Tes Beyel h the fclgfc t fnim battles pw4w kaewe. Astaal Uatsshew It I : third farthf thee may otfcf htee s. Ik! POOR Absolutely Pure MARKETS BY WIRE Moyements of Stocks on Ex. change To-day TONE OF THE ST(K KS Quotations as Received by ortcttftcld & Ci m tany's Branch Office over their Leased Wire Story of the Opening In Big Markets. NEW YORK COTTON. Months. Open S iptembcr 5 3.") October 5 37 November 5 40 December 5 45 High. 5 35 5 44 5 44 5 48 5 53 5 52 5 65 5 OS 5 70 5 70 Low. Clo. 355 ?0 38 5 30 425 43 405 47 50(a,5 M 54ft$5 55 58f(:5 59 61 5 02 04(n5 05 675 08 5 35 30 31) 44 January February March April May June 5 50 5 52 5 05 fi 08 5 09 5 70 48 53 63 80 08 Steady; sales I CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKET. The following were the closing quo tations on the Chicago Grain and Pro vision market today: Wheat Dec 62i;May 64fr. Corn Dec. 29. May 81 f. Oats Dec. 20. May 224. Pork Oct. 8 .30 Dec 8.87 j Lard Oct. 4.72 Jan. 4 87.. Clear Rib Sides Oct. 5.27. Jan. 4 70 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET The following were the closincr quo atioDS on the New York btoc:. change: St. Paul 110 Northwestern 131 Rock Island 103 Southern Preferred . 34$ Louisville ft Nashville ... 57 Chesapeake Ohio 22 Con Gas 1-U American Tobacco. . i50j Missouri Pacific. 33T Manhattan 97$ Western Union 93t Burliogton and Quincy. 116 Jersey Central ... i)U U. 8. Leather 69 Sugar 124 LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. The following were the closing quo tations of the Liverpool cotton market today: September and October, 3 08 October and November, 3 00b November and December, 3 03b. December and January, 3 03b. January and February 3.03b. February and March 3.04b. March and April 3.05b. April and May 3.00s. May and June 3 07s. June and July 8.08s. TWO LIVES SAVED. Mrs. Plioeba Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St, San Francisco suffered from a dreadful, cold approaching Consumption, tried with out result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery and in two weeks was cured. He la naturally thankful. It Is such re sults, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at any drug store, Regu lar size 50c. and JL For sale bv all druggists. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of authority conferred in a certain mortgage executed by Hender son Crosson and duly recorded in book 107, at page 465 in Register of Deeds' office of Wake isounty, N. C, we will on Saturday the 17th day of September, 1898, expose for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh at 12 o'clock m., that valuable little tract of land (partly clear 1 and balance in original oak growth) containing 14 acres, more or less, lyln and situate about four miles west of the city of Raleigh, near the Southern and Sea-' board railroad in House's Creek town-t ship, adjoining the lands of Geo. W. i Poe, now Pegram, C.H. Woods, now Berry O'Kelly and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, Ea- son Lee's corner, thence south to Thos. Fuller's corner, thence east to Judge Moore's corner,- thenrv back to the be ginning. For further description of th'n land see said mortgage. This August ifitn. . 1898. PEEL ft MAYNARD. Attorneys tor Mortgagee. , WANTS HIS HEAD CUT OFF. Assassin of the Empress Talks About - , :v His Crime. Through the assistance of B. H. Rldgeley, United States Consul here, I was enab'ed this afternoon to Inter view Assassin Luochesl In the Palais de Justice, says a Geneva correspond ent of the Press Publishing Company. He was smirking, effusive garrulous and beaming. Luechesl is small and gaunt, but athletic, with blue eyes, a reddish mustache, dirty brown hair, cut l short and unparted. His demeanor sug gested an unhinged mind, but his re plies Indicated clearly his full con sciousness of the crime In which he gloried. "Why did vou select the Empress? Why not have killed a real ruler king or president?" he was asked. "Destiny placed her In my way. She was here and I struck her.. She was one of the oppressors." READY FOR THE GUILLOTINE. "Would you prefer life Imprisonment In Geneva, or death in Austria If you had a choice?" A look of annoyance passed over his face as he answered with an accom panying motion of cutting oft his own head swiftly: "I should prefer the French way." The Judge askeC Lurches! if he would have murdered King Humbert or Crlspl. "Humbert? Oh. ves, with pleasure, but not Crlspl. Crlspl Is a thief. I take inv hat off to thieves. Never murder a thief," and he laughed aloud. FOND OF SMOKING. Even the Judge was scandalized, though he Is used to criminals. After a while Lnrrhesl sild: "I asked for clpnrs. Shu II I iret them?" "We will see." said the Judge, and ordered him back to pr'snn. His hands were free and he wore his own clothes jacket and jersey. MAT BE EXTRADITED TO AUSTRIA It Is asserted here that Luechesl, be ing a foreigner, may be extradited to Austr'a. where be will be tried and sentenced to death for his atrocious crime. . WHAT THE TRANSVAAL TREAS URY CHEST HELD. Frequently the statenient has been made that when the treasury chest In the Transvaal was opened in 1877 it was found to contain only 12s. 6d. Mr. It. Rider Haggard, the novelist, has corrected this statement. He is almost certain that the sole coin found there was a three-penny bit. He says that the financial situation was so acute that the postmasters had to help them selves to their own salaries in stamps. Mr. Haggard ought to know, for he was one of the officials who took over the treasurv chest. London Financial News. DEATH OF AN ENGLISH LADY DOCTOR. I Dalziel cables from Bombay: Dr. Elizabeth Phillips, one of three Euro peans attacked by the plague within I the last few days, has succumbed to the disease. The plague is increasing I in the city where 59 deaths have been jreported within the cast two days, making 27,800 in all. At Hubli about 60 deaths occur dailv, and there are 2,269 cases of the plague. ESSENCE O" MANY NEWSY AND INTERESTING MATTERS. The London Standard's correspondent describes the humorous exploit of a Paris thief. He was known to have been in one of a block of houses, which were promptly surrounded by the po lice. They searched every nook and cranny of the roofs in vain. At last a gendarme found the robber's ragged clothes in an attic. He had stripped off everything he had and dressed him self in a suit of good clothes. He then joined the crowd and watched the un. He Is still at liberty. FIFTY CIGARS IN A LADY'S HAT. At Harwich yesterday, says the Westminster Gazette, a foreign lady who gave her name as Marie Verber, and an address at Hyde Park mansions, London, was fined 2 14s. 6d for smug gling three pounds of cigars. She was a passenger on a boat from Rotterdam to Harwich, and on being asked to de clare wether she had any tobacco, ci gars or slrits she replied "No." When searched however, the cigars were found In her possession, 50 of them be ing in the crown of her hat. ENOCH ARDEN UP-TO-DATE. An Ostend correspondent gives par ticulars of a story of the Enoch Arden order. A sailor, named Lucas, having been missing for twenty years, his wife obtained a legal declaration of his death, and remarried. Lucas recently returned to Ostend, and has just suc ceeded in obtaining the annulment of the declaration before the Tribunal at Bruges. The Question of the wife's second marriage has yet to be dealt with. CASTLES IN THE SAND. There has been an interesting prize competition at Weymouth, Inaugurated by the Mayor,' There were three prizes for the best built sand castles, to be erected by not more than four children under the ace of 14. From a sympa thetic account of the proceedings In the London Daljy Mail it appears that the the borough surveyor was the Judge. Altogether the Scheme was a great suc cess. : An extension of the competition is hoped for next year. QUAKER CITY DUES. Philadelphia Bulletin. There are some men who teem to owe it to their tailors to be well-dressed. ,., THE LADT AND THE LIONS. Una and her Hon is quite thrown Into the shade by Mdlle. Marguerite and her seven Hons the latest sideshow at the Earl's Court Exhibtlon. Theis grace ful young dane perfoms some wonderful tricks In the cage of her savage pets, who have been excellently trained. The show over, the lady does some skillful skirt dancing in the den, and her ani mals look on and applaud after their fashion. Westminster Gazette. YIDDISH FLAY ABOUT DREYFUS. The latest theatrical rumor, says the Westminster Gazette, is that a Russian Jew named Racow, at present living in Eas-t London, is to try his hand at reg llhh playwrltlng. He has already won fdme as the author of a Yiddish dra ma dealing with Dreyfus. A HINT FOR THE HOME LAUN DRESS. Pipe clay dissolved In the washing water. Is an excellent thing for clean ing dirtv linen auickly, and without much expenditure of physical labor. It has also the property of improving the color of the clothes. GREENE IN REVOLUTION. Great Difficulties uiA Not Keep Him From Final Victory. No outline of Greene's campaign can do full justice to him and to his army. There is no great dramatic moment when he arose at once triumphant to the complete victory at which he aim ed. From the day when he took com mand of a beaten army at Charlotte to that other day, two years later, when he rode victorious into Charleston, he had been laboring incessantly with the single purpose of pressing the British back to the sea and setting free the Southern States. The forces under his eortiiriTd IimiI fought four pitcher bat tles. Morgan won at the Cowpens, and Greene was defeated at Guilford and llobkirk's Hill, and had fought a drawn battle at Kutr.w. Judged merely by this statement of his battles, one would call him an unsuccessful general, and yet he was steadily victorious. By his de tachments under the really brilliant leadership of Marion, Lee and Sum ter, of Williams and Washington and the rest, by his masterly retreats and eaually masterly strategy, he held his army together with grim tenacity, and surely and steadily forced the British back before an advance not always ap parent, but as resistless as the incom ing tide, which seems never to gain and yet ever rises higher and higher. And ever behind and hand in hand with the operations in the field went on continually the grinding, harassing work of making and re-making the ar my. shifting perpetually under the wretched system of short enlistments. In the North, miserable as the ar rangements were, the army was near Congress, they were supplied by con tract, thev were in the most settled parts of the country, and the loyalists there were genara!lv few and weak Greene fought through a country where a large part of the native popu lation was in arms asraist him, and where it was often difficult to tell friend from foe. He had no contracts, but was obliged to rely on the change- cb;e. well-meaning, but often weak and ill-informed state governments. There was never a moment when he was not short of men, money, ammunition and supplies, and when he was not writing. supplicating, demanding all these things, and but rarel" obtained them. Under these conditions, aided by his singularly gallant and enterprising of ficers, and by the picked lighting men of the South, whom he gradually gath ered around him he came to a com plete victory. Senator Lodge, in Scribner's. I NOVEL WEDDING PROCESSIONS. Making the Trip to the Church Behind ', a Trey-thin Engine. Boston Traveller. People on marriage intent freqnently single out the day on which the knot is tied in a manner calculated to attract attention, and at times this is done by means of an out-of-the-way procession, Last year, for instance, the villagers of East Peckham, Kent, England, naa a treat of this description. The marriage was celebrated at Holy Trinity church, and the enntrnctinsr names. totrether 1 with their relatives and friends, made the Journey to the church in trucks drawn by a traction engine. The trucks and the engine were decorated with flags, flowers and evergreens, and the unique procession attracted crowds of people, the route being thronged. On the conclusion of the ceremony, the newly-married couple and their friends resumed their seats in the trucks, and were conveyed back to Yalding for the wedding breakfast. .. One would prefer this mode of locom otion on the wedding day rather than that of another couple, whose marriage took place in Birmingham a few years ago. They adopted the unique plan of going to the church to be married In mourning coaches, but the horses wore white rosettes, as an Intimation to the public no doubt, that they were not taking- part in a funeral. The cycling craze has been responsible for manv processions of cyclists In cases where the contracting parties have been ardent lovers of the wheel. In Germany, quite recently, the brfde and bridegroom started off on their bicycle for the honey-moon as soon as the knot was tied, and made a journey through Southern Germany and Italy, and returned by a circuitous route to Berlin. On reaching that city they were met bv a procession of cyclists, composed of the members of their fam ilies and friends, and headed by their respective mothers-in-laws rather a novel use for this much-maligned mem ber of society. ThuB escorted, the new ly married pair were led In triumph to the door of their new home. At another wedding the bride and bridegroom, together with the brides maids and a number of friends, made the Journey to church and back again, on their bicvcles, the machines being tastefully decorated with flowers for the occasion. The party numbered about thirtv, and. after the wedding breakfast, escorted the "happy pair" for a spin In the neighborhood, the novel procession attracting a good deal of attention. DO TOU READ. What people are saying about Hood's Sarsaparilla? It is curing the worst cases of scrofula, dyspepsia!, rheuma tism and all forms of blood disease, eruptions, sores, bolls and pimples. It i giving strength to weak and tired women. Why should you hesitate to take It when it Is doing so much for others? . Hood's Pills are the best family ca-tfcnrtic- nnd liver tonic. Gentle, relia ble, but ONLY A REGULAR. How a Hero of El Canev Saved the Lives of Volunteers. Blair, a regular, said to be of the Seventeenth, was shot through the groin at El Caney, July 1st. Two wounded men of the Seventy-first New York fell beside him, in worse shape than he. Thev could not move. He could a little. A Spanish sharpshooter on their right had the range of them as thev lay there, their comrades having pushed on. Although down, the three men were his target. "Spit!" and one of the bullets cut a lock of hair from Blair's forehead. "Spit!" acain and one of the New Yorkers winced as his shoulder was cut. , Blair, for a time could not locate the fellow, but finally discovered him 300 yards distant un a tree. He was in cautious and displayed himself in tak ing aim. Blair had his gun beside him, and with one shot brought him down. Then, wounded in the groin as he was, he crawled 900 feet to his enemy to get his canteen of water, and 900 feet bac. not touching it him self, and poured it down the throats of the two i,ew Yorkers. He died holding the drink to the lips of one them. His only remark as to his journey was: "I'm a regular. You fellows have homes." One of the New Yorkers survived to return home and tell the story of this hero's end. Chicago Times-Herald. "William, give me a dollar. I want to go to a clairvoyant." "Not much; the last time you went you came home with a photograph of your second husband. Chicago Record. School Books at Half Pi ice. We take all kinds of Books In ex change for those you need, or will pay you a Good CASH PRICE for them now. Don't keep them laying around. Oth ers need them if you don't. Southern Law Bool fxchange. RALEIGH, N. C. POPE'S Are Pure wi Wholesome. MADE FRESH DAILY. 105 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Fruits, Cigars and To bacco. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Under and by virtue of the power con ferred upon us In a Judgment obtained in the Superior Court of Wake county, at April term. 1898 In a case entitled Lucy C. Capehart et al vs. Sarah A. Woodall, we will, at the court house door In Raleigh, N. G, on Monday, the 3d day of October, 1898, expose for sale the following described land, (for cash.) This tract or parcel of land p'tuate in Swift Creek township. Wake county, about four miles west of Raleigh, ad- Joining the lands of W. H. J. Goodwin, C. S. Allen, B. P. Williamson, George Green and J. T. Woodall, being the old home tract of A. P. Woodall, deceased, which was conveyed to Sarah A. Wood all by Geo. W. Woodall and wife by deed dated October 14th, 1872, and reg istered in 'the Register's office for said county. In Book No. 35, at page 33, and described therein as containing 167 acres, more or less, excepting about 18 4-10 acres thereof conveyed to B. P. Williamson by said S. A. Woodall and her then husband, A. L.' Woodall, by deed registered in Book 72, at page 715, in said Register's office and about 8 acres conveyed to 2. S. Allen y said Sarah A. Woodall bv deed registered In Book 105 at page 650 In said office. E. P. MAYNARD, BART. M. GATLING, 1 . Commissioners, An. L-KkL CANDIES The :"s- NEWEST DRESS GOODS, Vary Attractive, Much belter values, just now than later on. The collections are varied. All the most stylish Fabrics are represented in 'all the Desirable Shades, Styles for making are fully decided oa and even thing advises early buying. You will appreciate and enj jy the seeing of them. WE CORDIALLY DOBBIN & The Best for the This is and has been the motto of all the large Furniture Stores controlled by us. In this day of competition it is no easy m 'tter to live up to such a motto. But we do. Fiist we manufacture many staple articles and you get mannfacturers prices. Second, Buying for three sto- es enables us to get goods we do not manufacture al lower figures than our competitors. We are offering now great bargains in Suits, Rockers, Chairs, Hall Racks, Desks. t wo Hanissms Walnut Suits at Actual Cost THE ROYALL k BORDEN Furniture Co., COR. WILMINGTON AND HARGETT STREETS. Suffer Pison Oak, Ringworm, Tetter .4.-1 Itching Piles, Ingrowing Nails, f Willi Etc., Etc. Do You Want the Best of all Remedies? A Prompt Cure? Ask Your Druggist fok a Box of Watts' Eczema Ointment. Price 25c. Warranted. Antiseptic, For sale by all druggists. Cheapest FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A MONTH YOU GET THE TIMES-VISITOR EVERY AFTERNOON SEND IN YOUR NAME. Southern Conservatory of Music, DURHAM, N C. Opens Sept. Hth. Offers superior advantages, a training school for teachers, instruction in the art of accompanying. A building especially planned for daily practice in sif ht playing and sing ing. For particulars Bend "or circular to GILMORE WARD ERTANT, Director, Durham, N. C, In MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of authoritv conferred Id a certain mortgage executed by W. H. rauerson ana wire recorded In book No. 135, at page 465, in the Register of Deeds' office of Wake county, N. C, and at the reauest of said Patterson and wife, we will on Monday, the 3d day of October, A. D., 1898, at 12 o'clock m., at tne court House door in the city of Raleigh, expose for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, that house and lot lying and situate in the south ern portion of said city on the north side of McKee street, between Fayette- viue ana Maniy streets, Being part of city lot 534, bounded on the west by the land of W. H. Patterson, on the north by the land of E. A. Johnson and on the east by the land of H. S. Strick land, and fronts south on said MeKee street 29 feet and 10 inches, more or less, and runs back north In depth 100 feet, more or less, being the easters portion of the lot of land described ta deed from E. A, Johnson and Wm. Whltaker et al to W, H. Patterson, re corded in book 121, at page 65, in said Register's office. Upon the above de scribed lot is a, good three room cot tage. ' , PEEL A MAYNARD. Attorneys for Mortgagee. Thla September Id, 189S. INVITE YOU. FERRALL Honey In Mahogany, Oak and Walnut. Soothing, Healing, Effective. and Best. ifiSCEPT SUNDAY. Roses. Roses, Carnations and other choice Cut Flowers. Floral Designs tastetully arrang ed at Short Notice. Decorations Pams, Ferns and all other decomthrq plants for house culture. For oraax ' mental gardening at lowest figure. Ajej: kinds of bedding plants: Roses. Gere 1ms, Heliotrope, Coles t, etc. Chryssje. themums In the best latest varieties. Vines for the varanda. Tomatee -plants once transplanted In best sortat, Cabbage, Fepptir and Pot-grown In plants. Celery at proper season. All mall orders promptly attended to. H. Stein metz, Florist, Florist, Raleigh, N C 'Phone 118 When Bwjy waaslck, we gave her C&tturfe, ' -Wom ihe was a Child, she oried for Caataria. When she became Kim, the cluflg to Caatorta, Vaea lie lwl CUUrsn, she gt ihem Qfcshxtt Wedding

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