fHE TIMES-VISITOR, r.r.T.FTGH. n. a RELISHED BY THE TIMES-VIS- CD. L,v. - - OFFICE IN- THE PULLEN BUILDING SUBSCKIx OH PRICES. On Tear $3.00 i Months 11.50 One Month 2i (Entered as Second-Class Mall Matter.) LAET THE LEADER IN THE NEWS AND IN CIRCULATION. TELEPHONE NO. 168. MONDAY, - - - JANUARY 23, 18S9. Legislative dealocks due to Senato rial contests lead the Philadelphia Ledger to remark: "Election of Sena tOI'9 bv OODUlflT VOln mip-hi n,l- l,n,l to sVie election of a better g:ade of offi cials, but it would measurably avert contested elections and the bribery of members of the legislature. The prin cipal duty of a legislature is to mak. and unmake laws and persons elected as legislators should be chosen with n sard to their qualifications." The Senatorial tight at Harrisburg as far as it has gone is a mere per functory affair: "It is obvious that Quay cannot foe elected by Republican votes, and the Democrats must decide on one of two policies. Thev must pith- r determine to cafl their votes solidly for a Republican of such character and ability as to be acceptable to the inde pendent Republicans, and thus give them an opportunity to vindicate them selves by his election, or, by continuing to ..-ast a solid Democratic vote for the Democratic candidate, they must ev nt ually force the retirement of Quay, who would select a compromise candidate s.nisfact.iiy to himself." THK STN ALMANAC l. IS!: Admiral Schley has been the recipient nf another handsome swoid. Mr. Warmbread and Miss Coffee, of Kansas were married a few days ago. A good combination for a lunch. The Sun Almanae for l,sM j.ivsents ail those features which have made it I heretofore the standard reference b ok. Til.- leading events of the war ar described in detail. The stoiv of th Maine disaster is told surelnctlv ana on abstract is given of the naval battl I .Manila Hay. .he destruction of Cer is stiuaiiion "it santiairo. he Sun Almanac gives a comtiact ac. ootit nf these bailies, bringing out every point 1 interest without unnecessary eiab ration. In the Almanac ttieie is also .1 i-nm plete list of tiie members of the next 1 ongiess. as well as of the present, t gether with the names or sill or .0 ambassadors and ministers and the di plomatie renresenraiivpis of fortiori ni 110ns 111 Washington. Altogether Th Min Almanac for INTO Is an exception any valuable and interesting nublica tion. Tht! Almanac is a e-ifi t'nim rh publishers of The Sun to all who An sunscnliers at piesent or who bei-otn subscribers before the delierv .if th w ork is compli'ted. 'What's that?" demanded the aston ished clerk. "When did Sine die? I see the courts are closed on account of It." "Oh!" said the clerk pulling himself together, "he died yesterday. Did you know him?" "Know him? I should eay I did Knew his father before him. Too bad, ain't it?"1 And Sine's bereaved friend passed out with his burden of sorrow. THE RAVAGES OF GRIP. That modern scuuree. the Orin. noi- sons the air with its fatal germs, so that no home is safe from. Its ravages, but thf millflfmlAft tylfl v fruin4 iii enrM protection against this dangerous mal ady in Dr. King's New Discovery. When von IVpl a siimnosa In vn.H. tinned and muscles, have chills and fever, with sore throat, pain in the back of tne neatl. catarrhal sv.mntom ni a stubbonr cough you may know you have Grip ,-and that you need Dr. King's New Discovery. It will prompt ly cure the worst cone-n nooi Ho flamed mpmhrnrip kill Iha germs and nrevent thp ?rroari. of.,- effects of the malady. Price 50 cents ana jj.uo. Aloney back If not cured. A trial Dottle at any drug store. FOR OVER FIFTY YE7ARS. Mrs. WlnsTnw'a Knnthlncr Rvmn Uma been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothpra fnr tholi .hlM.nn while teething, withp erfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the besat rempdv for niflrrhnaa T, mill relieve the poor little suffer Immediate ly. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothini? Svriln." snit tnlra nn nihw kind. " " PRECISION, PROMPTNESS, FAIRNESS. These are the'principles ye have ob served for 5 1-2 years, and we tbank the people ior ineir evident appreciation 01 our cuoris. WE ARE STILL AT YOUR SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT. HENRY T. HICKS, Prescription Druggist. SALE OF LAND. By authority of a mortgage from Henry Horton and his wife Hasty Hor ton, recorded in book 149, at page 469, records Register of Deeds' office for Wake county, I will on Monday, 6th of February, 1899, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of Wake county, Ral eigh, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for cash, a lot in the town of Oary, N. C, whloh begins at the southwest corner of David Stroud's lot ana nma with his line north 1:!U nnipn to th corner of Thomas Brown, thence east 114 feet to Persia Jones' line, thence south with said line 13Vi poles to a stake, thence west 114 foot ir tin io ginning, and being same lot conveyed to Hasty Horton by Persia Jones and others, by deed recorded in book 142, at page 111, Register's office Wake county. W. N. JONES, Attorney. mm IT" ' ' 1 THE. Most Com- of Trunks, BAGS, DRESS SUIT CASE3, TJtT.T? SCOPES &c, IN THE STATE. ALL NEW GOODS AND NEW DESIGNS AT REASONABLE PRICES. S. C. POOL'S, Shoe Store, 131, FAYKTTEVILLE ST. 1,000 Pair's "1899" Styles of Gents' Shoes Received yesterday. BSa5E5H5S5g5H5a5a5Ei5aSH5a5og5g5H5gSE5aB5g5H5a5p sll 1 nil i Irtl IK If ( ongress should have any troiib in getting a successor to ilic late Libra rian Young, it might get some good timber in North Carolina. SINE IS DKAD. General Eagan has had some past . x- perienee in court martial. He gam bled and would not pay his gambling debts for which he was court tialed. Not long .since the nonVe '-cui'i .1,1. journed sine die." was noste doon the door of the Suiueme t'oni-r in Urook- lyn. Some gentleman wilh hii ni'tiutie , .... ana nigniy trained sense of hnmnr added a "d to the word "die," and iwiit on his wav letoi.'inav Wvi Aav a peison who makes a practice of naunting the nub ic bul .1 hra in .iinviii. lyn, -and professes acquaintance with teiy well Known man in the vicinitv, dropped into the cent's office. hec here, he said, "when did Sine pass 1 nhis checks?'' Thursday January 26. Some Rare Bargains FOR THIS DAY. We take inventory February ist, and want to re duce stock as much as possible by that time. The Washington Post Almanac for 1S99, briming full of inteiesting in for niation and many pages of useful ref erence makes it an indispensable arti cle upon the editorial liable. A whole United States history in itself, an ab solute guide to the political, a volume of record to the sporting man and a hook of books for th egeneral business SCROFULA 500 yds Cotton Toweling at 3c a yard, price is 5c a yd. It is Foul Blood's Advertise ment But It "s Soon Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Yes, Scrofula, if anything, may be called thn on wort isimcn , nf fnnl hlvl T la ...t,,. . " . puonc. , u.uaoic 10 every one-no one ecourge of the world -offensive, painful. should be without it. debilitating, stubborn and w?ll nieh unendurable. St... J . The absence of counsel when their vuiw.ru .ppucanons ao not core, tney only drive tbe difficulty to new Quarters. uses are called has been a chonic evil Rmnliinnta m. inf i, . 11 tne crminal courts particularly. Not I abolish the evil. There is but one suro infrequently are cases continued from way cut and that 13 to eliminate tbo , - I itiui, irom bue oiooa. itriii id term uecause 01 aosence or I m. . , ., counsel, but Judge Brown put a stop to and it is Vae ouy ono thatj g0 far such while he will preside in this dis trict by his order that all cases will be tried at the hour and on the day set -and lawyers must govern themselves accordingly. The effect of such an or der must be altogether salutary, con serving as it will the interests of judi cial procedure while involving no hard ships of which any member of the bar can rightfully complain. The New York Herald thinks that first of all in the reorganization of the army must come ihe removal of Secre tary Alger: "He clogged the army with a flood of raw and inexperienced civil ians who were the relatives or proteges of somebodies politically powerful, and instead of advancing expeiienced sol diers out of the rang and file of the regulars to care for 'the safety and health of the levies he made his great opportunity serve as a fulcrum for his political aspirations. Neither a menace to our liberties nor a pitiful example of organized for.?e where valor and effi ciency Jack the saving grace of a true discipline." know, has almost invariably succeeded even where the system has been poisoned by lone years of taint, and the revaires to be repaired are tremendous. That remedy is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Read this : "My daughter was afflicted with Im pure blood. There were runninc sores ell over her body and they caused her much suffering. We tried medicines that Were recommended as blood purifiers. but could not see that they did cny eood. A friend told me about Hood's Sarsapa rilla and 1 began giving the girl this med icine. The re3ult was that she was per fectly cured after taking a few bottles. She has had no symptoms of scrofula sores since that time." Masisita M. Smith, South Middleboro, Mass. Sarsa parilla Here is the Special Sale List for Jan, 26. Our regular 5000 Handkerchiefs, unhemmed, at ic each. 2467 yds double width Fancy Dress Goods, all colors, very pretty designs, at 6 3-4C yd. Our regular 10c goods. 1000 yds 33 in. Pacific Mill Percale to go in at 4 1.2c yd. These are 8 1-3C goods. 6000 yds Fancy Highland Suitings, a large variety of styles, that we will offer at 4c yd. 500 boxes ioc Paper and Envelopes at 5c box. 500 boxes 7 1-2C Paper aud Envelopes at 4c box. EXTRA SPECIAL. 10 lots of Lace Curtains, ranging from 50c to $2.50 per pair. These curtains are far below value some that we bought on our recent trip to N. Y About 300 Fine Capes at half price. These are so cheap that you cannot help buying if you look. Our Embroideries are pronounced the best and cheap est in the city. At and Dclou Cost! Last week we took our semi-annual inventory and had a gen eral casting of accounts. We found the following in stock, which we will sell at manufacturer's cost: 1 Solid Walnut Chamber Suit, Knoxville Marble on Dresser ana WashsUnd, full Toilet in washstand, French plate Mirrors. I Solid Mahorranv Suite. Fren:h nlate Mirrors. full Tnilot ex quisite desiVn. 3 or 4 Sideboards, consigned, and we are ordered to sell at any price. Solid Brass Bed, canopy top. Several Chamber Suites, slightly shop-worn. 2 or 3 dozen Rockers, new designs, at $1.00 to 85.00. Several dozen Pictures for less than cost of frames. These are Bargains. We intend to close out all stock more than a year in our .'tore. Comer Wilmington and Hargett Streets Tlaleigh, N. C. Hood's Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Insist upon Hood's; talte no substitute. W00LLC0TT & SON, U EAST MARTIN STREET. ONE OF THE MANY Testimonials as to the efficacy of SIMPSON'S ECZEMA OINTMENT IN THE TREATMENT OF NASAL CATARRH. Eii Dorado, N C June 1,1898. Mr. Wm. bnirsoN, Dear Sir: You kno-v I thought my wife incurable, having suffered long of Cataarh, roaring of the head, and bronchial trouble. I tried sev eral phy . la-ans with little or no benefit, but since using your Catarrh Remedy she is almos ; ja:rely well. I can safely say that it is the best remedy for Catarrh and other c ibises of like nature known to me, and I wish every sufferer of such troubles kuew of its efficacy I stall not fail to keep H in my house Rfspectfully, A.M.PAGE. Hrvul'fi Pilla act lwrraontonsly with the the The Samoan situation leads Brooklyn Eagle to conclude that evidence of co-operation between the two great English (speaking nations is 100 clear for Germany to be unable to understand it. She Is not deliber ately challenging chastisement at our hands. A warship at Apia will restore order and remindthe excitable German consul that one is not a majority of three." HAND AND TRIPOD CAMERAS. ILL PRICES FROM $2,50 IIP, PHOTOGRAPHIC 8UPPLIE8 OiC ALL KINDS. RED-HOT FROM THE GUN. Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman, of Newark, Mich., In the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then Buck len's Arnica Salve. Cures Cuts,, Bruises, Burns, Boll, Felons, Corns, Skin Erup tions. Best pile cure on earth. 25 cts. box. Cute guaranteed. Sold by all We wish to announce the addition of the above line of goods and invite your inspection end patronage. H. Mahler's Sons JEWELERS, AND OPTI CIANS Cards Worth $& Each Card is Good for 100 First Class Shoe Shines at W. T. HARDING'S Popular Shoe Store, If yen pay five cents for each shoe shine ycu get at - - ""'unui 1a ucuucu ud your caru, and in ;i short :im? oiir credits will entitle vnn tn n OF SHOES FREE ' v TO ALL POINTS North, South and Southwest. Schedule in Effect December 11th, 1898. SOUTHBOUND. Nn 40.1 TJn 41 L.V Ralpleh. 9 14am t Ifinn. Ar SO. fines 4.23am KClnm Ar Hamlet 5.07am 6!63pm Ar vviimmet n.s.A.i.. "la ninm Ar Monroe.S.A.L...' 6.43am . 9.12pm Ar utarlottc.s.A.L 7.finnm in9!ir,rr Ar Chester S A T, . S ORnm fnco. Arureenwooa 10.35am 1.07am Ar Athens l.iitnm Ar Atlanta 3.60pm 6.20am Ar RAJjEIGH.. 2.16am NORTHBOUND. No. 402. Lv Raleigh 2.09am Ar Henderson ..- SMam Ar Weldon 4.55am Ar 'Portsmouth.. .. 7.25am Ar RIchomnd.ACL 8.45airi Ar Wash't'n.P.H.T? iminm ArNew York ....; 4. 23pm 3.34pm No, 38. 11.13am 12.50pm 2.50pm 5.20pm 7.12pm 11.10pm (.53am W. T. Harding's Popular Shoe Store Men's, Women's and Children's, SHOES.... Hosiery, Trunks, Suit Cases and Grips. iiuiNiioi vaj-UE. EVERY SHOE GUARANTEED, Ar RALEIGH .... .. 2.10am 11.18am Dally. ir . '. Nog. 403 and 402. ''The Atlanta o so cial," Solid Vestlbuled Train of Pull man Sleeneri, and Pn,nh.a h.tafUn Washington and Atlanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Pnrtsmmith Chester, S. C. Nos. 41 and 38. "Tho SIT. ir-.. PreSS." finlfd Twin Pnooho. a n,l man Sleepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. IVimnanv filaan... v. ,-, - - " J wn.vi.wo in ecu Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains malrA Immhiiai. - - --.-.. ... tl, .UllllKl.- 'kh Atlanta tor Montgomery, Mo- ic . uiinuii, xexuH, canrornia, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nashville, Mem phis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to agents, or H. S. LEARD, C. T. and P. A. E. ST. JOHN, f lce-PresldentaSdIGe(n! Manager. H. W. B. GLOVER, Traffic Manager. V. E. McBEE, General SupU . L. S. ALLEN, Gen. Pass'r Agent. -Genera! Offices. Portsmouth. Va. Southern Railway. THE . . . STAND ARP RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. Th Direct Unc to All Point.. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strietly FIRST-CLASS Equipment on til Through and Local Trains; Pullman Pilace Sleeping Cars on all Nielit I 'Vns: Tast and Safe Schedules. '.vavelby the Southern and ycu e assured a Safe, Comfortable od Expeditious Journey. . . APPLY TO TICKET AOESTS FOB TIMB TABLK8, BATES AND 6ENEBAL IKFOH MATIOn, OR ADDRESS R. L. VERNON, THAI). C. STURQI3 T. P. A., . C. T. A Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, I? O No tro&t.? to answer questions. HANK 8. Gannov, J. M. Culp, id V,P. & Gen.Man. Traf. Mat W A. Idrk, G V A. WASHINGTON D. 0 WANTED.- -Olll 1nrha mt,A .1 . u mw WAID, VHI shoes and aU kind ot second hand good bought and sold At Harris' Steam Dy. Works, fiamt Hamt n, Ialgb, N. C. Suits cleaned, 75c Cleaned and Dyad LMl SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Seaboard Medical Association of Vlr . ginla and North Carolina, at Wilson, N. C, January 12th and 13th, 1899. On account of the above occasion tfa Southern Railway will sell round trl tickets. Ralelch to Wll.nn m r return at 12.76. Tleketa on sale Jan uary 10th, 11th and 12th, final limit Jan. uary 17th. . . For further Information apply to THAD. C. STURG1S, . v, . ... City Ticket Agent City Tlckst AgsaL ,V1