TIU TIUES-VISITOR. -During Decenber Merchandise Will Hot k Sent OuMoSee. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1898. REMARKABLE RESCUE. Mm. Michael Curtain, of Plalnfleld, HI., makes the statement, that she eaueht cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine oould cure her. Her druggist suggest ed Dr. King's New Discovery for Con Hiimntion: she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles, found her self sound and well; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at any drug store, luree bot ties &0 cents and St.OO. Miss Maggie Ree.ce will sell during this month of December all trimmed millinery for ladies' and children at one third less than regular price, that is, $6.00 hats fur $4.00 $5.00 hats for $3.34, &c. These bargains are real. Come and see them. AVe handle none but standard and up-to-da.e goods in silver novelties. JOLLY THE JEWELER. Car load of fruit just received con taining bananas, oranges, lemons, pears 5 different kinds, grapes, pineapples, grape fruit, raisins, dates, figs and nuts, fresh, assorted or separate, nt DUOHI'S. Bananas 50, "f $1.00, $1.25 buwh. at DIGHIS. Don't forget to examine W. H. Hughes' useful and ornamental Holiday goods before you make your purchases. Bananas 10. 1J 20. 25 per dozen a: Dnmrs Fresh oysters at C. O. Ball's. AT R R. JOLLY'S. Mr. R It. J . i 1 1 y invites every one to visit his store on Faye teviile street, before purchasing their Xinas pres ents, as h" is making a specialty in silver novel cic?. His stock of goods Iv-in'-r new and up to dale. Such is finish and Cmitis. Manicure and Em lir. i l.'ty Sets. Match Cases and sou venir spoons. You should not fail to see his handsome window. Don't forget to examine Jolly's new line of silver novelties. They are up-to-date. The weather bureau predicts a heavy snow for the next day or so. Messrs. Whiting Bros, his laid in a full stock of rubbers for just such an emergency. Try our 1,1c. candies Friday and Sat urdny. Pope's Candy Kitchen. Fiesh pork and Frankfurt sausage a; C. O. Ball's. I have removed my shop to the Oak City Steam Laundry building, on fi:st floor, where I am better pr-nared than ever to do all kinds of fiiiture re pairing and fancy painting. Give me a call. F. A. SUTTON. 'Phone 369 Inter-State. FOtTND A bunch of keys. Get same by applying at this office and paying for this notice. FOR RENT. A 5-room cott.ige on Oakwood Avenue. Apply to number 321 Oakwood Avenue. FOR SALE. A valuable lot with good resiileive and other houses there on, three blcuks from West Fayet eville street in a most desirable locality. E. P. MAYNARD. Attorney. Fiiht-year-old Peach Brandy for the holidays. ED. V. DENTON'S. Pure Jamaica Rum for Christmas at ED. V. DENTON'S. XTEP.-To sell Preparation for cleaning cjrpets, that is the best. A not having time to manage business. Address OA RPBTS. P. O. l!ox No. 132. FOR MERCHANTS. Card Board Pigns for Holiday Dis plays. Reduced prices. Bullock's Blgn Shop, 11 Hargett street. RAMBLER Bicycles 1899 MODELS. 40.00 Cash. SOLD FDR CASH OR EASY PAY MENTS. Ftios, Urijp & S?ns. NOTICE REMOVAL." 'he New River Fish AND OYSTER COMPANY, lo. 1 7 FAST H RGETT ST , Will onen op a fine lot of those selec ted fine N-w River Oysters, on tomor row morning'. .. Boarding Houe and Hotels would do w. 11 to place their order early for the Xmao Hoi davs Tne onlv Arm in Ral eigh that handle these Oysters. Bring the Children to See the Acrobat in the Annex. Children's Wonderland: Toys of the world. - - - - The Holiday Stock! The next two weeks will ahead with confidence. rn lTll-0,l.ii iiM.,y nu. .u bui pass any m Concerning these displays "U "-v i u "l,l nH icami.e ieturn any more in in pneke'-book. We cannot greet er for our guests. HANDSOME HOLIDAY MILLI NERY. THK GREAT HALF PRICE SALE IN THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Vv'e are havins: a clearance sale in our MILLINERY, and one you should at tend. The prices are all half. lii-ttcr to have this sale now than later. FRENCH PATTERN HATS ARE BE ING SOLD AT JUST HAEFOF THE MARKED PRICE. 1 Pattern Hat, Black Uncut Velvet with wings all season $20 marked down to . . flu no 1 Pattern Hat. Grev Gainesbor , Grey Plumes, tecl Buckles, Velvet Ri bon, was 2(l On. now $10 CO 1 Pattern Hat Purpl" Velvet, Two Tone Liberty Silk. Paradise Winirs, P rple Roses, "as $ 17.50, now. $S 7" Pattern Hat-French Toque, Jet Black Lace. Turquoise Blue Crown. B! ck Ostrich Pinnies, Velvet Ribbon and njOrnaments, was $17.50 75 1 Pattern Hat Han' sooie Poppic Red, Uncut Vclvit, Black Plumes. Pcau do S ie Ribbon, Huiiustoue Buckles, was 17.50, now $s 75 1 Paitern Hat New Blue Tarn, Velvet Tuque, Black Birds. Sweeping Aircret- tes and Liberty from $1(100 to.. 8 00 1 Pattern Hat-Black Chenille Shcp- neniess, three Tones Ce lse Satin Ribbo , Black Mercury Win ?s, Rhine stone On aments, was" $15, now $7 50 1 Pattern Hat Castor Velvet in two shades. Pearl Ornaments, White Satin l'ioNin, was $10, now... $5 00 t Pattern lint Preneli Flare. Black Chenille facing. Mulberry Pink, Black Satin Ribbon, Mercury" Wings, was C;'V -. v $5 oo 1 : Hat French Toque, two shades Mulberry Velvet, trimmed in .letted Wintrs, Rhinestone Buckles, Velvet Kibhons.were $10, now. .$5 00 1 Patte n Hat Violet Velvet Turban, Guinea Breasts, two shades Ribbons Rosettes, was $8, now $4 00 1 Pattern Hat Chenille Napolcon.Black Satin Rosettes. Plumes and Steel Or naments, was $10, now $5 00 1 Pattern Hat French Felt, Chenille Facing; Wings. Satin Ribbon and Or naments, was $5, now ... $2 50 THF FELT SHAPES AND SAILORS ARE NOW HALF PRICE. 1 50 kind go at 75c $1.25 kind en at ... 0 c $i (III kind. go at 50o 75c kind go at... 8c 50c kind go at . 25c 25c, kind go at ,l2ic Fea'hcrs, wings, airgrcttes, breasts, quills, bir ;s of all kinds. Special sale tabb s in, 25, 50 and 75c The great e-t bargains ever seen. Prices ne.vt to giviim them away. A QUICK CLEARANCE OF THE CAI'ES. Extraordinary selling of Capes, and at rush prices, and they are going in a hur- If you have a horse-shoe over your you're lucky. Jones. i ne rionoay oiock is tne largest we have ever prepared, and holds more of novelty and beauty than anj' collection of merchandise we ht. ve ever shown. The Hol.day Store service will be as nearly perfect as care and experience can make it, and the Three Moves are Equal fo a Fire. You've heard thaf all your life, and when you come to think about about it, it is a big thing to move a big stock oi goods. But ;f any one lives who has never moved they are lucky or may not. We are moving pretty rapidly just now that is thegood. are, and if j ou've been in this week you don't wonder at it. Such price, would move a mountain. We've a mountain 10 move, and not long to do it. But we are not losing riuch sleep about ir. You can't dowi a working man. The picture show again this evening at 8 o'clock. Store open every evening until Christmas. W, E. JONES. The Holiday Service test and prove the preparations oi fur pievious enorts. I hey will the question will undoubtedly be " lIie sense m which tlv question is asked It is not doue for its your nana shake to a welcome guest takes the measu-e of his you personaliy, so we decorate for all. W .r i,,.- ' ry Many are buying them for Christ mast giving, LOT 18 Capes in seal rdnsh, hand somely beaded and braided, were $12.50, $15 and $20, now $10 LOT 2 11 Capes in hlaek, green and tan cloth, beade and plain, were Si n now . $7 ,v LOT "-15 Capes in plnh. houclo cloth black and tan, were $7.50 and $S on now r 00' LOT 423 Capes in cloth, black and tan, were $i and JI5.no- $3 75 LOT 5-15 Clo h and Astraehan b'ack and tm, were $1 and $1 50, now $3 50 Tn I LOR -MADE SUITS. Tailor-made Suits are now just half of yesterday's prices. They won't lost long. 2 Mii Color Kavv Dnnldo Tlro...i c Tiled, fancy lining, ias $ 50 now . j 2 Suits Colors Rron-n ti-in,,n.l .;m. larg- buttons, velvet, collar, lined with red satin, wa $n, now. . $-, no 1 Suit "olor Navv Hlue. cloth buttons uiaeK sai n lined, wa $10, now $! 00 2 Suits C lor Brown, flounce skirt lined with 1)1 .ck satin, was $12 50 , ".w- ----- -- $1 25 1 Sun Cadet Blue. Hon nop elf irf nrtnUtA lined with red satin, was' $12 50' , now - $ 25 1 -uit Brown check, double b-casted, trimmed wi'h penrl bnttons, lined with rd satin, wa $12 '0, now $'t 25 1 Suit Cadet Blue, flounce skirt, cov ered hmtons, lined with black satin was $15. now $7 50 1 Snit Black Serge, flounce skirt, dou hie breasted covered b-ttons, lined with black satin, was $1 now $7 50 1 Suit Color Grey, flounce skirt, cov ered bnttons, lined with black satin, was $17.'i0, now. .. ...$8 71 WE'RE SELLING D?ESS GOODS THIS WAY. 25c goods are igc 50c gnods are.. - 2 c 75c goods are 50c AT 19c A YARD All wool mixtures tailor suitinus, wool-check fancies, and uroKcn oar ics gns AT2"c Silk mix novelties and illum inated si k and wool fancies. AT 50c 43 inch silk mixed nov Hies and 51 in h Haliil Cloths. Cov.-rt Cot s and Fancy Silk and Wocl .Mixti res have been educed from 75c t 50c Ba ed. re Stripes. 75 and 89c kind, "are now marked down t 50c 42 inch Wo il Novclti -s, lat"st colorsan design-, two effects, rough weaves our strongest 50c line, are now. ..37 All of our best flOc quality nt Covert Cloth arrno -c Many high clas Silk an i Wnoi Novel ti s sol 1 during this si ason at H9 and 50c. marke ' for this sale at 25c Colored 'nshmeres. all-wool serges and dress flannels, all a yard wide, best quarter goods, go at 19c door, and it does'ut fall on your head ! The holiday Display. the past six months. We look be ready in a few days. aske ). as it has b en asked before 91-ich Changeable Domasso and two tone Brocades, reduced to 15c BLACK GOODS. Here the saving is most appreciated. French Crepons. $8 goods go at $1.50, $1.75 are row $125; $1.50 leiured to $1 dO. and the dollar goods go at 75c. FANCY BLACK WEATE3. 75c trades goat 50c 50c grades go at 40c 40c grades goat .""25c TOYS AND DOLLS GALORE to munv toys and such nice ones, that smart littlM-omursters who come here ill go awav with the conviction to see that "SanU Clans" ccts all his tovs t HIOGS'. So many dolls thit little mothers will get distrai te I in the choosing Grown up dolls, baby dolls, boy dolls, girl dolls, do'is with mova'de eyes and limbs, doPsthat talk (baby talk.) Cook stoves and dishes and sets of furniture for the doll house. Trains of cars that "hustle" alo-ir as million uibv were really going some' where, steamboats that puff and paddle iron toys in almost infinite variety! monkeys that clinih they really do move. Brinsr the children, its their de partment. There's lots of room. Toys tie in me auuex. PRETTY CHIN A 10 CENTS. The e is a help-out China department in the centre -f the storo. Its a con venient place to buy, and many pretty fiiei-en oi vnina are snwn. Tnese in guaea and nower decorations. ' ups and saucers (Oc Plates and saucers lOc ine usual asking price is double. HANDKERCHIEF. In splendid readiness in this Christ mas nandkerchters store. THESE FOR WOMEN. Six for 75c Plain white hemstitched handkc chi fs, w ith a pretty "sparred" letter, hand-worked. Six for 91c S le.idid all white hem stitched handkerchiefs, various widths of hem Mix for $! 50 Plain whito hem- s-itched handkerchiefs .f excellent qu lity with h ind embroidered edges m iny pretty patterns. ' THES : FOR MEN Six for 7'c Goo I h-mstitched hand chiefs with retty colored borders in munv patterns Six for 9'ic The large old-f ehioned hemmed hand iercli efs wi hcorded bor d rs They are all while. Six f.. $1 0 All white Japanese hemstitched Silk II ind kerchiefs with an elaborate iuitial embroidered on ih cm. The fe and Prudent house-wife will nut wait until the last moment to lay in hei pantry supplies for th holida's.ror two reasons. One is she niy not le aide to get what she wants at nil or have to suhstitQ'o in its plmw at y old tliinu -hecan get. Second, she may have o pay two prices for sonathi g especially wanted or go with out. All this iiniifiwMry risk can be AVOIDED Now if you wjll gire me your orde rs at once My stock is the bett that I hate ever had. The variety of seasonable goods i greater and we KNOW ie-au huit you if yoo will let ns have orders lie r.ire the KU3H seta In as it snn-ly will. can take orders now, sWect t he goiwls, l os them and de liver at our do-rat any pcifled time, O' can deliver fronulny to day on short notice. WE t AVE THK GOODS that ill t-uit he pitci-8 are right.' If you wlH give us a chance we wilt prove what we s y and thow oar appreciation. D. ' J Ji -011,'Afcf. PH"h. y S Display of Useful Presents in Show Window of J R Ferrall & Co, 222 Fayeneville Street. Presents given for WRAPPERS OF LIGHT HOUSE SOAP. 869SS Fair Clothes at . This There will be more of Cross & Linehan's suits worn th.. fn i clothing establishment in the State. , the Btst Fit, the Best Finish and the I business. This Is Kot Idle Twaddle. It is a candid, honest, earnest statement of facts facts based on twenty sea sons of the most successful culling of the tailoring world. We know clothes when we see them, and we know just how much money tho manufacturer ought to spend to get-up a $10 suit or any other suit, and if the maker has not spent that amount in the get-up of the suits offered to us hid suits never find their way oh our tables. We are going to sell a thousand suits during this week with Hats Shoes J tmuuuifjD luntu I State agents for Dunlnp Hats and headquarters for Stetson Hats. 'Phone us, wire us, write us. or come to ace us. hut nhrw n dn't 't remember us. cross & loid Novelties. JcD. RIGGAN. ormcNTiaw Visit Riggan's ONE OF THE MANY Testimonials as to the efficacy of sittpsoirs eczeua oiHTninx IN THE TREATMENT OT , NASAL CATARRH. 3 , " " El Dorado, N. C, June 1, 1808. "- ' Mb. Wm. Biitpsov. Obab Bra. Ton know I thought my wife incurable, havta suffered long of Catarrh, roaring of the head, and bronchial trouble. I tried teveral physicians with little or no benefit, but line nslng your Catarrh Remedy she is almost entirely well. -1 can safely say that it is the best remedy for Catarrh and other diseases of like nature known to me, and I wish every sufferer cf smj troubles knew of Its efficacy. I shall not fail to keep it la my house " . Respectfully. A M. PAGE e Fair Prices for Week. The simnle reason of i Best fabric of anv other prarern in thi 7 1 er P0DCern in tne JJI Will UW 11, uamu. l UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERii. Toy Store If you want the Best Toys and the latest Toys and cheapest toys. Also, China, Glass and Crockery, Bric-a-brack and Japa niese ware, Silver Goods and Cellu CHRISTMAS WIIX BB: HERB BOON and the national - bird is now being gorged with rice, corn, chestnut, etc., according to the locality In which be la raised, to grace your table with, and serve you with a feast that would make Iucullus green with envy. ' We have ordered the choicest corn-fed, grmsahapper fattened stock from the best poultry breeders in the country, lender. Juicy and well flavored. ' Leave your order early and we will save yon : a Jim Dandy. - ,-! ' G.W. Marsh & S STALL Kd 4, CITY MARKET. Interstate Phone 839 E.

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