. a. -S tALH. N. c. 5 5 AT' July 18, 1898. f-:y. RAIN TOMMOnUOW. !'.'vf,:-. For RalelRh-ancl vlelulty: Occasional ache, fainting Spells, Sleeplessness and liKhtMUn tonight and Thursday. I Melancholy. It i purely vegetable, a Forecast for North rar..n.-IUI mlWJxMl d turl wgn tonight and Thursilny. Hitters and be convinced that they are Weather Conditions, The storm in a miracle worker. Kvery bottle gunr lh. south has moved from the w..t nnteed. Unly Cue. a bottle at any ilrus coast of Florida to central Alabama. Cloudy, rainy weather continues from Florida to Malnw. The lurgevt Minounts Of precipitation tell over northern Florida (Jacksonville 2 ss Inches'), C'.nn ' gla (Ausnstn 2.T4) and South Carolina (Charleston 81. The pressure rnn , tlnues .high over New Knvliind, though ft eprin swin to Iimw termed ! 'tween Ncmv York urul Philadelphia. Oenerally rienr winh-r rontiuues in : the oentisl vulley ao.l est. with nortbdast wl.niis en.-t ot the Mis.tssrppi and southerly winds i)t. THK REi'.PI. YKU. ACAl.tf. PhllOflHptlla Kiv.ir.l. The "rebel yell" has been heard iie.aio. This liu'f It uinse fptn uiulei- I he red, white ami blue lianneis el' Sluil'ter's sbatUii line 1" I'ronl "I' Sunt ia.no last Friday, and no cry in all I'ulm that day had m true un Ann-ricni! sound. Great Is ilie "lelie! H'" and may it 'echo dou n I he aes! I fcClofula. hip disease, sail 8P-isl.'. and other ilise.is. : Impure blood are cured by Bursa pot illu. i ileum, iluc to Hood's i i:i.i:i;v ri. .wis. sioek of -plains of ih I rim folloW- ing varieties for --air: I '.Maianioi u While soiii HeuitT.e:!, (lohlrii lleait IllaiH'hii. ;. l'rie-s : :;:.e. per w. a. jly l.; -:t. iii-llt I'.ISelll, I'i'i t'oelion . t ' 'Id. u Self p. i- 1"'; $.' li M'l.i'IUOK. Deviled Crabs at lvnton's. Schley tlxa and lcwcy eorkiails at Denton's, t hi- originator of ihe latter delicious drink. " Champagne on draught at lvnton's up-to-date saloon nmlrestnuiant. M.ANTS KOM SAUK. Plenty "I i;ood. stromr celery plants also hue tomatoes, collaids and cab bage plants. II. STEIN. MKT.. Florist. LOST.. ' My White English Hull Terrier Hitch. Answers to the name of May. Tattoo marks '". W. in the right ear. As she Is listed. In the Sheriff's ofkiee as per sonal property, parties keeping or de : talnlng her will be prosecuted to fullest '-extent of the law. CHAS. .T. WHDl,t. He H sln,i Vi. ... r mak? jfliofixjraphs. .s'.i in pa n ij or :? ceuts Opi. Academy of Music. SEMI-ANNUAL COI'PONS. "The coupons, for Peml-Annual divl flend on full paid stock In the Mechanics and Investors Union, due June 30th, will be i iid on presentation at the Comi"fa'lttl and Farmers Rank of Baleuf i n and after this day, June 23. The t ivcs on Investment in this com pany are paid by the company. CEO. ALLEN, Secretary, June :'o. t-f. Com' and tjet cnod durahle photos of' jioHntelf from the Jiontoii f'hoto. Contpitnu, at the .a feed nut! if reasonable price of 2 rext.s for .. Opp. Academy of Music. White Enamel. "WHITE ENAMEL, I the only umiualitied success as a linhu' to oven doors. WHITE ENAMEL I the stronsiest feature and best nelltittf point ever introdured. WHITK ENAMEL "mparts to the oven all the perfect Saklnif qualities of the ol l-fashioaed brick oven. WHITE ENAMEL - ' Conserves and rerlec s the heat, dis- trihutins it evenly throughout the . oven. WHITE ENAMEL Retains Us purity and sanitarv cleanliness by simply wiping with "a damp cloth. WHITE ENAMEL Beta st fused into the iron, is as dur - able as the stove itself. WHITE ENAMEL Is unchangeable, giving the same good results after years of serv ice WHITE ENAMEL ' Is used on the entire line of Buck's , StOTe and Rangers, and for twenty- years fias Deen made exclusively by BUCK'S STOVE AND RA,NGE CO., Thomas H Briggs & Sons. . RALEIGH. N. P. Raleigh Male Academy . Twenty-first session opens Septem ter Eth, Thorough tralnlnr prepara tory to eollega cr business. - Small classes and clos . Individual supervision, especially Ja ' elementary work. ' Board In city at reasonable rate. For catalogue or information, address. JR'GH MORSON, Principal. A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly luoki like it, but thre Ib really no trick about It. Anybody can try It who has Lame Hack and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles "Ae mean he can cure himself rlftht away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kid neys. Is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Head store. 1 WANTED. I Old clothes and hats, old shoes and Jl Itindsot'second band goods bought nd sold at Harris" Steam Dye Works, Rt Harnett street, Raleigh, N. C. 1 fluitr cleaned, 75c. Cleaned and dyed -ON Water Scalers, Rcfrkeratirs, lee Boxes and all Seasonable Goods. FIRE WORKS all k1n1k chkal'ek than kveu hi-fore ! At Lumsden's call on J. L. O'QUIMH & 00, For Cut Flowers, Hcaniets and Floral Designs, arrantrci! in best stvlc. Also pot plants for the house. A fow Hoses and ( hrysantlie.iiiimis loft, ami other beddiutr plants for out door. Vegetable Plants Late Cabhiur, Collanl, Ccllery, and To inato plants for the late crop now ready at J. L. Q'QUINN& Co. Florist, Corner Folk ami Swain Sts. OFFICE TFI.KFlloNK. Mil R KESihKXt i: un c. li.t KMHI.N.C. Out Prices 11 THE BIG STORE, MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE. All Summer Goods Must Go. COME AND GET YOUR SHARE. The profit time is past. From stock ; price is secondary. I his is harvest time tor economical people. Une dollar is worth now, nearly as much as two We have a bargain table of Wash Goods all at FIVE CENTS a yard, that has goods on it worth 25 cents a yard. Ml short pieces, no matter what the price and the price for all is only 5 cents Every stock in the home is Reduction. We do not intend to carry summer goods. We expect to enter the fall season with a clean. clear stock. Every item must move, and we have put the prices on them to move them in a hurry. STRAW MATTINGS. We have, beyond all doubt, the most remarkable bargains in MATTINGS we ever had. Thev are all new, fresh poods just arrived, and are all choice patterns. We bought these Mattings from one ol the largest matting importers in the country, and on account of a delay in getting them they sold them to us at actual cost laid down in Afew York. This means a saving of at least 15 per cent over this season's lowest prices. These same Mattings will cost nHch more next season. It's wisdom to bny your Mat ting today. lOc, I2cr, I4c, 17c, 3 JOKES' BIG CASH STORE A rierry Carnival. In the dress GOODS STOCK hundreds of buyers hereabouts are wai'ing for this opportunity, we'll not disappoint. you,, we. never do. Piiees talk here, and they talk loud. Listen to them. COLOItED WEAVES FIRST. Fancy double width plaid dress goods, price was 15c; now 10c All-wool 36rin. fancy mixed Cheviot, price was 2Gc; now... .20c Mohair Brilliantine, 36-ln. wide, brown and garnSt, price was 50c; now. ...25c Shepherd checks, silk and wool mix tures, 40-ln. wide, price was 50c now 37c Silk mixtures, French novelties, 40-iu wide, price was 75c; now ,...50c Standard ;&ck Goads. This stock w ill come In for its full share of patronage. With such qualities at such u i eduction from regular prices theie'II be fewer hlack goods here a week hence. Jilack Wool Bunting, !8-in. wide, was 85c; now 25o ISlaek Mohair SS-in. wide, was 40c; now- 2c Mack Mohair, nice finish, was SOc; now 35c Hack Brilliantine 44-in. wide, was 60c; now' .50c Bradford Brilliantine 38-ln. extra lustra was 7,"e; now 50c Black Grenadine 44-in. wide, extra, value, -..as 50c; now 25c Sensational Siik Selling. l'rofltles price on some, less than ac tual cost on others. Such silk bargains don't grow on every bush, they don't mow on our bush only on such an oc casion as this. 24-in. French printed China, stripes, plaids, liyuies and black and white, was .We: now 25c Is'-iu. I '-lack Surah, was 50c; now ,.35c I'.i-in. Swiss Tafietc, Black, was 75c; now...' 5&c -'7-in Fifiu h Taffeta, Black, usual vu'da was $1.00; now 75c Handing; Gut Wash Goods. And they ."houid he handed out at a lively rale, with these price reductions taeked on to thorn. We bid good bye to wash goods for this season. Iiimitles. I .ace Striped Muslin. Corded Lawns. 1 totted Linens, Swiss Muslin in larse and s' all checks, India, l.inon, lil-ineh white Lawn, all werth 7-io; now 5c Vassal- Cheeks. T'ine Organdie, Strip et Linen Lawn. Pbiuo, Corduroy, In al lthe new cheeks and plaids, all Worth from in to v.c; now I'ji! Fieneti Madras, 4il inch Colored Lawn, solid colored Ortuindio, Organdies Willi lace stripe, very sheer In black and white. In white jjoods, striped Swis:-. Check Swiss, Satin Striped Mus lin. Saliu Striped and Figured Mus lin, very soft finish, all worth from 10 to 25o; now 10c The last of the French Organdies, French Organdies in Floral designs now on our object is to reduce were sixty days ago has been, are put on this table, a yard. atYected by this big Clearance over a single yard or article ol 20c, 25c. ths yard. and Dainty Black and White. The new Lace Plaid White Organdie. Dot ter White Organdies with place strip", tifcht blue and pink Corduroy, extra fine finish. Every piece in this lot worth from 25 t o40c; now .15c The Organdie Trimmings. They are jast one-half the regular price: $1.00 Organdie Pleating-, now 50c $1.50 Organdie Pleating, with lace in sertion 75c $2.0 Organdie- Piaiting, with lace in sertion $1.00 Domestics Kust 60 Just like buying bread and cheese. Csed in every household in the land?, but fMdoni can they be bought at these prices. 1 PTECIAL IN CRASH. I 2-inch I.inep Crash for Skirts and Suit., was lc; now 7Hc Yard-wide Fruit-of-the-Loom Bleach ins 5c Yard-wide Cambric, soft finish 6ic Superior Lous Cloth. 12 yards to piece, price by the piece 99c 10-4 extra heavy Lowell unbleached' Sheeting 1214c Armory 3t in. Fine Pea Island Sheet ing 5c 1 case yard-wide Nonpariel Percale, fast cobas ac 1 case yard-wide Sea Island Percale, new styles fc Selling place tor the above Specials in th-? Annex. CLEARANCE IN THE MILINERY DEPARTMENT. H over 1' e store you will find lis busy, but the busi-st place is the milli nery Popartnsert. H.?ie Mrs. King and lu-r assistants will trim your hat free and take M'eat pleasure in showing you 5 barg !ns advertis d. Chtldrr-ii 11 rd V ys' Caps. Hits and Tain O'lKintvrs, aU this season's slylys. none sold for b'ss th.in L';ic. swiwte as hipb as ".Oc; all to now at C!earni;ec- Sale Price 15c SPECIAL IN FLOWEIiS. One shi case of P,ospt A'iolets, ffer- .Tiiuriis, Natiirsinns. Chrys-mt ne muin?, 1 Tr'iotro; if Follige. etc., etc., pi ices n theyp were ficrn f.ilc to $l."f. Clearance Pale Price 2"c OOCn-BYE PAII OPS. Ladies' Fancy Bell shapr? Spilor. two toned, a'l colors, velvei band, worth from 5i) to 7:",c: now 2,"c Ladies' Solid Colored Milan Failor, all shrds, usual J1.00; now 50c Lad.-is' Iioublf Face Irnami:, two ten.d, aM shadi .. a splendid Pallor for the seashore, usual $l..n; now 75c Chilren's shapes 25c Ladies' shapes 25c Baby Caps aic half prices. A few pattern Hats fit greatly reduced prices. Ribbons arc too cheap now. 5W88 20 c!s a Psund. Sour Lemons 2r, CENTS PER DOZEN. At JACOB A. POPE'S, 105 Fayetteville 8treet. SUCCESSOR TO BARBEE & POPE. Fine Orauges and Bananas THE INCREASING SALES OF Victor Bicycles SHOW THAT BICYCLE tirERS RECOG NIZE AND ADMIT THAT THEY RUN EASIER, OUT COAST, WEAR LONGER, ARE BETTER BUILT, SHOW BETTER WORKMANSHIP AND COST MORE TO BUILD THAN ANY OTHEK WHEkL MADE. "We daily sell Victors to people who have been riding other makes of bicycles. We say to them "If this wheel does not run easier and show better workman ship than any other make pf wheel, you can find, bring it back and get yonr money." We have taken no wheels back thus far, nor do we expect to. We sold a rider a wheel last week under the above condition; yesterday he said," ' I rode siity eiftit miles Sunday, and it did not tire me as much as riding twenty on a aew wheel that my brother owns of a different make." 1097 Victors are $35. No better wheel can be made at any price.- I B98 Viciars, S6O,S75.SI00. Baker A Men. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Savin qualified u administrator of the estate of Thoniaa B. Yancey, de ceased, late of Wake county, Norta Carolina, this la to notify all persons h&vinc daina anlnat the aald estate to present them to the anderalrned In the city or Kaieiyrt. . c, on or before the 27th day of May, 1S9S, or this no tice wilt be dead tn bar of their re covet f, and all persons Indebted to the aid estate will please make Immediate paaniesK. at trie undersigned. . f fWOMAfl B. XAKCKT, ndy ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH' J R Ferrall tfe Co, PIC1NIC TIMES. , Every thing you want for lunch on a. days outing we can furnish. - Sma 1 Pic-Nic HAMS 8c per lb Boneless HAMS 10c. per lb. Lemon, Vanilla and Orange Wafers. Pickles of all Kinds. Olives stuffed with sweet pickle pepper. J. R. Ferrail &Co. PHONE 83. FURNITURE At the Mammoth Thomas and You will find the Largest and Most Com plete Display of FURN JURE Trunks off And Rugs in the State. IE LADIES' PARLOR SHOE SM. ERY Ladies' and - Children's Hosiery, The best values in ,the city in Onyx Dye Hosiery. Lisle. Thread m all styles, white and black. . c Bargains in Ladies' and Children's Shoes at summer price", Lcdics' Pcrlcr Sh:o sfcro, f - " Favktteatxlk Streei. EMPORIUM. m mm -Establishment of iiig,6arpots Campbell,