NUMBER- 8748. RALEIGH, N. C, VV I NKSD'tY EVENING, LEOEMBKR 14 m 2o CKN'IS A MON'IH ATLANTA JUBILEE Presidential Party Arrived This Morning jIIE RECEPTION No Ovation Eo Route- M he President has Not Decided Whether He Will Mak Any Kemarks Ex- eept Informally. . By; Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. ATLANTA, Dec. 14. The train bear ing the Presidential party arrived to at tend the Jubilee at eight cMa morning. The President an'd Mrs. MfcKinley breakfaste'd In the dining car. At Gainesville about two hundred persons assembled. From there to Atlanta there was an occu'sional cheer, but n'othing In the nature of a demonstration. Every available space was crowded about the depot to greeit the President. The President took a carriage for the Kimball House, half a block away. The rest of the party Walked the short dis tance. Gen. Wheeler and his daughter held an informal reception in the hotel parlor. The program arrariged for today al lowed the travellers to rest then ad Vance to the fatigues of being enter tained after break'fast, and at noon by the jubliee committee with a reception planned by the Governor and General Assembly at the capi'tfol. The rest of the prdgram provided for a public re ception at the .capi'.'ol at tw"o, a review and floral parade atthree, their return to the Kimball House to dinner at six, reception by the Capital City Club a!t nine. The President has not decided if he will make any remark's excepi.' of an Informal nature. IN THE HOUSE. By Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. WASHINGTON. Dec. 14. In the House this morning a motion was made to take up the immigration bill and the qu'es.ibn of consideration being raised, by an aye and nay vote of 101 to 104, the House refused to consider the bill By unanimous consent, Grow, of Penn sylvania, delivered a short address on the origin of the committee of whole, which gave rise to an animated discus sion on the rules o ffhe House. House then, adjourned. SPEAKER HILBMAN DEAD. A special from Concord to the Char lotte Observer says: Mr. Amfbrose P. HUleman, of this county, died yesterday at 9 o'clock, af ter having suffered from a complica tion of diseases for several years. His suffering has been exceptionally intense since he has been compelled to quit all work. He was about 48 years old aWd leaves a -wife and eleven children. The funeral was Conducted at his church, ML Gilead .this afternoon. Mr. Hileman Is well known, having been In public service a great deal. His begin ning of public life was In 1881, when he was elected to the General Assembly, ' having been an Irfdapenclenl candidate. He filled tlhe position of caunty com missioner here, on account of the resig nation of the late R. W. Allison ,nd was made chairman of 'that body. He resigned that office in 1891, Having been elected to tlhe Legislature as the Dem ocratic candidate through the Farmers' Alliance. He was next elected by the Poults'! In 1895 to the Legislature. The fu'eionlrit's elected him to the position aga'ln in 1896, and he became the Speaker of the House In the Legisla ture ot 1897. HIb name, almost without a doubt, ouM havge been offered by the funsfonhJts this year as the candidate MjCongress haA not his health been euxli that he could not possibly accept. Mr. J. Ci S. Lumsden Was been award . ed the contract for putting a new heat- ing plant In the Academy of Music. Manager Rivers has ; secured 150 . names for the famous Andrews Con cert Company this morning. Only 300 ; are ' Wanted. PRITCHRp WILL TAKE NO STEPS The Washington correspondent of the Richmond Times says: ,; "Senator Pritchard was In his seat to day for the first time this session, hav . ing been detained at home by illness. When asked ' whether the statement published that he would introduce a resolution providing for Investigation of the recent troubles in North Carolina ; was true, he said: , . - . '.VMost emphatically it If not . It Is ' not a matter in which toa Senate is con-, cerned. The 'House may go into the case when the contests come up, but I have no Intention to Introduce" such a resolution In the Senate." -v ATTEMPTED HOUSE BURNING. The Residence of Prof. Samuel Vass , Seit on Fire. Night before last an, attempt was made to burn the residence ot Prof. Samuel Vass, colored, on east South street., Forturiately the criminal did not succeed. Some one discovered be tween 8 and 9 o'cltaek that the house was aflj-e and rushed in and notified Prolf. Vass' wife and children and the flatmes were extinguished before dam age was done. On examination a pile of Shavings 'and kindling wood iwas found under the house, also a box of matches with onlly a few matches ta ken from Vlhe box. The Are could not have had other than" of Incendiary origin. Prof. Vass Is out of the city now. Recently he made an address in Phila delphia, full of wholesome advice to the negroes in the South. Whether this had anything to do wMth the attempt to burn h'is residence is unknown but the guTJty party should be caught an'd se verely punished. MARRIED. At the home of Mr. Otzman on Sails bury street at three o'clock today Miss Fannie Little and Mr. George Coffee were married, Rev. Dr. Ntorman and Rev. J. L. Fo'ster officiating. Mr. and Mis. Coffee left for a trip North this aSJternoon. Mr. Coffee is a contractor of Wilson and the bride is a popular young lady of this city. GRAND CHANCELLOR COMING. Thursday evening December 15th ,at 8 o'clock the two PyVhian lodges of this city will in Joint convention receive an offl'cfal visit from Thomas S. Franklin, Gran'd Chancellor of North Carolina. The Knights of Pythias is purely an American organization and as such has had a remarkable growth in the United States and this Sl ate. Thirty-fU'e years ago next February, it started with only five membets and today it numbers over 500,000 in the Supreme Domain. The order obtained a fodthold in this State In 1871, and has steadily grown unit'il It now number's over 4,000. Grand Chancellor Franklin is an en thusiastic Pyt'hfan who is on honor to the order of which he is the head in this State and he will be Warmly wel comed by his brothers In Raleigh. MARRIAGE. Miss K'afer and Dr. Duffy, Both of "Newb?rn, Wed in Christ Church Today. This morning at half af.'er ten o'clock a marriage ceremony Was solemnized In Christ Churlch by the rector, Rev. Dr. M. M. Marshall. The groom was Dr., Leinster Duffy, of Newbern, and the bride was Miss Bertha Kafer, also of Newibern. but who has been in Ral eigh for several mon'ths. Only a few intimate fiiends of the popular couple were informed of the hour. The bride was given away byJlev. Dr. Smedes, while Mr. O. J. Carroll was the groom's besi' man. Dr. Duffy Is a prominent physician of Nf wbern. Recently he has decided to go North and complete a special course of study in Iris profession, hence the day for the marriage was precip itated. There was no opposition to the maitlch from either family hence Miss K'afer and Dr. Duffy were married this morning and lerft on the Sealboard Air Line for New York where Mrs. Duffy will remain with her husband while he completes his equipment as a special ist. Mrs. Duffy Is a beautiful and at tractive blonde, and has found many admirers in Raleigh. The hosts of frtteirds extend congratulations and best wishes. SUPREME COURT. Twelfth district: McLure vs. Spivey, argued Fergu son tot plaintiff; Avery and Cooper for defendant. Davis vs. Long, argued by Ferguson for the plaintiff. Tlllery vs. Caridler, argued by Gudger for plaintiff; Zachary artd Shuford for defendant. Braneir Bal'tle Co. vs. Railroad, ar giuea by Ferguson and Cowen for plain tiff; Bason, Wateer & Walser for defen dant. Ramsey vs. Ramsey, argued Zachary for plaintiff; ; DaVldSon and Jones for defendant. A CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. A slight change In the schedule of the Seaboard passenger trains went into ef fect Sunday. ''''." The mornlrtg train from Hamlet' will leave here at 11:18 a. m. in stead of 12:25. The Atlanta special . (night) from Hamlet will leave at 1:14 a. m. Instead of 2:16. " Atlanta Special (night) from Weldon, will leave at 2:21 a, m. instead of 2:14. The time of the afternoon- train from Weldort Is unchanged. - Every, one knows when Christmas cVJmes, but If any Has forgotten they cant procure one of Turner's Almanacs or .Branson's'1, Alma nates and refresh itlfelr-itoetntory'. " v " ! ' HO, THE VICTOR Havana Sees Eiin March and Cubans Wrtp for Jy NORTH CAROLINIANS The First American Kegiments to March The Streets of the Capital and Insur gents Sjmpotbzlerg Showed In ter se Kmot'on. Havana, Dec. 12. The First North Carolina Regiment, which arrived here, yesterday on the trans port ROumanla, disembarked this morning and marclieG through ihe cfty, with band and colors, to camip at Marianoa, in the suburijsjrf Havana. I By he time the regiment had reach ed the suhurfb of Cerro, hundreds of Cuban men, women and children were following, all showing deep emotion, the men em'bracing eaoh other, the women weeping from excessive pleasure and the c hildren shotting endearing names as the North Carolinians marched along. The troops were amaaed at the inten sity of feeling displayed. Several hun dred Cubans followed the regiment all the way to Maiianao, a 'distance of seven miles. I The troops, in heavy marshing order, made a fine appearance. They reached their camp at Marianao about 11 a. m. and were soon comfortably installed. I The North Carolinians helng the center of attraction. Occasionally cries of "Viva Effpana!" "Viva Americanos! and "Viva Cuha Libre!" were heard. The First Noith Carolina Regiment is damjmanded by Col. R. F. Armfleld, of SCa'tesvflle, Iredell county. He Is "a son of Judge Armfleld, who was a noted Ntorth Carolina lawyer. The regiment includes the flower of the State militia. It has recently been encamlped at Sa vannah. NEW OITY DIRECTORY FOR RAL EIGH. The Maloney Directory Co. of Atlan ta, Ga.. who published city directories in the principal cities in .'he South have representatives in the . city at work on a netw directory. The work is to be the most complete ever issued In Raleih, and will contain m'any new and valu'aible features, a'mong whl,o'h will be found a street and avenue directory arranged In nu- I merican o:'der. A complete business di- red-ory, a nounomers aireetory, snow ing all married and single men a mis cellaneous directory of the city, county and State officers ; public and private schools, churches, banks, secret and be-' nevolent orders. Incorporated com pa- . nies, railway stations and distances, . etc. The Maloney Directory Company publish directories for the principal ci ties in .he South. They are at present , compiling the Birmingham, Ala., Mont- j gomery, Alia., Augusta, Ga., Charlotte, N. C, Columbia, S. C, and have just completed their Macon. Ga., 1899 direc tory. Sa.m'p'les of their work shown at this oTftoe sipeak very favorable for their publishers. Experienced men are making the can vaVs and the book -will be ready for its subscribers in 60 days. FAIR AND WARMER. The weather bureau predicts for RaT eigh and vicinity: Fair fonight and Thursday, becoming slowly warmer. The fore -st for North Carolina sent out from Washington is as fol lows: Fair tonight and Thursday, con tinued ctold; nod so cold Thursday night. The weather Is dominated this morn ing hy an extensive area of high ba rometer central in the Ohio Valley. Clear, very Cold weather prevails ev erywhere. The only eectfons of the cbuntry where the 8 a. m. temperature was not befow freezing were Florida and the south coast of Texas. Cloudy weather prevails at a few points In Texas. A storm is forming In the north west and rising temperatures are re ported. ANNUAL BAN' (ANQIJET OOTS TNI AT PINET W INN. Manager Sit. John Arranging for the Joyous Occasion. Piney Woods Inn, at Southern Pines, N. C, has opened for the winter season and announces the annual banquet In honor of the Commercial Travelers, to be held at the hotel, Monday evening, January Oth. During the past two years these ban qucs have "been a pronounced success, and It is "the aim of the commercial traveler to so arrange his route that he may be prestn on that occasion. Manager St. John always gives the traveler the glad hand of welcome, and thes pread which he prepares for the Hoys is a mos: bounteous one, and we doubt not but that the annual reunion this year, like those of former occa sions, will be one of pleasure long to be re membe red . Exdh a ng e. -.-. t - CdRlbTMAS TRADING Tlie Plac s You SIm uLI Visit Un Yuur Rou ds APPROPRIATE GlfTS A Reporter laj s a Visit to Raleigh Mer chants and writes of thu Heautlful riUplarsand Mut.hlcss. Mock It Is no easy matter to start out to do an afternoon's Shopping unless one knows Just where to go to get the very best of each class of goods on his. or her shopping memoranda. But when one has a knowledge just Where to find just what one wan s then shopping is a pleasure. To be possessed of this knowl edge all one needs to do is to watch the columns of the Times-Visitor till ready to purchase and then with a copy in his hand start on his shopping tour. PLACE OF COMFORT AND BEAUTY. 0;f couise nearly evei'y visitor up .own c ills at the mammoth establish ment of Sheriwood Higga and Company. Never were more elaborate and artistic preparations for Christmas trade seen in Raleigih th'an this progressive firm has made. In the first place the mag nftirent show windows are a marvel of beauty and delight. "Uncle Sam" as an acrobat is something new and charms all, while i.'he display of toys is complete. This establishment is now employing sixty persons, and they are all kept busy waiting on the hundreds of customers. One portion of t'he sp i cious store is given over tu the chil dren. It is a veritable "fairy land." From the i?as1e in the center children attired as "Boo Teep." "Red Riding Hond." and "Jack the Giant Killer," sh.iw the disipl'ay of dolls and toys of all kinds to the little folk. A music box pfaya incessantly the latest and most popular selections, while .'he won derful dancing doll never grows weary of delighting her spectators. A model Christmas tree, beautifully decorated, is also to be seen in this fairy land. Another department which is always thronged, is the Japanese booth, where l.'hree little maids in oriental costumes are kejrt busy supplying the wants of customers lor Japanese articles, bric-a-'brac, silver sets and hundreds of oth er articles, the very things one wonts for Ohiistmrs gifts. A popular Xm'as gift .his season is the French fans, books, artistic pictures, ladies' neck wear of all kinds, beautiful umbrellas .ind walking canes, and a myriad of beautiful articles which it would re quire columns to even partially enu merate. The at't department is replete with the lai egt and most beautiful gifts. In order to accommodate the custom ers Messrs. Higgs and Company will keerp their store open until ten eaoh evening, beginning with tomorrow, Thursday. Shopping is a pleasure in this establishment where every cus tomer is Interested and entertained and the goods are so systematically arrang ed that you can make a careful exami nation without inconvenience and loss of time. INTERESTS ALL. Messrs. Woollcott and Son have laid in a supply of holiday and Christmas goods which, for Variety, prices and classification, cannot be excelled. Af ,er twenty years of experaenc':' Mr. WooliV?ott has succeeded in beating all previous records. One oannot fail to be struck with the display windows at this great store. The elegant gold plated goods displayed are attracting great, attention and the remarkably low price Increases their popularity. You should see these handsome onyx top, gold p'.'ated tObles, looking grasses and pYcture frames. Tis mammoth estab lishment has liter'ally everyinrng, and 'both up and down stairs lis scores of employe;:;! are kept busy. It would imp' -ssible o enumerate the thousands of articles, Just what the people want for, found in t'nis great depart ment store. A few of their articles are toys, toys, toys, w.thoui. end, every thing .n the sterling Silver line from glove buttoners, paper cutters and thlm'ojes to glass vinegarewes and heavy brushes. Celluloid, brass, silver and gold articles in varic y. In the china line you can get anything from $5c. to $12.50, from cups and decorated fancy dishes of all kinds to full dinner sets and toilet sets. Then the dolls, from lc. to J2.00, and games and books beyond nutavber. Besides their line of capes, um'brellas, gloves, muffs jackets and sudh articles, goes wkhoul. speak ing. Then the handsome medallion pic tures are going like hot oakes. This enterprising firm is simply supplying everything one can think of and their customers go away delighted. ELEGANT GIFTS. A more popular resort for elegan. and appropriate Xmas goods than are found at Messrs. Dobbin & Ferilall's is un known In this Stiate. Their show win dow is decorated in rich Moorish ef fects and is a magnificent display. A visit through this establishment is a perfect treat to any one. Their able corps of salespeople render every as sistance in making selections. They of fer a most cho.tee line at exceedingly low prices. Their elegant line of rich Silks In morean effects ,wlun gold and steel, with real antique laces, make most desirable Ohrianmas gifts. The line of real furs for '.rtmiming, the fine furs in scarfs and collarettes of black marten, genuine mink, etc., and the cheaper furs, are greatly sought after by the ladies. Then there is a most interesting display of chiffon jabots, umbrellas with buekhorn, ivory and pearl handles, enhanced with sliver .ri'mmings, of course the matchless as sortment of handkerchiefs, real laces, duchess. D'Alencon, etc., are eagerly sought. Their t'alor-made . j rck ets. coats and ladies' suits as well as hundreds of articles in the dry goods line attracts the customers. The assort ment of real French china, cut glass and all kinds of fancv anH- cles are extremely popular. The Cy prlean glass, from the island of Cypres, IS beautiful and this line of goods Is meeting with unusuUl success. The gifts for the household found in this Btore are without nunVber. The new lamps wl h 12-inch glebes are magnifi cent. They are in variety and are most acceptable gifts. The display of table linen ot all kinds,, plain and hem stitched, with Mexi'cm drawn borders and centers is matchless. There is a big shewing of Turkish and Moorish and East Ind'.'an drape ries, in Bagdad and Alouehba :'k elfects, and Indian Phuikarries, ail of which are suitable for cozy corners, dens and smoking rooms; French g'ub In tapes tries appropriate fur dining rooms and libraries; Chinese, Jap'antse and East Indian metal embroideries for mantels, tables, cushions in eUtCern styles and effects. Of course the carpet line is complete and they can be made and laid before Xmas. Ytou should call and see the elegar.C stock r this house. SELLING OUT. When a reporter vVsited Mr. W. E. Jones' store he found Mr. Jones and his entire force busy waiting on those "inking advantage of ! he selling out sale. He is disposing of his entire stock preparatory to moving out January 1st, and his elaborate suppV of choice Xmas goods a'a well as his complete Tine of dry gcods are going fast. The public is taking advantage of his sale. The store is in holid'ay attire, and all are kept busy. Fay this firm a call, and you will find just what you are seeking. CHILDREN'S JOY. The establ'ishm'ent of Mr. J. D. R1g gan needs no mention, for every body is now thronging Rigg'an's store for toys, candles, children's books and in fact every thing which will please the little folks. Th? stoi'e is rhionged all the time. 'Mr. Rlggan's stock was never so complete and matchless as it is this year, and If you do not play him a visit you will regret it. If 'tis rhings palatable to appease a healthy appetite for breakfast, dinner or supper, for banquet or n'oonday lun,?h, pay a visit to J. R. Ferrail & Co., W. G. Upehurch & Co., D. T. John son or Woollcott & Son, where multi tudinous variety of the p-ood things of life are to be found. Heavy and fancy groceries, canned fruits and vege.ables, pickles, dried fruits, syrups, delicacies in glass, In fact everything necessary to prepare the plain meal of the work ingman to the Christmas dinner ot the millionaire can be supplied by any of the above houses. In looking for foul wear- for style, for comfort, for service, at prices to meet your purses, boots, shoes and slippers, fur the men and the taJres, for youths, children and the babies, for the stree':, for home, or office wear W. T. Hard ing's and S. C. Pool's are the places to find ex ictly what you want. In vis iting these comfortable and attractive stoics one will find polite and at errtive salesmen and a stock from which to relect second to none on ear th. To uViire yourself in wearing apprrel for the streetMhe office, or if It is a dress suit for marriage, ball or enter rainment; or if you are In need of an overcoat, top coat, ulster nr mackin tosh; or it may be a hat. a Derby, Stet son, silk beaver, soft finish, cap or tur ban: or a shirt, of linen, percale, or prints, cotton or wool; underwear of every style, grade and color; neckwear, gloves suspenders and handkerchiefs or any other ar icle of men's youths' or children's clothing and furnishings, it is to be found at Cross &L'nehan's, Whit ing Brothers' and S. & D. Berwanger'. No houses in this line of trade in the country can give better satisfaction than those above named. Flowers and evergreens are absolute ly necessary to the adornment of the Christmas dinner table and the parlor, recc"p ion room and church during the holidays. Nothing so adds to, all these as and blossoms, by "their fra grance and beauty. And one can get this' beautiful, natural decorations of H. Steinmeiz or at J. L. O'Quinn & Co's , fresh arid fragrant and cheap. A handsome g-old Watch, a di rmond ring, tar drop or brooch, a solid gold engagement ring, biacelet, necklace of gold, eye-glasses or spectacles of gold, a silver tea set, toilet sc., solid silver spoons, knives, forks, tongs, laules, ser vers, butter, creani and sugar dishes, water pitchers, kodaks, cut glass ta ble, toilet and mantel articles, and ev erything useful, serviceable or orna ments made of gold and silver with or wfthout precious Stones, suitable for wedding, birthday or Christmas pres ent, will be found in the attractive jew elry emporium of H. Maihler's Sons'. Suitable articles worth from $1 to $1,000 dan be found in .he elegant stix-k now displayed by this enterprising firm. If you are in seaich of furniture, car nets, matting, wall pictures, book cases, china cabine.s, tabourettes, jardinVres, i in fact any house furnishing goods to acta to your comtont i uog inrougn rrre immense stocks of Thomis & Campbell and the Royall & Borden Furniture Company, wrll satisfy you in quantrty, quality, and terms of payment. No houses in the South carry larger or be;ter stocks from which to mrke se lections than do these two firms. The luelous oyster, Is a most excellent thing when properly served. Fresh, wild duck, brant and the wild goose, make good Christmas eating when they are fresh and such are always to be found at Geo. N. Ives & Co's.. and The Now River Fish and Oyster Company, both of Whom receive their goods fresh from the seashore every day. Taey have oysters by the measure or in the shell, wild duck, brant and geese dress ed or in feather and will fill your or ders promptly. If a cooking range or s.ove is needed, or a coal or heater is Janted; or a hanging faimp or table lamp or Wall lamp or hand lamp Is required; or if a dinner set or tea set, or toilet set in stoneware or c'Mna is desired, or if a silver plated carving set, a set of knives and forks, table spoons, dessert spoons, teasnoons or other pla' ed ware is wish ed: or glassware, tab'.eware of any kind, kitchen porcelain, iron or tinware of any description, you are looking ror; or a bicycle, carpet sweeper, bath tub, window screw or a single article of hardware you will find it at J. C. S. Lunrsden's and Thomas H. Briggs & Sons. No establishments carrying this c-li'ss of goods in the South are beter prepared to supply the wants of their patrons than the ones we have named. For Christmas turkeys, vegetables and all things in the produce line Messrs. George Marsh and Son at the market, can supply your Wants wt h the best poods at cheap prices. They h'ave hundreds ot fat turkeys for Christmas. prystalized fruits, sufcar-coated choc olate and burnt allmionds, bon bons, almond candy, brittle, taffy and Stick cindy, home-made and French .candles of every descripi ion are. to be found at Raleigh Candy Manufactory, opposite LUCAL MWii 1TMS Famili ir Fac s in the Pass ing lhroug SHORT STATEMENTS Movement of People You Know Gleaa rags in and About the city Snatch's of I odny's bmct Gosslr.a Mr. Nonmon E. Jennett left today for "Hnldsbor'o. Mr. William Oldham, of Wilmington, is in town. Mr. E. F. Ay die U: of Elizabeth City, is in town. Mr. Josephus Daniels has gone to Washington City. Mrs. Jacobs. Allen Allen, Sr., went to Richmond today. . Postmaster A. M. Clark, of Southern Pines is in the city. Miss Lena Powell went to Franklin ton on a visit this morning. Mr. J. D. Boushrll and Miss Mattyo Pace went out ' o Wake F'orest thia morning. Rev. Dr. Dean, of Boston, whuw as he guest of Rev. Dr. Hunter, left the city tou'ay. Mis. H. T. Ay'dlet't, Of Elizabeth City, .8 visiting at the home of her father, (.'apt. J. J. Thomas. "Miss Mary Herring of Clinton, who has been the guest of Mi'ss Anna Mar sh, went home today. Miss Hal Morson, Who has been visit ing in Richmond, the guect of Miss Lu cie Wormeley, has re.urned home. The Wake county jad one day last week had Sixty-four prisoners confined within its cages, only about twenty of whom were county prisoners. Captain Billy Hood, Register of Deeds says he has a few more mar riage licenses which he can furnish at the usual price during the holidays. It is well for the taxpayers of Raleigh to remember Vhat the penally will be imposed after January first, and gov ern themselves accordingly. Mayor Powell today had his first case for three days. He made Georgiana Wright an'd Ernest Jones, both negroes, pay the costs for an affray in Ben Rob inson's store. Ex-Pheriff Jones is now making strenuous efforts to finish collecting taxes for the year. Those Who have not yet settled should attend to the ma ter without delay. Governor and Mrs. Russell returned from Washington City this morning. At noon, however, the Governor was resting after his trip and had not been to his office. Owen Carter, an inmate of the Sol diers' Home from this .county, acci dentally fell the c her day and injured his leg so that it is proSj.ible tha.c he will never be able to walk again. The office of Clerk of the Court Russ rn the court house is being completely renovated. A large now coal stove has been put in and soon thit sumbersome lumber pile in thj vtault will be re moved. The infant, six weeks old ,of Kate Martin, on West Lenoir street. was found dead in bed when its mother awoke this morning. It rs supposed to have been smotheied to death during the night while f.s mother siept. The Christian church has combined the weekly prayer services with the Christian Endeavor meeting, and will hold weekly services on Thursday nights at 7:30 o'clock. The members of the church and society and friends are cordially invited to attend. For three-quarters of a century there has been a great desire to secure an authentic likeness of that eccentric, but most able North Carolinian, Nathanlal Macon. At last W. G. Randall, the well known young North Carolina artist, has procured one. He has from ij.1 made an oil portrait. An Illustration is also made and appears in the new work by W. J. Peele, Esq., of Italeigb, on Emi nent North Carolinians. Mr. Peele says the likeness Is authentic. Congress will no doubt order one of the por traits. it 1,1 A handsome package of nicely. print ed visfting cards make an elegant pres ent for a young lady. Messrs. A'.ford, Bynum & Christophei's can supply such on an hour's notice. It is absolutely indispensable that one should keep Warlm during Christmas times ,and in faot to be comfortable one needs Co be warm most all the time.. Jones & Powell have oak and pine wood, dry or green, cut for stove or fireplace, hard and soft coal, lump, egg and nut coal for grate or stove. !,