The Grand Sem-AnnuaClearance Sale. Choicest stock in each departments cut to such rapid selling prices as to please the people and popularize the house. 4ALEJOH, N. C. J R Ferrall & Co, PICNIC TIMES. fai:wA.T -July 7, 1898. l r f MR ii li, ' MEETS TOUR NEEDS. "When you feel tired, languid, nervous and are troubled with pimples and eruptions, you will And Hood's Sarsa parilla exactly meets your needs. It purifies and enriches the blood and Imparts to it the qualities needed to tone the nerves and. nourish the whole system. It cures all blood humors. Rood's Pills cure sick headache, nausea, biliousness and all liver ills. Price 25 cents. That home guard proposed for Ral eigh has not materialized. It should be Bpeedily organized. The residents of this City would gladly equip the cuni- pany if the authorities refused to sop port any organization here except the Governor's Guard. July always for lowest prices. Owiruj to our large contracts made for Fa'l Goods, our entiret stock ol spring and summer goods will be closed out regardless of cost. ' CLEARANCE SALE ON HOSIERY. We offer Hosiery values to-day which will without doubt create ereat demand. J No. St HJ Fast Black SeaiuJess extra spliced sole and Inch spliced heel regular liiVjjc now No. 'J01 Fast Black Cotton iiose 1 k,.ll-u S.Jn nth Snliced Heel PUKE PILL?. I ir. " V2U,o i . tv n t i . .. HfH.- im.i UW ena youi hc.,.,,- u, n y m e. HernwVf Stainless ,boxo' New Mns'-Al 1 extra Qualify. Sl.c d trie I - . m'-its f lied and Toe-made in Germany- Theso'i ;.V . :,v i-; action and are' ltibbed Tp-were 19c., now . . . loc. Drcuiu..v t'Ttive ia th cure of No. 2,441-Ladies rJernisdorf Iila?k Constipation and Sick Headache. Fori Hose very best Maco Cottoi Malaria and Liver troubles they have. Spliced Heels and Toes gmiran been proved invaluable. They are! teed absolutely stainless were 19c. guaranteed to be perfectly free from now 13c every deleterious substance and to be,jc;0 2,101 Ladies' llermsdorf lihck 'purely vegetable. They do not weaken Hose extra tine cotton spliced by their action, but by giving tune to un,g mul t00t.xtrii elastic top the stomach and bowels greatly invig-, f ....iiffe imtiroved toe stain less were 25c. now 19c GLEARANCE SUE IN THE SHOE DEPARTMENT. oiate the system. He cent3 ptr box. Sold by ?ular size 2i all druggists A lib.. Ho que: the sabi college WANTED. H reward will be paid and .on a.-ked for the leturn ofj 0 st. ilea f ii mi the A. and M. j .I'esslng room. Tue.-ilay night. to Adjuisnt R. L. Gray. NOTiriC TO TEACHERS. An examination to fill vacancies in the public schools of Raleigh will be held at the Centennial School Sat urday, July H, IMis, at 10 a. m. By cm! r of the committee. LinVAHI) P. 3d USES. Supt. Deri! rooms i -Two in with th to rent house with seven ? -.k'sirabie locaiion. furnished, tomily desire to seuie boaid e who rent. Address Times-Visitor Pub. Co. FOR GRAZING. Can furnish excellent pasture for gracing ca-ttle. Address W. li. SMITH, Wyatt, N. C. ' The Spaniards will never reach here, ; but the Boston Photo Co., are already here and are making pictures, not tin types, but photos, six fr 25 cents. ' - Opposite Academy of Music. WANTED. Old domes and hats, old shoes and All kindsofsecond hand goods bought and soid at Harris' Steam Dye Works, Eat iiarsett street, Raleigh, N. O. Suits cleaned, 75c. Cleaned and dyed ... What makes it so warm? Why the Boston Photo Co., ar-e making so many Of those nice photos, six for 25 cents. Opposite .Academy of Music. SEMI-ANNUAL COUPONS. The coupons, for Semi-Annual divi dend on fun paid stock in the Mechanics and Investors Union, due June 30th, Will be paid on presentation at the Commercial and Farmers Bank of Raleigh on and after this day, June 23. The 'axes on investment in this com pany "aid by the company. GEO. ALLEN, Secretary. June 2a. t-f. CHEAP BEDDINd PLANTS. Not too late to plant eut Coleue. Ger- anlunis and other bedding plants. Choice chrysanthemums 50c. per doz. I will sell them from no-v on at halt " price H. STETNMETZ. Florist. ,re and best WHITE ENAMEL 'only nn final ill ed success as a lining to oven doors. WHITE ENAMEL ; Is thi; FtronL'est f' ; . sell in point ever iiitroduccd. WHIT'. ENAMEL : . Imparts to the ove i all the perfect bftkiuif qualities oi the ol 1-lasliroiitd brtck oven. HITE ENAMEL Conserves and n flee s the heat, dis tributing it evenly throughout the ' , oven. WHITE ENAMEL Retains its purity and sanitary cli- nliness by simply wiping with a da i-ioth. WHITE EJTAMEL ' Being fused into the iron, is as dur- . able as the stove itself. WHITE ENAMEL ' T Is unchangeable, giving the same good results after years of service. WHITE ENAMEL ;-, le ased on the entire line of Buck's ' Stoves and Rangers, and for twenty years has been made exclusively by BUCK'S 8TOVB AND RANGE CO., No. 2.102 Ladies' Tan Hose Fash ionable shade s extra line prime uia- l (-1 spnccu neeis ;im; ioe miiiiu m Geniinny our own importation stainless Flavin colors guaranteed alisnliitely fast were 2")C. No. H Ladies' Mack Lisle Thread Hose High Spliced Heels and Don hie Soles best combed lisle were 2,ic. now l'Jc ! No. 323i i Ladies' IlenuRflorf Mack Super Lisle Thrciid Kemhrant Hibbed Spliced Heels and Toes were L'oc. now 10c No. 2.5S'i Ladies llermsdorf Muck Hose. priim Maco Cotton. Richlieu Itihhed Sjiliced Heels and Toes were 2.V.. nw lUc No. 3.2.17 La. lies' Tan Extra Hose Prime Lisle Thread Rembrandt Ribbed. Spliced Heels and Toes were LTic. now 10c No. 3.217 Ladies' Tan Hose Saner Lisle Thread Fancy Open-Wi d Spliced STeels and Toes made in Germany Flavin Colors were 5ie now 25c. Ladies' Fancy Hose extra tine cot tonSpliced Heels and Toes wwre 50c, now 25c. No. 2.7U0 Ladies' Fanoy Hose Ex tra Snper Lisle Thread Spliced Heels and Toes Wpre SI. 00 now 50c No. 4,772 Ladies' Fast Black L ule Thread Hose Silk yertical Stripes made in Germany were .1.00 now 50e. ias Fins Strap Slipper. This Spring's entire purchases of Vici Kid Heel and Spring Heel Strap Ties m Macks and Tans Ribbon Bows with Patent Tips sizes 2Vi to 7. Our lowest price up to now !?L5( reduced to the swift selling price of OSc, ixferds, Williams and Hoyt's celebrated Roches ter line and Wolf Brothers, Cincinnati make -Tans and Macks sizes 1) to 2. worth ?1.00, .1.00 and $2.00 your choice at one price 75c. Not all sizes, but 8. SV.. 9. 94 10 and 1 none priced less than 7"c, and as hiph as S1..10 a pair .Ml lumped at one price 50c. Infant Casqyes. A few pairs of strap ami Oxfords regu lar retafl price as high as $LtiH) all now jk'o at 25c. Sale m Sayze Vest. Ladies Swiss Ribbed Vess White Lisle with short sleeve. silk tape sizes 3 to 5 were 10c now 2 for 25c. Also jrreat reduction in Misses and Children's Gauze A'ests of yester day's prices. Clearance Sale on Sid Gloves. FIFTY GE8TS. Extraordinary Sale of Kid and Chamois Gloves White and Cream Chamois t.iirne PMitolieu Clasp all sizes were 7u& now 50c. A few pair Pearl Grey Black Stitched 4 Button 5 and CJ were 75c now 50c Tan and Ox Blood Shopping Gloves- sizes 5 and Oa Heavy Stitching 2 Clasp w ere $1.00 now 50c. Tan and Giipy all shades 1 Hook and 4 Button all sizes Black and Self Stitching were 75c now 50c. Black 4 Hook and 4 Button self stitched were 75c now 50c. Sen's srwear. If Men's Summer Underwear were ever so cheap at any other time, quality con sidered, we have never heard of it. Gent's tine Egyptian and French Bal brigjjan Fashion finish shirts and drap ers sizes 34 to 44 hinh grade goods made to sell at 50e Patriotic Priee, 39c. Gent's -White Balhrijrpin Gauze Shirts only, and Greys in .full snits Standard Summer Underwear regular 30c. line marked down for swift clearance at 25c. Mens Anjfnla Mixtures litrht underwear the usual 25c. leader in all the stores marked down for this sxlo to 19c Men's Zephyr weight summer gauze hirts only the coolest underwear in our entire stock to clearance sale price 15c. Every thing you want for lunch on a days outing we can furnish. Smal Pic-Nic HAMS 8c per lb. Boneless HAMS 10c. per lb. Lemon, Vanilla and Orange Wafers. Pickles of all Kinds. Olives stuffed with sweet pickle pepper. J. R. Ferrall & Co. PHONE 88. Cfesrsnse Sals of Corsets. Kxtra long waist six hook made of good quality Jeans girdle front neatly made trimmed with narrow embroidery at toil regular uOc. now 20c. Broken sizes IS, 23, 24, 25, 2H, 2 CR AWFORD cycles. PECIAL FR DAY Tfroraas H. Briggs & Sons. RALEIGH. N. C. i NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having1 qualified as administrator of the estate of Margaret L. Parrlsh, -. deceased late of Wake county. North Carolina, This Is to notify all persons ' having claims against the said estate present them to the undersigned In " the city of Raleigh, I. C, on or before the 6th day of July, Mask or tnis notice will be plead In bar' of their rescovery. And all persons Indebted to the said estate will please maKe immediate payments to the undersigned. . ' ; , . W. W. PARISH, ' Administrator. July 6 6-w. 1 ... ' BIDS WANTED. .. The city of ttalelgh ' wishes bids r t contract t6 keep pumps In the city in repair by the year. Bids will be opened in Mayor's office at 12 o'clock m., on twelfth day of July, 1898. City reserves right to reject any and all . bids. : -:---;--Vi -- - -s,-:: , . . H. T. SMITH, , dtr Clerk, i July 6 li:-l::W ::;vS; .;:-:. A? Our table of 5c. Wash Go ds has been an immense success, and we have sold huudreds of yards to eager and satisfied buyers. Friday we double the interest of this table by putting on several hundred yards from regular stocks, every short piece will he Taken from stock, no matter what the price was, and put on this '&;b!e at the sacrifice price ot 5 Cents a Yard. A great many of these goods are worth 10, 12, 15, 18, 20 and 25c the yard, but Friday will see them all at the redicnlous price of, the yard - - - - It will be the best bargain we have offered this season, and it will be worth dollars to those who come early. STRAW MATTINGS We have the best line of Straw Mattings we ever saw for as small price. New line just landed from across the water, all nice new fresh goods, extra close wove, reversible, and extra heavy weight we are selling this line from 3 to 10c a yard less than we ever saw such values sold. , Come down and take a look. See the prices-- 10 cts., 12 cfs., 14 c4s,, 20 els., end 25 cfs. " If you are a judge at all, you'll say every piece is a big bargain. ' ' ' .-. . " ' - Take any piec in the lot, if you can match it, at same price. Bring ours back. We will put it down for you free. -r h , - DON'T FORGET FRIDAY." W. E. JONES. Roses. Roses, Carnations and other choice Cut Flowers. Floral Designs tastefully arrang ed at Short Notice. rsflninff Liiunty u Decorations Pams, Ferns and all other decoratlv plants for house culture. For orna mental gardening at lowest figure. Ali kinds of bedding plants: Roses. Gera ims, Heliotrops, Colest, etc. Chrysau themums in the best latest varieties. Vines for the varanda. Tomato plant once transplanted in best aorta Cabbage, Pepper and Pot-grown Epg plants. Celery at proper season. All mail orders promptly attended to. H. Steinmetz, Florist, Florist. Raleieh, N. C. "Phone 113. Utmost Reliability Best Bicycle for the lowest Price JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE GO. C til and $2-5,00,. .(BARGAINS) examine our ex-ehanjje Wheels. Price from to IT n.'U IJillllllfj rr. 1 THE INCREASING SALES OF Victor Bicycles SHOW THAT BICYCLE RIDERS RECOG NIZE AND ADMIT THAT THEY RUN EASIER, OUT COAST, WEAR LONGER, ARE BETTER BUILT, SHOW BETTER WORKMANSHIP AND COST MORE TO BUILD THAN ANY OTHEK WHEEL MADE- 7e daily sell Victors to people who have been riding other makes of bicycles. We say to them "If this Wheel des not run easier and 'show better workman ship than any other make of wheel, you. can' find, bring, it back and get your money" We have taken no wheels back thus far, nor do we expect to, Ve sold a rider a wheel last week under the above condition yesterday .-he said, "I rode sixty-eight, miles Sunday, and it did not tire me as much as riding twenty on a new wheel that my brother owns of a different make." , 1897 Victors cro $35. No better wheel can be .made at anv Price- v , ,. . - 1893 Vicf era, S60,$75.S100. FORNITURE EMPORIUM v v . - -v S. At the Mammoth Establishment of Thomas and You will find the Largest and ; Most Com plete Display .of TORE; TriiriEis, Oaiting, Oarnd to r And Riigs in the State.

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