I V I 1 . .f J' . I " , 1 l ' , ' " 1 I tn,V'C-v t E TI VISITOR NUMBER 8758. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 28, 1898. 25 CENTS A MONTH TH i ILOILO FELL Spaniards Filed Out Last Saturday. PRATT'S DISPATCH The Baltimore, With Troops, Has Pro bably Arrived at Iloilo- Noting Received From Admiral Dewey Vet. . By Telefcraph to the Times-Visitor. WASHINGTON, Deo. 28. The State Department today received an official cablegram from Conseul General Pratt, at Singapore, announcing that Iloilo fell December 24th, and the Spaniards tiled into 'Borneo. This confirms the be lief that the insurgents took the town before the Americans arrived, and the resulting situation is considered gravy. 1S0 far there Is no -word from Admiral Dewey, but it is expected that the Bal iimore. conveying American troops, h is reached Iloilo. The war departmen had a long communication from Gen eral Otis, which was sent to Adjutant Oeneral C.orbin, who took it to Presi dent McKinley. FRANCE S MOVK. obsolete War Vessels Replaced With Modern Cruisers. Vy Cable to the Times-Visitor. HALIFAX, Dec. 28. Naval authori ties have been officially advised of the intention of France to replace her ob solete war vessels now engaged in the fishery protective service on the New foundland coast, with modern cruisers, .me of which will be as large as the British battleship "Renown." Owing to this important move Britain will put out of commission, her obsolete gun boats "Pelican," "Buzzard" and "t.'nr lelii," and substitute in their place vessels of sufficient power to cope with the Frenchmen. DTELS. 4 me of the Combatants Said to be Se verely Wounded. By :able to the Times-Visitor. lit IDA PEST, Dec. 2S. The duel, which was arranged yesterday between fount Karolyl and Baron Fejervary, minister of national defense, oc.-urred today. Pistols were used. Neither of the duelists were injured. One combat arranged bet w en Hajari and Izemere with sabres, as the weap on, was fought this morning, and both fought fiercely. Izemere was severely wounded by a slash on the head. CLAIMEM $4,000.0000. Ky Cable to the Times-Visitor. LONDON, Dec. 28. The death is an nounced of Mrs. Saunders, at Port Sawl, in Glamorganshire. She was the claimant to the estate of an American millionaire named Leake. The estate was valued at $4,000,000. Her claim was based on the ground that she was the next of kin. Negotiations as to the va lidity of the claim have Just been de cided in West Virginia against her and in favor of the Virginian. HOLIDAY DRUNKS. iBy Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. NEW YORK, Dec. 28. The alcoholic Insane wards in Bellevue Hospital are overloaded with holiday drunks, ex ceeding in number the worst periods known. The patients molude four boys fourteen years old and two sixteen. ROCKABILiL" COLLIDES. By Cable to the Times-Visitor. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 28. The steamer "Ito-.kablH" arrived from Savannah to day. She collided on December 9th with a derelict three-masted schooner, in latitude thirty and longitude sixty, but was not damaged. The obstruction was dangerous to navigation. FEUL DEAD PREACHING. 'By Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. NEW YORK, Dec. 28. Joseph Sha chle, a. rabbi, distinguished for his ability, tell dead while preaching to day. ,, ' ' . ZOLA IN LONDON. '-By Cable to the Times-Visitor, j. LONDON, Dec. 28. Zota and his sec retary arrived in London this morn ing. ; V ANTI1TRUST LAW. Uy Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. .. COLUMBUS, Dec. 28. The attorneys of the Standard OH -Company have made an attack on the constitutionality of the Ohio anti-trust law. ENGAGED TO "WM. VANDERBILTT. IBjf Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. "', 8 AN FIvATfCISCO, Dec. 28. The (riendft ot Mia Virginia (Fair tele graphed here today confirming her en gagement to WiUlam K. Vanderbilt. , MORRfLL'S DEATH. News of the Eldest Senator's Death ceived in Vermont. iBy Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. MONTPELIER. VT Dec. 28. News of the death of Vermont's venerable Senator, Morrill, age UK, was received fro.m Washington this morning with ex pressions of great regret by all classes. The Hag on the State house was placed at half mast. Similar action was taken by the custodlns of other buildings. Mr. Morrill was first elected to the House from Vermont in lSiifi. He was re-elected to the 35th, :16th. 38th and 3!lth Congresses and was in 1867 elected to the Senate. His present term would not have expired until 19(KS. He was the author of the Morrill tariff act of 1861. In 1864 he became chairman of the Committee on Ways and Meuns, the principal committee of the House. OCRS NOW. Former Spanish Gunboats to be Com missioned Into Service. By Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. NORFOLK. Dec. 28. The former Spanish gunboats Sandoval and Alva rado, commanded respectively by Lieu tenants Anderson and Victor Blue, sail ed today for Portsmouth, N. H., via Annapolis, where they will deliver rel ics in the naval academy and give the cadets a chance to see the captured vessels. They will be overhauled at Portsmouth and commissioned into the Cnited States service. SKItlOrSLY SHOT. By Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. PROVIDENCE. R. I . Dec. 28. Po liceman William S. Kent and Watch man Matthew 'Casey, quarreled at four this morning and exchanger! seven shots. Kent received three balls and Casey two. All their wounds are seri ous. OFF FOR CVBA. By Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. CHARLESTON. December 28. The Twelfth New York volunteers, eleven hundred strong, were reviewed by Gen eral Sanger today preparatory to their departure for 'Cuba. General Sanger ar rived from Columbus. Ga., last night. The regiment Will sail on the transport Manitoba for M atanzas tonight. STEAMER ASHORE. By Cable to the Times-Visitor. LONDON. Dec. 2S. An unknown steamer is ashore at Cape Trafalgar on the southern coast of Spain, and as sistance has been pispatched. BRIEFS. Mrs. .. V. Peede left today lor Wake Forest. Marshal Dockery went to Goldsboro today. Mr. Louis Stem, of Baltimore, is in the city. Mr. Frank Stronach left the city to day on business. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Hardin have re turned from Durham. Misses Fannie and Lizzie Farmer are visiting in Franklinton. Miss Belle Pescud has gone to New Orleans to spend the winter. Miss Florence Hall of Norfolk, Va., is visiting Miss Bertha Stein. Mr. and Mrs. C. Beauregard Polland returned to the city this morning. Miss Minnie Blackwell of Henderson, is the guest of Miss Carrie Smith. Mr. Chas. P. Suggs is attending the meeting of the Shriners in Charlotte. Mr. Benjamin Smith, of Norfolk, is visiting his mother on North Person street. Mr. Gibson Farley, of Danville, Va., is in the city visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Will X. Coley, editor of the Or phan's Friend, spent last evening in the city. The town clock is not recording the time today, but is taking its Christmas holiday. Mr. William H. Holloway, Jr., of Washington, D. C, is in the city on a visit to his parents. A committee of experts appointed by the board of county commissioners is examining ex-county Treasurer Knight's books. Mr. John W. Cheek yesterday return ed from a visit to his brother, Mr. P. B. Cheek, in Durham. Grand Secretary B. H. Woodell went to Washington, N. C, today to institute an I. O. O. F. lodge. Dr. Battle, of Washington City, who has been visiting his father, Mr. R. H. Battle, returned to his home to day. John Wilson, colored, was committed to jail today to await a hearing this evening before Judge Roberts upon a charge of larceny. The ladies of the First Baptist church have decided to repeat the cantata giv en last Friday night tomorrow night. The Academy of Music has been secur ed. The ladies only decided to repeat the cantata after earnest solicitations from their' friends. The North Carolina Association of Academies will meet in the Senate chamber this evening at 7; SO. J. Allan Holt, of Oak Ridge is President, Hol land Thompson, of Concord, Vice-President, W. T. Whltsett Is Secretary. Several interesting addresses will be delivered tonight and the public is cor dially Invited. Col. Olds writes in his correspond ence: '-'There has been no State Expo sition in North Carolina Bince 1884 in fact, thi one that year was the only one ever held. It was a success finan cially and .in all other respects. It is now proposed, instead of - having a State Falf In 1899. to hold an exposi tion here. It ought to continue for thirty to sixty days. The exposition of 1884 continued (or sixty days.'.' GAINING GROUND Union Tobacco Company Ac quiring Factories ANOTHER DEAL MADE The nig Plug Tobacco Factory of Liggett and Myers Company Practically Purchased by the ( nlon Com -pany Today. By Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. NEW YORK, Dtv 28. The I'nion Tobacco Company, which was incor porated a short time ago under the New Jersey laws with a capital stock of $10,000,000. is gaining possession of the largest tobacco concerns outside of the A merle in Tobacco Company. Tlv Cnion Company has already acquired the National Cigarette and Tobacco Company, the Blackwell and Durham Company, and it is understood today, that arrangements have practically been completed for the purchase of the: big plug f i.-tory of the Leggeti ami Myers Company of Si. Louis. The in terests behind the Union Company d" ny that it is organized to tight the Amcriran Tobacco Company. DENIAL. ST. LOUIS, Dev. 28. 4 p. in. The statement that the Liggett and Myers Tobacco Company will be consolidated with the Union Tobacco Company is emphatically denied here. COUNTY SUPERVISORS. Th- association of county school j pervisors met last night 111 the hail of representatives. Excellent addresses were delivered by Superintendent Mi lam1 and Prof. Noble. The following program was carreid out today: IO'iOO a. m. Devotional exercise by one of the local ministers. 10:15 The Present ' Status of the Township System Prof. Street Brewer. Supervisor of Sampson county. 10:45 General discussion. 11:00 Defects in the School Law Prof. Ira T. Turlington, Supervisor of Johnston county. 11:30 General discussion. 11:4: Special address: Prof. P. P. Claxton, editor N. C. Journal of Educa tion. 12:, '10 Adjournment. 2:00 p. m. Amendments to School Law Rev. E. P. Ellington. Supervisor of Rockingham county. 2:S0 General discussion. 2:45 The Teacher in Polities Prof. N. C. English, Supervisor of Randolph county. ": 15 General discussion. 3::!0 County Teachers Association: Its Aims and Purposes. Prof. 1). L. El lis. Supervisor of Buncombe county. 4 :00 General discussion. 4:1,1 North Carolina Teachers As sembly and the County Supervisors Pi of. W. T. Whitsett, Secretary or Teachers Assembly. 4.20 Address Dr. Charles T). Mclv.-r. President of State Normal College. 5:00 Adjournment. 7:.'I0 Special address: Powerful Point in Public Education Rev. John E. White. Business meeting of fifteen or twenty minutes. Note The public, and especially the people of Raleigh .are most cordially invited to attend these meetings. Superintendent Mebane's address last night to the Supervisors was happy and well timed. Among other things he said : MUSTERED OUT HERE. Arrangements so That the Third Will be in Raleigh Only a Few Days. It is the understanding that practi cally all the preliminary work for mus tering out the Third North Carolina Regiment out of the service will be done at Macon, where the regiment now is, and that the regiment will be in Raleigh only about ten days. Under usual circumstances it would have gone to Fort Macon, where it was mustered in, but it is divided, and it is ascertain ed, that if it returns to North Carolina as an organization Raleigh will be the point of muster-outi Arms and other property will quickly be turned in. The men will be kept in camp and knives and revolvers will be taken from them. It is said that Major Davis has practically finished the preliminaries for the mustering out. I. O. O. F. ELECTION. Capital Lodge, No. 147, elected1 the following officers last evening for the ensuing term: P. G. W. E. Faison. N. G. C. H. Holloway. V. G. R. E. Lumsden. R S. C. F. Lumsden. F. S. Pen-in Busbee. T. Irwin T. Jones. Mr. A. W. Chandler, of Henderson, is at the Ynrboro. Dr. J. M. Ayer today reutrned from Atlanta, where he spent the holidays. President E. A. Alderman, of the State University is in the city. Four murderers are now confined in the Wake county Jail. One rose-bush in a yard in this city had several well developed bUds on it Christmas day. Only a few days remain now in which to avoid the penalty by settling taxes. MURDEROUS THIRD Negro Soldier and Colored Cook Kile l MURDERER JAILED Private Abernathy Tries to li:ep piople Out of Dunce Hnll-.PucI Took Pluce Near Kept- Macon. Ga.. Dec. 2'!. (Special to Ai 1 a 1 1 1 i Constitution.) The Third North keeps up its reeoid for lawlessness and murder. One of its members was shot air! killed today in Macon while trying to murder a colored cook of tile Third engineers, and aiiotle-v nomlicr of the Thin! infantry is in jail for the nuirder of the cook. Tile double trigedy occuried ncar Henry Hammond's dance house in an alley ..n Fourth street, a short distance from ihe union passcus, r depot. Ham mond's dan e house is a favorite resul t for ihe negro soldiers and negroes of the ' j;y generally, anil today in unu sually lal'e;e erowtl Was . -elie;ree;alod the'e ceb-bi-a.ing Christ in. is. The kill ing happened alioui .', o'clock h al tem i. in. right at the mouth of the pas safi t ,y ilia! leads to Hammond's. TI--- principals in the tragedy were Priv.iie Haywood Alteiaialiiy, Cttiiipany A. 'i hird North Carolina voitinteei- in famy: Private Lee Alexander. Third Not ill Carolina volunteer infamrv. nid W. A. Ross. Third eiig.neer.-. Ai.ernalhy shot and killed Ross. Al exander was fatally shoi in ihe abdo men and died soon after being wound ed. One report says that Ross shot Al exander .I'ter Boss was shot bj Alier na thy. AI-. rnathy and Alexander were friend: Aberantliy. with pistol in hand. Look a position m-ar tile passageway that leads to Hammond's, and with an oath declared that he would shoot the firs I negro that attempted to enter ihe pas. ageway leading to the hall. Ross star -d in tin- pass :.a;eway and Aber natl ' trite to iiis word, commenced shoi dig at lloss. Alexander joined Abf uithy in the tire, and shot at Boss several times. Ross was struck by a bullet in the left side of the neck, and fell to ihe ground. His necl; was bro ken b. toe bullet. It is said the fat it bullet was tired by Ab'rn.ithy. Durinjr the firing Alexander was shot in the stomach and dropped upon his knees mortally wounded, and report says that after Ross had fallen to tin ground with a broken neck, from Ab ernathy's bullet, he raised himself on his elbow and lired the fatal bullet into 'Ah-xander and then fell back on the ground dead. Another report is thai Alexander was shot by indiscriminate shooting of Abernatliy. Eye witnesses declare thit Ross never fully succeeded in drawing bis pistol, and never shot Abernatliy. One empty shell was found in Ross' pistol, bin a white man named Ta:rell. of the Third engineers, says Ross go; the pistol from him this morning, and at thai time there was one empty shell in it. Alexander shoi live time .nd Abernatliy shot several times. When Abernatliy saw he li.pl killed Ross and Alovander was lying on t!ij ground fatally wounded, lie commenc ed to run away, hotly pursued by sev eral of the provost guard. He wis finally caught at the .corner of Pine and Second .streets, seveial blocks away from the scene of the murder. While Abernatliy was being pursued be threw away his pistol, and it was afterwards picked up by C. G, Sutton. Ahernathy was carried to the pro-' vost guard headquarters, and later was taken to the county jail. Alcxinder was cataied to the First division head quarters, where he died in an hour or so. His body was taken to Wood's undertaking establishment and an au topsy was mule by the hospital sur geon. The dead body of 'Ross was taken to Keating's undertaking establishment, on Mulberry street. The coroner will hold inquests over the remains of the two men 4omorrow morning. Abernathy. Alexander and Ross each hud pistols of oS-calibe:-. All three pis tols were taken in ch u-ge by officers. Ross had a difficulty at Henry Ham mond's on Saturday night. He was ar rested by the police and docketed for disorderly conduct and shooting in the city. At the recorder's court this mor ning there was not sufficient evidence to convict, and he was dismissed. In two hours theieafter he wis a dead man. Ross came from St. Louis and had been cook for the Third engineers some time. The killing created great exevite ment among the negro soldiers and negroes generally, and had a quieting eect on them, and at in early hour this evening they dispersed and ieft the streets. The killing of Aiexeander makes the fifth regularly enlisted negio soldier who has been killed in Macon since the Third North Carolina and Sixth Virginia regiments have been station ed here, during a period of less thin two months. Ross was not an en listed man. being merely a cook, and his death makes a total of six killed. FAIR AND COLDISH. For Raleigh and vicinity: Fair, cold er tonight fair Thursday, becoming rapidly waimer. Fine clear weather prevails general ly1 over the country now, except at a few points in the east Lake region and upper Mississippi Valley. The temper ature is lower in the northwest, section of the country, witn lowest readings at Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, and Mar quette. But the formation of a con siderable storm in the extreme north west has caused a rapid rise in temper ature west of the Miscslsslppl, and at Bismarck it Was over 40 this morning. The onlly precipitation reported was a little snow in the Lake region. Mr. E. C. Barbee, who has been con flnde to his room with a cold, is out again. STEALING HOC N'euioes Charged With the Lircony of Hogs From the Penitentiary. Mayor Powell has the novel case be for.- him today of th e negroes charged with the larceny of bogs from the hog pen ai the Stale prison. The pen is lo cated about two hundred yards from the stockade. For some time hogs hive been disappearing until live in all have been missed. The ihieves have oper ated systematically. The hogs were killed, carried off cleaned then sold i:i Raleigh. The case was sei for ihis ifter- noon, but Dave l.an-1. who represents tlv- accused, could not arrive until hi rer, so tlie time was changed, one of Ihe witnesses against the negro is Jackson Jones, a white man. who is hoe; fecded It the State p:i.-oll. The negroes are supposed to have shot the hogs first since, besides the live stolen, a sow was found shoi one morning When JolleS Weill to the pen and she died from the wound. The names of the accused ate Wil liam Carr. G orge Kelh-y and Annie Saterlieid. The case was worked up by oflicer Thompson ind the negroes will doubtless be bound ovr to court. .-IMlir.l Tile I ll ho opera chair.- :": .l--ttop e arrived. 1 n; v. ill no: ie hall uatii afi-T the .aar. January I'.'.-Jiii ii. at. and Mr.-. I., ii. 'I'w isdale. ,,r Mid ! ,-, W ho hay heeil he glle-ts O lol M,;- R. C. Rivers. .-f, to .a . Til. new Tucker. ill II -I' o; ( .1 Yei te as, has now I each an i is grea t Iy ad- le ml Martin sire Hie fourth story r- d by all. Mr. .1. T. Ii. Hoover. Sia; Farmers' Alii im-liill.-ii ro to be present '.lie ixeciuive comniitt ecietaiy of ih ieft today for it a m. cling of tomorrow. Tiic next theatrical attraction tit the Acidetiiy of Music will be a "Turkish Rath." Januaiy 4th. Tin- American Amusement Company will present a Turkish liath. The Secretary of Stan's report, com pleted shows that linn land grants were issued I st year and this year, and thai receipts of th- office for thai p -riod w -re Sixii.niiii. Otis Skinner will appear he,, in th Academy of Music January :tr.l. Last ! so, son he presented 'I'lime Rudolph" I in Raieigh, and it was considered by many the finesi play of ihe season. J. C. L. Harris, chairman of the State Ro.ud of Agriculture yesterday began special efforts to s-ciijv a mod ili -ai ion of the c.utle quarantine law so as :iol to bar this Slap- until l-Vbruarv ir.ih. TONE OF THE MARKETS NEW YORK COTTON. tlontua. Open January ?ebruarv March April . May ... . . . .. June . . . . Jjily August . September October Clos. . 5 411) no ., 5 l!i." r,i . o fi35 54 . 5 o75 fi8 - o 61 5 C2 . 5 fi45 M : . . ." iiT5 C8 ' - 5 B95 70 -. o 635 4 - 5 BO a 5 (11 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. The following were the closing quo :hange: American Tobacco . 14:i Sugar r2 American Spirits (prof 114 Burlington and (juancy. 123 Con Gas l4 Chesapeake Ohio .., 25 Deleware L & W ... 142 'ersey Central. 94 Louisville Nashville.. ... C4 Manhattan 117 Missouri Pacific. 45 Northwestern 141 j Rock Island no Southern Preferred 41 U. S. Leather 70 irVcstern Union. 92 S:. Paul li! New York Central 123 OHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKET. The following were the closing quot ations on the Chicago Grain and Pro vision market today: Wheat Jan 68; May. 7d. Corn Dec.37. May !i9 Oats Dec. 20. May 27. Pork May 10.40 Jan 10.02. Lard May 5 05 Jan. 5.40. Clear Rib Sides May 4.93 Jan. 5.15. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. The followit.ir . i:.A .nt,A'l tations of the Liverpool cotton market "uit n"use today, all the of liners he tod av: ing in their offices straightening up American middling, low middling their work for the beginning of the clause: new year. Clerk Russ and Peputy December and Tanuary 3 ot 1 Knyster are getting ready for the jfr.uiinry and February... ..3 ('4 'criminal court which meets January February and March. 8 03 '9. 1899, and Sheriff l'ae and his depu- March and April .a-,,, . 1 !, , ... ,May nd J" 3 oa LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Familiar Faces in the Pass ing Throng SHORT STATEMENTS .Movement of People You Know (Wean ings In and About the I il--Snatch's of Today's Street Gossip. The board of Aldermen will nie. t in 1 session next Friday night at. pass upon appiicatheis for liquor .-pel :;o to ellSe N xi Friday tin- annual new y-. ar limicr for the aged while women will be given at til- old Ladies' Horn- oil SoUlll S.loOt. All old Folks' Dinner for th o.ied was given ioday in the Royal Knights Hal! lodav. One hundred aged colored people partook oi the dinner, and i. is eedless I" say 'hat lie-y enjoyed it. M.ssrs. Ilattl' an, M.ndecai have loved thoU- ol'tice from the Academy f Music to the Raw Ruilding. rorner f Fayeiteville and Davii streets. Manager R. C. Rivers has secured otisa's Rand for Raleigh. Janu try L'4lh. This will undoubtedly draw a large crowd. Miss Fannie Hughes. one of th -toichers in tile Ml. Airy. N. C, graded schools, is spending the holidays with her sister. Mrs. Al-x. J. Field, on North lilolllll street. Marriage license ware issued today to Mini, M. Hamilton .and Lenora A. Smith, while, and Amos Overhy and (ieorgiana Can. ply, .adored, by Cap!. Hilly Hood. Messrs. Richard Voting. Frank Win ston. V. H. liernard. K. W. I'ou and Pearsiill left ibis morning for their homes after atiendiu:: the executive committee meeting las. nlgnl. Mr. John Hicks, of the American Toboa o Company, is spcoding his hol idays here with relatives. His sister. Miss Rertha Hicks, who is studying art in -New York, is also in the city. Ruth, the seven months old child of Rufus H. Hackney .ml iiis wife, died tiiis morning. The fueral will be h-ld from the house. T"ii. South Kayettcville street, tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock. The cliildie-.i of tin- Central .Metli i list Stiiniay scho..: enjoy-d an entertain ment in ih-'jr I'- tnic room last evening. .!t r the i-'iidiiioii of ihe prog-am Mt.iahie Christmas gifis in the way of eoiifec, ioneries wtf- d i s : r i i ii i : ed among the pupils. Mr. William Homie is now watchman in the jail. Jim Hooker will be execu ted January 17th, and lie is constantly watching for some means to eseipe. The death wal-h Hooker yesterday. placed upon The Democratic St. to and d Committees held a session In thi ntiol city last night and discusse legislation needed in The members retunud tive homes today. J informally the North Carolina, to their respec- Mr. Rob-. rt Lumsden. mail clerk .at the I'nion station, says that hereafter that he must refuse to accept all pack ages or bundles at the depot unless the amount of postage thereon is certified to be corre -i at tin- Real' igh office The puoii. should remember- that it is against the city ordinances to drive a wagon upon the paved sidewalks. veil to deliver 01.I and wood Pave ments have been damaged in several instances recently by driving wagons wit!-, coal on the .sidewalks. Supi rinletideni Mewbouriie oi the State prison has resigned and Ceyemor Runsscll. it is sibl. has offered t re place to 'Capi. W. II. Day. It 1 said that Capt. Day will accept and that Mr. J. R. Till, ay, of Halifax eoiinly will have charge 0f the St Re farms. The recniit oi'ii,a rs have since Sat urday capfur, I two illicit disiiil.a-ies in I'd.ai'en county, one in Harnett ami three in orange. On- In the la iter J county tin y got at II .' le, 14 Christmas morning, ll was in full blast, but the moonshiners who were manipulating it ran like rabbits. Tom Smith, a negro, who k;! ed one man and fatally cut another in front of his home near Selma Monday night, was Ivought to the Jill here by Sheriff Ellington, of Johnston about 10 last night for safe keeping. The m.n Smith killed was 'Charles Cawthnrne and Winfrey Cawthnrne was fatally cut. Rmith usetl l hutcher knife. Absolute quietness i- i:;ns about the rors " ,