TIU TIUts-VlilTOR. '- OCTOBER 18, 1898. The best medicine you can take is that which builds a solid foundation Cor health in pure, rich blood Hood's Ban oartlla. WANTED. One or two experienced Salesladies. Apply at once to W. E. JlQBon' store. 1 FOR SALE. ' Two lots oa North Bloodworth street. One block from street cars; only $400 each, Cash. Nice part of city. Call "early. c. c. Mcdonald. USURIOUS. Pays 15 percent on the investment. This Is not the case on all of Raleigh's Real Eetefcs but C. C. McDonald -has two houses and lots for sale ($600 for the two) that rent for $84.00 per year. Do you want them: he hates to part with them, but is willing to divide with his friends. "There are others." He buys and sells. Can't afford to hold. It takes cash to do this. This what he Is after Cash; "need It every hour. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling incident, of whlch Mr, John Oliver .of Philadelphia, .was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk en, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker dav bv day. Three physicians had given me up. f orm natelv. a friend advised trying Elec tric Bitters; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made""a decided Improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbel th grave of another victim," No one should fall to try them. Only M cts. a bottle at any drug store NORTH PERSON STREET. Two lovely lots $600 each within one bloick of Street Cars. Only , lots on this street for sale. When these are gone you ean't buy. Call early, aa they are sellers. c. c. McDonald. MONEY SAVED. WANTED SALESMAN. We make BO extravagant offers but have a good business position for reliable men to sell our Tiger Brand of Lubricating Oils and greases. Address with ref erences, JHE HOWARD OIL & GREASE CO., , Cleveland, Ohio. I: : f WANTED AT ONCE. $10,000.00 to invest in Raleigh. Don't It take grit to do it. but If you have the stuff put It up. No place like Ral eigh. No better investment than Ral eigh REAL ESTATE. TOU CAN IiOOK AT IT. You can even see it grow. No shrinkage. It stays with you. c. c. Mcdonald. New York prices paid la cash for second-hand school books In good condi tion. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. BLOUNT STREET. Do you want to buy a beautiful lot on this lovely street, only two for sale. Within one block of Street Cars. Con tains acre. Corner lot. Price $1,600 net for the two lots. I sold one above it last week for $960 cash. When these are gone you can't get any others. c. c. Mcdonald. ALEX KRETH does scouring and pressing at low rates for CASH, 122 8 McDowell. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. ' Mr. A. Dughi has a brand new hand- ( Some one-norse carnage, wnun juu want a hack just telephone to him and It will be sent where you desire imme diately. C. McDonald has a lot of poems fcy Samuel Selden, that he is giving away to every purchaser of a lot. When he Si'lls a house and lot ho throws in a-now!. "Davfi Lons Ago." by -Mrs. Elliott. C. C. McDonald has two nice lots for sale on easy terms Morgan street, ex tended. Price will surprise you. Call and see him. c. c Mcdonald. LOTS OF THEM. Best iiisiirancu contracts for one or two workini; agents for Mutual Reserve Ufe. C. E. DENfON. t.j S5; WHY SHOULD YOU? P1a. your property in C. I'. MiUuii akfs ha mis for pale or rent: because he can -i t you a purchaser or tenant, as the i:i-e may be. He has only a few on hand has nearly sold or rented lit !.. vou .oe? Well. See! See c. c. McDonald. Don't you remember that t'. C. Mc Donald has eight choice building lota in "Idlewild," 50x105 each. Four of them Cornel- lots. Near city line. You pave city taxes. You can buy a Cor ner lot for $125. Others for $100. You pay $5.00 down, balance $5.00 monthly. No interest uniil paid for. You will pay more for lots not half as likely located. Call and see him at once, or drop him a postal card and lie will c all and see you. c. c. Mcdonald. RAMBLER POINTING THE WAY. That's the mission of our advertising; the store must do the rest. If we point right, if we are earnest and honest in our pub lic announcements, if our merchandise and methods invite your confidence, then the road, the well beaten track, leading direct to our doors and traversed by hundreds of the buying public here abouts, will become a familiar rbad to you. There's economy at the end of it. Money saying satisfaction confronts you at everyi turn when you cross thelfSreshold at this store. PRETTY TRIMMED HATS. Syllsh and and well made modest in cost. The Millinery Department have shown and distributed hundreds of hats that have been a revelation to both buyers and sellers of millinery. The hats at $5 and $t are so thoroughly stylish, trimmed in such good taste, and of such excellent materials that the most particular woman might wear them for almost any occasion. This week a fine showing ready. And more millinery news: Velvet Toques, Dress Hat shapes and Walking Hats: neatly trimmed with net and quills most remarkable value this week at .;. 75c. $1 $1.50 and $2.00 THE TURTLE PIN. . . We have Just received our second shipment of those, popular, novelties. The Turtle Pin in Sterling Silver.' They come in brooches. Stick-Pins and. bat pins at 25c COLORED DRESS GOODS. From the Colored Dress Goods we choose these to hint of the many unu-. sual values handsome, serviceable dress stuffs at little cost 44-inch silk- and-wool Fancy Suitings, in seven two- toned colorings. ' Imported to. sell at 75c, at 50c 48-inch Bayadere; splendid wearing: navy blue serge ground, with two styles black like a fine braided effect at I 69c Ail-Wool Fancy Cheviot Suitings, in seven styles some imported, some do mestic ; ouiet color tones, but stylish and serviceable. Made to sell at $1 and $1.25. at Oxord Cheviots; the latest for tailor-made suits. Blues, Green and Gray, at 75c topnotih Browns, 75c AT.';X, KRETH does the BEST; CLK paii CM . NIXG. scouring; pros-sins and re-i . in the CITY, promptly FOR ', 12:! South McDowell strict j ANNEX SPECIAL. 20 pieces Fast Black Sateen so on sale at the lowest -price ever reached on this class of roods. nt WOMEN'S RIBBED UNDERWEAR. Comes- in for an urgent thought at this season of the year. Health and comfort both stand sponsor for the thought. We do the rest. Women's Heavy Egyptian Ribbed Vest and Pants, 50 cents quality, at 25 cents each. Women's White and Natural Merino Vests and Pants, Norfolk and New Brunswick make, at 50c cents each. Women's white Ecru Ribbed Cotton Vests and Pants, at SO Cents Fault Women's Combination Suits, all qual ities! Cotton and Wool, at $1.00 to $2 00 Special sale of Children's Underwear continues. MEN'S SUSPENDERS AT 25c. A PAIR The webbings are. the sort usually found in suspenders of double the price. All in neat styles; rood strong buckles; tnree styles of ends kid, cantab and woven. Not often obtainable at today's prices, 25c a Pair. CANTON FLANNEL. 13 yards of unbleached for $1,00 12Vi yards of bleached for SI. 00 Wo .sell it will full knowledge and as surance of its excellence this Amoske ag brand and those who have in the past two seasons bought from us will come back for more if they need can ton flannel this week. Of course other sorts are here we be lieve every sort that has rightness of weave and price to icconimend It, rXHI.i-ACHF.P, 5c to 15c. lUiKACHEn, 7 1 2c To 1 5c. STRING TIES FOR LADIES. Wo have just placed on sale a new shipment of string ties for ladies in twenty different colors, including the new Golf red, which Is very styl- i vol" v.T . Hi.r:.' i II. y..a:r -lma. c C.;n -v i j-pan-$25. nviiurt. Xi r. nt to pay. If so I 1: th.- !-!( - for ou. Oii'v 1WI mo- . it; Hvei y payment bij .,-.!: Imnie. Xn ivm. A hand So; ": ii i:n o-'.;a-:.-. rin.W part of J- . I '-' til" 1. !-i b.lUl l!!..!S. s in ': .' C :iv- :.ntitv:i d. Nc ' :. K, !..-ithl- pa. ,:k your pi ;.. -'p;:1. Dicycies! 5ci 1899 SVIULJLLo. ! PsAyfiy ; I I Hp Do 1 m i. . Y. eh. feo. : eigi and V,.iv4i..il: pr. in: :t o; , ,i-. nt i all for oi , CREDIT. ! I'riixrrriM: 40,00 . .' Kbit RENT. Vfb'.eoiivenieut cuitayv, North n street, in front oi Judge Mont ry. New. Ciiv water in yard, "lieatly arranged. Only $12.50 per :. Rented by the year only to re tenants. c. c. McDonald. ' X'I'KD. Old clothes and hats, old and all kinds of second hand .-? bought and sold at Harris' Steam Works, East Hargett street, Ral X. C. Suits cleaned, 75c. Cleaned I )yel $1.50. HYACINTH, PALMS. Fresh imported Hyacinth and various 'Oth.r bulbs for forcing and outdoor planting. Strictly first-class. Large .:. -jccjleetion or faims, f erns, etc., cneup. H. STEINMETZ, Florist. SOU) FD!? CASH 01! KASY PAY MENTS. Tims, H. Briggs & Sons. Your Phhician will tell you its wise to alw ,. s H ive a Utile ooil Whiskey siluiut th' house in c:i:-e of a Kut,Ulen ni hil k of i 1 ' 1 1 1: . j ' nl.-l!Yl Vv'illSKUY is 1' bllulifllil iyetiis old, Clifinieally pure and liiiililv rt'coianieiiilcii as a tnnie anil :-timuhiU. .; Hold only by Opposite Post Office, t Raleigh, N. C. 23 Display of Useful Presents in Show Window of , . J R Ferrall & Bo, j 222 FayeHeville Stget. Presents given for WRAPPERS OF LIGHT--? HOUSE SOAP. OUR lEAMStJIP. Great care has been taken in the seclection of our Fall and 'W inter StrHs, and haying added many new feat ure9 in each department, we are prepared to show you more "Newness" real novelties new creations in one season than you'll find in all other lines combined. GOOD JUDGMENT Tells you buy nice clothes good clothes. Appearances go a great way. Clothes help to make the man. First impressions are the best. Most lasting. Clothes do it the right kind Our clothes will, they add grace and dignity to your appearance. The Best Dressers in the State Wear our Clathes. Do you? Why not? They cost you no c ore than the other kind, and add much to your appearance. - KEMEMBEIt that the name of a well known and reliable dealer is the best guarantee that the purchaser can have. NEW" THINGS New things iu tbo Furnishing line are at riving daily. We will keep you posted as to the correct thing to wear. Map and Stetson Hafew" - "-"" I vou want. UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS. in i imw si s si v, : s Hev; Kivcr nsn AND OYSTER COMPANY, ;2 EAST MARTIN ST. Selected and cultivated New River :0 STERS is original packages-. Hotels ; ai - il Boarding houses and those intend .i ir.ti to serve at the State Fair will do 1 . II to plaice their orders at once. - "Metropolitan Opera House. 'er' ! CIAL ENGAGEMENT FOR SIX fGHTSAND TWO MATINEES OF THE CELEBRATED MRUCHI-BELDENICO COMMENCING 2U ' IVIV, Oct. 1 Opening Proiunnic, Mm, ri-ange of Pcrfovma-,cu Viiilit'v. The inimitable coined i;. (.'ht-!M D. j IV-; r.cM, and tho favorite Sontli-jni Sou- j . Ijn !f Kilil Bctdcni; will apps-nr ai i very : pei -fnim .nice; also those clever artists,; "THE CALETON SISTER." j I",, -erved setts can now be secured at ! King 6 Drug Store. PRICES TO, 20 AND 30 CTS. Matu....-!. W:e.-Ui -':'.y and Saturday. Jones' Big Cash Store. 206 and 208 Fayetteville St , Raleigh, N. C. The only strictly spot cash store in the city, and consequently the cheapest, by all odds. It's the BIG STORE, with the little prices, indeed and in the troth -it's 35 by ..210 feet, running through a -solid block 14 de partments, and ' every department hlled with the choicest new goods for fall and winter use, and all at low'er prices than any other store will dare approach. The Millinery Department. The Big Store's Millinery Department is the largest in the en ure. otaie, ana . me nanadomesi. Jims- tiepartment has . patrons from all orer the State, besides furnishing more than one-half of the entire millinery sold in Raleigh. ' e ' ' ' '. This stock is ktpt up to the verhighest style notch at all times the latest and best is always here at almost the same mo ment it is shown in New York. The best most expert artists and designers that can be secured arein charge, and yet with all the prices are far lower than any other house in the land can offer. A visit to this department will nay any lacy. Shoe Department. The Shoe Department lias been rearranged and made larger, and with the largist stocK we ever nail, wo icel proud ot our liig snoe Department, and more proud still at the little prices we eau offer you You haven't a shoe want that wc can't satisfy we can save you good money on your winter foot wear. Come in and have a chat about shoes with ours-hoe man ho knows shoes from A to Z. Carpet Department, Very few people know all about carpets you may know when a carpet 19 part wool and when not, bui can you tell if it is all wool; are you a good judge as to its wealing qualities, can you tell if it will-hol.l it's coloVs or not? &c, &c.. Car pets are deceptive like men's hats we kiiow our carpets because we have sold these same grades and makes fof years, and they have never been found, wanting a lady told us tlte other day she T.otigUt the best carpet from us three years ago Uiat she ever saw, and had come back to buy two others. That is the kind of car pets we sen tue came oacK alter more kino;- we sell carpets just UKe we do other things at prices no other house can duplicate try its once. JONES' Big Gash Store. e Pure .and Wholesome. 1 Wr. FAYETTEVILLE ST Uflli AND SHALL ITEMS FOR fT 3E '5 . fits m-3 i-J Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco. 17. A. TAYLOR. Tho VellKnonn Tailor, 6 - MARTIN STREET, NEXT DOOR Td CAPITAL CLUB, Has Secured the Services of .. ...J MB. FRANK HERMAN. Germain Tailor so well known lit Rhlefrf some tears otro. as Cutter .lor e.- WElt, afterwards for Messrs.. W. H., & R 9f Tucker in their Tailory Department. FITS GUARANTEED , PRICES LO WER THAN. EVER. -r U TUIiBP DAY, OCTOBER 20. Flour, Flour, Flour. Car of crop 1898 Flour iust ariivcd fresh and fine, and cheaper than ecr: before. . WILD ROSE FLOUR a Fine Family J- !4.00 ner bbl. former nrico 5.00: North ' per bbl., former price $3.5 J mr bbl. Call or i'aone lau and f jur order wil. bo properly carol for 1 t i .f vou were here in person. J. D. Carroll, 225 South Wilmington St., opp. East aide city market house, B. F. Cheatham old stand Raleigh, N. C s Here is a Dandy List. 8 25 dozeu Ladies' Black Cashmere Gloves, all sizes, regular price fA 50c., at 83e UP 25 dozen LadiiV Fancy Domet Undershirts (uot banded), to be - 0) sold at 25c IL 15 dozen Skirts (bound) 23c w Hmall-sizo JNicklo-plutcQ Safty Fins. Ssjc Large-size Nickle-plated Safety Pins ; 4c Lily Boquet Toilet Soap . 5c. for 3 cakes Applo Blossom Toilet Soap 15c. for 8 cakes Glycerine Soap (perfumed) 4c. cake Oriole Boo uct Toilet t oap .4c. cake i Combs (flne)-.i... ,-8,4,0, 7 and 10c Uombs (dressing) -o,.o, 7, 10, 13, and 2UC- Bristle Hair Brush, 25c value .... . 17c Teaspoons (electro plted)L t . . . 10c. set Tablespoons (electro plated) .,...120c set,. Tin Teaspoons . 3c set.- Tin Tablespoons t .-6c. set Tooth Brashes...... .....FV , . .. 8'andSOe. Filo Silk, all shades..:- 3c spool. ;Box Paner and" Envoloc A. .;. .-..i.iAlItr- I Child's Roach Oomb (2 siies) r ... 84c. eact 000 Packages Wire. Hair Fins..... .; ...lc. package ' 1IK. inar.av nialr inn rntnra - eit Mr1 s.j. , . tf ami 850 dozen Ladies) Oolored Bordered Handkerchiefs. i-.ac. eaw 75 dozen Ladies' Hemstitched Handkerchifs j 4c. each 10 dozen Glass. Puff Boxes Y with box PowderVaU...-..--.-- 8c ; Srasll Lamp Wfcks,3q; dozen; medium; cj laily---.v"...-;-i--,i.j-41 xjce jluuiuiujuiu; nuq..j.-. ... . .... -.-. . jfts jnpv. Extra Heavy Shoe Brushes i . -jr. . -1 1-. - - -a: --, 90e each EXTRA. 111 flOn YARrS Sea Island Unbleached .JfJJf Domestic, worth 4C., at - ; 2c. yd Z Onnn YARDS, Yard wide Bleached Do- f- t,UUU mestic, worth 6c, at - 41-c. yd. vil nnarcnv eneni 1 1 c . FOR THIS DAY ONLY: 0) Picnic Hams, best, at Very Best Flour at Fine Granulated Sugar 6 i-4C $4.50 bbf 5 3.4c. lb 10 OLLCOTT fcSOM. - , ' : i- .1.- m r - NT

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