tee iras-mrrca, 1MJUDOH. SL C ED. CFPMB IN THE POLLEN BUILDING STJSRlTfIOW PRICES, me Tear.... $3.00 Hz Months flM One Month 25 (Bntered as Second-Class Mail Matter.) WTE LEADER IN THE NEWS AND IN CIRCULATION. TELEPHONE NO lt8 THURSDAY July 7, 1898. AX UNPROVOKED ATTACK. Rev. Tom Dixon expressed one idea in his lecture last Tuesday night which was received with enthusiastic applause and heartily endorsed by the entire audience. Since the audience was composed mainly of Baptist it is significant that Mr. Dixon received the loudest applause when he advanced an Idea which is exactly contrary to the views of the editor of the Biblical Recorder as contained in an editorial in this week's issue of that paper. Mr. Dixon in eloqu.nt language declared that if the war with Spain aecom- pnsneu nomnig more man, wnat u nas already done, making our country a Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup reunited nation it would be worth For by all druggist. every live sacrificed and all the mil lion dollars expended. He said that when he mentioned the name of Lee In Kansas recently the audience went wild with enthusiasm. The dream of the fathers of the republic has at It soothes the child, softens the gums, . . ,. , . . allays all pain, cures wJ.nd colic, and last been realized; we are a united is ,he best remedy for Diarrhoea, It nation, the North and the South, the will relieve the poor little sufferer lm- Roman Catholic and the ProttwUnT"111 Iy: Sol(J ,5y druKStetsia every . , ... . t ". part of tne wor,j. Twenty-Are oenu Biui.mi auu i uuMicoreu marcn under the sametfwrfiuudflag and shout he sie--nufri,,tic sonrs. Mr. Dixon lulled the patriotism of the Ameri-. - - can Roman Catholics, told how his n.V,.,ln I ..nr. ... ! 1 Via ,1 ... ..C .New iorK city ana saw a wnoie regi- ment of Catholics marchdown the streets of that city aiftous to obey . 4..,, ,,siTi ai iu.iBC iiiu uook io. lit ai page their country s caand die for their 59 ,n Regfster of Deed3 offlc nation s honoryffn a foreign and a Wake county, N. C, we will on Mon Catholic Ji(tlghting to free down day, the 8th day 'of August, A. D. trodfn Cuba from Catholic Spain, i v .,. .. believed the statement, made by a dis-! tineuished arch bishoD of the Cath- olic church, that if the Pope himself , , i came to our shore at the head of an invading army the Catholics of Ameri- ca would repel the invasion, the speaker received the loudest applause ! . ,. from his Baptist audience. But it seems that all religious intol-! erance is not dead, and this unchari- table and unchristian spirit alone --seeks to loose the cords of patriotism which bind the hearts of the American people today as they stand at the common altar of their common coun try. We are sorry to say that the most flagrant example of this intol erance is shown by the Biblical Re corder when its editor takes a recep tion given by the patriotic Catholics of this city to the soldiers in the sec ond regiment as an occasion for a vicious and untimely tirade against the Catholic church. The editor of the Recorder writes: "Roman Catholic priests . may suc ceed In thrusting themselves upon the Second Regiment of North Carolina Volunteers, but the average soldier knows that these very holy whlte " robed fathers are owned by the Pope, - and that the Pope did his best to stay the arm of our Nation when it was about to be stretched forth In behalf of Cuba, and that he wished he were dead when his efforts were repudiated . by -.President McKlnley. The priests may preach, but citizens of this coun try know where Rome stands, and laugh ' when they see one of them mumbling piously to our soldiers while another at Manila calls upon the Spanish and the natives In the name of God and the Pope to rise up and fight to the death "the apostate, bar. barous, women-slaying Americans.' - There may be good Roman Catholics; . but the Pope Is king of hypocrites, and the priests are his worthy children. The Catholics of the United States and of North ' Carolina are patriotic and are demonstrating their' love for our flag and if the Catholics in Spain uuu. til fcue uunrpmcB ate irauiiswutuiy : standing by their country they are doing: only their duty. "Our country right or wrong" Is the trumpet blast of patriotism. The reception Blurring referred to in the Recorder was a graceful and time ly act on the part of Catholics of Raleigh and their example might well be Imitated by. the Protestants. The soldier boys .appreciated the kindness extended them. ' , . ' the tact that- Key. Father Price re cently preached to Wis soldiers of the Second Regiment as a basis for bis editorial it was as unjust and un christian, to express It mildly, -as It T"i 7-r;" sua ir?"-" ' ' t3 v-rite such an article with the reception. above mentioned, as a subject. Father Price exercised simply the right of an American citizen when he preached to the soldiers and his sermon was certainly patriotic and eloquent. In this hour of conflict and strife: when the ocean breeze bears to our shores the glad tidings of the heroic achievements of our sailors, and the hearts of every American citizen, Pro testant and Catholic alike, thrills with joy at the news of every naval victory, and, while our brave Catholic and Pro testant boys are baptizing and forever sanctifying with their comingled warm life blood the now sacred soil around Santiago, now that political differences are for the time drowned in patriotism, in the name of our Father, whose children we all are, let us, without surrendering one iota of the faith which we honestly hold, allow a broader christian charity to take possession of our hearts and minds, and, remembering that we are all brothers, let no sectarian jealousy, let no denominational rivalry, let no imputation of a brother's honesty, sound as a discordant note in the great patriotic shout which arises from six ty five million American hearts doin honor and glory to one God, one coun try and one flag. BEATS THE KLONDIKE. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex., has found a more valuable dis covery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he suffered un told agony from consumption, accord panieil by hemorrhages; and was ab solutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is o little vniue in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have It, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle Asthma. Bronchitis, and all throat and lung affections arep ositively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Trial bottles free at any drug store. Regular size 50. and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded While digging for the pipes supply ing water to Santiago the signal 1: "Remember the Main." BUCKLEN E ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, tlons, and positively cures Piles, or no Dav reauired. It Is guarantee to elve perfect satisfaction or money refunded. FOR OVER FIFTY TEARS. Mrs. Winslow'S Soothing Syrup has hppn liaori for nvor fiftv vonra hv mil- lion8 of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. a bottle. Be sure and ask for " Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other klnd- MnPTOJClS S1TB By vIrtue of authority conferred In tnree certain mortgages executed by James G. Burt and wife and duly re- corded In books 104 at page 188, 128 at ?898- a 13 o'clock m., at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, ex- p0Sg g , Q ,J ( hierhe-t bidder for cash, that valuable lot of land with three good houses thereon, !y!ng nd situated at the North East unerseciion oi uiooaworin ana xuor- gan streets, in the city of Raleigh, Wake county, N. C. Said lot fronts 116 feet, more or less, on said Morgan stretet an,d ckJn0rt4h. alng.th.f eastern line of Bloodworth street 76 feet more or Iess For Detter descrlp- tion of said lot see said mortgages. lnls Juiy Bin, r-KULK & MAINARD. Attorneys for Mortgagee. July 5 80-d. CALL ON J. L 0'QUIHH & CO, For Cut Flowers, Boauets and Floral Designs, arranged in best style. Also pot plants for the house. A fow Roses and Chrysanthemums left, and other bedding plants for out door. Vegetable Plants Late Cabbage, Collard, Cellery, aud To mato plants for the late crop now' ready at J. L 0'QUINN & Go. Florist, Corner Polk and Swain Sts. OFFICE TELEPHONE, 149 B. RESIDENCE 149 C. RALEIGH, N. C. Southern Conservatory of Music, DURHAM, N. C. Opens Sept. tb. Offers superior advantages, a training school for teachers, instruction in the j. -J ;-. i . ' : . . . art of accompanying. A building especially planned for daily practice In sight playing and sing 8. . , For particular send for circular to GILMOKB WARD BRYANT, . Director, Durham, N, C Inne Si-Sw One Large Is Ail That Stoiuh. Neighbors Con Upon Her A t. . Cur by tto After Other;; ; "I was lakyn v .. s head and eye. . . !. : a.': scrofula sore ai ; . i extending ire -i -i.; . ... Other sore--. -k . a.:- ?. right srm i.;;; . ... vi icy r.s were ve y . : r:: : soon beoii ''..' face look-. .1 s . ! :; 1 '. .i.it s. nei;.faiHr';. cjrlj iv . o';t anri .'t.ivi -e;i i. vr . ltii fenrci "i.''J t ' maiie it w ;": T My rktc, v'-.i : similar. to mi.ic . ::.( a- Hood's SJaripar'l'-i iir-:- i !",: Finr"- ! y pert n (:.., a s .t. .-line i saw i' v. as: i.t Tiu? neian ;. lieai ni raisin in my head va. betrer. months the sores o mj-arv r all healed; thov on my asi diappenred aad nor,- t!jtyaie I have neve? ban anvsympto:.: r 1" alt if so:' since. 0.:e Urs;e scar -iti my r.,-ft; e: all the sijrn that re'nn'n of riy affliction. The nea:eigi in '. c:: Mns. J. M. Hatch. Ff:in, K' Ka-.-. pari Is the liest in fact the One Tru tt:u.-:i f .; 1 1UUU S flUS witll Hood's Stars:: GOOD THINGS TO EAT" ARE NOW, AS USUAL, TO BE PURCHASED OF W. G. Upchurch & Co. .-o A new lot of those famous Eastern North Carolina HAMS just arrived sizes from 4 lbs. to 35 lbs. Try a bottle of Pim-Olas; their flavoi and appetizing qualities cannot be ex celled. WE ARE STILL LEADERS IN FINE CAKES and CRACKERS. Assorted Dessert Layer Cake. Walnut Cream Bon-bon Cake. - Java Cocoanut Marshrr.allow Cake. Fine Fancy, Q.aeen Mixed. Babv Mixed, ajido'tbers. -A- new invoice of the celebrated MOUNTAIN ROSE PRESERVES," Peach, Apricot, California Cherries, Fig, Pineapple, Raspbeiry, Strawberry, etc., packed in 1 lb. glass jars. o We carry a complete line of Fine TEAS. "JERSEY BUTTER," FRESH FROM THE DAIRY EVERY DAY. We know what people desire who are judges of high grade food, and we keep our stock in readiness to serve them. Polite attention and prompt de livery guaranteed. Yours for pure foood, W. G. Upchurch & Co. 124 Fayetteville St Phono 169 B. The University. Largest patronage and fullest equip ment in its history. Faculty, 38; stu dents, 508; 3 Academic Courses; 3 Elec tive Courses, 3 Professional Schools, in taw. Medicine and Pharmacy. - Advanced Classes open to women. Tuition 360 a year; Board 38 a month. Ample opportunities for eelf-heln. Scholarships and loans for the needy. Summer School for Teachers; 24 In structors, 185 Students. Total enroll ment, 670. For Catalogue, address, . PRESIDENT ALDERMAN, Chapel Hill. N, C New and Fresh All Candies and Fruits WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Well Equiped Candy Factory, Hence Goods Always Fresh. JACOB A. POPE, 105 Fayetteville Street, SUCCESSOR TO BARBEE ft POPE. Out Prico n -ON- l7ahraC::!crs. rkfriscrdcrs, Ico Coxes end oil fire uonxs ALL KINDS CHEAPER THAN ETER BEFORE ' " A ' ,' Lumsdeh's Hood's AN AWFUL GUT. We usually think it a terrible f thing for one to get a bad cut, well it is, but by this cut all will be benefitted. PRICES CUT ON MILLINERY, CROCKERY AND GLASS "WARE Beautiful Banquet Lamps $1.75 Worth $3.00. Coats Cotton 2c a spool. LYON RACKET STORE (WEDDING PRESENTS.' 1 Nothing brings greater joy Sto the happy bride on her iwedding day than the sifts of her friends. 1 STERLING SILVER, CUT GLASS, nTTTTA 1 A IfP.Q PORCELA IN CLOCKS 4 REAL BRONZES, BRIC-A-BRAC. Attractive store, a beautifu 4 stock, with attentive clerk s a Make the selection of your "gift an occasion of pleasure. No charge for engraving. H, Mahler's SonS; Jewelers and Silversmiths. 4j ICE CITY RETAIL PRICES: S lbs. and less than 10 lbs. at onetime 60c. per 100 lbs. 10 lbs and less than 25 lbs. at time, 50c. per 100 lbs. one 25 lbs. and less than 100 lbs, at one time, 4uc, per iuoids. 100 lbs.' and less than 1,000 lbs. at one time, 35c. per 100 lbs. 1,000 lbs. and less than 3,000 lbs, at oae time, auc. per 100 lbs. - 2,000 lbs. or more at one time, 25c. per 100 lbs. These are low prices. We want to contribute to the com fort of everybody. We want all oar drivers of wagon to visit all houses In the city whert Ice is taken regularly. To do this they can't wait at any place to put lc away or for change or a chat 80 we request all to get tickets and be ready to exchange a ticket for lc as soon aa wagon arrives. If this re quest be compiled with we will try to give good service. Drivers have ticket for sale for cash only and do not keep accounts. JONES & POWELL J. M. Bishop Repairs Single tires. Punctures found and permanently repaired. When I say repaired I mean it in the strictest sense of the word. It is easy to do it when yon know how and when you are prepared. I am both. BESIDES I do all other kinds of bicycle repairs in a inorougnn workmanlike manner, A trial will convince and please. J. M. BISHOP, ' 216 aFyetteville St. Received Today. DIRECT FROM THE SEAT OF WaR. Soldiers' Ccmfort-Tanpa Snickers. THE BEST 5-CENT EARTH. CIGAR ON The Best Tonic Pabst Malt. ACME WINE, COMPANT. Opposite Pottoffle. Our ibst Lot of Bargains. THE $1.50 SACRIFICE OXFORD SALE. v ; The $200 and $250 Oxfords we offeed; for $1.50 are all sold. We have a few hundred pairs of More stylish and up-to-date OXFORD'S which we have until today sold at $2.oo, $2.50 and ' 3.00. a . THESE MUST GO ALSO. We have today put these Call early and get your choice, ONE OF Testimonials as SIMPSON'S ECZEMA OINTMENT IN THE TREATMENT OF ' NASAL CATARRH. El Dorado, N. C, June 1,1898. Mr. Wji. Simpson, Dear Sib: You know I thought my wife incurable, having suffered long of Catarrh, roaring of the head, and bronchial trouble. I tried several physicians with little or no benefit, but since using your Catarrh Remedy she is almost entirely well. I can safely say that it is the best remedy for Catarrh and other diseases of like nature known to me, and I wish every sufferer of sach troubles knew of its efficacy. I shall not fail to keep it in my house. Respectfully. A. M. PAGE Send Your Work to the OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. And seer? sible. J. THE LADIES' PARLOR SHOE STORE: Ladies' and I Chita's The best values in the city inreaa in ail styles, wnite ana Bargains in Ladies and Children s Shoes at summer prices, Ladies' Parlor ehoe store, Faybtteville Street. 2 New Printing Office, Alford, Oynum, and Christophers. US EAST HARGETT ST; . , High Grade Work Solicited. Printing of every description at lowest prices consistent with first class work. Our Motto: Work Delivered when Promised. 21 The Stale Normal and Offers the young women of the State thorongh professional, literary, class! cal, scientific, and industrial education; Annual Erpenses $90 to $180, .Faculty of 80 members. More than 400 regular students. fc Has matriculated about 1,600 stndentsj representing every county in the State except two. , Practice and Ob- serration School of about 200 pupils. To secure board in dormitories, all freer tuition applications must be made before August 1. ;..-',; :..: ;. , CbrreSPttndenca invited from those desiring competent trained teachers, For catalogue and other information. dims,' : - -"-;-; 'f. PRINTERS . I ' iPRESlDENTlfcIVEIl,' 1uni:7-l3. ' -Greensboro, II. C. 011 the Sacrifice altar at. $1.50. S. C. POOL, Dealer in Shoes, Trunks and Valises, ' RALEIGH, N. C. THE MANY to the efficacy of best laundry work pos K. MARSHALL PROPRIETOR Hosiery, in Onyx Dye Hosiery. Lisle black. . Mr. Rosenthal, Fancy Grocery and Delicate aen Store. Everything good to at in and out of season to be found here. Ready coutreay and -constant attention to patrons' wants the rule of the house. Numsen's Special Pickling and' Table Vinegar always on hand.- W. B. Mann, 5 Hargett street, 'Phone lot ' Dealer in Heavy and Fancy Groceries, wishes to call your attention to the fine lot of "English ; Hams" which he always keeps in stock. Come and see them. Numsen's Special Pickling and Tabla Vinegar also on tap. . How many American soldiers would It take to demoralize a Spanish army of twenty thousand men? hue fisurins this out Hn km fnr , - John 8. Jones, 14 Bast Hargett street, keeps nae line of Groceries and provision. :Nunuen'a 1 iviiua .nu lapie vinegar on tap. Special Pickling and Table Vinegar, The problem of much Sroceries for little a. Hllisboro Road, money la solved by A I. EH s. Hllisboro Roa one mile west of Capltcl, Dealer in General Merchandise, Groceries, Dry Goods and Willow are, who also sells Numsen's Special Pick " -Mng and Table Vinegar. ' : ; W. A. Pnlcher. I. P. Matthew. Mmnnr. rmw . ner monnt and Unoir streets, bandies the finest line of Groceries, Molasses, Pickles (sweet and our 1. . wniie von wait iret ref fhiini fnw stock of Bummer Drinks, kept on ice. We handle Numsen's Special Picklloe and Table Vinegar. V Pure food nrolonn life- tmmif fnAil atirtfia . It Numsen's 8pecial Pickling and Table Vlne- Sr, absolutely pure, kepi by' J. W. Sanderford, , 1st Hargett street. Fancy and StapleGrocenea, Hay and Feed our main line. 'Get ourpi uciore going eisewnere. ' . t...., y. ' 7 . 'I . .. .1 neauny.anq wy Homitn peo rivu" - , T.M. iA c.nt. ii Fancv Groceries - from A. . Kaplasv Corner BlOHnt and Davie r . w streets. . - '' , T. E.' Kennette. Corner Jones and -SalUbury streets, extends hearty thanks to lli many patrons for past favors and desires along con tinuance of them, based on Honesty in goods and honesty In dealing; Numsen's Special Pickling ana Table Vinegar always on hand. - nTS. IL Pace. T03 North Person ' street, please call ior sample of Numsen's Special Pickling and Table Vinegar.- Like hi groceries, it lathe best to be had. Pop on Ice, cool and refreshing. ,. t. G. Adams, 331 Hllisboro street, has "every thing in the Grocery Line, for everybody reqult- -ing food.." He also has Numsen's Special Plck- ling ana ipe v inegmr on tap. One of the finest. that means "Nnmwn'a Special Pickling and Table Vinegar." Sold by ' Smith & Jones, 501 Hllisboro street, Dealers in Fresh Meats, Vegetables; Chickea, Eggs, Fancy . and Staple Groceries. , . tC. N. Poole, Bast Davis street carries a tarira ' stock of Fancy and SUple Groceries,- Buys in large lots and at lowest prices. Permits no one to sell better goods at lower figures. Numsen's upecuu nexung ana . sole vinegar on hand, in ¬ coming to town of going home, stop at W. J. eavis. Hllisboro Road. Tour first and last chance to buy Groceries, Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, Etc, at bottom prices. Numsen's Special Pickling tmfl Table yinegay on tap. E- Hurt Cora Bloodworth v a sample of le Vi!!--; eof fcc trets, wanU you to f lNumfrti'B 8;veciftl I' io r ms your n t r