v Makes the food i ax? "V . Sj .v?P' aeuciou V J-' Natf S wW1" 8 us and wholesome im. t ' Teacjiw At what age Is a man most teiugentr Scholar When he's a baby MEETS YOU NEEDS. VV Teacher How do you make that out? f - Scholar Well, ma's alius tellln" Da an' melt.v alu't gb'll thfc BariB-w1 Vborrt wltfc.-0Tr6tn.' J I I ,' I v "t N When you ffel.tlBsdj JajikubJ, nerMis nd are troubled with ' pitnifles And eruptions, you will find Hood's Sarsa parilla exactly meets your needs. It purlflee and enriches the blood and im parts to K the dualities needed to tone tthe nerves and riourlsrfthe whole sysT W It cfTretaU lood,upiord. f. 't Hood's" Pills cure sick headache, nau Vaea, biliousness and all liver 111. Price 6 cants. VENEZUELAN EXP6slTl6N.' A Venezuelan Exposition or natural, A agricultufer and'i manufactured ftrO- Vlucts'arid w-Orks of art will beheld at I Caracas from January 1 to April 27, ),"i900. The exposition is also to include (Vmethods of education .social economy, ( ygiene, public charity, colonization, j-v TO CURE A COLD IN ONE" DAY; take Laxatlva Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refundf the fnbfey .IMf, talis tocire- 26..-Th KMUine r v I itorvebAfifty YEURd 1 Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mlir Hons of j mothers for their children while teething, wlthp erfect success. It soothes the child, softens tfie gums, Al lays all pain, cures wind 'colic, and is theifeesat remedy for Diarrhoea jit will relieve the poor little suffer immediate ly. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five i?ents a bottle. ' ,Be sure and ask Sat: "Mrs.: Winslow'a Soothing Syrup." and take no, other kind. ' ' ; ' i Mrs.T. I Boarders) Wanted. ; tbM. H Medlin, 213, kouth son; Street, Easf S.idejMo.orejSu.uarc. 1 nuvQ rcniuvcu my Esiiup to the. Oak '.City Steam Laundry building,' 'on first , floor, , where 1 1 am better prepared than ' ' eer to do all kinds of furniture Te i.ipifrlng and fancy palritlhgv Give me a i HO...: ' , .F. A. SUTTON: , "PHbtte J369-Iriter-State. FOR SALE. A valuable lot with good residence and other houses there on, three blocks from West Fayetteville street in at moist, tdeslrajbbr locality. I 7-1 i E. !.' MAYNARD. I L " i ! '. ! Attorney. i i i ; . . i kNE OF THE r. JiAKKKTd NEW YORK COTTON. Months.' Open, , . . Olos, j !5: $G5 5? February... 5 575 58 March -- 5 575 8 April 4..:-L. i5,-015 C2 Junius. - uwu , n , ,, , l vtu' j ioeinW ..U.i...f J !5: ?d5 May I j " t- - -f f , 635 60 Jane j.dj-.iJ -S 6S5 CO Jny J 5 715 72 August - 5 745 75 Steady; .sales ; ; ' ,'t v( NEW YORK STOCKJ MARKET. Tbo following were the closing quo. ehiflge: Aojerlcau Tobacco 141 S'r',:..-. 134 American Spirits (prof.'.'.'.l.j.-!..'1 M BurJigtcn and (jaincy. 121 Oo.-Gas 194 OhefeHpeake Ohio ... 25. Det6f L& W - 150, J ersey Cqujt ral v : ; f ; - j. . - . Louisvillo . Nashrillo Harihaltan.. - Mlourl Pacific. (- of a pro. MatesvUle Landmark. The Landmark mentioned in if past 'su the decision of the S,upremQ Curt fi ffcasY'of hfeppell VsU HlliSi. f-qm IredeCl. The history of the casei'ls i hat Mr. Milton Ellis, vo whom Ohappell nd sw(fe' 'wero-lndeb'ted, secured Judjprjent ga(nst Haeni, Deputy feheriff Tharpe, at-tlng under the order,' if the coui't, seized certain property ot tte Ohappells (la pig Ibeing the chicif. ltd) ana cfcTtMBredrt jto idllis to sa.lsfy his bljltti. ' rc. l'appelbrought 4"lt for the recovery 'dt the iproperty aid for damages, alleging that the property seized Ibeloged lo her personaMy und oou(cf ritft tte taken for her huijhar d's debts, and that she was -greaily out raged and. distressed. 'in mind on Re count 'of sa'ld; seiisure and detention! of her property, . The pig, aforesaid, be ing the chief litem of the properly seiz ed, the attorneys for the defence, ' In asking for damages for their fcMeWt; . made moviaz .armeiUa u Aha- ( fin - - T -. .11 - " ".u-o- irera ana me seveie mental anguish she had endured on account of the al leged unlawfu felzurerOnd detention of fcer pig. The Jur symrahlzed7 with tjie.plainltlff and awarded her HOOdam agen. Iii ills deeiglbifc Warding nfw trial the iSu'prtna0olift says: T i ' Damages for mental anguish are dojn pensa'tory and will noit be awarded lin an action which calls for punitive ior ylndic-yve damages, as In the presejnt case, 'where the pllalntiff seeks to re cover damages for mental anguifeh caused 1y the unlawful seizure and de tention of certain personal property. (Men tal anguish caused by 'the loss of a child, and distress occasioned by 'the ross 6f a pig, dis.ingulshed.) It is evident from this, that the hard hearted Supreme Court does not think that inentfal anguish suffered on ac count of the loss of a pig is sufficient ground o enti.Ie 0ne to 'damages; Thin decision, ftherefore, evidently marks an important .line In mentnl annulsh daiw- aRe suits and hereafter persons who .i;re distressed in mind on amount Cf the loss at pig, a dog, a calf or such like property .will know llhat they cannot recover damages for their 'men.al suf fering. ! . : : If God guards, keeps, directs leads, he tiblnkfl about you. Your name, ad '3reB,"pt)iltlon;iar" known to Hfm. God keeps those .wnp keep Hun., He is trM tojyljpse wiy 4r "ne ' SPAIN'S GREATEST NEED. Him( I SlrJ R, fe. Olivia, pt $arcfe;onW,' Spain, Bpe&M hi wintirW 4ti;; AlkenJ S. . Weitlnerves hadcaused Vsevfere pans In the back of his head. On using Elec tric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him. ' He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America kntfws1 it eurs liver and' kidney trou ble;'1 p'urlfle the bltiod, tones up the Siomach, strengthens tne nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every mus cle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. t Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50c. Sold by all druggists.. . , i'mimtvii Special Showings,, mas G iftsi- for Christ 03c y Corn East Indian, Turkish, and Moorish Draperies, Bagdad and Mouchaback Effects, just here right in time for Christmas. ers9 Dens, SMOKING ROOMS, DOBBIN FERRALL At TUCKER'S STORB. The Real Santa Claus That can cater to the tastes of every one in Raleigh, is the grocer , who has the best assortment 'Of good things for the Yuletide feast. You will find the highest grade can ned table delicacies, relishes, plum puddings and other toothsome morsels galore In our choice stock. PAT TURKEYS all sizes and; prices. FANCY CRANBERRIES. KALAMAZOO CELERY. Leave orders early for our celebrated SELECT OYSTERS. Our stock of raising, nuts, Dates', figs, orystal1zed fig's, and everything in this line is not to be matched. Remember you can get any kind of Foreign or Domestic Fruit for your Christmas, 0'inges, Apples, Pear?. Bananas, grapes, etc. We are prepared for business, are busy with business, and and want more business. 1 - .A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Will often cause ' a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Rucklen's Arnica Saivt, .the best . in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers. Boils, Felons, Cqrns, all Skin -Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth.. Only 23 cts. a box Cure guar4H:eed. Sold by all druggists 3., LEADING PANC GROCERS, ' . ' l'-M Fayeltevillc Street. "Phone lfiO 2 NOTICE. ' Notice Is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the next General Assembly of North Carolina 'io ineoi porate the "People's Storage und Mer cantile C'j:;ipany." Bulbs, Bulbs CALL ON J. L. O'QUINH & CO, For Cat Flowers, Boqnets, and Floral Designs arranged in best style at short notice. Also Palms, Ferns, and other pot plants for the house. Hyacinths, Bulbs, Narcissus, Tulips, Crocus, Frce- sias, Callas, Easter Lilies, and Chinese Sacred Lilies, together with all other staso Pablo bulbs. Vegetable Plants in season, Shade Trees ami Evergreens to order at J. L. Q'QH&Qj Corner Polk ami Sw; OFFICE TELEPHONE, 140 15. RESIDENCE " 14!) C. RALEIGH. N. C. The THOMAS i CAMPBELL leading Furniture Dealers of North Caroling s, iii Sis. v - THE ETHICS X OF , ( ' ' CHRISTMAS.S -XT 64 99 45 14$ ' '100D' Bouthorn Preferred JiJ'J.ji' 42f tt.8.Strf'atlttii.iJii;J-j.-j;u.L-.i : ''70 Western Union 04 D. :L'- 11B' 131 fJHICAQO GRAIN Aro'riB6'TMON ' Utions on the Chicago Grain and Pro rMoA BiarVet today: oue3i stay w p- y Pork-Mar 9M Jan 0.87 . ';UrdIaj 6 87 Jan. 6.17 Love is the underlying law of Christmas time, just as Jus. ice is or ought to be of ail other times. Cynics call the, interchange of the season "The Great Annual Game of Swap." We give because' we lore, and are glad to give because we can. j We -CAN because at one store, at least, everybody' can afford to buy, nere s u tey, appropriate gitts at Q 1 Q ) APPROPRIATE PRICES. ; ''o o . : ;. , ( .'.:! ' .piwtMb 8ideMai ;f83 Jan. 4..,, The coDartuersmp Duslnesi heretofore conducted under the firm name of I D. Worn ble & Son, at the corner of Har ' fwot- (inn Wilmington lucni, jkici N. C. b been this day dissolved. n debts of the firm will be paid A. 8. Worn Die, -'who will conduct tne business aa retail arocer. at the present stand under hla own nj9Wj'lto 1 whom ff all a mounts owea -me aaia lirm win uo fa, ;Wi WUWSmi 1 1 T 1- Deoft-SM. If J.I ''C. its to aeunquani tax i Sift ooiMjrtunlCy to pay f 1 1- r TAXPAYERS NOTICE. .CO-I.Ki! I have decided to extend tho time of attaonias costs to delinqusna tax payers until will rive all - county taxes Sin opjkJti taxes and avoid costs. - Unless, palfl, ,by,! January, tfj 1899, I shall proceed ashe law directs and at ' Uch.cosUu..If you- waul to -avoid aTr lng your property levied upon, or gar nisneea pay now, ana saw irouDiei ; j, 4 Tax Collector. Bet. 11, mi. jf:.'M-. u l I, I Sterling Silver' Novcltiei), all prices l I j , j )WmV&c)tg,$l.(i). C!- I V Joll Carrirfiiee. 25c to 1 3.50. Carts and Wauons.lOc to t3.35. . Velocipedess i at 1.60, 175 and KollsMtoMsreac'.. I "Doll rurnittre, 10c to 2. Doll Pianos, 25c, 60c, (1 and 1JH. .Pl-iTHink8,todrt( tUttl I-Ik corated Cdpsl and Sau Medallions, 20c to $1.50. " American Edition of 12mo. -Cloth Bound Books at 17c. Vassal Serte fltaCCHrls ar 86c, reside BooksiTdr Bdvk 6c. Larsreassdrtmehtof Pictures; Pin Trays, Asit Receivers, Paper Weight, Ink Stand, PuffBoxes. Rose Jars.Trink- ; -fit Boxes, Stamp Boxes, jri,catcu all in enaiess varieties. ffT.FI China.', ' ; ' ' . lfo..qd,1toJ'thei.flfisoitmcnt of Berry Bowjs, Bon.'.Bon. Pjshcs, Fruit bishes, Cubs" arid ' Saucers', Bread" and Butter Plates, Tcnlet 'Srits, Dinner Sets; Odd and Fancy Pdfip ef!hina Porcelain. HAND AND TRIPOD CAMERAS. Ml PRICES FROM $2,50 OP, HOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Of ALL KINDS. i-:.'-V-J: lj i j: Ell - J ??.; ':-::. '-'S. kWm m Tg -- -. - ,tS? - ' ' J .(. We wish to announce the addition of the above line of goods and invke your inspection r.nd patronage. .Mahler's Sons JEWELERS. AND OPTICIANS. THOMAS & CAMPBELL through the month of November, cuj prices en al thoir goods for the fall trade. They arc now cut'ing these !priecs for tlieir Christ mas trade and are daily receiving large .ship-rents of goods for the winter trada as well as for Cbristn as pictcnts, which they arc ( ffcring at a l iy discount from rcgalar prices. SALK OF VAU'ABLE KRAL KS-TATK. Dressing Cases and -Maniou res i Qurprtce,bn inis'line siartf af'sOc ah'i ' go tOt 'f7:60 se.' vThW handsomest lirte ATi'.lhntl Ksr. fir Iii ftlwt Rtntnt,:- Hi w : 60'Eulerdown Quilts at $3.98. ' .,, . .') Comforts. Blankets and Counterpanes! , Otny I Tables Jcheaer than yon have; 1 anyjitjeairi-;:'!!:.-)! Hi i:i-..;.-::-::-i ' H us i ;Wedo,taAfil : undei-s66d that We ' hke the; Midli vcadB tbr holiday business and will not let anv one sell at lower prices. 'fli'f Jin' 'hF'W'W' W W W W r W 9 W w 9 9 9 ' Wor coni 9) (6 sfafVr-.' Brio-a biac. fllasa . are hers, i, These goods arc priced low and make very acceptable presents. t pt rr i:txi See the Spider and Fly. Sac the Xmas Tree Ornament.-'-' 1 not let ail) a;tcbfl V -1 -- - j.. Li . . i i"-:- .- ;v t.-ij.- open until 9 p. m. uurmgitne nonaays. 1 i lyvbliUU I IIi.-Cj OViMt' . f) UaKla-!-.V r t i !.'ll'. TERRELL & TERRELL, Wholesale and ltetail OHOCEU8 Mid COMMISSION MEK- CHANTS. Iligliest market prices guaranteed. Correspondence solici ed. Wc handle, all kinds of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Wholesale ami Retail It will pay. you to examine our goods and prices bet ore buying. , Wc, handle every variety of Fiel Peas, and make a specialty of them, tneiviorc commanding the best rnces on tins product, t'eas always wanted. New lot Big, Georgiu Cane . Syiup, Cabbigi 4nHN4rtherf Aiilfcs by jtlie crate 'or'bJrrcir' v" ' ' ' 60 Cases( Pie Peaches, Apex Canning VO'f.l;tlK ' ' ,EW i'lBM, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. TERRELL & TFRRFLL, 312 Adams Building, S, Wilmington St., Raleigh, N. C. Michigan WyPotataes (Are large shtothe and splendid. Going1 rapidly at f 1.60 for a 2 bus. bag, or 90c foianoi bushel. ... 'hcfcei; Sftlint Coal. Sevteral cars in and more comin g $5.36 (cr ton j, ; J5M'. : i ;: v n ' ' 'ocaMtas LnmpCoal, Now peeled, next week. ,A:H want ing P6cahonta ..should file orders for deJirJ!Par."Tk ; :6.35 per ton-, Nat 1 I 'W , I t t : - r v". . " 'i . 1 i j 1 it ) "00! njd.ST 3j YE CP AL, which has been de- Jfed for want of vessclls is at last on a Wad.; 900 tons of it, $.75 and $8.00 r ton. - ;.. ; N'OKTii CAROLINA. WAKE mrX TY SITKHIOK COl'llT, IvrTnimi: TEltM, ISPS. John M. Sherwood. Plaintiff vs. W. H. Hariiing anil others, ili-femiaius: I'.y virtue o authoiity cunfi-m 1 on me as Commissioner, by ordor of cour, in the above entitled civil aoti'.n. 1 W. J. Pcele, Conmiissloner as ai'-nv-saiil, will expose for sale it puiiiio outi-ry at the court hou.-v in it.il'i:'. on Monday, the 16th day of January. A. D.. 1 $!'!', all that lot or p.ircel in Wak. county. North Carolina in Uabigh township, just north of ;he. corporate limits of tho .?ity of Hileih, adjoining thrt lands of J. W. Colo, Julius Lewis ami others, and more fully described as follows: 1 ' Ht'Kinning at' the southwest corner of tho intersection of Hloodworth with Now street, running east and west of the northern end .of the Peace Institute property, thence south with the west lfne of Bloodworth street ir,7Vfe feet to Julius Lewis' and ,, West's line, thence west with their Urte 203H feet, thence north 16i'4ifeet to said New street, thence east Vitlt siHd 'New street 205Vi feat to tlhe .begihnihfr, 'contalnlri(T of an acre, more or less, and more fully described fn the" complaint In the above entitled qlvil action. There is a large dwelling house on this property, slate roof, six or seven rooms, and kitchen. Terms of sale made known at sale. W. J. TKKLE, Commissioner. PBB & 1TAYNARD, BELLEIQT ! Your ' - . hiive 1:1 will little z a to ah ays tiliotit the bouse iu ca tack of illness. you its wieh o'l Whiskey of a suddet al tan RYE I years WHISK ild, t'hc:i EY i 1 1 l.i'i'.lly puro fAttor 1 -.1 saTh W'land By authority of a Judgment of the Superior Court in proceedings Stane vs. Claudo Rowland, as trustee, appointed by the court, I will On Monday, the 2tH day of December ' 1898, at 13 o'elock a., at the court house doer of Wake coun ty, Jtalelgh, N.: C, sell to the highest bidder for cash, a tfact of land in White Oak township near the town of Apex and 1 described as follows: Be ginning with a stake in G. W. F. Rog ers' line, - running- east 71 poles to a stake in said Rogers line thence north 33 poles, to a stake and pointers to airs, w ormaca s lme, inence west 11 poles to a stake and pointers In a small branch, thenca south 33 poles to be ginning, 'containing 15 a cres more or lees, and registered In book 37, page 183, and 149, page 440. Said land being mort gaged -to tha Btate of North Carolina in lieu of bond by Luoinda Rowland. Nov. 14ti, 1698.- Trustee. ..'WANTBTX-ptd Clothes and hats, old shoes and all . kinds of second hand goods bought and sold at Harris' Steam Dye .Works, East-Hargett street, Ral eigh, N. C. Sulta cleaned, 75c. Cleaned and Dyed 1. v , r aud highly recommended as a tonic and stimulant. Sold only by fiCKE WINE CO., Opposite Post Office, Raleigh. N. C. OYSTERS Geo. H. Ives & Cp. ; DAILY. Those few words speak volumes to the people of Raleigh. Quality is gua ranteed. The lo-vest. prices arc dupli-r c'ated, s,nd no one attempts to equal our measure, quart for quart. , GEO. N. IVBB& CO., 1 - ' City Market. VALUABLE LANDS FOR BALE. , ' On Tuesday, December 27ih, 1898, at the court house door In Raleigh, N. C, I will -sell at public outcry the follow- Ingf lands belonging to the estate of the Jate T. B. Bfidgers: 1st. His home' lace, containing 109 acres, . situate bout mile from th6 northeast corner f, the city of Raleigh, and adjoining f the lands formerly owned by Richard , Taylor, the lands of William F. TaylOr, L. T. Christmas and others. ! 9. A tract, of about 53 acres la St. -Matthews' townships. Wake county, kno.-n as T. B. Bridgers' BroWn traot,' adjoining the lands of Geo. Partin anA R.I3.'lann,. j ."v- ( . Sale made'pursuaht to powers eoafs reil iurpon me1 1-y tho 'will of T. B. Brii. ers. deceasod- ..' 'V-t-j.- ) lp . Hbgr of oale'lJvia. Terms Wad known .on day of sale. r MART tt. CHR18TMA3.I s . Executri of T. B.. Bridnsaa, , Mov. th, ists. ;: . .,-. A -.i;v ' '11 i. t. "'