THE' ALDERMEN 1 ANOTHER 1 ai ifl-irir" The Twice White Sales Lead ing The Great White Fair, Special sales ot Ladies' Muslin Underwear and the Great Sale of New White Things for Spring. No Change in the Saloon Law dlBSOLVIEnrtajRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ovt bucim Potf b co.,twvcm. BOUSHALL RESIGNS j vvni I El m EE! EE!! i ."4 ). Seaboard Agreed fo Pay Tax Walni t Creek Exarolned-Peiitiors Prcscnicd-41derman S pence. The question of extending; the hour of cloning the saloons from 11 o'clock until 12 mrne up before the board of al dermen last night. Objection was made to an amendment, providing that no restaurant run in connection with a saloon should remain open after the closing hour, and the entire matter was laid on the table. The following is the amendment of fered by Alderman McDonald and which was laid on the table: "Strike out all after the word "of in line tnree to the word "shall in line 6 and Insert in lieu thereof, "12 o'clock m. and 5 o'clock a. m.:" and by adding after the word "had" in line 8 no Testaurant run in connection with any saloon or stove, where spir 1tous, vinous or malt liquors are sold, shiil! be allowed to remain open lon ger tnan the hours prescribed aboya?. Mr. Marshall Spence was elected a member of the board of aldermen from the Third wird on motion of Mr. J. D. Boushall. The new alderman was present und lock the oath of office be fore Mayor 1'owell. Mr. Jasper McCrnry was unanimous ly elected keeper of the market. A number of charges were made in the personnel of the aldermanic com mittees. Mr. I egram was placed on all the committees on which Mr. Powell served except the Are committee. Mr. McDonal.l was made chairman of the lire eomrnltte,! Mr. Spence was placed on all committees on which Mr. Potter served, except the market committee. Mr. Kogasse was made chairman of the market (omm'llee The Interstate Telephone Company offered to give the city the use of three telephones in consideration of a fran chise to be t,iven the company for a term of '.'5 jears. Alderman Drewry opposed the granting of a franchise for a consideration under any circum stances. Alderniun oriell stated that the city gave the water works company a fran chise in consideration of a number of hydrants allowed the city free of charge and he saw no difference in the two rases. Alderman Boushall wanted to know if the resolution offered by the Inter state Company providing for the gift of the telephones 1n return for a franr chise from the company did not exempt the company's p operty from taxation. The city -attorney expressed the opin ion that the solution would exempt the company from taxation. "I thought that was the chicken in the wood pile, ' Alderman Koushall re marked, "if the Interstate Company desires lo g'.ve the city the use of these telephones, R can do so without the passage of this resolution. Mayor Powell stated that the Bell Telephone Company also expressed its intention of giving the city the use of three 'phones. The following resolution was intro duced by Alderman McDonald and was adopted: 1. That the following items of person al property of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company to wit: Eighty shares of stock at the Richmond .Fred ericksburg and Potomac Railroad Railroad Company of the par value of . $8,000 be assessed for taxation by said city for the years 1893. '94, '95, '96 and '97 respectively at the valuation placed thereon by the bo&rd of commissioners of Wake county, to wit: IIP ' A. and that the said property be ta ;d at the respective rates of taxation Which ob tained In each of said years. 2. That the clerk of the city of Ral eigh be directed to copy said property and its valuation from the tax list of Wake county and enter the same upon the tax list of said city for 1898, togeth er with the taxes upon said property for each of said years in pursuance of this resolution. Ex-Judge 'MacRae, of counsel for the Seaboard, appeared before the board and stated that his road was ready to comply with the resolution passed: that he was prepared to pay the city the amount of the taxes claimed then and there; but that In so doing he wanted it understood that he did not admit the Justice and legality of the claim. C'apt. John D. Shaw was present with Judge MWtae as counsel for the Seaboard. Air. J. D. Boushall tendered his re signation as a member of the board of aldermen and the following letter was read from him: "Having been elected a member of the General Assembly, which convenes in January next, as a representative of the county of Wake, it becomes neces sary for me to tender my resignation as a member of your honorable board, to take effect at once. It Is with a deal of regret that I sever my connection with your honorable board, men I have served so pleasantly and with men I have tried to serve faithfully, and hope for a continuance of the same progres sive and business like administration that' has characterised the city for the last four years." The resignation of Mr. Boushall wr.s on motion of Alderman Drewry, referr ed to the committee on resolutions. Street Commissioner Blake and Sani tary Inspector Sale made a report of an investigation and examination of the sewerage outlet In Walnut Creek. It will be remembered that Mr. Bart Gatllng brought suit against the city for $4,000 as a Tesult of the alleged un healthy and unsanitary condition of the creek. The committee, In Its report, expressed .the opinion that the outlet of the sewerage in the creek had not producd unsanitary Conditions. The stream was reported to be a outlet and swift one. The matter was re ferred to the city attorney and street commissioner with the view of settling the suit brought by Mr. Gatllng. JUST WHAT SHE NEEDED. ' "My appetite was very poor end I was so nervous I could not sleep. I was troubled with dyspepsia and was very : weak. After I had taken a few bottles of Hood's Sarsaparllla I could eat any- thins; I wished, could sleep well, and was much stronger." Mrs. John J. Mar tin, Warrenton. North Carolina. Hood's Pills cures all liver Ills. Easy to take, easy o operate; reliable, sure. 26c. The school committee of Raleigh township was relieved of the rental of the Centennial school with the un derstanding that it insure the building, keep It in repair aiid pay for the pave ment of the sidewalks around the grounds. The finance committee in its report recommended that an Increase of $00 be allowed to the fire department and that a like amount be appropriated to the health department. The recom mendations were adopted. A. G. Massy and George Massy ap plied for license to sell liquor on Eas: Hargett street. The petition was re ferred to the police committee. A simi lar petition from An Upchurch wss referred to the police committee. A petition from the president of C.-r A. and M. College to allow the collet' to connect its contemplated sewerage connection with that of the city at the intersection of Saunders and Tucker street was presented. The peti tion was referred to the Hoard of Health with' power to act. The clerk was notified to instruct the president of the board of health to call an early meeting of the board. A petition from Mr. Nell A. Spence for the construction of a wooden build ing on S. Salisbury street, within the fire district, was referred to the committee with power to act. Mil. JII.IAN'S HILL. An editorial from Norfolk Ledgvr : The bill introduced in the North Car lina Legislature yesterday, providing for a constitutional amendment th u will enable the money devoted to school purposes to be divided in a different manner from that which now obtains, is one of the results of the deplorable political condition that prevailed in that State during the time that the Populist-Rcpubl'iein party was in con- tiol. The proposition is to devote the taxes paid by. the negroes to the sup port of negro schools, and for the white schools to receive the taxes paid ly the whites. At present the school fund is apcrtioned according to population, regardless of the color of those who pay the taxes. Such a proposition has b-.-eii advanced in our StM.-.e, but it has no- commanded much strength as yet, and would consider it very unfortunate tor the negro population should it ever pu'vuil, as Its effect would be to destroy the schools now conducted for colored hildren. Thai such will be the effect in North Carolina, if the suggested iiange ocrurs, we have no doubt, South Carolin'i, when it changed its constitution so as to limit sun rage. made greater provision for the support- of its public schools than under the old institution, and we think that such action was preferable to the plan that lias been suggested ill North Caroiiin. ItllBEU THE GIIAVK. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: 'I was in a most dreadfui condition. My akin was almost yellow, eyes sunk en, tongue coated, pain continuilly in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortun ately, a friend advised trying Electric Bitters; und to my great Joy and sur prise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three week, and am now a. well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents a bottle at any drug store. NATHAN HALE BAHNKS. Lieutenant Nathan Hales Barms. United States Navy, retired, died at his home in Hartford last Sunday. He had been in bad health for some rime on account of -m injury suffered in a typhoon In the Indian Ocean, while holding the position of navigator of V. S. S. Juniata. For two years he resided at Raleigh, being instructor in militaiy science and tactics and Prof, of Phy sics and Electric il Engineering. THAT THROBBING HKAD.WHK. Would quickly leave you, if you usd Dr. 'King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less merit for Sick and Nervous Head aches. They make pure blood and strong nerves ind build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 2.'. cents. Mony back if not cured. Sold by all druggist. notki: OF CALE. Byvirtue of authority conferred on us by order of court we, as commissioners, will on Monday, the 6th day of Feb ruuy, A. D.. 1899, at 12 o'clock m., ex pose for sale -n the premises to the highest bidder all that tract or parcel of land In Wake county. North Caro lina, in Little River township, adjoin ing the lands mt Sydney Eddlrjgs.. the lines of Danielj Scarborough, deceased, and George Robertson, lying on Bufti loe Creek, known as the Jane and Milly Scarborough tract, and more fully de scribed as follows: Beginning at a black gum on the west side of Buffaloe Creek, 8. C. Leeson's corner, thence along with the said Leeson's line north 87 degrees, west 288 poles to a st ike in the line of Maynaid Upchurch, thence west 3 degrees, east 19 poles to a stake In said TJpchurch's corner, thence north 86 degrees, west 12 poles to a stake. ( George Robertson s corner, thence north 3 degrees, east 45 poles to a rack in Geo. Robertson's line, S. F. Leeson's comer, thence asotith degiees, east lOSVs poles to a stake, Miss Valaria Scar borough's corner, thence west 2 de grees .east 55 poles to a stake In Miss Columbia Scarborough's line thence south 87 degrees, east 193 poles to a cypress on the west side of Buffaloe Creek, corner of Berry Young, thence dorfn with the various courses of said creek tabout 12 poles to the beginning, containing 185 acres, more or lees. Terms of sale will be announced at the sale. W. J. PEELE. J. M. FLEMM1NG. Commissioners. PEELE ft MATNARD, Attorneys. An Exhibition of High Grade Foods and choice provisions, that will inspire confilen e in our up-to date jrroccry methods, we arc shown)!; every 'lav. Our VIRGINIA HAMS, breakfast bacon, EERRIH 1IAMH and baton, and No. 1 IRISH MACKERAL are delicious for your breakfast on a cold morning, and ov.i line quality of raw and roasted cof fees and fancy teas, breakfast foods and all kinds of new cereals we invite com parison with in price and quality. OUR NEW CEREAL -GRAPH Xl.'TS is a winner A few boxo: (olbs.) Malaga Raisins at t. Y. Cost. Hciux's balieil beans in tomato sauce, 10c , loo. anil 2fi: The latest yet OANNKI) PICKLED BEETH. Select Norfolk Oysters at alt times. We want your business, and rtiarnn rantec you full value for every dime spent with up. VV. G. Upchurch & Co. LEADING FANCY GROCERS, 224 Fayettevillc Street. 'Ph.onel69- 2 "iilcr-Slatc 'Phone 290. HAND AND TRIPOD CAMERAS. All PRICES FROM $2,50 UP PHOTOGRAPHIC eVPPLIEB OtT ALL KINDS. Wt wish to announce the addition of the above lice of poods and invite your inppectii t t.nd patronage. H. Mahler's Sons JEWELERS. AND OPTICIANS. Michigan Irish Potatoes Art !sit xmotlic and splendid. Going rapidly at f J.OO for a 9 bus. bag, or !1c for r.c lni'i.i 1 Thacker Splint Coal. Several cars in autl more coming 5 J5 per ton. 1 N'l-w -xp"teil, nest week. All want i:.,; i v.iii-uiii bliuuld lilc oiilcrs lor delivery on arrival. $5.23 per ton. Anthracite, Egg, Nut and STOVE COAL, which has been de layed for want of yeisells is at last on the road. 900 tons of it, $7.75 and $8.00 per ton. JONES & POWELL. SAlE OF LA XD. By authority of & mortgage from Henry Horton and his wife Hasty Mor ton, recorded in book 149, at page 4(i. records Register Of Deeds' oflicc for Wake county, 1 will on Monday. uh of February, 18S, at 12 o'clock in., at the court house door of Wake county. Ral eigh, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for -.ah, a lot in the town of ("iry, N. C, which begins at the southwest corner of David Stroud's lot ami runs with his line north li's poles to the corner of Thomas Brown, thence east 114 feet to Persia. Jones' lint.', (hence south with said line 1;14 poles to a stake, Iheiice west 114 feet to the be ginning, nd being same lot conveyed to Hsty Horton by lVrsi i Join s and othrs, by deed recorded in book 142, at page 111, Register's office Wake county. W. N. JONES. Attorney. And one stock after another adds its quota to the attractions of the White Week. You will find Bargains upstairs, down stairs, everywhere, in Cloaks and all made up goods, in Silks, in Dress Goods, in Merino Underwear, in Furs, in Notion6, in Blankets, &c, &c. Bulbs, Bulbs CALL ON J. L. O'QUMN & CO, For Cut Flowers, Boqucts, and Floral Designs arranged in best style at short notice. Also Palms, Ferns, and other pot plants for the house. Hyacinths, Bulbs, Narcissus. Tulips, Crocus, Frec sias, C'allas, Easter Lilies, and Chinese Sacred Lilies, together with all other seasonable bulbs. Vegetable Plants in season, Shade Trees and Evergreens to order at J. L. O'QUINN&Co.'s, Corner Polk and Swain Sts. OFFICE TELEPHONE, 140 B. RESIDENCE " 140 C. RALEIGH. N. C. ALFORD, BYHUM ! U CHRISTOPHERS. I PRINTERS, ? 115 EAST HARttETT STREET. I J One door below Hoyal .V llorden. Prices as low as good material s x and good work will allow. Wc spare no trouble to please our $ customers. When vou want a quick ini.irvm rhiwp nni rcwnnn J work done with neatness and dis- patch. 1 I OUR MOTTO: 1 Wouk pki.ivf.iikdJwiikn j rnoMtsi:!). 3$$Sk$ SS'Sx$x$k$x$ $&$4$ THE . . . STAN DA HP RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line to Alt Points. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST-CLASS Equipment on ail Through and Local Trains; Pullman Ptlnce Sleeping Cars on all Night 1 "vi-v. Va.-I and S;irc Schedules. Travel by the Southern and ytu arc assured' a Safe, Comfortable aud Expeditious Journey. . . APPLY TO TICKET AGK.NTS KOll TI.M3 TAM.KS, XVTKS AKft OENKKAl. INFOS MATION, Oil ADDRRSS R. L. VERNON, THAD. C.STtRGIS T. P. A , C. T. A., Charlotte, N C. Raleigb, N t No tro&t to answer questions. Viank S. Gax.non, .1. M. Cui.p, 8d V.P. & Ocn Man. Traf. Mi W A. TiiK, O V A. -, a8.;i;ngton d c 4 Southern Railway. MORTGAGE SALE OF HOItSKS AND -Ml LKS. Ilv consent of mortgagee and powers conferred in mortgage, registered in bock Z, Xo. 6, page J'K, for .Johnston ennntv. we will sell to tne nignest uni fier for cash, live mules and two horses. Sale it the court house door in Raleigh, N. L'-, Saturday January "th. 199. MYAT oi HUNTER. Jlortgagoi s. Hour of sale, 12 o'clock m. .Jan. 2, 1899. M ft.l A AT OWING to the continued illness of Mr. S. A. Campbell, of t'ie !irm of THOMAS & CAMPBELL, they have decided to sell there im.nonae stock of FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS AT COST. Their sales will continue through the month of DECEMBER, which wil give you the greatest opportunity to buy good first-class goods for 20 per cent, less than you have ever had before. There stock is perhaps the largest in the State and coutaios tuaay valuable things for Xmas Presents. fri? Orders by mail promptly attended to. THOMAS & CAMPBELL. 899. RIGGflU'S Toy and China Store, SPECIAL SALES THIS WEEK BARGAINS : 20 Do. China Cups and Saucers, Fancy Fluted, and Fancy Perorations. Value. 25c each. Special olTcrinu' nt . . . 10c each Japanese 5 O'clock Teas . .. ... . .... 5c each Japanese After Dinners . . 5c each Table's, any kind, aud a pencil will be given with each Tablet this week when this advertisement is mentioned. r- The very best Tablets for .V mill a pencil as good as a oc one given with each Tablet. We always select our Uranitew are after buying it. and any piece we lind with any imperfection, wc east aside and call second. Now wc have S do l-ft. Coffee Pots like this at l'.'c each. Regular value 4oc We wish you to lake n peep at our Nickel ware, lleautiful, Hriglit, Polished Nickel; something good. Tea Pots, Coffee Pols, P.erlin linkers and Servers, Egg Boilers and Poachers. Tea Strainer. Ctispcdores, Waiters and so on, and 'tis cheap loo. 10 Dozen lljinch Iron Stove Plates, .'."w; sets, to cl:isc while they last. Fine Writing Paper, 10c, 18c, 2.1e pound. llest Envelopes, white and cream liox Paper. 21 sheets paper. 24 envelopes rilire I ints and all shades. Thin Hlown Glass Tumblers only Thick Pressed Glass Tumblers only . Any kind of odd dish, whitcaml ikcnratnl. A in Blown, Pressed and Cut lilass. Dinner Sets. I ;.,-, Set sets. Toys ami iomcs all kind. Visit Riggan's China and Toy Store. Roses. Roses, Carnations and . othe choice Cut Flowers. Floral Designs tastefully arrang ed at Short Notice. Pams, Ferns and all other decrr.i plants for house culture. For onu mental gardening: at lowest figure. Ai kinds of bedding plants: Rosea, Gar 1ms, Hellotrops, Coicst, etc. Cnryau themums In the best latest varlctiM Vines tor the varanda. Tomate plant once transplanted In best sorts Cabbage, Pepper and Pot-grown ( plants. Celery at proper season. A) mall orders promptly attended to. H. Stein metz, Florist, Florist, Raleigh, N. C. 'Phone 118 WANTED.--Old clothes and hats, old shoes and all kinds of second hand! (roods bought and sold at Harris' Steam Dye Works, East Hargett street, Ral eigh, N. C. Suits cleaned, 75c. Cleaned and DywJ $1.0. wedding Decorations DOBBIN & FERRALL, At TUCKER'S STORE. 12") and 1 '2 "i Kavcttcvil'c Toct. pack. Double size 25c oc. Sc. lie, r . 50c ilocn 24c dnen iece of gla- wanted Fish Set", any kind ot SA1.K iF V.U.IWKl.K KKAI. TATK. mi:tii, wakk vk TY-sri'Knion conn', (m'tobei TKitu, is:s. John .l, Sliervv 1. 1":;n vs. tY. Harding and oih, , I, ;,-n.i.,nt.s: l!y virtue of authority conferred H. nie as onimissioner, by r of eour; in th- above entitled civil action, f . J. lVcle. Commission!'!' as afore said, will for sale ..t public oui.-iy at the court house j, on Monday, the Kith day of January I.-.. IS!, all that lot or ,,a,v, l i v,k county. Norili Carolina in Kaloit;!i township, just north of rnri.or.i-.. limits oi th ityiT i: il.-ish. adj tin- lauds of .1. Vi .'n;iu Julius l.i is and others, and inon as follows: fully describ-il HeKinniiif; .it tile southwest cornet tne intersection of Hioodworth w i r h New street, rnnnini: o:ist ;m,i ..-n, the northern end ,,f V;ioe lntj!ri i i loperty. i Hence south with ill ; line ol Itlooihvorth street ir.T'.'. : Julius Lewis' and West s line. I west lih their line 1'0:!'.. feet'. I north loT1 feet In said" -,mv feet I.) thenoj thenee street. . thence east with said New street 20 . rcet to the beginning:, containing of j r aere, mure or less, and more fully desc-ibed ;-- tne complaint in t'ie above entitlee" cltfi! cctio.i. 1 Ther. .s e. largo li.velliim In.;,.-- oa '3 pro,.n-iy, sial- :. sj.x , ., am. iK ii. Terms of sale made known at sale. W. J. PEELE, 1 Oommi PEELE & MATNARD, Alt-mer. sioi ... ... j i ii ii mg ' 1 ' . ' K: