;TOIBER)8607. f ";: ,.m,JJU ' " ' - - , V:U-::X? " La- ' RLEIGH, N. 0., MTUKfUY EYBVUW. jnviB 9s ipqo i - v-f iiri lib'ii i in i ri THE LOSS HEAVY RECEIPTS ARE SHORT THE MEN GET PAY LOCAL NEWS ITEMS " ana m n rL w x n i in 4 t-ji . i xhal m Seventy FiVe Thousand Soldies to Surroundthe Capital of Cuba. . Shaftm Official Report Re- ceiyed. THE CHARLESTON TO DISfJAfJTLE FORTS S'-.V' . , . p - .- 1 1 1 ,;.--'--'-.v " k Secret Orders Issued to Destroy at Gauban while En route to Manila- Heavy Losses, WERE" MANY INJURED Last - Ye, rs m Reached DOt Tim $24,000 THE CHARLESTON'S ORDERS. By Telegraph to The Times-Visitor .Washington, June 25.-U ia known Uat secret Instructions were given the Charleston on her departure with four troop-ships to reinforce Dewey, to stop at the Island of Gauban In the La drones and to dismantle the' forma tions for the benefit of th bi ! i coai, etc., on arrival. The in The Battle Near Santiago was MoreSerN ons that at Firm Thought-Santiago Bombardment Sun-day. By Telegraph to The-Times-Vialtnr Washington, June 25.-The flrRt n irorn Oeneral Shatter concern ing the engagement been the Span iards and American forces reached the war department at noon as follows "Baguirl, June 25th. Further Gen.. Wheeler places the American loss on Friday morning at ten killed. "Wounded Mai. Brodl rwt Clinfoek, Lieut. Thomas of first vi teer cavalry, Maj. Bell. pnnt u- Lieut. Byram of first ta.vn.ir Knox seriously. "Capt. Wainwrite, formerly reoortPH wuunuea, is uninjured. Names of others killed nnrl eu are unknown. The Spaniards oc- v-upieu a strong entrenched omiti. jugn nuis. The firing lasted on hour when the enemy was driven from their position which is now occupied by the Americans. "Americans are about one mile and a half from Sevilla. The enemy retired toward Santiago. THE TOTALS P1FFER Last Vuar Beat this Vear A-out 900 baits --Farmers aro Able to Hold Cotton and Buyers Seek the Article in Ntar by Towns On the cot'.on exchange there hn for several months been a k-n -ir,. terst manifested in the total cotton HUE TO GEN. OOWLES K.glment Throneh his Vlan.gcnient Gets $15,000 More Th.n, Government had rntendedThUH,y2 at Camp Are H. V Through the enerey of AHU,tar,t eral" A .D. Oonip tho c . wC1.uiiu rtegi I u y r! ravelins rom Dusiy fJ rn lis SHOI.'T STATEMENTS LIST OF THE DEAD. Plaza De Leste, June 25. Later re ports indicate that the action vetr. day was much graver than the first fith Col ; ATTACK ON HAVANA. By Telegraph to The Times-Visitor .;.: , Washington, June 26. An offioinl says that the probable plan of attack , v upon tiavana will be.for the troops to , -urrouna tne city by taking possession of the table Uands and In this . way cover every approach, thetf to conduct a peaceful selge, which would do away very largelywith the fatajlties which ; would follow an immediate storming , of the Spanish Citadel, and it would . also place the troops iti th. m, healthful region. It Is estimated that w an army of not less than 75,090 would be needed to carry such a plan into . successful execution should it be adopted. - - r . , There can b no doubt but that the great decisive battle of . the War wIU . be close about the caDltal of Pnho u. e me destruction of Santiago ' takes Place the; whole; Spanish army will be concentrated, abou t Havana for the final act of Spain before-yielding to the Inevitable. The blockade which will be vigorously instituted all ''along the South coast of" Cuba will -cut off all aimntte. '. - ... 7 . " "u"e so. Aavices re- ba arm That one grat attempt will be made oers and be equipped for duty It is BLTeleCTaph to The Times-Visitor, ty the Spaniards to hold .Havana is the intention of the ministry to be in' ashinton. 25.-General Miles the genera opinion, buf there i. no readiness to aid the United States aBd Secretary Alger in conference to wn who believes that it will be a long; wtetfler annexed or not as the Deonle y declded that shafter should be re one. The soldiers of the regular Span- are hopeful of early annexation i'nforced flftn thousand men. Gen ; , sh army are now upoa . half raUons ' : ' ' , " j eral Miles is pushing arrangements to , v r 4 another prizr. l.: .u soon po j.,., i wreje ior suDslstence. I Such a condition of affairs will not By Telegraph to The Times-Visitor. -" Dpauisn army to atand Key West, June 25.-The ,ve causeq the delav in information. Rn.vDitv T. reaching Manila, but the navy depart- e undoubtedly' fought against greai ",'"c"v tney are very position though not in numbers. " ""w- Tne official list of the injured is w rZ jnem y the medical departat-iit, ;;- i uuus nrst report is ten killed and RV ov,, y wounded. It is generally accept By Telesranh tn Ti,. ti wi-.i.. cu ih.t .v.. v m """vimior, t uuvance on Santiago will MN6W Port News- June 25.-The Ninth be a succession of bushwhacking. The .wU8 i:na mirty fourth Mich- ,alest of the killed is as follows ivea ims morning. They are: uapt Capron.. embarking on the Harvard. She sails ' Capt. Hamilton Pish! U"a eVe"'ns at flve- ., Privates Tillman, Dougherty, Crews, - HAWAII TO AID U. S. nZZZ ' Heffner- Rough Riders: Corporal Whin,.n By Telegraph to The Timuv. I'T? KolbB' Tork' Wckson, Len- UHTK Klirlin rn-l v ' - - san Francisco. June 2S. tT- vn una or the Cu Cowles pledged himself to hav thm paid from the very day they went fntn . vice ana yesterday he wired to the War Department urging that an order ue seni Paymaster Muhlenburg to pay -c nu regiment men off from the ux Apru on which day they gave ' "mr regi'ar duties and went into w.e se,vice or the United States eov ernment. At the same time General Cowles wlrrt stoot Tli-t . . ,n t to go uepariment and follow ur hl urau. senator Pritchard answered ...6, lIlal lne message was de livered too late for a call at th partment and that he would look after that end of the line eariv tht- Paymaster General Stantnn Dv m..u.R lms morning wired Pav Those IVho are in ti i..i.ii. i.jc - T o VO - mcnt or I'ecpl, ,,, l)ove l.r Haye Not Gone to the M'ar Big .ew in L ittle fjact. Miss Maud Rnv l . IHillsboro. r 'oiling menas in receipts for this year In comoari.snn ! . ttlis afteraon receive about 1 f Emmie McVea Ift thi with the receipts to the same date ' wu more Pay than they would have j for Tarboro. last year. . I ,f the matter had been left to the U I Ms' M- c- Brinson is visiting her The figures during (the Christmas S" &overnment officials. I m"ther, Mrs. Carter at Wake Forest. eeK snowed a variance of about 3 - ume or ordering the men to 1 nt 1.7'' ' "OD?rts 18 Quite ill 000 bales in the total receipts and there prepare t0 move to this city General I ton street " 0Utn wming has been some speculation as to how near the total receipts of the year will come to those of last year. I . When the season closed on the first or last September the total number I of bales received; that is weighed, on I tnis market had reached 27,456 and at j this time last year the books of the Exchange had registered 27,121; in oth er words between the 24th of June and the first of September only 335 bales of cottoa were weighed on the Raleigh market. During the week just ended the to- iat receipts tor the six day's busi ness was 1B0 bales against 79 bales for the corresponding week last year. The total receiDts for thia aann nave Deen zb.144 to thfK An to ,.. 077 bales short of the receipts to the cor reSDonrliner (into het I To reach the grand 'iotal of IaStS,?,r fu"enburg to pay the te.nalj;iSLh?T year 1,312 bales must be weighed on'ond "eglment from the 27th of June ' tor-v Preparatory to tkTLl 5 e oy-tne first of September . :a this he will do this afternoon I Ule ne,v church of the Good shenhprrt and this cotion buyers say, wi,l not The pay roll from AnH. has commence "hepherd be donat Theie is not a man th L. .. . ' om Apnl 2' 1,1 amounts exchange who bel.eve the total rel!:" aoo.ut " "M Is $15,000 more ' Journa i w- .U,e Newbern tlie SLate Press tepiiens attended ton street. Miss Cameron arrived on the mrrn Ing train from the w? f .m5": euest of Miss Elizabeth Hinsdale B Irby ha"s moved his Agricultural NIoP12mMfltrtf"d,Seed Store amund to no. iz Martin street ,.... u . glad to welcomVali of hrs' friends!" 08 Governor Russell's rw-.,o a Kev Balus Cade left this morning fo? lxiuisDurg to deliver a. sprmnn ... ryy ...v.. iuiui1- No other preparation han owr 1 a"y PfpI? so much Sood as Hood's icine America's Greatest Med- Mr. W. R. Crawford .Tr tart morning for Wrii.ht!iu . V 3 day with his bTOt; Mr aTcrTw." The preliminary work of noving rec- lon of VJ?11 'he ma'k mmle la8"t;,,haM t,he rCKiment wou,d have received! t'om the meetTngof' tl ytar and few there aie who u.mk it 1 lf their pay had begun with the Association. Miss steL ..v. twai iui ittoi year. Tho q '"J. It is the common belief nmnm- rt, I ne orcvrs upon which this was buyei-s that the cause of the shortage j manded are given in the following let s not with the fanners but with the i tTS written at the time f n. n .... ; sible. to the rack and prolong a fleht whinh Vicksbure arrivi f . B Telegraph to The Tlmoa-vioi. they know can only result in complete steamer Amapola of Honduras as a' Wa,;hlnton1 June 25. Advices re prise. ' (Wjivea'irom camp McCall state that UNCIVILIZED WARFARE. disaster. THE , SPANISH REPORT. By Cable to The Times-Visitor. TRAIN HELD UP. By Telegraph to The Times-Visitor. in the captured ammunition used by the" Pimarus were found larire ouantiti, pure orass cartridges forbidden in Whit Hall," 111., June 25. The North hcrribie mutilation of the bodies of the - x Madrid, June 26. The official rmnrt ; says that in the bound Burlington ,t lead. u we en- up at 10:45 laat niffht bv twn o ZZSZ lJed:! S-"lah P-N-rrredDeknier" c imug . xivBsession M ' -- .ammunition, and clothing. The Span- - POISONED THE CZAR "" iviueq ana tnree wound civilized -warfare. This explains the , SANTIAGO SUNDAY. By Telegraph to The Times-Visit Port Antonio, June 25. The latest i army estimate states that if our troops -u..u inn ouisiae Intrenchments today 1 d. He also reported that the Ameri- j By Cable o The Times Visitor .uuum aauaa. - London. June ?iA . '!.-, . -,itou iran w mm. og at tne gates ABANDONS THE TASK.' 'By Cable to The Times-Visitor " , Paris, June 25. Feytral has fchanJ , -doned the task. of forming the French Bv Ti'mnt. ... Z. ".i. .. ' -cabinet. . ' . ' wl.r""" Z " "e-vitoi. r...,UW6B, JMne zo.'Tne sham bat Vienna reports the arrest oi Count .", bv Snnd.v f"1 CoontMs 9!.n--- ' i "... " J.-. 7 . " . vu" oe given , ' wun at- posx or honor if capable of holdlns t mDt to colflnn tli4 r... .j a .... it T ..... . . uuiuing ' ...m vBim.,.. tfuuuuun nas Deen formed between UNDER A GALLING FIRE. Generals Garcia and Castillo. need of horses reported. Great SIGNAL- CORPS LEAVE, will receive equipments and instruc tion. " CLAMOR TO SURRENDER. ' Kingston, Juune 25.-ln the corre- tie opened this morning at t. Fierce' assault was made on the second column I By Telegraph to The Tlmes-VlsitoV niTZ ved from arcklyn,7v- June. MI-The'V Vniteri Th. tti,t,i . -1L.T. . '" ,Mfflr... Second Soani-h i. JtTSL f?.!"" tSTo 'ood. powder "ZTr.rrr "ey ment of sharpshooters whirled Into the ..7.7 scarce. Insurgents thickest of , the fight and carried all tZ Ir UrC ot BupP"e9' before them. The opposing forces- "FZTL tired under. a galling fire. . , oplnion 1 - e says Spain should n. i S -ir,tere4ith econflIct' "We are morally ..icinocivetf. in aimn.Mt pvarv small town near this city Raleigh mer chants have stationed agents to buy up the cotton and many farmers prefer selling near home so as to avoid the long distance haul to this city. Cotton bought in thpsn ,,,.k,,i. towns, as a rule is brnucht tr. n.iii. in the end.-- but it . is wfiihi t .7. point atxwhich the sal took rvio j uu nut register on the Raleigh Ex change Books. Though the receiDta have hpOn email. c. ueie, ine reports tor the county have already passed last ports for this date and it is stated by the best authorities nn h. market that there is today a large per cent more cotton in the rm.mn there was at this time last year. This is considered a eoorl the farmers are able tn hniA thai. ducts for a price which is at least not below the cost of clearly demonstrate that their condi tion is not wholly deDendent. s ..luuumgcmeni is to be found in the assertion that cotton is still being me wuuiy iarms. THE PRIVATE MAILING CARDS. Business Men can Now Print Their rnvare Postal Cards. On and after Julv lot . . ; u um.iuk wiiLicu or nnntnri n.Aaan.. advertisements or illustrations may be sent through the. mail at the postage rate ot 1 cent each payable in stamps aiuxea Dy tme sender. Postmast Bailey has been notified of the fr.Hr. ing regulations governing the use of Only the suDerarrintlnn nhi.i, a include the occupation and business of ..... (ciauii uuaressed. will ht. aiir,n,nKi uio mt-e oi tne cards. The cards must not PYfflOfl 01 hir El Inches dimension, and in quantity must be as good as the regulation postal card. Upon the addressed side the v... 0.1.IUI uy avi oi uoneresa uv io 1000 mUuJ tbe JPfinted, and in the upper ". .uuia , oiatiK square with ui us, piace a one cent stamp here, and in the lower left ner the words: "This side exclusive) w mc auuiCDBi .... - Doubtless many of our RnWo-i. ... iBIii. grey or ugnt buff. Loughtless manv. of our Roiik merchants will take advantage of these "",un w auvertise their business out . LINARES ADMITS RETREAT. : 3a Cable to The Times-Visitor, i Madrid, June 25. A desnatcli Gen. IJnaries admits the retreat of the . MADRID, IS ANXIOUS. Madrid. June 25.-A despatch from legraph to The Tlmes-V.sltor: only result Z ZZnaT en. Ljnaries admit, the refre t.. London, .June 25.-AI1 . lin.r.,.d ..!T. 8 DltMa and the treasure of SpanlBh to the defenses of Santiago. - ri Madrid refleot great anxiety by I ' . ' - , Cervera's dispatch and an .loi..! . - - , , . TfO PROTECT BRITISH INTERESTS P0,itlcal ltuon. Troubles were notf ?DBHEPHERD CHUJRCH. rrrrLJ rr.. vpopu.ationi ac - -- . . . .. . I vbu'uuu i hri i n Pit trwinm.. i mi. i j n . - -, v. j a ne -nmes-Vlsltor. though there 1, a strong n TT" IfCZ L "TS arter- Tr"t'r' Holy uuu, um o.ne Brit sh bat. nrin 7-" .., - - . wwicy Liiia mom. m wr xusDon to protest British in ; tsrfgts there in view of the possible -war qeveiopments. .- r. THE REPORT CONFIRMED. TBr Cabl. t The Times-Visitor. ; QUICK AND DECISIVE WORK. ' Washington, June 25. General Miles believes the final concerted assault on onnuago Degan this morning and will Communion aM:45 tm, Buniv Bnhr. t 8:30 a. m. Divine service at It a. m and 6:30 p. m. Seats all tree. Strang ers cordially welcomed. - CHRIST,IAir CHURCH. Sunday School 10 i continue until the smrrender of ths .ZT Z i - m" Jno' mia dfy. SecreUrrLong received . Jnl PDenIDX- .at U a. w? '. Ifrom Admlrl s-mr-, , -T,."WWng-at 8 p. fiu by th- nastor. aespatott from npolvWl . The public cordially 'invitrWi K Alglens coaflrms tks report tlat Ue PJfPded .bombarunient at daybreak Cadis fleet lis passed the Island ot i-atenuaria in: the Mediterranean go. jiug tut. this Moralnr, to continue until the bar br batteries are aHenced, irhen he vould fores aa attaaca to th- kvi, ! h.,i- t. Beta .xpt a,, deel-vi ULTtM I ? 71S WEST RALEIGH BAPTIST.CHUKCH . . and t p!nt; Sunday A FAIR SUNDAY. For Ralefch a.nfl vifinitv w.i. . nlt . " Weather X)ondltions.-The etorm has advanced from Minnesota to the upper . ..o... cum nas increased verv much In force.- The barometer has fallen below 29:30 Inches. : Heavy rains won X ri? angerous gales pre vail over the Lnkw. The w....1.. ra'ns were 1.60 Inches at hlcage and 1 S8 a ki Wowing te'l ,S nfine(1 almost entirely to icitiuiL LIIUUaTn rLlnilriv toenik fo vS. 5"WVJllM.,88l88lPP vallsy r.ieo II!: 7J,"'gnout tne south v. ui, . nnim WfHJnPF M,h M . nn.t)ut.i.j.;... rn wiuuB, prevails. The tern. perature Is high thmnp-h, 2Z :!rXi eSDPClAllv tn. he . i 1""5 Tn h .'.i. . "fi""" i'nio vaJley. t1. lhelhlle.s ? Shifted temperaturea volunteers On April 23rd the Governor Sr-nt the following letter to Adjutant General Cowles: To Brig. Gen. A. D. Cowles. Raleigh. N. C. Sir: By authority of the act of Con gress and by direction of the Secretary! Of Wn. in .... . . .nauuu mereto. instrnr.tl. the Governor to raise a volunteer army against Spain. You are ..ceoy oraered to take all necessary steps relating to the recruiting and metering in of such armv. eivini r.... i ' o ... is pracucaoie, the preference to ie organized National Guarrl ,.f ti, State as now constituted, and making lue quoia. in my discretion, from "uzen soldiery Volunteering! in ...c ucieiice oi tneir country. You wUl act in concert with such officers of the v. Ot Army as may be delegated for such service. In order to put the machinery m motion you will notify the heads of your departments that they are aJsnl on active duty and under your direc tion, subject to my approval. D- L RUSSELL, Governor. In obedience to the Order riene.oi Cowles at once began collentino. tt, State's forces and on the 27th of Ar.ni " " oraer that started the ma chinery of mobilization of the forces m bi oraer to the various contains wa as ioiiows: Raleigh, N. C, April 27. Captain, Dear Sir:-You are orrWeri to hold your company in readiness tn move to Raleigh on orders from th.o office. Recruit your companv to re quired strength of 77 privates and three officers. By order of the Governor and ommanaer-in-Chief. A. D. COWLES, Adjutant G Upon receipt of the above order the worn was Degun and many of the com panies began living In their armories ready to move at a moments notice Upon this ground the demanri made. , . tied home with Attention is called to the coupon divi dend notice of the Mechanics and In ,f ,hf m0n' Tlie dividend coupons , '''ny are plaid (with as ........ icfe.uioiity as bond. aovernument lu the absence of the pastor, Rev. - Glenn who is now attending the Epworth and Sunday school coniefencl at Morehead The services at Centra! will be conducted by Rev. Dr B F Dixon all cordially invited. ' Secretary of State Thompson stated this-morning that he will on July 1st llrenue tha ct. th. . uiy lot. K canv r.f i 7 insurance Com- HL Z I,nd'ana- to do business in Nt , . i Ca;ol,na w'th Herbert B. Brown, of Raleigh, as General Agent. .Sheriff A. B. Suttle, of Cleveland tChenstteday ,b,'UKht "ne vrSi to is wi n n'tenUary. The prisoner is William bmarr, convicted of bur glary last September, sentenced to be hanged and saved by commutation of sentence to life imnrimn. Governor on Wednesday of this week to he e . 1 8 shoe store continues i 1 a 'no8t Popular summer resort for the Favetteviiie t.o where the dust is 1 JT" a.a and tan shoes cleaned and polished frTes' HeT l h'S CU8tom?rs 8an1 tnenas. He has a aniai , for washing tan shoes. ' State Auditor A VOP rat..n. J t this morning at 2 'o'clock fVom BalTi! erP whoHfei,b?Hn8ht W'tb hlm h8 "oth er, who for the past two months has tremaen0hTntSfH0,kin8 H treatment. It is good news to Mrs Ayer's many friends to hear of to eariy and safe recovery. She stood the toaay" r'P spIendid'y a"d domg well - " -. CHRIST CHURCH. tev. M. M. Marshall, D. D. Rector Third Ssndav after Wi-i' ".or- . , ? sermon vices ' Peters Friday Adjutant General Cowles deserve, tv. thanks of the entire regiment tm- is another evidence of his manv .r.r,n qualities and his fitness for a Brigadier urcueruisnip. A BICYCLE PARADE. The Times-Visitor has heard the sug gestion that the B Dlew fn Raleigh contribute to a fund to pur chase prizes for the Fourth of July Bicycle Parade. y Km" ISTrAl1!. any. yite gentle- "wning wneels can take Snnth Para3e Wl11 f OH South Fayetteviile street about six thirty or seven o'clock nn the noon of the Fourth of July and will proceed to Pullen Park where some fancy trick riders will renrto. . fnr)omS,eV PiZeS are t0 be fferel . , r r,r,"t "Teful riders, most hasdsomely decoraieti wheels and there will be a lady's and gentleman's prize in each instance ..t1 '.7 a gi)0d l1ea ajl1 deserves the attention of the bicycle dealers REMEMBER. -JThe Tabertiaole excursion : leaves Tuesday mnmine-'ot fl ".ttveB SS!f - a-0 View. TvSyP Pleasure has heVn ' T"1. ana of . th. pavillion, HoteTofflc;, veridas and ic water and special rates at the elegant Seashore Wnte. tr. .Is" Lai. the Kon?'. RUnd trip MWWU . " " Lf HI. . 1 davf r.. It A m Wm i - - - ' 1 1 . THREE TIMES TRIED. In Justice" Robert-' TJX? zrz first and snn im... ..r'',. U.M iurv- h.in- 'uue n tne verdict Tod . "LSST. -Upon e'liiltv onri V ' was not 'ni.7. "'T J- Alsten ; i Alston u ,k,L an. taxed ccXu rnTie "u'ou ana malicloug pro- RALEIGH'S COLORED COMPANY. Composed of the Best Element of Our Colored Citizens. Rufus H. Hackney, as has been stat ed was selected to raise a company of colored volunteers from, Raleigh to be given positions in the negro regi ment organized under the second call for troops. Last night Hackney's enlisted men ; mot In Odd Fellows' Hn onri k.j several addresses from leaders in their X1" l- iPenart, of Shaw Uni versity, Revs. Love and Latham and others made short talks before the volunteers. . There were present fifty nine volun teers who have eigned the rolls and after a successful. seRHinn the ..i... unteers unanimously recommended R. w ackne for CaPtaIn. The meet J?fri ?, adJournei to meet again In ?lock Monday night at -.thta mPany are many of the ""."fPtable younger colored men in Raleigh. Tkev a.r n.i. . T":r. ney'a friends and with this commenda-: tion they should be the pick of the 1 regiment and doubtless they will be! ST. LUKK'3 MiaSION. CAKT. The Rer.-1 itrtr wtt dially invitedV P'sl-ca. Van MM ay frft'i'liL o