m TiMis-visiTon, L-ILiEIQH, N. C. rtTLISKED BY THE TIMES-VIS-.TOR COikrANl INCORPORATED. OFFICE IN THE PULLEN BUILDING STJBSCKIx OM PRICES. Ob Tear M OO Six Months fl-60 One Month (Entered aa Becond-Ciaaa Mall Matter.) Seven Senatoriol dead-locks are the list. Ami that peaceful Czar, who hails from Russia, has ordered six new peaceful warships. Speaker Heed's idea of spending money on public buildings rather than buying Malays at $2 a head is good. President McKinley my be instruct ed by Congress" to send an ultimatum to Spain in these words: Take back the Philippines or fight. In i he last deal in the Pennsylvania game Quay was set back one point. Ho is inigbiy apt to set lost in the shuflle. TVfJC LEADER IN THE NEWS AND IN CIRCULATION. TELEPHONE NO. 168. SATURDAY. - - - JANUARY 21. ISM. The (loei-ninr of Kansas has many friends. When the committee on inau guration ntucsied him to send a list .i' personal friends he desired invit d from his home he r.mv.i : .led 'lu-m 111" .'.v d rectory. .t! It is l;,-; pol.vfj.imist folk .,f I'i.-i on th st I n. t ti),- l.t.r. : i: 1 1 ' w.iim f. r imressman. -1 the rcproa. .he (-i.. -:ion u. i tl.iirr.tnl Th. - th- li.mi.' l nr. night ol a man ..la i). .it ol' K.WAi'.K DtiOM i:i. Th.- vi.if'. t'.nne r: T.le lil.le I Upon th KVKN1XC.. mists across th bill ins -rls.nn on and up tves their s.Y.-etness spi tulip's sir. .iked cup. A hush all th.. -n t n is spre.tei. The light is fading from th.- ski. -'. A drooping pansy lifts its h.-.i.l. With) tu ple shadows in its eyes. N..W, in the West, a cloud-land ship t'.iines passing lino' a still. ".i red, I watch it float and sail and dip Its r..yal banners iKing free. When, like a g oM-;i ll.cming sword. The lightning cuts its masts in twain And every purple i"ud is scored With stiver Urn s of faliingr ain. - Harriet F. HI.. duett in The Philistine ANOTHER ol'.JIc 'T I.KSSi N. Yesterday a thirteen hoy was arraigned in Court upon a charge y.-ar old while our Superior of larceny of money from the person of another boy. This little fellow has been in j..n for a week or so among criminals. He was permitted ot submit to a forcible tres pass and pay back $2 taken from the boy. J. C. L. Harris. Eso,.. and S. fl. Ryan, Esq., paid the $2.u0. and by rea son of his youth the boy was discharg ed. He is a delicate and not an intelli gent looking little f -llow and has a widowed mother. North Carolina should, through h r law-making power do something to reclaim such youths. The State should have a Reformatory ..: House of Detention and ( '.o i'-.-ctioii to nil: h suc h boys may be ordered by our courts until they reach their ma jority, or for a sufficiently long t.-rni to learn them reputable trades by i Iiieh to honestly support themselves. It is becoming a serious matt-r. this increase of juvenile criminals. It is to be hoped the Cl-neral Assembly will do something along this line. It is a mat te; of vital importance and should torn-m- nd itself to the careful consideration of our law-makers. This case of Earle Jones. have he misery an I so many deaths ouse l by the Crip that ev ery one should know ivli.it a wonderful remedy for this malady is found in Dr. King's N'w I Hscov . That distress ing stub).. v: n cough, that luiiinics your tnroai, ions you ol sleep, weakens your system and paves the way for con sumption is quickly st.qiped by this matchless cine. If you have chills and fev. r. pain in the back of the head, sor.-iu-ss in !on. s and muscles, sore ihio.it and th t couqh that grips your throat like a vice, you need Dr. King's New Discovery to cure your Grip, and prevent Pneumonia or Consumption. Pi ice r.O cents and $1.(K. .Money back .f not cured. A trial bottle free at anv .Iruustwi.-. Pool- t ' .Iambus 1 ii.-d in the tomb. posed boil -S of the pho ts again been d pos er at least the sup discoverer of Ameri- ic.i were placed, with great and impos ing ceremony, in the cathedral of Se ville. Spain. President Thurber. of the Expo: I As sociation of the United States, says the Philadelphia Record, which body is said to command an aggregate capital of $1.200,0ft0,00n, was one of the wit nesses who told (he Senate Committee on Commerce on Thursday last that subsidies to shipping were necessary to build up the merchant marine; and it was generally agreed that the sub sides were only needful as a starter. Thai being the situation, the wonder i sihat a billion of dollars cannot show thee ourage of its convictions in some belt;; way than by leaning with all its weight against tin- United States J 's Sarsaparilla Cures Permanently Cures Scrofula, which is ono of the vc.. ; flictions of the human race. ar.J comes from impure blood. Eczema, a most offensive and uncomfort- ablo affection of the skin, also due to impure blood. Salt Rheum, a torment to tho flesh, a dis Cgurcmcnt to tho body, and a drain on the system, also due to vitiated blood. Pimples, which to disfigure the skin, and make tho human faco divino anything but a thing of beauty, but which are Nature's adver tisement of foul blood. Catarrh, v li'u-h very hronic tiffed turn. i'. a c one's self an. Rheumatism, v liii-h very often ccmci from n chronic affection of the circula- ron, f a constant offense to one's self and all his iriends. winch a!! nui horilics now nUri laite to vhri- i.s acidities in the blood, v. hich thi3 (.rest blood ptiriiier of the n?e, Hood's; Sur- saparuia, corrects Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by ;iM ilrupgists. si; six for $:. Pre pared only l.y ('. 1. Hood ijn.. Lowell, Mass. Hiind'i PiJiS ars tl!e after-dinner 1IUOU S fills ; ma, aid Uiicstiou. tito. January term of Wake Superior Court adjourned today after clearing a docket of 122 ?ases. Judge Brown is a steady worker, losing no time and keeping every body connected -with the couit busy all the time. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. The formula is plainly printed on each bottle, showing that it Is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste less form. Imitators do not advertise their formula because if they did they kiKw that you would be afraid to take their medicine. Be sure then you get Grove's a the formula shows what you aro taking. NO CURB NO PAY. Price W cents. HAND AND TRIPOD CAMERAS. ALL PRICES FROM $2,50 UP, PHOTOGRAPHIC 8UPPLIE8 Of ALL KINDS. We wish to announce the addition of tho above line of goods and invite your inspection r.nd patronage. It Is feared the clash In Samoa be tween the German consul -on 'hte one side and the British and Amerlcanep resenattives on the other will lead to more serious developments. Of .course it will if the dutch don't behave themselves. The following remarkable proposition is made by a North Carolina editor in a recent issue of his paper: "We will publish a ten-verse poem for 3. load of wood; a three-column story for a load of groceries, and we will cheerfully give space to obituaries of former sub scribers at the rate of six laying hens a column. A REMARKABLE STORY, A female patient in the hospital at Weston. West Virginia, has been re ceiving treatment. The pnysician was Informed by another patient that she had seen the woman swallowing a hairpin. The physician set to work to remove from her stomach anything of an injurious nature, and was surprised to find therein 37 common pins, six wire hairpins, a tin snuff box lid one Inch In diameter, an iron screw an inch and a quarter in length, siv pieces of glass, one of which is one and one- 'ighth inches long and three-fourths of in inch wide, and another being a tri angular piece, each side of which is three-fourths of an inch in length; four pieces of slate, one of which is one inch ill iength, one mall piece of china- vare and three comb teeth one inch Ions. Francisque Garcey, the dramatic erit is, says tint all the Paris theatres ex cept the new Opera Comique are full of fleas. He suggests that sheep should be driven into the .play nouses before each performance to attract the pests a method that 'Is said 'to have been tried with success In Spanish amusement houses. THR RAVAGKS OF GRIP. That modern scourge, the Grip, poi 11s the air with its fatal germs, so that no home is safe from its ravages, but the multitudes have found tf sure protection against this dangerous mal ady ill Dr. King's Xuw Discovery. When you feel a soreness in you: bones and musi-lcs, have chills and fever, with sore throat, pain in the back of the h-ad. .-.it .rrhal symptoms and a stubborn- i -iaph y,m may know you have Crip .and that you need Dr. Kins' -New Discovery. It will prompt ly cure the worst cotigii, heal the In flame. 1 membranes, kill the disease germs and prevent the d'i eaded after effects of the malady. Price 30 cents Hid $1.0n. Moiuy back ir not cured. A trial bottle at anv drug store. Xl.jor Jed Hotchkiss, scientist and engineer, died at his home, "The Oaks," Staunton, Va., on Tuesday night last. He was a man of wide reputation and m my friends. Tne best medicine you can take Is that which builds a solid foundation for health in pure, rich blood Hood's Sarsaparilla RED-HOT FROM THE GUN. Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then Buck Ion's Arnica Salve. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boli, Felons, Corns. Skin Erup tions. Best pile cure on earth. 25 cts. hnx Cure guaranteed. Sold by all c ucrista. FOR OVER FIFTY TE7ARS. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teethintr, withp erfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the besat remedy for Diarrhoea. It wfil relieve the poor little suffer immediate ly. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. Twenty-five .cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. PRECISION, PROMPTNESS, FAIRNESS. These are thc'priuciolv.s wo have ob served for 5 1-2 years, and wc tlitiuk the people for their evident appreciation of our cllorts. AVE A HE STILL AT YOUR SERVICE DAY AND IN'IGHT. HENRY T. HICKS, Prescription Druggist. 4 mm Eagle Brand i I Condensed Milk. Our Illustrated Pamphlet Entitled BABIES"shoulo Be in Every household.' Sent on application., ' Hew vopm Condensed Milk Co. New York;. acV -ma m I "11 THE. Most (!nm- , 111 VVI VV III k. nlntn - I in a r of Trunks 1 BA.GS, DRESS SUIT CASES, TBT.T? SCOPES &c, IN THE STATE, ALL NEW GOODS AND NEW DESIGNS AT REASONABLE; PRICES. S. C. POOL'S, Shoe Store, 131, FAYETTEYILLE ST. 1,000 Pair's "1899" Styles of Gents blioes Received yesterday. Thursday January 26. Some Rare Bargains FOR THIS DAY. We take inventory February ist, and want to re duce stock as much as possible by that time. Here is the Special Sale List for Jan, 26. Our regular 5000 Handkerchiefs, unhemmed, at ic each. 500 yds Cotton Toweling at 3c a yard, price is 5c a yd. 2467 yds double width Fancy Dress Goods, all colors, very pretty designs, at 6 3-4C yd. Our regular ioc goods. 1000 yds 33 in. Pacific Mi!l Percaie to go in at 4 i-2c yd. These are 8 1-3C goods. 6000 yds Fancy Highland Suitings, a large variety of styles, that we will offer at 4c yd. 500 boxes ioc Paper and Envelopes at 5c box. 500 boxes 7 i-2c Paper aud Envelopes at 4c box. EXTRA SPECIAL 10 lots of Lace Curtains, ranging from 50c to $2.50 per pair. These curtains are far below value some that we bought on our recent trip to N. Y. About 300 Fine Capes at half price. These are so cheap that you cannot help buying if yu look. Our Embroideries are pronounced the best and cheap est in the city. and Bebft ex. at Last week we took our semi-annual inventory and had a gen eral casting of accounts. We found the following in stock, which we will sell at manufacturer's cost: 1 Solid Walnut Chamber Suit, Knoxville Marble on Dreser and Washstind, full Toilet in w.ishstand, Frrncli plate Mirrors. 1 ouiiu itianugauy ouiir, rien 11 piaic.viirrors.iMi i 01.0: quisite design. 3 or 4 Sideboards, consigned, and we are ordered to sell any price. Solid Brass Ded, canopy top. Several Chamber Suites, slightly shop-worn. 2 or 3 dozen Rockers, new designs, at $1.00 to 5.00. Several dozen Pictures, for less than cost of frames. These are Bargains. We intend to close out all stock more than a year in our store. W00LLC0TT & SON, 14 EAST MARTIN STREET. Corner Wilminptoa and Harnett Streets Talalgh, N. C. TO ALL POINTS North, South and Southwest. Schedule in Effect December 11th, 189S. SOUTHBOUND. No. 403. No. 41. Lv Raleigh 2.14am 3.36pm ArSo. Pinea 4.23am 6.68pm Ar Hamlet 6.07am C.53pm Ar WIlmlngt'ii.S.A.L. 12.06pm Ar Monroe.S.A.L... 6.43am 9.12pm Ar Ctarlotte.S.A.L. c7.50am 'lOpm Ar Chester S.A.L.. 8.08am MOpm Ar Greenwood 10.35am 1.07am Ar Athens 1.13pm 3.43am Ar Atlanta 3.50pm 6.20am ONE OF THE MANY Test in ion? !. as to the efficacy of SIMPSON'S EGZEL1A OKlimn Ar RALEIGH 2.1Gam NORTHBOUND. No. 402. Lv Raleigh 2.09am Ar Henderson 3.28am Ar Weldon 4.55am Ar Portsmouth.. .. 7.25am Ar Richomnd.ACL 8.45am Ar Wasn'fn.P.R.R. 12.31pm ArNew York 6.23pm 3.34pm No. 38. 11.13am 12.50pm 2.50pm 6.20pm . 7.12pm 11.10pm 6.63am IN THE TREATMENT OF NASAL CATARRH. H. Mahler's Sods TFWHTT.na rninPTimva i troubles knew of its efficacy I shall not fail to keep it In my house. JFWLERS. AND OPTI.CIAN8 Rf spectfully, , A. M. PAGE El Dorado, N 0 June 1, If 08. Mn. Wm. SisfPsoN, Dkaii Sir: You knof I thought my wife incurable, having suffered long of Cataarh, roaring of the head, and bronchial trouble. I tried sev eral phy .':i'.i8 with little nr no benefit, but since nsinir vnnr flntarrh nomnriv qI lisalmos j -rely well. I can safely say that it Is the best remedy for Catarrh and other ( nses of like nature known to me. and I wish everv. annVrnr nf rrh Ar RALEIGH 2.10am 11.18am Daily. Nos. 403 and 402. "The Atlanta Spe cial," Solid Vestlbuled Train of Pull man Sleepers and Coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and Cheater, S. C. Nos. 41 and 38. "The S. A. L. Ex press," Solid Train, Coaches and Pull man Sleepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. Company Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains make immediate connec tion at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans, Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nashville, Mem phis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to agents, or H. S. LEARD, C. T. and P. A. Raleigh. N. C. is. ST. JOHN, Vice-President and Gen. Manager. H. W. B. GLOVER, Traffic Manager. V. E. McrBEE, General Supt L. 8. ALLEN, Gen. Pass'r Agent. General Offices. Portsmouth. Va. Southern Railway. THE . . . STAND AEr RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line to All PolnU. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA. FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. dtrietly FIRST-CLASS Equipment on ail Through and Local Trains; Pullman Pslace Bleeping Cars on all Night I "I'ns: 7ast and Safe Schedules. ,-ave! by the Southern and yon Ao assured a Safe, Comfertable nd Expeditious Journey. . . SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ; v Seaboard Medical Association of Vir ginia and North Carolina, at Wilson, N. C, January 12th and 13th, 1899. On account of the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip ticKets, Jttaieign.to Wilson, N. and return at 12.75. Tickets on sale Jan uary 10th, Uth nd 12th, inal limit Jan uary 17th. ; , For further information apply to . THAD. C. STURGI8, City Ticket Agent. . City Ticket ASMfc PPLY TO TICKET AGC3TS FOR TIMS TABLES, RITES AND CfBNElUL INFOS NATION, OR ADDRESS R. L. VERNON, THAD. C. 8TURGIS T P A C T. A Charlotte, N 0. Raleigh, n' C No troa '. to answer questions. kask 8. Gamnov, J. M. Culp, ii V. P. & Gen.Man. Traf. Mm W A. Ivrk, G P A. Vi8HINfiTOfT OT SALE OP LAND. By authority of a. mortgage from Henry Horton and his wife Hasty Hor ton, recorded In book 149, a .page 469, records Register of Deeds' office for Wake county, I will on Monday, (th of February, 1899, at 12 o'clock m., at th court house door of Wake county, Ral- - ' eigh, N. C... sell to the highest bidder" - . for cash, a lot la. the town of Oary, N. C, which begins at the southwest corner of David. Stroud's lot and runs with his line . north 13 poles to the corner or i nomas lirown, thence east 114 feet to Persia Jones' line, thenie" aoutn witn said une 134 poles to a 'y stake, thence west 114 feet to the be-' ginning, and being same lot conveyed I to Hasty Horton by Feral Jones and others, toy deed recorded In bek 142, at page 111. Register's office Wake county. -i . W. , JTONBS, Attgrae J :