J 4 THE TIMES-VISITOR. FRIDAY, January 6, 18K9. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxatlva Bromo Quinine Tab' lets. All druggists refund the money If It. falls to cure. 25c. The genuine lias L. B. C. in each tablet. Queen Victoria, while favoring peace, says she would have the English peo ple study and practice themselves less in the are of wur. me best medicine you can take is that which builds a solid tounuation for health In pure, rich blood Hood's SarsapariHa Merchant shippers have i holy horror of shipping a parson or missionary on board. Tluy have a strong superstition that a p-tis..n on board bodes evil and disstr"Us voy 'ge. You will lind in the Woman- Kx-ch-.nsje Htiilding third rioor. Madam LeiaKlrado. the I'almi.-t and photo graph reader. The little lady can read vour disposition and .-'.laracler correct ly. Also tell your past, present and future. All money returned if not sat isfied. She is no humbug. Frier low and reasonable. TO LEfilSLiA TOR'S. For pleasant room and board apply at 124 Hiilsboro street. Third door fiom the C ipitol. i STOCKHOLDERS MEET. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Mechanics' Dime Savings Bank will be held in that bank Tues day. January 10th. 1XW. at S p. m. De positors will please leave their books at the bank in order that the interest may be posted in them. B. R. LACY, Cashier. 3-tj-10. FOl'ND. large gold ring at the cap lu.l. Apply at this ot'fi c BOAKDKKS WANTED In private family, nirae; Edenton and Hlood worth stre-is. Can .ccommodate f"Ur or five with rooms and more for table t'oaid. The menib-rs ..f the Legislature will !o weH to bug rVir cigars and tobac. -o t Br"n's Cigar St oc. THE APPETITE OF A GOAT Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Ston ach and Liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appe tite, sound digestion and a regular bod ily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 2oc. at any drug store. LADIES to do plain sewing at home. $1.50 per day; four months' work guar anteed; send stamped addressed en velope for particulars. EUTOPIAN SUPPLY CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Two gentlemen can get room and boaid at reasonal lates at Mrs. J. H. Marsh ill's, 227 South Person street. The S. A. L. will sell round trip tickets on January S, 9 and 10, final iimit January IT. ISO!, from all points on its lines within the State, including Norfolk and 'SHuffolk, Va.. at reduced rates, en un nearest ticket agent for information, or write t H. S. LEARD. lot. F"R KENT. FiVM room C0..1I cardeii ;ind water on th Apply to M. T. NORRIS. Co'. Wilmington and Martin St tage. FOUND. 'A Mas this office. m i pin. Apply at Club And Peters Shells Leggins, Hunting Coals, KING AIR RIFLES 75 cts. CARROM BOARDS f 2.50. Crescent Bicycles, 1891) MODEL $35 00. Rambler Bicycles I899 Model $40.00. Ilios, H, Bfiggs 6 Sons. RALKIGH, N. C. un Ei 1 or Jan is January Sale of Muslin and Cambric Underwear. January Clearance of Cloaks and Capes. January Remnant Sale of Blankets and Comforts. All are now ready. Other sales now being arranged. January 1899 is going to make a new re cord. Are you keeping track of all these sales? They offer exceptional economies. REMNANT SALE OF BED BLANKETS, COMFORTS QUILTS, SLUMBER ROBES, CARRIAGE ROBES. NOTI 'E. The copartnership business h.-ret-f.,:, conducted tinder the firm name of 5ul!v & Adams, at iOS. Hilisboro street, T'.aiiBh, N. C has this day been dis solved. All debts of the firm will be paid N. B. Oulley, who will conduct the business as retail pro.-er at the present stand, under his own name, to whom all accounts owed the said ttrm will l)e paid. N. B. firi.I.EY. M. J. ADAMS. January A. Pen nut" Flesh quart, roasted at I'op. s at i'ope's. fruit at i'op- .ni .n j. -us- ':ioid. 11 $4" a ":ar;-d at AUTIH M r.Wierry wn b os and make inv-sim-nt u ill Kive sal.ih.e on s eht in others ate making ,ve, k. Send i!". c-:i;s WALFARTH. . Newark. N. J. Boarders Wanted. J. II. Mcdlin, 2i:i, emtli 1'tr ton Street, East Side Moore Squuie. Mrs. 50 per Cent Saved By buying your Jamaica Rum, Sher ry, Fort, Apple and Cognac Brandy. Imported cordials for ojoklng. Rhine, Pale Sherry, Sawterne, Claret, and sparkling wines fr the table. ACME WINE CO., (Agency for Bellemont Rye Whisky.) RALEIGH, N. C. Bell Phone 144 B, Interstate Phone 144. White Bed Blankets. Kennebec 10-4 Wool Blank ets $2.50, reduced to $2. Wellington 10-4 White Blank ets $2, reduced to $1.50. Danville 10-4 Union Blankets s2, reduced to si. 50, Canadian 10-4 Blankets $1.25, reduced to $1. Polar 10-4 Cotten Blankets si, reduced to 75 c. Homespun 10-4 Fleecy Blank ets 75c, reduced to 50c. Colored Blankets . Cardinal 10-4 All-wool Blank ets so, reduced to s2. Comanche Red Blankets $1.25, reduced to $1. Bonanza Sanitary $1, reduced to 75c. Butterlly, varied colors, C9c, reduced to 50 c. Baited and Down Comforts. Silk Covered Down Quits $7, are now $4. French Satine Reversible $4, are now $2.75. Best Satine, Floral Design. $3, are now $2 25. American Satine, solid lining, $2, are now $1.50. Best Printed Twills, fast colors, $1 50, are now 88c. Bfticv Roues, Plain & Fancy. "Standard," full size, $3, are now $2. ' Comet,"Lap Robes, $2.50,are now $2. "Alcazar," Lap Robes, $2, are now $1. Queen Lap Robes $1.50, are now si. NEW YEAR INVESTMENT. For a New Year investment, for Young Men. snd for Ladies, and for persons with capital to invest there ie nothinjr bet'.er. safer or more profita ble than the new coupon certificates of the Mechanics and Investors Union, which pay a semi-annual dividend if tnre. p-r cent, free rf tax, and are se cured by il-al K;e.e and Mortgage Price T5. GEORCJE ALLEN. Secretary, Sl!2 Pullen Building. The choicest line of cigars in town may be found at Brown's Cigar Store. NOTICE OF SALE. Byvirtue of authority conferred on us bv order of court we, as commissioners, will on Monday, the 6th day of Feb ruary. A. D.. 1899. at 12 o'clock m., ex pose for saie on the premises to the highest bidder all that tract or parcel of land in Wake county. North Caro lina, in Little River township, adjoin ing the lands of Sydney EddLcgs. the lines of Daniel Scarborough, deceased. and George Robertson, lying on Ruff loe Creek, known as the Jane and Milly 'Scarborough tract, and more fully de scribed as follows: Beginning at black gum on the west side of Buffaloe Creek, S. C. Leeson's corner, thence along with the said Leeson's line north S7 degrees, west 288 poles to a si ike in the line of Maynaid I'pchurch. thence west 3 degrees, east 19 poles to a stake in said Unchurch'? corner, thence north S6 degrees, west 12 poles to a stake, George Robertson's corner. thnce north 3 degrees, east 4o poles to a r?k in Geo. Robertson's line, S. F. Leeson's corner, thence south 86V4 degiees, east 108V2 poles to a stake. Miss Vilaria Scar borough's corner, thence west 2 de grees ,east 55 poles to a stake in Miss Columbia Scarborough's line thence south 87A degrees, east 193 poles to a cypress on the west side of Buffaloe Creek, corner of Berry Young, thence down with the various courses of said creek .ibout 12 poles to the beginning, containing 185 acres, more or less. Terms of sale will be announced at th sale. W. J. PEELE. J. M. FLEMMTNG. Commissioners. PEELE & MAYNARD, Attorneys. Cards Worth $5. Each Card is Good for 100 First Class Shoe Shines at W. T. HARDING'S Popular Shoe Store, It you pay five cents for each shoe shine ycu get at Harding's the amount is credited on your card, and in a short time your credits will entitle you to a pair OF SHOES FREE w. T. Harding s Popular Shoe Store Men's, Women's and Children's, SHOES.... Hosiery, Trunks, Suit Cases and Grips. HONEST VALUE. EVERY SHOE GUARANTEED. "NOTICE REMOVAL." he New River Fish AND OYSTER COMPANY, No. 14 EAST HARGETT ST., WiU open up a fine lot of those selec ted rine New River Oysters, on tomor row morninc. Boarding Houses and Hotels would do well to place their orders early for the Amas Hohdavs. The only firm in Ral eigh that handle these Oysters. Sif PATENTABLE ? Send Sketch, description and f 5.00 for examination and GUARANTEED rc . port. Printed information about PATENTS TRADE-MARKS, DESIGNS and bus -ness before the Patent Office FREE. EUGE" E W. JOHNSON, Aton eyv Established JSCS Warder Knftdicg OniJ Paled Wi&uingfr. .DO BIG SPECIAL SALE FRIDAY. we snail move irom this store rebruary oth. We want to move as few goods as possible. We still have a big stock, and we must hustle to reduce it by the above date. Friday we will offer at special sale, several lots of goods, at less than first cost. We have since Christmas filled in our stock with new and desirable goods, and just to add a little eineerto our January business, we will put all these fresh new goods in at same prices as the others. FOR FRIDAY, 500 Yards Shirting Prints, 10 yards to a buyer at 2 i-2c the yard. 300 Yards Percales, eome light, some dark patterns, 10 yards to a buyer, 4 3 4c 5 Doz. Ladies' Ribbed fleece lined Vests, 2 to a buyer only, 10 cents. 1 ,000 Piece, ladies' Muslin Underwear at prices, less than the material. will cost you, diaws, shirts, eowns, corset covers, ehild s dresses, &c, &c. SATURDAY, We will have a special sale of men's Hats. w;e. JONES. Is Your House Cold ? uo you want your house or hall warmed nicely? If yo wai-t the best Stove made get the 'STEWART." Finest hall Stove made. Burns half the amount of coal usually burned by such stoves. See then at once. Have one put up before Christmas. Lumsden, Sole Agent for Ra'eigh. Terrell I Terrell, Wholesale and Retail GROCERS and COMMISSION MER CHANTS. Highest market prices guaranteed, Correspondence solicited. We handle all kinds of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Wholesale and Retail. It will pay you to examine our goods ana prices neiore Duying. We handle every variety of Field Peas, and make a specialty of them, therefore commanding the best (rices on tuts proanci. reaa always wanted. New lot Big Cane Georgia Syrup, Cabbage and Northern Applet by the crate or barrel. 80 Cases Pie Peaches, A,nt Canning NEW FI8M, NEW 4JOOD3, NEW PRICES 813 Adams Building, S, Wilmington St ifaieign, a. v. , GUN AND RIFLE FOR SALE. One 10-Bore "Parker Snot Gun, Cost $75.00. One Winchester, 32 eillbre Rifle, made to order, Cost $35.00. For sale at sreat sacrifice. - NEIL A. SPENCE. See DispJaiy of Useful Presents in Show Window of J R Ferrall & Co, 222 Fayetteville Street. Presents given foi WRAPPERS OF LIGHT HOUSE SOAP. A Whirlwind ol winter Bargains. We are going to sweep the deck for the next few days with A STORM OF INDUCEMENTS. It may tear down great walls of competition, but we can't help it. Whatever or whoever stands in the way of cur Knock-Down and Drag-Out Bargains must take the consequences. This warm and sunshiny fall was about to leave too many goods on our counters, tables and shelves. The stormy season has arrived, and these goods must get a move on them. Men's and Boys' Sms, Men's and Boys's Winter Un derwear, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Men's Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. They must all move lively. Prices have been knocked senseless. Everything goes at whirlwind figures. Come early and often. CE10SS & LIUl, CP-TO-DATK CLOTHIERS 5B5a5B5H5a5a5g5H5H5g5a555H5S5B5H5E5a5BSB5B5g5g5Ell A UHOLE UEK ! -OF- Special Selling. Commencing MONDAY, JAN. 9TH. AND CONTINUING THROUGH THE WEEK. O One Case Mohair Brilliantine, value 20c yard, all staple colors, at 9c yard. Just the thing fer skirts. One case Fancy Cotton Dress Goods, valued at 12 c yard, to be sold at 7c yard. One case 30c Fancy Black Dress Goods, very pretty patterns, to be sold at 19c yard. 103 dozen Misses' Fine Ribbed Seamless Hose, the 15c quality, to go at 7ic pair. Sizes 7 to 9 only. One case extra fine yard-wide Bleached Muslin, to be told- at 5c yard. We will also put on sale about 500 Capes of all kinds that we bought in New York snice Christmas at about half price. Yoiwill find these goods jnst abont one-half regular pi ice. $503.00 worth of Ladies' Muslin Underwear, gowES, skirts and pants, will be offered during the week, and yon will find a large as sortment of (rood staff. We closed out the stock of the largest job ber in New York on these goods, and you will find the prices correct. All the above item are offered as bargains. We bought them cheap and are selling them the same way. We expect to effer from week to week such goods as these during the winter, so that there will . be no dull days at the store. 7 W00LLG0TC & SOn, 14 EAST MARTIN 'STREET. 115a5E5Ma5g5g55E5B5g5H5gSE5a5E5B5gSagaS15a5g5g5 - 2-