lUc TIMtS-VISITOR, RALEIGH, N. C. rtlBLISHKD BY THE TIMES-VISITOR COMPANY INCORPORAT ED. OFFICE IN THE PPLLBN BUILDING 8UBSCKI Oil PRICES. Ob Year Hx Months LW On Month u (Intered aa Second-Class Mall Matter.) THE LEADER IN THE NEWS AND IN CIRCULATION. TELEPHONE NO 168. FRIDAY, - - - - DECEMBER 9, 1898. LIFE'S SCARS. They say the world is round and yi-t I often think it square?; So many little hurts we get From corners here ami .here. But one great truth in life I've found While journeying to the West; The only rolks who really wound Are those we love best. The man you thoroughly despise Can rouse your wrath, 'tis true; Annoyance in your heart will rise At things mere strangers do; Bui those are only passing ills. This rule all lives will prove; The rankling wound which aches and thrills Is dealt by hands we love. The choicest garb, the sweetest gran; Are oft to strangers shown; The careless mien, the frowning f.t,o Are given to our own. We Hatter those we scarcely know; We please the Meeting guest; And deal full many a thoughtless blow To those who love us best. Love does not grow on every tree, Nor ttue hearts yearly bloom. Alas for these who only see This cu i across a tomb ; But. soon ..r le. the fact "cows plain To nil throtic.h sorrow's The on'v loll s v, !.. ;'!' u? p ln Are ihesv we la--, t st. K.ia Vfce.-I.T Wilcox. XATTi 'X A Ij ATI-' c"TI 'N. The effort to bring to the at::, ati, in ot , ,. XNr-la mi ........ ... . ...u is nr.nar.oillv O lli te - tli.! r;i,.tlt VeO PO O CS Ml INOIUI v uieiiiiti "i t - wide-snread and determined. Other- wise there would be no occasion for sendin" to Congress ;he rep.-rts of (he " a meetings held in various pruts of tm country to protest against the ill- f,.ot,,,t f oeroes in the South. One of the-e reports was presented to the and Sen-ate yesterdiy by Mr. Turptc , r,,n account of a mass-meeting of was a ma -jl protesting ne;;roes at Terro Haute. It mponied hy a petition fr log- w station iv'ih.h would givo their suffuie'C rights under the Const!- tution, end as the petition and the re- ; port of the meeting were referred to the Committee on Judiciary, that commit tee will have reason to consider tile question if it shall so decide, says .he V ashin- ton Tost. ena:..r 1! -r.ey, of Mississippi; who has given the negro pr.ibl-m considera ble tlioo-;Ut. talked interes; ingly yvster ilay about the situation in his St.te. ...... u, i... r..-.. r.ave nan no uouoie ..mi .m- " pro for years," he said, "and in fai t there is no reason why there should be. It is generally understood that the white men will control the State and munie:pal governments, and I know , that the personnel of our colored uni- versity, an ins.itution largely support- ed by the Democratic Legislature, votes the Democratic ticket." "Does the educational test result in Hie disfranchising of the negio?' "In a veiy slight degree. The voter has to read or understand a clause of .he State constitution, and Very fre quently the judge of election helps out the voters both white and colored. A more stringent barrier is the require ment that every would-be voter who Is challenged shall produce his tax re- ceipts for the two years prior to the Ti.ara nnn ha nr pvasion of TT rhow ii hm the re- this provision. Kither he has the re i rwi if Via pnnnnt CeiDlo Or lie liita uui. 'lvi " - LC produce them he cannot vote." A ferry for the transportation of load ed cars between Tampa, Fla., and Ha- van'a Is eing talked of. The Idea, ac cording to Southern papers, Is to build suitable tracks at both . ends and load care In Havana with fruit and perisha ble goods, run them on the ferry boat and then send them away across the Tamnii. Tampa tne cars uuli ui A.- "irt be run on the-tracks and sent to Northern destinations. Prairie dogs are Increasing so rapidly In West Texas that the people are now holding public meetings to formulate some mode of protection. The only English noblennn who en joys the privilege of wearing his hat In the presence of the Queen is Lord For ester, who has accepted the office of Mayor of Wenlook this year. The right was conferred on his ancestor, John Forester, by a grant from King Henry VIII. Gdvernor Wolcoti, of Massachusetts, said the other day in speaking of Co lonel Roosevelt's Lowell Institute lec tures: "They are interesting because the speaker both makes and writes his tory. There are always men to do one, but rarely those who do both." Mayor Moores, of Omaha, has sent to President McKinley, pair of gilded keys of the city, similar to those which he presented to all the distinguished vis itors to the Exposition last summer. On one of the keys Is printed: "Omaha Welcomes the President." The other bears the legend: "October 12, 1898." The natives of Porto Rico make soap for washing purposes out of the leaves and bulbs of plants. Tneir shaving soap is prepared from cocoanut oil and home made lye, and the process of shaving involves the use of a cocoanut shell cup, a donkey tail brush and a ra zor fashioned from a piece of broken gkiss. General AVood has granted the peti tion of several Spanish merchants for permission to close their stores on Pun day, they having been compelled to Uoep open seven days in the week under the Spanish law. He has also issued an order directing the closing of the s -l.ion on .he Sabbath, and tfiVre is not likely to be a "Sunday closing" ques tion in Santiago so long as that city shall lie under military rule. The bill to carry into effect the recom mendation of the International Ameri can Conference by the incorporation of the Iiuernation il Anicri 'an Hank at the last session had been made a spe ..t..! ...-.lev for vesterdav in the House. j ,ut i,. the absence of Representative lliil, of Connecticut, who had charge of the measure. 1: pees illative Walker, lot Mass iciius 't s, Ca.;inuan of t!v tVmmlitee en Ilai.kin;; and Curreacy, as kid that it go over f.jr one week ! wi'th.ait prejudac. Til' re was lie objec- i I lien, and it waf so oi-ue:ed. ".' , '"' , .. 1 u in h pxtraotuin a- ui ' - ,,, ,.i,,ntif,,l in ;he region of lashoda . i ' . . . i The 1' i Vet' warms with crock uliles and , . . hr.-u of n'e- hippopotami, while he. da ot a.uc . , lop s of various kinds and giraffes are ,s ,. 'frequently met with, ill'.' latter tact i .... nf tin. , particularly inui..o, u. .. I zoological gardens ot toe w m ,u, ins that in this ci y. are in want of a (,,. r the North African girafle, j which they rune been unable to obtain . -xlmt to the closir.s of the Central sou- , dan f"i' so m ..ny yeaiu. j ' , . , t1 ,..,.,o..!. i.,.i;,.f n no !ois rv recently r.,i ! l.e.ndcn to take hoi lif,. leavinar the feliowin letter ,.f .,...,i.nri:,n: ' Last nh'.ht as f lay in hd.'n,iserable and hopeless. I took - studyii out to, my hands again, and I found , , l,.i;y to ou i. ! you l was b rn m.til, with ;n.. lio.-iile ilov.-n. 1 found iioe r '!. atod on I'o ! I am .it;-it eomin. to i lta :io r than submit ' r hand. i fat ility it, 1 mean t d!., vned." T o:e i ! as dif has : n ef.V. t on the and that v. hi:e oeri oveled that mu.-ii' irov. th e-C the hair, t'n nv.-.sie prevents the hair from feilioi; o-at, o her kinds have a disastrous otfivt. Composers lose their hair Kite ordinal y people, but composers who perform their own works, it is asserted, always have lux urious locks. T.Vind instruments, espe cially the cornet and trombone, are fa tal to heavy heads of hair; the violon cello and harp keep the hair pret.y well, but the flute .cannot be depended upon. It has not yet been decided what particular key is best for the preven tion of baldness. AppETITE QF A qqaT. j dy gSjjM i BimK ohrtniri bnnw that Dr. Kine's New LKe Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Remedy, gives a splendid appe- t tito unnnri riiPRtinn and a reeular bod- in.;, -a - iw n hohir tVint inQiirpq nprfpet healtn and great energy. Onfy 25c. at any druf -tore. An ambulance of the Kilrush, Eng land, workhouse was recently swooped down upon by the Sheriff just as it was star ing for a patient. The vehicle was taken to the pound and held for the satisfaction of a debt of 20. TO CURB A COLO IN ONE DAT. . A1. vncita rp fund thp money icut jti.ii . moo" - . u if fails to cure. 25c. The genuine! ha. I B. Q. in each tablet. , SHE "DEVOURS" ROMANCES. A Lvnn (Mass.) special. December 7, runs: Local physicians are puzzled by the peculiar case of a 16-year-old girl of this city. The girl Is suffering from chlorosis and has developed an uncon trollable taste for unpalatable things. She has eaten books, newspapers, shoe makers' wax, starch and other things. Yesterday rhe got hold of a pound of coffee, which she devoured, arid Is suf fering from .caffeine poisoning. In five weeks she read twelve novels and ate every one of them. EMBRACED A CORPSE. Janesville, Wis., December 7. Lying in the embrace of the dead, and with his arms aibout the corpse of his wife, his ears filled with the chatterlsh talk of a Darrot perched near his bed, Chas, T. Wilcox has been found In his room in this oitv. Wilcox was unable to sneak. His wife had been dead a week at least, and he could not unveil the mystery surrounding her demise. Three hours after being found the man was dead, whether from poison or starva tion is not known. Father Vahey. of St. John's Cathe dral. Cleveland, preached a sermon on Sunday last advocating the erection of a whiDnine cost In the public square of that city, and Lie punishment thereat of all men who desert their wives and hildren and make them burdens for society to care for. uch in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power in so small siiace. Tliej' ruo a whole mediclue ch'st, al.vr.vs lvaiy. al ways efficient, al-.vays sat isfactory: prevent a cold rt.f,.vn- ' Mro :ill liver ills. ill sick headache. Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. The only rills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla. Having qualified as executor of Mrs. Lydia J. Broun, deceased, ull persons having claims against her estate are hereby notified to present them to me on or before the 10th day of December, ISM, or this notice may be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to her estate will make payment to me. JOS. G. BROWN, Executor. I :et, 8. ISftS. LAND SALE AT NEW HILL. H. M. Farnsworth vs. L. P. Freeman and others: iin Siiinoiiiv. the 17th dav of Deccm- I her, A. 1)., 1VJS, at New Hill, N. C, I will by virtue of authority coniVi'red upon me by order 0 tne cour; in tne above entitled ?ivi action lately de- ,i,, in the Superior Court of Wake ' .. .... coimtv, expose for sale to tne mgutwi bdd-r all that tract or parcel of land In Unite county. N. C, in Luck Horn township, s.tuated on the railroad ahout a. quarter mile south-west or H and more fully described as fallows: Resinning at pointers on tne I of the heirs of Jno. Bennett, de- ,.oasedi runnlng east 97i poles to a .-;m,,n troo on the Bur Branch, Ah;.un Lnshley's corner, through the meanders of said branch nearly a nor th course 73 poles to a maple on Minnie Olive's line, thence west with said line, Halelgh & Augusta Air Line Railroad . 1. TZZ Tuth. , mossing said railroad again, j(s poreb . tontainin;: 4j -5 acres, more n' less, 1 acres cut on am, conveyed to ('. J. Bright, deed recorder! in book SI, at page ;f.2. in the Itetristet of Deed's office for Wake county, and more fullv described in the complaint j paid action. TTMF. of sale 10 o clock a. 'in. TF.IIMS of sale for cash or ere. lit j 0 i;rayn"nt i W. X PEKI.K. Commissioner. pHEIjE & MAYNAR1,, j Attmneys. : " r. -- ' - - EW STOCK MEN'S See Our ?3.C0and $3.50 this leek for Style and Value LADIES' AND CHILDREN SHOES, And Latest Things in Felt Slippers, Home Comforts and ether Goods for Ciming Holiday St-ason. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. W. T. Harding's Popular Shoe Store. Suffer Pison Oak. Ringworm, TetterQ 4-1 Itching Piles, Ingrowing Nails f WITH Etc., Etc. Do You Want the Best of all Remedies? A Prompt Cure? Ask Your Druggist for a Box of Watts' Eczema Ointment. factory, 305 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, (Opposite Post Office.) Chrystalized Fruits, Cherries and nne Apples, Sugar Coated, Chocolate and Burnt Almonds, wo. VinoChruvilntA Ron Rons. 25c. lb. Choice Assortment of 2 J and 35 cent Candies, 100. 10. Almond t andy, 25c. lb Blsck Walnut Tatty, 20c. lb. Cocoanut Brittle and all kinds of Taffies, 10c. lb ANNOUNCEMENT. Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Company. The "Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Company" having purchased the stocks, business and good will of J. Hal Bobbltt, drug gist on the corner of Fayettevrlle street and Exchange Place and of the Kvrlhslde Drug Store, on Halifax street, near Johnston street, will con tinue ihc druar and Drescrin ion business at the respective stands. Mr. Kawley Galloway will be manager of the Fayetteville street store and Mr. K. G. Blrdsong of the Halifax street store. All parties lndeb.ed to either of the former proprietors will make payment to the new company. With ample caprtar ana racimies aim -mpetent pharmacists and clerks, the ompany will strive to continue to give satlfaction to the patrons of the form er proprietors, and to offer the best in ducements for new patronage. BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO. HAND AND TRIPOD CAMERAS. ill PRICES FROM $2.50 UP, PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES OC ALL KINDS. Wc wish to announce the addition of lire above line of poods ami invite your nsiectinu r.nd patronage. i. Mahler's Sons Jl'.v, KLKP.S, ANP OPTK.MATJS, VALUABI.K CITY PKOFERTY FOB SALR. Located in One of the Most Desirable Portions of Raleigh. In pursuance of an order made in a certain petition for the sale of land for partition in the office of tae Clerk of the Superior Court in and for Wake county. North Carolina, numbered 791, and entitled Nettie Bridgers et -ais., ex parte I will pell at the court house door in Raleigh, said county, to the highest bidder, on January ind, 1899, and at the hour of 12 m., the following lot of land, viz.! Lying and situate in the city of Ral eigh Wake county, and bounded by a line beginning a: a. point on the West side of South Salisbury street, 62V4 1 feet north from its intersection with West touih street, running thence west 105 ''-el Uunoe north 5214 feet, 'thence east H5 Vrf. thence south C2 feet to the point it beginning; known as the home place of P. A. Freeman and her hus band, S. J. FVecman. Terms: Half the purchase price to be paid in rash, and the balance in one year's time, title to remain In ".ho Com m'Tsioner until the whole thereof Is paid. ROBERT C. ST RON O, Commissioner. December 1st. AN A or or A Full Line at s. C. POOL'S. PnPf CHIMCQ To all Customers. Ladies and Gent's rtlCC OHIHLO Boot Blacks always on hand. The Place to buy Furnite WHY? Because We Buy more Furniture and Housefurnishing Goods than any other Dealer in the State. Our Terms Are Easy. To make room for Holiday Goods we must sell half of the goods on our floow. A SPECIAL LMbl'OUNT OF 10 I'KU CEiNT UNTIL DEC. 10. THE ROMLL & BORDEN FURNITURE CO, COR. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon us in a judgment ob tained in the Superior Court of Wake county at April term, 1S98, in a case entitled Lucy C. Capehart et al vs. Sa rah A. Woodall, we will at the court Annr In T(lllell?Vl. N. C On MOn- day, the 5th day of Eecember, 1898, ex pose for sale tne louowins ucmnu That tract or parcel of land situ ate in Swift Creek township, Wake county, about four miles west of Kat eigh, adjoining the lands of W. H. J. Goodwin, C. S. Allen, B. P. WilUjm sort, George Green and J. T. Woodall, being the old he me tract of A. P. W ood all, deceased, which was conveyed to Sarah A. Woodall by George W. Wood all and wife by deed dated October 14th 1872, and registered In the Register s office for said county in book No. 3d, at page 33, and described therein as containing 167V, acres, more or less, excepting abou' 18 and 4-10 acres there of conveyed t B. P. Williamson by S A Wooilall nd her then husband, A P. Woodall by deed registered in book 72, at pag 715, In said Registers ofiioe and abou, oiant acres conveyed to C. S. Allen b) Sarah A. Wood- all by deed res' V"d in book 105. at page 650, In sni ice. Terms of sale 14 cat,!., balanc ik 2, and 3 yet-rs in equal ir.J.alltnents. K. 1'. MATNARD, 13 ART. 1.1. CATLING. Commissioners. SAiE OE- iiAi3. ...! .f a mnrtirncre from J. H. Horton and wife recorded in book f40 nage 672, records or ttesiBier ui .n'.wi.ntv T will nn Tues- day, 27th of December 1898, at 12 o clock nr., at the court nouse uooi ui county, sell to the highest bidder for u .h.i naF.iain r-mrt nf land in Wake Forest township, Wake county. bounded on tne norm ay me mnuo . A. C. Dunn, on the east by the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad and on the south and west by Neus River, containing 206 acre more of less, and being same land conveyed to saia norran uy t . . . r. r. n ..1 1 w I1iv.jirlhed Bint o. niiiamii -- by metes ana bounds in the aforesaid mortfi V. N. JONES, Attorney. tda. TRUSTEE'S SALE. On 'Monday. January 2d, 1899, I will sell at auction at the court house door in Raleigh, N. C, a tract of land in White Oak township, Wak county, N. C, containing twenty-cae acres, two roods and twenty poles, adjoining the Hands of James Scott and' Z. Coury. mtt. holmr lot No. 4. in the panruoo of the lands of Abram Bcott, deceased. and fully described oy nieie aim bounds In deed of trust to me, record- j i v. ir aj novo . office of the cu ill uum. , m.v-m, i,e . Register of Deeds of "Wake county. Hour of sale 13 m. Terms casn. THOS. R. PURNELU Tru:. December 2. BRANSON'S AGRICULTUBAL A . MANAC For 1899 wit give you xne latest JNtiwa Vk. r.. pt ft-ttom WFMnrrnfl from the late ELECTION, MEMBERS et the usuiBWiiuiti,, wuflii ui vrr'M'nsi trj'. Ac. Absnlutelv essen tial to all people. Order of LEVI BRAI7SON. . FuMisher, Raljigi, H. C- ELEGANT PRESENT. Pair of Nice House office Comfort Shoes Slippers. WILMINGTON AND II ARGETT ST. Roses. Roses, Carnations and other choice Cut Flowers. Floral Designs tastefully arrang ed at Short Notice. 8 7 Decorations Pams, Ferns and all other deceratm plants for house culture. For ortuir mental gardening at lowest flgu.e. kinds of bedding plants: Rosea. - lms, Heliotrops, Coieat, etc. C'r.rys themums in the best latest yarlst-ij. Vines for tha vuranda. Tctim.j plant once transplanted In best orta Cabbage, Pepper and Pot-grown 2f plants. Celery at proper seastm. All mail orders promptly attended to. H. Steinmetz, Florist, Florist. Kaleitth. N. C 'Phone 11B NOTICE. North Carolina, Wake County n Cooper and others. Against Mary Hill, Robert Hill, LetiHa Bin, Earl Hill, Sidney HouBe and w5, House, Ell H.r, or nro uoir- at-law. . m ,i.nia utiAvi. named wtfl . . . ....... .ha. an or-f Inn antftlea as lane iiuutc w tv-k above has been commenced before tte Clerk of tne superior v-ui " i county, for the division of a trae land in "Wake county, N. C, etvtee :r t . f unismnT Hill, de- ceased, as tenants-in-commoB, and tnt said defendants win runner tice that they are required to appeaf before the said Clerk at his office ill Raleigh, N. C, on the 22nd day of De cember, 1898, and answer or demur the complaint In said action, or the plaintiffs will ask for the relief de manded In the complaint. ,0UNa Clerk Sup. Court cl Take Oe. Nov. 9, 1898, 6w. LAND SALES. By virtue of authority given me by a mortgage deed executed t? me on the 3d day of March, 1882, by G. H. Raine and wife, Martha Rains, registered in the office of 'the Register of Deeds of Wake county, book 70, at page 256, I will sell at 12 o'clock m., on Wednesday the 28th dav of December, 1898, at my store in Holly gprings, to the highest bidder for cash, the lands described In said mortgage deed containing 62H acres, more or less, situated in Swift Creek township, adjoining the lands of the original John Avent tract, Jamea Sauls and others. This sale will be made subject to the first mortgage held i ur . ""xa l A ii .iVi-. : hi ' January, 1880, by O. H. Ralas on the oroperty, registered In he Res by me, executed to me o ure iui j - . ,., office. of Wake county, book M, ister1! office of Wake county, book W, mwm Wedi o:'b.ai6f,' Mortgage. November 28. - ' '

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