. iK V -nt - - 7 ieli'':"TIHcVui'iUr ULEHTO.'N. C. FRIDAY ...May 27. 1898 CARD OF THANKS. We hereby desire to return our sin cere thanks to the kind people of Dur ham and elsewhere, who in so many ways manifested so much sympathy for us in this our time of rreatest dis tress. In the loss of our beloved son. Wil liam Matthew Barbee. the many tokens of kindness to us and love to our boy was a value to some extent to our aching hearts. Especially did we ap preciate the sympathy extended by Mrs. Bagley. of ltaleigh. who. just at this time can possibly more fully realize our intense suffering than any one else. T. S. BAUHKK AND WIFE. Attention is culled to the attractive notice of Messrs. W. O. I'pchurch & Co. on the fourth raav. li'-ad what they say about picnics, healthful drinks and fancy groceries. Be sure you are risht then po ahead Be sure you get Hood's Sarsayanlla. and not some cheap and worthless substitute. FRESH ARRIVALS. Tarbell Cheese. Boneless Hams, fresh ground grits, Cakes and Crackers, at P. T. JOHNSON'S Pur" Nnrth ca-olinn Copner Distilled Corn Whiskey Hid proof $1.25 per gal lon, former nice at J. D. CARROLL'S. FOR SALE. A Kimball Baby Grand, warranted same as new. or no sale, for $2"i0. Ad dress, Box 43, Raleigh. N. C. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set. in and finally ter minated In Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at any drug store. Reg ular size 50c. and $1.00 guaranteed o price refunded. WANTED. Old clothes and hats, old shoes and all kindsofsecond hand goods bought and sold at Harris' Steam Dye Works East Hargett street, Raleigh, N. C Sultr cleaned, 75c. Cleaned and dyed $1.60. $15,000 to lend on city real estate. ARGO & SNOW. Attorneys at Law. May 12 2-w. SWEET PEAS. Plenty of sweet peas 10 cents a doz., and Carnations 25 and 35 cents a doz. Leave orders at Darnell & Thomas. H. STE1NMETZ. Seven room house for rent on Mor gan St. opposite water tower. MRS. J. F. POOL. 5-21-lw. TANDEM for rent. Easy Running ihvays in good order. WOOLLCOTT & SON. May IS 1-m. NO WAR PRICES HERE. Rest Hog Lard. S'c. lb. Good Hog Lard, 7Uc. lb. Sugar cured Hams, small, 11c. lb.: large size. 10c. P.. W. rPCHURCH. lj Hargett Street. WANTED. A tii -st-' la.-s hardware clerk. Apply by lel'er. State sulm v expected. JACOB S. ALLEN. JR.. Successor to Allen & Nichols. 214 South Wilmington St. WANTED. Six hustlers to canvas Industrial in surance on salarv and commission. M. V. STRASBFRGER. Supt., Room 24. Pullen Building. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan In large and small amounts by Citizens Trust Company. C. M. HAWKINS, President. SEE THAT YOL K HOME IS J PROPERLY BUILT. JOHN D. BRIGGS, 1 17 X. Dawson Street. General Superintendent of Build- in srs, etc. Metal Cktt.inos a Specialty, f 2i-2w I 11 Pink of Perfection' So All Our Customers Pronounce Our Groceries- A FEW OF OUR Spncisilrt. Stlllled Mangoes, Elegant Flavor. Spanish Q ;cc.n olives in Hulk. oaiplc Line of Fancy 1'ic nic Supplies. Finest Assortment of Cakes and Crackers on the Market. Our Unexcelled Private Brand of Mod a ind Java Coffie. New Invoice of Hire's arbo nated ROOT BEER. Hire's Root Beer Extract and Hi e's Improved Oinsrer Ale. One 2oc. pacnage of Root Beer Extract makes .5 Gallons of a Healthful and delightful sum mer beverage. All Goods Guarastkrd PriiE and Exactly as kephbkented. W. G. UPCHUKaJH & CO., 1 24 Fayt-tteville St Phone 1(19 B PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. The copartnership existing be tween J. S. Allen, Jr., and Edwin G. Nichols, trading as Allen & Nichols, Jr., is hereby dissolved and J. S. Allen, Jr., will conduct the business of hard ware dealer at 214 South Wilmington street, Raleigh. N. C, alone, said J. S. Allen, Jr., assuming all debts liabilities etc.. now existing against the firm of Allen & Nichols, J. S. Allen, Jr., hav ing sole charge of stock, etc. J. S. ALLEN. JR. EDWIN G. NICHOLS. May 27th, 1898. In retiring from the business of Al len & Nichols, hardware dealers, and being succeeded by J. 8. Allen, Jr., I bespeak for the latter the patronage of my friends. EDWIN G. NICHOLS. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of the eBtate of Thomas W. Yancey, de ceased, late of Wake county. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned In the city of Raleigh, N. C, on or before the'27th day of May, 1899, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their re covery, and all persons Indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. -' , THOMA8 B. YANCEY, , 6-27-lw $w. Administrator. LAWN MOWERS, Fly Screen Wire Cloth THE WHITE MOUNTAIN TRIPLE MOTION. Ice Cream Freezers. Thomas Hi Briggs 6 Sons h Whsci Notice Extraordinary. IT IS THE FURPOSfJ'AND - iTTY OF SHERWOOD HIiGS & -O, TO SERVE THE PUBLIC. TV& PUBLIC DEMANDS-r,'efE COMrY. THERE IS A POPULAR DF"1AND FOR AN ECONOMICAL AD SATISFACTORY SYSTEM OF PCRCHASING WHEELS ON INSTALLMENTS. OUR RELA TIONS ; O THE WHEEL MANUFAC TULi.KS HAVE ENABLED US TO T'.KK THIS STEP IN THE INTER f.y iF THE PUBLIC. OUR CONFER KXi'l S WITH THE MANUFACTUR ER. WHOSE WHEELS WE HAN I.i: IN OUR STORE, HAVE RE SULTED IN THEIR CONSENTING TO ALLOW US TO DISTRIBUTE THEIR WHEELS ON THE SYSTEM THAT HAS PROVEN SO SATISFAC TORY. WE ARE ACCORDINGLY PREPARED TO DELIVER TO CUSTOM ERS THE FOLLOWING WHEELS ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS: 1S98 model, Columbia chainless, at $125, o.v y:5 cash and $iu PER MONTH. ISM. COLUMBIA CHAIN WHEEI S. AT $75, ON $15 CASH AND $10 PER M( 'NTH. MODEL -10, COLUMBIA, AT $50, ON $10 CASH AND $5 PER MONTH. PATTERNS 7 AND S. HARTFORDS, AT $50, ON $10 CASH AND $5 PER MONTH. patterns 13 and lfi. vedettes, at $10, on $3 cash and $5 per month. patterns 17 and is. vedetti'. at $35, on $3 cash and $5 per Mi 'NTH. ON J.i Is. AND JILL MACHINES. AT $29 AND $.;0 (LADIES), ON $5 CASH AND ?'. PER MONTH. " WILLI. aiS' JUVENILE MAClU-VES. AT $22.75 AND $20. ON $5 CASH AND PER MONTH. t N PAYMENT iF THIS AMOUNT AND OX THE FURNISHING OF SATISFACTORY REFERENCES, TEE WHEEL WILL UK IMMEDIATELY DELIVERED. AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENTS BEGIN THIRTY DAYS LATER. IT SHOULD BE DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD: FIRST. THAT THE SALE COMMENCES TODAY AT 8 O'CLOCK. SECOND. THAT THE WHEELS ARE NOT PREPARED ESPECIALLY' FOR THIS SALE. BUT ARE THE REGULAR COLUMBIA AND HART FORD WHEELS. ON SALE BY US. AND ARE COVERED BY OUR STRONG GUARANTEE IN ADDITION TO THAT GIVEN BY THE MANUFAC TURER. OUR SUNDRY LINE IS VERY COMPLETE, AND THE PRICES QUITE ATTRACTIVE. B. Stronach. American Products for American People, Today Tomorrow and any other day this week. 5c Sale Of Ameri Wash Dress Fabrics Worth 7 1-2 to 10c. RALEIGH N. C. W V 5c yard. 5c t 5c 5c American Dimities, American Nansouks, American Guipure Lawns, American Lace Lawns. American Merodi Dimities, American Canton Cords. Showing on Foreign Dress Goods Counter first counter to left Favelteville street entrance. STYLISH OXFORDS FOR SUMMER 1898. This veal w are showing the lcst line we have ever secured. It includes Vesting Tup Oxfords of urn- elegance and supreme style. Colored Oxfo ds of matched and contrasted triinmuiiis. all fashioned over the latest lasts. Our cus tomers will find all of their old favorites ami so many new Oxfords that they can easily satisfy every whim. Wc invite the most rigid comparison as 10 worth, cost and appearance 'You can't match em," line of black, chocolate and tan Oxfords with and without cloth and vesting tops, $l.S5. Sil.oO, $2.01) and $2.50. J. R. Ferrall Si Co. Just Received a Fresh Lot of SWEET SUGAR CURED HAMS, AT iOc. Per Pound. J R Ferrall d Co, PHONE 88. Unusually Low Prices On Some Good Things. Why should you pay anv store a dollar for an article, if you can buy the identical article of us for seventy-five cents? Do we sell goods for less money than any store in Raleigh? We claim that we do, at all times, but its your judgment- we want. We mention a few items at random from several departments, we'd like for you to see these, and judge this store by them. Ladies Gloria Umbrellas, 24 inch, steel rod, elegant handles, paragon frames, light and strong, usual price $1,00, our price 87c. Same Umbrella only in a 26 inch size, regular $1.25, our price 98c. Ladies $1.50 Gloria Umbrellas steel rod, assorted fine han dles, in 26 inch sizes, $1.50 everywhere, our price $1.29. Childs-Parasols, all colors, five grades, 19c, 25c. 49c, 69c. and 98c, usual prices of these are 25, 35, 60 75c. and $1.25. These are new goods just opened and are extremely cheap at prices we name. Men's work Shirts, or Madras and Percale, cut 36 inches long, well made, some cut with yokes, good 40 and 50c. shirts, all sizes, our price 25c. Mullhouse organdies, in lovely new designs, worth in all stores 12 1-2 and 15c, our price 10c. Dress Ginghams in a splendid line of styles and colorings, fine smooth finish at 4 I-2C Men's Hats at bareain prices, straw, wool, felt, fur, all new shapes, a big line to select from and prices are barely more than half the usual. Ribbon extra white, all silk Taffeta, a fine elegant ribbon, new goods just in, at 25c; Also same in b!ack. Ladies' and gentlemen's Patriotic Ties, Band bows, club ties, 4-in-hands. Ticks, Imperials, the latest out, all pure silk at 25c and 50c. W. E. JONES. S. & D. BERWANGER. There may be a hundred pretenders, but there can be but one real leader one store that embodies every attribute of mastership always honest qualities, always lowest prices, always the widest variety. By these tokens we are the recognized leaders, in whom the people have confidence, to whom they extend their patronage freely, from whom they receive their greatest satisfaction The Perfect Store. We've Crossed the Line of prejudice. None of the ready-made ear-marks about our suits. Every evidence of custom tailoring, except in the price and the tape-line nonsense. They are made by expert tailor artist cutters cut them, who are without peers in their line. We buy in large quantities, which insures us the lowest prices that can be made, and brings your cist down to its lowest point. A fair retailer's profit is all we ask all you pay and that's how we can sell better clothes than anybody, cheaper than everybody. We want to do it, and we do do it. THESE ARE BIG VALUES EVEN FOR US TO OFFER. $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15. A line of Sack and Cutaway Suits that no one else can match at our prices. Fashionable weaves in Cashmeres, Cheviots, Plain and Pin-checked Worsted, Clays, Diagonals, ttc. Best Suit9 ever offered for the money. BICYCLE SUITS Another lot those popular $7 50 ones just received; also the new Plaid Bicycle Trousers. ! Our buyer has returned from the market, and the light-weights are coming in fast. Everything comfortable for the hot weather will be found in our stock. Big assortment of Boys' Knee-pants just received, and at low figures. LEADING One-Price Clothiers iersS. & D. BERWMOER'MUn A GENTLEWOMAN IS KNOWN More by the Shoe she wears than any other article of her apearal. It is the ambition of every Woman to be well shod in shoes that are at once stvlish. comfort able arid Durable, and at the lowest possible price. . Paloinh lariipa have an advantage over most others in havinp" S. C. Pool's Shoe Stock to select from the largest and most com plete in the State, with courteous salesmen who take delight and eivinff them patient attention, and in fitting them up in something strictly up-to-date. . Special attention called to bur New Oxfords. ...... i-it rrs 1 . a I .Large line men a anoes, lrunKs, vauses, etc. POOL'S SHOE STORE. At LUHDEN'S. New Goods Received today Hammocks, Water Coolers, Lemon Squeezers, Fly Fan. Baby Carriages, Ice Picks, Ice 8hredders. The nicest lot of Hammocks ever opened in Raleigh 75c. to $4.00. Two hundred Japanese Fish Poles. All the above are new goods juetv opened." Remember the place. JOS LUMSDEN. G1VU US A TKlA.Ii. . .We have the neatest lfnV Jf median price furniture In the city consisting of Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, ;V.B4 Lounges, Trunks, Cook Stores,. Bed Steads and Chairs In endless- Tsrtetles. Mattresses manufactured tn th Hy k one bf the best workman In tht Btstaw Orders taken to fit any- also bed. -Tetnss to suit customers on weekly a wonthty installments. -. . G., 8. TTJCJECBB ft C&, 128 Bast Karthv Slnet. Stores t tUMgh sad WHso, N. .