orders filled carefully and delivered with dispatch. J.D. TURNER. Teleohone 12. Carrying Complete lines of st les and sizes of these justly cele brated Trunks, bought direct from the makers prices plus Dobbin OVER $100,000,000 J4tl fey b Typewriters, Ribbons and General Svppliex. T. B. HEARTT, Agt., Nov. 13-tf RALEIGH, N. KLONDIKE! Don't tr there unless you are well supplied wiir Simpson's Liver Pills! You are more Than likely to be troubled with Nasal Catarrh if you don't use Simpson's Ointment, which is a sure cure. 1 ',"' ... : ! '''! ,. " v ' W ' ''" ,'.-.0l ,ocV " ALL GOOD COOKS will tell you that our meats give the greatest satisfaction. Of course this is mainly dne to the excellent quality, but there are other things that count. The weight is neve." short. Every est is carefully trimmed, exerts ". fat and bone being removed befor -igi.-ins. This alone .would make our nr.vEt the cheapest, but our prlcas are l'w, too. Central Meat Market AND Cold Storage Comp'ny Pavers, nnrl TmHt'-Mfirks obtained .ind all Pat ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Our Office is opposite U.S. Patent Office and we can secure patent in less time mn those remote from Washington. Send "tdel, iin'ng nr rmoto.. vim descrip tion. We advise, it paten tame or not, iree or charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet w 10 wnuim raicnu, wim cost of same in the U.S. u loreigo counines sent free. Address, 1 C.A.SNOW&CO. ci D.rryrnrnr.r WABHINaTOM. O. C. i and marked at factory tbe handling only. Ferrall, Annually Earned by Opera tive? at the mingtoii Standard Typewriter. Just think of )' ! More than the GOLD' RESERVE Ob THE UNITED HlAThS. Te 'Itemwqfnn" h, th writing of the world. a. Easter Lillies Roses, Carnations and other choice Cut Flowers. Floral Designs tastefully arrang ed at Short Notice. Decorations Pams, Ferns and all other decorative plants for house culture. For orna mental gardening at lowest figure. All kinds of bedding plants: Roses, Gera ims, Heliotrops, Colest, etc. Chrysan themums in the best latest varieties. Vines for the varanda. Tomatoe plants (ce transplanted in best sorts. Cabbage, Pepper and Pot-grown Egg plants. Celery at proper season. AU mail orders promptly attended to. H. Steinmetz, Florist, Florist, Raleigh, N. C 'Phone 113. i-Ktf urEFUiurtt. Sr. Brysn naid in In a Im ur 10 th frs Mtm in- u r,.i nlctim, ' . shall fel iriu'nfk, lot turn idirocnie of bimeulwiin coniiuu. th walk, i ail crculve llteralvrr-' Grja.MiiaiKon us u::t:oa is ih'watcliword tor ten i KM cenit In il.ver or ihmpa four nftat '( b : plvued omibt.Silver Circulator Umim .Mil lo tbe IrndiMK lllver and rtiform Sftprt is :i r-rt of the Unitod Stale who will tma4 je i.inpls lupios frca for dmitibutioa C bl Ike ii ui ooco; yo will racoiva a Urfo amooMoi tj"d llioroturaiand an anra to bo moY Uaa'aaO. sfind wits tho ISTottaiont. Wrllo )Ml aaaat v4 addiafl rLamtT. Addroaa Toardottor te BOX aV FAIMIM tlUW, ; j Wedding i i