THE SEABOARD DEAL BUY MEN'S The Patronage of Mem bers of the Legislature and all Visitors is Solicited. Baking Baltimoreans Accept $200 a Share by Williams Syndicate, Makes the food more delicious and wholesome FURNISHINGS HOVAl 6AKINO POWDER CO., NEW VOBK. f L PRACTICALLY ASSURED First Move Will Be to Complete Rich mond, Petersburg and Carolina Road To Ridgcwav to Meet the Seaboard. Yesterday's Baltimore 'Sun. The offer of $200 a share, made by the syndicate headed by the banking house of John L. Williams & Sons, of Rich mond, Va., for the pooled stock of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad has been accepted by all persons living In Baltimore who have stock In the pool. Assurances have been received that out-of-town stockholders who signed the pooling ugieement will also accept, and the necessary three-fourths assent under the agreement will, it is under stood, be readily secured. The offer of the syndicate to buy out the company and with the control of the thousand miles of railroad in the Seaboard Air Line system is one of a number of offers for this property in the past 'three years. After Mr. Thom as F. Ryan, of New York, m de his offer about two years ago, to buy the pooled stock at $125 a share, another syndicate made an offer. This second offer -was the outcome of the stubborn contest waged for the ousting of the Hoffman munagement, and the proposition came rrom a syn dicate in which Baltimore merchants were largely interested. The offer was partly induced by the feeling held in some quarters that the control of the Seaboard Air Line might fall into the hands of the Southern Railway or Its allies unless secured by strong influ ences not identified with any existing Southern system. Friends of President H. ( urzon Hoffman were prominent in this syndicate, and one of the condi tions imposed was that he should con tinue at the head of the system. This however, was not desired by Mr. Hoff man, who had entertained the idea of retiring from the onerous duties which fell upon the executive head of the pro perty. During the time he his held the office there have been a number of serious problems affecting the railroad situa tion in the South, and the looking after the interests of the Seaboard system has entailed a severe strain. The big raie var wnicn was the culmination of the disagreement between the South ern and the Seaboard, and the subse quent litigation coming from the Ryan sjuuicaie in us attempt to Break up the pool held the control of the system, kept things at a tension, Criti cism was s'hot at the management for not accepting the offer of $125 a share made by the Ryan syndicate, and the claim that the property was worth more was denied b signing the agreement. Since the an nouncement of the offer of $200 i share by the Williams syndicate there has been a number of congraulations sent to President Hoffman and Mr. Louis McLane, chairman of the pooling com mittee. Considerable Interest is manifested in the plans of the syndicate, which in cludes, in addition to Richmond and Baltimore capitalists, a number of New York men, who are represented 'by the Produce Exchange Thrust Company, of New York. It is stated that the first move will be to complete the construc tion o fthe Richmond, Petersburg and Carolina. Railroad from Richmond to Ridgeway, N. C, where It meets the Seaboard 'Air Line. Some time ago property was purchased in Richmond to be used as terminals for this new road. A connection with the Georgia and Alabama, will not, it is said, be a thing of the near future, although the fact that the syndicate has a control ling interest in that road will induce steps to connect the two properties. It is ivgaided as highly improbable that such a connection, If made, would be built from Atlanta to Montgomery, as tluse two cities are the western ter mini of th- two systems. The most likely pi ,n would be to build from some point on th. Georgia, Carolina and Northern to-Havannah, so as to secure a direct- rntue to that city. The Sea board already his a direct oute to At lanta. A plan to establish a now direct line fiom the National Capitol to Flor ida, by building into Richmond and se curing a. connection from there to Washington, would take the road to ward Savannah. The Seaboard has been anxious for some years to reach New Orleans, and a connection into Washington, nude by fil'ln in llto rr-,.. F, THE TWELFTH CENSUS. Philadedphia Ledger. At leastr year ago the present Con gress, at ifr'jppenlng session, was wain ed that the time to prepare for the cen sus of 1900 was growing short, and the matter should be attended to without delay. It was specially urged that ar rangements should be made In time to have the large corps of collectors statistics, which will be required, s lectea ana armed, in order that the mistakes due to inexperience and inc.; pacity in the taking of the last census might be avoided. Congress did nod ing. and now the subject has come up again, with a year diopped from the time that was too short beore, and every ehan-e that another year will pass, and the time for taking the cen sus will have almost arrived before au thority is given for doing anything to ward it. Under the circumstances, the only proper thing to do is to provide for taking merely what the f tamers of the constitution contempl tted a cen sus of population only. That can be done by experienced men within a rea sonably short time, and with a fair expectation of having it reasonably ac curate, but any attempt to gather such a mass of statistics as was contained in the eleventh census would only re sult in still greater expense and stiil less reliability than characterized that effort. ling in the gap from Ridgeway, N. C, Richmond, Va., would put the sys- fillin to lem in position to make satisfactory ioi reuening tnc Crescent City. jneie i. as Deen consideab e talk in :h, past of an .alliance between the Louis- a n u iNasnville and the Seaboard .... .,nr, aim n is ueiievea mat such an arrangement would quickly follow If me eeaDoara was in a position to fur nish a satisfactory entrance to Wash ington. There would then he little. ,m flculty in arranging for through cars o Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York from Washington. THE LEOPARD AND THE PAN. Good Words. One day a worthy Kulu housewife came out from her cooking, and, stand ing on the ledge of rock .at her door, emptied a pan of boiling water into the rank herbage growing below. It fell, splash, on the back of a sleeping leopard, who Jumped perpendicularly into the air as high as the roof of the hut. What might have happened next? Who can say? But the astonished wo man dropped the pan with a clang up on the rock, and the leopard took one leap down hill. The pan followed, and the leopard's downward leaps became longer and swifter as the pan bounded after it from rock to rock. When last seen the leopard had jus: ac .ieved a leap of about 350 feet to the very bottom of the ravine, thousands of feet below, and the pan had whirled about 500 feet over it on to the opposite side. The leopard would have eaten he cfld woman with pleasure: but a pan which first scalded half the hide iff him. and then bounded clanging in his wake from the top of the Himalay as to the plains below was something which he could not face. with ter our victory filled hospitals three-fourths of our soldiers. Time at hist brings fair and impar tial judgment, and her verdict will place the tattle before Santiago among the greatest decisive victories of his tory and give the credit to the general under whom our army drove from the harbor a hostile fleet, captured double its own number of prisoners and con quered a peace. DISCOVERED BY A WOMAN. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutch es upi n her land for seven years she withstood Its severest tests, but her vital oi gars were undermined an 1 death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could net sleep. She finally discovered a way to lecnvery, by purchasing of us a bottle of King's New Discovery or Consumption, and was so much re lieved en taking first dose, th' a she s.lep: all night; and with two bottles ha- L'f-.n acseliilely cured. Her name is Mis. Luther Lutz." Thus w rites W. C. Hamiiv.-k & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bit tier free at all drug stores. R.-giihn siie 50c. and $1.00. Every bot .!tg;:.;i.:ntf til. FROM DOBBIN & FERRALL, BOYDENS SHOES AND STETSON'S HATS. At TUCKER'S STORE, .33 aud 121 Fa' et'.evillc Street. Hcrivens Draws, Woolen Uu-Jcnve-j-r, Dre3 Shirt., Collars urn! Cuffs. kcrch'e:s, Susj.etulurj, Gloves, Neck Tits, H-.lfW-, and all small wares to: met:. fc'ALF- OF LAND. By ;:uthi i !y of mortgage from Hen y Hi l ien bin wife Hasty Hur ton. l td ! iled in book 149. at page 46'.i. records Register of Deeds' ofliee for Wcihe ci.u.Mty, 1 v.-ill on .Monday, 6th of February. II-"!), at 12 o'clock m.. at the c-nrt hou-t di.rr cl Wake county. Ual- t-ifch. N. ' ., sell to the highest bidder for cash, p lei in the town of Cry. N. C, whi'h begins at the southwest eomer. of David Stroud's lot ami runs with his )ir-t roith 134 poles to the ...oner oi 71m rocs Brown, thence east 114 feet tc Persia Jones' line, thence s.mth with said line 13V poles to a stake, thenif west 114 feet to the bo ginning, and being same lot conveyed to Hasty Hi rlioi by Persi i Jones and otheis. by ib mI ie corded in book 142. at page in. Register's office Wake county. W. N. JONES. Attorney. GEN. SH AFTER. th- Mr. Davis of Haywood's bill to re peal all the public laws of 1897 was not such a bad bill, for the laws enacted in that year which are not wholly bad are In such shape as makes many of them inoperative and others are una ble to be construed. The General Assembly should as ear ly as possible create a Code Commis sion. It is now sixteen years since out laws were codified, and so many .changes have taken place during that time it is hard to keep up with them, scattered as they are through nine vol umes f the acts of the General Assembly. A STRONG NATION Constats of strong- men and healthy women, and health and strength de pend ukoji pure, rich blood which is given by Hood's Barsaparilla. A na tion -which takes millions of bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilia every year is lay ing the foundation for health, the wis dom of which will surely show itself in years to pome. Hood's Pills are prompt, efficient, al ways reliable, easy ito take, easy to operate. 25c. , . . A Whali g Compliment to Him for Battle of Santiago. Louisville Commercial. No commander since Julius Caesar has had a- better right t condense his official report into the terse and .com prehensive epigram, veni, vidi, vici, than Gen. William R. Shafter. I came, I saw, I conquered. True, his cam paign was not illustrated by such original strategy as when Napoleno, crossing the Alps, threw his army upon the rear of the Austriins at Marengo. or when Grant, with his base in the air. placed himself between Johnson and Pemberhin, forcing the latter into Vicksbu:g and capturing his armv. But in prompt movement, the cam paign of Shafter was unrivalled bv either, and. indeed, is not surpassed bv any in the history of war. Within ten lays after landing his army h.- drove out Cervi-ra. captured Santiago, s, rut ins double the number of oris, iners of soldiers ne had in battle and e n ltieitd a peace. Oervera claims that he left under oi lers of Blanco, but he would !i-,ver have if, by remaining, he i-ould have cured the defen-e of Santiago. He had fought for two days with his sailor- in the trenches, but when our so!di--rs mounted the heights of S ;ii Juan his ships were in jeopardy, an.l filth:. although desperate, was the only alter native. All honor to our navy, which so promptly and. completely .iestroved the Spanish Meet, but it was the vic tory of Phafter's army which gave them the opportunity to do so. Ir is useless to criticise the experi ment of sending a fv-nrl over f.O years ot age, weighing 300 pounds, to cm- ' mand an army in a tropical country in the heat of summer. The experiment proved successful. Nor need we com- , plain that he suffered with gout, and i was confined to his hammock w't'i ' iit-os uurniK me int'i, 1 r n.s were brought ta the tiiMiiy and fought under his general directions. It is as serted that he violated a primary mili tary law in attacking fortified heights with infantry unaided by artillery, but the heights were carried. Gen. Grant inauguiated the Vicksburg campaign without knowledge of the Washington authorities, "because," he said, ' I knew Halleck was too learned a soldier to consent to a campaign in violation of all the principles of the art of war." Such violations, when successful, can not be censured. Just as he was forc ing the passage of the Big Black in this campaign an order ame from Hal leck to abandon it. This he disobeyed, justly assured that it wis not intended he should abandon a victory. Such assurance, if apparent, would have kept Cervera within the harbor of Santiago. It-was because defeat had come that he fled. That, in view of his thin lines and a i reinforcement to the enemy, Shafter did consider the advisability of falling back at one time, is true, but his judgment wisely opposed it. Gen. Shafter has been roughly abused because of a scarcity of medical and commissary supplies, of ambulances and surgeons. But hebecomes respon sible for this only because he moved his army forward too- rapidly for his quartermasters to unload the trans ports and carry 11 needed supplies to tne rront. xt must be remembered that the battle opened before Santiago lust six days after the army landed; that celerity of movement and an early at- c.3,?k were essential to success, for de lay meant reinforcements to the en emy and utter destruction to our army rrom levers wnien witninrmonth af- HIND MO TRIPOD CAMERAS. ALL PRICES FROM $2,50 UP, PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Or ALL KINDS. We wish to announce the addition of the above line of goods and invite your inspection r.ntl patronage. H. Mahler's Sons JEWELERS. AND OPTICIANS. Miclip Irish Potatoes Arc!.: ;-;i;iu:; R for .,:u. ' 'be and splendid. Going of) for a 2 bus. bagr, or 90c Goal. Several c.-rs in and more coming -V25 per ton. Pecationtas Lump Goal, Naw i-vr'i '', next wcrV All want-1-. i.V..n j,ii.. biioukl tile tm.i-;j lor delivery on arrival. $5.23 per ton. Anthracite, Egg, Nut and STOVE COAL, which bns been de layed for tvant of vesstlls is at last on the road. 000 tons of it, $7.75 ami $8.00 per ton. J0HES S PSVfELL. Bulbs, Bulbs CALL ON J. L. 0'QUINN & GO. For Cat Flowers, Boquets, and Floral Designs arranged in best style at short notice. Also Palms, Ferns, and other pot plants for the house. Hyacinths, Bulbs, Narcissus, Tulips, Crocus, Free sias, Callas, Easter Lilies, and Chinese Sacred Lilies, together with all other seasonable bulbs. Vegetable Plants iu season, Shade Trees and Evergreens to order at J.L. 0'QUINN Si Go.'s, Corner Polk and Swaia Sts. OFFICE TELEPHONE, 140 B. RESIDENCE " 149 C. RALEIGH. N. C. 0 ALFORD, BYHUM I & CHRISTOPHERS. I PRINTERS S 115 EAST HARGETT STREET. it ( One door below Royal & Borden, ' Prices as low as good material ' , and good work will allow. We X , spare no trouble to please our customers. When you want a quick ' job try us BRIEF and RECORD J work done with neatness and (lis- x . patch. OUR MOTTO: f Work demveredJJwhex l PROMISED. J 4&&SM SxiJKjKjKjXj. K$K$ I'HE . . . STAND AR P RAILWAY GF WIXG to the continued Illness of Mr. S. A. Campbell, of the- firm of THOMAS & CAMPBELL, they have decided to sell there i:r,:aease stock of FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GODDS AT COST. Tiaeir sales will continue through the month of DECEMBER, which wil give you the greatest opportunity to buy good first-class goods for 20 per cent, less than you have ever had before. TLerj stock is perhaps the largest iu the State and con'ains many valuable things for Xmas Presents. Orders by mai. pro:rrtly at'.ei.ded to. THOMAS & CAMPBELL lilGGM'S THE SOUTH. Che Direct Line to All Points. NOTICE OF SALE. By authority of n mortgaRe frmn P. Gulley . nil wife recorded in bank 76. at page 153, recoids of Register of Deed's office for Wake county, and at the request of said mortgagor., 1 -.vill on Monday, 6th day of February. 1SP9. at 12 o'iclock m., at the court house door of Wake county, Raleigh, N . C, sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash that certain lot in the city of Ral eigh, beginning at the corner of Thus. L. Las?lter's former line on Wilmington stre-r, runs east along said line 210 ft to UpchurcJ and Dodd's former l!n, thnce pcu-th with last mentioned line to A. O. Saunders' old corner, thence West along Saunders' line 210 feet to said Wilmington street, thence north along said street feet, to the beginning, containing H of an acre, and oe ng residence of said J. P. Gulley. W. N. JONES, Attorney. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST-CLASS Equipment ou v.) Through oml Local Trains; Pullman I'nai.c ."Meephri . .-'! X;g;,t I "Vis; Fast and Sa.v.- .--ehedules. Travel by the Southern and ycu are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. . . APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FOR TIM3 TABLES, R TE9 AKI GENERAL INFOS MATIOS, OK ADDRF.S8 R. L. VERNON, THAD. C. STCROI T. P. A C T A Charlotte, N C. Raleigh, N t No trout to answer question'?. Toy and China Store. SPtCIAL SALES WEEK BARGAINS : 2(1 Doz. China Cuis and Saucers Fancy Fluted, and Fancy Decorations Value. ' cacli, Special oH'eniiu at. . " . 10c cac'i Japanese 5 t'clock Teas ... . .... 3c e'acU Japanese After Dinners . .1c cac'i Table's, any kind, and a pencil will he ifivcn with each TaMel this week when this advertisement is mentioned. The very best Tabids for ."ir and a pencil as timnl as a ao one irivcn with each Tablet. We always select our Oranitoware alter buvinir it. snifanv piece we find with any imperfection, we ra.-t aside and call second. ow w'c have 2 do, -l-qt. Coffee Puts like tlii.- at 10c each. Regular value 4-V was We wish you to lake a peep at our Nickchvan-. P.emitiiul. Bright Pniui,,.,' Nickel: sitniethinjr L'ood. Tea Pot.-. ClVce Pots. Ilcrlin P.aUer- and Servers T!,,;,., .,,,.1 H I,..,.' T.. c.....; ! if..;. - . . '.- "I,N - .,n l hi. t.-, i,; '"Li.illlti, V li JHIII t CS. :ULCI t"0. 1" !i -inch linn Stove 1'latcs Kine Writing Paper. 10c, lyc, V Rest Envelopes, white and cream Box Papir, 21 sheets paper. 24 er.wl Fibre Tints and all shades. Thin Blown Glass Tumblers only. Thick Pressed Glass Tumblers i.iily Any kind of odd di.-h. white aiid Blown. Prosed and Cut Glass. Din sets. Toys and Games ;tll kind. '' set.-, to cli a;iu so on, and 'tis cl while tbcv la-t. pr.'.n;. pes "t. le'r. IV. Double c pack, size 2V ...;ii)c doze: 24c di.e:: s- wanted anv kind i t I. Anv i'ca Scls iff.e i Fish rts. Visit Riggan s China and Toy Store. Roses 9 icank S. Gannon', J. L Gulp, id V. P. & Gen.Man. Tra !. M W A. Tuuk, O P A .V ASKING T-iN D C Southern Railway. MORTGAGE SALE OF HORSES AND JICLES. By consent of mortgagee and powers conferred in mortgage, registered in bock Z. No. 6, page 305, for Johnston county, we will sell to the highest bid der for cash, five mules and two horses. Sale .at the court house door In Raleigh, N. C, Saturday January 7th. lflfl. MTATT & HUNTER, Mortgagors. Hour of sale. 12 o'clock m. Jan. 2. 1S99. Roses, Carnations and othe choice Cut Flowers. Flora! Designs tastefully arrang ed at Short Notice. wedding DecGralions PALE OF VALfARLE P.KAL ES TATE. NOP.TH CAROLINA, WAKE COFX-TY-SFPEItlOlt COl'ltT, OCTOBER TERM, lSOS. J'dm M. Sheru M.d. !! .:..:ir . y, H. Harding and others, dciV-ndants: H.v virtue of authority me as C nfer red .is sinner, by older of ootif . entitled civil action. I Commissioner as a fore - imnii in l ho above W. J. rvele. said, will expose fr sale at public outcry at the court house in Raleiga, on Monday, JMk Kith day of January. . f.. PW, all fi:u lot or parcel in Wake eouiuy. .Vo:th Carolina in Ralei.-a township, just norih of ;ile corpora-e limits of the .-ity of li.leish, adj. 1111014 the lands of J. V. Cole. Julius Le, is and others, and more fnllv d,...,-ih.i Pams, Ferns and all other decraf.. plants for house culture. For eras mental gardening at lowest flgurs. ii kinds of bedding plants: Roses, Qrt lms, Heliotrops, Coiest, etc. Chryxt themums in the best latest varle Vines for the varanda. TomitM plants once transplanted in best sorts. 1 Cabbage, Pepper and Pot-grown Mil 1 plants. Celery at proper seasen. Alt mall orders promptly attended to. H. Steinmetz, Florist, ! Florist, Raleitrh. N. C. 'Phone HJ 1 WANTED. Old clothes and hats, old shos and nil kinds of second hand goods' bought and sold at Harris' Steam 1 Dye Works, East Hargett street. Ral- I , eigh, N: C. Suits cleaned, 75c. Cleaned PEELE & MATNARD, as follows: Hemnniiv; at the southwest corner of the intersection of liloodworth wk:i New street, running east and wet of the northern end of the Peace Inst.iut.' property, thence south with the w'csl line of P.loodworth street 1 r, 7 1 feet to Julius Lewis' and West's line", thene? west with their line 20;iVa feel, th"n.-; north 157M. feet to said" New street, thence east with said New street 20,-,i.. feet to the beginning, containing nf an acre, more or less, and more fully described ir. the complaint in the abova entitled c!i! action. Thero .s a larce dwelling house oa tfc,J property, slate toof, six or seven renin, and ku-?neii. Terms of sale made known at sale. W. J. PEELB. CommissioMr- -A I' f A -t LI t f 1. - '